Пример #1
    def musb_analysis_dual(self,test_parameters,sb_pseudodata=None,b_pseudodata=None):
        """Perform mu=0 VS mu=1 tests on all experiments individually
           and jointly.
           Tests both mu=0 and mu=1 null hypotheses, plots both distributions together,
           and also computes CL_s values""" 

        LLR_obs_monster_mmusb = 0 # Combined musb test (for Monster). Components are independent, I think.

        LLRsb_monster_mmusb = 0
        LLRAsb_monster = 0
        Eqsb_monster = 0
        Varqsb_monster = 0

        LLRb_monster_mmusb = 0
        LLRAb_monster = 0
        Eqb_monster = 0
        Varqb_monster = 0

        test_results = []

        if sb_pseudodata is None and b_pseudodata is None:
            sb_pseudodata = genNone() # generates Nones when iterated
            b_pseudodata  = genNone()

        for j,(e,b_samples,sb_samples) in enumerate(zip(self.experiments_for_test('musb'),b_pseudodata,sb_pseudodata)):
            e_test_pars = test_parameters[e.name] # replace this with e.g. prediction from MSSM best fit

            print("Performing 'musb' test (mu=1) for experiment {0}, using 'signal shape' {1}".format(e.name, e_test_pars),file=sys.stderr) 
            model, musb_LLRsb, musb_LLR_obs, musb_apvalsb, musb_epvalsb, LLRAsb, Eqsb, Varqsb = e.do_musb_test(e_test_pars,sb_samples,nullmu=1)
            if musb_LLRsb is not None:
               LLRsb_monster_mmusb += musb_LLRsb
               LLRsb_monster_mmusb = None
            LLR_obs_monster_mmusb += musb_LLR_obs
            LLRAsb_monster += LLRAsb
            Eqsb_monster += Eqsb
            Varqsb_monster += Varqsb

            test_results += [ [e.name, "musb_mu=1", vflat(musb_apvalsb), vflat(musb_epvalsb), 0] ]

            print("Performing 'musb' test (mu=0) for experiment {0}, using 'signal shape' {1}".format(e.name, e_test_pars),file=sys.stderr) 
            model, musb_LLRb, musb_LLR_obs, musb_apvalb, musb_epvalb, LLRAb, Eqb, Varqb = e.do_musb_test(e_test_pars,b_samples,nullmu=0)
            if musb_LLRb is not None:
               LLRb_monster_mmusb += musb_LLRb
               LLRb_monster_mmusb = None
            #LLR_obs_monster_mmusb += musb_LLR_obs # already did this, observed LLR is same in both tests
            LLRAb_monster += LLRAb
            Eqb_monster += Eqb
            Varqb_monster += Varqb

            if musb_apvalb is not None and len(musb_apvalb)==1: musb_apvalb=musb_apvalb[0]
            if musb_epvalb is not None and len(musb_epvalb)==1: musb_epvalb=musb_epvalb[0]
            test_results += [ [e.name, "musb_mu=0", vflat(musb_apvalb), vflat(musb_epvalb), 0] ]

            # CL_s (Tevatron style)
            if musb_apvalsb is not None and musb_apvalb is not None:
               a_CLs = musb_apvalsb / (1 - musb_apvalb)
               a_CLs = None
            if musb_epvalsb is not None and musb_epvalb is not None:
               e_CLs = musb_epvalsb / (1 - musb_epvalb)
               e_CLs = None
            test_results += [ [e.name, "musb_CLs", vflat(a_CLs), vflat(e_CLs), 0] ]

            # Extract single value for pvalue (in case of multiple "observed" data realisations)
            # Just use first one. TODO: probably better to make a different kind of plot if multiple
            # p-values computed at once.
            apvalsb = np.atleast_1d(musb_apvalsb)[0]
            apvalb = np.atleast_1d(musb_apvalb)[0]

