Пример #1
def GetNewLDLibs(systemConfig, application, applicationVersion):
  """ Prepare the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: make sure all lib folder are included
  @param systemConfig: System config used for the job
  @param application: name of the application considered
  @param applicationVersion: version of the application considered
  @return: new LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  new_ld_lib_path = ""
  deps = resolveDepsTar(systemConfig, application, applicationVersion)
  for dep in deps:
    depfolder = dep.replace(".tgz","").replace(".tar.gz","")
    res = getSoftwareFolder(depfolder)
    if not res['OK']:
    basedepfolder = res['Value']
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedepfolder, "lib")):
      gLogger.verbose("Found lib folder in %s" % (basedepfolder))
      newlibdir = os.path.join(basedepfolder, "lib")
      new_ld_lib_path = newlibdir
      ####Remove the libc
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedepfolder, "LDLibs")):
      gLogger.verbose("Found lib folder in %s" % (depfolder))
      newlibdir = os.path.join(basedepfolder, "LDLibs")
      new_ld_lib_path = newlibdir
      ####Remove the libc
  if os.environ.has_key("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"):
    if new_ld_lib_path:
      new_ld_lib_path = new_ld_lib_path + ":%s" % os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
      new_ld_lib_path = os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]  
  return new_ld_lib_path
Пример #2
  def execute(self):
    """ Run the module
    self.result = self.resolveInputVariables()
    if not self.systemConfig:
      self.result = S_ERROR( 'No ILC platform selected' )
    elif not self.applicationName:
      self.result = S_ERROR("Pythia version name not given")  
    elif not self.applicationLog:
      self.result = S_ERROR( 'No Log file provided' )
    if not self.result['OK']:
      return self.result

    if not self.workflowStatus['OK'] or not self.stepStatus['OK']:
      self.log.verbose('Workflow status = %s, step status = %s' % (self.workflowStatus['OK'], self.stepStatus['OK']))
      return S_OK('%s should not proceed as previous step did not end properly' % self.applicationName)

    appDir = self.ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall'% (self.systemConfig, 
                                                                       self.applicationVersion), '')
    appDir = appDir.replace(".tgz","").replace(".tar.gz","")

    res = getSoftwareFolder(appDir)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.setApplicationStatus('Pythia: Could not find neither local area not shared area install')
      return res
    myappDir = res['Value']

    deptar = resolveDepsTar(self.systemConfig, self.applicationName, self.applicationVersion)[0]
    depdir = deptar.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
    res = getSoftwareFolder(depdir)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    path = res['Value']
    if not os.path.exists(path + "/%s.ep" % depdir):
      return S_ERROR("Lumi files not found")
    originpath = os.path.join(path, "/%s.ep" % depdir)
    randomName = '/tmp/LumiFile-' + GenRandString(8)
    except Exception, x:
      return S_ERROR("Could not create temp dir: %s %s" % (Exception, x))
Пример #3
def GetNewPATH(systemConfig, application, applicationVersion):
  """ Same as L{GetNewLDLibs},but for the PATH
  new_path = ""
  deps = resolveDepsTar(systemConfig, application, applicationVersion)
  for dep in deps:
    depfolder = dep.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
    res = getSoftwareFolder(depfolder)
    if not res['OK']:
    depfolder = res['Value']
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(depfolder, "bin")):
      gLogger.verbose("Found bin folder in %s" % (depfolder))
      newpathdir = os.path.join(depfolder, "bin")
      new_path = newpathdir
  if os.environ.has_key("PATH"):
    if new_path:
      new_path = new_path + ":%s" % os.environ["PATH"]
      new_path = os.environ["PATH"]  
  return new_path
Пример #4
  def execute(self):
    """ Run the module
    self.result = self.resolveInputVariables()
    if not self.systemConfig:
      self.result = S_ERROR( 'No ILC platform selected' )
    elif not self.applicationLog:
      self.result = S_ERROR( 'No Log file provided' )
    if not self.result['OK']:
      return self.result

    if not self.workflowStatus['OK'] or not self.stepStatus['OK']:
      self.log.verbose('Workflow status = %s, step status = %s' % (self.workflowStatus['OK'], self.stepStatus['OK']))
      return S_OK('%s should not proceed as previous step did not end properly' % self.applicationName)

