def init(): GPIO.setup(RIGHT_MOTOR_DIR, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(LEFT_MOTOR_DIR, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(RIGHT_MOTOR, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(LEFT_MOTOR, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) pwm = [GPIO.PWM(RIGHT_MOTOR, 50), GPIO.PWM(LEFT_MOTOR, 50)] pwm[0].start(0) pwm[1].start(0)
def __init__(self, pwm_pin, ctrl_pin1, ctrl_pin2, **kwargs): self.pwm_pin = pwm_pin self.ctrl_pin1 = ctrl_pin1 self.ctrl_pin2 = ctrl_pin2 # Motor calibration self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', 1.0) self.beta = kwargs.get('beta', 0.0) # GPIO setup GPIO.setup(self.pwm_pin, GPIO.OUT) self.pwm = GPIO.PWM(self.pwm_pin, 50) # (channel, frequency) self.pwm.start(0) self.speed = 0 GPIO.setup(self.ctrl_pin1, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(self.ctrl_pin2, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW)
def __init__(self, EN, IN1, IN2): self.speed = EN self.forward = IN1 self.backward = IN2 self.pwm = None # pins setup GPIO.setup(self.speed, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(self.forward, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(self.backward, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # pwm setup self.pwm = GPIO.PWM(self.speed, 50) # frequency of pwm signal: 50Hz self.pwm.start(0)
def main(): # Pin Setup: # Board pin-numbering scheme GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # set pin as an output pin with optional initial state of HIGH GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) p = GPIO.PWM(output_pin, 100) p.start(50) print("PWM running. Press CTRL+C to exit.") try: while True: time.sleep(.1) finally: p.stop() GPIO.cleanup()
def __init__(self): GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(DC_ENA, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(DC_IN1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(DC_IN2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(SERVO, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(HEADLIGHT, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(BACKLIGHT, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(BREAKLIGHT, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(WAVE_TRIG, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(WAVE_ECHO, GPIO.IN) self.servo = GPIO.PWM(SERVO, 50) self.servo.start(8)
def main(): # Pin Setup: # Board pin-numbering scheme GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # set pin as an output pin with optional initial state of HIGH GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) pwm = GPIO.PWM(output_pin, 50) val = 25 incr = 5 pwm.start(val) print("PWM running. Press CTRL+C to exit.") try: while True: time.sleep(0.25) if val >= 100: incr = -incr if val <= 0: incr = -incr val += incr pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(val) finally: pwm.stop() GPIO.cleanup()
def setup(self): GPIO.setup(self.pwm_pin, GPIO.OUT) self.pwm = GPIO.PWM(self.pwm_pin, self.pwm_frequency) self.pwm.start(self._clip_value(self.pwm_init_duty_cycle))
import time import Jetson.GPIO as GPIO # MOTORS SETUP # GPIO.cleanup() #clean trash from ports GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Motor left GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # IN1 GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # IN2 # Motor right GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # IN3 GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # IN4 #PWM Setup GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT) M1=GPIO.PWM(13, 50) M2=GPIO.PWM(12, 50) M1.start(0) # define color detection boundaries lowerBound = np.array([29, 85, 6]) upperBound = np.array([64, 255, 255]) # camera setup dispW=640 dispH=480 flip=2 camSet='nvarguscamerasrc ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=1980, height=1080, format=NV12, framerate=59/1 ! nvvidconv flip-method='+str(flip)+' ! video/x-raw, width='+str(dispW)+', height='+str(dispH)+', format=BGRx ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=BGR ! appsink' cam = cv2.VideoCapture(camSet) # setting up kernel properties with matrices kernelOpen = np.ones((5, 5)) kernelClose = np.ones((21, 21))
