def WorkerProc(self, fnKillSignalled, userData): lastUpdate = 0 interval = Configuration.get().GetConnectionUpdateInterval() buffer = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" buffer = buffer + "<Oscar Type=\"ConnectionInformation\">" buffer = buffer + "<Version>1.0</Version>" buffer = buffer + "<OscarVersion>" + VersionMgr.ReadVer( ) + "</OscarVersion>" buffer = buffer + "<ID>" + Configuration.get().GetID() + "</ID>" buffer = buffer + "<Port>" + str(Configuration.get( ).GetDownstreamConnection().getPort()) + "</Port>" buffer = buffer + "</Oscar>" #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Oscar Type="ConnectionInformation"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <ID>Foo</Foo> # <Port>Port</Port> #</Oscar> while not fnKillSignalled( ): # run until signalled to end - call passed function to check for the signal if lastUpdate < Time.GetCurrMS() - interval: TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastDownstream( buffer, True, None ) # send Connection Data to all downstream things (Oscars & Marvins) lastUpdate = Time.GetCurrMS() Configuration.get().RescanTargets() else: Sleep.Sleep(0.25) TargetManager.GetTargetManager( ).CheckForRemovalOfDynamicMarvins()
def HandleIncomingGroupPacket(self, rawData, node, fromAddress): from Helpers import Configuration if Configuration.get().GetBITW_Active(): rawData = Configuration.get().HandleBITWBuffer( rawData) # handle Bump in the wire if 0 != TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastDownstream( rawData, False, node, True): # send to all - towards a Marvin Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketChainedDownstream(rawData) # Break up packet and do bump in the wire. # If BITW not active, maybe we don't need to do this could be a lot of processing for nothing.... objGroupPacket = MarvinGroupData.MarvinDataGroup( "", "", "", 0, "1.0", True) for packet in node.getElementsByTagName('Oscar'): objMarvinPacket = self.CreateMarvinData(packet, rawData, fromAddress) if None == objMarvinPacket: return objGroupPacket.AddPacket(objMarvinPacket) # objData = MarvinData.MarvinData(namespace,ID,value,0,version,True) GuiMgr.OnDataPacketSentDownstream(objGroupPacket, "Chained") Recorder.get().AddData(objGroupPacket)
def SetTitle(self,titleStr): name = Configuration.get().GetID() if None == name: name ="" name = "[" + name + "]" TitleString = "Oscar " + name +" - " + VersionMgr.ReadVer() + " [" + str(Configuration.get().GetUpstreamConnection()) +"]" + titleStr self.pGui.SetTitle(TitleString)
def StartupWorkerProc(fnKillSignalled, userData): downstreamServer = userData[0] upstreamServer = userData[1] Sleep.SleepMs(500) downstreamServer.Start() upstreamServer.DropPackets(True) upstreamServer.Start() Watchdog.ConnectionUpdateTimer() Watchdog.WatchdogTimer() conf = Configuration.get() if None != conf.GetAutorunFilename(): GuiMgr.OnStopLiveData() #GuiMgr.OnStopPlayback() #GuiMgr.OnStopRecording(True) #drop all recorded packets GuiMgr.OnSetPlaybackSpeed(Configuration.get().GetPlaybackSpeed()) ss = Configuration.get().GetAutorunLocations() #GuiMgr.OnEnablePlayback() GuiMgr.ReadFromFile(Configuration.get().GetAutorunFilename()) GuiMgr.OnStopPlayback() Sleep.SleepMs( 100) # let gui worker threads catch up, so gui updates properly GuiMgr.OnStartPlayback() GuiMgr.OnSetRepeatMode(Configuration.get().GetAutoRunMode(), ss[0], ss[1]) else: upstreamServer.DropPackets(False) if None != conf.GetAutorunTime() and conf.GetAutorunTime( ) > 0: # specified a --time, so let's hang out for that long endTime = Time.GetCurrMS() + conf.GetAutorunTime() * 60 * 1000 Log.getLogger().info("Waiting for " + str(conf.GetAutorunTime()) + " minutes before auto shutdown") if conf.GetRecordFilename(): GuiMgr.OnStartRecording() while not fnKillSignalled() and endTime > Time.GetCurrMS(): Sleep.SleepMs(250) Log.getLogger().info("Shutting down after time period") if conf.GetRecordFilename( ): # was a recording session, so quit after that time GuiMgr.OnStopRecording() GuiMgr.WriteToFile(conf.GetRecordFilename()) Log.getLogger().info("Saving Recorded data to file: " + conf.GetRecordFilename()) GuiMgr.Quit()
