Пример #1
def main():

    # Thomas et al. 2005
    mass = 9.395e20
    gm = mass * pyshtools.constant.G.value
    r0 = 476.2e3
    omega = 2 * np.pi / (9.076 * 60 * 60)
    volume = 4 * np.pi / 3 * r0**3

    lmax = 4
    # Model C1
    radius = np.ndarray(2)
    radius[0] = 0.
    radius[1] = r0

    rho = np.ndarray(2)
    rho[0] = mass / volume
    rho[1] = 0

    hlm, clm, mass_model = HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, gm, r0)

    a = hlm[1].expand(lat=0., lon=0., lmax_calc=lmax)
    b = hlm[1].expand(lat=0., lon=90., lmax_calc=lmax)
    c = hlm[1].expand(lat=90., lon=0., lmax_calc=lmax)

    print(a, b, c, a - c)
Пример #2
def main():

    gravfile = 'Data/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    topofile = 'Data/MarsTopo719.shape'
    densityfile = 'Data/dichotomy_359.sh'

    model_name = [
        'dwcold', 'dwhot_modif', 'dwhot_stairs', 'DWTh2Ref1', 'DWTh2Ref2',
        'eh70cold', '"eh70hot', 'Gudkova'
    spec = 'Data/Mars-reference-interior-models/model_'
    interior_file = [spec + name for name in model_name]

    lmax_calc = 90
    lmax = lmax_calc * 4

    potcoefs, lmaxp, header = pyshtools.shio.shread(gravfile,
    potential = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_array(potcoefs)
    potential.r_ref = float(header[0]) * 1.e3
    potential.gm = float(header[1]) * 1.e9
    potential.mass = potential.gm / float(pyshtools.constant.grav_constant)

    print('Gravity file = {:s}'.format(gravfile))
    print('Lmax of potential coefficients = {:d}'.format(lmaxp))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}'.format(potential.r_ref / 1.e3))
    print('GM = {:e}\n'.format(potential.gm))

    topo = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(topofile, lmax=lmax)
    topo.r0 = topo.coeffs[0, 0, 0]

    print('Topography file = {:s}'.format(topofile))
    print('Lmax of topography coefficients = {:d}'.format(topo.lmax))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}\n'.format(topo.r0 / 1.e3))

    density = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(densityfile, lmax=lmax)

    print('Lmax of density coefficients = {:d}\n'.format(density.lmax))

    lat_insight = 4.43
    lon_insight = 135.84

    filter = 1
    half = 50
    nmax = 7
    lmax_hydro = 15
    t0_sigma = 5.  # maximum difference between minimum crustal thickness
    omega = float(pyshtools.constant.omega_mars)
    d_lith = 150.e3

    t0 = 1.e3  # minimum crustal thickness
    model = 3  # identifier for the interior reference model

    # --- read 1D reference interior model ---

    print('=== Reading model {:s} ==='.format(model_name[model]))

    with open(interior_file[model], 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        data = lines[1].split()
        if float(data[2]) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError('Program not capable of reading polynomial ' +
        num = int(lines[2].split()[0])
        crust_index = int(lines[2].split()[3])
        mantle_index = int(lines[2].split()[3])
        radius = np.zeros(num)
        rho = np.zeros(num)
        for i in range(0, num):
            data = lines[i + 3].split()
            radius[i] = float(data[0])
            rho[i] = float(data[1])

        r0_model = radius[num - 1]
        print('Surface radius of model (km) = {:f}'.format(r0_model / 1.e3))
        for i in range(0, num):
            if radius[i] <= (r0_model - d_lith) and \
                    radius[i+1] > (r0_model - d_lith):
                if radius[i] == (r0_model - d_lith):
                    i_lith = i
                elif (r0_model - d_lith) - radius[i] <= radius[i+1] -\
                        (r0_model - d_lith):
                    i_lith = i
                    i_lith = i + 1

        n = num - 1
        rho[n] = 0.  # the density above the surface is zero
        rho_mantle = rho[crust_index - 1]
        print('Mantle density (kg/m3) = {:f}'.format(rho_mantle))

        print('Assumed depth of lithosphere (km) = {:f}'.format(d_lith / 1.e3))
        print('Actual depth of lithosphere in discretized model (km) = {:f}'.
              format((r0_model - radius[i_lith]) / 1.e3))

    # --- Compute gravity contribution from hydrostatic density interfaces ---

    if False:
        # compute values for a planet that is completely fluid
        hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = \
            HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, potential.gm, potential.r_ref,
        print('--- Hydrostatic potential coefficients for a fluid planet ---')
        print('c20 = {:e}\nc40 = {:e}'.format(clm_fluid.coeffs[0, 2, 0],
                                              clm_fluid.coeffs[0, 4, 0]))
        print('--- Hydrostatic relief of surface for a fluid planet ---')
        print('h20 = {:e}\nh40 = {:e}'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 2, 0],
                                              hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 4, 0]))

    hlm, clm_hydro, mass_model = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, omega,
                             lmax_hydro, finiteamplitude=False)

    print('Total mass of model (kg) = {:e}'.format(mass_model))
    print('% of J2 arising from beneath lithosphere = {:f}'.format(
        clm_hydro.coeffs[0, 2, 0] / potential.coeffs[0, 2, 0] * 100.))

    potential.coeffs[:, :lmax_hydro+1, :lmax_hydro+1] -= \
        clm_hydro.coeffs[:, :lmax_hydro+1, :lmax_hydro+1]