    tomatoDir = self.ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall' % (self.systemConfig, "tomato", 
                                                                           self.applicationVersion), '')
    if not tomatoDir:
      self.log.error('Could not get Tomato tar ball name, cannot proceed')
      return S_ERROR('Problem accessing CS')
    tomatoDir = tomatoDir.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
    res = getSoftwareFolder(tomatoDir)
    if not res['Value']:
      self.setApplicationStatus('Tomato: Could not find neither local area not shared area install')
      return res
    myTomatoDir = res['Value']

    res = self.prepareMARLIN_DLL(myTomatoDir)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Failed building MARLIN_DLL: %s' % res['Message'])
      self.setApplicationStatus('Failed to setup MARLIN_DLL')
      return S_ERROR('Something wrong with software installation')

    self.envdict['MARLIN_DLL'] = res['Value']
    deps = resolveDepsTar(self.systemConfig, "tomato", self.applicationVersion)
    for dep in deps:
      if dep.lower().count('marlin'):
        marlindir = dep.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
        res = getSoftwareFolder(marlindir)
        if not res['OK']:
          self.log.error('Marlin was not found in software directory')
          return res
          self.envdict['MarlinDIR'] = res['Value']

    new_ldlibs = ''
    if os.environ.has_key('LD_LIBRARY_PATH'):
      new_ldlibs = os.path.join(myTomatoDir, 'LDLibs') + ":%s" % os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']
      new_ldlibs = os.path.join(myTomatoDir, 'LDLibs')
    self.envdict['LD_LIB_PATH'] = new_ldlibs
    res = self.GetInputFiles()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    listofslcio = res['Value']
    finalXML = 'tomato.xml'   
    res = PrepareTomatoSalad(None, finalXML, self.OutputFile, listofslcio, self.collection)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Could not prepare the Tomato XML: %s' % res['Message'])
      self.setApplicationStatus('Failed to setup Tomato')
      return S_ERROR('Failed to setup Tomato')
    self.result = self.runMarlin(finalXML, self.envdict)
    if not self.result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Something wrong during running: %s' % self.result['Message'])
      self.setApplicationStatus('Error during running %s' % self.applicationName)
      return S_ERROR('Failed to run %s' % self.applicationName)

    #self.result = {'OK':True,'Value':(0,'Disabled Execution','')}
    resultTuple = self.result['Value']
    if not os.path.exists(self.applicationLog):
      self.log.error("Something went terribly wrong, the log file is not present")
      self.setApplicationStatus('%s failed terribly, you are doomed!' % (self.applicationName))
      if not self.ignoreapperrors:
        return S_ERROR('%s did not produce the expected log' % (self.applicationName))

    status = resultTuple[0]
    # stdOutput = resultTuple[1]
    # stdError = resultTuple[2]
    self.log.info( "Status after the application execution is %s" % str( status ) )

    return self.finalStatusReport(status)
Пример #5
  def execute(self):
    """ Called by Agent
    Executes the following
      - resolve input variables
      - resolve installation location
      - resolve dependencies location (beam_spectra)
      - get processlist if needed
      - define output file name
      - prepare whizard.in
      - make magic
    @return: S_OK(), S_ERROR()
    self.result = self.resolveInputVariables()
    if not self.systemConfig:
      self.result = S_ERROR( 'No ILC platform selected' )
    elif not self.applicationLog:
      self.result = S_ERROR( 'No Log file provided' )
    if not self.result['OK']:
      return self.result

    if not self.workflowStatus['OK'] or not self.stepStatus['OK']:
      self.log.verbose('Workflow status = %s, step status = %s' %(self.workflowStatus['OK'], self.stepStatus['OK']))
      return S_OK('Whizard should not proceed as previous step did not end properly')

    #if self.debug:
    #  self.excludeAllButEventString = False

    whizardDir = self.ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall'%(self.systemConfig, "whizard", 
                                                                          self.applicationVersion), '')
    if not whizardDir:
      self.log.error('Could not get info from CS')
      self.setApplicationStatus('Failed finding info from CS')
      return S_ERROR('Failed finding info from CS')
    whizardDir = whizardDir.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
    res = getSoftwareFolder(whizardDir)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error("Failed getting software folder", res['Message'])
      self.setApplicationStatus('Failed finding software')
      return res
    mySoftDir = res['Value']