def PerformCollection(self): from Helpers import Configuration # circular import if I do at top of file returnVal = None collectedValue = self.Collect() #Get collected time after collection, can't be sure each collection #take same amount of time elapsedTime = self.GetElapsedTimeSinceLast() self.SetLastCollectionTime(self.GetTimeMS()) if collectedValue != Collector.ErrorValue and elapsedTime > 0: #Have collected data, now normalize, check bounds and send sendValue = self.__NormalizeData(collectedValue, elapsedTime) if self._Bound_Action != BoundAction.Invalid: sendValue = self.__BoundData(sendValue) if None == sendValue and self.ReadyForConsumption(): sendValue = "HelenKeller" # outside bounds, and has run through whole process once refresh = self._RefreshRequested # Some checking for SendOnlyOnDelta, since this is UDP # going to send it n times just to make sure it gets there if collectedValue == self._LastValue: if self._SendOnlyOnDelta: if self._SentValueCount < Configuration.GetTimesToRepeatPacket( ): refresh = True else: self._SentValueCount = 0 if collectedValue == self._LastValue and self._SendOnlyOnDelta and not refresh: # nothing changed, and only want on change pass elif not self._DoNotSend and sendValue != "HelenKeller": # HelenKeller means it is a mute collector, so don't send the actual data if True == self._Normalize and self._LastValue == Collector.__InitialMagicValue: pass # skip this piece of data - it is normalized, but we have no previous data point to normalize against. If we don't skip, big jump on 1st datapoint in widgets else: returnVal = self.__CreateSendBuffer( sendValue, elapsedTime, sendValue != collectedValue) self._SentValueCount += 1 if True == self._Normalize and self._LastValue == Collector.__InitialMagicValue: pass # skip this piece of data - it is normalized, but we have no previous data point to normalize against. If we don't skip, big jump on 1st datapoint in widgets else: self._LastSentValue = sendValue # if if don't send, update this because operators could use this value self._LastValue = collectedValue if not self.ReadyForConsumption(): self.EnableForConsumption() self.HandleAnyExtraStuff() if True == refresh: self._RefreshRequested = False return returnVal
def getNamespacesFromBuffer(self, buffer): from Helpers import Configuration config = Configuration.get() start = '<Namespace>' end = '</Namespace>' reg = "(?<=%s).*?(?=%s)" % (start, end) try: result =, buffer) r = re.compile(reg) NamespaceList = r.findall(buffer) if None == NamespaceList: Log.getLogger().error( "Error Something bad in trying to find namespaces HandleBITW " + buffer) return None list = [] map = config.GetBITW_NamespaceMap() checkedMap = {} for namespace in NamespaceList: if not namespace in checkedMap: checkedMap[ namespace] = namespace # could be a group, and only need to check once, but could be case differences, so don't use upper strUp = namespace.upper() if strUp in map: list.append((namespace, map[strUp])) except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) return list
def getLogger(): from Helpers import Configuration if None == Logger._logger: Logger._logger = logging.getLogger("Oscar") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M', filename=Configuration.get().GetLogFilename(), filemode='w') console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # add formatter to console console.setFormatter(formatter) # add ch to logger if Logger.LogToConsole == True: Logger._logger.addHandler(console) Logger._console = console #Logger._errorFn = Logger._logger.error #Logger._logger.error = Logger.myFn return Logger._logger
def _BroadcastDownstream(self, sendBuffer, ignoreTimeout, domNode, isGroup=False): from Helpers import Configuration sentCount = 0 for targetKey in self._DownstreamTargets.keys(): if True == self.SendToDownstreamTarget(sendBuffer, targetKey, ignoreTimeout): sentCount += 1 if sentCount > 0: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketBroadcastDownstream() if Configuration.get().GetShunting() and (None != domNode or True == isGroup): if None != domNode and not isGroup: self.HandleShuntingData(domNode) else: # is a group and need to go through each item individually if None == domNode: try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(sendBuffer) domNode = dom._get_firstChild() except Exception as ex: Log.getLogger().error( "Error Something bad in Trying to read xml in BroadcastDownstream" ) if None != domNode: for dataNode in domNode.getElementsByTagName('Oscar'): self.HandleShuntingData(dataNode) return sentCount
def workerProc(self, fnKillSignalled, userData): dataHandler = DataHandler.GetDataHandler() from Helpers import Configuration buffSize = Configuration.get().GetRecvBufferSize() try: while not fnKillSignalled( ): # run until signalled to end - call passed function to check for the signal try: data, fromAddress = self.m_socket.recvfrom(buffSize) data = data.strip().decode("utf-8") self.m_rxPackets += 1 self.m_rxBytes += len(data) except: # socket.error: #time.sleep(.01) #no data, so sleep for 10ms continue if not fnKillSignalled(): if False == self.__DropPackets(): dataHandler.HandleLiveData(data, fromAddress) elif "<Marvin Type=\"Bullhorn\">" in data: dataHandler.HandleLiveData( data, fromAddress) # drop all but the Marvin Bullhorn except Exception as ex: Log.getLogger().debug("Thread Error: " + str(ex) + " --> " + traceback.format_exc())
