def plot_chips(ax, fieldnum): """Plot the outline of the Kepler chips.""" ra_deg, dec_deg, scRoll_deg = getRaDecRollFromFieldnum(fieldnum) ## convert from SC roll to FOV coordinates ## do not use the fovRoll coords anywhere else ## they are internal to this script only fovRoll_deg = fov.getFovAngleFromSpacecraftRoll(scRoll_deg) ## initialize class k = fov.KeplerFov(ra_deg, dec_deg, fovRoll_deg) raDec = k.getCoordsOfChannelCorners() light_grey = np.array([float(248) / float(255)] * 3) #ph = proj.Gnomic(ra_deg, dec_deg) ph = proj.PlateCaree() k.plotPointing(ph, showOuts=False, plot_degrees=False, colour="k", mod3="None", lw=1.5)
def check_target(target, first=0, last=LAST_CAMPAIGN, verbose=True, create_plot=False, print_speed=True): """ Returns ------- visible_campaigns : list of int List of campaign numbers in which the object is visible. """ K2fov.logger.disabled = True # Disable warnings about prelim fields ephem = get_ephemeris_dataframe(target, first, last) visible_campaigns = [] for c in range(first, last + 1): visible = False fovobj = K2fov.getKeplerFov(c) campaign_ephem = ephem.loc[K2fov.getFieldInfo(c)["start"]:K2fov. getFieldInfo(c)["stop"]] if create_plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from K2fov import projection ph = projection.PlateCaree() pl.figure() fovobj.plotPointing(ph, showOuts=False) pl.plot(campaign_ephem["ra"], campaign_ephem["dec"], color="black", lw=3) #plot_padding = 5 #pl.xlim([campaign_ephem["ra"].max() + plot_padding, # campaign_ephem["ra"].min() - plot_padding]) #pl.ylim([campaign_ephem["dec"].min() - plot_padding, # campaign_ephem["dec"].max() + plot_padding]) pl.xlabel('R.A. [degrees]') pl.ylabel('Declination [degrees]') pl.gca().invert_xaxis() pl.minorticks_on() pl.title("Visibility of {0} in K2 C{1}".format(target, c)) plot_fn = "{}-c{}.png".format(target.replace("/", "_"), c) print("Writing {}".format(plot_fn)) pl.savefig(plot_fn) pl.close() for idx, row in campaign_ephem.iterrows(): if onSiliconCheck(row["ra"], row["dec"], fovobj): logging.debug("{} is visible in C{}.".format(target, c)) logging.debug(campaign_ephem[["dra", "ddec"]]) visible = True break if visible: visible_campaigns.append(c) if verbose: mag = campaign_ephem['mag'] if mag.dtype == float: # can also be the string "n/a" min_mag, max_mag = mag.min(), mag.max() else: min_mag, max_mag = -99.9, -99.9 print("Object '{}' is visible in C{} (" "mag {:.1f}..{:.1f}; " "{:.1f}..{:.1f}\"/h; " "ra {:.3f}..{:.3f}; " "dec {:.3f}..{:.3f}).".format( target, c, min_mag, max_mag, campaign_ephem['motion'].min(), campaign_ephem['motion'].max(), campaign_ephem['ra'].min(), campaign_ephem['ra'].max(), campaign_ephem['dec'].min(), campaign_ephem['dec'].max())) continue K2fov.logger.disabled = False return visible_campaigns
TILE_NO_DEC = 5 # Number of tiles in Dec direction def get_fov(campaign): ra, dec, scRoll = getRaDecRollFromFieldnum(campaign) fovRoll = fov.getFovAngleFromSpacecraftRoll(scRoll) return fov.KeplerFov(ra, dec, fovRoll) if __name__ == "__main__": output = {"tiles": {}} # Dict that will be written as a JSON file f = get_fov(CAMPAIGN) pl.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) ph = proj.PlateCaree() f.plotPointing(ph, showOuts=False, plot_degrees=False, mod3="white", colour="gray", lw=5, solid_capstyle="round", solid_joinstyle="round") for x in range(TILE_NO_RA): for y in range(TILE_NO_DEC): ra = TILE_RA + x * TILE_SIZE dec = TILE_DEC + y * TILE_SIZE tile_def = { "ra1": ra - .5 * TILE_SIZE,