            # Plot!
            if self.make_plots:
                fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                qran = (Eqsb - 5*np.sqrt(Varqsb), Eqb + 5*np.sqrt(Varqb)) # cover asymptotic 5 sigma-ish range of both distributions 
                # Plot s+b distribution
                plot_teststat(ax, musb_LLRsb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=Eqsb, scale=np.sqrt(Varqsb)), log=True,
                        label='mu=1', c='r', obs=musb_LLR_obs, pval=apvalsb, title=e.name, qran=qran, reverse_fill=True)
                # Plot b distribution
                plot_teststat(ax, musb_LLRb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=Eqb, scale=np.sqrt(Varqb)), log=True,
                        label='mu=0', c='b', obs=musb_LLR_obs, pval=apvalb, title=e.name, qran=qran, reverse_fill=False)
                ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

                # Non-log axis
                fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                plot_teststat(ax, musb_LLRsb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=Eqsb, scale=np.sqrt(Varqsb)), log=False,
                        label='mu=1', c='r', obs=musb_LLR_obs, pval=apvalsb, title=e.name, qran=qran, reverse_fill=True)
                plot_teststat(ax, musb_LLRb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=Eqb, scale=np.sqrt(Varqb)), log=False,
                        label='mu=0', c='b', obs=musb_LLR_obs, pval=apvalb, title=e.name, qran=qran, reverse_fill=False)
                ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

                # TODO: fix
                #if musb_LLRb is not None and musb_LLRsb is not None:
                #    # Plot power of test to discover this signal hypothesis, vs CL level
                #    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                #    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                #    power_plot(ax, musb_LLRb, musb_LLRsb,left_tail=True)
                #    fig.savefig('auto_experiment_musb_dual_{0}_{1}_power.png'.format(e.name,self.tag))
                #    plt.close(fig)

        # Compute joint test results
        m_apvalsb, m_epvalsb, m_Eqsb, m_Varqsb = Experiment.sb_pval(LLRsb_monster_mmusb,
        test_results += [ ["Monster", "musb_mu=1", vflat(m_apvalsb), vflat(m_epvalsb), 0] ]

        m_apvalb, m_epvalb, m_Eqb, m_Varqb = Experiment.sb_pval(LLRb_monster_mmusb,
        test_results += [ ["Monster", "musb_mu=0", vflat(m_apvalb), vflat(m_epvalb), 0] ]

        # CL_s (Tevatron style)
        if m_apvalsb is not None and m_apvalb is not None:
            a_CLs = m_apvalsb / (1 - m_apvalb)
            a_CLs = None
        if m_epvalsb is not None and m_epvalb is not None:
            e_CLs = m_epvalsb / (1 - m_epvalb)
            e_CLs = None
        test_results += [ ["Monster", "musb_CLs", vflat(a_CLs), vflat(e_CLs), 0] ]

        apvalsb = np.atleast_1d(m_apvalsb)[0]
        apvalb = np.atleast_1d(m_apvalb)[0]

        # Plot Monster results 
        if self.make_plots:
            fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            qran = (m_Eqsb - 5*np.sqrt(m_Varqsb), m_Eqb + 5*np.sqrt(m_Varqb)) # asymptotic 5 sigma-ish range
            plot_teststat(ax, LLRsb_monster_mmusb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=m_Eqsb, scale=np.sqrt(m_Varqsb)), log=True,
                    label='mu=1', c='r', obs=LLR_obs_monster_mmusb, pval=apvalsb, title="Monster", qran=qran, reverse_fill=True)
            plot_teststat(ax, LLRb_monster_mmusb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=m_Eqb, scale=np.sqrt(m_Varqb)), log=True,
                    label='mu=0', c='b', obs=LLR_obs_monster_mmusb, pval=apvalb, title="Monster", qran=qran, reverse_fill=False)
            ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

            # Non-log axis
            fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            plot_teststat(ax, LLRsb_monster_mmusb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=m_Eqsb, scale=np.sqrt(m_Varqsb)), log=False,
                    label='mu=1', c='r', obs=LLR_obs_monster_mmusb, pval=apvalsb, title="Monster", qran=qran, reverse_fill=True)
            plot_teststat(ax, LLRb_monster_mmusb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=m_Eqb, scale=np.sqrt(m_Varqb)), log=False,
                    label='mu=0', c='b', obs=LLR_obs_monster_mmusb, pval=apvalb, title="Monster", qran=qran, reverse_fill=False)
            ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

        # Save results
Пример #2
    def musb_analysis(self,test_parameters,pseudodata=None,nullmu=0,observed=None):
        """Perform mu=0 VS mu=1 tests on all experiments individually
           and jointly.
           'nullmu' parameter sets which value of mu is to be treated
           as the null hypothesis."""