def HandleIncomingOscarDatapacket(self, node, rawData, fromAddress): from Helpers import Configuration # Use this object to update the gui and for recording # is also where BITW check update of checked map occurs objData = self.CreateMarvinData(node, rawData, fromAddress) if Configuration.get().GetBITW_Active(): rawData = Configuration.get().HandleBITWBuffer( rawData) # handle Bump in the wire if 0 != TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastDownstream( rawData, False, node): # send to all - towards a Marvin Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketChainedDownstream(rawData) if None != objData: GuiMgr.OnDataPacketSentDownstream(objData, "Chained") Recorder.get().AddData(objData)
def recvTCP_WorkerProc_Client(self, fnKillSignalled, _): from Helpers import Configuration buffSize = Configuration.get().GetRecvBufferSize() self._connect() currPacket = None try: while not fnKillSignalled( ): # run until signalled to end - call passed function to check for the signal if None == self.m_socket: time.sleep(.5) self._connect() continue try: rawData = self.m_socket.recv(buffSize).decode("utf-8") if len(rawData) == 0: # other end disconnected time.sleep(.5) self.m_socket.close() self._connect() currPacket = None continue self.m_rxBytes += len(rawData) for dataByte in rawData: if dataByte == TCP_PACKET_DELIMITER_START: if None != currPacket: # print("Received Start of Packet before an End Of Packet Delimeter") pass currPacket = "" elif dataByte == TCP_PACKET_DELIMITER_END: self.m_rxPackets += 1 self._processIncomingData(currPacket, None) currPacket = None else: currPacket += dataByte except socket.timeout: pass except Exception as _: # socket.error: self.m_socket.close() self.m_socket = None pass continue if not fnKillSignalled(): pass #dataHandler.HandleLiveData(rawData,clientAddr) except Exception as ex: Log.getLogger().debug("Thread Error: " + str(ex) + " --> " + traceback.format_exc())
def HandleBullhornAnnouncement(self,node,rawData,fromAddr): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Marvin Type="Bullhorn"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <UniqueID>3236</UniqueID> # <Hostname></Hostname> # <Key>md5 hash</Key> # <Port>5000</Port> #</Marvin> try: version = node.getElementsByTagName('Version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue Hash = node.getElementsByTagName('Key')[0].firstChild.nodeValue Port = node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0].firstChild.nodeValue UniqueID = node.getElementsByTagName('UniqueID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue IP = fromAddr[0].lower() Hostname = node.getElementsByTagName('Hostname')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as _: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived("Received invalid Marvin Bullhorn Packet : " + rawData) return RemoteKey = Configuration.get().GetMarvinAutoConnectKeyFromHash(Hash) strID = Hostname + ":[" + IP + ":" + Port +"]" if None == RemoteKey: #don't have anything configured that matches Log.getLogger().warning("Received Marvin Dynamic Connection Message, with no corropsonding Key from: " + strID) return strID += " Key=" + RemoteKey HashMapKey = IP + ":" + str(Port) objExisting = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTarget(HashMapKey) if None == objExisting: # could be NDS name not resolved, so try by IP address objExisting = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTargetEx(IP,Port) if None != objExisting: if hasattr(objExisting,'_ReceivedOnUniqueID') and UniqueID != objExisting._ReceivedOnUniqueID: Log.getLogger().warning("Received Marvin Dynamic Connection Message, for already active connection: " + strID) else: pass # is simply the additional packets (marvin sends multiples as it is UDP traffic) return # doesn't already exist, so let's to add! if "1.0" == version: objTarget = Target.Target(IP,Port,ConnectionType.DynamicMarvin,True) else: objTarget = Target.Target(IP,Port,ConnectionType.DynamicOscar,True) objTarget._ReceivedOnUniqueID = UniqueID # so we can filter out dups due to UDP objTarget._UserKey = RemoteKey TargetManager.GetTargetManager().AddDownstreamTarget(objTarget,HashMapKey) Log.getLogger().info("Creating Dynamic Connection:" + strID) return
