Пример #1
 def calc(self, frameIndex, trajectory):
     """Calculates the contribution for one frame.
     @param frameIndex: the index of the frame.
     @type frameIndex: integer.
     @param trajectory: the trajectory.
     @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object
     orderedAtoms = sorted(trajectory.universe.atomList(), key = operator.attrgetter('index'))
     selectedAtoms = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in self.subset])
     targetAtoms = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in self.target])
     initialConf = Configuration(trajectory.universe, self.initialConfArray)
     # First frame, nothing to do because the initialConf already stores the initial transformation.
     if frameIndex == self.firstFrame:
         trajectory.universe.setFromTrajectory(trajectory, frameIndex)                    
         # Find and apply the linear transformation that will minimize the RMS with the configuration
         # resulting from the principal axes transformation.
         tr, rms = selectedAtoms.findTransformation(initialConf)
     globalMotionFilteredFrame = {}
     for at in targetAtoms:
         globalMotionFilteredFrame[at.index] = at.position()
     return frameIndex, globalMotionFilteredFrame
Пример #2
def getChemicalObjects(types, var_list):
    """ processing atom selections """

    myCollection = Collection()

    for k in types.keys():
        if var_list[k] == '*':  # 'All'
            for molecule in types[k]:
        elif var_list[k] == 'None':
        elif var_list[k] == 'BackBone':
            for molecule in types[k]:
        elif var_list[k] == 'SideChain':
            for molecule in types[k]:
                reslist = molecule.sidechains()
                for res in reslist:
        elif var_list[k] == 'Methyl':
            al = types[k].atomList()
            for atom in al:
                if atom.symbol == 'C':
                    h = 0
                    al2 = atom.bondedTo()
                    for at2 in al2:
                        if at2.symbol == 'H': h = h + 1
                    if h == 3:
                        meth = Collection()
                        for at2 in al2:
                            if at2.symbol == 'H': meth.addObject(at2)
        elif var_list[k] == 'C_alpha':
            al = types[k].atomList()
            for atom in al:
                if atom.name == 'C_alpha': myCollection.addObject(atom)
        elif var_list[k] == 'Carbon' or var_list[k] == 'Phosphorus' or \
             var_list[k] == 'Oxygen'  or var_list[k] == 'Nitrogen' or \
             var_list[k] == 'Hydrogen' or var_list[k] == 'Sulfur':
            al = types[k].atomList()
            # This test is tricky: the second line compares only the
            # first letter, so calcium is treated like carbon!
            # Perhaps this should be rewritten to use chemical element
            # symbols only.
            for atom in al:
                if atom.type.name == lower(var_list[k]) or \
                   upper(atom.type.name[0]) == var_list[k][0]:

    return myCollection
Пример #3
 def _get_heavy_atoms(self, universe, restrained_molecule_index):
     molecule = universe[restrained_molecule_index]
     col = Collection()
     for atom in molecule.atomList():
         if atom.type.name != "hydrogen":
     return col
Пример #4
    def interpreteInputParameters(self):
        """Parse the input parameters for the analysis.

        # Parses the parameters that are common to different analysis.

        self.subset = self.selectAtoms(self.subsetDefinition)
        self.nSelectedAtoms = len(self.subset)
        self.target = self.selectAtoms(self.targetDefinition)
        self.trajectory.universe.setFromTrajectory(self.trajectory, self.firstFrame)

        orderedAtoms = sorted(self.trajectory.universe.atomList(), key = operator.attrgetter('index'))
        selectedAtoms = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in self.subset])
        # For the fist frame, defines principal axes transformation.
        tr = selectedAtoms.normalizingTransformation()
        # And apply it to the system.
#        selectedAtoms.applyTransformation(tr)
        self.initialConfArray = copy.deepcopy(self.trajectory.universe.configuration().array)
        if self.architecture != 'monoprocessor':
            # The attribute trajectory is removed because it can not be pickled by Pyro.
            delattr(self, 'trajectory')
Пример #5
def getReference(gr, atom_list, verbose=0):
    """ for given group of atoms construct Configuration object
    containing reference posiotion for each atom in the group """

    verbose = 1

    universe = gr.universe()
    # update in group make-up
    reference = Configuration(universe, cell=universe.cellParameters())
    group = Collection()
    for atom in gr.atomList():
            idx = atom_list.index(atom)
            reference[atom] = atom_list[idx].position()
        except ValueError:  # not in list
            if verbose > 0:
                print 'Warning: nMoldyn.misc.getReference'
                print 'Matching problem'
                print atom
    if group.numberOfAtoms() == 0:
        print 'Error: No reference atoms found'
        reference = None
        group = gr

    return group, reference
Пример #6
def parsePDBAtomSelection(filename, traj):

    univ = traj.universe
    pdb = PDBConfiguration(filename)

    # find objects in UNIV and PDB with the same number of atoms
    total = 0
    pdb_index = 0
    pdb_collection = {}
    for object in range(len(univ)):
        natom = len(univ[object].atomList())
        pdb_natom = 0
        while pdb_natom < natom:
            pdb_object = pdb.objects[pdb_index]
            if dir(pdb_object).count('atom_list') == 1:  # no groups
                except KeyError:
                    pdb_collection[object] = [pdb_object]
                pdb_natom = pdb_natom + len(pdb_object.atom_list)
                # chains ?
            elif dir(pdb_object).count('residues') == 1:  # biopolymers
                for residue in pdb_object.residues:
                    except KeyError:
                        pdb_collection[object] = [residue]
                    pdb_natom = pdb_natom + len(residue.atom_list)
            pdb_index = pdb_index + 1
        if pdb_natom != natom: return None  ######### ERROR

    # match PDBMAP names from UNIV against PDB atom names
    # and add selected atoms to the collection
    selection = []
    for object in range(len(univ)):
        pdbmap = []
        if univ[object].__class__.__name__ == 'Protein':
            for chain in univ[object].chains:
                for residue in chain[0]:
        elif univ[object].__class__.__name__ == 'Molecule':
        for item in range(len(pdbmap)):
            pdb_item = pdb_collection[object][item]
            atom_list = pdbmap[item].atomList()
            if upper(pdbmap[item].pdbmap[0][0]) != upper(pdb_item.name):
                return None  ######### ERROR
            for ia in pdb_item.atoms.keys():
                atom = pdb_item.atoms[ia]
                if atom.properties['element'] == '*':
                    anum = pdbmap[item].pdbmap[0][1][ia].number
                    atra = atom_list[anum]

    return Collection(selection)
Пример #7
    def finalize(self):
        """Finalizes the calculations (e.g. averaging the total term, output files creations ...).

