Пример #1
    def setDefault(self, record, value):
        group = record.values[self.name]

        if value and len(value):
            context = self.context(record)
            Rpc2 = RpcProxy(self.attrs['relation'])
            fields = Rpc2.fields_get(list(value[0].keys()), context)

        for recordData in (value or []):
            newRecord = group.create(default=False)
            newRecord.modified = True
        return True
Пример #2
    def setDefault(self, record, value):
        from Koo.Model.Group import RecordGroup

        group = record.values[self.name]

        if value and len(value):
            assert isinstance(value[0], dict), "%s: %r" % (self.name, value)
            context = self.context(record)
            Rpc2 = RpcProxy(self.attrs['relation'])
            fields = Rpc2.fields_get(value[0].keys(), context)

        for rec in (value or []):
            newRecord = group.create(default=False)
            newRecord.modified = True
        return True
Пример #3
class RecordGroup(QObject):

    SortVisibleItems = 1
    SortAllItems = 2

    SortingPossible = 0
    SortingNotPossible = 1
    SortingOnlyGroups = 2
    SortingNotPossibleModified = 3

    # @brief Creates a new RecordGroup object.
    # @param resource Name of the model to load. Such as 'res.partner'.
    # @param fields Dictionary with the fields to load. This value typically comes from the server.
    # @param ids Record identifiers to load in the group.
    # @param parent Only used if this RecordGroup serves as a relation to another model. Otherwise it's None.
    # @param context Context for RPC calls.
    def __init__(self, resource, fields=None, ids=None, parent=None, context=None):
        if ids is None:
            ids = []
        if context is None:
            context = {}
        self.parent = parent
        self._context = context
        self.resource = resource
        self.limit = Settings.value('koo.limit', 80, int)
        self.maximumLimit = self.limit
        self.rpc = RpcProxy(resource)
        if fields == None:
            self.fields = {}
            self.fields = fields
        self.fieldObjects = {}

        self.records = []


        # toBeSorted properties store information each time sort() function
        # is called. If loading of records is not enabled, records won't be
        # loaded but we keep by which field we want information to be sorted
        # so when record loading is enabled again we know how should the sorting
        # be.
        self.toBeSortedField = None
        self.toBeSortedOrder = None

        self.sortedField = None
        self.sortedOrder = None
        self.updated = False
        self._domain = []
        self._filter = []

        if Settings.value('koo.sort_mode') == 'visible_items':
            self._sortMode = self.SortVisibleItems
            self._sortMode = self.SortAllItems
        self._sortMode = self.SortAllItems

        self._allFieldsLoaded = False

        self.removedRecords = []
        self._onWriteFunction = ''

    # @brief Sets wether data loading should be done on record chunks or one by one.
    # Setting value to True, will make the RecordGroup ignore the current 'limit' property,
    # and load records by one by, instead. If set to False (the default) it will load records
    # in groups of 'limit' (80, by default).
    # In some cases (widgets that show multiple records) it's better to load in chunks, in other
    # cases, it's better to load one by one.
    def setLoadOneByOne(self, value):
        if value:
            self.limit = 1
            self.limit = self.maximumLimit

    def setSortMode(self, mode):
        self._sortMode = mode

    def sortMode(self):
        return self._sortMode

    def setOnWriteFunction(self, value):
        self._onWriteFunction = value

    def onWriteFunction(self):
        return self._onWriteFunction

    def __del__(self):
        if self.parent:
            self.disconnect(self, SIGNAL('modified'),
            self.tomanyfield = None
        self.rpc = None
        self.parent = None
        self.resource = None
        self._context = None
        self.fields = None
        for r in self.records:
            if not isinstance(r, Record):
                r, SIGNAL('recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
                r, SIGNAL('recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)
        self.records = []
        for f in self.fieldObjects:
            self.fieldObjects[f].parent = None
            # @xtorello toreview
            # self.fieldObjects[f].__del__()
            #self.disconnect( self.fieldObjects[f], None, 0, 0 )
            #self.fieldObjects[f] = None
            #del self.fieldObjects[f]
        self.fieldObjects = {}