def ShuntWorkerProc(self, fnKillSignalled, userData): from Helpers import Configuration sleepTime = Configuration.get().GetShuntWorkerInterval() try: while not fnKillSignalled( ): # run until signalled to end - call passed function to check for the signal self.__ShuntLock.acquire() DupMap = None try: DupMap = self.__ShuntedDataByFile self.__ShuntedDataByFile = {} except Exception as Ex: Log.getLogger().info( "Unknown error in Shunt Worker Proc: " + str(Ex)) finally: self.__ShuntLock.release() if None != DupMap: for file in DupMap.keys(): tfh, tfh_path = mkstemp( ) # create temp file, copy target file to it then do all updates and copy it # back to original close(tfh) if os.path.exists(file): copy(file, tfh_path) #copy contents to temp file mapEntry = DupMap[file] for shuntEntry in mapEntry: namespace = shuntEntry[0] ID = shuntEntry[1] History = shuntEntry[2] Value = shuntEntry[3] if True == History: self.ShuntHistory(namespace, ID, Value, tfh_path) else: self.ShuntDynamicCollectorStyle( namespace, ID, Value, tfh_path) #all done processing this file, so copy temp file to #real file #Remove original file try: remove(file) except Exception as Ex: pass #Move new file move(tfh_path, file) Sleep.SleepMs(sleepTime) except Exception as Ex: Log.getLogger().info("Unknown error in Shunt Worker Proc: " + str(Ex))
def SetOverrideNamespaceString(self,newNamespaceString): from Helpers import Configuration self._NamespaceOverride = newNamespaceString try: for ns in Configuration.GetNamespaces(): if ns.GetID().lower() == newNamespaceString.lower(): Log.getLogger().warning("Setting OverrideNamespace for collector {0} to {1}. However that Namespace already exists - conflicts may occur.".format(newNamespaceString,self.GetID())) break except: pass
def WatchdogProc(self, fnKillSignalled, userData): lastUpdate = 0 interval = Configuration.get().GetTimeoutPeriod( ) * 0.25 # send a watchdog at 4x rate of timeout buffer = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" buffer = buffer + "<Oscar Type=\"WatchdogTimer\">" buffer = buffer + "<Version>1.0</Version>" buffer = buffer + "<Port>" + str( Configuration.get().GetUpstreamConnection().getPort()) + "</Port>" buffer = buffer + "</Oscar>" while not fnKillSignalled( ): # run until signalled to end - call passed function to check for the signal if lastUpdate < Time.GetCurrMS() - interval: TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastUpstreamToType( buffer, ConnectionType.UpstreamOscar ) # send heartbeat to all upstream Oscars lastUpdate = Time.GetCurrMS() Sleep.Sleep(0.25) #snooze for 250 ms
def __initialize(self): self._UpstreamTargets = {} # data being sent towards Minion self._DownstreamTargets = {} # data being sent torwads Marvin TargetManager._instance = self from Helpers import Configuration self.__UseGoverner = Configuration.get().GetUseGoverner() self.__GovernerThreshhold = Configuration.get().GetGovernerThreshhold() self.__GovernerBackoffPeriod = Configuration.get( ).GetGovernerBackoffPeriod() self.__GovernerMaxPacketsBeforeRest = Configuration.get( ).GetGovernerMaxPacketsBeforeRest() self.__PacketSentSinceRest = 0 self.__BytestSentSinceRest = 0 self.__ShuntedDataByFile = {} self.__ShuntLock = threading.Lock() self.__ShuntThreadCreated = False self.__DownstreamPacketQueue = [] self.__DownstreamPacketLock = threading.Lock() self.__DownstreamPacketThreads = 0 self.__DownstreamPacketThreadsLock = threading.Lock()
def main(): if not HandleCommandlineArguments(): return if not Configuration.get().ReadConfigFile(): return PrintVersion() downstreamConnInfo = Configuration.get().GetDownstreamConnection() upstreamConnInfo = Configuration.get().GetUpstreamConnection() downstreamServer = ServerUDP.ServerUDP(downstreamConnInfo,ConnectionType.DownstreamServer) upstreamServer = ServerUDP.ServerUDP(upstreamConnInfo,ConnectionType.UpstreamServer) # if None == Configuration.get().GetAutorunFilename() or 1==1: if upstreamServer.Start(): if None == downstreamConnInfo: return if None == upstreamConnInfo: return ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().CreateThread("StartupStuff",StartupWorkerProc,(downstreamServer,upstreamServer)) if not Configuration.get().GetUseGUI(): GuiMgr.Initialize(GuiMgr.UI.NONE,downstreamServer,upstreamServer) else: try: GuiMgr.Initialize(GuiMgr.UI.TKINTR,downstreamServer,upstreamServer) except Exception as Ex: print(str(Ex)) GuiMgr.Initialize(GuiMgr.UI.NONE,downstreamServer,upstreamServer) ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().StartThread("StartupStuff") GuiMgr.Start() ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().StopAllThreads()
