Пример #1
    def sample_utterance(self, possible_utterances, context):

        t, f, others = self.partition_utterances( possible_utterances, context)

        m = set(t).union(f)

        if flip(self.palpha) and (len(m) > 0): # if we sample from a presup is true
            if (flip(self.alpha) and (len(t)>0)):
                return weighted_sample(t, probs=map( lambda u: self.weightfunction(u, context), t), log=False)
            else:   return weighted_sample(m, probs=map( lambda u: self.weightfunction(u, context), m), log=False)
        else:           return weighted_sample(possible_utterances, probs=map( lambda u: self.weightfunction(u, context), possible_utterances), log=False) # sample from all utterances
Пример #2
    def sample_utterance(self, possible_utterances, context):

        t, f, others = self.partition_utterances( possible_utterances, context)

        m = set(t).union(f)

        if flip(self.palpha) and (len(m) > 0): # if we sample from a presup is true
            if (flip(self.alpha) and (len(t)>0)):
                return weighted_sample(t, probs=map( lambda u: self.weightfunction(u, context), t), log=False)
            else:   return weighted_sample(m, probs=map( lambda u: self.weightfunction(u, context), m), log=False)
        else:           return weighted_sample(possible_utterances, probs=map( lambda u: self.weightfunction(u, context), possible_utterances), log=False) # sample from all utterances
Пример #3
def makeZipfianLexiconData(lexicon, word, context, n=100, s=1.0, alpha=0.9, verbose=False): # TODO remove word param from Shift files
    data = []
    true_set = lexicon.make_true_data(context)
    all_poss_speakers = [ t[1] for t in true_set ]
    p = [ zipf(t, s, context, len(context.objects)) for t in all_poss_speakers ]

    for i in xrange(n):
        if flip(alpha):
            speaker = weighted_sample(all_poss_speakers, probs=p)

            bagR = {w : lexicon(w, context, set([speaker])) for w in lexicon.all_words()}
            uniqR = []
            for w in lexicon.all_words():

            p1 = [ zipf(t, s, context, len(context.objects)) for t in uniqR ]
            referent = weighted_sample(uniqR, probs=p1)

            word = sample1([w for w in lexicon.all_words() if referent in bagR[w]])

            if verbose:
                print "True data:", i, word, speaker, referent
            data.append(KinshipData(word, speaker, referent, context))
            word = sample1(lexicon.all_words())
            x = sample1(context.objects)
            y = sample1(context.objects)
            if verbose:
                print "Noise data:", i, word, x, y
            data.append(KinshipData(word, x, y, context))
    if verbose:
        print lexicon.compute_likelihood(data)
    return data
Пример #4
def makeVariableLexiconData(lexicon,
    data = []
    true_set = lexicon.make_true_data(context)
    all_poss_speakers = [t[1] for t in true_set]
    p = [zipf(t, s, context, len(context.objects)) for t in all_poss_speakers]

    for i in xrange(n):
        if flip(alpha):
            speaker = weighted_sample(all_poss_speakers, probs=p)
            referents = lexicon(word, context, set([speaker]))
            p1 = [zipf(t, s, context, len(context.objects)) for t in referents]
            referent = weighted_sample(referents, probs=p1)
            if verbose:
                print "True data:", i, word, speaker, referent
            data.append(KinshipData(word, speaker, referent, context))
            x = sample1(context.objects)
            y = sample1(context.objects)
            if verbose:
                print "Noise data:", i, word, x, y
            data.append(KinshipData(word, x, y, context))
    if verbose:
        print lexicon.compute_likelihood(data)
    return data
Пример #5
    def propose(self):
        Propose to the lexicon by flipping a coin for each word and proposing to it.

        This permits ProposalFailExceptions on individual words, but does not return a lexicon
        unless we can propose to something.

        fb = 0.0
        changed_any = False

        while not changed_any:
            new = deepcopy(self)  ## Now we just copy the whole thing

            for w in self.all_words():
                    if flip(self.propose_p):
                            xp, xfb = self.get_word(w).propose()

                            changed_any = True
                            new.set_word(w, xp)
                            fb += xfb

                        except ProposalFailedException:

            return new, fb
Пример #6
def makeTreeLexiconData(lexicon,

    L() --> {(W,S,R)}
    data ~ uniform( L() )

    :param lexicon: the target lexicon
    :param context: the context
    :param n: the number of data points
    :param alpha: the reliability parameter. Noise = 1 - alpha
    :param epsilon: the ego-centric probability.
    :param verbose: print the generated data points
    :return: list of KinshipData objects
    data = []
    tree_truth = lexicon.make_true_data(context)
    ego_truth = lexicon.make_true_data(context, fixX=context.ego)
    for s in xrange(n):
        if flip(alpha):
            if flip(epsilon):
                t = sample1(ego_truth)
                if verbose:
                    print "True data:", s, t[0], t[1], t[2]
                data.append(KinshipData(t[0], t[1], t[2], context))
                t = sample1(tree_truth)
            if verbose:
                print "True data:", s, t[0], t[1], t[2]
            data.append(KinshipData(t[0], t[1], t[2], context))
            x = sample1(context.objects)
            y = sample1(context.objects)
            word = sample1(lexicon.all_words())
            if verbose:
                print "Noise data:", s, word, x, y
            data.append(KinshipData(word, x, y, context))
    if verbose:
        print lexicon.compute_likelihood(data)
    return data
Пример #7
    def propose(self):
        Propose to the lexicon by flipping a coin for each word and proposing to it.