        LLR_obs_monster_mmusb = 0 # Combined musb test (for Monster). Components are independent, I think.
        LLR_monster_mmusb = 0
        LLRA_monster = 0
        Eq_monster = 0
        Varq_monster = 0
        test_results = []
        if nullmu==0:
           reverse_fill = False
           c = 'b'
           reverse_fill = True
           c = 'r'
        if pseudodata is None:
            pseudodata = genNone() # generates Nones when iterated
        if observed is None:
            observed = genNone()
        for j,(e,samples,obs) in enumerate(zip(self.experiments_for_test('musb'),pseudodata,observed)):
            e_test_pars = test_parameters[e.name] # replace this with e.g. prediction from MSSM best fit
            print("Performing 'musb' test for experiment {0}, using 'signal shape' {1}".format(e.name, e_test_pars),file=sys.stderr) 
            model, musb_LLR, musb_LLR_obs, musb_apval, musb_epval, LLRA, Eq, Varq = e.do_musb_test(e_test_pars,samples,nullmu,observed=obs)
            if musb_LLR is not None:
               LLR_monster_mmusb += musb_LLR
               LLR_monster_mmusb = None
            LLR_obs_monster_mmusb += musb_LLR_obs
            LLRA_monster += LLRA
            Eq_monster += Eq
            Varq_monster += Varq

            test_results += [ [e.name, "musb_mu={0}".format(nullmu), vflat(musb_apval), vflat(musb_epval), 0] ]

            # Plot! (only the first simulated 'observed' value, if more than one)
            if self.make_plots:
                if musb_apval is None:
                    print("p-value was None; test may be degenerate (e.g. if zero signal predicted), or just buggy. Skipping plot.",file=sys.stderr)
                    fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                    qran = (Eq - 5*np.sqrt(Varq), Eq + 5*np.sqrt(Varq)) # asymptotic 5 sigma-ish range
                    plot_teststat(ax, musb_LLR, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=Eq, scale=np.sqrt(Varq)), log=True,
                            label='mu', c=c, obs=musb_LLR_obs[0], pval=musb_apval[0], title=e.name, qran=qran, reverse_fill=reverse_fill)
                    ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

        # Compute joint test results
        m_apval, m_epval, m_Eq, m_Varq = Experiment.sb_pval(LLR_monster_mmusb,
        test_results += [ ["Monster", "musb_mu={0}".format(nullmu), vflat(m_apval), vflat(m_epval), 0] ]

        # Plot Monster results
        if self.make_plots:
            if m_apval is None:
                print("p-value was None; test may be degenerate (e.g. if zero signal predicted), or just buggy. Skipping plot.")
                fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                qran = (m_Eq - 5*np.sqrt(m_Varq), m_Eq + 5*np.sqrt(m_Varq)) # asymptotic 5 sigma-ish range
                plot_teststat(ax, LLR_monster_mmusb, lambda q: sps.norm.pdf(q, loc=m_Eq, scale=np.sqrt(m_Varq)), log=True,
                        label='mu', c=c, obs=LLR_obs_monster_mmusb[0], pval=m_apval[0], title="Monster", qran=qran, reverse_fill=reverse_fill)
                ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

        # Save results
Пример #3
    def gof_analysis(self,test_parameters,pseudodata=None):
        """Perform goodness-of-fit tests on all experiments individually
           and jointly"""

        LLR_obs_monster_gof = 0
        LLR_monster_gof = 0
        monster_gofDOF = 0
        test_results = []
        if pseudodata is None:
            pseudodata = genNone() # generates Nones when iterated
        for j,(e,samples) in enumerate(zip(self.experiments_for_test('gof'),pseudodata)):
            # Inspect experiment (debugging)
            #print("Experiment {0} block structure: {1}".format(e.name, e.general_model.blocks))

