def generate_attack_pcap(self): """ Creates a pcap containing the attack packets. :return: The location of the generated pcap file. """ # write attack packets to pcap if self.readwrite != 'sequence': # sequence mode automatically writes to pcap self.attack_start_utime = self.packets[0].time self.attack_end_utime = self.packets[-1].time self.path_attack_pcap = self.write_attack_pcap(self.packets) # export statistics for generated attack pcap generated_attack_statistics = Statistics.Statistics(PcapFile.PcapFile(self.path_attack_pcap)) generated_attack_statistics.load_pcap_statistics(False, True, False, False, [], False, None) if self.export_filetype == 'xlsx': Testing.exportSQLite3_toXLSX(Testing.connection_SQLite3_fromStatistics , generated_attack_statistics , 'semi_labeled_e_' + self.output_name , self.output_path) elif self.export_filetype == 'csv': output_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'CSV_generated_attack') if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) Testing.exportSQLite3_toCSV(Testing.connection_SQLite3_fromStatistics , self.attack_statistics , self.output_path) # return packets sorted by packet time_sec_start return self.pkt_num, self.path_attack_pcap
def build_rewrapper(attack, param_dict): """ Fill dictinaries with data from config. :param attack: Mix attack. :param param_dict: parsed config :return: rewrapper """ if param_dict['atk.file'] != 'default': ## default attack is hydra-1_tasks attack.attack_file = param_dict['atk.file'] ## generate statistics for attack pcap attack.attack_statistics = Statistics.Statistics( PcapFile.PcapFile(attack.attack_file)) attack.attack_statistics.load_pcap_statistics(False, True, False, False, [], False, False) ## statistics stored in global dict under the keys global_dict = TMdict.GlobalRWdict( statistics=attack.statistics, attack_statistics=attack.attack_statistics) packet_dict = TMdict.PacketDataRWdict() conversation_dict = TMdict.ConversationRWdict() global_dict.add_recalculation_function(RecalTMdict.recalculate_mss) global_dict.add_recalculation_function(RecalTMdict.recalculate_ttl) global_dict.add_recalculation_function(RecalTMdict.recalculate_win_size) ## dicts stored in a dict under param data_dict under keys from TMdef rewrap = ReWrapper.ReWrapper(attack.statistics, global_dict, conversation_dict, packet_dict, scapy.NoPayload) return rewrap
def get_botnet_pcap_db(): """ Reads a botnet resource pcap, calculates statistics for it and returns the DB path. :return: the database path for the botnet resource pcap statistics DB """ import Core.Statistics import ID2TLib.PcapFile as PcapFile bot_pcap = PcapFile.PcapFile(BOTNET_PCAP) bot_stats = Core.Statistics.Statistics(bot_pcap) bot_stats.do_extra_tests = True bot_stats.load_pcap_statistics(False, False, True, True, [], False, False) return bot_pcap.get_db_path()
def __init__(self, pcap_file_path: str, do_extra_tests: bool, non_verbose: bool = True, pcap_out_path: str = None, debug: bool = False): """ Creates a new Controller, acting as a central coordinator for the whole application. :param pcap_file_path: """ # Fields self.pcap_src_path = pcap_file_path.strip() self.pcap_dest_path = '' self.pcap_out_path = pcap_out_path self.written_pcaps = [] self.do_extra_tests = do_extra_tests self.non_verbose = non_verbose self.seed = None self.durations = [] self.added_packets = 0 self.created_files = [] self.debug = debug # Initialize class instances print("Input file: %s" % self.pcap_src_path) self.pcap_file = PcapFile.PcapFile(self.pcap_src_path) self.label_manager = LabelManager.LabelManager(self.pcap_src_path) self.statistics = Statistics.Statistics(self.pcap_file) self.statistics.do_extra_tests = self.do_extra_tests self.statisticsDB = self.statistics.get_statistics_database() self.attack_controller = atkCtrl.AttackController( self.pcap_file, self.statistics, self.label_manager) # Set output directory and create it (if necessary) if pcap_out_path is not None: out_dir = os.path.dirname(pcap_out_path) if not out_dir: # if out_dir is cwd out_dir = "." Util.OUT_DIR = out_dir + os.sep else: Util.OUT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pcap_file_path), "id2t_results") + os.sep os.makedirs(Util.OUT_DIR, exist_ok=True)