    # --- Constant density model ---

    rho_c = 2900.
    print('-- Constant density model --\nrho_c = {:f}'.format(rho_c))

    tmin = 1.e9
    thickave = 44.e3  # initial guess of average crustal thickness

    while abs(tmin - t0) > t0_sigma:
        # iterate to fit assumed minimum crustal thickness

        moho = pyMoho.pyMoho(potential,

        thick_grid = (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(grid='DH2')
        print('Average crustal thickness (km) = {:f}'.format(thickave / 1.e3))
        print('Crustal thickness at InSight landing sites (km) = {:f}'.format(
            (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(lat=lat_insight,
                                                     lon=lon_insight) / 1.e3))
        tmin = thick_grid.data.min()
        tmax = thick_grid.data.max()
        print('Minimum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmin / 1.e3))
        print('Maximum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmax / 1.e3))
        thickave += t0 - tmin

    thick_grid.plot(show=False, fname='Thick-Mars-1.png')
    moho.plot_spectrum(show=False, fname='Moho-spectrum-Mars-1.png')

    # --- Model with variable density ---

    rho_south = 2900.
    rho_north = 2900.
    porosity = 0.0

    print('-- Variable density model ---\n' +
          'rho_south = {:f}\n'.format(rho_south) +
          'rho_north = {:f}'.format(rho_north))

    density = density * (rho_north - rho_south)
    density.coeffs[0, 0, 0] += rho_south

    tmin = 1.e9
    thickave = 44.e3  # initial guess of average crustal thickness

    while abs(tmin - t0) > t0_sigma:
        # iterate to fit assumed minimum crustal thickness

        moho = pyMoho.pyMohoRho(potential,

        thick_grid = (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(grid='DH2')
        print('Average crustal thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(thickave / 1.e3))
        print('Crustal thickness at InSight landing sites (km) = {:e}'.format(
            (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(lat=lat_insight,
                                                     lon=lon_insight) / 1.e3))
        tmin = thick_grid.data.min()
        tmax = thick_grid.data.max()
        print('Minimum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmin / 1.e3))
        print('Maximum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmax / 1.e3))
        thickave += t0 - tmin

    thick_grid.plot(show=False, fname='Thick-Mars-2.png')
    moho.plot_spectrum(show=False, fname='Moho-spectrum-Mars-2.png')
Пример #3
def main():

    model_name = ['PREM.dat']
    spec = 'Data/'
    interior_file = [spec + name for name in model_name]

    r_ref = float(pyshtools.constant.r0_pot_earth)
    gm = float(pyshtools.constant.gm_earth)
    mass = float(pyshtools.constant.mass_earth)
    omega = float(pyshtools.constant.wgs84_omega)

    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}'.format(r_ref / 1.e3))
    print('GM = {:e}'.format(gm))
    print('Mass = {:e}'.format(mass))
    print('Omega = {:e}'.format(omega))

    model = 0

    # --- read 1D reference interior model ---

    print('=== Reading model {:s} ==='.format(model_name[model]))

    with open(interior_file[model], 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        data = lines[1].split()
        if float(data[2]) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError('Program not capable of reading polynomial ' +
        num = int(lines[2].split()[0])
        crust_index = int(lines[2].split()[3])
        mantle_index = int(lines[2].split()[3])
        radius = np.zeros(num)
        rho = np.zeros(num)
        for i in range(0, num):
            data = lines[i + 3].split()
            radius[i] = float(data[0])
            rho[i] = float(data[1])

        r0_model = radius[num - 1]
        print('Surface radius of model (km) = {:f}'.format(r0_model / 1.e3))

        n = num - 1
        rho[n] = 0.  # the density above the surface is zero
        rho_mantle = rho[crust_index - 1]
        print('Mantle density (kg/m3) = {:f}'.format(rho_mantle))

    # --- Compute gravity contribution from hydrostatic density interfaces ---

    if True:
        for i in range(1, 8):
            # compute values for a planet that is completely fluid
            fn = True
            nmax = i

            hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = \
                HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, gm,
                                 r_ref, nmax=nmax,
                                 finiteamplitude=fn, kmax=4)

            hlm_surf_unnorm = hlm_fluid[n].convert(normalization='unnorm')
            print('--- Hydrostatic relief of surface ---')
            print('nmax = {:d}'.format(nmax))
            print('h20 = {:e}\n'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 2, 0]) +
                  'h40 = {:e}'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 4, 0]))
            print('h20 (unnorm)= {:e}\n'.format(
                hlm_surf_unnorm.coeffs[0, 2, 0] / r0_model) +
                  'h40 (unnorm)= {:e}'.format(hlm_surf_unnorm.coeffs[0, 4, 0] /

    print(mass, mass_model)
Пример #4
def main():

    d_lith = 150.e3
    rho_crust = 2900.
    d_sigma = 45.e3
    lmax_hydro = 90

    gravfile = 'Data/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    topofile = 'Data/MarsTopo719.shape'
    densityfile = 'Data/dichotomy_359.sh'

    model_name = [
        'DWThot', 'DWThotCrust1', 'DWThotCrust1r', 'EH45Tcold',
        'EH45TcoldCrust1', 'EH45TcoldCrust1r', 'EH45ThotCrust2',
        'EH45ThotCrust2r', 'LFAK', 'SANAK', 'TAYAK', 'DWAK', 'ZG_DW'
    spec = 'Data/Mars-reference-interior-models/Smrekar/'
    interior_file = [spec + name + '.deck' for name in model_name]

