def connect_to_harvest(self): ''' connect to harvest and get data, set the current state and save the config ''' #check harvest status if not self.check_harvest_up(): return #set preference fields data self.set_prefs() if not self.uri or not self.username or not self.password: self.preferences_window.present() self.running = False return self.not_connected() try: self.harvest = Harvest(self.uri, self.username, self.password) except HarvestError as e: self.running = False self.attention = "Unable to Connect to Harvest!" self.set_message_text("Unable to Connect to Harvest\r\n%s" % e) self.warning_message(self.timetracker_window, "Error Connecting!\r\n%s" % e) return self.not_connected() except Exception as e: #catch all other exceptions self.running = False self.attention = "ERROR: %s" % e self.set_message_text("Error\r\n%s" % e) raise e #by this time no error means valid login, so lets save it to config self.save_config() self.set_message_text("%s Logged In" % self.username) self.preferences_window.hide() self.refresh_and_show() #all should be fine by now, return true return True
outputFile=logFile, target='javadoc') print('OK') # Create installer strVersion = UpdateVersion.getVersionName() print("Creating installer for OpenNI " + strVersion + " " + plat) finalDir = "Final" if not os.path.isdir(finalDir): os.mkdir(finalDir) if plat == 'Android': build_android() outputDir = 'OpenNI-Android-' + strVersion harvest = Harvest('..', outputDir, 'Arm', 'Android') finalFile = finalDir + '/' + outputDir + ".tar" print('Creating archive ' + finalFile) subprocess.check_call(['tar', '-cf', finalFile, outputDir]) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32con, pywintypes, win32api, platform (bits, linkage) = platform.architecture() matchObject ='64', bits) is_64_bit_machine = matchObject is not None if is_64_bit_machine: MSVC_KEY = (win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
class uiLogic(uiBuilder, uiCreator, logicFunctions): def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs): super(uiLogic, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #print 'logic __init__' #get all the widgets from the glade ui file if self.builder_build(widget_list_dict={}, *args, **kwargs): #initialize application #run before_init to setup callbacks and other junk that may be needed later on self.before_init() #run the meat of the setup, the application is actually ran from the callback via _run_application() self.init() #setup any other callbacks and whatnot, this is after all other callback have been connected inside init self.after_init() def callback(self, *args, **kwargs): #executed after init, lets us inject interrupts ''' execution order: logic __init__ signals before init init signals after init signal helpers __init__ signals __init__ logic callback logic _run_application checking harvest up signal helpers callback signals callback ''' #print 'logic callback' def _handle_callback(*args): return self._run_application() return kwargs.get("function")( lambda *args, **kwargs: _handle_callback(*args, **kwargs) ) def quit_gracefully(self): #after all those callbacks and stuff, this function works like a charm, successfully injected interrupts print 'quitting' def _run_application(self): #print 'logic _run_application' #call functions to start up app from here self.load_config() self.set_status_icon() self.connect_to_harvest() self.center_windows(self.timetracker_window, self.preferences_window) self.start_elapsed_timer() if sys.platform != "win32": self._status_button = StatusButton() self._notifier = Notifier('TimeTracker', gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, self._status_button) self.about_dialog.set_logo(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(media_path + "logo.svg")) return self def check_harvest_up(self): #print 'checking harvest up' if HarvestStatus().get() == "down": self.warning_message(self.timetracker_window, "Harvest Is Down") self.attention = "Harvest is Down!" return self.not_connected() return True def refresh_comboboxes(self): if self.project_combobox_handler: self.project_combobox.handler_block(self.project_combobox_handler) self.create_liststore(self.project_combobox, self.projects, self.current_selected_project_idx) if self.project_combobox_handler: self.project_combobox.handler_unblock(self.project_combobox_handler) #repopulate the tasks comboboxes, because they can be different for each project if self.current_selected_project_id and self.current_selected_task_idx > -1: if self.task_combobox_handler: self.task_combobox.handler_block(self.task_combobox_handler) self.create_liststore(self.task_combobox, self.tasks[self.current_selected_project_id], self.current_selected_task_idx) if self.task_combobox_handler: self.task_combobox.handler_unblock(self.task_combobox_handler) elif self.current_selected_task_idx > -1:#no current project running, just select the first entry if self.task_combobox_handler: self.task_combobox.handler_block(self.task_combobox_handler) self.create_liststore(self.task_combobox, {}, self.current_selected_task_idx, True, "Select Project First") #select default None option if self.task_combobox_handler: self.task_combobox.handler_unblock(self.task_combobox_handler) self.set_comboboxes(self.project_combobox, self.current_selected_project_id) self.set_comboboxes(self.task_combobox, self.current_selected_task_id) def not_connected(self): self.preferences_window.present() if not self.attention: self.attention = "Not Connected to Harvest!" else:#append any previous message self.attention = "Not Connected to Harvest!