    # @brief Returns a string with the name of the type of a given field. Such as 'char'.
    def fieldType(self, fieldName):
        if not fieldName in self.fields:
            return None
        return self.fields[fieldName]['type']

    # Creates the entries in 'fieldObjects' for each key of the 'fkeys' list.
    def loadFieldObjects(self, fkeys):
        for fname in fkeys:
            fvalue = self.fields[fname]
            fvalue['name'] = fname
            self.fieldObjects[fname] = Field.FieldFactory.create(
                fvalue['type'], self, fvalue)
            if fvalue['type'] in ('binary', 'image'):
                self.fieldObjects['%s.size' % fname] = Field.FieldFactory.create(
                    'binary-size', self, fvalue)

    # @brief Saves all the records.
    # Note that there will be one request to the server per modified or
    # created record.
    def save(self):
        for record in self.records:
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                saved = record.save()

    # @brief Returns a list with all modified records
    def modifiedRecords(self):
        modified = []
        for record in self.records:
            if isinstance(record, Record) and record.isModified():
        return modified

    # @brief This function executes the 'onWriteFunction' function in the server.
    # If there is a 'onWriteFunction' function associated with the model type handled by
    # this record group it will be executed. 'editedId' should provide the
    # id of the just saved record.
    # This functionality is provided here instead of on the record because
    # the remote function might update some other records, and they need to
    # be (re)loaded.
    def written(self, editedId):
        if not self._onWriteFunction or not editedId:
        # Execute the onWriteFunction function on the server.
        # It's expected it'll return a list of ids to be loaded or reloaded.
        new_ids = getattr(self.rpc, self._onWriteFunction)(
            editedId, self.context())
        record_idx = self.records.index(self.recordById(editedId))
        result = False
        indexes = []
        for id in new_ids:
            cont = False
            for m in self.records:
                if isinstance(m, Record):
                    if m.id == id:
                        cont = True
                        # TODO: Shouldn't we just call cancel() so the record
                        # is reloaded on demand?
            if cont:
            # TODO: Should we reconsider this? Do we need/want to reload. Probably we
            # only want to add the id to the list.
            record = Record(id, self, parent=self.parent)
            self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
            self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)
            if not result:
                result = record
            newIndex = min(record_idx, len(self.records) - 1)
            self.add(record, newIndex)

        if indexes:
                      min(indexes), max(indexes))
        return result

    # @brief Adds a list of records as specified by 'values'.
    # 'values' has to be a list of dictionaries, each of which containing fields
    # names -> values. At least key 'id' needs to be in all dictionaries.
    def loadFromValues(self, values):
        start = len(self.records)
        for value in values:
            record = Record(value['id'], self, parent=self.parent)
            self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
            self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)
        end = len(self.records) - 1
        self.emit(SIGNAL('recordsInserted(int,int)'), start, end)

    # @brief Creates as many records as len(ids) with the ids[x] as id.
    # 'ids' needs to be a list of identifiers. The addFields() function
    # can be used later to load the necessary fields for each record.
    def load(self, ids, addOnTop=False):
        if not ids:
        if addOnTop:
            start = 0
            # Discard from 'ids' those that are already loaded.
            # If we didn't do that, some records could be repeated if the programmer
            # doesn't verify that, and we'd end up in errors because when records are
            # actually loaded they're only checked against a single appearance of the
            # id in the list of records.
            # Note we don't use sets to discard ids, because we want to keep the order
            # their order and because it can cause infinite recursion.
            currentIds = self.ids()
            for id in ids:
                if id not in currentIds:
                    self.records.insert(0, id)
            end = len(ids) - 1
            start = len(self.records)
            # Discard from 'ids' those that are already loaded. Same as above.
            currentIds = self.ids()
            for id in ids:
                if id not in currentIds:
            end = len(self.records) - 1
        # We consider the group is updated because otherwise calling count() would
        # force an update() which would cause one2many relations to load elements
        # when we only want to know how many are there.
        self.updated = True
        self.emit(SIGNAL('recordsInserted(int,int)'), start, end)