        if self.architecture == 'monoprocessor':
            t = self.trajectory            
            # Load the whole trajectory set.
            t = Trajectory(None, self.trajectoryFilename, 'r')
        comsUniverse = t.universe.__copy__()

        orderedAtoms = sorted(t.universe.atomList(), key = operator.attrgetter('index'))
        groups = [Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in g]) for g in self.group]

        comp = 1
        for g in groups:
            comAtom = Atom('H', name = 'COM'+str(comp))
            comAtom._mass = g.mass()
            comp += 1
        # traj_new is the filtered trajectory
        outputFile = Trajectory(comsUniverse, self.output, "w") 
        outputFile.jobinfo = self.information + '\nOutput file written on: %s\n\n' % asctime()
        # Each time |snapshot| is called, the universe contents i flushed into the output file.
        snapshot = SnapshotGenerator(comsUniverse,\
                                     actions = [TrajectoryOutput(outputFile, ["configuration","time"], 0, None, 1)])

        # Loop over the output frames.
        for comp in range(self.nFrames):
            frameIndex = self.frameIndexes[comp]
            t.universe.setFromTrajectory(t, frameIndex)
            aComp = 0
            for at in comsUniverse.atomList():
                aComp += 1
            snapshot(data = {'time': self.times[comp]})
        # The output COM trajectory is closed.
        self.toPlot = None
Пример #8
    def selectAtoms(self, condition):
        Return a collection containing all atoms a for which 
        condition(property[a]) is True.

        :param condition: a test function
        :type condition: callable
        from MMTK.Collections import Collection
        return Collection(
            [a for a in self.universe.atomList() if condition(self[a])])
Пример #9
    def finalize(self):
        """Finalizes the calculations (e.g. averaging the total term, output files creations ...).
        if self.architecture == 'monoprocessor':
            t = self.trajectory            
            # Load the whole trajectory set.
            t = Trajectory(None, self.trajectoryFilename, 'r')

        orderedAtoms = sorted(t.universe.atomList(), key = operator.attrgetter('index'))
        selectedAtoms = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in self.subset])

        targetAtoms = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in self.target])
        # traj_new is the filtered trajectory
        outputFile = Trajectory(targetAtoms, self.output, "w") 
        outputFile.jobinfo = self.information + '\nOutput file written on: %s\n\n' % asctime()

        # Create the snapshot generator
        snapshot = SnapshotGenerator(t.universe, actions = [TrajectoryOutput(outputFile, ["configuration"], 0, None, 1)])

        # Loop over the output frames.
        for comp in range(self.nFrames):
            frameIndex = self.frameIndexes[comp]
            t.universe.setFromTrajectory(t, frameIndex)
            for at in targetAtoms:
            snapshot(data = {'time': self.times[comp]})


        self.toPlot = None
Пример #10
def getMethyls(molecule):

    al = molecule.atomList()
    result = []
    for atom in al:
        if atom.symbol == 'C':
            h = 0
            al2 = atom.bondedTo()
            for at2 in al2:
                if at2.symbol == 'H': h = h + 1
            if h == 3:
                # find a complete pdbmap within a one of parent groups
                object = atom.parent
                    res_name = object.pdbmap[0][0]
                except AttributeError:
                    res_name = ''
                # an atom can belong only to one residue
                while len(res_name) == 0:
                    object = object.parent
                        res_name = object.pdbmap[0]
                    except AttributeError:
                atom_number = object.atomList().index(atom)
                aindex = 0
                pdbmap = {}
                for key in object.pdbmap[0][1].keys():
                    if object.pdbmap[0][1][key].number == atom_number:
                        pdbmap[key] = AtomReference(aindex)
                aindex = aindex + 1
                meth = [atom]
                for at2 in al2:
                    if at2.symbol == 'H':
                        atom_number = object.atomList().index(at2)
                        for key in object.pdbmap[0][1].keys():
                            if object.pdbmap[0][1][key].number == atom_number:
                                pdbmap[key] = AtomReference(aindex)
                        aindex = aindex + 1
                myCollection = Collection(meth)
                myCollection.pdbmap = [(res_name, pdbmap)]
    return result
Пример #11
def getTypes(universe):

    types = {}
    for io in range(len(universe)):
        object = universe[io]
        if object.__class__.__name__ == 'Protein':
            name = 'Protein.' + str(io)
        elif object.__class__.__name__ == 'AtomCluster':
            name = object.name
            name = object.type.name
            collection = types[name]
        except KeyError:
            collection = Collection()
        types[name] = collection
    return types
Пример #12
    def calc(self, frameIndex, trajectory):
        """Calculates the contribution for one frame.
        @param frameIndex: the index of the frame.
        @type frameIndex: integer.
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object

        trajectory.universe.setFromTrajectory(trajectory, frameIndex)

        orderedAtoms = sorted(trajectory.universe.atomList(), key = operator.attrgetter('index'))
        groups = [Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in g]) for g in self.group]
        centersOfMass = [g.centerOfMass() for g in groups]
        return frameIndex, centersOfMass
Пример #13
def ghostBusters(atoms):
    """ apply filtering to an atom List and return collection
    having no repetitions of atoms using a histogram-like approach """
    unique = {}
    ghost = 'No'
    for atom in atoms.atomList():
            unique[atom] = unique[atom] + 1
            ghost = 'Yes'
            unique[atom] = 1
    if ghost == 'Yes':
        atsel = []
        for atom in unique.keys():
            if unique[atom] > 1: atsel.append(atom)
    else: atsel = unique.keys()
    atomsNew = Collection(atsel)
    return atomsNew
Пример #14
def getProteinBackbone(protein):

    result = []
    for chain in protein.chains:
        for residue in chain[0]:
            if dir(residue).count('peptide') > 0:  # terminal NHE...
                resmap = residue.pdbmap
                res_name = resmap[0][0]
                bb = residue.backbone().atomList()
                pdbmap = {}
                for atom in range(len(bb)):
                    atom_number = residue.atomList().index(bb[atom])
                    ikey = (map(lambda x: x.number, resmap[0][1].values()))\
                    pdbmap[resmap[0][1].keys()[ikey]] = AtomReference(atom)
                myCollection = Collection(bb)
                myCollection.pdbmap = [(res_name, pdbmap)]
    return result
Пример #15
    def interpreteInputParameters(self):
        """Parse the input parameters for the analysis.

