#       |
#       V
#    ********           Fully connected layer
#       |
#       V
#      ABC              Per-instrument classification neurons (outputs)
# We vary the following parameters to find the best accuracy.
# - MFCC computation time intervals: 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 25ms (matching various of the intervals in papers above)
# - MFCC intervals in a sliding window presented to the neural network: 3, 4, 5
#   (i.e. 15ms up to 125ms when multiplied by the time intervals).
# - Training batch size

instruments = InstrumentLoader(samplesDirPath, [])

Log("Max, min MFCC rows across all instruments: ", instruments.maxMfccRows,
Log("Number of instruments by length in MFCC rows:")
for k, v in sorted(instruments.mfccLenToSamplesMap.items()):
    suffix = ''
    if len(v) == 1:
        suffix = '(' + os.path.basename(v[0].wavPath) + ')'
    Log("  ", k, ": ", len(v), suffix)

if instruments.minWavHz < wavMinAllowedHz:
        "ERROR: One or more wav files found with rate in Hz less than configured minimum. Min found:",
        instruments.minWavHz, " allowed min:", wavMinAllowedHz)
Пример #2
import keras.models
from KerasTensorFlowAnalyzer import KerasTensorFlowAnalyzer
import MfccComparisonAnalyzer
import os
from SoundStreamAnalyzer import SoundStreamAnalyzer
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 5:
    print('  <wav-file-path> <instruments-folder-path> <model-file-path> <model-params-json-path>')
wavFilePath = sys.argv[1]
instrumentsFolderPath = sys.argv[2]
modelFilePath = sys.argv[3]
modelParamsPath = sys.argv[4]

trainedModel = keras.models.load_model(modelFilePath)

# See SoundModelParams.py
f = open(modelParamsPath)
modelParams = json.load(f)
orderedResultInstrumentLabels = modelParams["instruments"]
print("Ordered labels:", orderedResultInstrumentLabels)

instruments = InstrumentLoader(instrumentsFolderPath, orderedResultInstrumentLabels)

analyzers = [ KerasTensorFlowAnalyzer(trainedModel, modelParams) ] + list(MfccComparisonAnalyzer.constructFromInstruments(instruments))

analyzer = SoundStreamAnalyzer(wavFilePath, instruments, analyzers, 0.9)