def __init__(self,Namespace,ID,Value,ElapsedTime,FormatVersion,isLive=True): from Helpers import Configuration self.FormatVersion=FormatVersion self.Value = Value if True == isLive: self.ArrivalTime = Time.GetCurrMS() - MarvinData.__FirstTime # just a delta from start is fine, no need for a 10 digit string for time else: self.ArrivalTime = ElapsedTime self.Namespace = Configuration.get().HandleBITWNamespace(Namespace) # if Bump in the Wire, change NS self.ID = ID self.Live = isLive
def __CheckForTimeout(self): from Helpers import Configuration if not self.m_CanTimeout: return False if self.m_hasTimedOut: return True toPeriod = Configuration.get().GetTimeoutPeriod() if toPeriod < Time.GetCurrMS( ) - self.m_lastHeartbeat: # a timeout has ocurred self.m_hasTimedOut = True Log.getLogger().info("Target [" + str(self) + "] has timed out.") self.lastRefreshRequestID = 0 #self.ReArmRefreshRequest(123456789) return self.m_hasTimedOut
def __init__(self): self.updateList = [] self.root = Tk() useTab = True self._LastDataPointCount = 0 if useTab: self.TabPane = ttk.Notebook(self.root) self.tabFrameData = ttk.Frame(self.TabPane) self.tabFrameStatistics = ttk.Frame(self.TabPane) self.setupStatisticsTab(self.tabFrameStatistics) self.TabPane.add(self.tabFrameData, text="Data") self.TabPane.add(self.tabFrameStatistics, text="Statistics") self.TabPane.grid(row=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W)) self.TabPane.rowconfigure( 0, weight=1) # Makes it so the data frame will grow self.TabPane.columnconfigure( 0, weight=1) # Makes it so the data frame will grow else: self.tabFrameData = ttk.Frame(self.root) self.tabFrameData.grid( row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S)) #Sticky says to grow in those directions, # self.tabFrame1.rowconfigure(0,weight=1) # self.tabFrame1.columnconfigure(0,weight=1) self.tabFrameData.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.tabFrameData.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.setupDataTab(self.tabFrameData) #Makes tabFrame1 frame grow to size of app self.root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self._menu = MenuSystem(self.root) self.root.config(menu=self._menu.get()) self.updateList.append(self._menu) if Configuration.get().GetMinimizeGui(): self.root.iconify()
def ReadFromFile(self, filename): from Helpers import GuiMgr import os.path if not os.path.isfile(filename): Log.getLogger().error("Asked to read from non-existant file: " + filename) return False with open(filename, 'r+b') as fp: try: entries = pickle.load(fp) except Exception as ex: Log.getLogger().error(filename + ": " + str(ex)) GuiMgr.MessageBox_Error( "Error Loading File", "The format of this file requires Python 3.4 or greater.") return False if len(entries) < 1: Log.getLogger().error( filename + " does not appear to have any data in it. ") return False objEntry = entries[0] if hasattr(objEntry, 'FormatVersion'): entries = Configuration.get().HandleBITW_FromLoad(entries) self.SetData(entries) return True elif hasattr(objEntry, 'PacketNumber'): newList = self.ConvertFromAlphaFormat(entries) else: newList = self.ConvertFromBetaFormat(entries) if None != newList: self.SetData(newList) return True return False
def __CollectSingleRange(self,fnKillSignalled,processThreadID): from Helpers import Configuration count = 0 currTotal = 0 maxTx = Configuration.GetMaxTransmitBufferBeforeRest() startTime = Time.GetCurrMS() collectorList = self.__GetCollectorListForThreadGroup(processThreadID) for collector in collectorList: if fnKillSignalled(): # get out of possible long loop if we are to exit return if not collector.IsInGroup() and not collector.IsOnDemand(): SizeOfSentData = collector.alternateCollectionProc() if SizeOfSentData > 0: self.IncrementSentBytes(SizeOfSentData) count+=1 currTotal += SizeOfSentData if currTotal > maxTx: # don't want to overload Oscar Sleep.SleepMs(50) currTotal = 0 #timeTaken = Time.GetCurrMS() - startTime #print(processThreadID +": " + str(timeTaken)) #if Namespace._LogTimePerProcessLoop and timeTaken > 0: # Log.getLogger().debug("Process Thread: " + collectorList[0].GetProcessThreadID() + " took " + str(timeTaken) + "ms to process one loop") #if timeTaken > Namespace._LoopTimePeriodWarningThreshold and not Namespace._LogTimePerProcessLoop : # Log.getLogger().warning("Process Thread: " + collectorList[0].GetProcessThreadID() + " took " + str(timeTaken) + "ms to process one loop - you may want to investigate.") #if "Default" != processThreadID: # print(processThreadID + " Collected " + str(count) +"/" + str(len(collectorList))) return count
def HandleCommandlineArguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Oscar the wonderful') parser.add_argument("-i","--input",help='specifies application configuration file file',type=str) parser.add_argument("-l","--logfile",help='specifies log file name',type=str) parser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",help="prints debug information",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-m","--minimize",help='run with GUI minimized',action="store_true") exclustionGroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() exclustionGroup.add_argument("-p","--playback",help='specifies file to load and playback',type=str) exclustionGroup.add_argument("-r","--record",help='specifies file to record to, used with --time',type=str) group_Play = parser.add_argument_group('Playback',"Parameters to be used when you use the --playback option") group_Play.add_argument("-s","--speed",help='specifies payback speed',type=float) foo = group_Play.add_mutually_exclusive_group() foo.add_argument("-ex","--exit",help="exit after playback finished,not valid with repeat or loop",action="store_true") foo.add_argument("-rp","--repeat",help="repeat the dataset continously",action="store_true") foo.add_argument("-lp","--loop",help="loop from one datalocation to the next repeatedly (use -begin and -end)",action="store_true") group_Play.add_argument("-b","--begin",help='start dataset number for mode=loop',default=0,type=int) group_Play.add_argument("-e","--end",help='end dataset number for mode=loop',type=int) parser.add_argument("-t","--time",help='specifies time (in minutes) to run before automatically exiting, used with Recording and Playback',type=int) parser.add_argument("-ng","--nogui",help='run without GUI',action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-bc","--batchconvert",help="batch convert biff files to csv",type=str) try: args = parser.parse_args() except: return False _Verbose = args.verbose Alias.AliasMgr.AddEnvironmentVariables() if None != args.logfile: Configuration.get().SetLogFilename(args.logfile) if True == _Verbose: Log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if None != args.batchconvert: performBatchConvert(args.batchconvert) return False conf = Configuration.get() if True == args.minimize: conf.SetMinimizeGui(True) if None != args.input: if existFile(args.input): conf.SetConfigFilename(args.input) else: return False if None != args.playback: if existFile(args.playback): conf.SetAutorunFilename(args.playback) conf.SetExitAfterAutoPlay(args.exit) else: return False if None != args.time: Configuration.get().SetAutorunTime(args.time) if None == args.playback and None == args.record: print("time option only valid when doing a playback or a recording") return false if None != args.record: Configuration.get().SetRecordFilename(args.record) if None != args.speed: conf.SetPlaybackSpeed(args.speed) conf.SetAutrunLocations(args.begin,args.end) if args.repeat: conf.SetAutoRunMode(RepeatMode.REPEAT) elif args.loop: conf.SetAutoRunMode(RepeatMode.LOOP) elif None != args.playback: conf.SetAutoRunMode(RepeatMode.NONE) conf.SetUseGUI(not args.nogui) return True
def main(): if not HandleCommandlineArguments(): return if not Configuration.get().ReadConfigFile(): return PrintVersion() downstreamConnInfo = Configuration.get().GetDownstreamConnection() upstreamConnInfo = Configuration.get().GetUpstreamConnection() downstreamServer = Server.ServerUDP(downstreamConnInfo, ConnectionType.DownstreamServer) upstreamServer = Server.ServerUDP(upstreamConnInfo, ConnectionType.UpstreamServer) proxyServer = None proxyClient = None goodToGo = True if upstreamServer.Start(): if None == downstreamConnInfo: return if None == upstreamConnInfo: return ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().CreateThread( "StartupStuff", StartupWorkerProc, (downstreamServer, upstreamServer)) if not Configuration.get().GetUseGUI(): GuiMgr.Initialize(GuiMgr.UI.NONE, downstreamServer, upstreamServer) else: try: GuiMgr.Initialize(GuiMgr.UI.TKINTR, downstreamServer, upstreamServer) except Exception as Ex: print(str(Ex)) GuiMgr.Initialize(GuiMgr.UI.NONE, downstreamServer, upstreamServer) if None != Configuration.get().GetProxyConnection(): proxyConnInfo_server = Configuration.get().GetProxyConnection() proxyServer = Server.ServerTCP( proxyConnInfo_server, ConnectionType.ProxyConnection_Server, downstreamServer, upstreamServer) if False == proxyServer.Start(): goodToGo = False elif None != Configuration.get().GetProxyServerConnection(): proxyConnInfo_Client = Configuration.get( ).GetProxyServerConnection() proxyClient = Server.ClientTCP( proxyConnInfo_Client, ConnectionType.ProxyConnection_Client, downstreamServer, upstreamServer) if False == proxyClient.Start(): goodToGo = False if True == goodToGo: ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().StartThread("StartupStuff") GuiMgr.Start() ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().StopAllThreads()
