def process_directory(params): #parameters for processing input_dir = params["input_directory"] ws = params["subset_wavelength_range"][0] we = params["subset_wavelength_range"][1] pattern = params["grouping_pattern"] patt_name = params['grouping_output_name'] #read the spectrums extension = {'asd': 1, 'ASD': 1} spec_files = [ os.path.join(input_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(input_dir) if get_extension(f) in extension ] raw_specs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in spec_files] if len(raw_specs) == 0: return print("Data directory: {}".format(input_dir)) print(" Read {} {} files".format(len(raw_specs), extension)) #perform jump correction jumpcorrector = JumpCorrector(params["jumpcorrection_wavelengths"], params["jumpcorrection_stablezone"]) jc_specs = [jumpcorrector.correct(s) for s in raw_specs] print(" Jump corrected {} spectrums(s)".format(len(jc_specs))) #separate into green vegetation and non-green vegetation spectra gvd = GreenVegDetector() raw_white_specs, raw_target_specs = [], [] jc_white_specs, jc_target_specs = [], [] ndvis, reflectance_ranges = [], [] for (raw, jc) in zip(raw_specs, jc_specs): (status, ndvi, reflectance_range) = gvd.is_green_vegetation(jc) ndvis.append(ndvi) reflectance_ranges.append(reflectance_range) if status: raw_target_specs.append(raw) jc_target_specs.append(jc) else: raw_white_specs.append(raw) jc_white_specs.append(jc) print(" # white spectra: {}".format(len(jc_white_specs))) print(" # target spectra: {}".format(len(jc_target_specs))) #subset to desired wavelength range #do this for the jc_target_specs only proc_target_specs = [s.wavelength_subset(ws, we) for s in jc_target_specs] print(" Subsetted spectra to range: {}, {}".format(ws, we)) #identify groups using SpectrumRegex and create SpectrumGroup objects patt_groups = [] grps_dict = SpectrumRegex().make_groups(proc_target_specs, pattern) patt_groups = [SpectrumGroup().group(grps_dict[k], k) for k in grps_dict] print(" Grouped spectrums: {} groups".format(len(patt_groups))) #create output directories and save data save_data(input_dir, raw_white_specs, raw_target_specs, proc_target_specs, patt_name, patt_groups)
def test(testsdir, verbose = False): statuses = [] #load the spectrums indir = os.path.join(testsdir, "input") infs = [os.path.join(indir, "test_asdspec1_njc.txt"), os.path.join(indir, "test_asdspec2_njc.txt")] exdir = os.path.join(testsdir, "expect") exfs = [os.path.join(exdir, "test_asdspec1_jc.txt"), os.path.join(exdir, "test_asdspec2_jc.txt")] ins = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in infs] exs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in exfs] #test 1 jumpwaves = [1000, 1800] stablezone = 0 jcorr = JumpCorrector(jumpwavelengths = jumpwaves, stablezone = stablezone) jcs = [jcorr.correct(s) for s in ins] for (e, j) in zip(exs, jcs): statuses.append(np.allclose(,, atol = 0.0001)) #status message if all(statuses): print("{}: PASSED".format(__file__)) else: print("{}: FAILED".format(__file__)) #plot for ecosis sdal talk jumpwaves = [1000, 1800] stablezone = 0 jcorr = JumpCorrector(jumpwavelengths = jumpwaves, stablezone = stablezone) jcs = [jcorr.correct(s) for s in ins] fig1, axes1 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2) axes1[0].plot(ins[0].wavelengths, ins[0].reflectances, 'r') axes1[1].plot(ins[0].wavelengths, ins[0].reflectances, 'r') axes1[1].plot(jcs[0].wavelengths, jcs[0].reflectances, 'g') title = "L: Input, R: Corrected, Jump wavelengths = 1000, 1800" fig1.suptitle(title) fig1.savefig("ecosis-talk-jump-correction.png")
