def getit(s): s.z = {} for year in 2015, 2016: if year == 2015: fn = suppl['_2015'][0] else: fn = '/uscms_data/d2/tucker/crab_dirs/MiniTreeV16/%s.root' % f = ROOT.TFile.Open(fn) t = f.Get('mfvMiniTree/t') hr = draw_hist_register(t, True) h,n = hr.draw('svdist', 'nvtx>=2', binning='400,0,4', get_n=True, goff=True) assert h.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1) == 0. assert h.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(5) == 0.04 assert h.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(8) == 0.07 N = norm_from_file(f) n = h.Integral(1,10000) b1 = h.Integral(1,4) b2 = h.Integral(5,7) b3 = h.Integral(8,10000) #print, N, n, b1, b2, b3 s.z[year] = (N,n,b1,b2,b3) N15, n15 = s.z[2015][:2] N16, n16 = s.z[2016][:2] s.ratio = [x * N16/N15 for x in clopper_pearson_poisson_means(n15, n16)] s.ratio[1] = s.ratio[0] - s.ratio[1] s.ratio[2] = s.ratio[2] - s.ratio[0] s.ratio = tuple(s.ratio) print, '%.4f - %.4f + %.4f' % s.ratio
def analyze(plots=False): if plots: set_style() ps = plot_saver(plot_dir('pdfweights', temp=True), size=(600, 600)) fields = ('nominal', 'plus', 'minus', 'pdfunc', 'rel', 'relavg', 'n16', 'n84', 'ctl', 'ctlrel', 'ctlrelmd') fmt = '%-45s' + ' %10s' * len(fields) print fmt % (('sname', ) + fields) ss = samples() for s in ss: f = ROOT.TFile.Open(s.fn) s.norm = norm_from_file(f) s.w = ac.int_lumi_2018 * 1e-3 / s.norm t = f.Get('mfvMiniTree/t') hr = draw_hist_register(t, True, True) if plots: for i in xrange(48, 148): h = hr.draw('weights[%i]' % i, 'nvtx>=2', binning='100,0,2') cut = '(nvtx>=2)' # '(nvtx>=2 && (gen_x[0]**2 + gen_y[0]**2)**0.5<0.08 && (gen_x[1]**2+gen_y[1]**2)**0.5 < 0.08)' h = hr.draw('weight', cut, binning='1,0,1') s.nominal, _ = tuple(s.w * x for x in get_integral(h)) s.pdfunc, = [], [] for i in xrange( 46, 148 ): # JMTBAD indices into misc_weights are fragile, need to put the pdf weights/info somewhere else than weights h = hr.draw('weight', '%s*misc_weights[%i]' % (cut, i), binning='1,0,1') v = tuple(s.w * x for x in get_integral(h))[0] (s.pdfunc if i < 48 else, s.minus = s.pdfunc s.pdfunc = abs( - s.minus) / 2 = abs( - s.nominal) s.minus = abs(s.nominal - s.minus) s.rel = s.pdfunc / s.nominal s.n16, s.n84 =[16],[83] s.ctl = (s.n84 - s.n16) / 2 s.avg = avg( s.rms = rms( s.mdn = ([49] +[50]) / 2 = (s.n84 + s.n16) / 2 s.relavg = s.pdfunc / s.avg s.ctlrel = s.ctl / s.nominal s.ctlrelmd = s.ctl / print fmt.replace('%10s', '%10.4f') % ( (, ) + tuple(getattr(s, fi) for fi in fields)) to_pickle(ss, 'pdfuncerts.gzpickle')
def getit(fn, ntk): f = ROOT.TFile(fn) den = norm_from_file(f) assert 3 <= ntk <= 5 t = f.Get('mfvMiniTree%s/t' % ('Ntk%i' % ntk if ntk < 5 else '')) if not t: return None n1v = t.Draw('dist0', 'nvtx==1', 'goff') n2v = t.Draw('dist0', 'nvtx>=2', 'goff') return den, n1v, n2v