            # Do fit!
            e_test_pars = test_parameters[e.name] # replace this with e.g. prediction from MSSM best fit
            print("Performing 'gof' test for experiment {0}, using null hypothesis {1}".format(e.name,e_test_pars),file=sys.stderr)
            model, LLR, LLR_obs, apval, epval, gofDOF = e.do_gof_test(e_test_pars,samples)
            # Save LLR for combining (only works if experiments have no common parameters)
            #print("e.name:{0}, LLR_obs:{1}, gofDOF: {2}".format(e.name,LLR_obs,gofDOF))
            if LLR is not None:
               LLR_monster_gof += LLR
               LLR_monster_gof = None
            monster_gofDOF += gofDOF
            LLR_obs_monster_gof += LLR_obs

            test_results += [ [e.name, "gof", vflat(apval), vflat(epval), gofDOF] ]

            # Plot! (only the first simulated 'observed' value, if more than one) 
            if self.make_plots:
                if apval is None:
                    print("p-value was None; test may be degenerate (e.g. if zero signal predicted), or just buggy. Skipping plot.",file=sys.stderr)
                    fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                    # Range for test statistic axis. Draw as far as is equivalent to 5 sigma
                    qran = [0, sps.chi2.ppf(sps.chi2.cdf(25,df=1),df=gofDOF)]  
                    plot_teststat(ax, LLR, lambda q: sps.chi2.pdf(q, gofDOF), log=True, 
                            label='free s', c='g', obs=LLR_obs, pval=apval[0], qran=qran, 
                             title=e.name+" (Nbins={0})".format(gofDOF))
                    ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

        # Compute joint test results
        m_apval, m_epval = Experiment.chi2_pval(LLR_monster_gof,LLR_obs_monster_gof,monster_gofDOF)
        test_results += [ ["Monster", "gof", vflat(m_apval), vflat(m_epval), monster_gofDOF] ]

        # Save results

        # Plot! (only the first simulated 'observed' value, if more than one) 
        if self.make_plots:
            if m_apval is None:
                print("p-value was None; test may be degenerate (e.g. if zero signal predicted), or just buggy. Skipping plot.")
                fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                # Range for test statistic axis. Draw as far as is equivalent to 5 sigma
                qran = [0, sps.chi2.ppf(sps.chi2.cdf(25,df=1),df=monster_gofDOF)]  
                plot_teststat(ax, LLR_monster_gof, lambda q: sps.chi2.pdf(q, monster_gofDOF), log=True, 
                        label='free s', c='g', obs=LLR_obs_monster_gof, pval=m_apval[0], qran=qran, 
                         title="Monster (Nbins={0})".format(monster_gofDOF))
                ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})
Пример #4
    def gof_analysis_dual(self,test_parameters,sb_pseudodata=None,b_pseudodata=None):
        """Perform goodness-of-fit tests on all experiments individually
           and jointly. This version MCs the distribution of the test statistics
           under both the background-only hypothesis AND the signal hypothesis.
           This allows us to also compute the power of the test to discover a
           particular signal. It also computes a meta-analysis combination
           of the p-values obtained from every experiment (using Fisher's method)
           and computes the power of that as well (this method may be more
           powerful than the likelihood-based combination, depending on the relative 
           numbers of degrees of freedom in the various likelihood components)."""

        LLR_obs_monster_gof = 0
        LLR_monster_gof = 0
        LLR_monster_gof_s = 0 # LLR samples under signal pseudodata
        monster_gofDOF = 0
        test_results = []
        if sb_pseudodata is None:
            sb_pseudodata = genNone() # generates Nones when iterated
        if b_pseudodata is None:
            b_pseudodata = genNone() # generates Nones when iterated
        # Storage for simulated p-values, for computing meta-analysis distribution and power
        N = len(b_pseudodata) # Number of experiments 
        M = b_pseudodata[0].shape[0] # Number of pseudodata trials
        all_epvals_b = np.ones((N,M))
        all_epvals_b_obs = [] # Observed p-value for each experiment
        N = len(sb_pseudodata)
        M = b_pseudodata[0].shape[0] 
        all_epvals_sb = np.ones((N,M))
        for j,(e,b_samples,s_samples) in enumerate(zip(self.experiments_for_test('gof'),b_pseudodata,sb_pseudodata)):
            # Inspect experiment (debugging)
            #print("Experiment {0} block structure: {1}".format(e.name, e.general_model.blocks))