def test(testsdir, verbose=False): statuses = [] #load the spectrums indir = os.path.join(testsdir, "input") infs = [ os.path.join(indir, "test_asdspec1_njc.txt"), os.path.join(indir, "test_asdspec2_njc.txt") ] exdir = os.path.join(testsdir, "expect") exfs = [ os.path.join(exdir, "test_asdspec1_jc.txt"), os.path.join(exdir, "test_asdspec2_jc.txt") ] ins = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in infs] exs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in exfs] #test 1 jumpwaves = [1000, 1800] stablezone = 0 jcorr = JumpCorrector(jumpwavelengths=jumpwaves, stablezone=stablezone) jcs = [jcorr.correct(s) for s in ins] for (e, j) in zip(exs, jcs): statuses.append(np.allclose(,, atol=0.0001)) #status message if all(statuses): print("{}: PASSED".format(__file__)) else: print("{}: FAILED".format(__file__)) #plot for ecosis sdal talk jumpwaves = [1000, 1800] stablezone = 0 jcorr = JumpCorrector(jumpwavelengths=jumpwaves, stablezone=stablezone) jcs = [jcorr.correct(s) for s in ins] fig1, axes1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) axes1[0].plot(ins[0].wavelengths, ins[0].reflectances, 'r') axes1[1].plot(ins[0].wavelengths, ins[0].reflectances, 'r') axes1[1].plot(jcs[0].wavelengths, jcs[0].reflectances, 'g') title = "L: Input, R: Corrected, Jump wavelengths = 1000, 1800" fig1.suptitle(title) fig1.savefig("ecosis-talk-jump-correction.png")
#get the files into benas, emnis and vauls tdir = "/home/prabu/mycode/sdal/tests_data/test_OutlierDetector" idir = os.path.join(tdir, "input") ifiles = os.listdir(idir) benafs = [os.path.join(idir, f) for f in ifiles if'bena', f)] emnifs = [os.path.join(idir, f) for f in ifiles if'emni', f)] vaulfs = [os.path.join(idir, f) for f in ifiles if'vaul', f)] #read in the spectra benas = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in benafs] emnis = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in emnifs] vauls = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in vaulfs] specs = [benas, emnis, vauls] #jump correct jumpcorr = JumpCorrector(jumpwavelengths = [1000, 1800], stablezone = 0) benajcs = [jumpcorr.correct(s) for s in benas] emnijcs = [jumpcorr.correct(s) for s in emnis] vauljcs = [jumpcorr.correct(s) for s in vauls] specjcs = [benajcs, emnijcs, vauljcs] #compute outliers and inliers medians = [] stds = [] thresh = 3.0 od = OutlierDetector(zthresh = thresh) for e in specjcs: (inliers, outliers) = od.detect(e) medians.append(od.median) stds.append(od.std)
def process(params): # params.print_params() #get the project params and verify project = params.get_params("project") if project: verify_project(project) else: print("--project is required") sys.exit(0) #get the resampling params resampling = params.get_params("resampling") #get the jumpcorrection params and verify jumpcorrection = params.get_params("jumpcorrection") if jumpcorrection: verify_jumpcorrection(jumpcorrection) #get the groupings and verify them groupings = {grp:params.get_params(grp) for grp in params.get_groups()} verify_groupings(params.default_group, params.get_groups(), groupings) tags = ["raw", params.default_group] specs = defaultdict(list) #specs["raw"] created #get the filenames allfiles = os.listdir(project["indir"]) extfiles = [] for f in allfiles: ext = get_directory_filename_extension(f)[2] if ext == project["fileext"]: extfiles.append(os.path.join(project["indir"], f)) #read the raw spectrums uniquifier = WaveUniquifier() rawspecs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in extfiles] uniqspecs = [uniquifier.uniquify(s) for s in rawspecs] specs["raw"] = uniqspecs #specs["preproc"] created #do the pre-processing prepspecs = specs["raw"] if resampling: resampler = WaveResampler(rstype = resampling["type"], wavestart = resampling["range"][0], wavestop = resampling["range"][1], spacing = resampling["spacing"]) rsspecs = [resampler.resample(s) for s in prepspecs] prepspecs = rsspecs if jumpcorrection: corrector = JumpCorrector(jumpcorrection["wavelengths"], jumpcorrection["stablezone"]) jcspecs = [corrector.correct(s) for s in prepspecs] prepspecs = jcspecs #detect the references refdet = ReferenceDetector(context = "gveg") nonrefs = [] refs = [] for s in prepspecs: if refdet.is_reference(s): refs.append(s) else: nonrefs.append(s) specs[params.default_group] = nonrefs #specs[group_tag] created #do the grouping for t in groupings: tags.append(t) itag = groupings[t]["intag"] patt = groupings[t]["pattern"] regex = SpectrumRegex() tgrps = regex.make_groups(specs[itag], patt) for tg in tgrps: sg = SpectrumGroup(spectrums = tgrps[tg]) ms = sg.mean_spectrum() ms.idstr = tg specs[t].append(ms) # subsets = {grp:params.get_params(grp) for grp in params.get_subsets()} # print(subsets) # for