def main(): pinList = [] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) for key in pins.keys(): pinList.append(pins[key]) GPIO.setup(pinList, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) APWM = GPIO.PWM(pins["ENA"], 50) # Frequency 100 cycles per second BPWM = GPIO.PWM(pins["ENB"], 50) # Frequency 100 cycles per second APWM.start(100) # Duty Cycle BPWM.start(100) # Straight Floor = 4.9 # 360 100-0 Diff Floor = 16 # Straight Carpet = 3.3 # 360 100-0 Diff Carpet = 12.5 try: while True: # GPIO.output(pins["IN1"],GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO.output(pins["IN2"],GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(pins["IN3"],GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(pins["IN4"],GPIO.HIGH) # time.sleep(1) # stopCar() # Lower duty cycle means more torque? # APWM.ChangeDutyCycle(100) # BPWM.ChangeDutyCycle(0) # time.sleep(0.5) # Stop time after motion # Differntial RTurn GPIO.output(pins["IN1"], GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(pins["IN2"], GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(pins["IN3"], GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(pins["IN4"], GPIO.HIGH) # time.sleep(5) print(time.clock()) # stopCar() # time.sleep(0.5) # GPIO.output(pins["IN1"],GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(pins["IN2"],GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(pins["IN3"],GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO.output(pins["IN4"],GPIO.LOW) # Right Turn # GPIO.output(pins["IN1"],GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(pins["IN2"],GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO.output(pins["IN3"],GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(pins["IN4"],GPIO.HIGH) # Left turn # GPIO.output(pins["IN1"],GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO.output(pins["IN2"],GPIO.LOW) # GPIO.output(pins["IN3"],GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO.output(pins["IN4"],GPIO.LOW) # time.sleep(3) # how long to hold the turn stopCar() # moveCar(60) # time.sleep(7) # break # time.sleep(1) # stopCar() # time.sleep(1) # getCarAngleTo(270, 180, 3) # time.sleep(1) finally: print("Cleanup") GPIO.cleanup()
def autonomousDriving(width, ROWS, mpQueue): win = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENWIDTH, SCREENWIDTH)) pygame.display.set_caption("Path Planning") midCoords = MIDCOORDS grid = populate_grid(ROWS, width) # GPIO Setup pinList = [] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) for key in pins.keys(): pinList.append(pins[key]) GPIO.setup(pinList, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) # Init with motors stopped APWM = GPIO.PWM(pins["ENA"], 50) # Frequency 50 cycles per second BPWM = GPIO.PWM(pins["ENB"], 50) APWM.start(100) # Duty Cycle BPWM.start(100) # Initial declarations xList, yList = [], [] numDetections, loopIter, mainIter = 0, 0, 0 run, buttonClickedToStart, firstPassStartFindPath = True, False, True experimentalZeroTurnTime = 12 # experimental speed = 0.27 # 100% motor speed/duty cycle in meters/second curAngle = 180 # default for the car pointing in the forward (left, -x) direction timePerTile = 0.2 # Navigation goal endRow, endCol = 1, 26 grid[midCoords][midCoords].make_start() grid[endRow][endCol].make_end() start = grid[midCoords][midCoords] end = grid[endRow][endCol] # Main functionality loop - car is now driving while run: if grid[midCoords][midCoords].get_state() == OBSTACLESTATE: print("You crashed.") grid[midCoords][midCoords].make_start() draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: buttonClickedToStart = True if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False # Get detections from perception // interprocess communication if buttonClickedToStart: if not mpQueue.empty() or firstPassStartFindPath: stopCar(pins) while not mpQueue.empty(): detection = mpQueue.get( ) # new detections only (filtered in camera process) print("In multiprocessing queue --> not empty!") timePerTile = detection[3] boundaryCreator( detection[0], detection[1], detection[2], 