        # Parses the parameters that are common to different analysis.
        self.subset = self.selectAtoms(self.subsetDefinition)
        self.nSelectedAtoms = len(self.subset)

        orderedAtoms = sorted(self.trajectory.universe.atomList(), key = operator.attrgetter('index'))
        selectedAtoms = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in self.subset])

        # traj_new is the filtered trajectory
        self.outputFile = Trajectory(selectedAtoms, self.output, "w")
        # Create the snapshot generator
        self.snapshot = SnapshotGenerator(self.trajectory.universe, actions = [TrajectoryOutput(self.outputFile, ["all"], 0, None, 1)])
Пример #16
    def calc(self, atomIndexes, trajectory):
        """Calculates the contribution for one group.
        @param atomIndexes: the index of the atoms of the group.
        @type atomIndexes: list of integers.
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object

        orderedAtoms = sorted(trajectory.universe.atomList(),
        group = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in atomIndexes])

        angvel = getAngularVelocity(trajectory,\

        return atomIndexes, angvel
Пример #17
def parseGroupSelection(types, group_dict, refer_dict, verbose=0):

    if len(group_dict) == 2:
        groups = [{}, {}]
        reference = [{}, {}]
        groups = [{}]
        reference = [{}]

    for ngr in range(len(group_dict)):
        for title in group_dict[ngr].keys():
            master = split(title)
            if len(master) == 2:  # Proteins
                mol = types[master[0]][0]
                if master[1] == 'All':
                    groups[ngr][title] = [types[master[0]]]
                        filename = refer_dict[ngr][title]['*']
                        # possible extension here: define a RE pattern
                        # (instead of '*') to make sub-selection (res-numbers, etc.)
                        if filename:
                            info = parsePDBReference(filename, [mol],
                            reference[ngr][title] = \
                            reference[ngr][title] = None
                        reference[ngr][title] = None
                elif master[1] == 'SideChain':
                    # SideChain selection was intentionaly made more flexible:
                    # we're picking whole residues (not sidechain attribute)
                    # to be able to define either parts of real sidechains
                    # (aromatic rings,...),
                    # or, for example, select also C_alpha atoms
                    # This means that after entering real calculations
                    # atoms in a group has to be filtered out according to
                    # make-up of the reference structure (if the latter one is
                    # set to None, then use sidechain attribute and use first
                    # configuration as a reference)
                    pat = getResidues(mol)
                    groups[ngr][title] = []
                    for ia in group_dict[ngr][title]:
                        if ia == '*':
                            for g in pat.values():
                                groups[ngr][title] = groups[ngr][title] + g
                            groups[ngr][title] = groups[ngr][title] + pat[ia]
                    reference[ngr][title] = []
                        for ia in refer_dict[ngr][title].keys():
                            filename = refer_dict[ngr][title][ia]
                            if filename:
                                info = parsePDBReference(filename,
                                reference[ngr][title] = reference[ngr][title]+\
                        reference[ngr][title] = None
                elif master[1] == 'BackBone':
                    pat = getProteinBackbone(mol)
                    groups[ngr][title] = pat
                        filename = refer_dict[ngr][title]['*']
                        if filename:
                            info = parsePDBReference(filename,
                            reference[ngr][title] = \
                            reference[ngr][title] = None
                        reference[ngr][title] = None
                elif master[1] == 'Methyl':
                    pat = getMethyls(mol)
                    groups[ngr][title] = pat
                        filename = refer_dict[ngr][title]['*']
                        if filename:
                            info = parsePDBReference(filename,
                            reference[ngr][title] = \
                            reference[ngr][title] = None
                        reference[ngr][title] = None
            else:  # Molecules
                groups[ngr][title] = types[master[0]].objects
                    filename = refer_dict[ngr][title]['*']
                    if filename:
                        info = parsePDBReference(filename,
                        reference[ngr][title] = \
                        reference[ngr][title] = None
                    reference[ngr][title] = None
    return groups, reference
Пример #18
    def calc(self, frameIndex, trajectory):
        """Calculates the contribution for one group.
        @param frameIndex: the index of the frame in |self.frameIndexes| array.
        @type frameIndex: integer.
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object

        trajectory.universe.setFromTrajectory(trajectory, frameIndex)

        directCell = N.ravel(
            N.array([v for v in trajectory.universe.basisVectors()],
        reverseCell = N.ravel(
                    [v for v in trajectory.universe.reciprocalBasisVectors()],

        S2 = {}

        chemicalObjects = trajectory.universe.objectList()

        for comp in range(self.nChemicalObjects):

            obj = chemicalObjects[comp]
            objName = self.chemicalObjectNames[comp]

            if self.chemicalObjectInfo[objName]['objectclass'] in [
                    'PeptideChain', 'Protein'

                S2[objName] = N.zeros((53, ), typecode=N.Float)
                S2[objName] = N.zeros((len(self.sequence[objName]), ),

                for v in range(len(self.hnLookup[objName])):

                    aa_no = self.hnLookup[objName][v]
                    aa_no_minus = aa_no - 1

                    H = obj.backbone()[aa_no].H
                    O = obj.backbone()[aa_no_minus].O

                    heavyAtoms = Collection()
                    for m in range(len(obj.residues())):
                        if (m != aa_no) and (m != aa_no_minus):
                            for atom in obj.residues()[m].atomList():
                                if atom.symbol != 'H':

                    # The indexes of the selected atoms.
                    indexes = N.zeros((heavyAtoms.numberOfAtoms(), ),
                    comp = 0
                    for at in heavyAtoms.atomList():
                        indexes[comp] = at.index
                        comp += 1

                    scaleconfig = N.zeros((3 * heavyAtoms.numberOfAtoms(), ),

                    val = order_parameter(trajectory.universe.contiguousObjectConfiguration().array,\
                                          H.index, O.index, directCell, reverseCell, indexes,\
                                          scaleconfig, self.scaleHydrogenPos, self.scaleOxygenPos,\