t in subsets: # itag = subsets[t]["intag"] # otag = subsets[t]["outtag"] # wavestart = subsets[t]["range"][0] # wavestop = subsets[t]["range"][1] # for s in specs[itag]: # subspec = s.wavelength_subset(wavestart, wavestop) # subspec.idstr = subspec.idstr + otag # print("idstr = {}".format(subspec.idstr)) # specs[otag].append(subspec) #create outputs prjdir = os.path.join(project["outdir"], project["name"]) os.mkdir(prjdir) for t in specs: tdir = os.path.join(prjdir, t) os.mkdir(tdir) tgrpfn = "___{}___.csv".format(t) for s in specs[t]: s.write_csv(odir = tdir) sg = SpectrumGroup(spectrums = specs[t]) sg.write_csv(tdir, tgrpfn)
#get the files into benas, emnis and vauls tdir = "/home/prabu/mycode/sdal/tests_data/test_OutlierDetector" idir = os.path.join(tdir, "input") ifiles = os.listdir(idir) benafs = [os.path.join(idir, f) for f in ifiles if'bena', f)] emnifs = [os.path.join(idir, f) for f in ifiles if'emni', f)] vaulfs = [os.path.join(idir, f) for f in ifiles if'vaul', f)] #read in the spectra benas = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in benafs] emnis = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in emnifs] vauls = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in vaulfs] specs = [benas, emnis, vauls] #jump correct jumpcorr = JumpCorrector(jumpwavelengths=[1000, 1800], stablezone=0) benajcs = [jumpcorr.correct(s) for s in benas] emnijcs = [jumpcorr.correct(s) for s in emnis] vauljcs = [jumpcorr.correct(s) for s in vauls] specjcs = [benajcs, emnijcs, vauljcs] #compute outliers and inliers medians = [] stds = [] thresh = 3.0 od = OutlierDetector(zthresh=thresh) for e in specjcs: (inliers, outliers) = od.detect(e) medians.append(od.median) stds.append(od.std)
def process_directory(params): #parameters for processing input_dir = params["input_directory"] ws = params["subset_wavelength_range"][0] we = params["subset_wavelength_range"][1] #read the spectrums extension = {'asd': 1, 'ASD': 1} spec_files = [os.path.join(input_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(input_dir) if get_extension(f) in extension] raw_specs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in spec_files] if len(raw_specs) == 0: return print("Data directory: {}".format(input_dir)) print(" Read {} {} files".format(len(raw_specs), extension)) #perform jump correction jumpcorrector = JumpCorrector(params["jumpcorrection_wavelengths"], params["jumpcorrection_stablezone"]) jc_specs = [jumpcorrector.correct(s) for s in raw_specs] print(" Jump corrected {} spectrums(s)".format(len(jc_specs))) #separate into green vegetation and non-green vegetation spectra gvd = GreenVegDetector() raw_white_specs, raw_target_specs = [], [] jc_white_specs, jc_target_specs = [], [] ndvis, reflectance_ranges = [], [] for (raw, jc) in zip(raw_specs, jc_specs): (status, ndvi, reflectance_range) = gvd.is_green_vegetation(jc) ndvis.append(ndvi) reflectance_ranges.append(reflectance_range) if status: raw_target_specs.append(raw) jc_target_specs.append(jc) else: raw_white_specs.append(raw) jc_white_specs.append(jc) print(" # white spectra: {}".format(len(jc_white_specs))) print(" # target spectra: {}".format(len(jc_target_specs))) #subset to desired wavelength range #do this for the jc_target_specs only proc_target_specs = [s.wavelength_subset(ws, we) for s in jc_target_specs] print(" Subsetted spectra to range: {}, {}".format(ws, we)) #create SpectrumGroup object for raw_target_specs raw_target_sg = SpectrumGroup(), "raw_target") raw_target_sg.save_dataframe(input_dir) raw_target_sg.save_plots(input_dir) #create SpectrumGroup object for raw_white_specs raw_white_sg = SpectrumGroup(), "raw_white") raw_white_sg.save_dataframe(input_dir) raw_white_sg.save_plots(input_dir) #create SpectrumGroup object for proc_target_specs proc_target_sg = SpectrumGroup(), "proc_target") proc_target_sg.save_dataframe(input_dir) proc_target_sg.save_plots(input_dir)