def crab_hadd(working_dir, new_name=None, new_dir=None, raise_on_empty=False, chunk_size=900, pattern=None, lpc_shortcut=False, range_filter=None): working_dir, new_name, new_dir = crab_hadd_args(working_dir, new_name, new_dir) expected, files = crab_hadd_files(working_dir, lpc_shortcut, range_filter=range_filter) result = HaddBatchResult('crab', working_dir, new_name, new_dir, expected, files) print '%s: expecting %i files if all jobs succeeded' % (working_dir, expected) if pattern: if '/' not in pattern: pattern = '*/' + pattern files = fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) automatic_splitting = False pprinted = False jobs = [] for f in files: jobnum = f.split('_')[-1].split('.root')[0] if crab_global_options.support_automatic_splitting and '-' in jobnum: automatic_splitting = True if not pprinted: pprint(files) pprinted = True it, jobnum = jobnum.split('-') it, jobnum = int(it), int(jobnum) assert it >= 1 # probe jobs "0-*" should not show up jobnum = it * 10000 + jobnum else: jobnum = int(jobnum) jobs.append(jobnum) jobs.sort() expected = range(1, expected + 1) if jobs != expected: print '\033[36;7m %i files found %s not what expected \033[m' % ( len(jobs), crabify_list(jobs)) missing = sorted(set(expected) - set(jobs)) print '\033[36;7m %i missing: %r \033[m' % (len(missing), ' '.join( str(j) for j in missing)) l = len(files) if l == 0: result.success = False msg = 'crab_hadd: no files found in %s' % working_dir if raise_on_empty: raise CRABToolsException(msg) else: print '\033[36;7m', msg, '\033[m' elif l == 1: print working_dir, ': just one file found, copying' cmd = 'xrdcp -s %s %s' % (files[0], new_name) result.success = os.system(cmd) == 0 if result.success and not new_name.startswith('root://'): os.chmod(new_name, 0644) else: result.success = hadd(new_name, files) if automatic_splitting: n = norm_from_file(new_name) sn, s = fn_to_sample(Samples, new_name) if not s: print colors.yellow( "\tnorm_from_file returns %r, couldn't get sample %s" % (n, sn)) else: no1, no2 = s.datasets['main'].nevents_orig, s.datasets[ 'miniaod'].nevents_orig if n == no1 or n == no2: print '\tnorm_from_file returns nevents_orig = %i' % n else: print colors.yellow( '\tnorm_from_file returns %r while %s.nevents_orig is %i (main) %i (miniaod' % (n, sn, no1, no2)) return result
def cutplayMangle(filename): debug = False file = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename) if not file.IsOpen(): raise RuntimeError('could not open %s' % filename) norm = norm_from_file(filename) x = file.Get('SimpleTriggerEfficiency/triggers_pass_num') cutscans = {} nm1 = None # Extract from the big list of bins the numbers separately for each # cut. for i in xrange(1, x.GetNbinsX() + 1): label = x.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i) if label == 'nm1': nm1 = x.GetBinContent(i), x.GetBinError(i) continue try: cut, cut_val = label.split('X') except ValueError: print 'warning: could not parse label %s' % label continue if not cutscans.has_key(cut): cutscans[cut] = [] cutscans[cut].append((cut_val, x.GetBinContent(i))) h_intot = file.Get('SimpleTriggerEfficiency/triggers_pass_den') ntot = h_intot.GetBinContent(1), h_intot.GetBinError(1) file.Close() output_fn = filename.replace('.root', '_mangled.root') output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_fn, 'RECREATE') sample_name = os.path.basename(filename).replace('.root', '') try: sample = getattr(Samples, sample_name) except AttributeError: sample = None h_ntot = ROOT.TH1F('ntot', '', 1, 0, 1) scale = ntot[0] / norm if sample is not None else 