            # Do fit!
            e_test_pars = test_parameters[e.name] # replace this with e.g. prediction from MSSM best fit
            print("Performing 'gof' test for experiment {0}, using null hypothesis {1}".format(e.name,e_test_pars),file=sys.stderr)
            model, LLR, LLR_obs, apval, epval, gofDOF = e.do_gof_test(e_test_pars,b_samples)
            # Save LLR for combining (only works if experiments have no common parameters)
            #print("e.name:{0}, LLR_obs:{1}, gofDOF: {2}".format(e.name,LLR_obs,gofDOF))
            if LLR is not None:
               LLR_monster_gof += LLR
               LLR_monster_gof = None
            monster_gofDOF += gofDOF
            LLR_obs_monster_gof += LLR_obs
            a = np.argsort(LLR)
            pvals = c.eCDF(LLR[a][::-1])[::-1] # do integral from right and then switch order back again
            all_epvals_b_obs += [epval]

            rCDF = spi.interp1d([-1e99]+list(LLR[a])+[1e99],[pvals[0]]+list(pvals)+[pvals[-1]]) # rather than 0/1, assign min/max observed pvalue to out-of-bounds
            all_epvals_b[j] = rCDF(LLR) 

            test_results += [ [e.name, "gof", vflat(apval), vflat(epval), gofDOF] ]

            print("Performing 'gof' test for experiment {0} with signal pseudodata".format(e.name),file=sys.stderr)
            model, s_LLR, s_LLR_obs, s_apval, s_epval, s_gofDOF = e.do_gof_test(e_test_pars,s_samples)
            # Save LLR for combining (only works if experiments have no common parameters)
            #print("e.name:{0}, LLR_obs:{1}, gofDOF: {2}".format(e.name,LLR_obs,gofDOF))
            if s_LLR is not None:
               LLR_monster_gof_s += s_LLR
               LLR_monster_gof_s = None

            # Ahh crap, I see my mistake! We don't want to compute these p-values based on
            # the *signal* simulated distribution! They are supposed to be p-values to
            # reject the *background* hypothesis! So we need them computed as if the
            # *background* hypothesis is true!
            #a = np.argsort(s_LLR)
            #all_epvals_sb[j,a] = 1 - c.eCDF(s_LLR[a])
            all_epvals_sb[j] = rCDF(s_LLR)
            # Plot! (only the first simulated 'observed' value, if more than one) 
            if self.make_plots:
                if apval is None:
                    print("p-value was None; test may be degenerate (e.g. if zero signal predicted), or just buggy. Skipping plot.",file=sys.stderr)
                    fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                    # Range for test statistic axis. Draw as far as is equivalent to 5 sigma
                    qran = [0, sps.chi2.ppf(sps.chi2.cdf(25,df=1),df=gofDOF)]  
                    if s_LLR is not None:
                        # Plot distribution under signal hypothesis
                        plot_teststat(ax, s_LLR, None, log=True, 
                            label='signal', c='r', obs=None, qran=qran)
                    # Plot distribution under background-only hypothesis
                    plot_teststat(ax, LLR, lambda q: sps.chi2.pdf(q, gofDOF), log=True, 
                            label='background-only', c='g', obs=LLR_obs, pval=apval[0], qran=qran, 
                            title=e.name+" (Nbins={0})".format(gofDOF),reverse_fill=True)

                    ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})

                    if LLR is not None and s_LLR is not None:
                         # Plot power of test to discover this signal hypothesis, vs CL level
                         fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                         ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                         power_plot(ax, LLR, s_LLR)

        # Compute joint test results
        m_apval, m_epval = Experiment.chi2_pval(LLR_monster_gof,LLR_obs_monster_gof,monster_gofDOF)
        test_results += [ ["Monster", "gof", vflat(m_apval), vflat(m_epval), monster_gofDOF] ]

