Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
                 num_samples: int,
                 learning_rate: float,
                 batch_size: int,
                 encoder_name: str,
                 warmup_epochs: int,
                 use_7x7_first_conv_in_resnet: bool = True,
                 weight_decay: float = 1e-6,
                 **kwargs: Any) -> None:
            :param num_samples: Number of samples present in training dataset / dataloader.
            :param learning_rate: Optimizer learning rate.
            :param batch_size: Sample batch size used in gradient updates.
            :param encoder_name: Type of CNN encoder used to extract image embeddings. The options are:
                          {'resnet18', 'resnet50', 'resnet101', 'densenet121'}.
            :param warmup_epochs: Number of epochs for scheduler warm up (linear increase from 0 to base_lr).
            :param use_7x7_first_conv_in_resnet: If True, use a 7x7 kernel (default) in the first layer of resnet.
            If False, replace first layer by a 3x3 kernel. This is required for small CIFAR 32x32 images to not
            shrink them.
            :param weight_decay: L2-norm weight decay.

        self.min_learning_rate = 1e-4
        self.online_network = SiameseArm(encoder_name, use_7x7_first_conv_in_resnet)
        self.target_network = deepcopy(self.online_network)
        self.weight_callback = ByolMovingAverageWeightUpdate()
Пример #2
def test_update_tau() -> None:
    class DummyRSNADataset(RSNAKaggleCXR):
        def __getitem__(self, item: Any) -> Any:
            return (torch.rand([3, 224, 224], dtype=torch.float32),
                    torch.rand([3, 224, 224], dtype=torch.float32)), \
                   randint(0, 1)

    dataset_dir = str(path_to_test_dataset)
    dummy_rsna_train_dataloader: DataLoader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
        DummyRSNADataset(root=dataset_dir, return_index=False, train=True),

    byol_weight_update = ByolMovingAverageWeightUpdate(initial_tau=0.99)
    trainer = Trainer(max_epochs=5)
    trainer.train_dataloader = dummy_rsna_train_dataloader
    n_steps_per_epoch = len(trainer.train_dataloader)
    total_steps = n_steps_per_epoch * trainer.max_epochs  # type: ignore
    byol_module = BYOLInnerEye(num_samples=16,
    with mock.patch(
        new_tau = byol_weight_update.update_tau(pl_module=byol_module,
    assert new_tau == 1 - 0.01 * (math.cos(math.pi * 15 / total_steps) + 1) / 2
Пример #3
def test_update_weights() -> None:
    online_network = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=3, out_features=1, bias=False)
    target_network = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=3, out_features=1, bias=False)
    byol_weight_update = ByolMovingAverageWeightUpdate(initial_tau=0.9)
    old_target_net_weight = target_network.weight.data.numpy().copy()
    byol_weight_update.update_weights(online_network, target_network)
    assert np.isclose(
        target_network.weight.data.numpy(), 0.9 * old_target_net_weight +
        0.1 * online_network.weight.data.numpy()).all()
Пример #4
class BYOLInnerEye(pl.LightningModule):
    Implementation of `Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL) <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.07733.pdf>`

    def __init__(self,
                 num_samples: int,
                 learning_rate: float,
                 batch_size: int,
                 encoder_name: str,
                 warmup_epochs: int,
                 use_7x7_first_conv_in_resnet: bool = True,
                 weight_decay: float = 1e-6,
                 **kwargs: Any) -> None:
            :param num_samples: Number of samples present in training dataset / dataloader.
            :param learning_rate: Optimizer learning rate.
            :param batch_size: Sample batch size used in gradient updates.
            :param encoder_name: Type of CNN encoder used to extract image embeddings. The options are:
                          {'resnet18', 'resnet50', 'resnet101', 'densenet121'}.
            :param warmup_epochs: Number of epochs for scheduler warm up (linear increase from 0 to base_lr).
            :param use_7x7_first_conv_in_resnet: If True, use a 7x7 kernel (default) in the first layer of resnet.
            If False, replace first layer by a 3x3 kernel. This is required for small CIFAR 32x32 images to not
            shrink them.
            :param weight_decay: L2-norm weight decay.