1. h_ntot.SetBinContent(1, ntot[0] / scale) h_ntot.SetBinError(1, ntot[1] / scale) if nm1 is not None: h_nm1 = ROOT.TH1F('nm1', '', 1, 0, 1) h_nm1.SetBinContent(1, nm1[0]) h_nm1.SetBinError(1, nm1[1]) else: raise ValueError('did not find nm1 value in input') output_hists = [] for cut_name, scan in cutscans.iteritems(): if debug: print 'cut: %s' % cut_name hmin = depize(scan[0][0]) hminplus1 = depize(scan[1][0]) binwidth = hminplus1 - hmin hmaxminus1 = depize(scan[-1][0]) hmax = hmaxminus1 + binwidth if debug: print 'hmin: ', hmin, ' hminplus1: ', hminplus1, ' binwidth: ', binwidth, ' hmaxminus1: ', hmaxminus1, ' hmax: ', hmax hist = ROOT.TH1F(cut_name, '', len(scan), hmin, hmax) output_hists.append(hist) for cut_bin_name, nevents in scan: bin = hist.FindBin(depize(cut_bin_name) + 0.00001) bin_edge = hist.GetBinLowEdge(bin) if debug: print 'cut bin name: %s ibin: %i bin_edge: %s number of events: %f' % ( cut_bin_name, bin, bin_edge, nevents) hist.SetBinContent(bin, nevents) output_file.Write() output_file.Close()
def effs(fn): global tot_sum, tot_var f = ROOT.TFile(fn) def get_n(dir_name): h = f.Get('%s/h_npv' % dir_name) return h.Integral(0,1000000) if integral else h.GetEntries() den = norm_from_file(fn) sname = os.path.basename(fn).replace('.root','') sample = getattr(Samples, sname, None) if sample: weight = sample.xsec * int_lumi / den weighted = True else: weight = 1. weighted = False if sigreg: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosSigReg' namenumvtx = 'mfvVertexHistosSigReg/h_nsv' elif nvtx == 1: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosOnlyOneVtx' namenumvtx = 'mfvVertexHistosOnlyOneVtx/h_nsv' elif presel: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosPreSel' namenumvtx = None elif nocuts: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosNoCuts' namenumvtx = None else: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosFullSel' namenumvtx = None namenumall = ntk + namenumall if namenumvtx: namenumvtx = ntk + namenumvtx numall = get_n(namenumall) if namenumvtx is not None: h = f.Get(namenumvtx) numvtx = h.Integral(h.FindBin(nvtx), 1000000) else: numvtx = -1 tot_sum += numall * weight tot_var += numall * weight**2 if csv: print '%s,%e,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f' % (sname, weight, den, numall, float(numall)/den, numall*weight, numall**0.5 * weight) else: print '%s (w = %.3e): # ev: %10.1f pass evt+vtx: %5.1f -> %5.3e pass vtx only: %5.1f -> %5.3e' % (sname.ljust(30), weight, den, numall, float(numall)/den, numvtx, float(numvtx)/den) if weighted: print ' weighted to %.1f/pb: %5.2f +/- %5.2f' % (int_lumi, numall*weight, numall**0.5 * weight) else: print ' number of events: %5.2f +/- %5.2f' % (numall*weight, numall**0.5 * weight) if cuts: nm1s_name = 'h_nm1_%s' % sname h_nm1_abs = ROOT.TH1F(nm1s_name + '_abs', ';cut;abs. eff. w/o cut', len(cuts)+1, 0, len(cuts)+1) h_nm1_rel = ROOT.TH1F(nm1s_name + '_rel', ';cut;n-1 eff.', len(cuts), 0, len(cuts)) for icut, cut in enumerate(cuts): h_nm1_abs.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(icut+1, cut) h_nm1_rel.