    # @brief Clears the list of records. It doesn't remove them.
    def clear(self):
        for record in self.records:
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                self.disconnect(record, SIGNAL(
                    'recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
                self.disconnect(record, SIGNAL(
                    'recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)
        last = len(self.records) - 1
        self.records = []
        self.removedRecords = []
        self.emit(SIGNAL('recordsRemoved(int,int)'), 0, last)

    # @brief Returns a copy of the current context
    def context(self):
        ctx = {}
        return ctx

    # @brief Sets the context that will be used for RPC calls.
    def setContext(self, context):
        self._context = context.copy()

    # @brief Adds a record to the list
    def add(self, record, position=-1):
        if not record.group is self:
            fields = {}
            for mf in record.group.fields:
                       ] = record.group.fields[mf]
            record.group = self

        if position == -1:
            self.records.insert(position, record)
        record.parent = self.parent
        self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
            'recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
        self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
            'recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)
        return record

    # @brief Creates a new record of the same type of the records in the group.
    # If 'default' is true, the record is filled in with default values.
    # 'domain' and 'context' are only used if default is true.
    def create(self, default=True, position=-1, domain=None, context=None):
        if domain is None:
            domain = []
        if context is None:
            context = {}

        record = Record(None, self, parent=self.parent, new=True)
        if default:
            ctx = context.copy()
            record.fillWithDefaults(domain, ctx)
        self.add(record, position)
        if position == -1:
            start = len(self.records) - 1
            start = position
        self.emit(SIGNAL('recordsInserted(int,int)'), start, start)
        return record

    def disableSignals(self):
        self._signalsEnabled = False

    def enableSignals(self):
        self._signalsEnabled = True

    def recordChanged(self, record):
        if self._signalsEnabled:
            self.emit(SIGNAL('recordChanged(PyQt_PyObject)'), record)

    def recordModified(self, record):
        if self._signalsEnabled:

    # @brief Removes a record from the record group but not from the server.
    # If the record doesn't exist it will ignore it silently.
    def removeRecord(self, record):
        idx = self.records.index(record)
        if isinstance(record, Record):
            id = record.id
            id = record
        if id:
            # Only store removedRecords if they have a valid Id.
            # Otherwise we don't need them because they don't have
            # to be removed in the server.
        if isinstance(record, Record):
            if record.parent:
                record.parent.modified = True
        self.emit(SIGNAL('recordsRemoved(int,int)'), idx, idx)

    # @brief Remove a list of records from the record group but not from the server.
    # If a record doesn't exist it will ignore it silently.
    def removeRecords(self, records):
        firstIdx = -1
        lastIdx = -1
        toRemove = []
        for record in records:
            if not record in records:
            idx = self.records.index(record)
            if firstIdx < 0 or idx < firstIdx:
                firstIdx = idx
            if lastIdx < 0 or idx > lastIdx:
                lastIdx = idx
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                id = record.id
                id = record
            if id:
                # Only store removedRecords if they have a valid Id.
                # Otherwise we don't need them because they don't have
                # to be removed in the server.
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                if record.parent:
                    record.parent.modified = True
        self.emit(SIGNAL('recordsRemoved(int,int)'), firstIdx, lastIdx)

    # @brief Removes a record from the record group but not from the server.
    # If the record doesn't exist it will ignore it silently.
    def remove(self, record):
        if isinstance(record, list):

    def binaryFieldNames(self):
        return [x[:-5] for x in list(self.fieldObjects.keys()) if x.endswith('.size')]

    def allFieldNames(self):
        return [x for x in list(self.fieldObjects.keys()) if not x.endswith('.size')]

    def createAllFields(self):
        if self._allFieldsLoaded:
        fields = self.rpc.fields_get()
        self._allFieldsLoaded = True

    # @brief Adds the specified fields to the record group
    # Note that it updates 'fields' and 'fieldObjects' in the group.
    # 'fields' is a dict of dicts as typically returned by 'fields_get'
    # server function.
    def addFields(self, fields):
        to_add = []
        for f in list(fields.keys()):
            if not f in self.fields:
                self.fields[f] = fields[f]
                self.fields[f]['name'] = f
        return to_add