                    S2[objName][v] = val

        return frameIndex, S2
Пример #19
     chains = pdb_conf1.createNucleotideChains()
     molecule_names = []
     if len(chains) >= 2:
         clist = findContacts(chains[0], chains[1])
         molecule_names = []
         for (key, mol) in pdb_conf1.molecules.items():
             for o in mol:
         targets = pdb_conf1.createAll(molecule_names=molecule_names)
         if len(molecule_names) > 1:
             clist = findContacts(targets[0], targets[1])
             atoms = targets.atomList()
             mid = len(atoms) / 2
             clist = findContacts(Collection(atoms[:mid]),
     print len(clist), 'contacts'
     for c in clist[:8]:
         print '%-64s %6.2f' % (c, c.dist / Units.Ang)
     target = pdb_conf1.createAll()
     if sys.argv[1][:2] == '-v':
         (a, v) = target.surfaceAndVolume()
         print 'surface area %.2f volume %.2f' \
               % (a/(Units.Ang**2), v/(Units.Ang**3))
     elif sys.argv[1][:2] == '-a':
         smap = target.surfaceAtoms(probe_radius=1.4 * Units.Ang)
         print len(smap.keys()), 'of', len(
             target.atomList()), 'atoms on surface'
     elif sys.argv[1][:2] == '-p':
Пример #20
    def calc(self, atomIndexes, trajectory):
        """Calculates the contribution for one group.
        @param atomIndexes: the index of the atoms of the group.
        @type atomIndexes: list of integers.
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object

        orderedAtoms = sorted(trajectory.universe.atomList(),
        group = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in atomIndexes])

        rbtPerGroup = {}
        # Those matrix will store the quaternions and the CMS coming from the RBT trajectory.
        rbtPerGroup['quaternions'] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 4),
        rbtPerGroup['com'] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 3), typecode=N.Float)
        rbtPerGroup['fit'] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, ), typecode=N.Float)
        rbtPerGroup['trajectory'] = {}

        # Case of a moving reference.
        if self.stepwiseRBT:

            # The reference configuration is always the one of the previous frame excepted for the first frame
            # where it is set by definition to the first frame (could we think about a cyclic alternative way ?).
            for comp in range(self.nFrames):

                frameIndex = self.frameIndexes[comp]

                if comp == 0:
                    previousFrame = self.firstFrame

                    previousFrame = self.frameIndexes[comp - 1]

                refConfig = trajectory.configuration[previousFrame]

                # The RBT is created just for the current step.
                rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                         first = frameIndex,\
                                                         last = frameIndex + 1,\
                                                         skip = 1,\
                                                         reference = refConfig)

                # The corresponding quaternions and cms are stored in their corresponding matrix.
                rbtPerGroup['quaternions'][comp, :] = copy.copy(
                rbtPerGroup['com'][comp, :] = copy.copy(rbt.cms)
                rbtPerGroup['fit'][comp] = copy.copy(rbt.fit)

        # The simplest case, the reference frame is fixed.
        # A unique RBT is performed from first to last skipping skip steps and using refConfig as the reference.

            # If a fixed reference has been set. We can already set the reference configuration here.
            refConfig = trajectory.configuration[self.referenceFrame]

            # The RBT is created.
            rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                     first = self.first,\
                                                     last = self.last,\
                                                     skip = self.skip,\
                                                     reference = refConfig)

            # The corresponding quaternions and cms are stored in their corresponding matrix.
            rbtPerGroup['quaternions'] = copy.copy(rbt.quaternions)
            rbtPerGroup['com'] = copy.copy(rbt.cms)
            rbtPerGroup['fit'] = copy.copy(rbt.fit)

        # I can not use the centers of mass defined by rbt.cms because the reference frame
        # selected can be out of the selected frames for the Rigid Body Trajectory.
        centerOfMass = group.centerOfMass(refConfig)

        # Loop over the atoms of the group to set the RBT trajectory.
        for atom in group:

            rbtPerGroup['trajectory'][atom.index] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 3),

            # The coordinates of the atoms are centered around the center of mass of the group.
            xyz = refConfig[atom] - centerOfMass

            # Loop over the selected frames.
            for comp in range(self.nFrames):

                # The rotation matrix corresponding to the selected frame in the RBT.
                transfo = Quaternion(
                    rbtPerGroup['quaternions'][comp, :]).asRotation()

                if self.removeTranslation:
                    # The transformation matrix corresponding to the selected frame in the RBT.
                    transfo = Translation(centerOfMass) * transfo

                # Compose with the CMS translation if the removeTranslation flag is set off.
                    # The transformation matrix corresponding to the selected frame in the RBT.
                    transfo = Translation(Vector(
                        rbtPerGroup['com'][comp, :])) * transfo

                # The RBT is performed on the CMS centered coordinates of atom at.
                rbtPerGroup['trajectory'][atom.index][comp, :] = transfo(

        return atomIndexes, rbtPerGroup
Пример #21
    def finalize(self):
        """Finalizes the calculations (e.g. averaging the total term, output files creations ...).

        if self.architecture == 'monoprocessor':
            t = self.trajectory
            # Load the whole trajectory set.
            t = Trajectory(None, self.trajectoryFilename, 'r')

        selectedAtoms = Collection()
        orderedAtoms = sorted(t.universe.atomList(),
        groups = [[
            for index in atomIndexes
        ] for atomIndexes in self.group]

        # Create trajectory
        outputFile = Trajectory(selectedAtoms, self.output, 'w')

        # Create the snapshot generator
        snapshot = SnapshotGenerator(
                TrajectoryOutput(outputFile, ["configuration", "time"], 0,
                                 None, 1)

        # The output is written
        for comp in range(self.nFrames):

            frameIndex = self.frameIndexes[comp]
            t.universe.setFromTrajectory(t, frameIndex)

            for atom in selectedAtoms:
                atom.setPosition(self.RBT['trajectory'][atom.index][comp, :])
            snapshot(data={'time': self.times[comp]})


        outputFile = NetCDFFile(self.output, 'a')

        outputFile.title = self.__class__.__name__
        outputFile.jobinfo = self.information + '\nOutput file written on: %s\n\n' % asctime(

        outputFile.jobinfo += 'Input trajectory: %s\n\n' % self.trajectoryFilename

        outputFile.createDimension('NFRAMES', self.nFrames)
        outputFile.createDimension('NGROUPS', self.nGroups)
        outputFile.createDimension('QUATERNIONLENGTH', 4)

