def parse_args(): desc = """Generate indexes of fitting solutions.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("assembly_name", help="name of the assembly") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("num_fits", type=int, help="number of fits") p.add_argument("indexes_file", help="indexes file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """Generate anchors for a density map.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-s", "--size", type=int, dest="size", default=-1, help="number of residues per bead") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("anchor_prefix", help="prefix for output anchors file names") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Show the DOMINO merge tree to be used in the alignment procedure """ p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Generate a proteomics file automatically from the anchor graph and fitting results. No interaction data is entered here, but the file can be modified manually afterwards to add additional proteomics information. """ p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("anchors_file", help="anchors file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="output proteomics file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser( description="Plot score distributions of good-scoring models") parser.add_argument("-show", action="store_true", help="Interactively show the plot") parser.add_argument("score_file", help="Score file generated by select_good") parser.add_argument("column", help="PMI stat file column to plot (or 'all' to " "plot all columns)") return parser.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Given a set of local fits (e.g. generated by fit_fft), the RMSD between each subunit and a reference orientation is calculated and added to each fitting file, in the final "RMSD to reference" column. (The original fitting file is not modified; a new fitting file is created with a '.RMSD' extension.) Note that the assembly input file must contain a reference PDB filename for each subunit (in the rightmost column). """ p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-d", action="store_true", dest="use_dock", help="if set the docking transformation is used (and not " "the fitting transformation)") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ This program builds cyclic symmetric complexes in their density maps.""" parser = ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument("--chimera", dest="chimera", default="", metavar="FILE", help="the name of the Chimera output file, if desired") parser.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") return parser.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ This program generates the Connolly surface for a given PDB file.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("--density", dest="density", default=10.0, type=float, metavar="D", help="density of probe points, per cubic angstrom " "(default 10.0)") p.add_argument("--radius", dest="rp", default=1.8, type=float, metavar="R", help="probe radius in angstroms (default 1.8)") p.add_argument("pdb", help="input PDB file name") args = p.parse_args() return args.pdb, args.density, args.rp
def parse_args(): desc = """Fit subunits into a density map with FFT.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-c", "--cpu", dest="cpus", type=int, default=1, help="number of cpus to use (default 1)") p.add_argument("-a", "--angle", dest="angle", type=float, default=30, help="angle delta (degrees) for FFT rotational " "search (default 30)") p.add_argument("-n", "--num", dest="num", type=int, default=100, help="Number of fits to report (default 100)") p.add_argument("-v", "--angle_voxel", dest="angle_voxel", type=int, default=10, help="Number of angles to keep per voxel (default 10)") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") # p.add_argument("-n", "--num", dest="num", type="int", # default=100, # help="Number of fits to report" # "(default 100)") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Fit subunits locally around a combination solution with FFT.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-a", "--angle", dest="angle", type=float, default=5, help="angle delta (degrees) for FFT rotational " "search (default 5)") p.add_argument("-n", "--num", dest="num", type=int, default=100, help="Number of fits to report (default 100)") p.add_argument("-v", "--angle_voxel", dest="angle_voxel", type=int, default=10, help="Number of angles to keep per voxel (default 10)") p.add_argument("-t", "--max_trans", dest="max_trans", type=float, default=10., help="maximum translational search in A (default 10)") p.add_argument("-m", "--max_angle", dest="max_angle", type=float, default=30., help="maximum angular search in degrees (default 50)") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("ref_assembly_file", help="refined assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name") p.add_argument("combination_index", type=int, help="number of the combination to read from the " "combinations file") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser( description="First stages of analysis for assessing sampling " "convergence") parser.add_argument('--sysname', '-n', dest="sysname", help='name of the system', default="") parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', dest="path", help='path to the good-scoring models', default="./") parser.add_argument('--extension', '-e', dest="extension", help='extension of the file', choices=['rmf', 'pdb'], default="rmf") parser.add_argument('--mode', '-m', dest="mode", help='pyRMSD calculator', choices=['cuda', 'cpu_omp', 