Пример #1
    def __init__(self, gui):
        self.program = gui.program
        self.gui = gui

	# 5/14/09 Dorn:  added these lines to allow the input manager to 
	# communicated with the command window to read for input and raw_input
	self.inputManager = JESInputManager()

        self.inMultiLineCommand = None
        self.document = self.getDocument()
        self.setCharacterAttributes(self.document.getTextAttrib(), TRUE)

        parentKeymap = self.getKeymap()
        commandKeymap = self.addKeymap("commandKeymap", parentKeymap)



        #This is a flag for JESCommandWindowDocument's insertString method.  It
        #indicates whether or not JES made the method call.

        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        #Text cleared with undo (used for redo)
        self.oldText = ''

        self.my_keymap = commandKeymap

        #Initialize command.  Command holds the line or lines of commands
        #entered by the user that will be sent to the interpreter
        self.command = ""

        #initialize heldText.  heldText holds the last text to be copied or cut.
        self.heldText = ""

        self.commandHistory = JESCommandHistory.JESCommandHistory()
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.setText(">>> ")
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
    def __init__(self, gui):
        self.program = gui.program
        self.gui = gui

	# 5/14/09 Dorn:  added these lines to allow the input manager to 
	# communicated with the command window to read for input and raw_input
	self.inputManager = JESInputManager()

        self.inMultiLineCommand = None
        self.document = self.getDocument()
        self.setCharacterAttributes(self.document.getTextAttrib(), TRUE)

        parentKeymap = self.getKeymap()
        commandKeymap = self.addKeymap("commandKeymap", parentKeymap)



        #This is a flag for JESCommandWindowDocument's insertString method.  It
        #indicates whether or not JES made the method call.

        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        #Text cleared with undo (used for redo)
        self.oldText = ''

        self.my_keymap = commandKeymap

        #Initialize command.  Command holds the line or lines of commands
        #entered by the user that will be sent to the interpreter
        self.command = ""

        #initialize heldText.  heldText holds the last text to be copied or cut.
        self.heldText = ""

        self.commandHistory = JESCommandHistory.JESCommandHistory()
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.setText(">>> ")
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
Пример #3
class JESCommandWindow(swing.JTextPane, awt.event.FocusListener):

    # Function name: __init__
    # Parameters:
    #     -gui: A reference to the parent JESUI class
    # Return:
    #     A new instance of the JESCommandWindow class
    # Description:
    #     Creates a new instance of JESCommandWindow
    def __init__(self, gui):
        self.program = gui.program
        self.gui = gui

        # 5/14/09 Dorn:  added these lines to allow the input manager to
        # communicated with the command window to read for input and raw_input
        self.inputManager = JESInputManager()

        self.inMultiLineCommand = None
        self.document = self.getDocument()
        self.setCharacterAttributes(self.document.getTextAttrib(), TRUE)

        parentKeymap = self.getKeymap()
        commandKeymap = self.addKeymap("commandKeymap", parentKeymap)
        commandKeymap.addActionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("\n"), makeAction(self.enter))

        commandKeymap.addActionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("UP"), makeAction(self.up))
        commandKeymap.addActionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DOWN"), makeAction(self.down))


        # This is a flag for JESCommandWindowDocument's insertString method.  It
        # indicates whether or not JES made the method call.

        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        # Text cleared with undo (used for redo)
        self.oldText = ""

        self.my_keymap = commandKeymap

        # Initialize command.  Command holds the line or lines of commands
        # entered by the user that will be sent to the interpreter
        self.command = ""

        # initialize heldText.  heldText holds the last text to be copied or cut.
        self.heldText = ""

        self.commandHistory = JESCommandHistory.JESCommandHistory()
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.setText(">>> ")
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos

    def focusGained(self, e):
        self.gui.FocusOwner = self

    def focusLost(self, e):

    # Function name: getCommandText
    # Return:
    #     -commandText: a string containing commands for the interpreter
    # Description:
    #     This function gets all the text in the command window in between the old
    #     cursor position and the new cursor position.
    def getCommandText(self):
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        command = self.document.getText(self.oldPos, self.currentPos - self.oldPos)
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        return commandText

