def __init__(self): self.state = 0 self.idle = 0 self.speed = 0 self.idle_threshold = 200 self.robot = Hexapod() self.driver = ServoDriver() self.robot.connectDriver(self.driver) self.action = [ True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ] self.pad = XboxController.XboxController( None, deadzone=30, scale=100, invertYAxis=True) #only for the pygame init... self.mode = self.Mode.NORMAL self.calibration = 0 self.loadCalibrationData() self.display = Display() print self.robot.legs[0].coxa.getCommand() #Action mapping self.command = { self.Mode.NORMAL: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_X: self.moveStrafe, self.Axis.LS_Y: self.moveForward, self.Axis.LT: self.moveLower, self.Axis.RT: self.moveRise }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.calibrationMode } }, self.Mode.CALIBRATION: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_Y: self.adjust, }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.normalMode, self.Button.Y: self.selectJoint } } }
def __init__(self): self.state = 0 self.idle = 0 self.speed = 0 self.idle_threshold = 200 self.robot = Hexapod() self.driver = ServoDriver() self.robot.connectDriver(self.driver) self.action = [True,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False] self.pad = XboxController.XboxController(None, deadzone = 30, scale = 100, invertYAxis = True) #only for the pygame init... self.mode = self.Mode.NORMAL self.calibration = 0; self.loadCalibrationData() self.display = Display() print self.robot.legs[0].coxa.getCommand() #Action mapping self.command = { self.Mode.NORMAL: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_X: self.moveStrafe, self.Axis.LS_Y: self.moveForward, self.Axis.LT: self.moveLower, self.Axis.RT: self.moveRise }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.calibrationMode } }, self.Mode.CALIBRATION: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_Y: self.adjust, }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.normalMode, self.Button.Y: self.selectJoint } } }
class Controller(object): class Axis(): LS_X = 0 LS_Y = 1 LT = 4 RT = 5 class EventTypes(): ANALOG = 7 BUTTON = 11 class Button(): SELECT = 6 Y = 3 class Action(): STAND = 0 FORWARD = 1 BACKWARD = 2 STRAFE_LEFT = 3 STRAFE_RIGHT = 4 TURN_LEFT = 5 TURN_RIGHT = 6 UP = 7 DOWN = 8 INCREASE = 9 DECREASE = 10 class Mode(): STANDBY = 0 NORMAL = 1 CALIBRATION = 2 def moveForward(self, val): if val < -0.3: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD]=True self.speed = 2 if abs(val)>0.9 else 1 elif val >= -0.3 and val <= 0.3: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD]=False self.speed = 0 else: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD]=True self.speed = -2 if abs(val)>0.9 else -1 def moveStrafe(self, val): if val < -0.3: self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT]=True self.speed = 2 if abs(val)>0.9 else 1 elif val >= -0.3 and val <= 0.3: self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT]=False self.speed = 0 else: self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT]=True self.speed = -2 if abs(val)>0.9 else -1 def moveRise(self, val): if val > 0: self.action[self.Action.UP]=True else: self.action[self.Action.UP]=False def moveLower(self, val): if val > 0: self.action[self.Action.DOWN]=True else: self.action[self.Action.DOWN]=False def calibrationMode(self): print "Calibration mode on" self.display.calibration(0) self.mode = self.Mode.CALIBRATION print self.mode def normalMode(self): print "Calibration mode off" self.saveCalibrationData() self.mode = self.Mode.NORMAL def selectJoint(self): if self.calibration == 17: self.calibration = 0 else: self.calibration += 1 print "Limb %d selected" % self.calibration self.display.calibration(self.calibration) def adjust(self, val): if val < -0.3: self.action[self.Action.INCREASE]=True self.speed = 2 if abs(val)>0.9 else 1 elif val >= -0.3 and val <= 0.3: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD]=False self.speed = 0 else: self.action[self.Action.DECREASE]=True self.speed = -2 if abs(val)>0.9 else -1 def __init__(self): self.state = 0 self.idle = 0 self.speed = 0 self.idle_threshold = 200 self.robot = Hexapod() self.driver = ServoDriver() self.robot.connectDriver(self.driver) self.action = [True,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False] self.pad = XboxController.XboxController(None, deadzone = 30, scale = 100, invertYAxis = True) #only for the pygame init... self.mode = self.Mode.NORMAL self.calibration = 0; self.loadCalibrationData() self.display = Display() print self.robot.legs[0].coxa.getCommand() #Action mapping self.command = { self.Mode.NORMAL: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_X: self.moveStrafe, self.Axis.LS_Y: self.moveForward, self.Axis.LT: self.moveLower, self.Axis.RT: self.moveRise }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.calibrationMode } }, self.Mode.CALIBRATION: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_Y: self.adjust, }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.normalMode, self.Button.Y: self.selectJoint } } } def saveCalibrationData(self): f = open("calib.dat", "w+") for i in range(6): f.write("%d\n" % self.robot.legs[i].coxa.calibration) f.write("%d\n" % self.robot.legs[i].femur.calibration) f.write("%d\n" % self.robot.legs[i].tibia.calibration) f.close() def speak(self, text): call(["espeak", "-ven+m5", "-k6", "-s150", text]) def loadCalibrationData(self): f = open("calib.dat", "r") lines = print "Loading calibration data: " for i in range(6): print("Leg %d: [%s] [%s] [%s]" % (i,lines[i*3],lines[i*3+1],lines[i*3+2])) self.robot.legs[i].coxa.calibration = int(lines[i*3]) self.robot.legs[i].femur.calibration = int(lines[i*3+1]) self.robot.legs[i].tibia.calibration = int(lines[i*3+2]) f.close() def getInput(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): print event if event.type in self.command[self.mode]: if event.type == self.EventTypes.ANALOG and event.axis in self.command[self.mode][event.type]: self.command[self.mode][event.type][event.axis](event.value) elif event.type == self.EventTypes.BUTTON and event.button in self.command[self.mode][event.type]: self.command[self.mode][event.type][event.button]() if sum(self.action) == 0: self.action[self.Action.STAND] = True def run(self): print("Controller support is running") while True: self.getInput() if self.mode == self.Mode.NORMAL: if self.action[self.Action.FORWARD]: self.state += self.speed self.robot.moveForward(self.state) elif self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT]: self.state += self.speed self.robot.strafeRight(self.state) elif self.action[self.Action.UP]: self.robot.up() elif self.action[self.Action.DOWN]: self.robot.down() elif self.action[self.Action.STAND]: self.state = 0 self.robot.stand() if self.mode == self.Mode.CALIBRATION: if self.action[self.Action.INCREASE]: c = 0 f = 0 t = 0 leg = int(self.calibration / 3) if self.calibration % 3 == 0: c = self.speed elif self.calibration % 3 == 1: f = self.speed else: t = self.speed self.robot.calibrate(leg, c, f, t) self.driver.executeCommand() #pygame.event.clear() time.sleep(0.020)
class Controller(object): class Axis(): LS_X = 0 LS_Y = 1 LT = 4 RT = 5 class EventTypes(): ANALOG = 7 BUTTON = 11 class Button(): SELECT = 6 Y = 3 class Action(): STAND = 0 FORWARD = 1 BACKWARD = 2 STRAFE_LEFT = 3 STRAFE_RIGHT = 4 TURN_LEFT = 5 TURN_RIGHT = 6 UP = 7 DOWN = 8 INCREASE = 9 DECREASE = 10 class Mode(): STANDBY = 0 NORMAL = 1 CALIBRATION = 2 def moveForward(self, val): if val < -0.3: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD] = True self.speed = 2 if abs(val) > 0.9 else 1 elif val >= -0.3 and val <= 0.3: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD] = False self.speed = 0 else: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD] = True self.speed = -2 if abs(val) > 0.9 else -1 def moveStrafe(self, val): if val < -0.3: self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT] = True self.speed = 2 if abs(val) > 0.9 else 1 elif val >= -0.3 and val <= 0.3: self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT] = False self.speed = 0 else: self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT] = True self.speed = -2 if abs(val) > 0.9 else -1 def moveRise(self, val): if val > 0: self.action[self.Action.UP] = True else: self.action[self.Action.UP] = False def moveLower(self, val): if val > 0: self.action[self.Action.DOWN] = True else: self.action[self.Action.DOWN] = False def calibrationMode(self): print "Calibration mode on" self.display.calibration(0) self.mode = self.Mode.CALIBRATION print self.mode def normalMode(self): print "Calibration mode off" self.saveCalibrationData() self.mode = self.Mode.NORMAL def selectJoint(self): if self.calibration == 17: self.calibration = 0 else: self.calibration += 1 print "Limb %d selected" % self.calibration self.display.calibration(self.calibration) def adjust(self, val): if val < -0.3: self.action[self.Action.INCREASE] = True self.speed = 2 if abs(val) > 0.9 else 1 elif val >= -0.3 and val <= 0.3: self.action[self.Action.FORWARD] = False self.speed = 0 else: self.action[self.Action.DECREASE] = True self.speed = -2 if abs(val) > 0.9 else -1 def __init__(self): self.state = 0 self.idle = 0 self.speed = 0 self.idle_threshold = 200 self.robot = Hexapod() self.driver = ServoDriver() self.robot.connectDriver(self.driver) self.action = [ True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ] self.pad = XboxController.XboxController( None, deadzone=30, scale=100, invertYAxis=True) #only for the pygame init... self.mode = self.Mode.NORMAL self.calibration = 0 self.loadCalibrationData() self.display = Display() print self.robot.legs[0].coxa.getCommand() #Action mapping self.command = { self.Mode.NORMAL: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_X: self.moveStrafe, self.Axis.LS_Y: self.moveForward, self.Axis.LT: self.moveLower, self.Axis.RT: self.moveRise }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.calibrationMode } }, self.Mode.CALIBRATION: { self.EventTypes.ANALOG: { self.Axis.LS_Y: self.adjust, }, self.EventTypes.BUTTON: { self.Button.SELECT: self.normalMode, self.Button.Y: self.selectJoint } } } def saveCalibrationData(self): f = open("calib.dat", "w+") for i in range(6): f.write("%d\n" % self.robot.legs[i].coxa.calibration) f.write("%d\n" % self.robot.legs[i].femur.calibration) f.write("%d\n" % self.robot.legs[i].tibia.calibration) f.close() def speak(self, text): call(["espeak", "-ven+m5", "-k6", "-s150", text]) def loadCalibrationData(self): f = open("calib.dat", "r") lines = print "Loading calibration data: " for i in range(6): print("Leg %d: [%s] [%s] [%s]" % (i, lines[i * 3], lines[i * 3 + 1], lines[i * 3 + 2])) self.robot.legs[i].coxa.calibration = int(lines[i * 3]) self.robot.legs[i].femur.calibration = int(lines[i * 3 + 1]) self.robot.legs[i].tibia.calibration = int(lines[i * 3 + 2]) f.close() def getInput(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): print event if event.type in self.command[self.mode]: if event.type == self.EventTypes.ANALOG and event.axis in self.command[ self.mode][event.type]: self.command[self.mode][event.type][event.axis]( event.value) elif event.type == self.EventTypes.BUTTON and event.button in self.command[ self.mode][event.type]: self.command[self.mode][event.type][event.button]() if sum(self.action) == 0: self.action[self.Action.STAND] = True def run(self): print("Controller support is running") while True: self.getInput() if self.mode == self.Mode.NORMAL: if self.action[self.Action.FORWARD]: self.state += self.speed self.robot.moveForward(self.state) elif self.action[self.Action.STRAFE_RIGHT]: self.state += self.speed self.robot.strafeRight(self.state) elif self.action[self.Action.UP]: self.robot.up() elif self.action[self.Action.DOWN]: self.robot.down() elif self.action[self.Action.STAND]: self.state = 0 self.robot.stand() if self.mode == self.Mode.CALIBRATION: if self.action[self.Action.INCREASE]: c = 0 f = 0 t = 0 leg = int(self.calibration / 3) if self.calibration % 3 == 0: c = self.speed elif self.calibration % 3 == 1: f = self.speed else: t = self.speed self.robot.calibrate(leg, c, f, t) self.driver.executeCommand() #pygame.event.clear() time.sleep(0.020)