0, win, grid, ROWS, width ) # diameter, x, y, cleanup, win, grid, rows, width for row in grid: for node in row: node.update_neighbors(grid) draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) xList, yList = [], [] xList, yList = algorithm( lambda: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width), grid, start, end, xList, yList) # row, col of each node in came_from # Spline generation x, y = np.array(xList), np.array(yList) xe, ye = end.get_pos() xs, ys = start.get_pos() dist = math.sqrt(abs(xs - xe)**2 + abs(ys - ye)**2) if dist < 15: thresh = (int)( ROWS * 0.15 ) # too many points to try and map to the path with not much movement means choppy turns - so restrict it. else: thresh = (int)(ROWS * 0.25) tck, u = interpolate.splprep([x, y], k=2, s=0) # returns tuple and array u = np.linspace( 0, 1, num=thresh, endpoint=True ) # num is the number of entries the spline will try and map onto the graph, if you have more rows, you want more points when interpolating to make the model better fit out = interpolate.splev( u, tck ) # 'out' is the interpolated array of new row,col positions out[0] = rows, out[1] = cols print("Interpolated original array size: ", len(out[0])) localChangeList = [ ] # list of tuples, [0][0] is local X changes, [0][1] is local Y changes for i in range(len(out[0]) - 1): # out[0][0] is the last interpolated value (farthest from ego position) # if out x val(rows) is decreasing: car is going right, call: movement(right) --> boundary moves left though # Note, the order below will allow O(N) pop() later on for the first ego position. rowDiff, colDiff = out[0][i] - out[0][ i + 1], out[1][i] - out[1][i + 1] localChangeList.append((rowDiff, colDiff)) # visualize and clear lists containing path for next iteration plt.figure() plt.plot(y, x, 'ro', out[1], out[0], 'b') plt.legend(['Points', 'Interpolated B-spline', 'True'], loc='best') plt.axis([min(y) - 1, max(y) + 1, max(x) + 1, min(x) - 1]) plt.title('Interpolated Planned Path') plt.pause(1) mainIter = len(out[0]) - 1 loopIter += 1 firstPassStartFindPath = False else: continue """ After running algorithm, you have the most up to date data about boundaries, path (smoothed), all node status. If no new detection occurs, the while run loop will jump to here! The incremental movements of the car happen in separate while loop iterations, the while run happens after every incremental movement this means if we have a new detection we can change the path on the fly! """ iteration = len( xList ) - 1 # xList[iteration] would give: the closest to egopose from came_from[] if loopIter == 0: # algorithm hasn't run yet. continue elif len( localChangeList ) == 0: # deplete localChangeList which is the spline point to point updates - may still be left overs in xList because of the shotcaller - nextAddition, so just go through the remaining while iteration > 0: # this part is just for the visual - filling in the remaining movement() for the end points and boundaries nodeX, nodeY = xList[iteration], yList[iteration] nextNodeX, nextNodeY = xList[iteration - 1], yList[iteration - 1] if nextNodeX - nodeX > 0: dir = 'left' elif nextNodeX - nodeX < 0: dir = 'right' elif nextNodeY - nodeY > 0: dir = 'back' elif nextNodeY - nodeY < 0: dir = 'straight' else: dir = '' end = movement(dir, end, win, grid, ROWS, width, 1) print("end pos:", end.get_pos()) xList.pop() yList.pop() iteration -= 1 xList.pop() yList.pop() print("You made it!") break infoTuple = localChangeList[len(localChangeList) - 1] # gives closest one to the ego vehicle rowDiffClosestToEgo = infoTuple[0] colDiffClosestToEgo = infoTuple[1] # computed for each subset of spline that is a subpath distance = math.sqrt(rowDiffClosestToEgo**2 + colDiffClosestToEgo**2) desiredAngle = (int)( (math.atan2(colDiffClosestToEgo, rowDiffClosestToEgo) * 180 / math.pi) + 360) % 360 # get angle between 0-360 instead of (-pi to pi) nextAddition = abs(xList[iteration] - xList[iteration - 1]) + abs( yList[iteration] - yList[iteration - 1] ) # difference between the two next came_from points shotCaller = abs(rowDiffClosestToEgo) + abs(rowDiffClosestToEgo) dir = '' if abs(curAngle - desiredAngle) > 10: # only then stop motors and readjust print("Stop and get car to angle - big angle change", curAngle, desiredAngle) stopCar(pins) time.sleep(0.2) getCarAngleTo( curAngle, desiredAngle, experimentalZeroTurnTime, pins ) # map difference to a time: (curCarAngle - desiredAngle) # have experimental time for full turn # Else don't stop the motors, the trajectory is fine # this is here because one straight line might be split into multiple splines # update anyways to protect for incremental error curAngle = desiredAngle travelTime = distance * timePerTile # tiles*time/tile print("TRAVELTIME", travelTime) moveCar(pins) timer = time.clock() # shotCaller is a larger number than nextAddition, nextAdditions are smaller movements that make up shotCaller while shotCaller - nextAddition > 0 and iteration > 0: # distance away from 0 # incase car goes over 'travelTime' inside loop. if (time.clock() - timer) > travelTime: stopCar(pins) print("Stopped, caught in while loop", (time.clock() - timer)) shotCaller -= nextAddition nodeX, nodeY = xList[iteration], yList[iteration] nextNodeX, nextNodeY = xList[iteration - 1], yList[iteration - 1] if nextNodeX - nodeX > 0: dir = 'left' elif nextNodeX - nodeX < 0: dir = 'right' elif nextNodeY - nodeY > 0: dir = 'back' elif nextNodeY - nodeY < 0: dir = 'straight' else: dir = '' # algorithm is written such that came_from list will contain the immediately adjacent tile (meaning 1 tile move in 1 direction only) end = movement(dir, end, win, grid, ROWS, width, 1) print("End pos:", end.get_pos()) xList.pop() yList.pop() iteration = iteration - 1 if iteration > 0: nextAddition = abs( xList[iteration] - xList[iteration - 1]) + abs( yList[iteration] - yList[iteration - 1]) # always going to be 1 # time.sleep(0.5) # MAP TO VELOCITY OF CAR print("Visualization Mapping Time:", time.clock() - timer) while (time.clock() - timer) < travelTime: print("Still Moving", time.clock() - timer) continue print("DIST JUST TRAVELLED:", distance, "@DESIRED ANGLE", desiredAngle, "\n") # Do this only everytime car moves one full distance - distance is between n number of spline points and so is out[0] gets done mainIter -= 1 localChangeList.pop() pygame.quit()
cv2.createTrackbar( 'hue2-low', 'Trackbars', 0, 179, nothing ) # need 6 trackbars. Low, high values for hue, saturation, and value. cv2.createTrackbar( 'hue2-high', 'Trackbars', 14, 179, nothing) # name, window to put in, initial value, max value, callback fn cv2.createTrackbar('sat-low', 'Trackbars', 140, 255, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('sat-high', 'Trackbars', 255, 255, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('val-low', 'Trackbars', 111, 255, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('val-high', 'Trackbars', 255, 255, nothing) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup((32, 33), GPIO.OUT) pwm_pan = GPIO.PWM(32, 50) # 50hz pwm_tilt = GPIO.PWM(33, 50) # 50hz pwm_pan.start(0) pwm_tilt.start(0) disp_w = 320 * 2 disp_h = 240 * 2 flip = 2 # a param on rpi cam. Else comes out upside down pan = 0 # center tilt = 0 # center margin = 15 def set_angle(angle: int, pwm):
# Update Theta def Theta_Update(theta_ik, theta_jk, learning_rate, reward_i, reward_j, phi_ikplus1, phi_ik, phi_jkplus1, phi_jk): return theta_ik + (learning_rate * ((reward_i + reward_j) + ((np.matmul(np.transpose(phi_ikplus1), theta_ik)) + (np.matmul(np.transpose(phi_jkplus1), theta_jk))) - ((np.matmul(np.transpose(phi_ik), theta_ik)) + (np.matmul(np.transpose(phi_ik),theta_ik)))) * phi_ik) # Eq (30) # Apply Action in Simulation def Apply_Leader_Agent_Action(x_k, u, dt): x_k1 = np.array([x_k[0] + dt * u, u]) # Integrator Model return x_k1 ### GPIO SETUP GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Motor Pin Setup GPIO.setup(MOTOR_FORWARD_PWM, GPIO.OUT) # Set GPIO pin 32 to output mode. pwm_forward_pin = GPIO.PWM(MOTOR_FORWARD_PWM, 100) # Initialize PWM on Forward Pin at 100Hz frequency GPIO.setup(MOTOR_BACKWARD_PWM, GPIO.OUT) # Set GPIO pin 33 to output mode. pwm_backward_pin = GPIO.PWM(MOTOR_BACKWARD_PWM, 100) # Initialize