    # Function name: showText
    # Parameters:
    #     -text: output message to display
    # Description:
    #     This function displays the text as output from the interpreter.
    def showText(self, text):
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.document.insertString(self.document.getLength(), text, self.document.getTextAttrib())
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()

    # Function name: showError
    # Parameters:
    #     -text: error message to display
    # Description:
    #     This method displays the text as an error thrown from the interpreter.
    def showError(self, text):
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.document.insertString(self.currentPos, text, self.document.getTextAttrib())
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()

    # Function name: enter
    # Description:
    #     checks to make sure that the enter key was pressed after the last command prompt.  If so, calls
    #     enterHelper().  If not, nothing happens.
    def enter(self):
        enteredTextPos = self.getCaretPosition()
        # enteredTextPos = self.document.getLength()

        line = self.document.getText(self.oldPos, self.document.getLength() - self.oldPos)

        line = string.join(string.split(line, "\n"), "")
        line += "\n"
        self.document.remove(self.oldPos, self.document.getLength() - self.oldPos)
        self.document.addString(self.oldPos, line)

        if enteredTextPos >= self.oldPos:

    def up(self):

        line = self.commandHistory.moveUp()
        if not line is None:

    def down(self):

        line = self.commandHistory.moveDown()
        if not line is None:

    def changeCurrentCommand(self, line):

        lineLength = len(line)
        if lineLength != 0:
            if (line[lineLength - 1] == "\n") or (line[lineLength - 1] == "\r"):
                line = line[: lineLength - 1]

        # DNR - TODO - 10.22.02
        # need to figure out how to add text
        length = self.document.getLength()

        self.document.remove(self.oldPos, (length - self.oldPos))

        if self.inMultiLineCommand:
            line = ELLIPSIS_SPACE + line

        self.document.addString(self.oldPos, line)

    ##     def stripOutEllipsis(self,line):
    ##         list = string.
    ##         str = [None]*len(line):
    ##             for i in line:
    ##                 str[i] = i
    ##             str = "".join(str)
    ##         return str

    # Name: getCurrentCommandLine
    # returns the line of text that the user has typed since last hitting enter
    def getCurrentCommandLine(self):

        currentCommandLine = ""
        currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        line = self.document.getText(self.oldPos, currentPos - self.oldPos)

        offset = 0
        count = 0
        for char in ELLIPSIS_SPACE:

            if (not offset > len(line) - 1) and (char == line[offset]):
                count += 1
            offset += 1
        if count == 4:
            line = line[3:]

        return line

    # Function name: enterHelper
    # Description:
    #     This method listens for the enter key to be pressed, and compiles a string
    #     to send to the interpreter that is either single line or multiline.
    # 10.23.02 - DNR - last line of enterHelper puts commands into a command history
    # 10.24.02 - DNR - The test to see if the line has an ellipsis is not correct
    #                  Assumes that ANY ellipsis has been inserted by the command
    #                  window.  But the user could easily insert the '...' as a
    #                  string literal.  ie:
    #                  >>> print 'hello ... world'
    #                  Now we say that the ellipsis HAS to appear at the beginning
    #                  of a line
    # 10.24.02 - DNR - a similar problem with the colon.  the old version
    #                  assumed that every colon was the same as having
    #                  a colon at the end of a line
    # 10.25.02 - DNR - TODO - JES still dosen't properly handle lines that end in
    #                  "\".  In python, these signal single line commands that are
    #                  very long and wrap across multiple lines

    def enterHelper(self):
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldText = ""
        line = self.document.getText(self.oldPos, self.currentPos - self.oldPos)

        # line = string.join(string.split(line,'\n'),'')

        # 5/14/09 Dorn: Before doing anything check to see if this is input
        # needed for raw_input or input.  If so, we'll send the value to the
        # inputManager and return early.  This must also be threadsafe
        if self.inputManager.isWaiting():
            # remove the \n from the end of the string
            line = string.join(string.split(line, "\n"), "")

            # disable keyboard again and send the value back

            # DNR - boolean, does the line end in a colon
            # colon = string.rfind(line, ':')
        endsWithColon = self.doesLineEndWithColon(line)