    # @brief Ensures all records in the group are loaded.
    def ensureAllLoaded(self):
        ids = self.unloadedIds()
        if not ids:
        c = Rpc.session.context.copy()
        c['bin_size'] = True
        values = self.rpc.read(ids, list(self.fields.keys()), c)
        if values:
            for v in values:
                #self.recordById( v['id'] ).set(v, signal=False)
                r = self.recordById(v['id'])
                r.set(v, signal=False)

    # @brief Returns the list of ids that have not been loaded yet. The list
    # won't include new records as those have id 0 or None.
    def unloadedIds(self):
        ids = []
        for x in self.records:
            if isinstance(x, Record):
                if x.id and not x._loaded:
            elif x:
        return ids

    # @brief Returns the list of loaded records. The list won't include new records.
    def loadedRecords(self):
        records = []
        for x in self.records:
            if isinstance(x, Record):
                if x.id and x._loaded:
        return records

    # @brief Returns a list with all ids.
    def ids(self):
        ids = []
        for x in self.records:
            if isinstance(x, Record):
        return ids

    # @brief Returns a list with all new records.
    def newRecords(self):
        records = []
        for x in self.records:
            if not isinstance(x, Record):
            if x.id:
        return records

    # @brief Returns the number of records in this group.
    def count(self):
        return len(self.records)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.records)

    # @brief Returns the record with id 'id'. You can use [] instead.
    # Note that it will check if the record is loaded and load it if not.
    def modelById(self, id):
        record = self.recordById(id)
        if not record:
            return None
        return record
    __getitem__ = modelById

    # @brief Returns the record at the specified row number.
    def modelByIndex(self, row):
        record = self.recordByIndex(row)
        return record

    # @brief Returns the row number of the given record. Note that
    # the record must be in the group. Otherwise an exception is risen.
    def indexOfRecord(self, record):
        if record in self.records:
            return self.records.index(record)
            return -1

    # @brief Returns the row number of the given id.
    # If the id doesn't exist it returns -1.
    def indexOfId(self, id):
        i = 0
        for record in self.records:
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                if record.id == id:
                    return i
            elif record == id:
                return i
            i += 1
        return -1

    # @brief Returns True if the given record exists in the group.
    def recordExists(self, record):
        return record in self.records

    # @brief Returns True if the given field name exists in the group.
    def fieldExists(self, fieldName):
        return fieldName in self.fieldObjects

    # @brief Returns the record with id 'id'. You can use [] instead.
    # Note that it will return the record but won't try to load it.
    def recordById(self, id):
        for record in self.records:
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                if record.id == id:
                    return record
            elif record == id:
                idx = self.records.index(id)
                record = Record(id, self, parent=self.parent)
                self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                    'recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
                self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                    'recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)
                self.records[idx] = record
                return record

    def duplicate(self, record):
        if record.id:
            # If record exists in the database, ensure we copy all fields.

        newRecord = self.create()
        newRecord.values = record.values.copy()
        for field in list(newRecord.values.keys()):
            if self.fieldType(field) in ('one2many'):
                del newRecord.values[field]
        newRecord.modified = True
        return newRecord

    # @brief Returns a Record object for the given row.
    def recordByIndex(self, row):
        record = self.records[row]
        if isinstance(record, Record):
            return record
            record = Record(record, self, parent=self.parent)
            self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
            self.connect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)
            self.records[row] = record
            return record

    # @brief Returns True if the RecordGroup handles information of a wizard.
    def isWizard(self):
        return self.resource.startswith('wizard.')

    # @brief Checks whether the specified record is fully loaded and loads
    # it if necessary.
    def ensureRecordLoaded(self, record):
        # Do not try to load if record is new.
        if not record.id:
        if record.isFullyLoaded():

        c = Rpc.session.context.copy()
        ids = self.ids()
        pos = ids.index(record.id) / self.limit

        queryIds = ids[int(pos * self.limit): int(pos * self.limit) + self.limit]
        if None in queryIds:

        missingFields = record.missingFields()

        c['bin_size'] = True
        values = self.rpc.read(queryIds, missingFields, c)
        if values:
            for v in values:
                id = v['id']
                if 'id' not in missingFields:
                    del v['id']
                self.recordById(id).set(v, signal=False)
        # TODO: Take a look if we need to set default values for new records!
        # Set defaults
        # if len(new) and len(to_add):
        #values = self.rpc.default_get( to_add, self.context() )
        # for t in to_add:
        # if t not in values:
        #values[t] = False
        # for mod in new:
        # mod.setDefaults(values)