    ###Remove libc
    removeLibc(mySoftDir + "/lib")

    ##Need to fetch the new LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    new_ld_lib_path = GetNewLDLibs(self.systemConfig, "whizard", self.applicationVersion)
    #Don't forget to prepend the application's libs
    new_ld_lib_path = mySoftDir + "/lib:" + new_ld_lib_path
    ### Resolve dependencies (look for beam_spectra)
    deps = resolveDepsTar(self.systemConfig, "whizard", self.applicationVersion)
    path_to_beam_spectra = ""
    path_to_gridfiles = ""
    for dep in deps:
      depfolder = dep.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
      res = getSoftwareFolder(depfolder)
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed getting software folder", res['Message'])
        self.setApplicationStatus('Failed finding software')
        return res
      depfolder = res['Value']
      if depfolder.count("beam_spectra"):
        path_to_beam_spectra = depfolder
      elif depfolder.count("gridfiles"):
        path_to_gridfiles = depfolder

    ##Env variables needed to run whizard: avoids hard coded locations
    os.environ['LUMI_LINKER'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/lumi_linker_000"
    os.environ['PHOTONS_B1'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/photons_beam1_linker_000"
    os.environ['PHOTONS_B2'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/photons_beam2_linker_000"
    os.environ['EBEAM'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/ebeam_in_linker_000"
    os.environ['PBEAM'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/pbeam_in_linker_000"

    os.environ['LUMI_EE_LINKER'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/lumi_ee_linker_000"
    os.environ['LUMI_EG_LINKER'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/lumi_eg_linker_000"
    os.environ['LUMI_GE_LINKER'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/lumi_ge_linker_000"
    os.environ['LUMI_GG_LINKER'] = path_to_beam_spectra + "/lumi_gg_linker_000"

    list_of_gridfiles = []
    if path_to_gridfiles and self.useGridFiles:
      tmp_list_of_gridfiles = [os.path.join(path_to_gridfiles, item) for item in os.listdir(path_to_gridfiles)]
      gridfilesfound = False
      for path in tmp_list_of_gridfiles:
        if os.path.isdir(path) and path.count(str(self.energy)): #Here look for a sub directory for the energy related grid files
          list_of_gridfiles = [os.path.join(path, item) for item in os.listdir(path)]
          gridfilesfound = True
          self.log.info('Found grid files specific for energy %s' % self.energy)
      if not gridfilesfound:
        self.log.info("Will use generic grid files found, hope the energy is set right")
        list_of_gridfiles = [item for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_gridfiles, "*.grb")) + glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_gridfiles, "*.grc"))]
    template = False
    if self.SteeringFile.count("template"):
      template = True
    ## Get from process file the proper whizard.in file
    if self.getProcessInFile:
      whizardin = ""
      res = self.obtainProcessList()
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Could not obtain process list")
        self.setApplicationStatus('Failed getting processlist')
        return res
      whizardin = self.processlist.getInFile(self.evttype)
      if not whizardin:
        self.log.error("Whizard input file was not found in process list, cannot proceed")
        self.setApplicationStatus('Whizard input file was not found')
        return S_ERROR("Error while resolving whizard input file")
      if whizardin.count("template"):
        template = True
        shutil.copy("%s/%s" % (mySoftDir, whizardin), "./whizardnew.in")
        self.SteeringFile = "whizardnew.in"
        self.log.error("Could not copy %s from %s" % (whizardin, mySoftDir))
        self.setApplicationStatus('Failed getting whizard.in file')
        return S_ERROR("Failed to obtain %s" % whizardin)

