def processParagraphe(obj): el = El("p") for c in obj.contents: if not processTitle(c, el): if not_empty_string(c): el.insert(El("span", c.string)) elif is_a_tag(c): el.insert(inlineNames(, c)) return el
def processFinalPage(part): """ EAST has a tag for the final page, with no equivalences in Reveal It should be processed as a part with specific tags """ fp = El("Section") if(part is not None): for child in part.contents: if == "PARAGRAPHE": fp.insert(processParagraphe(child)) if == "EMAIL": fp.insert(El("h4", child)) return fp
def processPart(part, el): """ Process part processing Calls for all sub part parsers :param part: the part to be parsed :param el: fragment of the final page """ el.insert(El("section", El("h1", part.TITRE.string))) for section in part.find_all("SECTION"): s = El("section") for child in section.contents: if not isinstance(child, NavigableString): s.insert(blockNames(, child)) el.insert(s)
def processList(obj): el = El("ul") mode = "" if obj.get("type") is not None: el.attr("class", obj["type"]) if obj.get("couleur_texte") is not None: el.attr("style", "color: " + obj["couleur_texte"]+";") if obj.get("mode") is not None: mode = getMode(obj.get("mode")) for c in obj.children: if not processTitle(c, el): if not_empty_string(c): el.insert(El("h3", c.string)) elif is_a_tag(c): el.insert(processListElement(c, mode)) return el
def generateHtmlFile(entry, disableStyle): xml = BeautifulSoup(entry, "xml") Style.enableStyle(disableStyle is not 1) El.enableStyle(disableStyle is not 1) p = Params("non", "oui") page = xml.find("PAGE") if page is not None: processCSSPage(page,p.stl) titles = xml.find("TITLES") if titles is not None: processCSSTitles(titles, p.stl) el = El("div") el.attr("class", "slides") EAST = xml.contents[0] el.insert(processTitlePage(EAST.find("PAGE_TITRE"))) for part in EAST.find_all("PARTIE"): processPart(part, el) el.insert(processFinalPage(EAST.find("PAGE_CONCLUSION"))) ret = BeautifulSoup(html_doc(p, str(el)), 'html.parser') return ret
def processTitlePage(part): """ EAST has a tag for title page, with no equivalences in Reveal It should be processed as a part, but with specific tags """ tp = El("Section") if part is not None: tp.insert(El("h1", part.TITRE.string)) if part.SOUS_TITRE: tp.insert(El("h3", part.SOUS_TITRE.string)) if part.AUTEUR: tp.insert(El("h5", part.AUTEUR.string)) if part.EMAIL: tp.insert(El("h6", El("small", part.EMAIL.string))) return tp
def processListDef(y): el = El("dl") for child in y.contents: if == "TITRE": el.insert(El("h3", child.string)) elif == "DEF": el.insert(El("dd", child.string)) elif == "TERME": el.insert(El("dt", child.string)) return el
def processListElement(obj, mode): el = El("li") el.attr("class", mode) for c in obj.children: if not_empty_string(c): el.insert(El("span", c.string)) if is_a_tag(c): if == "LISTE": el.insert(processList(c)) else: el.insert(inlineNames(, c)) return el