def process_directory(params): #parameters for processing input_dir = params["input_directory"] ws = params["subset_wavelength_range"][0] we = params["subset_wavelength_range"][1] pattern = params["grouping_pattern"] patt_name = params['grouping_output_name'] #read the spectrums extension = {'asd': 1, 'ASD': 1} spec_files = [os.path.join(input_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(input_dir) if get_extension(f) in extension] raw_specs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in spec_files] if len(raw_specs) == 0: return print("Data directory: {}".format(input_dir)) print(" Read {} {} files".format(len(raw_specs), extension)) #perform jump correction jumpcorrector = JumpCorrector(params["jumpcorrection_wavelengths"], params["jumpcorrection_stablezone"]) jc_specs = [jumpcorrector.correct(s) for s in raw_specs] print(" Jump corrected {} spectrums(s)".format(len(jc_specs))) #separate into green vegetation and non-green vegetation spectra gvd = GreenVegDetector() raw_white_specs, raw_target_specs = [], [] jc_white_specs, jc_target_specs = [], [] ndvis, reflectance_ranges = [], [] for (raw, jc) in zip(raw_specs, jc_specs): (status, ndvi, reflectance_range) = gvd.is_green_vegetation(jc) ndvis.append(ndvi) reflectance_ranges.append(reflectance_range) if status: raw_target_specs.append(raw) jc_target_specs.append(jc) else: raw_white_specs.append(raw) jc_white_specs.append(jc) print(" # white spectra: {}".format(len(jc_white_specs))) print(" # target spectra: {}".format(len(jc_target_specs))) #subset to desired wavelength range #do this for the jc_target_specs only proc_target_specs = [s.wavelength_subset(ws, we) for s in jc_target_specs] print(" Subsetted spectra to range: {}, {}".format(ws, we)) #identify groups using SpectrumRegex and create SpectrumGroup objects patt_groups = [] grps_dict = SpectrumRegex().make_groups(proc_target_specs, pattern) patt_groups = [SpectrumGroup().group(grps_dict[k], k) for k in grps_dict] print(" Grouped spectrums: {} groups".format(len(patt_groups))) #create output directories and save data save_data(input_dir, raw_white_specs, raw_target_specs, proc_target_specs, patt_name, patt_groups)
def process_directory(params): #parameters for processing input_dir = params["input_directory"] ws = params["subset_wavelength_range"][0] we = params["subset_wavelength_range"][1] #read the spectrums extension = {'asd': 1, 'ASD': 1} spec_files = [ os.path.join(input_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(input_dir) if get_extension(f) in extension ] raw_specs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in spec_files] if len(raw_specs) == 0: return print("Data directory: {}".format(input_dir)) print(" Read {} {} files".format(len(raw_specs), extension)) #perform jump correction jumpcorrector = JumpCorrector(params["jumpcorrection_wavelengths"], params["jumpcorrection_stablezone"]) jc_specs = [jumpcorrector.correct(s) for s in raw_specs] print(" Jump corrected {} spectrums(s)".format(len(jc_specs))) #separate into green vegetation and non-green vegetation spectra gvd = GreenVegDetector() raw_white_specs, raw_target_specs = [], [] jc_white_specs, jc_target_specs = [], [] ndvis, reflectance_ranges = [], [] for (raw, jc) in zip(raw_specs, jc_specs): (status, ndvi, reflectance_range) = gvd.is_green_vegetation(jc) ndvis.append(ndvi) reflectance_ranges.append(reflectance_range) if status: raw_target_specs.append(raw) jc_target_specs.append(jc) else: raw_white_specs.append(raw) jc_white_specs.append(jc) print(" # white spectra: {}".format(len(jc_white_specs))) print(" # target spectra: {}".format(len(jc_target_specs))) #subset to desired wavelength range #do this for the jc_target_specs only proc_target_specs = [s.wavelength_subset(ws, we) for s in jc_target_specs] print(" Subsetted spectra to range: {}, {}".format(ws, we)) #create SpectrumGroup object for raw_target_specs raw_target_sg = SpectrumGroup(), "raw_target") raw_target_sg.save_dataframe(input_dir) raw_target_sg.save_plots(input_dir) #create SpectrumGroup object for raw_white_specs raw_white_sg = SpectrumGroup(), "raw_white") raw_white_sg.save_dataframe(input_dir) raw_white_sg.save_plots(input_dir) #create SpectrumGroup object for proc_target_specs proc_target_sg = SpectrumGroup(), "proc_target") proc_target_sg.save_dataframe(input_dir) proc_target_sg.save_plots(input_dir)