def __workerProc(self, fnKillSignalled, userData): from Helpers import GuiMgr self.CurrentIndex = self.startIndex self.StartTime = None xmlList = [] while not fnKillSignalled( ): # run until signalled to end - call passed function to check for the signal if self.Paused or self.Stopped: Sleep.SleepMs(100) continue if None == self.StartTime: self.StartTime = int( self.PlaybackData[self.CurrentIndex].ArrivalTime ) - 10 # can't remember why I subract 10ms... objData = self.PlaybackData[self.CurrentIndex] sleepVal = (int(objData.ArrivalTime) - self.StartTime) / self.PlaybackSpeed Sleep.SleepMs(sleepVal) try: # when looping, this data will be here after the 1st loop xmlData = self.PlaybackData[self.CurrentIndex].xmlData node = self.PlaybackData[self.CurrentIndex].firstNode except: xmlData = objData.ToXML( ) # be more efficient if I create a list of already created xmldata self.PlaybackData[ self. CurrentIndex].xmlData = xmlData # LOVe how you can just add stuff to an object in Python! if Configuration.get().GetShunting(): try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(rawData) node = dom._get_firstChild() except Exception as ex: Log.getLogger().error( "Error Something bad in Trying to re-encode saved data" ) else: node = None self.PlaybackData[self.CurrentIndex].firstNode = node TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastDownstream( xmlData, False, node) GuiMgr.OnDataPacketSentDownstream(objData, "Playback") try: self.StartTime = int( self.PlaybackData[self.CurrentIndex].ArrivalTime) except Exception: self.StartTime = None # just in case get an out of bounds error self.CurrentIndex += 1 if None == self.endIndex: self.endIndex = len(self.PlaybackData) - 1 if self.CurrentIndex >= self.endIndex: preProcessingDone = True if self.LoopMode == RepeatMode.NONE: GuiMgr.OnStopPlayback() if Configuration.get().GetExitAfterAutoPlay(): Log.getLogger().info( "Playback finished, exiting application per arguments" ) GuiMgr.Quit() elif self.LoopMode == RepeatMode.REPEAT: self.CurrentIndex = 0 self.LoopCount += 1 elif self.LoopMode == RepeatMode.LOOP: self.CurrentIndex = self.startIndex self.LoopCount += 1 self.StartTime = None
def _ShuntWorker(self, Namespace, ID, Value): from Helpers import Configuration config = Configuration.get() Namespace = config.HandleBITWNamespace(Namespace) lowerNS = Namespace.lower() lowerID = ID.lower() key = lowerNS + lowerID try: if key in config.GetNotShuntedMap(): return # already know this one isn't shunted elif key in config.GetResolvedShuntMap(): self.Shunt(Namespace, ID, config.GetResolvedShuntMap()[key], Value) return elif lowerNS in config.GetShuntMap(): nsMap = config.GetShuntMap()[lowerNS] if id in nsMap: # matches a shunt, but wasn't in resolved dataTuple = nsMap[id] config.GetResolvedShuntMap()[key] = dataTuple self.Shunt(Namespace, ID, dataTuple, Value) return for idKey, dataTuple in nsMap.items(): idPattern = dataTuple[3] matched = idPattern.match(lowerID) if None != matched: #Found a match! dataTuple = nsMap[idKey] config.GetResolvedShuntMap()[key] = dataTuple self.Shunt(Namespace, ID, dataTuple, Value) return else: for nsKey in config.GetShuntMap().keys(): nsPattern = re.compile(nsKey) matched = nsPattern.match(lowerNS) if None != matched: # Matched on RegEx Namespace, now check for ID nsMap = config.GetShuntMap()[nsKey] if id in nsMap: # ID isn't a RegEx dataTuple = nsMap[id] config.GetResolvedShuntMap()[key] = dataTuple self.Shunt(Namespace, ID, dataTuple, Value) return # see if ID is a regEx match for idKey, dataTuple in nsMap.items(): idPattern = dataTuple[3] matched = idPattern.match(lowerID) if None != matched: #Found a match! dataTuple = nsMap[idKey] config.GetResolvedShuntMap()[key] = dataTuple self.Shunt(Namespace, ID, dataTuple, Value) return config.GetNotShuntedMap( )[key] = key # didn't match any filters, so add to a map so we don't do all the checking # again except Exception as Ex: Log.getLogger().error("Unknown error in _ShuntWorker: " + str(Ex))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Minion Data Collector.') parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", dest='argFilename', help='specifies input file', type=extant_file, metavar="FILE") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="prints