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(icut+1, cut) nm1 = get_n('evtHst%sVNo%s' % (nvtx, cut)) nm1_abs = float(nm1)/den nm1_rel = float(numall)/nm1 if nm1 > 0 else -1 h_nm1_abs.SetBinContent(icut+1, nm1_abs) h_nm1_rel.SetBinContent(icut+1, nm1_rel) print ' remove %s cut: %5i -> %5.3e (n-1: %5.3e)' % (cut.ljust(max_cut_name_len), nm1, nm1_abs, nm1_rel) h_nm1_abs.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(len(cuts)+1, 'all') h_nm1_abs.SetBinContent(len(cuts)+1, float(numall)/den) def draw(h): if not plots: return h.SetStats(0) h.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.05) h.SetMarkerSize(2) h.Draw('hist text') draw(h_nm1_abs) draw(h_nm1_rel)
def analyze(plots=False): if plots: set_style() ps = plot_saver(plot_dir('scaleweights', temp=True), size=(600, 600)) fields = ('nominal', 'n16', 'n84', 'ctl', 'ctlrel', 'ctlrelmd') fmt = '%-45s' + ' %10s' * len(fields) print fmt % (('sname', ) + fields) ss = samples() for s in ss: f = ROOT.TFile.Open(s.fn) s.norm = norm_from_file(f) s.w = ac.int_lumi_2018 * 1e-3 / s.norm t = f.Get('mfvMiniTree/t') hr = draw_hist_register(t, True, True) weight_str_list = [ "ren_weight_up", "ren_weight_dn", "fac_weight_up", "fac_weight_dn", "ren_weight_up*fac_weight_up", "ren_weight_dn*fac_weight_dn" ] cut = '(nvtx>=2)' # '(nvtx>=2 && (gen_x[0]**2 + gen_y[0]**2)**0.5<0.08 && (gen_x[1]**2+gen_y[1]**2)**0.5 < 0.08)' h = hr.draw('weight', cut, binning='1,0,1') s.nominal, _ = tuple(s.w * x for x in get_integral(h)) s.scaleunc, = [], [] for weight_str in weight_str_list: # because I didn't pick better names... if "ren" in weight_str and "fac" in weight_str: weight_name_for_norm = "sum_weight_ren_fac" elif "ren" in weight_str: weight_name_for_norm = "sum_weight_ren" elif "fac" in weight_str: weight_name_for_norm = "sum_weight_fac" if "_up" in weight_str: weight_name_for_norm += "_up" elif "_dn" in weight_str: weight_name_for_norm += "_dn" s.norm = norm_from_file_weight(f, weight_name=weight_name_for_norm) s.w = ac.int_lumi_2018 * 1e-3 / s.norm h = hr.draw('weight', '%s*%s' % (cut, weight_str), binning='1,0,1') v = tuple(s.w * x for x in get_integral(h))[0] #print '%s*%s, weight*nvtx==2 = %s' % (cut,weight_str,v) if len(weight_str_list) == 6: s.n16, s.n84 =[1],[4] # since total is 6 s.ctl = max(abs([0] - s.nominal), abs([5] - s.nominal)) # i.e. maximum deviation ==> envelope #s.ctl = (s.n84 - s.n16)/2 s.avg = avg( s.rms = rms( s.mdn = ([2] +[3]) / 2 = (s.n84 + s.n16) / 2 #s.relavg = s.scaleunc / s.avg if s.nominal == 0: print "s.nominal is 0!!!!!!!!!!!!" s.nominal = 0.00001 if == 0: print " is 0!!!!!!!!!!!!" = 0.00001 s.ctlrel = s.ctl / s.nominal s.ctlrelmd = s.ctl / print fmt.replace('%10s', '%10.4f') % ( (, ) + tuple(getattr(s, fi) for fi in fields)) else: print "invalid weight_str_list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to_pickle(ss, 'ren_fac.gzpickle')