    potential = pyshtools.SHGravCoeffs.from_file(gravfile, header_units='km')
    omega = pyshtools.constant.omega_mars.value
    potential.omega = omega
    mass_mars = np.float_(potential.mass)

    print('Gravity file = {:s}'.format(gravfile))
    print('Lmax of potential coefficients = {:d}'.format(potential.lmax))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}'.format(potential.r0 / 1.e3))
    print('GM = {:e}'.format(potential.gm))
    print('Mass = {:e}'.format(potential.mass))
    print('Omega = {:e}'.format(potential.omega))

    lmax_calc = 90
    lmax = 359

    model = 10

    topo = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(topofile, lmax=lmax)
    topo.r0 = topo.coeffs[0, 0, 0]
    r_mars = topo.coeffs[0, 0, 0]

    print('Topography file = {:s}'.format(topofile))
    print('Lmax of topography coefficients = {:d}'.format(topo.lmax))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}\n'.format(topo.r0 / 1.e3))

    # --- Make geoid map, expand in spherical harmonics
    # --- and then remove degree-0 term, for plotting purposes only.
    u0 = potential.gm / potential.r0
    geoid = potential.geoid(u0,
    geoidsh = geoid.geoid.expand()
    geoidsh.coeffs[0, 0, 0] = 0.
    geoid = geoidsh.expand(grid='DH2')

    # --- read 1D reference interior model ---
    radius, rho, i_crust, i_core, i_lith = ReadRefModel(interior_file[model],
    rho_mantle = rho[i_crust - 1]
    rho_core = rho[i_core - 1]
    n = len(radius) - 1
    r0_model = radius[n]

    # --- Compute purely hydrostatic relief of all interfaces ---
    print('\n=== Fluid planet ===')
    if False:
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = HydrostaticShape(radius,
            print('i = {:d}, r = {:f}, rho = {:f}, %C20 = {:f}'.format(
                i, radius[i], rho[i],
                clm_fluid.coeffs[0, 2, 0] / potential.coeffs[0, 2, 0] * 100))

    hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = \
        HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, potential.gm, potential.r0)

    print('--- Hydrostatic relief of surface for a fluid planet ---')
    print('h20 = {:e}\n'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 2, 0]) +
          'h40 = {:e}'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 4, 0]))

    hydro_surface = hlm_fluid[n].expand()
    print('Elevation difference between pole and equator (km)'
          ' {:e}'.format(hydro_surface.max() / 1.e3 -
                         hydro_surface.min() / 1.e3))

    print('--- Hydrostatic relief of core-mantle boundary for a fluid planet '
    print('h20 = {:e}\n'.format(hlm_fluid[i_core].coeffs[0, 2, 0]) +
          'h40 = {:e}'.format(hlm_fluid[i_core].coeffs[0, 4, 0]))

    print('Moments of hydrostatic core')
    II, AA, BB, CC, mass, RR, vec = InertiaTensor_from_shape(hlm_fluid,
    print('I = ', II)
    print('A, B, C = ', AA, BB, CC)
    print('A, B, C / (mass_mars r0^2) = ',
          (AA, BB, CC) / mass_mars / r_mars**2)
    print('mass of core (kg) = ', mass)
    print('R core (m) = ', RR)

    print('Moments of hydrostatic planet')
    II, AA, BB, CC, mass, RR, vec = InertiaTensor_from_shape(hlm_fluid,
    print('I = ', II)
    print('A, B, C = ', AA, BB, CC)
    print('A, B, C / (mass_mars r0^2) = ',
          (AA, BB, CC) / mass_mars / r_mars**2)
    print('mass of planet (kg) = ', mass)
    print('R surface (m) = ', RR)

    # --- Compute relief along hydrostatic interfaces with a lithosphere ---
    print('\n=== Planet with a lithosphere ===')
    r_sigma = topo.r0 - d_sigma
    hlm, clm_hydro, mass_model = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, topo, rho_crust,
                             r_sigma, omega, lmax_hydro)
    print('--- Core shape, with lithosphere ---')
    for l in range(0, 5):
        for m in range(0, l + 1):
                hlm[i_core].coeffs[0, l, m],
                hlm[i_core].coeffs[1, l, m],

    print('Max and min of degree-1 core shape =',
          hlm[i_core].expand(lmax=1).max(), hlm[i_core].expand(lmax=1).min())

    II, AA, BB, CC, mass, RR, vec = InertiaTensor_from_shape(hlm,
    print('I = ', II)
    print('A, B, C = ', AA, BB, CC)
    print('A, B, C / (mass_mars r0^2) = ',
          (AA, BB, CC) / mass_mars / r_mars**2)
    print('mass of core (kg) = ', mass)
    print('R core (m) = ', RR)

    # --- Calculate relief, with respect to hydrostatic solution ---
    # --- at i_lith and i_core
    print('\n=== Difference between fluid planet and planet with a '
          'lithosphere ===')
    diff_ilith = hlm[i_lith] - hlm_fluid[i_lith].pad(lmax=lmax_hydro)
    grid_ilith = diff_ilith.expand()
    print('Maximum and minimum difference at i_lith (km) =- ',
          grid_ilith.max() / 1.e3,
          grid_ilith.min() / 1.e3)

    diff_icore = hlm[i_core] - hlm_fluid[i_core].pad(lmax=lmax_hydro)
    grid_icore = diff_icore.expand()

    print('Maximum and minimum difference at i_core (km) =- ',
          grid_icore.max() / 1.e3,
          grid_icore.min() / 1.e3)