\r\n%s" % self.attention #self.warning_message(self.timetracker_window, self.attention) return def set_entries(self): if not self.harvest: return self.not_connected() #get data from harvest data = self.harvest.get_today() self._setup_current_data(data) self.attention = None #remove attention state, everything should be fine by now if not self.running: self.statusbar.push(0, "Stopped") def connect_to_harvest(self): ''' connect to harvest and get data, set the current state and save the config ''' #check harvest status if not self.check_harvest_up(): return #set preference fields data self.set_prefs() if not self.uri or not self.username or not self.password: self.preferences_window.present() self.running = False return self.not_connected() try: self.harvest = Harvest(self.uri, self.username, self.password) except HarvestError as e: self.running = False self.attention = "Unable to Connect to Harvest!" self.set_message_text("Unable to Connect to Harvest\r\n%s" % e) self.warning_message(self.timetracker_window, "Error Connecting!\r\n%s" % e) return self.not_connected() except Exception as e: #catch all other exceptions self.running = False self.attention = "ERROR: %s" % e self.set_message_text("Error\r\n%s" % e) raise e #by this time no error means valid login, so lets save it to config self.save_config() self.set_message_text("%s Logged In" % self.username) self.preferences_window.hide() self.refresh_and_show() #all should be fine by now, return true return True def _setup_current_data(self, harvest_data): self.entries_count = len(harvest_data['day_entries']) self.today_total_hours = 0 #total hours amount for all entries combined self.today_total_elapsed_hours = 0 #today_total_hours + timedelta self.running = False self.projects = {} self.tasks = {} #all projects, used for liststore for combobox for project in harvest_data['projects']: project_id = str(project['id']) self.projects[project_id] = "%s - %s" % (project['client'], project['name']) self.tasks[project_id] = {} for task in project['tasks']: task_id = str(task['id']) self.tasks[project_id][task_id] = "%s" % task['name'] _updated_at = None #date used to determine the newest entry to use as last entry, a user could on a diff comp use\ # harvest web app and things go out of sync so we should use the newest updated_at entry # reset self.current_entry_id = None self.current_hours = "" self.current_project_id = None self.current_task_id = None self.current_created_at = None self.current_updated_at = None #get total hours and set current for entry in harvest_data['day_entries']: #how many hours worked today, used in counter label self.today_total_hours += entry['hours'] #make dates into a datetime object we can use entry['updated_at'] = parse(entry['updated_at']) entry['created_at'] = parse(entry['created_at']) #this should all go away, leave for now if not _updated_at:#first time _updated_at = entry['updated_at'] #use most recent updated at entry if _updated_at <= entry['updated_at']: _updated_at = entry['updated_at'] _updated_at_time = mktime(entry['updated_at'].timetuple()) stopped = False last_line = entry["notes"].split("\n")[-1] if entry.has_key("notes") and entry['notes'] else "" if last_line.split(" ")[-1] == "#TimerStopped" or last_line.find("#SwitchTo") > -1: stopped = True if self.is_running(_updated_at_time, stopped): self.running = True self.current_hours = "%0.02f" % round(entry['hours'], 2) self.current_notes = entry['notes'] self.current_updated_at = _updated_at_time entry_id = str(entry['id']) project_id = str(entry['project_id']) task_id = str(entry['task_id']) self.current_entry_id = entry_id self.current_project = self.projects[project_id] self.current_selected_project_id = project_id self.current_selected_project_idx = self.projects.keys().index( project_id) + 1 #compensate for empty 'select one' self.current_selected_task_id = task_id self.current_selected_task_idx = self.tasks[project_id].keys().index( task_id) + 1 #compensate for empty 'select one' self.current_task = self.tasks[project_id][task_id] self.current_created_at = entry['created_at'] #set created at date for use in statusbar, as of now self.current_text = "%s %s %s" % (entry['hours'], entry['task'], entry['project']) #make the text self.refresh_comboboxes() #setup the comboboxes def is_running(self, timestamp, stopped = False): if timestamp: if int(timestamp + self._interval) > int(mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())): if not stopped: return True return False def _get_elapsed_time_diff(self, timestamp): if timestamp: if float(timestamp + self._interval) > float(mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())): return float(timestamp + self._interval) - float(mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())) return False def stop_and_refactor_time(self, task_type = ""): if self.is_running(self.current_updated_at): #TODO: figure out how to keep track on lost seconds and add them up them auto correct, #also handle(when dialog yes response) the time when interval dialog is showing and the timer is actually stopped secs = self._get_elapsed_time_diff(self.current_updated_at) #seconds left to run this timer interval = round(float(self.interval) * (secs / self._interval),2) # interval to subract from already alloted time self.running = False self.last_project_id = self.current_project_id self.last_task_id = self.current_task_id if task_type != "": self.last_notes = self.get_notes(self.current_notes, False, "%s"%task_type) # task switched else: self.last_notes = self.get_notes(self.current_notes, True, "#TimerStopped") #timer stopped self.last_hours = "%0.02f" % round(float(self.current_hours) - float(interval), 2) self.last_text = self.current_text self.last_entry_id = self.current_entry_id #print self.last_hours entry = self.harvest.update(self.last_entry_id, {#append to existing timer 'notes': self.last_notes, 'hours': self.last_hours, 'project_id': self.last_project_id, 'task_id': self.last_task_id }) #print entry self.set_entries() def append_add_entry(self): if self.harvest: #we have to be connected if self.current_selected_project_id and self.current_selected_task_id: if self.get_textview_text(self.notes_textview).strip("\n") == "": return #Fail early, notes cannot be empty to send anything data = self.harvest.get_today() if not 'day_entries' in data:# this should never happen, but just in case lets check self.attention = "Unable to Get data from Harvest" self.set_message_text("Unable to Get data from Harvest") return if self.running: got_one = False for entry in data['day_entries']: if (entry['project_id'] == self.current_selected_project_id\ and entry['task_id'] == self.current_selected_task_id)\ and self.current_hours: #current running time with timedelta added from timer #print 'running and exists', self.current_hours, self.last_hours task = self.tasks[self.current_selected_project_id][self.current_selected_task_id] self.stop_and_refactor_time( "#SwitchTo %s " % task) #refactor any previous time alloted to a task print 'running and exists', entry['hours'], self.current_hours, self.last_hours if str(entry['id']) != str(self.last_entry_id): #dont increment timer if only append note to current timer hours = round(float(entry['hours']) + float(self.interval), 2) #task switched notes = self.get_notes(entry['notes'], True, "", True) else: hours = round(float(entry['hours']), 2) # same task as before, since interval timer running no need to increment time again notes = self.get_notes(entry['notes']) entry = self.harvest.update(entry['id'], {#append to existing timer 'notes': notes, 'hours': hours, 'project_id': self.current_selected_project_id, 'task_id': self.current_selected_task_id }) #print entry got_one = True break if not got_one: #not the same project task as last one, add new entry print 'running and doesnt exist' project_id = self.get_combobox_selection(self.project_combobox) task_id = self.get_combobox_selection(self.task_combobox) task = self.tasks[project_id][task_id] notes = self.get_notes(None, True, "", True), #TimerStarted self.stop_and_refactor_time("#SwitchTo %s "%task) #refactor any previous time alloted to a task entry = self.harvest.add({ 'notes': notes, 'hours': self.interval, 'project_id': project_id, 'task_id': task_id }) #print entry if 'timer_started_at' in entry and 'id' in entry: #stop the timer if adding it has started it self.harvest.toggle_timer(entry['id']) else: got_one = False for entry in data['day_entries']: if (entry['project_id'] == self.current_selected_project_id\ and entry['task_id'] == self.current_selected_task_id): #found existing project/task entry for today, just append to it #self.harvest.toggle_timer(entry['id']) print 'not running and exists' entry = self.harvest.update(entry['id'], {#append to existing timer 'notes': self.get_notes(entry['notes'], True, "", True), 'hours': round(float(entry['hours']) + float(self.interval), 2), 'project_id': self.current_selected_project_id, 'task_id': self.current_selected_task_id }) #print entry got_one = True break if not got_one: #not the same project task as last one, add new entry print 'not running and doesnt exist' entry = self.harvest.add({ 'notes': self.get_notes(None, True, "", True), #TimerStarted 'hours': self.interval, 'project_id': self.current_selected_project_id, 'task_id': self.current_selected_task_id }) #print entry if 'timer_started_at' in entry and 'id' in entry: #stop the timer if it was started by harvest, do timing locally self.harvest.toggle_timer(entry['id']) else: self.statusbar.push(0, "No Project and Task Selected") return False self.set_textview_text(self.notes_textview, "") self.set_entries() else: #something is wrong we aren't connected return self.not_connected()
print 'Creating java documentation...', build_android_project('../Wrappers/java', outputFile=logFile, target='javadoc') print 'OK' # Create installer strVersion = UpdateVersion.getVersionName() print "Creating installer for OpenNI " + strVersion + " " + plat finalDir = "Final" if not os.path.isdir(finalDir): os.mkdir(finalDir) if plat == 'Android': build_android() outputDir = 'OpenNI-Android-' + strVersion harvest = Harvest('..', outputDir, 'Arm', 'Android') finalFile = finalDir + '/' + outputDir + ".tar" print('Creating archive ' + finalFile) subprocess.check_call(['tar', '-cf', finalFile, outputDir]) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32con,pywintypes,win32api,platform (bits,linkage) = platform.architecture() matchObject ='64',bits) is_64_bit_machine = matchObject is not None if is_64_bit_machine: MSVC_KEY = (win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0")