    ##Check existence of Les Houches input file
    leshouchesfiles = ''
    if not os.path.exists("LesHouches.msugra_1.in"):
      if self.susymodel:
        if self.susymodel == 1:
          if os.path.exists("%s/LesHouches_slsqhh.msugra_1.in" % (mySoftDir)):
            leshouchesfiles = "%s/LesHouches_slsqhh.msugra_1.in" % (mySoftDir)
        if self.susymodel == 2:
          if os.path.exists("%s/LesHouches_chne.msugra_1.in" % (mySoftDir)):
            leshouchesfiles = "%s/LesHouches_chne.msugra_1.in" % (mySoftDir)
      if self.Model:
        if self.genmodel.hasModel(self.Model)['OK']:
          if self.genmodel.getFile(self.Model)['OK']:
            if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (mySoftDir, self.genmodel.getFile(self.Model)['Value'])):
              leshouchesfiles = "%s/%s" % (mySoftDir, self.genmodel.getFile(self.Model)['Value'])
              self.log.error("Request LesHouches file is missing, cannot proceed")
              self.setApplicationStatus("LesHouches file missing")
              return S_ERROR("The LesHouches file was not found. Probably you are using a wrong version of whizard.") 
            self.log.warn("No file found attached to model %s" % self.Model)
          self.log.error("Model undefined:",self.Model)
          self.setApplicationStatus("Model undefined")
          return S_ERROR("No Model %s defined" % self.Model)
      leshouchesfiles = "LesHouches.msugra_1.in"

    outputfilename = self.evttype
    if self.jobindex:
      outputfilename = "%s_%s" % (outputfilename, self.jobindex)
    if self.optionsdict:
      self.log.info("Using: %s" % self.optionsdict)
      self.options = WhizardOptions(self.Model)
      res = self.options.changeAndReturn(self.optionsdict)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      res = self.options.toWhizardDotIn("whizard.in")
    elif not template:  
      res = PrepareWhizardFile(self.SteeringFile, outputfilename, self.energy, 
                               self.RandomSeed, self.NumberOfEvents, self.Lumi, 
      res = PrepareWhizardFileTemplate(self.SteeringFile, outputfilename, 
                                       self.parameters, "whizard.in")
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error('Something went wrong with input file generation')
      self.setApplicationStatus('Whizard: something went wrong with input file generation')
      return S_ERROR('Something went wrong with whizard.in file generation')
    foundproceesinwhizardin = res['Value']
    scriptName = 'Whizard_%s_Run_%s.sh' % (self.applicationVersion, self.STEP_NUMBER)
    if os.path.exists(scriptName): 
    script = open(scriptName, 'w')
    script.write('#!/bin/sh \n')
    script.write('# Dynamically generated script to run a production or analysis job. #\n')
    script.write('declare -x PATH=%s:$PATH\n' % mySoftDir)
    script.write('declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s\n' % new_ld_lib_path)
    script.write('env | sort >> localEnv.log\n')      
    script.write('echo =============================\n')
    script.write('echo Printing content of whizard.in \n')
    script.write('cat whizard.in\n')
    script.write('echo =============================\n')
    script.write('cp  %s/whizard.mdl ./\n' % mySoftDir)
    if leshouchesfiles:
      if not leshouchesfiles == 'LesHouches.msugra_1.in':
        script.write('cp %s ./LesHouches.msugra_1.in\n' % (leshouchesfiles))
      script.write('ln -s LesHouches.msugra_1.in fort.71\n')
    if len(list_of_gridfiles):
      for gridfile in list_of_gridfiles:
        script.write('cp %s ./\n' % (gridfile))
    script.write('cp %s/whizard.prc ./\n' % mySoftDir)
    if self.genlevelcuts:
      res = self.makeWhizardDotCut1(self.genlevelcuts)
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Could not create the cut1 file")
        return S_ERROR("Could not create the cut1 file")
    script.write('echo =============================\n')
    script.write('echo Printing content of whizard.prc \n')
    script.write('cat whizard.prc\n')
    script.write('echo =============================\n')
    extracmd = ""
    if not self.debug:
      extracmd = "2>/dev/null" 
    comm = ""
    if foundproceesinwhizardin:
      comm = 'whizard --simulation_input \'write_events_file = \"%s\"\' %s\n' % (outputfilename, extracmd)
      comm = 'whizard --process_input \'process_id =\"%s\"\' --simulation_input \'write_events_file = \"%s\"\' %s\n' % (self.evttype, 
    self.log.info("Will run %s" % comm)
    script.write('declare -x appstatus=$?\n')    
    script.write('exit $appstatus\n')
    if os.path.exists(self.applicationLog): 
    os.chmod(scriptName, 0755)
    comm = 'sh -c "./%s"' % (scriptName)    
    self.setApplicationStatus('Whizard %s step %s' %(self.applicationVersion, self.STEP_NUMBER))
    self.stdError = ''
    self.result = shellCall(0, comm, callbackFunction = self.redirectLogOutput, bufferLimit=209715200)
    #self.result = {'OK':True,'Value':(0,'Disabled Execution','')}
    if not self.result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Failed with error %s" % self.result['Message'])
    if not os.path.exists(self.applicationLog):
      self.log.error("Something went terribly wrong, the log file is not present")
      self.setApplicationStatus('%s failed terribly, you are doomed!' % (self.applicationName))
      if not self.ignoreapperrors:
        return S_ERROR('%s did not produce the expected log' % (self.applicationName))
    lumi = ''
    message = ""
    success = False
    ###Analyse log file
    logfile = file(self.applicationLog)
    for line in logfile:
      if line.count('! Event sample corresponds to luminosity'):
        elems = line.split()
        lumi = elems[-1]
      if line.count("*** Fatal error:"):
        status = 1
        message = line
      elif line.count("PYSTOP"):
        status = 1
        message = line
      elif line.count("No matrix element available"):
        status = 1
        message = line
      elif line.count("Floating point exception"):
        status = 1
        message = line
      elif line.count("Event generation finished."):
        success = True
        status = 0
    if success:
      status = 0
      status = 1
    self.log.info('The sample generated has an equivalent luminosity of %s' % lumi)
    if lumi:
      self.workflow_commons['Luminosity'] = float(lumi)
      status = 1  
    ##Now care for the cross sections
    info = {}
    res = self.options.getAsDict()
    if os.path.exists("whizard.out") and res['OK']:
      full_opts_dict = res['Value']
      processes = full_opts_dict['process_input']['process_id'].split()
      info = {}
      info['xsection'] = {}
      inf = open("whizard.out", "r")
      for line in inf:
        line = line.rstrip()
        for process in processes:
          if not process:
          if line.count("   %s            " % process):
            info['xsection'][process] = {}
            line = line.lstrip()
            crosssection = line.split()[1]
            err_crosssection = line.split()[2]
            frac = line.split()[4]
            info['xsection'][process]['xsection'] = float(crosssection)
            info['xsection'][process]['err_xsection'] = float(err_crosssection)
            info['xsection'][process]['fraction'] = float(frac)