        # The NetCDF variable that stores the quaternions.
        QUATERNIONS = outputFile.createVariable(
            'quaternion', N.Float, ('NGROUPS', 'NFRAMES', 'QUATERNIONLENGTH'))

        # The NetCDF variable that stores the centers of mass.
        COM = outputFile.createVariable('com', N.Float,
                                        ('NGROUPS', 'NFRAMES', 'xyz'))

        # The NetCDF variable that stores the rigid-body fit.
        FIT = outputFile.createVariable('fit', N.Float, ('NGROUPS', 'NFRAMES'))

        # Loop over the groups.
        for comp in range(self.nGroups):

            aIndexes = self.group[comp]

            outputFile.jobinfo += 'Group %s: %s\n' % (
                comp + 1, [index for index in aIndexes])

            QUATERNIONS[comp, :, :] = self.RBT[comp]['quaternions'][:, :]
            COM[comp, :, :] = self.RBT[comp]['com'][:, :]
            FIT[comp, :] = self.RBT[comp]['fit'][:]


        self.toPlot = None
Пример #22
    def calc(self, atomIndexes, trajectory):
        """Calculates the contribution for one group.
        @param atomIndexes: the index of the atoms of the group.
        @type atomIndexes: list of integers.
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object

        orderedAtoms = sorted(trajectory.universe.atomList(),
        group = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in atomIndexes])

        j, m, n = self.wignerIndexes

        # Those matrix will store the quaternions and the CMS coming from the RBT trajectory.
        quaternions = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 4), typecode=N.Float)

        # Case of a moving reference.
        if self.stepwiseRBT:

            # The reference configuration is always the one of the previous frame excepted for the first frame
            # where it is set by definition to the first frame (could we think about a cyclic alternative way ?).
            for comp in range(self.nFrames):

                frameIndex = self.frameIndexes[comp]

                if comp == 0:
                    previousFrame = self.firstFrame

                    previousFrame = self.frameIndexes[comp - 1]

                refConfig = trajectory.configuration[previousFrame]

                # The RBT is created just for the current step.
                rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                         first = frameIndex,\
                                                         last = frameIndex + 1,\
                                                         skip = 1,\
                                                         reference = refConfig)

                # The corresponding quaternions and cms are stored in their corresponding matrix.
                quaternions[comp, :] = copy.copy(rbt.quaternions)

        # The simplest case, the reference frame is fixed.
        # A unique RBT is performed from first to last skipping skip steps and using refConfig as the reference.
            # If a fixed reference has been set. We can already set the reference configuration here.
            refConfig = trajectory.configuration[self.referenceFrame]

            # The RBT is created.
            rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                     first = self.first,\
                                                     last = self.last,\
                                                     skip = self.skip,\
                                                     reference = refConfig)

            quaternions = rbt.quaternions

        # c1 is the scaling factor converting Wigner function into spherical harmonics. It depends only on j.
        c1 = N.sqrt(((2.0 * j + 1) / (4.0 * N.pi)))

        quat2 = N.zeros(quaternions.shape, typecode=N.Complex)
        # quat2[:,0] refers to the (q0+iq3) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 0] = quaternions[:, 0] + 1j * quaternions[:, 3]
        # quat2[:,2] refers to the (q2+iq1) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 2] = quaternions[:, 2] + 1j * quaternions[:, 1]
        # quat2[:,1] refers to the (q0-iq3) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 1] = N.conjugate(quat2[:, 0])
        # quat2[:,3] refers to the (q2-iq1) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 3] = N.conjugate(quat2[:, 2])

        pp = self.preparePP(j, m, n)
        Djmn = N.add.reduce(
            N.multiply.reduce(quat2[:, N.NewAxis, :]**pp[0][N.NewAxis, :, :],
                              -1) * pp[1], 1)

        if m == n:
            Djnm = Djmn
            pp = self.preparePP(j, n, m)
            Djnm = N.add.reduce(
                    quat2[:, N.NewAxis, :]**pp[0][N.NewAxis, :, :], -1) *
                pp[1], 1)

        Djmn = Djmn * c1
        Djnm = Djnm * c1

        return atomIndexes, (Djmn, Djnm)
Пример #23
def parsePDBReference(filename, pattern, verbose=None):
    """ for a given filename of a PDB file match atoms against
    objects in a list <pattern> """

    pdb = PDBConfiguration(filename)
    if verbose:
        print 'A quick look into an MMTK pattern reveals ',
        print 'the presence of\n\t', len(pattern),
        print ' atom collections ready to be matched'
    tokens = getTokens(filename)
    if len(tokens) > 0 and verbose:
        print 'RE pattern defined in your PDB file: '
        print tokens
    pdb_collection = {}
    for object in range(len(pattern)):
        natom = pattern[object].numberOfAtoms()
        pdb_natom = 0
        for pdb_object in pdb.objects:
            if hasattr(pdb_object, 'atom_list'):
                gj = 0
                for atom in pdb_object.atom_list:
                    if atom.properties['element'] == '*': gj = gj + 1
                if gj > 0:
                    except KeyError:
                        pdb_collection[object] = [pdb_object]
                        pdb_natom = pdb_natom + gj
            if hasattr(pdb_object, 'residues'):
                for residue in pdb_object.residues:
                    gj = 0
                    for atom in residue.atom_list:
                        if atom.properties['element'] == '*': gj = gj + 1
                    if gj > 0:
                        except KeyError:
                            pdb_collection[object] = [residue]
                            pdb_natom = pdb_natom + gj
        if pdb_natom < natom:
            print 'Warning: fewer atoms in PDB for object:',
            print pattern[object]
        elif pdb_natom > natom:
            print 'ERROR: the number of atoms does not match'
            print object, len(pattern), len(pdb.objects)
            print pattern[object].atomList()
            print pdb_natom, pdb_collection[object]
            return None

    selection = []
    for object in range(len(pattern)):
        coll = []
        pdbmap = []
        type_name = pattern[object].__class__.__name__
        if verbose:
            print '\n\nPROCESSING ', pattern[object],
            print ' of type: ', type_name
            print '----------\n'
        if type_name == 'Protein':
            for chain in pattern[object].chains:
                for residue in chain[0]:
        elif type_name == 'SubChain':
            for residue in pattern[object]:
        elif type_name == 'Residue' or type_name == 'Molecule' or \
             type_name == 'Collection':