    # ---- Write data to files ---
    print('\n=== Output gridded data for use with GMT ===')
    print('Output grid sizes = ', geoid.nlat, geoid.nlon)

    (geoid / 1000).to_file('figs/Mars_geoid.dat')

    diff = (geoid - hlm_fluid[n].pad(lmax=lmax).expand(grid='DH2') + radius[n])
    (diff / 1000).to_file('figs/Mars_geoid_diff.dat')

    diff = hlm[i_lith].pad(lmax=lmax).expand(grid='DH2') - radius[i_lith]
    (diff / 1000).to_file('figs/hydro_ilith.dat')

    diff = hlm[i_core].pad(lmax=lmax).expand(grid='DH2') - radius[i_core]
    (diff / 1000).to_file('figs/hydro_icore.dat')

    diff = hlm[i_lith] - hlm_fluid[i_lith].pad(lmax=lmax_hydro)
    (diff.expand(grid='DH2', lmax=lmax) /

    diff = hlm[i_core] - hlm_fluid[i_core].pad(lmax=lmax_hydro)
    (diff.expand(grid='DH2', lmax=lmax) /

    # Sensitivity tests
    print('\n=== Sensitivity tests ===')
    r_sigma = topo.r0
    hlm2, clm_hydro2, mass_model2 = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, topo, rho_crust,
                             r_sigma, omega, lmax_hydro)
    print('d_sigma = 0')
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_lith (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().max())
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_core (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().max())

    r_sigma = topo.r0 - 100.e3
    hlm2, clm_hydro2, mass_model2 = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, topo, rho_crust,
                             r_sigma, omega, lmax_hydro)
    print('d_sigma = 100 km')
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_lith (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().max())
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_core (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().max())

    r_sigma = topo.r0 - d_sigma
    hlm2, clm_hydro2, mass_model2 = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, topo, 2500.,
                             r_sigma, omega, lmax_hydro)
    print('rho = 2500 kg / m3')
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_lith (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().max())
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_core (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().max())

    r_sigma = topo.r0 - d_sigma
    hlm2, clm_hydro2, mass_model2 = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, topo, 3300.,
                             r_sigma, omega, lmax_hydro)
    print('rho = 3300 kg / m3')
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_lith (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_lith] - hlm[i_lith]).expand().max())
    print('Minimum and maximum differences at i_core (m) = ',
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().min(),
          (hlm2[i_core] - hlm[i_core]).expand().max())
Пример #5
def main():

    gravfile = 'Data/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    topofile = 'Data/MarsTopo719.shape'
    densityfile = 'Data/dichotomy_359.sh'

    model_name = ['DWThot', 'DWThotCrust1', 'DWThotCrust1r', 'EH45Tcold',
                  'EH45TcoldCrust1', 'EH45TcoldCrust1r', 'EH45ThotCrust2',
                  'EH45ThotCrust2r', 'LFAK', 'SANAK', 'TAYAK', 'DWAK',
    spec = 'Data/Mars-reference-interior-models/Smrekar/'
    interior_file = [spec + name + '.deck' for name in model_name]

    lmax_calc = 90
    lmax = lmax_calc * 4

    potential = pyshtools.SHGravCoeffs.from_file(gravfile, header_units='km')

    print('Gravity file = {:s}'.format(gravfile))
    print('Lmax of potential coefficients = {:d}'.format(potential.lmax))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}'.format(potential.r0 / 1.e3))
    print('GM = {:e}\n'.format(potential.gm))

    topo = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(topofile, lmax=lmax)
    topo.r0 = topo.coeffs[0, 0, 0]

    print('Topography file = {:s}'.format(topofile))
    print('Lmax of topography coefficients = {:d}'.format(topo.lmax))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}\n'.format(topo.r0 / 1.e3))

    density = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(densityfile, lmax=lmax)

    print('Lmax of density coefficients = {:d}\n'.format(density.lmax))

    lat_insight = 4.502384
    lon_insight = 135.623447

    filter = 1
    half = 50
    nmax = 7
    lmax_hydro = 15
    t0_sigma = 5.  # maximum difference between minimum crustal thickness
    omega = pyshtools.constant.omega_mars.value

    d_lith = 150.e3
    d_sigma = 45.e3

    t0 = 1.e3  # minimum crustal thickness
    model = 10  # identifier for the interior reference model

    # --- read 1D reference interior model ---
    with open(interior_file[model], 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        data = lines[1].split()
        if float(data[2]) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError('Program not capable of reading polynomial ' +
        num_file = int(lines[2].split()[0])
        crust_index_file = int(lines[2].split()[3])
        core_index_file = int(lines[2].split()[2])
        i_crust_file = crust_index_file - 1
        i_core_file = core_index_file - 1

        radius = np.zeros(num_file)
        rho = np.zeros(num_file)
        num = 0

        for i in range(0, num_file-1):
            data = lines[i+3].split()
            rb = float(data[0])
            rhob = float(data[1])
            data = lines[i+4].split()
            rt = float(data[0])
            rhot = float(data[1])

            if rb == rt:
                if i == i_core_file:
                    i_core = num
                if i == i_crust_file:
                    i_crust = num
                radius[num] = rb
                rho[num] = (rhot + rhob) / 2.
                num += 1

        radius[num] = rt
        rho[num] = 0.  # the density above the surface is zero
        num += 1
        n = num - 1
        radius = radius[:n+1]
        rho = rho[:n+1]
        r0_model = radius[n]

