Пример #1
 def get_new_name(self):
   keys = self.object_names.keys()
   while True:
     candidate = b2a_base64(rand_bytes(128))
     if candidate in :
     self.object_names[name] = False
Пример #2
def random(length = 20, alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET, veto_chars = None):
  if veto_chars:
    alphabet = re.sub('[%s]'%veto_chars, '', alphabet)
  if len(alphabet) < 16:
    raise ArgumentError('size of alphabet cannot be smaller than 16 characters')
  bytes = rand_bytes(length)
  password = ""
  for byte in bytes:
    password += alphabet[ ord(byte) % len(alphabet)]
  return password
Пример #3
 def createCookie(self):
     nb_try = 0
     while True:
         nb_try += 1
         if 1000 < nb_try:
             raise SessionError(SESSION_GEN_COOKIE_ERROR,
                 tr("Unable to generate a session cookie!"))
         cookie = rand_bytes(COOKIE_LENGTH)
         if cookie not in self.sessions:
             return cookie
Пример #4
    def build_hash(self, method, plaintext):
        if method in ("PLAIN", "EXTERNAL"):
            return u'{%s}%s' % (method, plaintext)

        salt = rand_bytes(SALT_BYTES)
        hash = self.hash_password(method, plaintext, salt)
        salt = base64.b64encode(salt)
        if not hash:
            return u'{PLAIN}%s' % plaintext

        return u'{%s}$%s$%s' % (method, salt, hash)
Пример #5
def createEncryption(secret_key, value):
  iv = rand_bytes(16)
  cipher = EVP.Cipher(alg="aes_256_cbc", key=secret_key, iv=iv, op=M2Crypto.encrypt)
  ciphertext = cipher.update(value)
  ciphertext += cipher.final()
  hmac = EVP.hmac(secret_key, iv + value, algo="sha256")

  return {
    "version": 0,
    "algorithm": "AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA256",
    "iv": base64.standard_b64encode(iv),
    "ciphertext": base64.standard_b64encode(ciphertext),
    "signature": base64.standard_b64encode(hmac)
Пример #6
def createEncryptionWithPassphrase(secret_key, passphrase):
  iv_and_salt = rand_bytes(128 / 8)
  password_derived_key = EVP.pbkdf2(passphrase, iv_and_salt, 1000, 256 / 8)

  cipher = EVP.Cipher(alg="aes_256_cbc", key=password_derived_key, iv=iv_and_salt, op=M2Crypto.encrypt)
  encrypted_key = cipher.update(secret_key)
  encrypted_key += cipher.final()
  hmac = EVP.hmac(password_derived_key, iv_and_salt + secret_key, algo="sha256")

  return {
    "version": 0,
    "algorithm": "PBKDF2_SHA1_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA256",
    "iv": base64.standard_b64encode(iv_and_salt),
    "ciphertext": base64.standard_b64encode(encrypted_key),
    "signature": base64.standard_b64encode(hmac)
Пример #7
def generate_key(n):
    """Returns an OATH/HOTP key as a string of n raw bytes."""

    # An OATH/HOTP key is just bunch of random (in the "unpredictable"
    # sense) bits, of certain quantities (e.g. 160 bits or 20 bytes)
    # that are compatible with the AES algorithms.

    # From openssl's documentation:
    #   RAND_bytes() puts num cryptographically strong pseudo-random
    #   bytes into buf. An error occurs if the PRNG has not been
    #   seeded with enough randomness to ensure an unpredictable byte
    #   sequence.
    # openssl's RAND_bytes(num) function is available in Python as
    # M2Crypto.Rand.rand_bytes(num).

    return b16encode(rand_bytes(n))
Пример #8
def keygen(length=40):
    return binascii.b2a_base64(rand_bytes(length))  
Пример #9
def newRandomSecretKey():
  return rand_bytes(256 / 8)