    # @brief Allows setting the domain for this group of records.
    def setDomain(self, value):
        # In some (rare) cases we receive {} as domain. So let's just test
        # 'not value', and that should work in all cases, not only when value
        # is None.
        if not value:
            self._domain = []
            self._domain = value
        if Settings.value('koo.load_on_open', True):
            self.updated = False

    # @brief Returns the current domain.
    def domain(self):
        return self._domain

    # @brief Allows setting a filter for this group of records.
    # The filter is conatenated to the domain to further restrict the records of
    # the group.
    def setFilter(self, value):
        if value == None:
            self._filter = []
            self._filter = value
        self.updated = False

    # @brief Returns the current filter.
    def filter(self):
        return self._filter

    # @brief Disables record loading by setting domain to [('id','in',[])]
    # RecordGroup will optimize the case when domain + filter = [('id','in',[])]
    # by not even querying the server and searching ids. It will simply consider
    # the result is [] and thus the group will be kept empty.
    # Domain may be changed using setDomain() function.
    def setDomainForEmptyGroup(self):
        if self.isModified():
        self.setDomain([('id', 'in', [])])

    # @brief Returns True if domain is [('id','in',[])]
    def isDomainForEmptyGroup(self):
        return self.domain() == [('id', 'in', [])]

    # @brief Reload the record group with current selected sort field, order, domain and filter
    def update(self):
        # Update context from Rpc.session.context as language
        # (or other settings) might have changed.
        self.rpc = RpcProxy(self.resource)
        # Make it reload again
        self.updated = False
        self.sort(self.toBeSortedField, self.toBeSortedOrder)

    # @brief Ensures the group is updated.
    def ensureUpdated(self):
        if self.updated:

    # @brief Sorts the group by the given field name.
    def sort(self, field, order):
        self.toBeSortedField = field
        self.toBeSortedOrder = order
        if self._sortMode == self.SortAllItems:
            self.sortAll(field, order)
            self.sortVisible(field, order)

    # Sorts the records in the group using ALL records in the database
    def sortAll(self, field, order):
        if self.updated and field == self.sortedField and order == self.sortedOrder:

        # Check there're no new or modified records. If there are
        # we won't sort as it means reloading data from the server
        # and we'd loose current changes.
        if self.isModified():
            self.emit(SIGNAL("sorting"), self.SortingNotPossibleModified)

        oldSortedField = self.sortedField

        # We set this fields in the very beggining in case some signals are cought
        # and retry to sort again which would cause an infinite recursion.
        self.sortedField = field
        self.sortedOrder = order
        self.updated = True

        sorted = False
        sortingResult = self.SortingPossible

        if self._domain + self._filter == [('id', 'in', [])]:
            # If setDomainForEmptyGroup() was called, or simply the domain
            # included no tuples, we don't even need to query the server.
            # Note that this may be quite important in some wizards because
            # the model will actually not exist in the server and would raise
            # an exception.
            ids = []
        elif not field in list(self.fields.keys()):
            # If the field doesn't exist use default sorting. Usually this will
            # happen when we update and haven't selected a field to sort by.
            ids = self.rpc.search(
                self._domain + self._filter, 0, False, False, self._context)
            type = self.fields[field]['type']
            if type == 'one2many' or type == 'many2many':
                # We're not able to sort 2many fields
                sortingResult = self.SortingNotPossible
            elif type == 'many2one':
                # This works only if '#407667' is fixed, but it was fixed in 2010-02-03
                orderby = '"%s"' % field
                if order == Qt.AscendingOrder:
                    orderby += " ASC"
                    orderby += " DESC"
                    ids = Rpc.session.call(
                        '/koo', 'search', self.resource, self._domain + self._filter, 0, 0, orderby, self._context)
                    sortingResult = self.SortingPossible
                    sorted = True
                    sortingResult = self.SortingOnlyGroups

            # We check whether the field is stored or not. In case the server
            # is not _ready_ we consider it's stored and we'll catch the exception
            # later.
            stored = self.fields[field].get('stored', True)
            if not stored:
                sortingResult = self.SortingNotPossible

            if not sorted and sortingResult != self.SortingNotPossible:
                # A lot of the work done here should be done on the server by core OpenERP
                # functions. This means this runs slower than it should due to network and
                # serialization latency. Even more, we lack some information to make it
                # work well.