PWM on Backward Pin at 100Hz frequency # Start PWM with 0% duty cycle pwm_forward_pin.start(0) pwm_backward_pin.start(0) # Ultrasonic Sensor Pin Setup GPIO.setup(TRIG, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(ECHO, GPIO.IN) ### XBEE SETUP local_device = XBeeDevice("COM6", 9600) # Orange XBee remote_device = RemoteXBeeDevice(local_device, XBee64BitAddress.from_hex_string("0013A20041C80821")) # Blue XBee
GPIO.setup(GPIO_ECHO1, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(GPIO_TRIGGER2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GPIO_ECHO2, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(GPIO_TRIGGER3, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GPIO_ECHO3, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(GPIO_TRIGGER4, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GPIO_ECHO4, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(GPIO_TRIGGER5, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GPIO_ECHO5, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(GPIO_PWM, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GPIO_IN1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GPIO_IN2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GPIO_SERVO, GPIO.OUT) # PWM Setup for motor and the steering pwm = GPIO.PWM(GPIO_PWM, 10000) # Initialize PWM on pwmPin 100Hz frequency pwm_steer = GPIO.PWM(GPIO_SERVO, 50) # main loop of program # Print blank line before and after message. dc = 0.1 # set dc variable to 0 for 0% pwm.start(dc) # Start PWM with 0% duty cycle pwm_steer.start(0) def distance(GPIO_TRIGGER, GPIO_ECHO, sensor_number): # set Trigger to HIGH GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, True) # set Trigger after 0.01ms to LOW time.sleep(0.00001)
def setup(self): global pwm GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(P_SERVO, GPIO.OUT) pwm = GPIO.PWM(P_SERVO, fPWM) pwm.start(0)
import Jetson.GPIO as GPIO from time import sleep en = 33 in1 = 35 in2 = 37 temp1=1 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(in1,GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(in2,GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(en,GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) p=GPIO.PWM(en,1000) p.start(25) print("\n") print("The default speed & direction of motor is LOW & Forward.....") print("r-run s-stop f-forward b-backward l-low m-medium h-high e-exit") print("\n") while(1): x=raw_input() if x=='r': print("run") if(temp1==1): GPIO.output(in1,GPIO.HIGH)
def main(width, ROWS, mpQueue): time.sleep(0.5) win = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENWIDTH, SCREENWIDTH)) pygame.display.set_caption("Path Planning") midCoords = MIDCOORDS # the middle block: ceil(NUMROWS/2) - 1 because 0th index grid = populate_grid(ROWS, width) endRow = 1 endCol = 26 pins = { "ENA": 32, #PWM "IN1": 35, "IN2": 37, "ENB": 33, "IN3": 31, "IN4": 29 #PWM } pinList = [] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) for key in pins.keys(): pinList.append(pins[key]) GPIO.setup(pinList, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) #INIT WITH MOTORS STOPPED APWM = GPIO.PWM(pins["ENA"], 50) # Frequency 100 cycles per second BPWM = GPIO.PWM(pins["ENB"], 50) APWM.start(100) # Duty Cycle BPWM.start(100) grid[midCoords][midCoords].make_start() grid[endRow][endCol].make_end() start = grid[midCoords][midCoords] end = grid[endRow][endCol] xList = [] yList = [] temp = [] for row in grid: for node in row: temp.append(node.state) temp = [] # each detection is relative to the previous detection # v = d/t --> get a set velocity and now you can always get the time to travel any distance (t = d/v) # map the actual ruler distance to the first reference obstacle to the mapsize # 60 inches obstacle, IRL maxsize = 100 --> # distance to the reference car that we'll put at some specified (20,36) boundary coordinate # EXAMPLE: Beginning reference car is x45, y5 inches away, we will compute x,y distance from start point 19,19 # to boundary hardcoded - selected by the user and will relate that to either x OR y. say 45x Inches = # irlX, irlY, irlRadius, Size = input("ENTER