def effs(fn): global tot_sum, tot_var f = ROOT.TFile(fn) def get_n(dir_name): h = f.Get('%s/h_npv' % dir_name) return h.Integral(0, 1000000) if integral else h.GetEntries() den = norm_from_file(fn) sname = os.path.basename(fn).replace('.root', '') sample = getattr(Samples, sname, None) if sample: weight = sample.xsec * int_lumi / den weighted = True else: weight = 1. weighted = False if sigreg: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosSigReg' namenumvtx = 'mfvVertexHistosSigReg/h_nsv' elif nvtx == 1: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosOnlyOneVtx' namenumvtx = 'mfvVertexHistosOnlyOneVtx/h_nsv' elif presel: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosPreSel' namenumvtx = None elif nocuts: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosNoCuts' namenumvtx = None else: namenumall = 'mfvEventHistosFullSel' namenumvtx = None namenumall = ntk + namenumall if namenumvtx: namenumvtx = ntk + namenumvtx numall = get_n(namenumall) if namenumvtx is not None: h = f.Get(namenumvtx) numvtx = h.Integral(h.FindBin(nvtx), 1000000) else: numvtx = -1 tot_sum += numall * weight tot_var += numall * weight**2 if csv: print '%s,%e,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f' % (sname, weight, den, numall, float(numall) / den, numall * weight, numall**0.5 * weight) else: print '%s (w = %.3e): # ev: %10.1f pass evt+vtx: %5.1f -> %5.3e pass vtx only: %5.1f -> %5.3e' % ( sname.ljust(30), weight, den, numall, float(numall) / den, numvtx, float(numvtx) / den) if weighted: print ' weighted to %.1f/pb: %5.2f +/- %5.2f' % ( int_lumi, numall * weight, numall**0.5 * weight) else: print ' number of events: %5.2f +/- %5.2f' % ( numall * weight, numall**0.5 * weight) if cuts: nm1s_name = 'h_nm1_%s' % sname h_nm1_abs = ROOT.TH1F(nm1s_name + '_abs', ';cut;abs. eff. w/o cut', len(cuts) + 1, 0, len(cuts) + 1) h_nm1_rel = ROOT.TH1F(nm1s_name + '_rel', ';cut;n-1 eff.', len(cuts), 0, len(cuts)) for icut, cut in enumerate(cuts): h_nm1_abs.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(icut + 1, cut) h_nm1_rel.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(icut + 1, cut) nm1 = get_n('%sevtHst%sVNo%s' % (ntk, nvtx, cut)) nm1_abs = float(nm1) / den nm1_rel = float(numall) / nm1 if nm1 > 0 else -1 h_nm1_abs.SetBinContent(icut + 1, nm1_abs) h_nm1_rel.SetBinContent(icut + 1, nm1_rel) print ' remove %s cut: %5i -> %5.3e (n-1: %5.3e)' % ( cut.ljust(max_cut_name_len), nm1, nm1_abs, nm1_rel) print ' weighted to %.1f/pb: %5.2f +/- %5.2f' % ( int_lumi, nm1 * weight, abs(nm1)**0.5 * weight) h_nm1_abs.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(len(cuts) + 1, 'all') h_nm1_abs.SetBinContent(len(cuts) + 1, float(numall) / den) def draw(h): if not plots: return h.SetStats(0) h.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.05) h.SetMarkerSize(2) h.Draw('hist text') draw(h_nm1_abs) draw(h_nm1_rel)
def analyze(plots=False): if plots: set_style() ps = plot_saver(plot_dir('scaleweights', temp=True), size=(600, 600)) fields = ('nominal', 'n16', 'n84', 'ctl', 'ctlrel', 'ctlrelmd') fmt = '%-45s' + ' %10s' * len(fields) print fmt % (('sname', ) + fields) ss = samples() for s in ss: f = ROOT.TFile.Open(s.fn) s.norm = norm_from_file(f) s.w = ac.int_lumi_2018 * 1e-3 / s.norm t = f.Get('mfvMiniTree/t') hr = draw_hist_register(t, True, True) myrange = (14, 46) # decorrelated variations - recommended! #myrange = (6,10) # simple 2x up/down if plots: for i in xrange(*myrange): h = hr.draw('weights[%i]' % i, 'nvtx>=2', binning='100,0,2') cut = '(nvtx>=2)' # '(nvtx>=2 && (gen_x[0]**2 + gen_y[0]**2)**0.5<0.08 && (gen_x[1]**2+gen_y[1]**2)**0.5 < 0.08)' h = hr.draw('weight', cut, binning='1,0,1') s.nominal, _ = tuple(s.w * x for x in get_integral(h)) s.scaleunc, = [], [] for i in xrange( *myrange ): # JMTBAD indices into misc_weights are fragile, need to put the pdf weights/info somewhere else than weights h = hr.draw('weight', '%s*misc_weights[%i]' % (cut, i), binning='1,0,1') v = tuple(s.w * x for x in get_integral(h))[0] if myrange == (14, 46): s.n16, s.n84 =[5],[27] # since total is 32 s.ctl = (s.n84 - s.n16) / 2 s.avg = avg( s.rms = rms( s.mdn = ([15] +[16]) / 2 = (s.n84 + s.n16) / 2 #s.relavg = s.scaleunc / s.avg if s.nominal == 0: print "s.nominal is 0!!!!!!!!!!!!" s.nominal = 0.00001 if == 0: print " is 0!!!!!!!!!!!!" = 0.00001 s.ctlrel = s.ctl / s.nominal s.ctlrelmd = s.ctl / print fmt.replace('%10s', '%10.4f') % ( (, ) + tuple(getattr(s, fi) for fi in fields)) elif myrange == (6, 10): s.n16, s.n84 =[1],[2] # since total is 4 s.ctl = (s.n84 - s.n16) / 2 s.avg = avg( s.rms = rms( s.mdn = ([1] +[2]) / 2 = (s.n84 + s.n16) / 2 s.ctlrel = s.ctl / s.nominal s.ctlrelmd = s.ctl / print fmt.replace('%10s', '%10.4f') % ( (, ) + tuple(getattr(s, fi) for fi in fields)) print "avg %10.4f, rms %10.4f, rel %10.4f" % (s.avg, s.rms, s.rms / s.avg) else: print "invalid range!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to_pickle(ss, 'alphaS_parton_shower_uncerts.gzpickle')
def cutplayMangle(filename): debug = False file = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename) if not file.IsOpen(): raise RuntimeError('could not open %s' % filename) norm = norm_from_file(filename) x = file.Get('SimpleTriggerEfficiency/triggers_pass_num') cutscans = {} nm1 = None # Extract from the big list of bins the numbers separately for each # cut. for i in xrange(1, x.GetNbinsX()+1): label = x.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i) if label == 'nm1': nm1 = x.GetBinContent(i), x.GetBinError(i) continue try: cut, cut_val = label.split('X') except ValueError: print 'warning: could not parse label %s' % label continue if not cutscans.has_key(cut): cutscans[cut] = [] cutscans[cut].append((cut_val, x.GetBinContent(i))) h_intot = file.Get('SimpleTriggerEfficiency/triggers_pass_den') ntot = h_intot.GetBinContent(1), h_intot.GetBinError(1) file.Close() output_fn = filename.replace('.root', '_mangled.root') output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_fn, 'RECREATE') sample_name = os.path.basename(filename).replace('.root', '') try: sample = getattr(Samples, sample_name) except AttributeError: sample = None h_ntot = ROOT.TH1F('ntot', '', 1, 0, 1) scale = ntot[0] / norm if sample is not None else 1. h_ntot.SetBinContent(1, ntot[0] / scale) h_ntot.SetBinError (1, ntot[1] / scale) if nm1 is not None: h_nm1 = ROOT.TH1F('nm1', '', 1, 0, 1) h_nm1.SetBinContent(1, nm1[0]) h_nm1.SetBinError(1, nm1[1]) else: raise ValueError('did not find nm1 value in input') output_hists = [] for cut_name, scan in cutscans.iteritems(): if debug: print 'cut: %s' % cut_name hmin = depize(scan[0][0]) hminplus1 = depize(scan[1][0]) binwidth = hminplus1 - hmin hmaxminus1 = depize(scan[-1][0]) hmax = hmaxminus1 + binwidth if debug: print 'hmin: ', hmin, ' hminplus1: ', hminplus1, ' binwidth: ', binwidth, ' hmaxminus1: ', hmaxminus1, ' hmax: ', hmax hist = ROOT.TH1F(cut_name, '', len(scan), hmin, hmax) output_hists.append(hist) for cut_bin_name, nevents in scan: bin = hist.FindBin(depize(cut_bin_name) + 0.00001) bin_edge = hist.GetBinLowEdge(bin) if debug: print 'cut bin name: %s ibin: %i bin_edge: %s number of events: %f' % (cut_bin_name, bin, bin_edge, nevents) hist.SetBinContent(bin, nevents) output_file.Write() output_file.Close()
