Пример #1
 def test_keys(self):
     """Get out all keys of the kvs"""
     kvs = KVS()
     kvs["tv1"] = TV(1)
     kvs["tv2"] = TV(2)
     kvs["tv3"] = TV(3)
Пример #2
 def test_keys(self):
     """Get out all keys of the kvs"""
     kvs = KVS()
     kvs["tv1"] = TV(1)
     kvs["tv2"] = TV(2)
     kvs["tv3"] = TV(3)
Пример #3
class DeviceRegistry():  # this is actions, so is this the 'RegistRAR'??
    """A persistent registry for device class instance configurations"""

    DEFAULT_FILENAME = "registry.kvs"

    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        ##print("***Opening DeviceRegistry")
        self.store = KVS(filename)
        self.fsk_router = None

    def set_fsk_router(self, fsk_router):
        self.fsk_router = fsk_router

    def load_from(self, filename=None):
        """Start with a blank in memory registry, and load from the given filename"""
        if filename == None: filename = DeviceRegistry.DEFAULT_FILENAME
        # Create a new in memory store, effectively removing any existing in memory device class instances
        #TODO: Not good if there are routes to those class instances?
        self.store = KVS(
        )  #TODO: later we might make it possible to load_from multiple files
        self.store.load(filename, Devices.DeviceFactory.get_device_from_name)

    def load_into(self, context):
        """auto-create variables in the provided context, for all persisted registry entries"""
        if context == None:
            raise ValueError("Must provide a context to hold new variables")

        for name in self.store.keys():
            c = self.get(name)
            # This creates a variable inside the context of this name, points to class instance
            setattr(context, name, c)

    def add(self, device, name):
        """Add a device class instance to the registry, with a friendly name"""
        self.store[name] = device

    def get(self, name):  # -> Device
        """Get the description for a device class from the store, and construct a class instance"""
        c = self.store[name]

        if self.fsk_router != None:
            if c.can_send():  # if can transmit, we can receive from it
                if isinstance(c, Devices.MiHomeDevice):
                    #print("Adding rx route for transmit enabled device %s" % c)
                    address = (c.manufacturer_id, c.product_id, c.device_id)
                    self.fsk_router.add(address, c)
        return c

    def rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """Rename a device in the registry"""
        c = self.store[old_name]  # get the class instance
        self.delete(old_name)  # remove from memory and from any disk version
        self.add(c, new_name)  # Add the same class back, but with the new name
        #Note: If rx routes are defined, they will still be correct,
        # because they wire directly to the device class instance

    def delete(self, name):
        """Delete the named class instance"""
        del self.store[name]

    def list(self):
        """List the registry in a vaguely printable format, mostly for debug"""
        print("REGISTERED DEVICES:")
        for k in self.store.keys():
            print("  %s -> %s" % (k, self.store[k]))

    def size(self):
        """How many entries are there in the registry?"""
        return self.store.size()

    def devices(self):
        """A generator/iterator that can be used to get a list of device instances"""

        # Python2 and Python3 safe
        for k in self.store.keys():
            device = self.store[k]
            yield device

        # first get a list of all devices, in case the registry changes while iterating
        ##devices = self.store.keys()

        # now 'generate' one per call
        ##i = 0
        ##while i < len(devices):
        ##    k = devices[i]
        ##    device = self.store[k]
        ##    yield device
        ##    i += 1

    def names(self):
        """A generator/iterator that can be used to get a list of device names"""
        # first get a list of all devices, in case the registry changes while iterating
        devices = list(self.store.keys())

        # now 'generate' one per call
        i = 0
        while i < len(devices):
            k = devices[i]
            yield k
            i += 1
Пример #4
class DeviceRegistry(): # this is actions, so is this the 'RegistRAR'??
    """A persistent registry for device class instance configurations"""

    DEFAULT_FILENAME = "registry.kvs"

    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        ##print("***Opening DeviceRegistry")
        self.store = KVS(filename)
        self.fsk_router = None

    def set_fsk_router(self, fsk_router):
        self.fsk_router = fsk_router

    def load_from(self, filename=None):
        """Start with a blank in memory registry, and load from the given filename"""
        if filename == None: filename = DeviceRegistry.DEFAULT_FILENAME
        # Create a new in memory store, effectively removing any existing in memory device class instances
        #TODO: Not good if there are routes to those class instances?
        self.store = KVS(filename) #TODO: later we might make it possible to load_from multiple files
        self.store.load(filename, Devices.DeviceFactory.get_device_from_name)

    def load_into(self, context):
        """auto-create variables in the provided context, for all persisted registry entries"""
        if context == None:
            raise ValueError("Must provide a context to hold new variables")

        for name in self.store.keys():
            c = self.get(name)
            # This creates a variable inside the context of this name, points to class instance
            setattr(context, name, c)

    def add(self, device, name):
        """Add a device class instance to the registry, with a friendly name"""
        self.store[name] = device

    def get(self, name): # -> Device
        """Get the description for a device class from the store, and construct a class instance"""
        c = self.store[name]

        if self.fsk_router != None:
            if c.can_send(): # if can transmit, we can receive from it
                if isinstance(c, Devices.MiHomeDevice):
                    print("Adding rx route for transmit enabled device %s" % c)
                    address = (c.manufacturer_id, c.product_id, c.device_id)
                    self.fsk_router.add(address, c)
        return c

    def rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """Rename a device in the registry"""
        c = self.store[old_name] # get the class instance
        self.delete(old_name) # remove from memory and from any disk version
        self.add(c, new_name) # Add the same class back, but with the new name
        #Note: If rx routes are defined, they will still be correct,
        # because they wire directly to the device class instance

    def delete(self, name):
        """Delete the named class instance"""
        del self.store[name]

    def list(self):
        """List the registry in a vaguely printable format, mostly for debug"""
        print("REGISTERED DEVICES:")
        for k in self.store.keys():
            print("  %s -> %s" % (k, self.store[k]))

    def size(self):
        """How many entries are there in the registry?"""
        return self.store.size()

    def devices(self):
        """A generator/iterator that can be used to get a list of device instances"""

        # Python2 and Python3 safe
        for k in self.store.keys():
            device = self.store[k]
            yield device

        # first get a list of all devices, in case the registry changes while iterating
        ##devices = self.store.keys()

        # now 'generate' one per call
        ##i = 0
        ##while i < len(devices):
        ##    k = devices[i]
        ##    device = self.store[k]
        ##    yield device
        ##    i += 1

    def names(self):
        """A generator/iterator that can be used to get a list of device names"""
        # first get a list of all devices, in case the registry changes while iterating
        devices = list(self.store.keys())

        # now 'generate' one per call
        i = 0
        while i < len(devices):
            k = devices[i]
            yield k
            i += 1