        new = copy(self)  ## Now we just copy the whole thing
        fb = 0.0

        for w in self.all_words():
            if flip(self.propose_p):
                xp, xfb = self.get_word(w).propose()
                new.set_word(w, xp)
                fb += xfb

        return new, fb
Пример #8
    def propose(self):
        Propose to the lexicon by flipping a coin for each word and proposing to it.

        new = deepcopy(self)  ## Now we just copy the whole thing
        fb = 0.0

        for w in self.all_words():
            if flip(self.propose_p):
                xp, xfb = self.get_word(w).propose()
                new.set_word(w, xp)
                fb += xfb

        return new, fb
Пример #9
    def propose(self):
        Default proposal to a lexicon -- now at least one, plus some coin flips

        new = copy(self) ## Now we just copy the whole thing

        # Propose one for sure
        w = weighted_sample(self.value.keys()) # the word to change
        p, fb = self.value[w].propose()
        new.set_word(w, p)

        for x in self.all_words():
            if w != x and flip(self.propose_p):
                xp, xfb = self.value[x].propose()
                new.set_word(x, xp)
                fb += xfb

        return new, fb
Пример #10
def makeLexiconData(lexicon, context, n=100, alpha=0.9, verbose=False):
    data = []
    if context.ego is None:
        tree_truth = lexicon.make_true_data(context)
        tree_truth = lexicon.make_true_data(context, fixX=context.ego)
    for s in xrange(n):
        if flip(alpha):
            t = sample1(tree_truth)
            if verbose:
                print "True data:", s, t
            data.append(KinshipData(t[0], t[1], t[2], context))
            x = sample1(context.objects)
            y = sample1(context.objects)
            word = sample1(lexicon.all_words())
            if verbose:
                print "Noise data:", s, word, x, y
            data.append(KinshipData(word, x, y, context))
    if verbose:
        print lexicon.compute_likelihood(data)
    return data
Пример #11
def makeVariableLexiconData(lexicon, word, context, n=100, s=1.0, alpha=0.9, verbose=False):
    data = []
    true_set = lexicon.make_true_data(context)
    all_poss_speakers = [ t[1] for t in true_set ]
    p = [ zipf(t, s, context, len(context.objects)) for t in all_poss_speakers ]

    for i in xrange(n):
        if flip(alpha):
            speaker = weighted_sample(all_poss_speakers, probs=p)
            referents = lexicon(word, context, set([speaker]))
            p1 = [ zipf(t, s, context, len(context.objects)) for t in referents ]
            referent = weighted_sample(referents, probs=p1)
            if verbose:
                print "True data:", i, word, speaker, referent
            data.append(KinshipData(word, speaker, referent, context))
            x = sample1(context.objects)
            y = sample1(context.objects)
            if verbose:
                print "Noise data:", i, word, x, y
            data.append(KinshipData(word, x, y, context))
    if verbose:
        print lexicon.compute_likelihood(data)
    return data
Пример #12
def flip_(p=0.5):
    return flip(p)
Пример #13
def makeZipfianLexiconData(lexicon,

    L() --> P(W) [ eps P(S|W) P(R|W) + 1-eps P(S|W) P(R|SW)]
    P(W) ~ dfreq or defaults to uniform
    P(S|W)  ~ Zipf(s) domain: all speakers that can use that word
    P(R|W)  ~ Zipf(s) domain: all people the learner has a word for
    P(R|SW) ~ Zipf(s) domain: all referents the speaker can use the word to refer to

    :param lexicon: the target lexicon
    :param context: the context
    :param dfreq: dictionary[word] = frequency weight (float)
    :param n: the number of data points
    :param s: the zipfian exponent parameter
    :param alpha: the reliability parameter. Noise = 1 - alpha
    :param epsilon: the ego-centric probability
    :param verbose: print the generated data points
    :return: list of KinshipData objects
    assert context.distance is not None, "There are no distances in the context!"
    if dfreq is not None:
        assert set(lexicon.all_words()).issubset(set(
            dfreq.keys())), "Words in lexicon without frequencies"
        freq = lambda w: dfreq[w]
        freq = None
    data = []
    speakers = dict()
    egoRef = dict()
    for w in lexicon.all_words():
        speakers[w] = [t[1] for t in lexicon.make_word_data(w, context)]
        egoRef[w] = [
            t[2] for t in lexicon.make_word_data(w, context, fixX=context.ego)

    for i in xrange(n):
        if flip(alpha):
            wrd = weighted_sample(lexicon.all_words(), probs=freq)
            speaker = weighted_sample(
                probs=lambda x: zipf(x, s, context, len(context.objects)))
            if flip(epsilon):
                referent = weighted_sample(
                    probs=lambda x: zipf(x, s, context, len(context.objects)))
                eps = 'Ego'
                referent = weighted_sample(
                    lexicon(wrd, context, set([speaker])),
                    probs=lambda x: zipf(x, s, context, len(context.objects)))
                eps = 'Speaker'
            if verbose:
                print "True data:", i, wrd, speaker, referent, eps
            data.append(KinshipData(wrd, speaker, referent, context))
            wrd = weighted_sample(lexicon.all_words(), probs=freq)
            x = weighted_sample(
                probs=lambda x: zipf(x, s, context, len(context.objects)))
            y = weighted_sample(
                probs=lambda x: zipf(x, s, context, len(context.objects)))
            if verbose:
                print "Noise data:", i, wrd, x, y
            data.append(KinshipData(wrd, x, y, context))
    if verbose:
        print lexicon.compute_likelihood(data)
    return data
Пример #14
def flip_(p=0.5):
    return flip(p)