        print('Surface radius of model (km) = {:f}'.format(r0_model / 1.e3))
        for i in range(0, n+1):
            if radius[i] <= (r0_model - d_lith) and \
                    radius[i+1] > (r0_model - d_lith):
                if radius[i] == (r0_model - d_lith):
                    i_lith = i
                elif (r0_model - d_lith) - radius[i] <= radius[i+1] -\
                        (r0_model - d_lith):
                    i_lith = i
                    i_lith = i + 1

        rho_mantle = rho[i_crust-1]
        rho_core = rho[i_core-1]
        print('Mantle density (kg/m3) = {:f}'.format(rho_mantle))
        print('Mantle radius (km) = {:f}'.format(radius[i_crust]/1.e3))
        print('Core density (kg/m3) = {:f}'.format(rho_core))
        print('Core radius (km) = {:f}'.format(radius[i_core]/1.e3))

        print('Assumed depth of lithosphere (km) = {:f}'.format(d_lith / 1.e3))
        print('Actual depth of lithosphere in discretized model (km) = {:f}'
              .format((r0_model - radius[i_lith]) / 1.e3))

    # --- Compute gravity contribution from hydrostatic density interfaces ---

    thickave = 44.e3    # initial guess of average crustal thickness
    r_sigma = topo.r0 - thickave
    rho_c = 2900.

    if True:
        # compute values for a planet that is completely fluid
        hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = \
            HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, potential.gm, potential.r0)
        print('--- Hydrostatic potential coefficients for a fluid planet ---')
        print('c20 = {:e}\nc40 = {:e}'.format(clm_fluid.coeffs[0, 2, 0],
                                              clm_fluid.coeffs[0, 4, 0]))
        print('--- Hydrostatic relief of surface for a fluid planet ---')
        print('h20 = {:e}\nh40 = {:e}'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 2, 0],
                                              hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 4, 0]))

    hlm, clm_hydro, mass_model = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, topo, rho_c,
                             r_sigma, omega, lmax_hydro)

    print('Total mass of model (kg) = {:e}'.format(mass_model))
    print('% of J2 arising from beneath lithosphere = {:f}'
          .format(clm_hydro.coeffs[0, 2, 0]/potential.coeffs[0, 2, 0] * 100.))

    potential.coeffs[:, :lmax_hydro+1, :lmax_hydro+1] -= \
        clm_hydro.coeffs[:, :lmax_hydro+1, :lmax_hydro+1]

    # --- Constant density model ---

    rho_c = 2900.
    print('-- Constant density model --\nrho_c = {:f}'.format(rho_c))

    tmin = 1.e9
    thickave = 44.e3    # initial guess of average crustal thickness

    while abs(tmin - t0) > t0_sigma:
        # iterate to fit assumed minimum crustal thickness

        moho = pyMoho.pyMoho(potential, topo, lmax, rho_c, rho_mantle,
                             thickave, filter_type=filter, half=half,
                             lmax_calc=lmax_calc, nmax=nmax, quiet=True)

        thick_grid = (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(grid='DH2')
        print('Average crustal thickness (km) = {:f}'.format(thickave / 1.e3))
        print('Crustal thickness at InSight landing sites (km) = {:f}'
              .format((topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax))
                      .expand(lat=lat_insight, lon=lon_insight) / 1.e3))
        tmin = thick_grid.min()
        tmax = thick_grid.max()
        print('Minimum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmin / 1.e3))
        print('Maximum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmax / 1.e3))
        thickave += t0 - tmin

    thick_grid.plot(show=False, fname='Thick-Mars-1.png')
    moho.plot_spectrum(show=False, fname='Moho-spectrum-Mars-1.png')

    # --- Model with variable density ---

    rho_south = 2900.
    rho_north = 2900.
    porosity = 0.0

    print('-- Variable density model ---\n' +
          'rho_south = {:f}\n'.format(rho_south) +
          'rho_north = {:f}'.format(rho_north))

    density = density * (rho_north - rho_south)
    density.coeffs[0, 0, 0] += rho_south

    tmin = 1.e9
    thickave = 44.e3    # initial guess of average crustal thickness

    while abs(tmin - t0) > t0_sigma:
        # iterate to fit assumed minimum crustal thickness

        moho = pyMoho.pyMohoRho(potential, topo, density, porosity, lmax,
                                rho_mantle, thickave, filter_type=filter,
                                half=half, lmax_calc=lmax_calc, quiet=True,

        thick_grid = (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(grid='DH2')
        print('Average crustal thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(thickave / 1.e3))
        print('Crustal thickness at InSight landing sites (km) = {:e}'
              .format((topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax))
                      .expand(lat=lat_insight, lon=lon_insight) / 1.e3))
        tmin = thick_grid.data.min()
        tmax = thick_grid.data.max()
        print('Minimum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmin / 1.e3))
        print('Maximum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmax / 1.e3))
        thickave += t0 - tmin

    thick_grid.plot(show=False, fname='Thick-Mars-2.png')
    moho.plot_spectrum(show=False, fname='Moho-spectrum-Mars-2.png')
Пример #6
def main():

    gravfile = 'Data/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    topofile = 'Data/MarsTopo719.shape'
    densityfile = 'Data/dichotomy_359.sh'

    model_name = [
        'dwcold', 'dwhot_modif', 'dwhot_stairs', 'DWTh2Ref1', 'DWTh2Ref2',
        'eh70cold', '"eh70hot', 'Gudkova'
    spec = 'Data/Mars-reference-interior-models/model_'
    interior_file = [spec + name for name in model_name]

