Пример #1
def findSimDefinitionFile(providedPath):
    # It is already a path, just return it
    if os.path.isfile(providedPath):
        return providedPath

    # Track if it is a relative path, relative to a different location than the current terminal (example/default cases)
    installationLocation = Path(__file__).parent.parent
    alternateLocations = [
        installationLocation / "MAPLEAF/Examples/Simulations/",
        installationLocation / "MAPLEAF/Examples/BatchSims/"

    possibleRelativePaths = [providedPath]

    if len(providedPath) < 8 or providedPath[-8:] != ".mapleaf":
        # If it's just the case name (ex: 'Staging') try also adding the file extension
        possibleRelativePaths = [providedPath, providedPath + ".mapleaf"]

    for path in possibleRelativePaths:
        for alternateLocation in alternateLocations:
            absPath = getAbsoluteFilePath(path, alternateLocation, silent=True)

            if os.path.isfile(absPath):
                # We've located the file!
                return absPath

        "ERROR: Unable to locate simulation definition file: {}! Checked whether the path was relative to the current command line location, the MAPLEAF installation directory, or one of the example cases. To be sure that your file will be found, try using an absolute path."
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        # Read gravity coefficients from table
        # Columns are: Degree Order C S (Where C and S are the coefficients)
        coeffPath = getAbsoluteFilePath(
        gravityCoeffs = np.loadtxt(coeffPath, skiprows=2)

        # Convert that table into nested dictionary form, to make C and S coefficients easily accessible by degree and order
        Ccoeffs = {}
        Scoeffs = {}
        for row in gravityCoeffs:
            degree, order, C, S, = row

            if degree not in Ccoeffs:
                # Create subdictionary for each degree if this is the first time we're encountering that degree
                Ccoeffs[degree] = {}
                Scoeffs[degree] = {}

            # Save coefficient from this row
            Ccoeffs[degree][order] = C
            Scoeffs[degree][order] = S

        # Save results
        # Now C_{2,3} is accessible as self.C[2][3], same for self.S
        self.C = Ccoeffs
        self.S = Scoeffs
Пример #3
def plot_Earth_Mayavi(
    from mayavi import mlab
    from tvtk.api import tvtk  # python wrappers for the C++ vtk ecosystem
    # create a figure window (and scene)
    fig = mlab.figure(size=(600, 600))

    # load and map the texture
    img = tvtk.JPEGReader()
    img.file_name = getAbsoluteFilePath(earthTexture)
    texture = tvtk.Texture(input_connection=img.output_port, interpolate=1)
    # (interpolate for a less raster appearance when zoomed in)

    # use a TexturedSphereSource, a.k.a. getting our hands dirty
    R = 6371007.1809
    Nrad = 180

    # create the sphere source with a given radius and angular resolution
    sphere = tvtk.TexturedSphereSource(radius=R,

    # assemble rest of the pipeline, assign texture
    sphere_mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input_connection=sphere.output_port)
    sphere_actor = tvtk.Actor(mapper=sphere_mapper, texture=texture)
Пример #4
    def _getAveragedWindRose(self,
        windRose = self._readWindRose(
        ) * 0.0  # Initialize as zero
        for i in range(len(Months)):
            for a in range(len(locations)):
                windRoseFilePath = "MAPLEAF/Examples/Wind/Windrose{}{}.txt".format(
                    Months[i], locations[a])
                windRoseFilePath = getAbsoluteFilePath(windRoseFilePath)
                windRose += self._readWindRose(
                    windRoseFilePath) * MonthWeights[i] * locationWeights[a]

        return windRose.copy()
Пример #5
def atmosphericModelFactory(envDictReader=None) -> AtmosphericModel:
        Provide either an atmosphericModel name ('USStandardAtmosphere' is only option right now that doesn't require additional info,
            or provide an envDictReader (`MAPLEAF.IO.SubDictReader`)
    if envDictReader == None:
        modelType = defaultConfigValues["Environment.AtmosphericPropertiesModel"]
        modelType = envDictReader.getString("AtmosphericPropertiesModel")

    if modelType == "Constant":
        if envDictReader == None:
            raise ValueError("envDictReader required to initialize Constant atm properties model")