def process_attacks(self, attacks_config: list, seeds=None, measure_time: bool = False, inject_empty: bool = False): """ Creates the attack based on the attack name and the attack parameters given in the attacks_config. The attacks_config is a list of attacks. e.g. [['PortscanAttack', 'ip.src="",'dst.port=80'],['PortscanAttack', 'ip.src=""]]. Merges the individual temporary attack pcaps into one single pcap and merges this single pcap with the input dataset if desired. :param attacks_config: A list of attacks with their attack parameters. :param seeds: A list of random seeds for the given attacks. :param measure_time: Measure time for packet generation. :param inject_empty: if flag is set, Attack PCAPs will not be merged with the base PCAP, ie. Attacks are injected into an empty PCAP """ # load attacks sequentially i = 0 for attack in attacks_config: if seeds is not None and len(seeds) > i: rng_seed = seeds[i][0] else: rng_seed = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(16), sys.byteorder) self.attack_controller.set_seed(seed=rng_seed) temp_attack_pcap, duration = self.attack_controller.process_attack( attack[0], attack[1:], measure_time) self.durations.append(duration) self.added_packets += self.attack_controller.total_packets if not self.non_verbose: self.statistics.stats_summary_post_attack(self.added_packets) self.written_pcaps.append(temp_attack_pcap) i += 1 attacks_pcap_path = None # merge attack pcaps to get single attack pcap if len(self.written_pcaps) > 1: print("\nMerging temporary attack pcaps into single pcap file...", end=" ") sys.stdout.flush() # force python to print text immediately for i in range(0, len(self.written_pcaps) - 1): attacks_pcap = PcapFile.PcapFile(self.written_pcaps[i]) attacks_pcap_path = attacks_pcap.merge_attack( self.written_pcaps[i + 1]) os.remove(self.written_pcaps[i + 1]) # remove merged pcap self.written_pcaps[i + 1] = attacks_pcap_path print("done.") elif len(self.written_pcaps) == 1: attacks_pcap_path = self.written_pcaps[0] if attacks_pcap_path: if inject_empty: # copy the attack pcap to the directory of the base PCAP instead of merging them print("Copying single attack pcap to location of base pcap...", end=" ") sys.stdout.flush() # force python to print text immediately timestamp = '_' + time.strftime( "%Y%m%d") + '-' + time.strftime("%X").replace(':', '') self.pcap_dest_path = self.pcap_src_path.replace( ".pcap", timestamp + '.pcap') shutil.copy(attacks_pcap_path, self.pcap_dest_path) else: # merge single attack pcap with all attacks into base pcap print("Merging base pcap with single attack pcap...", end=" ") sys.stdout.flush() # force python to print text immediately self.pcap_dest_path = self.pcap_file.merge_attack( attacks_pcap_path) if self.pcap_out_path: if not self.pcap_out_path.endswith(".pcap"): self.pcap_out_path += ".pcap" result_path = self.pcap_out_path else: tmp_path_tuple = self.pcap_dest_path.rpartition("/") result_path = Util.OUT_DIR + tmp_path_tuple[2] os.rename(self.pcap_dest_path, result_path) self.pcap_dest_path = result_path self.created_files = [self.pcap_dest_path] # process/move other created files pcap_basename = os.path.splitext(self.pcap_dest_path)[0] for x in self.attack_controller.additional_files: outpath = pcap_basename + "_" + x os.rename(x, outpath) self.created_files.append(outpath) print("done.") # delete intermediate PCAP files if self.debug: print( 'NOT deleting intermediate attack pcap while in debug mode.' ) else: print('Deleting intermediate attack pcap...', end=" ") sys.stdout.flush() # force python to print text immediately os.remove(attacks_pcap_path) print("done.") # write label file with attacks self.label_manager.write_label_file(self.pcap_dest_path) self.created_files.insert(1, self.label_manager.label_file_path) # print status message print('\nOutput files created:') for filepath in self.created_files: print(filepath) else: print("done.") print('\nOutput files created:') print( "--> No packets were injected. Therefore no output files were created." ) # print summary statistics if not self.non_verbose and len(attacks_config) is not 1: self.statistics.stats_summary_post_attack(self.added_packets)