Пример #1
M1 = 1                   # mass 1
M2 = 0.001               # mass 2
M = M1 + M2              # total mass

P = 2*math.pi * math.sqrt(1 / M)   # period from Kepler's 3rd law
omega = 2*math.pi/P           # angular velocity of massive bodies

times = [0, nPeriods*P]   # set integration limits

R = 1                    # separation between masses must be 1
r1 = -R*M2/M             # x coordinate of M1
r2 = R*M1/M              # x coordinate of M2

LP = lpoints(M2/M) # get positions of Lagrange points

##########  Set initial conditions for 4:7 resonance
P2 = P*4/7                   # 4:7 resonance
e = 0.1                      # eccentricity
a = R * (P2/P)**(2/3)        # calculate semimajor axis from period
x0 = a*(1-e)                 # initial position
y0 = 0
vx0 = 0                      # initial velocity
vy0 = math.sqrt(M1*(1+e)/x0) # - x0*omega;

##########  Set initial conditions 0.025 to right of L4 point
# lp = 4
# x0 = LP(lp,1) + 0.024
Пример #2
nPeriods = 100  # number of orbital periods to run simulation

M1 = 1  # mass 1
M2 = 0.001  # mass 2
M = M1 + M2  # total mass

P = 2 * math.pi * math.sqrt(1 / M)  # period from Kepler's 3rd law
omega = 2 * math.pi / P  # angular velocity of massive bodies

times = [0, nPeriods * P]  # set integration limits

R = 1  # separation between masses must be 1
r1 = -R * M2 / M  # x coordinate of M1
r2 = R * M1 / M  # x coordinate of M2

LP = lpoints(M2 / M)  # get positions of Lagrange points

##########  Set initial conditions to match Ceres *** No Chaos
P2 = P * 4.60 / 11.86  # ratio of Mars's period to Jupiter's
e = 0.079  # eccentricity
a = R * (P2 / P)**(2 / 3)  # calculate semimajor axis from period
x0 = a * (1 - e)  # initial position at perihelion
y0 = 0
vx0 = 0  # initial velocity at perihelion
vy0 = math.sqrt(M1 * (1 + e) / x0)

##########  Set initial conditions for 2:3 resonance *** evidence of chaos
# P2 = P*2/3             # 2:3 resonance
# e = 0.56               # eccentricity
# a = R * (P2/P)**(2/3)  # calculate semimajor axis from period
# x0 = a*(1+e)           # initial position
Пример #3
def integrator(masses, pos0, vel0, times, flag):
    global tEnd, wait, mu1, mu2, R10, R20, omega0, plotLimits, LP, leaveTrail, rotatingFrame
    # return returnVals
    (nargin, varargs, keywords, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(integrator)
    if nargin < 4:
        print('crtbpRKN1210 requires at least 4 parameters')

    ##########                                                       ##########
    ##########           Initialization and Parameters               ##########
    ##########                                                       ##########

    ####################  Flags Controlling Output  ###########################
    animate = False
    rotatingFrame = False

    if nargin >= 5:
        rotatingFrame = flag(1)  # if true, transform to rotating frame
        # if false, display inertial frame

        animate = flag(2)  # if true, animate motion
        # if false, just display final trajectory

        leaveTrail = flag(3)  # if true and animation is on, past positions will
        # not be erased.  If false and animation is on,
        # no 'trail' of past positions will be left

    progressBar = False  # if true, show progress bar

    animateDelay = 0.0  # delay (in seconds) between frames of animation.
    # smaller the value, faster the animation will play

    leaveTrail = flag(3)  # if true and animation is on, past positions will
    # not be erased.  If false and animation is on,
    # no 'trail' of past positions will be left

    trailLength = 700  # if leaveTrail is true, this sets the length of
    # trail

    #########################  System Parameters  ############################

    NP = len(pos0) / 2  # number of test particles.  Assumes 2D

    M1 = masses(1)  # mass 1
    M2 = masses(2)  # mass 2
    M = M1 + M2  # total mass

    G = 1  # Gravitational Constant
    R = 1  # distance between M1 and M2 set to 1

    ################  Orbital properties of two massive bodies  ##############

    mu = G * M
    mu1 = G * M1
    mu2 = G * M2

    R10 = ([-M2 / M], [0])  # initial position of M1
    R20 = ([M1 / M], [0])  # initial position of M2