'cpu_serial'], default="cuda") parser.add_argument('--cores', '-c', dest="cores", type=int, help='number of cores for RMSD matrix calculations; ' 'only for cpu_omp', default=1) parser.add_argument( '--subunit', '-su', dest="subunit", help='calculate RMSD/sampling and cluster precision/densities ' 'etc over this subunit only', default=None) parser.add_argument('--align', '-a', dest="align", help='boolean flag to allow superposition of models', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--ambiguity', '-amb', dest="symmetry_groups", help='file containing symmetry groups', default=None) parser.add_argument( '--scoreA', '-sa', dest="scoreA", help='name of the file having the good-scoring scores for sample A', default="scoresA.txt") parser.add_argument( '--scoreB', '-sb', dest="scoreB", help='name of the file having the good-scoring scores for sample B', default="scoresB.txt") parser.add_argument('--rmfA', '-ra', dest="rmf_A", help='RMF file with conformations from Sample A', default=None) parser.add_argument('--rmfB', '-rb', dest="rmf_B", help='RMF file with conformations from Sample B', default=None) parser.add_argument('--gridsize', '-g', dest="gridsize", type=float, help='grid size for calculating sampling precision', default=10.0) parser.add_argument( '--skip', '-s', dest="skip_sampling_precision", help="This option will bypass the calculation of sampling " "precision. This option needs to be used with the clustering " "threshold option. Otherwise by default, sampling precision " "is calculated and the clustering threshold is the " "calculated sampling precision.", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--cluster_threshold', '-ct', dest="cluster_threshold", type=float, help='final clustering threshold to visualize clusters. Assumes ' 'that the user has previously calculated sampling precision ' 'and wants clusters defined at a threshold higher than the ' 'sampling precision for ease of analysis (lesser number of ' 'clusters).', default=30.0) parser.add_argument('--voxel', '-v', dest="voxel", type=float, help='voxel size for the localization densities', default=5.0) parser.add_argument('--density_threshold', '-dt', type=float, dest="density_threshold", help='threshold for localization densities', default=20.0) parser.add_argument( '--density', '-d', dest="density", help='file containing dictionary of density custom ranges', default=None) parser.add_argument('--gnuplot', '-gp', dest="gnuplot", help="plotting automatically with gnuplot", default=False, action='store_true') return parser.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ This script, given the structure of a single subunit and the Chimera transformations file, applies the transformations to generate a number of complete models.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument('subunit', help="subunit PDB, the same given to MultiFit") p.add_argument('degree', type=int, help="Cn symmetry degree") p.add_argument('transform_file', help="MultiFit output file in Chimera output format") p.add_argument('num_models', type=int, help="number of output models") p.add_argument('output', help="solution filename prefix; solutions are written " "as <output>.i.pdb") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Build the parameters files for MultiFit. Notice: If you have negative numbers as input, add -- as the first parameter, so that the numbers are not treated as options.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-i", "--asmb_input", dest="asmb_input", default="asmb.input", help="the name of the MultiFit input file. The default " "filename is asmb.input") p.add_argument("-m", "--model", dest="model", default="asmb.model", help="the base filename of the solutions output by " "MultiFit (.X.pdb, where X is the solution number, " "is suffixed to create each output file name). " "The default filename is asmb.model") p.add_argument("-a", "--anchor_dir", dest="anchor_dir", default="./", help="the name of the directory to store anchor points. " "The default is ./") p.add_argument("-f", "--fit_dir", dest="fit_dir", default="./", help="the name of the directory to store fitting " "solutions. The default is ./") p.add_argument("asmb_name", help="name of the assembly (used as the prefix for " "several MultiFit files)") p.add_argument("subunit_file", help="file containing a list of subunit PDB file names") p.add_argument("coarse_level", type=int, help="level of coarse graining (number of residues " "per anchor)") p.add_argument("density", help="density map file name") p.add_argument("resolution", type=float, help="density map resolution, in angstroms") p.add_argument("spacing", type=float, help="density map voxel spacing, in angstroms") p.add_argument("threshold", type=float, help="the threshold of the density map, used for " "PCA matching") p.add_argument("origin_x", type=float, help="density map origin X coordinate") p.add_argument("origin_y", type=float, help="density map origin Y coordinate") p.add_argument("origin_z", type=float, help="density map origin Z coordinate") return p.parse_args()
