# Start Testing
    # Create an instance of the filter
    kf = Kalman(history, order)

    # Use the first #history of them for training
    obs_train = obs[:history]
    model_train = model[:history]

    # The rest to be used dynamically
    obs_dyn = obs[history:]
    model_dyn = model[history:]
    fcst = np.zeros_like(obs_dyn)

    # Perform an initial training of the model
    kf.trainMe(obs_train, model_train)

    for ij in range(len(obs_dyn)):
        # Provide a correction to the forecast
        fcst[ij] = kf.adjustForecast(model_dyn[ij])

        # Update filter
        kf.trainMe([obs_dyn[ij]], [model_dyn[ij]])

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figSize)
    plt.plot(obs_dyn[pltRange], label='obs')
    plt.plot(model_dyn[pltRange], '--', label='model')
    plt.plot(fcst[pltRange], '*', label='kalman')
Пример #2
class HybridKB(object):
    def __init__(self, historyKal, dimKal, historyBayes, distType=None):

        # First check Kalman related parameters
        if historyKal < 1 or dimKal < 1:
            print('Hybrid module reporting: ')
            raise ValueError(
                'Improper value entered for history length and/or dimension of observation matrix (Kalman)...'

        if dimKal < 2:
            print('Hybrid module reporting: ')
                'Caution! Low accuracy due to the size of the observation matrix. (Affecting mostly Kalman)'

        # Now check for Bayes related parameters
        if historyBayes < 1:
            print('Hybrid module reporting: ')
            raise ValueError('History length is too small (Bayes)...')

        # Final check to ensure smooth operations
        if historyBayes < historyKal:
            print('Hybrid module reporting: ')
            raise ValueError(
                'History length for Bayesian system must be greater or equal to that of Kalman. '

        # Check if the distribution is supported
        if distType is None:
            correctionType = 'none'  # Initialise type of data to be handled/corrected (will be detected)
            if distType.lower() in distAllowed.keys():
                correctionType = distAllowed[distType.lower(
                )]  # Initialise type of data to be handled/corrected (user defined)
                print('Hybrid module reporting: ')
                raise ValueError(
                    'Distribution not currently implemented for the system.')

        # Now ready to use the input (could defer to classes but thought better to do it here as well)
        self.KF = Kalman(historyKal, dimKal)
        self.BS = Bayes(historyBayes, correctionType)

    def trainMe(self, obs, model, retarget=False):
        Master method to control the 
        initial training of the system.
        # Ensure it's working with numpy arrays
        myObs = np.array(obs)
        myModel = np.array(model)

        # Check if shapes match
        if myObs.shape != myModel.shape:
            raise TypeError('Training set does not have conforming shapes.')

        # Train each module
        self.KF.trainMe(myObs, myModel)
        self.BS.trainMe(myObs, myModel, retarget=retarget)

    def adjustForecast(self, model, buff=20.0):
        Method to control the correction
        of the forecast value.
        tempVal = self.KF.adjustForecast(model, buff=buff)
        ret = self.BS.adjustForecast(tempVal, buff=buff)

        return ret