    P = 2 * math.pi * math.sqrt(R ** 3 / mu)  # period from Kepler's 3rd law
    omega0 = 2 * math.pi / P  # angular velocity of massive bodies

    plotLimits = 1.5  # limit for plotting
    tEnd = times(len(times) - 1)

    LP = lpoints(M2 / M)  # calculate Lagrange points

    ###########################   Trail Properties  ###########################

    trail = ones(trailLength, 2 * NP)
    for j in range(0, 2 * NP - 1):
        trail[:, j] = pos0(j) * ones(trailLength, 1)

    ##########                                                       ##########
    ##########                      Integrate                        ##########
    ##########                                                       ##########

    # Use Runge-Kutta 45 integrator to solve the ODE

    # initialize wait variable
    wait = True
    options = integrate.ode
    if animate:
        # options = scipy.odeset('RelTol', 1e-12, 'AbsTol', 1e-12,'outputfcn',OutputFcn2)
        options = integrate.ode(OutputFcn2).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15)
    else:  # initialize waitbar
        if progressBar:
            while (wait):
                w = bar(0, 'integrating...')
                wait = out1(0, 0, 0, w)
                # options = scipy.odeset('RelTol', 1e-12, 'AbsTol', 1e-12,'outputfcn',OutputFcn1)
                options = integrate.ode(OutputFcn1).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15)
            # options = scipy.odeset('RelTol', 1e-12, 'AbsTol', 1e-12)
            options = integrate.ode(OutputFcn1).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15)

        # Use Runge-Kutta-Nystrom integrator to solve the ODE
    tic = time.time()
    # [t,pos,vel] = rkn1210(@derivatives, times, pos0, vel0, options)
    [t, pos, vel, te, ye] = rkn1210(derivatives, times, pos0, vel0, options)
    toc = time.time() - tic
    DT = toc

    if rotatingFrame:
        for j in range(0, len(t) - 1):
            pos[j, :] = rotate(pos[j, :].transpose(), t(j), -1)

        # returnVals = [t, pos, vel, YE]
    return [t, pos, vel]
Пример #4
def integrator(masses, pos0, vel0, times, flag):

    ##########  OutputFcn1:  Status Bar  ####################################
    # the output function
    def OutputFcn1(t, y, dy, flag):  # ok
        # don't stop
        stop = False
        # only after sucessfull steps
        if not flag:
            stop = True
            bar(t / tEnd, wait)
        return stop

    global tEnd, wait, mu1, mu2, R10, R20, omega0, plotLimits, LP, leaveTrail, rotatingFrame
    # return returnVals
    (nargin, varargs, keywords, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(integrator)
    if len(nargin) < 4:
        print('crtbpRKN1210 requires at least 4 parameters')

    ##########                                                       ##########
    ##########           Initialization and Parameters               ##########
    ##########                                                       ##########

    ####################  Flags Controlling Output  ###########################
    animate = False
    rotatingFrame = False

    if len(nargin) >= 5:
        rotatingFrame = flag[0]  # if true, transform to rotating frame
        # if false, display inertial frame

        animate = flag[1]  # if true, animate motion
        # if false, just display final trajectory

        leaveTrail = flag[
            2]  # if true and animation is on, past positions will
        # not be erased.  If false and animation is on,
        # no 'trail' of past positions will be left

    progressBar = False  # if true, show progress bar

    animateDelay = 0.0  # delay (in seconds) between frames of animation.
    # smaller the value, faster the animation will play

    leaveTrail = flag[2]  # if true and animation is on, past positions will
    # not be erased.  If false and animation is on,
    # no 'trail' of past positions will be left

    trailLength = 700  # if leaveTrail is true, this sets the length of
    # trail

    #########################  System Parameters  ############################

    NP = len(pos0) / 2  # number of test particles.  Assumes 2D

    M1 = masses[0]  # mass 1
    M2 = masses[1]  # mass 2
    M = M1 + M2  # total mass

    G = 1  # Gravitational Constant
    R = 1  # distance between M1 and M2 set to 1

    ################  Orbital properties of two massive bodies  ##############

    mu = G * M
    mu1 = G * M1
    mu2 = G * M2

    R10 = ([-M2 / M], [0])  # initial position of M1
    R20 = ([M1 / M], [0])  # initial position of M2