def usage(): usage = """%prog [options] <asmb> <asmb.proteomics> <asmb.mapping> <alignment.params> <combinatins> <score combinations [output]> Score each of a set of combinations. """ p = ArgumentParser(usage) p.add_argument("-m", "--max", dest="max", type=int, default=999999999, help="maximum number of fits considered") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name") p.add_argument("scores_file", help="output scores file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """Write output models.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-m", "--max", type=int, dest="max", default=None, help="maximum number of models to write") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name") p.add_argument("model_prefix", help="model output file name prefix") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """%prog [options] <parameter file> <transformations file> <reference PDB> This program calculates the RMSD between modeled cyclic symmetric complexes and the reference structure. The RMSD and cross correlation of each complex is written into a file called rmsd.output. Notice: no structural alignment is performed!""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("--vec", dest="vec", default="", metavar="FILE", help="output the RMSDs as a vector into the named " "file, if specified") p.add_argument("--start", dest="start", default=0, type=int, help="first model in transformations file to compare " "with the reference (by default, model 0)") p.add_argument("--end", dest="end", default=-1, type=int, help="last model in transformations file to compare " "with the reference (by default, the final model)") p.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") p.add_argument("trans_file", help="transformations file name") p.add_argument("ref_pdb", help="reference PDB file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Write assembly transformation file in other formats. """ + "\n\n".join(x.__doc__ for x in formatters.values()) p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-f", "--format", default='chimera', choices=list(formatters.keys()), help="type of output to generate (" + ", ".join(formatters.keys()) + "; default: chimera)") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name") p.add_argument("output_file", help="output file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser(description="Show fields in a PMI stat file.") parser.add_argument("statfile", help="Name of the PMI stat file") return parser.parse_args()
def usage(): desc = """ Clustering of assembly solutions. This program uses the Python 'fastcluster' module, which can be obtained from """ p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-m", "--max", type=int, dest="max", default=999999999, help="maximum solutions to consider") p.add_argument("-r", "--rmsd", type=float, dest="rmsd", default=5, help="maximum rmsd within a cluster") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name") p.add_argument("cluster_file", help="output clusters file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser( description="List and extract good-scoring models from a set of " "sampling runs. Example of usage: " "%(prog)s -rd <run_directory_for_sampling> -rp <run_prefix> -sl " "ExcludedVolumeSphere_None GaussianEMRestraint_None " "-pl CrossLinkingMassSpectrometryDataScore|" "XLDSS CrossLinkingMassSpectrometryDataScore|XLEDC -agl -9999999.0 " "-99999.0 -aul 99999999.0 999999.0 -mlt 0 0 -mut 0 0. Flag -h " "for more details.") parser.add_argument("-rd", "--run_directory", dest="run_dir", help="directory in which sampling results are stored", required=True) parser.add_argument("-rp", "--run_prefix", dest="run_prefix", help="prefix of runs", required=True) parser.add_argument("-sl", "--selection_keywords_list", nargs='+', type=str, dest="selection_keywords_list", help="list of stat file keywords corresponding to " "selection criteria") parser.add_argument("-pl", "--printing_keywords_list", nargs='+', type=str, dest="printing_keywords_list", help="list of stat file keywords whose values are " "printed out for selected models") # thresholds only apply to selection keywords parser.add_argument("-alt", "--aggregate_lower_thresholds", nargs='+', type=float, dest="aggregate_lower_thresholds", help="aggregate lower thresholds") parser.add_argument("-aut", "--aggregate_upper_thresholds", nargs='+', type=float, dest="aggregate_upper_thresholds", help="aggregate upper thresholds") parser.add_argument("-mlt", "--member_lower_thresholds", nargs='+', type=float, dest="member_lower_thresholds", help="member lower thresholds") parser.add_argument("-mut", "--member_upper_thresholds", nargs='+', type=float, dest="member_upper_thresholds", help="member upper thresholds") parser.add_argument("-e", "--extract", default=False, dest="extract", action='store_true', help="Type -e to extract all good scoring model " "RMFs from the trajectory files") parser.add_argument("-sf", "--score_file", default="scores", type=str, dest="score_file_prefix", help="Score file prefix for samples A and B. " "Default is %(default)r") result = parser.parse_args() return result
def parse_args(): desc = """Align proteomics graph with the EM map.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-m", "--max", type=int, dest="max", default=999999999, help="maximum number of fits considered") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name (output)") p.add_argument("scores_file", help="fitting scores file name (output)") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Segments all voxels in the given density map, above the given threshold, into the given number of clusters, and links between neighboring ones. The cluster centers are written out into a single output PDB file, each as a single CA atom. """ p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("--apix", type=float, default=None, help="map spacing, in angstroms/pix (default: read " "from MRC file)") p.add_argument("-x", "--x", type=float, default=None, help="X origin of the density map") p.add_argument("-y", "--y", type=float, default=None, help="Y origin of the density map") p.add_argument("-z", "--z", type=float, default=None, help="Z origin of the density map") p.add_argument("--cmm", default="", help="write results in CMM format") p.add_argument("--seg", default="", help="write