def errorInterpreter(self, errCode):
     header = "HomotopySolver::"
     if errCode & 0b001:
         print header, "Max number of iteration reached"
     if errCode >> 1 & 0b010:
         y = self.yeq
         y[self.ndimA - 1] = 1
         print header, "Not valid equilibrium::H(x,1)=", linalg.norm(
             self._PC_F(y), 2)
 def _correctorSteps(self,y0,b):
     err = 10
     count = 0
     while err>self.epsCorr and count<1e2:
         F = self._PC_F(y0)
         dF = self._PC_DF(y0)
         A = np.append(dF,b,axis=0)
         B = - np.append(F,[[0]],axis=0)            
         ynew = linalg.solve(A,B)
         err = linalg.norm(F,2)
         y0 = ynew
         count = count + 1
     print "Correction err:", err
     return (y0,err)
    def _predictorSteps(self,y0):
        err = 0.0
        d = y0
        count = 0
        y00 = y0
        h = self.hStep
        while err<self.epsPred:
            F = self._PC_F(y0)
            dF = self._PC_DF(y0)            
            d = linalg.null_space(dF) #kernel of the Jacobian
            #d = d/linalg.norm(d,2) #Normalization of the kernel
            if d[-1,0]<0:
                d = -d
            ynext = y0 + h * d
            err = linalg.norm(F,2)
            y0 = ynext

        print h,self.epsPred,err
        return (y0,np.transpose(d)) # return the prediction step and a vector orthogonal to the kernel 
Пример #4
    epsPred = 9e-3  #Prediction error
    epsCorr = 1e-9  #Correction error
    maxSteps = 5e2  #Max number of steps

    thrPrune = .01

    lstm = LSTMNN(None)

    weights = readFromPickle(data_input_file)
    weights, pPrune = pruneW(weights, thrPrune)


    ndim = 2 * lstm.dimOfOutput()
    x0 = np.zeros([ndim, 1])

    print("dim = ", str(ndim))
    (t, x, eCode) = lstm.findEquilibria(epsPred, epsCorr, maxSteps)

    xeq = lstm.refineTheEquilibria(x)
    xeq = np.array([xeq]).T


    print("||F(xeq)-xeq|| = ", linalg.norm(xeq - lstm.F(xeq), 2))

    tmp_out = {'xeq': xeq, 'prTh': thrPrune}
    scipyio.savemat(output_eq_file, tmp_out)
 def isValidEquilibrium(self, ErrTol):
     y = self.yeq
     y[self.ndimA - 1] = 1.
     return linalg.norm(self._PC_F(y), 2) < ErrTol
                                 [x[0, 0], x[1, 0]**2]])

        x0 = np.array([[0], [0]])
        hStep = 1e-3
        epsPred = 1e-5
        epsCorr = 1e-9
        ndim = 2
        maxSteps = 1e4
        PT = PolyTest(x0, ndim, epsPred, epsCorr, hStep, maxSteps)
        (y, errCode) = PT.runSolver()
        print errCode
        print y
        if ~(errCode >> 1 & 0b010):
            y[-1] = 1
            print "Valid equilibrium::H(x,1)=", linalg.norm(PT._PC_F(y), 2)

    if test == 2:
        data_input_file = 'demo/data/PTB_0/save_10v2.pkl'

        epsPred = 1e-3
        epsCorr = 1e-9
        maxSteps = 1e5

        lstm = LSTMNN(data_input_file)
        ndim = 2 * lstm.dimOfOutput()
        #x0 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[ndim,1])
        x0 = np.zeros([ndim, 1])
        (t, x, eCode) = lstm.findEquilibria(epsPred, epsCorr, maxSteps)