        # Compute Fisher's method combination of results
        x = -2*np.sum(np.log(all_epvals_b),axis=0) # Sum over experiments
        DOF_fisher = 2*len(all_epvals_b)
        p_comb = 1 - sps.chi2.cdf(x,df=DOF_fisher)
        #sig_comb = -sps.norm.ppf(p_comb)

        # Observed:
        x_obs = -2*np.sum(np.log(all_epvals_b_obs)) # Sum over experiments
        p_obs = 1 - sps.chi2.cdf(x_obs,df=DOF_fisher)

        # Under signal hypothesis:
        x_s = -2*np.sum(np.log(all_epvals_sb),axis=0) # Sum over experiments
        p_comb_s = 1 - sps.chi2.cdf(x_s,df=DOF_fisher)
        #sig_comb_s = -sps.norm.ppf(p_comb_s)

        # Save results

        # Plot! (only the first simulated 'observed' value, if more than one) 
        if self.make_plots:
            if m_apval is None:
                print("p-value was None; test may be degenerate (e.g. if zero signal predicted), or just buggy. Skipping plot.")
                fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                # Range for test statistic axis. Draw as far as is equivalent to 5 sigma
                qran = [0, sps.chi2.ppf(sps.chi2.cdf(25,df=1),df=monster_gofDOF)]  
                if s_LLR is not None:
                    # Plot distribution under signal hypothesis
                    plot_teststat(ax, LLR_monster_gof_s, None, log=True, 
                        label='signal', c='r', obs=None, qran=qran)
                plot_teststat(ax, LLR_monster_gof, lambda q: sps.chi2.pdf(q, monster_gofDOF), log=True, 
                        label='background-only', c='g', obs=LLR_obs_monster_gof, pval=m_apval[0], qran=qran, 
                         title="Monster (Nbins={0})".format(monster_gofDOF),reverse_fill=True)
                ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})
                if LLR_monster_gof is not None and LLR_monster_gof_s is not None:
                    # Plot distribution of meta-analysis test statistic
                    fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                    # Range for test statistic axis. Draw as far as is equivalent to 5 sigma
                    qran = [0, sps.chi2.ppf(sps.chi2.cdf(25,df=1),df=DOF_fisher)]  
                    if s_LLR is not None:
                        # Plot distribution under signal hypothesis
                        plot_teststat(ax, x_s, None, log=True, 
                            label='signal', c='r', obs=x_obs, qran=qran)
                    plot_teststat(ax, x, lambda q: sps.chi2.pdf(q, DOF_fisher), log=True, 
                            label='background-only', c='g', obs=x_obs, pval=p_obs, qran=qran, 
                             title="Monster (Fisher's method; DOF={0})".format(DOF_fisher),reverse_fill=True)
                    ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})
                     # Plot power of test to discover this signal hypothesis, vs CL level
                    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                    power_plot(ax, LLR_monster_gof, LLR_monster_gof_s, label="Likelihood",c='g')
                    # Also plot power of meta-analysis combination to discover this signal hypothesis
                    power_plot(ax, x, x_s, label="Meta-analysis",c='m')
                    ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0,prop={'size':10})
Пример #5
# Finally, we need the logl of our null hypothesis under each simulated dataset
Lmax0 = parmodel.logpdf(null_parameters, null_data)[..., 0]
LLR = -2 * (Lmax0 - Lmax)

# Also need observed value of test statistic
LLR_obs = -2 * (parmodel.logpdf(null_parameters, obs_data) - np.max(t_logl))

# Compare asymptotic to empirical p-values
epval = c.e_pval(LLR, LLR_obs[0][0])
apval = 1 - sps.chi2.cdf(LLR_obs[0][0], 3)

print("Empirical p-value :", epval)
print("Asymptotic p-value:", apval)

# Now we can compute our test statistic and plot its distribution!
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                  lambda q: sps.chi2.pdf(q, 3),
                  title="Reweighted (epval={0:.3}, apval={1:.3})".format(
                      epval, apval))
ax.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, framealpha=0, prop={'size': 10})

# Hmm, surpisingly good! Not so good if we do the MCMC fit to the observed data though...