out each cluster as an MRC file called " "<seg>_.mrc, and write load_segmentation.cmd file " "to easily load all segments into Chimera") p.add_argument("--txt", default="", help="write anchor points file in text format") p.add_argument("density", help="density map filename (in MRC format)") p.add_argument("num_cluster", type=int, help="number of clusters") p.add_argument("threshold", type=float, help="density threshold") p.add_argument("output", help="output PDB file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Create a GMM from either density file (.mrc), a pdb file (.pdb) Will detect input format from extension. Outputs as text and optionally as a density map see help(-h) """ p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-t", "--covar_type", dest="covar_type", default='full', choices=['spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full'], help="covariance type for the GMM") p.add_argument("-m", "--out_map", dest="out_map", default='', help="write out the gmm to an mrc file") p.add_argument( "-a", "--apix", dest="apix", default=1.0, type=float, help= "if you don't provide a map, set the voxel_size here (for sampling)") p.add_argument("-n", "--num_samples", dest="num_samples", default=1000000, type=int, help="num samples to draw from the density map") p.add_argument("-i", "--num_iter", dest="num_iter", default=100, type=int, help="num iterations of GMM") p.add_argument("-s", "--threshold", dest="threshold", default=0.0, type=float, help="threshold for the map before sampling") p.add_argument( "-f", "--force_radii", dest="force_radii", default=-1.0, type=float, help="force radii to be this value (spherical) -1 means deactivated ") p.add_argument( "-w", "--force_weight", dest="force_weight", default=-1.0, type=float, help="force weight to be this value (spherical) -1 means deactivated ") p.add_argument("-e", "--force_weight_frac", dest="force_weight_frac", action="store_true", default=False, help="force weight to be 1.0/(num centers). " "Takes precedence over -w") p.add_argument("-d", "--use_dirichlet", dest="use_dirichlet", default=False, action="store_true", help="use dirichlet process for fit") p.add_argument( "-k", "--multiply_by_mass", dest="multiply_by_mass", default=False, action="store_true", help= "if set, will multiply all weights by the total mass of the particles (PDB ONLY)" ) p.add_argument("-x", "--chain", dest="chain", default=None, help="If you passed a PDB file, read this chain") p.add_argument( "-z", "--use_cpp", dest="use_cpp", default=False, action="store_true", help="EXPERIMENTAL. Uses the IMP GMM code. Requires isd_emxl") p.add_argument("data_file", help="data file name") p.add_argument("n_centers", type=int, help="number of centers") p.add_argument("out_file", help="output file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ Compare output models to a reference structure. The reference structure for each subunit is read from the rightmost column of the asmb.input file. """ p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-m", "--max", type=int, dest="max", default=None, help="maximum number of models to compare") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = """ A script that builds the parameters file for symmetric MultiFit. Notice: If you have negative numbers as input, add -- as the first parameter, so that the numbers are not treated as options.""" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-o", "--out", dest="out", default="multifit.output", metavar="FILE", help="the name of the MultiFit output file. The default " "filename is multifit.output") p.add_argument("-i", "--med", dest="med", metavar="FILE", default="", help="Print intermediate results to the named file.") p.add_argument("-p", "--params", dest="params", default="multifit.param", help="the name of the MultiFit parameters file. The " "default filename is multifit.param") p.add_argument("-m", "--model", dest="model", default="asmb.model", help="the base filename of the solutions output by " "MultiFit (.X.pdb, where X is the solution number, " "is suffixed to create each output file name). " "The default filename is asmb.model") p.add_argument("-n", "--numsols", dest="numsols", default=10, type=int, help="the number of solutions(fits) to report; " "default 10") p.add_argument("degree", type=int, help="cyclic symmetry degree") p.add_argument("monomer", help="monomer PDB file name") p.add_argument("density", help="density map file name") p.add_argument("resolution", type=float, help="density map resolution, in angstroms") p.add_argument("spacing", type=float, help="density map voxel spacing, in angstroms") p.add_argument("threshold", type=float, help="the threshold of the density map, used for " "PCA matching") p.add_argument("origin_x", type=float, help="density map origin X coordinate") p.add_argument("origin_y", type=float, help="density map origin Y coordinate") p.add_argument("origin_z", type=float, help="density map origin Z coordinate") return p.parse_args()
def parse_args(): desc = "A script for clustering an ensemble of solutions" p = ArgumentParser(description=desc) p.add_argument("-m", "--max", type=int, dest="max", default=999999999, help="maximum number of combinations to consider") p.add_argument("assembly_file", help="assembly file name") p.add_argument("proteomics_file", help="proteomics file name") p.add_argument("mapping_file", help="mapping file name") p.add_argument("param_file", help="parameter file name") p.add_argument("combinations_file", help="combinations file name") p.add_argument("diameter", type=float, help="cluster diameter") p.add_argument("cluster_file", help="output clusters file name") return p.parse_args()