        if type_name == 'Protein' or type_name == 'SubChain' or\
           type_name == 'Residue':
            for it in range(len(pdbmap)):
                pdb_item = pdb_collection[object][it]
                atom_list = pdbmap[it].atomList()
                res_list = []
                for ia in pdbmap[it].pdbmap:
                res_list = map(upper, res_list)
                if res_list.count(upper(pdb_item.name)) == 0:
                    print 'ERROR: problem with matching'
                    print pdb_item.name, res_list
                    return None
                for ia in pdb_item.atoms.keys():
                    atom = pdb_item.atoms[ia]
                    if atom.properties['element'] == '*':
                        anum = pdbmap[it].pdbmap[0][1][ia].number
                        atra = atom_list[anum]
                        oldpos = atra.position()
                        atra.setPosition(atom.position / 10.)
                        newpos = atra.position()
                        if verbose:
                            quickCheck(pdb_item, atom, atra, oldpos, newpos)
        elif type_name == 'Molecule' or type_name == 'Collection':
            for it in range(len(pdb_collection[object])):
                pdb_item = pdb_collection[object][it]
                atom_list = pdbmap[0].atomList()
                res_list = []
                gj = 0
                for ia in pdbmap[0].pdbmap:
                    if evalREPattern(pdb_item.name, upper(ia[0]), tokens):
                        gj = 1
                if not gj:
                    print 'ERROR: problem with matching'
                    return None
                atname_list = pdb_item.atoms.keys()
                for ia in range(len(atname_list)):
                    atom = pdb_item.atoms[atname_list[ia]]
                    if atom.properties['element'] == '*' and \
                        mmtk_map = pdbmap[0].pdbmap[it][1]
                        for ib in mmtk_map.keys():
                            #if evalREPattern(atname_list[ia],ib,tokens):
                            if atname_list[ia] == ib:
                                aname = ib
                        anum = pdbmap[0].pdbmap[it][1][aname].number
                        atra = atom_list[anum]
                        oldpos = atra.position()
                        atra.setPosition(atom.position / 10.)
                        newpos = atra.position()
                        if verbose:
                            quickCheck(pdb_item, atom, atra, oldpos, newpos)
    info = {'MMTK': pattern, 'PDB': selection}
    if verbose:
        print len(Collection(selection).atomList()),
        print 'MMTK atoms in ', len(pattern), 'objects',
        print 'were mapped successfully on PDB atoms in file ', filename
    return info
Пример #24
    def finalize(self):
        """Finalizes the calculations (e.g. averaging the total term, output files creations ...).

        if self.architecture == 'monoprocessor':
            t = self.trajectory
            # Load the whole trajectory set.
            t = Trajectory(None, self.trajectoryFilename, 'r')

        orderedAtoms = sorted(t.universe.atomList(),
        groups = [
            Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in g]) for g in self.group

        # 'freqencies' = 1D Numeric array. Frequencies at which the DOS was computed
        frequencies = N.arange(self.nFrames) / (2.0 * self.nFrames * self.dt)

        # The NetCDF output file is opened for writing.
        outputFile = NetCDFFile(self.output, 'w')
        outputFile.title = self.__class__.__name__
        outputFile.jobinfo = self.information + '\nOutput file written on: %s\n\n' % asctime(

        # Dictionnary whose keys are of the form Gi where i is the group number
        # and the entries are the list of the index of the atoms building the group.
        comp = 1
        for g in self.group:
            outputFile.jobinfo += 'Group %d: %s\n' % (comp,
                                                      [index for index in g])
            comp += 1

        # Some dimensions are created.
        outputFile.createDimension('NFRAMES', self.nFrames)

        # Creation of the NetCDF output variables.
        # The time.
        TIMES = outputFile.createVariable('time', N.Float, ('NFRAMES', ))
        TIMES[:] = self.times[:]
        TIMES.units = 'ps'

        # The resolution function.
        RESOLUTIONFUNCTION = outputFile.createVariable('resolution_function',
                                                       N.Float, ('NFRAMES', ))
        RESOLUTIONFUNCTION[:] = self.resolutionFunction[:]
        RESOLUTIONFUNCTION.units = 'unitless'

        # Creation of the NetCDF output variables.
        # The frequencies.
        FREQUENCIES = outputFile.createVariable('frequency', N.Float,
                                                ('NFRAMES', ))
        FREQUENCIES[:] = frequencies[:]
        FREQUENCIES.units = 'THz'

        OMEGAS = outputFile.createVariable('angular_frequency', N.Float,
                                           ('NFRAMES', ))
        OMEGAS[:] = 2.0 * N.pi * frequencies[:]
        OMEGAS.units = 'rad ps-1'

        avacfTotal = N.zeros((self.nFrames), typecode=N.Float)
        adosTotal = N.zeros((self.nFrames), typecode=N.Float)

        comp = 1
        totalMass = 0.0
        for g in groups:

            AVACF = outputFile.createVariable('avacf-group%s' % comp, N.Float,
                                              ('NFRAMES', ))
            AVACF[:] = self.AVACF[comp][:]
            AVACF.units = 'rad^2*ps^-2'

            N.add(avacfTotal, self.AVACF[comp], avacfTotal)

            ADOS = outputFile.createVariable('ados-group%s' % comp, N.Float,
                                             ('NFRAMES', ))
            ADOS[:] = self.ADOS[comp][:]
            ADOS.units = 'rad^2*ps^-1'

            N.add(adosTotal, g.mass() * self.ADOS[comp], adosTotal)

            comp += 1
            totalMass += g.mass()

        adosTotal *= 0.5 * self.dt / (self.nGroups * totalMass)

        AVACF = outputFile.createVariable('avacf-total', N.Float,
                                          ('NFRAMES', ))
        AVACF[:] = avacfTotal
        AVACF.units = 'rad^2*ps^-2'

        ADOS = outputFile.createVariable('ados-total', N.Float, ('NFRAMES', ))
        ADOS[:] = adosTotal
        ADOS.units = 'rad^2*ps^-1'

        asciiVar = sorted(outputFile.variables.keys())


        self.toPlot = {
            'netcdf': self.output,
            'xVar': 'angular_frequency',
            'yVar': 'ados-total'