    lmax_calc = 90
    lmax = lmax_calc * 4

    potcoefs, lmaxp, header = pyshtools.shio.shread(gravfile,
    potential = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_array(potcoefs)
    potential.r_ref = float(header[0]) * 1.e3
    potential.gm = float(header[1]) * 1.e9
    potential.mass = potential.gm / float(pyshtools.constant.grav_constant)

    print('Gravity file = {:s}'.format(gravfile))
    print('Lmax of potential coefficients = {:d}'.format(lmaxp))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}'.format(potential.r_ref / 1.e3))
    print('GM = {:e}'.format(potential.gm))
    print('Mass = {:e}'.format(potential.mass))

    model = 3
    lmax_hydro = 15
    omega = float(pyshtools.constant.omega_mars)
    print('Omega = {:e}'.format(omega))

    # --- read 1D reference interior model ---

    print('=== Reading model {:s} ==='.format(model_name[model]))

    with open(interior_file[model], 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        data = lines[1].split()
        if float(data[2]) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError('Program not capable of reading polynomial ' +
        num = int(lines[2].split()[0])
        crust_index = int(lines[2].split()[3])
        mantle_index = int(lines[2].split()[3])
        radius = np.zeros(num)
        rho = np.zeros(num)
        for i in range(0, num):
            data = lines[i + 3].split()
            radius[i] = float(data[0])
            rho[i] = float(data[1])

        r0_model = radius[num - 1]
        print('Surface radius of model (km) = {:f}'.format(r0_model / 1.e3))

        n = num - 1
        rho[n] = 0.  # the density above the surface is zero
        rho_mantle = rho[crust_index - 1]
        print('Mantle density (kg/m3) = {:f}'.format(rho_mantle))

    # --- Compute gravity contribution from hydrostatic density interfaces ---

    if True:
        for i in range(1, 8):
            # compute values for a planet that is completely fluid
            fn = True
            nmax = i

            hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = \
                HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, potential.gm,
                                 potential.r_ref, nmax=nmax,

            print('--- Hydrostatic relief of surface ---')
            print('nmax = {:d}'.format(nmax))
            print('h20 = {:e}\n'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 2, 0]) +
                  'h40 = {:e}'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 4, 0]))
Пример #7
def main():

    lmax = 20
    lmax_grid = 719

    omega = pyshtools.constant.omega_moon.value
    rem = pyshtools.constant.a_orbit_moon.value
    mass_earth = pyshtools.constant.mass_egm2008.value

    cthick = 34.e3  # 43.e3 or 34.0e3
    rho_crust = 2550.

    out_rc_fc = "figs/rc_fc_34_2550.dat"
    out_rc_rhoc = "figs/rc_rhoc_34_2550.dat"
    out_rc_beta = "figs/rc_beta_34_2550.dat"
    sh_core = "figs/core_34.sh"
    core_shape_wo_d1 = "figs/core_shape_wo_d1_330_34.dat"
    core_shape = "figs/core_shape_330_34.dat"

    rcore_int = 1.e3
    rcore_start = 250.e3
    rcore_end = 450.e3

    rhocore_start = 5000.
    rhocore_end = 8000.
    rhocore_int = 1.

    pot_file = 'Data/JGGRAIL_900C11A_SHA.TAB'
    topo_file = 'Data/LOLA1500p.sh'

    potential = pyshtools.SHGravCoeffs.from_file(pot_file, header_units='km')
    topo = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(topo_file, lmax=900)
    r0 = topo.coeffs[0, 0, 0]

    r_sigma = r0 - cthick

    ismr2 = 0.3927280  # Williams et al. (2014)
    ismr2 = ismr2 * (1738.e3 / r0)**2

    print("Mean planetary radius (km) = {:e}".format(r0 / 1.e3))
    print("Is/MR2 (solid Moon using mean radius) = {:e}".format(ismr2))
    print("Lmax of Gravitational potential = {:d}".format(potential.lmax))
    print("Reference radius of potential model (km) = {:e}".format(
        potential.r0 / 1.e3))
    print("GM = {:e}".format(potential.gm))
    mass = potential.gm / pyshtools.constant.G.value
    print("Mass (kg) = {:e}".format(mass))
    print("Omega = {:e}".format(omega))
    print("Period (days) = {:e}".format(2. * np.pi / omega / 60. / 60. / 24.))
    print("Average crustal thickness (km) = {:e}".format(cthick / 1.e3))
    print("Crustal density (kg/m3) = {:e}".format(rho_crust))

    radius = np.zeros(4)
    radius[0] = 0.
    radius[2] = r0 - cthick
    radius[3] = r0

    rho = np.zeros(4)
    rho[2] = rho_crust

    mass_crust = 4. * np.pi / 3. * rho_crust * (radius[3]**3 - radius[2]**3)

    n = 3
    i_lith = 2
    i_core = 1

    # For each core radius, find rho_mantle and rho_core that fit total mass
    # and moment of inertia

    f_rc_fc = open(out_rc_fc, 'w')
    f_rc_rhoc = open(out_rc_rhoc, 'w')
    f_rc_beta = open(out_rc_beta, 'w')

    for r_core in np.arange(rcore_start,
                            rcore_end + rcore_int,
        radius[1] = r_core
        first = True