        # DNR - boolean, does line begin with
        # ellipsis = string.find(line, ELLIPSIS)#  - removed DNR 10.24.02
        beginsWithEllipsis = self.doesLineBeginWithEllipsis(line)  # added DNR 10.24.02

        # first check to see if the line ends with a colon
        if endsWithColon:
            self.inMultiLineCommand = not None
            # then check for an ellipsis at the  beginning of the line
            if beginsWithEllipsis:


                # DNR remove ellipsis from beginning
                textToAdd = self.removeEllipsisFromBeginning(line)
                self.command += textToAdd



                # DNR remove '>>>" from the end
                # DNR 10.24.02 - Is this necessary, the line dosen't
                # seem to have a prompt

                self.command = self.removePromptFromEnd(line)

        # if there is no colon:

            # check to see if the line begins with an ellipsis
            if beginsWithEllipsis:

                # DNR remove beginning ellipsis
                newLineCheck = self.removeEllipsisFromBeginning(line)
                # Check to see if it's just a newline, signifying the end of a
                # multiline sequence
                if newLineCheck == "\n":
                    self.inMultiLineCommand = None



                    # DNR -adds a single space to the end of the line
                    textToAdd = "" + newLineCheck

                    self.command += textToAdd
            # if there's no colon or ellipsis, it's a single line command
                ##                 removePrompt = string.split(line, '>>>')
                ##                 self.command = removePrompt[0]

                self.command = self.removePromptFromEnd(line)

    ##         print >> sys.stderr, "JESCommandWindow:enterHelper:commandLine: |%s|" % \
    ##               self.getCurrentCommandLine()

    ##         self.commandHistory.push(self.removeEllipsisFromEnd( self.getCurrentCommandLine()) )

    # DNR - TODO - add commandHistory.append(self.command) here 10.22.02

    def doesLineEndWithColon(self, line):
        return re.search("[.]*[\s]*:[\s]*\n$", line)

    def doesLineBeginWithEllipsis(self, line):
        return re.search("^[\.][\.][\.][.]*", line)

    def removeEllipsisFromEnd(self, line):
        match = re.search("[.][.][.][ ]$", line)

        if match is None:
            return line

        if match.start() == -1:
            return line
        return line[: match.start()]

    def removeEllipsisFromBeginning(self, line):
        match = re.search("^[.][.][.][ ]", line)
        if match is None:
            return line

        if match.end() == -1:
            return line
        return line[match.end() :]

    def removePromptFromEnd(self, line):
        match = re.search(">>>$", line)
        if match is None:
            return line

        if match.start() == -1:
            return line
        return line[: match.start()]

    def doesLineEndWithNewLine(self, line):
        match = re.search("\n$", line)
        return match

    # Function name: runCommand
    # Description:
    #     calls JESProgram.runCommand with the code entered by the user
    def runCommand(self):


    # Function name: restoreConsole
    # Description:
    # 	Gathers the output of the interpreter and redraws the command window.
    def restoreConsole(self, mode):
        self.command = ""
        responseText = self.program.getTextForCommandWindow()

        # if responseText == '':
        #    self.showText( responseText)
        #    self.showText(">>> ")
        #    self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        #    self.setCaretPosition( self.currentPos )
        #    self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        if mode == "run":
            if responseText == "":
                self.showText(">>> ")
                self.showText(">>> ")

            self.oldPos = self.document.getLength()
        # 5/14/09 Dorn: added in a condition for LOAD since we added a notice of load on the console
        elif mode == "load":
            self.showText(">>> ")
            self.oldPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()

    def printNowUpdate(self, text):
        if not text == "":

    # Function name: pasteHelper
    # Description:
    # 	Extracts the first line of a multiline command from the string of text
    #       on the clipboard.
    def pasteHelper(self):
        # import string
        # ugly work to get the text from the clipboard
        toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
        clipboardContents = toolkit.getSystemClipboard().getContents(self)
        flavor = clipboardContents.getTransferDataFlavors()