    if info:
      if 'Info' not in self.workflow_commons:
        self.workflow_commons['Info'] = info

    self.log.info( "Status after the application execution is %s" % str( status ) )

    messageout = 'Whizard %s Successful' % (self.applicationVersion)
    failed = False
    if status != 0:
      self.log.error( "Whizard execution completed with errors:" )
      failed = True
      self.log.info( "Whizard execution completed successfully")
      ###Deal with output file
      if len(self.OutputFile):
        if os.path.exists(outputfilename + ".001.stdhep"):
          ofnames = glob.glob('*.stdhep')
          if len(ofnames) > 1:
            basename = self.OutputFile.split(".stdhep")[0]
            i = 0
            for f in ofnames:
              i += 1
              name = basename + "_" + str(i) + ".stdhep"
              os.rename(f, name)
            os.rename(outputfilename + ".001.stdhep", self.OutputFile)    
          self.log.error( "Whizard execution did not produce a stdhep file" )
          self.setApplicationStatus('Whizard %s Failed to produce STDHEP file' % (self.applicationVersion))
          messageout = 'Whizard Failed to produce STDHEP file'
          if not self.ignoreapperrors:
            return S_ERROR(messageout)

    if failed == True:
      self.log.error( "==================================\n StdError:\n" )
      self.log.error( message )
      self.setApplicationStatus('%s Exited With Status %s' % (self.applicationName, status))
      self.log.error('Whizard Exited With Status %s' % (status))
      messageout = 'Whizard Exited With Status %s' % (status)
      if not self.ignoreapperrors:
        return S_ERROR(messageout)
    return S_OK( { "OutputFile": self.OutputFile } )