def diamondLottery(self,configDict): result = "" op = ErrorCode.LotteryError.Success # 检查冷却时间 # 检查免费次数 # cdTime = configDict["cdTime"] moneyCount = configDict["moneyCount"] dropIds = configDict["dropIds"] lastTime = self.diamondLastTime nowTime = util.getCurrentTime() period = nowTime - lastTime # 免费抽取 if period >= cdTime and self.diamondFreeTimes < configDict["freeTime"] : self.diamondFreeTimes = self.diamondFreeTimes + 1 self.diamondLastTime = nowTime for key in dropIds: result += str(key) + "," DEBUG_MSG("diamondLottery ----------" + result) return (op, result) # 钻石抽取 if self.diamond >= moneyCount: self.diamond = self.diamond - moneyCount for key in dropIds: self.putItemInBag(key, 1) result += str(key) + "," DEBUG_MSG("diamondLottery ----------" + result) return (op, result)
def tenLottery(self,configDict): result ="" op = ErrorCode.LotteryError.Success moneyCount = configDict["moneyCount"] if self.diamond >= moneyCount: self.diamond = self.diamond - moneyCount else: return (ErrorCode.LotteryError.Diamond_not_enough, "") count = 10 dropIds = configDict["dropIds"] tenDropIds = configDict["tenDropIds"] if self.tenFirstCall == 0: count = count -1 for key in tenDropIds: result += str(key) + "," self.tenFirstCall = 1 for i in range(count): for key in dropIds: self.putItemInBag(key, 1) result += str(key) + "," DEBUG_MSG("tenLottery ----------" + result) return (op, result)
def onClientLottery(self,lotteryType): DEBUG_MSG("lotteryType:--------------------------------" + str(lotteryType)) if lotteryType not in lotteryConfig.lottery.keys(): DEBUG_MSG("---------------dont have key") return lonfig = lotteryConfig.lottery[lotteryType] if lotteryType == Lottery_Type_Euro: result = self.euroLottery(lonfig) elif lotteryType == Lottery_Type_Diamond: result = self.diamondLottery(lonfig) elif lotteryType == Lottery_Type_Ten: result = self.tenLottery(lonfig) DEBUG_MSG("lotteryResult:-----" + str(result[0])+"----------------------" + str(result[1])) self.client.lotteryResult(result[0],result[1])
def euroLottery(self, configDict): result = "" op = ErrorCode.LotteryError.Success # 检查冷却时间 # 检查免费次数 # cdTime = configDict["cdTime"] moneyCount = configDict["moneyCount"] dropIds = configDict["dropIds"] lastTime = self.euroLastTime nowTime = util.getCurrentTime() period = nowTime - lastTime DEBUG_MSG(" period " + str(period) + " lasttime " + str(lastTime) + " now " + str(nowTime)) # 免费抽取 if period >= cdTime and self.euroFreeTimes < configDict["freeTime"]: self.euroFreeTimes = self.euroFreeTimes + 1 self.euroLastTime = nowTime DEBUG_MSG("-------dropIds len--------" + str(len(dropIds))) for key in dropIds: result += str(key) + "," self.putItemInBag(key, 1) DEBUG_MSG("euroLottery----------" + result) return (op, result) # 欧元抽取 if self.euro >= moneyCount: self.useEuro(moneyCount) for key in dropIds: result += str(key) + "," self.putItemInBag(key, 1) DEBUG_MSG("euroLottery----------" + result) return (op, result) # 钱不够,时间不够(抽卡失败)TODO: return (ErrorCode.LotteryError.Fail, result)
def onMailsSaveCB(result, rownum, error): if rownum == 1: del rowValueMap["to_dbid"] KBEngine.globalData["PlayerMgr"].onCmdByDBID( self.databaseID, "recNewMail", rowValueMap) # self.recNewMail(mailType,, rowValueMap["time"], title, text, attachment, extern_info) # 通知另外一个人 self.client.onOperateSuc("sendMail") else: DEBUG_MSG("----------sendMail 茶如失败-------------------------")
def recNewMail(self, mail): # mail = {} # mail["mail_type"] = mailType # mail["title"] = title # mail["from_name"] = from_name # mail["text"] = text # mail["time"] = time # mail["attachment"] = attachment # mail["state"] = Mails.Mail_State_Not_Open # mail["extern_info"] = extern_info DEBUG_MSG("recNewMail--------------------" + mail["title"]) self.mails.append(mail)
def sendMail(self, to_dbid, mailType, title, text, attachment=None, extern_info=None): rowValueMap = {} rowValueMap["to_dbid"] = to_dbid rowValueMap["mail_type"] = mailType rowValueMap["title"] = title rowValueMap["from_name"] = rowValueMap["text"] = text rowValueMap["time"] = util.getCurrentTime() rowValueMap["attachment"] = attachment rowValueMap["state"] = Mails.Mail_State_Not_Open rowValueMap["extern_info"] = extern_info # TODO:后期修改 self.databaseID sql = "insert into tbl_Mails(sm_to_dbid,sm_mail_type,sm_title,sm_from_name,sm_text,sm_time,sm_attachment,sm_state,sm_extern_info) " \ "select '" + str(self.databaseID) + "','"\ +str(mailType) +"','"\ +title+"','"\"','"\ +text +"','"\ +str(util.getCurrentTime())+"','"\ +attachment +"','"\ +str(Mails.Mail_State_Not_Open)+"','"\ +extern_info + \ "' from dual where exists (select * from tbl_Avatar where id = " + str(to_dbid) +")" DEBUG_MSG("sendMail " + sql) @util.dbDeco def onMailsSaveCB(result, rownum, error): if rownum == 1: del rowValueMap["to_dbid"] KBEngine.globalData["PlayerMgr"].onCmdByDBID( self.databaseID, "recNewMail", rowValueMap) # self.recNewMail(mailType,, rowValueMap["time"], title, text, attachment, extern_info) # 通知另外一个人 self.client.onOperateSuc("sendMail") else: DEBUG_MSG("----------sendMail 茶如失败-------------------------") KBEngine.executeRawDatabaseCommand(sql, onMailsSaveCB)
def onTimer(self, tid, userArg): # ERROR_MSG("ontimer" + str(userArg)) if userArg == TimerDefine.Timer_body_power_reset_buy_times: self.bodyPowerBuyTimes = 0 # 每N分钟体力恢复1点 if TimerDefine.Timer_body_power_recover == userArg: if self.bodyPower < bodyPowerConfig.bodyPowerConfig[1]["maxPower"]: DEBUG_MSG("---------------- Timer_body_power_recover -----------------------") self.bodyPower = self.bodyPower + 1 if TimerDefine.Timer_reset_buy_euro == userArg: self.euroBuyTimes = 0 pass
def onMailsLoadCB(result, rownum, error): """ 加载邮件 """ if result is None: return for i in range(len(result)): mail = {} mail["mail_type"] = int(result[i][3]) mail["title"] = result[i][4].decode('utf-8') mail["from_name"] = result[i][5].decode('utf-8') mail["text"] = result[i][6].decode('utf-8') mail["time"] = int(result[i][7]) mail["attachment"] = result[i][8].decode('utf-8') mail["state"] = int(result[i][9]) mail["extern_info"] = result[i][10].decode('utf-8') self.mails.insert(i, mail) DEBUG_MSG("mails load complete!")
def sayHello(self): DEBUG_MSG(" wo shi hello")