        for rho_core in np.arange(rhocore_start,
                                  rhocore_end + rhocore_int,
            mass_core = 4. * np.pi / 3. * rho_core * r_core**3
            mass_mantle = mass - mass_crust - mass_core
            rho_mantle = mass_mantle * 3. / np.pi / 4. / (radius[2]**3 -
            rho[0] = rho_core
            rho[1] = rho_mantle

            if rho_mantle >= rho_core:

            ismr2_model = moi_solid(radius, rho, n)
            if first is True:
                diff_old = ismr2 - ismr2_model
                first = False
                diff_new = ismr2 - ismr2_model

                if diff_new * diff_old <= 0.:
                    # interpolate to get the best fitting core density
                    rho_core_final = (rho_core - rhocore_int) - diff_old * \
                        (rhocore_int) / (diff_new - diff_old)
                    rho[0] = rho_core_final
                    mass_core = 4. * np.pi / 3. * rho[0] * r_core**3
                    mass_mantle = mass - mass_crust - mass_core
                    rho_mantle = mass_mantle * 3. / np.pi / 4. / \
                        (radius[2]**3 - r_core**3)
                    rho[1] = rho_mantle

                    hlm, clm_hydro, mass_model = \
                        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith,
                                             potential, topo, rho_crust,
                                             r_sigma, omega, lmax,
                                             rp=rem, mp=mass_earth)
                    # set degree-1 terms to zero
                    hlm[1].coeffs[:, 1, :] = 0.

                    a = hlm[1].expand(lat=0., lon=0., lmax_calc=lmax)
                    b = hlm[1].expand(lat=0., lon=90., lmax_calc=lmax)
                    c = hlm[1].expand(lat=90., lon=0., lmax_calc=lmax)

                    f_core = ((a + b) / 2. - c) / ((a + b) / 2.)
                    beta_core = (a**2 - b**2) / (a**2 + b**2)

                    print(r_core / 1.e3, rho[0], rho[1], f_core, beta_core)
                    f_rc_fc.write('{:e}, {:e}\n'.format(r_core / 1.e3, f_core))
                    f_rc_rhoc.write('{:e}, {:e}\n'.format(
                        r_core / 1.e3, rho[0]))
                    f_rc_beta.write('{:e}, {:e}\n'.format(
                        r_core / 1.e3, beta_core))

                    if r_core == 330.e3:
                        print("Rcore (km) = {:e}".format(r_core / 1.e3))
                        print("A (km) = {:e}".format(a / 1.e3))
                        print("B (km) = {:e}".format(b / 1.e3))
                        print("C (km) = {:e}".format(c / 1.e3))
                        print("rho_core (kg/m3) = {:e}".format(rho[0]))

                        II, AA, BB, CC, mass_model, RR, vec = \
                            InertiaTensor_from_shape(hlm, rho, 1, quiet=False)

                        grid = hlm[i_core].expand(lmax=lmax_grid, grid='DH2')
                        print("Size of output grid = {:d}, {:d}".format(
                            grid.nlat, grid.nlon))
                        print("Maximum = {:e}\nMinimum = {:e}".format(
                            grid.max(), grid.min()))

                        hlm, clm_hydro, mass_model = \
                            HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith,
                                                 potential, topo, rho_crust,
                                                 r_sigma, omega, lmax,
                                                 rp=rem, mp=mass_earth)
                        hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = \
                            HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, potential.gm,
                                             rp=rem, mp=mass_earth)
                        grid = hlm[i_core].expand(lmax=lmax_grid, grid='DH2')
                        grid_fluid = hlm_fluid[i_core].expand(lmax=lmax_grid,
                        a_fluid = hlm_fluid[1].expand(lat=0., lon=0.)
                        b_fluid = hlm_fluid[1].expand(lat=0., lon=90.)
                        c_fluid = hlm_fluid[1].expand(lat=90., lon=0.)

                        f_core_fluid = (((a_fluid + b_fluid) / 2. - c_fluid) /
                                        ((a_fluid + b_fluid) / 2.))
                        beta_core_fluid = ((a_fluid**2 - b_fluid**2) /
                                           (a_fluid**2 + b_fluid**2))
                        print('f_core for a fluid planet = ', f_core_fluid)
                        print('beta_core for a fluid planet = ',

                        diff = grid - grid_fluid
                            'Maximuim and miniumum core relief for '
                            'a fluid planet (m) = ', grid_fluid.max(),
                            'Maximuim and miniumum difference with respect '
                            'to a fluid planet (m) = ', diff.max(), diff.min())
                        print("Maximum = {:e}\nMinimum = {:e}".format(
                            grid.max(), grid.min()))
                        for l in range(0, 4):
                            for m in range(0, l + 1):
                                print(l, m, hlm[i_core].coeffs[0, l, m],
                                      hlm[i_core].coeffs[1, l, m])

                diff_old = diff_new
Пример #8
def main():

    gravfile = 'Data/gmm3_120_sha.tab'
    topofile = 'Data/MarsTopo719.shape'
    densityfile = 'Data/dichotomy_359.sh'

    model_name = [
        'DWThot', 'DWThotCrust1', 'DWThotCrust1r', 'EH45Tcold',
        'EH45TcoldCrust1', 'EH45TcoldCrust1r', 'EH45ThotCrust2',
        'EH45ThotCrust2r', 'LFAK', 'SANAK', 'TAYAK', 'DWAK', 'ZG_DW'
    spec = 'Data/Mars-reference-interior-models/Smrekar/'
    interior_file = [spec + name + '.deck' for name in model_name]