        self.min_learning_rate = 1e-4
        self.online_network = SiameseArm(encoder_name, use_7x7_first_conv_in_resnet)
        self.target_network = deepcopy(self.online_network)
        self.weight_callback = ByolMovingAverageWeightUpdate()

    def on_train_batch_end(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        # Add callback for user automatically since it's key to BYOL weight update
        self.weight_callback.on_before_zero_grad(self.trainer, self)

    def forward(self, x: T) -> T:  # type: ignore
        return self.target_network.encoder(x)

    def cosine_loss(a: T, b: T) -> T:
        a = F.normalize(a, dim=-1)
        b = F.normalize(b, dim=-1)
        neg_cos_sim = -(a * b).sum(dim=-1).mean()
        return neg_cos_sim

    def shared_step(self, batch: BatchType, batch_idx: int) -> T:
        Returns the BYOL loss for a given batch of images, used in validation
        and training step.
        :param batch: assumed to be a batch a Tuple(List[tensor, tensor, tensor], tensor) to match lightning-bolts
        SimCLRTrainDataTransform API; the first tuple element contains a list of three tensor where the two first
        elements contain two are two strong augmented versions  of the original images in the batch and the last
        is a milder augmentation (ignored here).
        :param batch_idx: index of the batch
        :return: BYOL loss
        batch = batch[SSLDataModuleType.ENCODER] if isinstance(batch, dict) else batch
        (img_1, img_2), _ = batch

        # Image 1 to image 2 loss
        h_img1 = self.online_network(img_1)
        h_img2 = self.online_network(img_2)
        with torch.no_grad():
            z_img1 = self.target_network.forward_until_predictor(img_1)
            z_img2 = self.target_network.forward_until_predictor(img_2)
        loss = 0.5 * (self.cosine_loss(h_img1, z_img2.detach())
                      + self.cosine_loss(h_img2, z_img1.detach()))

        return loss

    def training_step(self, batch: BatchType, batch_idx: int, **kwargs: Any) -> T:  # type: ignore
        loss = self.shared_step(batch, batch_idx)
        self.log_dict({'byol/train/loss': loss, 'byol/tau': self.weight_callback.current_tau})
        return loss

    def validation_step(self, batch: BatchType, batch_idx: int, **kwargs: Any) -> T:  # type: ignore
        loss = self.shared_step(batch, batch_idx)
        self.log_dict({'byol/val/loss': loss})
        return loss

    def setup(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        global_batch_size = self.trainer.world_size * self.hparams.batch_size  # type: ignore
        self.train_iters_per_epoch = self.hparams.num_samples // global_batch_size  # type: ignore

    def configure_optimizers(self) -> Any:
        Configures the optimizer to use for training: Adam optimizer with Lars scheduling, excluding certain parameters
        (batch norm and bias of convolution) from weight decay. Apply Linear Cosine Annealing schedule of learning
        rate with warm-up.
        # TRICK 1 (Use lars + filter weights)
        # exclude certain parameters
        parameters = self.exclude_from_wt_decay(self.online_network.named_parameters(),
                                                weight_decay=self.hparams.weight_decay)  # type: ignore
        optimizer = LARSWrapper(Adam(parameters, lr=self.hparams.learning_rate))  # type: ignore

        # Trick 2 (after each step)
        self.hparams.warmup_epochs = self.hparams.warmup_epochs * self.train_iters_per_epoch  # type: ignore
        max_epochs = self.trainer.max_epochs * self.train_iters_per_epoch

        linear_warmup_cosine_decay = LinearWarmupCosineAnnealingLR(
            warmup_epochs=self.hparams.warmup_epochs,  # type: ignore

        scheduler = {'scheduler': linear_warmup_cosine_decay, 'interval': 'step', 'frequency': 1}

        return [optimizer], [scheduler]

    def exclude_from_wt_decay(self,
                              named_params: Iterator[Tuple[str, T]],
                              weight_decay: float,
                              skip_list: List[str] = ['bias', 'bn']) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        Convolution-Linear bias-terms and batch-norm parameters are excluded from l2-norm weight decay regularisation.
        https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.07733.pdf Section 3.3 Optimisation and Section F.5.
        params = []
        excluded_params = []

        for name, param in named_params:
            if not param.requires_grad:
            elif any(layer_name in name for layer_name in skip_list):

        return [
            {'params': params, 'weight_decay': weight_decay},
            {'params': excluded_params, 'weight_decay': 0.}