    P = 2 * math.pi * math.sqrt(R**3 / mu)  # period from Kepler's 3rd law
    omega0 = 2 * math.pi / P  # angular velocity of massive bodies

    plotLimits = 1.5  # limit for plotting
    tEnd = times[len(times) - 1]

    LP = lpoints(M2 / M)  # calculate Lagrange points

    ###########################   Trail Properties  ###########################

    trail = np.ones((trailLength, 2 * NP))
    for j in range(0, len(pos0)):
        trail[:, j] = pos0[j] * np.ones((trailLength))

    ##########                                                       ##########
    ##########                      Integrate                        ##########
    ##########                                                       ##########

    # Use Runge-Kutta 45 integrator to solve the ODE

    # initialize wait variable
    eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
    options = eng.odeset('RelTol', 1E-12)
    wait = True

    if animate:
        options = eng.odeset('RelTol', 1e-12, 'AbsTol', 1e-12, 'outputfcn',

    else:  # initialize waitbar
        if progressBar:
            while (wait):
                w = bar(0, 'integrating...')
                wait = OutputFcn1(0, 0, 0, w)
                options = eng.odeset('RelTol', 1e-12, 'AbsTol', 1e-12,
                                     'outputfcn', '@OutputFcn1')
            options = eng.odeset('RelTol', 1e-12, 'AbsTol', 1e-12)

        # Use Runge-Kutta-Nystrom integrator to solve the ODE
    tic = time.time()
    # [t,pos,vel] = rkn1210(@derivatives, times, pos0, vel0, options)
    [t, pos, vel, te, ye] = rkn1210(derivatives, times, pos0, vel0, options)
    toc = time.time() - tic
    DT = toc

    if rotatingFrame:
        for j in range(0, len(t) - 1):
            pos[j, :] = rotate(pos[j, :].transpose(), t[j], -1)

        # returnVals = [t, pos, vel, YE]
    return [t, pos, vel]
Пример #5
#    lagrangePoints.m - returns 5x3 array containing (x,y,z) coordinates
#                       of the Lagrange points for given values of m1, m2
# Matlab-Monkey.com  10/10/2013

# --------------  Parameters and Initialization  ----------------- #

M1 = 1  # mass 1
M2 = 0.1  # mass 2
M = M1 + M2  # total mass

# P = 2*math.pi * math.sqrt(R**3 / mu)   # period from Kepler's 3rd law
# omega0 = 2*math.pi/P            # angular velocity of massive bodies

# find Lagrange points and the pseudo-potential
LP = lpoints(M2 / (M1 + M2))
LP1_level = potential(mu1, mu2, LP[0, 0], LP[0, 1])
LP2_level = potential(mu1, mu2, LP[1, 0], LP[1, 1])
LP3_level = potential(mu1, mu2, LP[2, 0], LP[2, 1])

# -------------------     Plotting     ----------------------- #

# plot zero-velocity curves that run through L1, L2, L3
plt.contour(X, Y, U, [LP1_level, LP2_level, LP3_level])

# plot m1 (yellow dot) and m2 (green dot)
plt.plot(-M2 / (M1 + M2), 0, "ko", "MarkerSize", 7, "MarkerFaceColor", "y")
plt.plot(M1 / (M1 + M2), 0, "ko", "MarkerSize", 5, "MarkerFaceColor", "g")
Пример #6
(X, Y) = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-2, 2, 100))
U = potential(mu1, mu2, X, Y)

U0 = potential(mu1, mu2, 0, 1)

m = 2
#map = scipy.ones(m, 3) * 8

level = [-2 - 1.96 - 1.9 - 1.7 - 1.68 - 1.64]

for j in range(0, 5):
    plt.subplot(2, 3, j)

    #  contourf(X,Y,U,[-5:.5:-1])
    # added to level[j] in original code [0, -0.0001]
    plt.contourf(X, Y, U, level[j])
    plt.plot(-M2 / (M1 + M2), 0, 'ko', 'MarkerSize', 7, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'y')
    plt.plot(M1 / (M1 + M2), 0, 'ko', 'MarkerSize', 5, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'g')
    plt.axis([min(X), max(X), min(Y), max(Y)])
    plt.title(print('C_J = %.2f', -2 * level[j]))

    LP = lpoints(M2 / (M1 + M2))
    plt.plot(LP[:, 1], LP[:, 1], 'k+')

# set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [0,-1,8,4])
print('-dpng', 'zeroVelocity.png', '-r100')