        # flavor is an array of types of representations of data
        # we must find a string representation
        i = 0
        j = None
        for a in flavor:
            if clipboardContents.getTransferData(flavor[i]).__class__ == PyString:
                j = i
            i += 1

        if not j is None:
            clipboardText = clipboardContents.getTransferData(flavor[j])
            # split to remove anything after the newline, if it's multiline

            removeNewline = string.split(clipboardText, "\n")
            self.textToPaste = removeNewline[0]
            self.textToPaste = ""
            print "\a"

    # Function name: paste
    # Description:
    #     This function overrides JESUI's paste function and performs the paste
    #     operation.  If the cursor (or selection) is located after the prompt (and
    #     the line of text has not yet been sent to the interpreter), paste.  If
    #     the cursor (or selection) is located before the prompt, the paste function
    #     does nothing (because anything before the most recent prompt is
    #     uneditable).
    def paste(self):
        selection = self.getSelectedText()

        if selection == None:

            insertPoint = self.getCaretPosition()

            # check if cursor is after the last prompt
            if insertPoint >= self.oldPos:
                # paste
                self.document.insertString(insertPoint, self.textToPaste, self.document.getTextAttrib())

            # if not, append text to the end of the text pane
                # paste
                self.document.insertString(self.document.getLength(), self.textToPaste, self.document.getTextAttrib())

            start = self.getSelectionStart()

            # check to see if selection is after the last prompt
            if start >= self.oldPos:
                # paste

            # if not, append text to the end of the text pane
                # paste
                self.document.insertString(self.document.getLength(), self.textToPaste, self.document.getTextAttrib())

    # Function name: cut
    # Description:
    #     This function overrides JESUI's cut function and performs the cut
    #     operation.  If the text is located after the prompt (and has not yet been
    #     sent to the interpreter), it can be cut.  Otherwise, the cut function
    #     does nothing (because anything before the most recent prompt is
    #     uneditable).
    def cut(self):
        start = self.getSelectionStart()
        if start >= self.oldPos:

    # Function name: undo
    # Description:
    #     This function overrides JESUI's undo function and performs the undo
    #     operation.  This function removes all text entered since that most recent
    #     prompt and has not been sent to the interpreter.
    def undo(self):
        length = self.document.getLength()
        # only undo if there is something to remove
        if length - self.oldPos > 0:
            self.oldText = self.document.getText(self.oldPos, (length - self.oldPos))
            self.document.remove(self.oldPos, (length - self.oldPos))

    # Function name: redo
    # Description:
    #     This function overrides JESUI's redo function and performs the redo
    #     operation.  This function reinserts all text entered since that most recent
    #     prompt after it has been undone.
    def redo(self):
        length = self.document.getLength()
        if length - self.oldPos == 0:
            self.document.insertString(self.currentPos, self.oldText, self.document.textAttrib)
            self.oldText = ""

    # Function name: getOldPos
    # Return:
    #     -oldPos: Returns JESCommandWindow's oldPos variable (which is the
    #              location of the most recent prompt)
    # Description:
    #     This function returns the oldPos variable
    def getOldPos(self):
        return self.oldPos

    # Function name: getCurrentPos
    # Return:
    #     -currentPos: Returns JESCommandWindow's currentPos variable
    # Description:
    #     This function returns the currentPos variable
    def getCurrentPos(self):
        return self.currentPos

    # Function name: getIsSystem
    # Return:
    #     -isSystem: Returns JESCommandWindow's isSystem variable
    # Description:
    #     This function returns the isSystem variable
    def getIsSystem(self):
        return self.isSystem
Пример #4
class JESCommandWindow(swing.JTextPane,

# Function name: __init__
# Parameters:
#     -gui: A reference to the parent JESUI class
# Return:
#     A new instance of the JESCommandWindow class
# Description:
#     Creates a new instance of JESCommandWindow
    def __init__(self, gui):
        self.program = gui.program
        self.gui = gui

	# 5/14/09 Dorn:  added these lines to allow the input manager to 
	# communicated with the command window to read for input and raw_input
	self.inputManager = JESInputManager()

        self.inMultiLineCommand = None
        self.document = self.getDocument()
        self.setCharacterAttributes(self.document.getTextAttrib(), TRUE)

        parentKeymap = self.getKeymap()
        commandKeymap = self.addKeymap("commandKeymap", parentKeymap)



        #This is a flag for JESCommandWindowDocument's insertString method.  It
        #indicates whether or not JES made the method call.