        # Create an ASCII version of the NetCDF output file.
        convertNetCDFToASCII(inputFile = self.output,\
                             outputFile = os.path.splitext(self.output)[0] + '.cdl',\
                             variables = asciiVar)
Пример #25
def inputFileRead(filename):
    read and process an input file
    keywords = [
        'trajectory', 'output_files', 'title', 'time_info', 'time_steps',
        'frequency_points', 'q_vector_set', 'deuter', 'projection_vector',
        'reference', 'rotation_coefficients', 'ft_window', 'groups', 'weights',
        'atoms', 'units_length', 'units_frequency', 'log_file', 'groups_code',
        'atoms_code', 'filter_window', 'results_file', 'atoms_pdb',
        'differentiation', 'verbose', 'symbols', 'ar_order', 'ar_precision'
    newvars = {}
    file_text = Utility.readURL(filename)
    exec file_text in vars(sys.modules['__builtin__']), newvars
    input = Quidam()
    for key in keywords:
        if newvars.has_key(key): setattr(input, key, newvars[key])
        else: setattr(input, key, None)

    import os
    print os.getcwd()
    print input.trajectory
    # general settings
    if input.trajectory:
        if len(input.trajectory) == 1:
            traj = Trajectory(None, input.trajectory[0], 'r')
            if traj.variables().count('quaternion') > 0:
                traj = qTrajectory(None, input.trajectory[0], 'r')
        elif len(input.trajectory) > 1:
            traj = TrajectorySet(None, input.trajectory)

        if not input.units_length: input.units_length = Units.nm
        if not input.units_frequency:
            input.units_frequency = Units.tera * Units.Hz

        types = getTypes(traj.universe)
        if input.q_vector_set is None:
            input.q_vector_set = (N.arange(0., 100., 2.), 1., 50)  # default
        if input.time_info is None: input.time_info = (0, len(traj), 1)
        qVectors = qVectorGenerator(input.q_vector_set, traj)
        # Substitute Hydrogen atoms with Deuter?
        if input.deuter:
            collection = Collection()
            for i in input.deuter.keys():
                for ia in input.deuter[i]:
                    gj = getChemicalObjects({i: types[i]}, {i: ia})
            h2d = collection.atomList()
            print 'number of Deuter atoms: ', len(h2d)
        # Atom selection related keywords
        # atoms selected in a different way are stored together
        # and filtered at the end (if there're repetitions only
        # atoms which occur many times are stored and passed to
        # further calculations, else all atoms are passed)
        if input.atoms:
            print 'processing atom selection:\n\t', input.atoms
            collection = []
            for i in input.atoms.keys():
                for ia in input.atoms[i]:
                    typs = {}
                    typs[i] = types[i]
                    vlst = {}
                    vlst[i] = ia
                    gj = getChemicalObjects(typs, vlst)
                    collection = collection + gj.atomList()
            input.atoms = collection
            print '\t...done\n\tstored ', len(input.atoms), ' atoms\n'
        if input.atoms_pdb:
            print 'processing atom selection from a PDB file\n\t(',
            print input.atoms_pdb, '):'
            atoms_add = parsePDBAtomSelection(input.atoms_pdb, traj)
            print '\t...done\n\tstored ', len(atoms_add.atomList()), ' atoms\n'
            if input.atoms: input.atoms = input.atoms + atoms_add.atomList()
            else: input.atoms = atoms_add.atomList()
        if input.atoms_code:
            print 'processing atom selection hardcoded in Python'
            # syntax:
            # def atoms_code(traj,nothing,dummy_a='gj')
            #     # a python code here
            #     return Collection(atom_list)
            # atoms_code is a function object whose first argument is
            # a Trajectory object and which returns a Collection object.
            print '...done\n\tstored ', len(input.atoms_code(traj).atomList()),
            print ' atoms'
            if input.atoms:
                input.atoms = input.atoms + input.atoms_code(traj).atomList()
                input.atoms = input.atoms_code(traj).atomList()
        if not input.atoms:
            print ' No atom selection found, taking everything... just in case'
            input.atoms = traj.universe
            input.atoms = Collection(input.atoms)
        input.atoms = ghostBusters(input.atoms)
        print ' # atoms in selection: ', len(input.atoms.atomList())
        # Group selection
        if input.groups:
            input.groups, input.reference = parseGroupSelection(
                types, input.groups, input.reference, verbose=input.verbose)
        if input.groups_code:
            # previous def (if any) overwritten
            # the result returned by groups_code should be consistent
            # with that one from misc.paresGroupSelection
            input.groups, input.reference = input.groups_code(traj)
        # Another piece of general settings
        if input.weights == 'mass':
            weightsList = MassList(traj.universe, input.atoms)
        elif input.weights == 'incoherent':
            if input.deuter:
                weightsList = BincohList(traj.universe, input.atoms, h2d)
                weightsList = BincohList(traj.universe, input.atoms)
        elif input.weights == 'coherent':
            if input.deuter:
                weightsList = BcohList(traj.universe, input.atoms, h2d)
                weightsList = BcohList(traj.universe, input.atoms)
            weightsList = None

        # input.trajectory = (traj, input.trajectory)
        input.trajectory = traj
        input.q_vector_set = qVectors
        input.weights = weightsList

    return input
Пример #26
    def internalRun(self):
        """Runs the analysis."""
        self.chrono = default_timer()

        orderedAtoms = sorted(self.universe.atomList(), key = operator.attrgetter('index'))

        selectedAtoms = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in self.subset])
        M1_2 = N.zeros((3*self.nSelectedAtoms,), N.Float)
        weightList = [N.sqrt(el[1]) for el in sorted([(at.index, at.mass()) for at in selectedAtoms])]
        for i in range(len(weightList)):
            M1_2[3*i:3*(i+1)] = weightList[i]
        invM1_2 = (1.0/M1_2)*N.identity(3*self.nSelectedAtoms, typecode = N.Float)
        # The initial structure configuration.
        initialStructure = self.trajectory.configuration[self.first]

        averageStructure = ParticleVector(self.universe)

        for conf in self.trajectory.configuration[self.first:self.last:self.skip]:
            averageStructure += self.universe.configurationDifference(initialStructure, conf)

        averageStructure = averageStructure/self.nFrames
        averageStructure = initialStructure + averageStructure        
        mdr  = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 3*self.nSelectedAtoms), N.Float)
        # Calculate the fluctuation matrix.
        sigmaPrim = N.zeros((3*self.nSelectedAtoms, 3*self.nSelectedAtoms), N.Float)
        comp = 0
        for conf in self.trajectory.configuration[self.first:self.last:self.skip]:
            mdr[comp,:] = M1_2*N.ravel(N.compress(self.mask,(conf-averageStructure).array,0)) 
            sigmaPrim += mdr[comp,:, N.NewAxis] * mdr[N.NewAxis, comp, :]            
            comp += 1
        sigmaPrim = sigmaPrim/float(self.nFrames)