    lmax_calc = 90
    lmax = lmax_calc * 4

    potential = pyshtools.SHGravCoeffs.from_file(gravfile, header_units='km')

    print('Gravity file = {:s}'.format(gravfile))
    print('Lmax of potential coefficients = {:d}'.format(potential.lmax))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}'.format(potential.r0 / 1.e3))
    print('GM = {:e}\n'.format(potential.gm))

    topo = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(topofile, lmax=lmax)
    topo.r0 = topo.coeffs[0, 0, 0]

    print('Topography file = {:s}'.format(topofile))
    print('Lmax of topography coefficients = {:d}'.format(topo.lmax))
    print('Reference radius (km) = {:f}\n'.format(topo.r0 / 1.e3))

    density = pyshtools.SHCoeffs.from_file(densityfile, lmax=lmax)

    print('Lmax of density coefficients = {:d}\n'.format(density.lmax))

    lat_insight = 4.502384
    lon_insight = 135.623447

    filter = 1
    half = 50
    nmax = 7
    lmax_hydro = 15
    t0_sigma = 5.  # maximum difference between minimum crustal thickness
    omega = pyshtools.constant.omega_mars.value

    d_lith = 150.e3
    d_sigma = 45.e3

    t0 = 1.e3  # minimum crustal thickness
    model = 10  # identifier for the interior reference model

    # --- read 1D reference interior model ---

    radius, rho, i_crust, i_core, i_lith = ReadRefModel(interior_file[model],

    rho_mantle = rho[i_crust - 1]
    rho_core = rho[i_core - 1]
    n = len(radius) - 1
    r0_model = radius[n]

    # --- Compute gravity contribution from hydrostatic density interfaces ---

    thickave = 44.e3  # initial guess of average crustal thickness
    r_sigma = topo.r0 - thickave
    rho_c = 2900.

    if True:
        # compute values for a planet that is completely fluid
        hlm_fluid, clm_fluid, mass_model = \
            HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, potential.gm, potential.r0)
        print('--- Hydrostatic potential coefficients for a fluid planet ---')
        print('c20 = {:e}\nc40 = {:e}'.format(clm_fluid.coeffs[0, 2, 0],
                                              clm_fluid.coeffs[0, 4, 0]))
        print('--- Hydrostatic relief of surface for a fluid planet ---')
        print('h20 = {:e}\nh40 = {:e}'.format(hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 2, 0],
                                              hlm_fluid[n].coeffs[0, 4, 0]))

    hlm, clm_hydro, mass_model = \
        HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, i_lith, potential, topo, rho_c,
                             r_sigma, omega, lmax_hydro)

    print('Total mass of model (kg) = {:e}'.format(mass_model))
    print('% of J2 arising from beneath lithosphere = {:f}'.format(
        clm_hydro.coeffs[0, 2, 0] / potential.coeffs[0, 2, 0] * 100.))

    potential.coeffs[:, :lmax_hydro+1, :lmax_hydro+1] -= \
        clm_hydro.coeffs[:, :lmax_hydro+1, :lmax_hydro+1]

    # --- Constant density model ---

    rho_c = 2900.
    print('-- Constant density model --\nrho_c = {:f}'.format(rho_c))

    tmin = 1.e9
    thickave = 44.e3  # initial guess of average crustal thickness

    while abs(tmin - t0) > t0_sigma:
        # iterate to fit assumed minimum crustal thickness

        moho = pyMoho.pyMoho(potential,

        thick_grid = (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(grid='DH2')
        print('Average crustal thickness (km) = {:f}'.format(thickave / 1.e3))
        print('Crustal thickness at InSight landing sites (km) = {:f}'.format(
            (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(lat=lat_insight,
                                                     lon=lon_insight) / 1.e3))
        tmin = thick_grid.min()
        tmax = thick_grid.max()
        print('Minimum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmin / 1.e3))
        print('Maximum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmax / 1.e3))
        thickave += t0 - tmin

    thick_grid.plot(show=False, fname='Thick-Mars-1.png')
    moho.plot_spectrum(show=False, fname='Moho-spectrum-Mars-1.png')

    # --- Model with variable density ---

    rho_south = 2900.
    rho_north = 2900.
    porosity = 0.0

    print('-- Variable density model ---\n' +
          'rho_south = {:f}\n'.format(rho_south) +
          'rho_north = {:f}'.format(rho_north))

    density = density * (rho_north - rho_south)
    density.coeffs[0, 0, 0] += rho_south

    tmin = 1.e9
    thickave = 44.e3  # initial guess of average crustal thickness

    while abs(tmin - t0) > t0_sigma:
        # iterate to fit assumed minimum crustal thickness

        moho = pyMoho.pyMohoRho(potential,

        thick_grid = (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(grid='DH2')
        print('Average crustal thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(thickave / 1.e3))
        print('Crustal thickness at InSight landing sites (km) = {:e}'.format(
            (topo.pad(lmax) - moho.pad(lmax)).expand(lat=lat_insight,
                                                     lon=lon_insight) / 1.e3))
        tmin = thick_grid.data.min()
        tmax = thick_grid.data.max()
        print('Minimum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmin / 1.e3))
        print('Maximum thickness (km) = {:e}'.format(tmax / 1.e3))
        thickave += t0 - tmin

    thick_grid.plot(show=False, fname='Thick-Mars-2.png')
    moho.plot_spectrum(show=False, fname='Moho-spectrum-Mars-2.png')