        # Get values from ConstantAtmosphere subDictionary
        envDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom = "Environment.ConstantAtmosphere"

        constTemp = envDictReader.getFloat("temp") + 273.15 # Convert to Kelvin (Expecting Celsius input)
        constPressure = envDictReader.getFloat("pressure")
        constDensity = envDictReader.getFloat("density")
        constViscosity = envDictReader.getFloat("viscosity")

        # Return to reading from Environment for any subsequent parsing
        envDictReader.simDefDictPathToReadFrom = "Environment"

        return ConstantAtmosphere(constTemp, constPressure, constDensity, constViscosity)
    elif modelType == "TabulatedAtmosphere":
            tableFilePath = envDictReader.getString("TabulatedAtmosphere.filePath")
        except AttributeError:
            tableFilePath = defaultConfigValues["Environment.TabulatedAtmosphere.filePath"]

        tableFilePath = getAbsoluteFilePath(tableFilePath)
        return TabulatedAtmosphere(tableFilePath)

    elif modelType == "USStandardAtmosphere":
        return USStandardAtmosphere()

        raise ValueError("Atmospheric model: {} not implemented, try using 'USStandardAtmosphere'".format(modelType))
Пример #6
    def getRadioSondeWindProfile(self,
                                 locations=["Edmonton", "Glasgow"],
                                 locationWeights=[0.48, 0.52],
                                 locationASLAltitudes=[710, 638],
                locations:              list of location names. Names must match those in radio sonde data file names (ex. "Edmonton" -> "RadioSondeEdmonton_filtered.txt")
                locationWeights:        list of numeric values, must add to one. Order should match list of locations.
                locationASLAltitudes:   list of ASL altitudes (m). Order should match list of locations.
                launchMonth:            3-letter string ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc...) indicating month from which data is desired. Otherwise "Yearly" or None to select randomly from all months
                randomSeed:             Pass in the same random seed to pick the same radio sonde profile

                altitudes:              List of numeric altitudes (meters AGL) 
                windVectors:            Corresponding list of wind vectors (m/s)
        # Set random seed if provided

        # Pick a location
        selectedLocation = random.choices(locations, locationWeights, k=1)[0]

        locationASLAltitude = locationASLAltitudes[locations.index(
        # Load radiosonde data for that location
        radioSondeFilePath = "MAPLEAF/Examples/Wind/RadioSonde{}_filtered.txt".format(
        # Convert to absolute file path
        radioSondeFilePath = getAbsoluteFilePath(radioSondeFilePath)

        # Read datasets from fille
        if launchMonth != "Yearly":
            datasetStartLines, data = self._readRadioSondeDataFile(
                radioSondeFilePath, filterByMonth=launchMonth)
            datasetStartLines, data = self._readRadioSondeDataFile(

        # Pick one of it's datasets
        selectedDataset = random.randint(0, len(datasetStartLines) - 1)

        # selectedDataset is an array of strings, header is a string
        # Example header: #CAM00071119 2000 01 01 12 1117   75 ncdc-gts ncdc-gts  535475 -1141083
        header, radioSondeData = self._extractRadioSondeDataSet(
            datasetStartLines, data, selectedDataset)
        stationID, year, month, day, hour = self._parseRadioSondeHeader(header)

        if not self.silent:
            if self.monteCarloDataLogger != None:
                    "Wind data from radio sonde dataset: {}, stationID: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}"
                    .format(selectedLocation, stationID, year, month, day,
                    "Wind data from radio sonde dataset: {}, stationID: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}"
                    .format(selectedLocation, stationID, year, month, day,

        # Turn data from strings into a numpy array
        altitudes, windVectors = self._parseRadioSondeData(
            radioSondeData, locationASLAltitude)
        return altitudes, windVectors