Пример #1
   log_level = "DEBUG"

# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()
logger.debug("Execution of ColumboShow program")

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
clientDict, inputDirDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

# 2) Present the "results" in HTML format.
js = JSMaker()
js.createMaxers(clientDict, inputDirDict)

print "Content-Type: text/html"
def printHeader():
   print """<html>
<meta name="Author" content="Daniel Lemay">
<meta name="Description" content="Main Page for Columbo">
<!--<meta http-equiv=refresh content = 65>-->
<meta name="Keywords" content="">
<title>Columbo Show</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css">
Пример #2
if (not logname ):
   logname = CS + "/log/" + "CS.log"
if (not log_level):
   log_level = "DEBUG"

# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()
logger.info("Execution of pdsSourceInfos.py page")

# Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
clientDict, inputDirDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

js = JSMaker()
js.createMaxers(clientDict, inputDirDict)

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
inputDir = form["inputDir"].value
machines = inputDirDict[inputDir].getHosts()

machinesString = ','.join(machines)

# HTML Presentation 

print "Content-Type: text/html"
Пример #3
# If not defined in configuration file, set defaults
if (not logname):
    logname = CS + "/log/" + "CS.log"
if (not log_level):
    log_level = "DEBUG"

# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
clientDict, inputDirDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

js = JSMaker()
js.createMaxers(clientDict, inputDirDict)

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
clientName = form["client"].value
listingOn = int(form["listing"].value)
machines = clientDict[clientName].getHosts()

logger.info("Execution of clientInfosTab.py page for " + clientName)

# Initialisation of form entries
if (form.has_key("glob")):
    glob = form["glob"].value
    glob = ""
Пример #4
    host = form["host"].value
    if host == "frontend":
        ncsResults_name += "_local"
        machines = ",".join(frontend)
        machines = ",".join(backends)

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
circuitDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + ncsResults_name)

# 2) Present the "results" in HTML format.
js = JSMaker()

print "Content-Type: text/html"

def printHeader():
    print """<html>
    <meta name="Author" content="Daniel Lemay/Dominik Douville-Belanger">
    <meta name="Description" content="PX Circuits infos">
    <!--<meta http-equiv=refresh content = 65>-->
    <meta name="Keywords" content="">
    <title>PX Circuits</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css">
Пример #5
# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
circuitName = form["circuit"].value
host = form["host"].value
if host == "frontend":
    results_name += "_local"
circuitDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

js = JSMaker()
circuitName = form["circuit"].value
machines = circuitDict[circuitName].getHosts()

# 2) Present (HTML) the last log on each PDS

print "Content-Type: text/html"

print """<html>
<meta name="Author" content="Dominik Douville-Belanger">
<meta name="Description" content="NCS informations">
Пример #6
    log_level = "DEBUG"

# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()
logger.info("Execution of ColumboShowInputDirs program")

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
clientDict, inputDirDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

# 2) Present the "results" in HTML format.
js = JSMaker()
js.createMaxers(clientDict, inputDirDict)

print "Content-Type: text/html"

def printHeader():
    print """<html>
<meta name="Author" content="Daniel Lemay">
<meta name="Description" content="PDS Sources">
<meta http-equiv=refresh content = 65>
<meta name="Keywords" content="">
<title>Columbo Show PDS Sources</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css">
Пример #7
# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
circuitName = form["circuit"].value
host = form["host"].value
if host == "frontend":
    results_name += "_local"
circuitDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

js = JSMaker()
circuitName = form["circuit"].value
machines = circuitDict[circuitName].getHosts()

# 2) Present (HTML) the last log on each PDS

print "Content-Type: text/html"
print """<html>
<meta name="Author" content="Dominik Douville-Belanger">
<meta name="Description" content="NCS informations">
Пример #8
if (not logname):
    logname = CS + "/log/" + "CS.log"
if (not log_level):
    log_level = "DEBUG"

# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()
logger.info("Execution of pdsSourceInfos.py page")

# Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
clientDict, inputDirDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

js = JSMaker()
js.createMaxers(clientDict, inputDirDict)

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
inputDir = form["inputDir"].value
machines = inputDirDict[inputDir].getHosts()

machinesString = ','.join(machines)

# HTML Presentation

print "Content-Type: text/html"
Пример #9
    host = form["host"].value
    if host == "frontend":
        ncsResults_name += "_local"
        machines = ",".join(frontend)
        machines = ",".join(backends)

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
circuitDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + ncsResults_name)

# 2) Present the "results" in HTML format.
js = JSMaker()

print "Content-Type: text/html"
def printHeader():
    print """<html>
    <meta name="Author" content="Daniel Lemay/Dominik Douville-Belanger">
    <meta name="Description" content="PX Circuits infos">
    <!--<meta http-equiv=refresh content = 65>-->
    <meta name="Keywords" content="">
    <title>PX Circuits</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css">
Пример #10
# If not defined in configuration file, set defaults
if (not logname ):
   logname = CS + "/log/" + "CS.log"
if (not log_level):
   log_level = "DEBUG"

# Enable logging
logger = Logger(logname, log_level, "CS")
logger = logger.getLogger()

# 1) Read the "results" file sent by CIR host.
clientDict, inputDirDict = unarchiveResults(INPUT_RESULTS + "/" + results_name)

js = JSMaker()
js.createMaxers(clientDict, inputDirDict)

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
clientName = form["client"].value
listingOn = int(form["listing"].value)
machines = clientDict[clientName].getHosts()

logger.info("Execution of clientInfosTab.py page for " + clientName)

# Initialisation of form entries
if (form.has_key("glob")):
   glob = form["glob"].value
   glob = ""