            # Calculate the quasiharmonic modes
            omega, dx = Heigenvectors(sigmaPrim)
        except MemoryError:
            raise Error('Not enough memory to diagonalize the %sx%s fluctuation matrix.' % sigmaPrim.shape)
        # Due to numerical imprecisions, the result can have imaginary parts.
        # In that case, throw the imaginary parts away.
        # Conversion from uma*nm2 to kg*m2 (SI)
        omega = omega.real/(Units.kg*Units.m**2)        
        omega = (Units.Hz/Units.invcm)*N.sqrt((Units.k_B*Units.K*self.temperature/Units.J)*(1.0/omega))

        dx = dx.real
        dx = N.dot(invM1_2, dx)

        # Sort eigen vectors by decreasing fluctuation amplitude.
        indices = N.argsort(omega)[::-1]
        omega = N.take(omega, indices)
        dx = N.take(dx, indices)

        # Eq 66 of the reference paper.
        mdr = N.take(mdr, indices, axis = 1)
        at = N.dot(mdr,N.transpose(dx))
        # The NetCDF output file is opened.
        outputFile       = NetCDFFile(self.output, 'w')
        outputFile.title = self.__class__.__name__
        outputFile.jobinfo = self.information + '\nOutput file written on: %s\n\n' % asctime()

        # The universe is emptied from its objects keeping just its topology.
        # The atoms of the subset are copied
        atoms = copy.deepcopy(selectedAtoms.atomList())
        # And their parent attribute removed to allow their transfer in the empty universe.
        for a in atoms:
            a.parent = None
        ac = AtomCluster(atoms,name='QHACluster')

        # Some dimensions are created.
        # NEIVALS = the number eigen values
        outputFile.createDimension('NEIGENVALS', len(omega))

        # UDESCR = the universe description length
        outputFile.createDimension('UDESCR', len(self.universe.description()))

        # NATOMS = the number of atoms of the universe
        outputFile.createDimension('NATOMS', self.nSelectedAtoms)

        # NFRAMES = the number of frames.
        outputFile.createDimension('NFRAMES', self.nFrames)

        # NCOORDS = the number of coordinates (always = 3).
        outputFile.createDimension('NCOORDS', 3)

        # 3N.
        outputFile.createDimension('3N', 3*self.nSelectedAtoms)

        if self.universe.cellParameters() is not None:
            outputFile.createDimension('BOXDIM', len(self.universe.cellParameters()))

        # Creation of the NetCDF output variables.
        # EIVALS = the eigen values.
        OMEGA = outputFile.createVariable('omega', N.Float, ('NEIGENVALS',))
        OMEGA[:] = omega

        # EIVECS = array of eigen vectors.
        DX = outputFile.createVariable('dx', N.Float, ('NEIGENVALS','NEIGENVALS'))
        DX[:,:] = dx

        # The time.
        TIMES = outputFile.createVariable('time', N.Float, ('NFRAMES',))
        TIMES[:] = self.times[:]
        TIMES.units = 'ps'

        # MODE = the mode number.
        MODE = outputFile.createVariable('mode', N.Float, ('3N',))
        MODE[:] = 1 + N.arange(3*self.nSelectedAtoms)
        # LCI = local character indicator. See eq 56.
        LCI = outputFile.createVariable('local_character_indicator', N.Float, ('3N',))
        LCI[:] = (dx**4).sum(0)
        # GCI = global character indicator. See eq 57.
        GCI = outputFile.createVariable('global_character_indicator', N.Float, ('3N',))
        GCI[:] = (N.sqrt(3.0*self.nSelectedAtoms)/(N.absolute(dx)).sum(0))**4

        # Projection of MD traj onto normal modes. See eq 66..
        AT = outputFile.createVariable('at', N.Float, ('NFRAMES','3N'))
        AT[:,:] = at[:,:]
        # DESCRIPTION = the universe description.
        DESCRIPTION = outputFile.createVariable('description', N.Character, ('UDESCR',))
        DESCRIPTION[:] = self.universe.description()

        # AVGSTRUCT = the average structure.
        AVGSTRUCT = outputFile.createVariable('avgstruct', N.Float, ('NATOMS','NCOORDS'))
        AVGSTRUCT[:,:] = N.compress(self.mask,averageStructure.array,0)

        # If the universe is periodic, create an extra variable storing the box size.
        if self.universe.cellParameters() is not None:
            BOXSIZE = outputFile.createVariable('box_size', N.Float, ('BOXDIM',))
            BOXSIZE[:] = self.universe.cellParameters()


        self.toPlot = None

        self.chrono = default_timer() - self.chrono
        return None
Пример #27
from MMTK.ForceFields import Amber94ForceField
import sys

pdb = sys.argv[1]
test = Protein(pdb)
universe = InfiniteUniverse(Amber94ForceField())
print universe.energy()
print universe.charges()
for i in universe.energyTerms():
    print i, ":",
    print universe.energyTerms()[i]

from MMTK.Collections import Collection

c = Collection(test)
print "Collection numberOfAtoms:", c.numberOfAtoms()

from MMTK.Collections import GroupOfAtoms
#g = GroupOfAtoms (test)

#print "angular moment:", test.angularMomentum()
print "charge :", universe.charge()
print "degrees of freedom :", universe.degreesOfFreedom()
print "dipole moment:", universe.dipole()
#print "kinetic energy :", test.kineticEnergy()
print "mas :", universe.mass()
#print "momentum :", g.momentum()
print " GroupOfAtoms numberOfAtoms:", universe.numberOfAtoms()
#print " temperature:", universe.temperature ()