        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        #Text cleared with undo (used for redo)
        self.oldText = ''

        self.my_keymap = commandKeymap

        #Initialize command.  Command holds the line or lines of commands
        #entered by the user that will be sent to the interpreter
        self.command = ""

        #initialize heldText.  heldText holds the last text to be copied or cut.
        self.heldText = ""

        self.commandHistory = JESCommandHistory.JESCommandHistory()
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.setText(">>> ")
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos

    def focusGained(self, e):
        self.gui.FocusOwner = self

    def focusLost(self, e):

# Function name: getCommandText
# Return:
#     -commandText: a string containing commands for the interpreter
# Description:
#     This function gets all the text in the command window in between the old
#     cursor position and the new cursor position.
    def getCommandText(self):
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        command = self.document.getText(self.oldPos,
                                        self.currentPos - self.oldPos)
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        return commandText

# Function name: showText
# Parameters:
#     -text: output message to display
# Description:
#     This function displays the text as output from the interpreter.
    def showText(self, text):
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()

# Function name: showError
# Parameters:
#     -text: error message to display
# Description:
#     This method displays the text as an error thrown from the interpreter.
    def showError(self, text):
        self.isSystem = TRUE
        self.isSystem = FALSE
        self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()

# Function name: enter
# Description:
#     checks to make sure that the enter key was pressed after the last command prompt.  If so, calls
#     enterHelper().  If not, nothing happens.
    def enter(self):
        self.setCaretPosition(self.document.getLength() )
        enteredTextPos = self.getCaretPosition()
        #enteredTextPos = self.document.getLength()

        line = self.document.getText(self.oldPos,
                                     self.document.getLength() - self.oldPos)

        line = string.join(string.split(line,'\n'),'')
        line += '\n'
                             self.document.getLength() - self.oldPos)

        if enteredTextPos >= self.oldPos:

    def up(self):

        line = self.commandHistory.moveUp()
        if not line is None:

    def down(self):

        line = self.commandHistory.moveDown()
        if not line is None:

    def changeCurrentCommand(self,line):

        lineLength = len(line)
        if lineLength != 0:
            if ( line[lineLength - 1] == '\n') or (line[lineLength -1] == '\r'):
                line = line[:lineLength -1]

        # DNR - TODO - 10.22.02
        # need to figure out how to add text
        length = self.document.getLength()

        self.document.remove(self.oldPos, (length - self.oldPos))

        if self.inMultiLineCommand:
            line = ELLIPSIS_SPACE + line


##     def stripOutEllipsis(self,line):
##         list = string.
##         str = [None]*len(line):
##             for i in line:
##                 str[i] = i
##             str = "".join(str)
##         return str

# Name: getCurrentCommandLine
# returns the line of text that the user has typed since last hitting enter
    def getCurrentCommandLine(self):

        currentCommandLine = ''
        currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        line = self.document.getText(self.oldPos,
                                     currentPos - self.oldPos)

        offset = 0
        count = 0
        for char in ELLIPSIS_SPACE:

            if (not offset > len(line) - 1) and (char == line[offset]):
                count += 1
            offset += 1
        if count == 4:
            line = line[3:]

        return line

# Function name: enterHelper
# Description:
#     This method listens for the enter key to be pressed, and compiles a string
#     to send to the interpreter that is either single line or multiline.
# 10.23.02 - DNR - last line of enterHelper puts commands into a command history
# 10.24.02 - DNR - The test to see if the line has an ellipsis is not correct
#                  Assumes that ANY ellipsis has been inserted by the command
#                  window.  But the user could easily insert the '...' as a
#                  string literal.  ie:
#                  >>> print 'hello ... world'
#                  Now we say that the ellipsis HAS to appear at the beginning
#                  of a line
# 10.24.02 - DNR - a similar problem with the colon.  the old version
#                  assumed that every colon was the same as having
#                  a colon at the end of a line
# 10.25.02 - DNR - TODO - JES still dosen't properly handle lines that end in
#                  "\".  In python, these signal single line commands that are
#                  very long and wrap across multiple lines

    def enterHelper(self):
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.oldText = ''
        line = self.document.getText(self.oldPos,
                                     self.currentPos - self.oldPos)