information, values 0-3", type=int) parser.add_argument("-r", "--runonce", help="calls all collectors once and exits", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--aliasfile", help="specify an external file that has alias defintions", type=str) try: args = parser.parse_args() if None == args.verbose: _VerboseLevel = 0 else: _VerboseLevel = args.verbose _RunOnce = args.runonce except: return ShowVersion() if not VersionCheck.CheckVersion(): Log.getLogger().error("Invalid version of Python") return if 3 <= _VerboseLevel: Log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif 2 == _VerboseLevel: Log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif 1 == _VerboseLevel: Log.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: Log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) curr_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) Alias.AliasMgr.AddAlias("WORKING_DIR", curr_dir_path) Alias.AliasMgr.AddEnvironmentVariables() if None != args.aliasfile: if not Alias.AliasMgr.LoadExternalAliasFile(args.aliasfile): return signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN ) # turn of Ctrl+C signal handler (will get inherted by sub processes if not os.path.exists(_ConfigFilename): Log.getLogger().error("Config file [" + _ConfigFilename + "] not found!") return config = Configuration.Configuration(_ConfigFilename, True) if None == config or not config.IsValid(): pass else: print("Starting Collectors...") totalCollectors = 0 for namespace in config.GetNamespaces(): totalCollectors += namespace.Begin(_RunOnce) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # make my own Ctrl+C handler now print(str(totalCollectors) + " Collectors started.") if False == _RunOnce: print("Press CTRL+C to Exit") else: print("Running Once") if False == _RunOnce: while _ThreadActive: if 0 == _VerboseLevel: for c in spinning_cursor(): countStr = '[' + str(config.GetCollectorCount()) + '] ' sys.stdout.write(countStr) sys.stdout.write(c) Sleep.SleepMs(100) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\b') for c in countStr: sys.stdout.write('\b') else: Sleep.SleepMs(100) print("Shutting down...") try: ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().StopAllThreads() except: pass
def HandleOscarTask(self, node, rawData): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Marvin Type="OscarTask"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <OscarID>DemoOscar</OscarID> # <UniqueID>1233456</UniqueID> # <Task>taskid</Task> # <Param>p1</Param> #</Marvin> Statistics.GetStatistics().OnOscarTaskReceived() try: UniqueID = node.getElementsByTagName( 'UniqueID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue OscarID = node.getElementsByTagName( 'OscarID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue task = node.getElementsByTagName('Task')[0].firstChild.nodeValue tTask = task.lower() Params = [] for param in node.getElementsByTagName( 'Param'): # Make an array of the params for the script strParam = param.firstChild.nodeValue Params.append(strParam) except Exception as ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received bad Oscar Task: " + rawData) if OscarID.lower() != Configuration.get().GetID().lower( ): # Oscar packet, but probably not destined for this Oscar if OscarID.lower() == "Broadcast".lower(): Log.getLogger().info("Received Broadcast Oscar task: " + task) else: Log.getLogger().info("Received Oscar task [" + task + "] for another Oscar with ID: " + OscarID) # not for this guy #increment dropped stats? return if UniqueID == self.LastUniqueID: #Log.getLogger().info("Dropping duplicate Oscar Task") return self.LastUniqueID = UniqueID if tTask == "StartLive".lower(): self.PerformGoLiveTask(Params) elif tTask == "StopLive".lower(): self.PerformStopLiveTask(Params) elif tTask == "LoadFile".lower(): self.PerformLoadFileTask(Params) elif tTask == "Playback".lower(): self.PerformPlayFileTask(Params) elif tTask == "StopPlayback".lower(): self.PerformStopPlaybackTask(Params) elif tTask == "PausePlayback".lower(): self.PerformPausePlaybackTask(Params) elif tTask == "StartRecording".lower(): self.PerformStartRecordingTask(Params) elif tTask == "StopRecording".lower(): self.PerformStopRecordingTask(Params) else: Log.getLogger().warn("Unknown Oscar Task: " + task)
def GetConfiguration(): if None == Configuration._ConfigurationInstance: Configuration._ConfigurationInstance = Configuration() return Configuration._ConfigurationInstance
def GetNamespace(strNamespaceID): from Helpers import Configuration return Configuration.GetNamespace(strNamespaceID)