                # Ensure the field is quoted, otherwise fields such as 'to' can't be sorted
                # and return an exception.
                orderby = '"%s"' % field
                if order == Qt.AscendingOrder:
                    orderby += " ASC"
                    orderby += " DESC"

                    # Use call to catch exceptions
                    ids = Rpc.session.call('/object', 'execute', self.resource, 'search',
                                           self._domain + self._filter, 0, 0, orderby, self._context)
                    # In functional fields not stored in the database this will
                    # cause an exception :(
                    sortingResult = self.SortingNotPossible

        if sortingResult != self.SortingNotPossible:
            # The load function will be in charge of loading and sorting elements
        elif oldSortedField == self.sortedField or not self.ids():
            # If last sorted field was the same as the current one, possibly only filter crierias have changed
            # so we might need to reload in this case.
            # If sorting is not possible, but no data was loaded yet, we load by model default field and order.
            # Otherwise, a view might not load any data.
            ids = self.rpc.search(
                self._domain + self._filter, 0, 0, False, self._context)
            # The load function will be in charge of loading and sorting elements

        self.emit(SIGNAL("sorting"), sortingResult)

    # Sorts the records of the group taking into account only loaded fields.
    def sortVisible(self, field, order):
        if self.updated and field == self.sortedField and order == self.sortedOrder:

        if not self.updated:
            ids = self.rpc.search(
                self._domain + self._filter, 0, self.limit, False, self._context)

        if not field in self.fields:


        if field != self.sortedField:
            # Sort only if last sorted field was different than current

            # We need this function here as we use the 'field' variable
            def ignoreCase(record):
                v = record.value(field)
                if isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, str):
                    return v.lower()
                    return v

            type = self.fields[field]['type']
            if type == 'one2many' or type == 'many2many':
                self.records.sort(key=lambda x: len(x.value(field).group))
            if order == Qt.DescendingOrder:
            # If we're only reversing the order, then reverse simply reverse
            if order != self.sortedOrder:

        self.sortedField = field
        self.sortedOrder = order
        self.updated = True

        # Emit recordsInserted() to ensure KooModel is updated.
        self.emit(SIGNAL('recordsInserted(int,int)'), 0, len(self.records) - 1)

        self.emit(SIGNAL("sorting"), self.SortingPossible)

    # @brief Removes all new records and marks all modified ones as not loaded.
    def cancel(self):
        for record in self.records[:]:
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                if not record.id:
                elif record.isModified():
                if not record:

    # @brief Removes a record from the list (but not the record from the database).
    # This function is used to take care signals are disconnected.
    def freeRecord(self, record):
        if isinstance(record, Record):
            self.disconnect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordChanged( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordChanged)
            self.disconnect(record, SIGNAL(
                'recordModified( PyQt_PyObject )'), self.recordModified)

    # @brief Returns True if any of the records in the group has been modified.
    def isModified(self):
        for record in self.records:
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                if record.isModified():
                    return True
        return False

    # @brief Returns True if the given record has been modified.
    def isRecordModified(self, id):
        for record in self.records:
            if isinstance(record, Record):
                if record.id == id:
                    return record.isModified()
            elif record == id:
                return False
        return False

    # @brief Returns True if the given field is required in the RecordGroup, otherwise returns False.
    # Note that this is a flag for the whole group, but each record could have different values depending
    # on its state.
    def isFieldRequired(self, fieldName):
        required = self.fields[fieldName].get('required', False)
        if isinstance(required, bool):
            return required
        if isinstance(required, str) or isinstance(required, str):
            if required.lower() == 'true':
                return True
            if required.lower() == 'false':
                return False
        return bool(int(required))