        #line = string.join(string.split(line,'\n'),'')

	#5/14/09 Dorn: Before doing anything check to see if this is input
	#needed for raw_input or input.  If so, we'll send the value to the
	#inputManager and return early.  This must also be threadsafe
	if self.inputManager.isWaiting():
		#remove the \n from the end of the string
		line = string.join(string.split(line,'\n'),'')

		#disable keyboard again and send the value back

        # DNR - boolean, does the line end in a colon
        #colon = string.rfind(line, ':')
        endsWithColon = self.doesLineEndWithColon(line)

        # DNR - boolean, does line begin with
        #ellipsis = string.find(line, ELLIPSIS)#  - removed DNR 10.24.02
        beginsWithEllipsis = self.doesLineBeginWithEllipsis(line) # added DNR 10.24.02

        #first check to see if the line ends with a colon
        if endsWithColon:
            self.inMultiLineCommand = not None
            #then check for an ellipsis at the  beginning of the line
            if beginsWithEllipsis:


                # DNR remove ellipsis from beginning
                textToAdd = self.removeEllipsisFromBeginning(line)
                self.command += textToAdd

                self.commandHistory.push( textToAdd)


                # DNR remove '>>>" from the end
                # DNR 10.24.02 - Is this necessary, the line dosen't
                # seem to have a prompt

                self.command = self.removePromptFromEnd(line)
                self.commandHistory.push( self.command )

        #if there is no colon:

            #check to see if the line begins with an ellipsis
            if beginsWithEllipsis:

                # DNR remove beginning ellipsis
                newLineCheck = self.removeEllipsisFromBeginning(line)
                #Check to see if it's just a newline, signifying the end of a
                #multiline sequence
                if newLineCheck == '\n':
                    self.inMultiLineCommand = None



                    # DNR -adds a single space to the end of the line
                    textToAdd = '' + newLineCheck

                    self.command += textToAdd
            #if there's no colon or ellipsis, it's a single line command
##                 removePrompt = string.split(line, '>>>')
##                 self.command = removePrompt[0]

                self.command = self.removePromptFromEnd(line)

##         print >> sys.stderr, "JESCommandWindow:enterHelper:commandLine: |%s|" % \
##               self.getCurrentCommandLine()

##         self.commandHistory.push(self.removeEllipsisFromEnd( self.getCurrentCommandLine()) )

        # DNR - TODO - add commandHistory.append(self.command) here 10.22.02

    def doesLineEndWithColon(self,line):
        return re.search('[.]*[\s]*:[\s]*\n$',line)
    def doesLineBeginWithEllipsis(self,line):
        return  re.search('^[\.][\.][\.][.]*',line)

    def removeEllipsisFromEnd(self,line):
        match = re.search('[.][.][.][ ]$',line)

        if match is None:
            return line

        if match.start() == -1:
            return line
        return line[ :match.start()]
    def removeEllipsisFromBeginning(self,line):
        match = re.search('^[.][.][.][ ]',line)
        if match is None:
            return line

        if match.end() == -1:
            return line
        return line[ match.end():]

    def removePromptFromEnd(self,line):
        match = re.search('>>>$',line)
        if match is None:
            return line

        if match.start() == -1:
            return line
        return line[ :match.start()]

    def doesLineEndWithNewLine(self,line):
        match = re.search('\n$',line)
        return match
# Function name: runCommand
# Description:
#     calls JESProgram.runCommand with the code entered by the user
    def runCommand(self):


# Function name: restoreConsole
# Description:
#	Gathers the output of the interpreter and redraws the command window.
    def restoreConsole(self,mode):
        self.command = ""
        responseText = self.program.getTextForCommandWindow()

        #if responseText == '':
        #    self.showText( responseText)
        #    self.showText(">>> ")
        #    self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        #    self.setCaretPosition( self.currentPos )
        #    self.oldPos = self.currentPos
        if mode == "run":
            if responseText == '':
                self.showText(">>> ")
                self.showText( responseText)
                self.showText(">>> ")

            self.oldPos = self.document.getLength()
	#5/14/09 Dorn: added in a condition for LOAD since we added a notice of load on the console
	elif mode == "load":     
	    self.showText(">>> ")
	    self.oldPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.currentPos = self.document.getLength()
        self.setCaretPosition( self.currentPos )

    def printNowUpdate(self,text):
        if not text == '':
            self.showText( text )

