def processData(self): """ produce the different recordSet with the level of clicks defined in teh vals and set functions """ recordSet = AresChartsService.toPie(self.vals, self.chartKeys, self.chartVals, extKeys=self.extKeys) self.aresObj.jsGlobal.add("data_%s = %s ;" % (self.htmlId, json.dumps(recordSet)))
def pivot(self, keys, vals, filters=None): """ """ mapHeader = dict([(self.recKey(hdr), hdr['colName']) for hdr in self.header[-1]]) self.__data = [[ AresHtmlTableItems.Td(self.aresObj, mapHeader[header], True, cssAttr={ 'background': '#225D32', 'text-align': 'center', 'color': 'white', 'font-weight': 'bold' }) for header in keys + vals ]] rows = AresChartsService.toPivotTable(self.vals, keys, vals, filters) self.__rows_hidden = {} for i, val in enumerate(rows): if self.formatVals: for keyVal in vals: val[keyVal] = AresHtmlText.UpDown(self.aresObj, val[keyVal], val[keyVal]) row, indexCol = [], i + 1 # if not indexCol in self.__rows_attr['rows']: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol] = {'name': val['_id']} else: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['name'] = val['_id'] self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['data-index'] = val['level'] if 'class' in self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['class'].extend( val['cssCls']) else: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['class'] = val['cssCls'] if val.get('_parent', 0) == 0: if 'css' in self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['css'].update( {'display': 'None'}) else: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['css'] = { 'display': 'None' } # if val.get('_hasChildren', 0) == 1: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['class'].append('details') if 'css' in self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol]['css'].update( self.cssPivotRows) else: self.__rows_attr['rows'][indexCol][ 'css'] = self.cssPivotRows for j, header in enumerate(self.header[-1]): cellVal = val.get(self.recKey(header), self.dflt) attrCss = dict( self.tdCssAttr) if self.tdCssAttr is not None else {} if cellVal is not None: if j == 0: attrCss['padding-left'] = '%spx' % (val['level'] * 20) row.append( AresHtmlTableItems.Td(self.aresObj, cellVal, cssCls=self.tdCssCls, cssAttr=attrCss)) self.__data.append(row) self.aresObj.jsOnLoadFnc.add(''' $( ".details > td:first-child" ).click(function() { var trObj = $(this).closest('tr'); var children_data_id ='index') + 1; var trName = trObj.attr('name'); var isVisible = $(this).hasClass('changed'); $(this).toggleClass('changed'); $('#%s > tbody > tr').each(function() { var trId = $(this).data('index'); var trHasParent = $(this).hasClass(trName); if (isVisible) { if ((trId >= children_data_id) && trHasParent ) { if ($(this).hasClass('details')){ var firstTd = $(this).find('td:first-child'); if (firstTd.hasClass('changed')) { $(this).find('td:first-child').removeClass('changed');} } $(this).hide() ; } } else { if ((trId == children_data_id) && trHasParent ) { $(this).toggle() ; } } //alert($(this).attr('name')); } ); }); ''' % self.htmlId)
def processData(self): """ produce the different recordSet with the level of clicks defined in teh vals and set functions """ recordSet = AresChartsService.toPlotBox(self.vals, self.chartKeys, self.chartVals, withMean=self.withMean, seriesNames=self.seriesNames) self.aresObj.jsGlobal.add("data_%s = %s" % (self.htmlId, json.dumps(recordSet)))