import sys, glob, os from JMTucker.Tools.Sample import norm_from_file from JMTucker.Tools import Samples, colors path = sys.argv[1] dataset = sys.argv[2] target = float(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 3 else 0.5 for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.root')): sname = os.path.basename(fn).replace('.root', '') s = getattr(Samples, sname) s.set_curr_dataset(dataset) n = norm_from_file(fn) frac = n/s.nevents_orig delta = abs(frac - target)/target if delta > 0.01: color = elif delta > 1e-3: color = colors.yellow else: color = print color('%-50s %15i %15i %e' % (fn, s.nevents_orig, n, frac))
def crab_hadd(working_dir, new_name=None, new_dir=None, raise_on_empty=False, chunk_size=900, pattern=None, lpc_shortcut=False, range_filter=None): working_dir, new_name, new_dir = crab_hadd_args(working_dir, new_name, new_dir) expected, files = crab_hadd_files(working_dir, lpc_shortcut, range_filter=range_filter) print '%s: expecting %i files if all jobs succeeded' % (working_dir, expected) if pattern: if '/' not in pattern: pattern = '*/' + pattern files = fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) automatic_splitting = False pprinted = False jobs = [] for f in files: jobnum = f.split('_')[-1].split('.root')[0] if crab_global_options.support_automatic_splitting and '-' in jobnum: automatic_splitting = True if not pprinted: pprint(files) pprinted = True it, jobnum = jobnum.split('-') it, jobnum = int(it), int(jobnum) assert it >= 1 # probe jobs "0-*" should not show up jobnum = it*10000 + jobnum else: jobnum = int(jobnum) jobs.append(jobnum) jobs.sort() expected = range(1, expected+1) if jobs != expected: print '\033[36;7m %i files found %s not what expected \033[m' % (len(jobs), crabify_list(jobs)) missing = sorted(set(expected) - set(jobs)) print '\033[36;7m %i missing: %r \033[m' % (len(missing), ' '.join(str(j) for j in missing)) l = len(files) if l == 0: msg = 'crab_hadd: no files found in %s' % working_dir if raise_on_empty: raise CRABToolsException(msg) else: print '\033[36;7m', msg, '\033[m' elif l == 1: print working_dir, ': just one file found, copying' cmd = 'xrdcp -s %s %s' % (files[0], new_name) os.system(cmd) os.chmod(new_name, 0644) else: hadd(new_name, files) if automatic_splitting: n = norm_from_file(new_name) sn, s = fn_to_sample(Samples, new_name) if not s: print colors.yellow("\tnorm_from_file returns %r, couldn't get sample %s" % (n, sn)) else: no1, no2 = s.datasets['main'].nevents_orig, s.datasets['miniaod'].nevents_orig if n == no1 or n == no2: print '\tnorm_from_file returns nevents_orig = %i' % n else: print colors.yellow('\tnorm_from_file returns %r while %s.nevents_orig is %i (main) %i (miniaod' % (n, sn, no1, no2)) return new_name