# Function name: pasteHelper
# Description:
#	Extracts the first line of a multiline command from the string of text
#       on the clipboard.
    def pasteHelper(self):
        #import string
        #ugly work to get the text from the clipboard
        toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
        clipboardContents = toolkit.getSystemClipboard().getContents(self)
        flavor = clipboardContents.getTransferDataFlavors()

        #flavor is an array of types of representations of data
        #we must find a string representation
        i = 0
        j = None
        for a in flavor:
            if clipboardContents.getTransferData(flavor[i]).__class__ == PyString:
                j = i
            i += 1

        if not j is None:
            clipboardText = clipboardContents.getTransferData(flavor[j])
            #split to remove anything after the newline, if it's multiline

            removeNewline = string.split(clipboardText, '\n')
            self.textToPaste = removeNewline[0]
            self.textToPaste = ''
            print '\a'

# Function name: paste
# Description:
#     This function overrides JESUI's paste function and performs the paste
#     operation.  If the cursor (or selection) is located after the prompt (and
#     the line of text has not yet been sent to the interpreter), paste.  If
#     the cursor (or selection) is located before the prompt, the paste function
#     does nothing (because anything before the most recent prompt is
#     uneditable).
    def paste(self):
        selection = self.getSelectedText()

        if selection == None:

           insertPoint = self.getCaretPosition()

           #check if cursor is after the last prompt
           if insertPoint >= self.oldPos:

           #if not, append text to the end of the text pane

            start = self.getSelectionStart()

            #check to see if selection is after the last prompt
            if start >= self.oldPos:

            #if not, append text to the end of the text pane

# Function name: cut
# Description:
#     This function overrides JESUI's cut function and performs the cut
#     operation.  If the text is located after the prompt (and has not yet been
#     sent to the interpreter), it can be cut.  Otherwise, the cut function
#     does nothing (because anything before the most recent prompt is
#     uneditable).
    def cut(self):
        start = self.getSelectionStart()
        if start >= self.oldPos:

# Function name: undo
# Description:
#     This function overrides JESUI's undo function and performs the undo
#     operation.  This function removes all text entered since that most recent
#     prompt and has not been sent to the interpreter.
    def undo(self):
        length = self.document.getLength()
        #only undo if there is something to remove
        if length - self.oldPos > 0:
            self.oldText = self.document.getText(self.oldPos, (length-self.oldPos))
            self.document.remove(self.oldPos, (length-self.oldPos))

# Function name: redo
# Description:
#     This function overrides JESUI's redo function and performs the redo
#     operation.  This function reinserts all text entered since that most recent
#     prompt after it has been undone.
    def redo(self):
        length = self.document.getLength()
        if length - self.oldPos == 0:
            self.document.insertString(self.currentPos, self.oldText, self.document.textAttrib)
            self.oldText = ''

# Function name: getOldPos
# Return:
#     -oldPos: Returns JESCommandWindow's oldPos variable (which is the
#              location of the most recent prompt)
# Description:
#     This function returns the oldPos variable
    def getOldPos(self):
        return self.oldPos

# Function name: getCurrentPos
# Return:
#     -currentPos: Returns JESCommandWindow's currentPos variable
# Description:
#     This function returns the currentPos variable
    def getCurrentPos(self):
        return self.currentPos

# Function name: getIsSystem
# Return:
#     -isSystem: Returns JESCommandWindow's isSystem variable
# Description:
#     This function returns the isSystem variable
    def getIsSystem(self):
        return self.isSystem
Пример #5
def raw_input(message=None):
    im = JESInputManager()
    return im.readInput(message)
Пример #6
def input(message=None):
    im = JESInputManager()
    return eval(im.readInput(message))
Пример #7
def raw_input(message=None):
    im = JESInputManager()
    return im.readInput(message)
Пример #8
def input(message=None):
    im = JESInputManager()
    return eval(im.readInput(message))