HERE").split() # take as input, boundaries location, +-(x) +-(y) in meters, also the entire SQUARE that you are trying to fill 2meter by 2meter? # irlX = float(irlX) # irlY = float(irlY) # irlRadius = float(irlRadius) # Size = float(Size) # TEST CASES: # boundaryCreator(9, 11, 22, 0, win, grid, ROWS, width) #(diameter, row, col, cleanup, win, grid, rows, width) # boundaryCreator(7, 3, 30, 0, win, grid, ROWS, width) # Keep in mind: 'RADIUS' and MEASURED FROM THE MIDCOORDS --> 0.63 up (in the 180 degree direction) from the midcoords. # Test case for 9,11,22 # irlX = 0.15 # irlY = 0.4 # irlRadius = 1 # Size = 9 # OG: zeroturntime = 7, speed = 0.6 # realObstacles = [(0.15, 0.4, 1, 9),(-0.45, 0.63, 1, 5), (0.55, 0.8,1,7)] # irlX, irlY, irlRadius, Size # realObstacles = [(0.3, 0.8, 2, 9),(-0.9, 1.26, 2, 5), (1.1, 1.6,2,7)] # irlX, irlY, irlRadius, Size, use this # Testing on red table # realObstacles = [(0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 5), (0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 7)] # irlX, irlY, irlRadiusX, irlRadiusY, Size, use this # for obstacle in realObstacles: # realRatioX = obstacle[0]/obstacle[2] # irlX/irlRadiusX # realRatioY = obstacle[1]/obstacle[3] # irlY/irlRadiusY --> Approximate row length of the longest sides of the actual human sized car grid. # gridXEquivalent = abs((ROWS/2)*realRatioX) # how many tiles would equate to the location of other cars/boundaries # gridYEquivalent = abs((ROWS/2)*realRatioY) # if obstacle[0] < 0: # boundCol = midCoords - gridXEquivalent # columns would decrease # elif obstacle[0] > 0: # columns increase # boundCol = midCoords + gridXEquivalent # if obstacle[1] < 0: # boundRow = midCoords + gridYEquivalent # rows would increase # elif obstacle[1] > 0: # rows decrease # boundRow = midCoords - gridYEquivalent # boundaryCreator(obstacle[4], int(boundRow), int(boundCol), 0, win, grid, ROWS, width) #(diameter, x, y, cleanup, win, grid, rows, width) # metersPerTile = abs(realObstacles[len(realObstacles)-1][0])/gridXEquivalent # abs(irlX)/gridXEquivalent, irlX of last boundary because gridXEquivalent will be of the last boundary # timePerMeter = 1/speed # timePerTile = timePerMeter*metersPerTile # print("TIME PER TILE", timePerTile) # print("METERS PER TILE", metersPerTile) # print("TIME PER METER", timePerMeter) numDetections = 0 run = True loopIter = 0 mainIter = 0 buttonClickedToStart = False firstPassStartFindPath = True experimentalZeroTurnTime = 12 # experimental speed = 0.27 # 100% motor speed/duty cycle in meters/second curAngle = 180 # default for the car pointing in the forward (left, -x) direction timePerTile = 0.2 while run: if grid[midCoords][midCoords].get_state() == OBSTACLESTATE: print("YOU CRASHED.") grid[midCoords][midCoords].make_start() draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: buttonClickedToStart = True if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False # Get detections from perception if buttonClickedToStart: if not mpQueue.empty() or firstPassStartFindPath: stopCar(pins) while not mpQueue.empty(): detection = mpQueue.get( ) # only new detections (filtered in camera process) print("IN MULTIPROCESSING QUEUE MEANING NOT EMPTY!") timePerTile = detection[3] boundaryCreator( detection[0], detection[1], detection[2], 0, win, grid, ROWS, width ) #(diameter, x, y, cleanup, win, grid, rows, width) print("LOOPED DETECTIONS IN mpQueue.get()") # for event in pygame.event.get(): # if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # run = False # if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # # if event.key == pygame.K_UP: # boundaryCreator(3, 11, 15, 0, win, grid, ROWS, width) #(diameter, x, y, cleanup, win, grid, rows, width) # print("TRYING TO CREATE BOUNDARY") # if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: # end = movement('straight', end, win, grid, ROWS, width, 1) # if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # end = movement('left', end, win, grid, ROWS, width, 1) # if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # end = movement('back', end, win, grid, ROWS, width, 1) for row in grid: for node in row: node.update_neighbors(grid) draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) xList = [] yList = [] # row, col of each node in came_from xList, yList = algorithm(lambda: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width), grid, start, end, xList, yList) # if event.key == pygame.K_c: # grid = populate_grid(ROWS, width) # ONLY IF ALGORITHM RUNS --> MEANING THERE WAS A NEW BOUNDARY DETECTION: RUN SPLINE SMOOTHED INTERPOLATED PATH x = np.array(xList) y = np.array(yList) xe, ye = end.get_pos() xs, ys = start.get_pos() dist = math.sqrt(abs(xs - xe)**2 + abs(ys - ye)**2) if dist < 15: thresh = (int)( ROWS * 0.15 ) # too many points to try and map to the path with not much movement means choppy turns - so restrict it. else: thresh = (int)(ROWS * 0.25) tck, u = interpolate.splprep([x, y], k=2, s=0) # returns tuple and array u = np.linspace( 0, 1, num=thresh, endpoint=True ) # num is the number of entries the spline will try and map onto the graph, if you have more rows, you want more points when interpolating to make the model better fit out = interpolate.splev( u, tck ) # 'out' is the interpolated array of new row,col positions out[0] = rows, out[1] = cols print("INTERPOLATED ORIGINAL ARRAY SIZE: ", len(out[0])) localChangeList = [ ] # list of tuples, [0][0] is local X changes, [0][1] is local Y changes for i in range(len(out[0]) - 1): # out[0][0] is the last interpolated value (farthest from ego position) # if out x val(rows) is decreasing: car is going right, call: movement(right) --> boundary moves left though rowDiff = out[0][i] - out[0][ i + 1] # Note, this order will allow O(N) pop() later on for the first ego position. colDiff = out[1][i] - out[1][i + 1] localChangeList.append((rowDiff, colDiff)) # visualize and clear lists containing path for next iteration plt.figure() plt.plot(y, x, 'ro', out[1], out[0], 'b') plt.legend(['Points', 'Interpolated B-spline', 'True'], loc='best') plt.axis([min(y) - 1, max(y) + 1, max(x) + 1, min(x) - 1]) plt.title('Interpolated Planned Path') plt.pause(1) mainIter = len(out[0]) - 1 loopIter += 1 firstPassStartFindPath = False else: # print("Press any button to start autonomous driving") continue # AFTER RUNNING ALGORITHM, YOU HAVE THE MOST UP TO DATE DATA ABOUT BOUNDARIES, PATH (SMOOTHED), ALL NODE STATUS # IF NO NEW DETECTION OCCURS, THE WHILE RUN LOOP WILL JUMP TO HERE! # NOTE THE INCREMENTAL MOVEMENTS OF THE CAR HAPPEN IN SEPARATE WHILE LOOP ITERATIONS, THE WHILE RUN HAPPENS AFTER EVERY INCREMENTAL MOVEMENT # THIS MEANS IF WE HAVE A NEW DETECTION WE CAN CHANGE THE PATH ON THE FLY! iteration = len( xList ) - 1 # xList[iteration] would give: the closest to egopose from came_from[] if loopIter == 0: # algorithm hasn't run yet. continue elif len( localChangeList ) == 0: # deplete localChangeList which is the spline point to point updates - may still be left overs in xList because of the shotcaller - nextAddition, so just go through the remaining while iteration > 0: # this part is just for the visual - filling in the remaining movement() for the end points and boundaries nodeX, nodeY = xList[iteration], yList[iteration] nextNodeX, nextNodeY = xList[iteration - 1], yList[iteration - 1] if nextNodeX - nodeX > 0: dir = 'left' elif nextNodeX - nodeX < 0: dir = 'right' elif nextNodeY - nodeY > 0: dir = 'back' elif nextNodeY - nodeY < 0: dir = 'straight' else: dir = '' end = movement(dir, end, win, grid, ROWS, width, 1) print("end pos:", end.get_pos()) xList.pop() yList.pop() iteration -= 1 xList.pop() yList.pop() print("You made it!") break # need to see how much is overlapped from xList and yList to the movement happening in spline. # max of rowDiff and colDiff takes precedence - shot caller # see how far max of ^ would take us in the xList,yList (camefrom subset) and just pop() until you get there. # ex. max()--> 2.392, if max was col --> look in yList, else look in xList, pop() and subtract till max is almost reached # if you subtract and pop one more time, will it be a greater distance from 0 than if you left it? --> if yes, leave it--> that's where end is. # xList[0] has the row position of start tile # difference between consecutive xList vals # goal: does shotcaller benefit from adding another xList val or does it get further awawy from 0? # infoTuple indexing: X,Y,MAG,ANGLE infoTuple = localChangeList[len(localChangeList) - 1] # gives closest one to the ego vehicle # for efficiency, do the computations here because you might not need the whole list if algorithm runs again rowDiffClosestToEgo = infoTuple[0] colDiffClosestToEgo = infoTuple[1] # computed for each subset of spline that is a subpath distance = math.sqrt(rowDiffClosestToEgo**2 + colDiffClosestToEgo**2) desiredAngle = (int)( (math.atan2(colDiffClosestToEgo, rowDiffClosestToEgo) * 180 / math.pi) + 360) % 360 # get angle between 0-360 instead of (-pi to pi) nextAddition = abs(xList[iteration] - xList[iteration - 1]) + abs( yList[iteration] - yList[iteration - 1] ) # difference between the two next came_from points dir = '' shotCaller = abs(rowDiffClosestToEgo) + abs(rowDiffClosestToEgo) if abs(curAngle - desiredAngle) > 10: # only then stop motors and readjust print("STOP AND GET CAR TO ANGLE - BIG ANGLE CHANGE", curAngle, desiredAngle) stopCar(pins) time.sleep(0.2) getCarAngleTo( curAngle, desiredAngle, experimentalZeroTurnTime, pins ) # map difference to a time: (curCarAngle - desiredAngle) # have experimental time for full turn # Else don't stop the motors, the trajectory is fine - this is here because one straighht line might be split into multiple splines curAngle = desiredAngle # update anyways to protect for incremental error travelTime = distance * timePerTile # tiles*time/tile print("TRAVELTIME", travelTime) moveCar(pins) timer = time.clock() # shotCaller is a larger number than nextAddition, nextAdditions are smaller movements that make up shotCaller while shotCaller - nextAddition > 0 and iteration > 0: # distance away from 0 # incase car goes over 'travelTime' inside loop. if (time.clock() - timer) > travelTime: stopCar(pins) print("STOPPED CAUGHT IN WHILE LOOP", (time.clock() - timer)) # don't count this part as taking much time - just set teh motors going in desired direction and time.sleep(calcTime) after. shotCaller -= nextAddition nodeX, nodeY = xList[iteration], yList[iteration] nextNodeX, nextNodeY = xList[iteration - 1], yList[iteration - 1] if nextNodeX - nodeX > 0: dir = 'left' elif nextNodeX - nodeX < 0: dir = 'right' elif nextNodeY - nodeY > 0: dir = 'back' elif nextNodeY - nodeY < 0: dir = 'straight' else: dir = '' # the way the algorithm is written, the came_from list will contain the immediately adjacent tile (meaning 1 tile move in 1 direction only) end = movement(dir, end, win, grid, ROWS, width, 1) print("End pos:", end.get_pos()) xList.pop() yList.pop() iteration = iteration - 1 if iteration > 0: nextAddition = abs( xList[iteration] - xList[iteration - 1]) + abs( yList[iteration] - yList[iteration - 1]) #always going to be 1 # time.sleep(0.5) # MAP TO VELOCITY OF CAR print("Visualization Mapping Time:", time.clock() - timer) while (time.clock() - timer) < travelTime: # print("Still Moving", time.clock()-timer) continue print("DIST JUST TRAVELLED:", distance, "@DESIRED ANGLE", desiredAngle, "\n") # Do this only everytime car moves one full distance - distance is between n number of spline points and so is out[0] gets done mainIter -= 1 localChangeList.pop() # finally: # print("CLEANUP GPIO") # GPIO.cleanup() pygame.quit()
import Jetson.GPIO as GPIO import time import os import drone_options as drone GPIO.setwarnings(False) # Prime GPIO to read input. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(33, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(32, GPIO.OUT) # Instantiate PWM variables. color_pwm = GPIO.PWM(32, 50) # PWM3 record_pwm = GPIO.PWM(33, 50) # PWM4 ## Initialize color depending on value from text file ## current = drone.read_file() mode_value = drone.mode_dict.get(drone.get_mode_value(current)) if mode_value == 1: color_pwm.start(5) # White Hot View if mode_value == 2: color_pwm.start(7.5) # Green Hot View if mode_value == 3: color_pwm.start(10) # Fusion View else: color_pwm.start(0) # Don't Care # Start Recording record_pwm.start(10)