Пример #1
def moc_decode(heat, wh, mov, N=100, K=5):
    batch, cat, height, width = heat.size()

    # perform 'nms' on heatmaps
    heat = _nms(heat)
    scores, index, classes, ys, xs = _topk(heat, K=N)

    mov = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(mov, index)
    mov = mov.view(batch, N, 2 * K)

    mov_copy = mov.clone()
    mov_copy = mov_copy.view(batch, N, K, 2)
    index_all = torch.zeros((batch, N, K, 2)).cuda()
    xs_all = xs.clone().unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, N, K)
    ys_all = ys.clone().unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, N, K)
    xs_all = xs_all + mov_copy[:, :, :, 0]
    ys_all = ys_all + mov_copy[:, :, :, 1]
    xs_all[:, :, K // 2] = xs
    ys_all[:, :, K // 2] = ys

    xs_all = xs_all.long()
    ys_all = ys_all.long()

    index_all[:, :, :, 0] = xs_all + ys_all * width
    index_all[:, :, :, 1] = xs_all + ys_all * width
    index_all[index_all < 0] = 0
    index_all[index_all > width * height - 1] = width * height - 1
    index_all = index_all.view(batch, N, K * 2).long()

    # gather wh in each location after movement
    wh = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(wh, index, index_all=index_all)
    wh = wh.view(batch, N, 2 * K)

    classes = classes.view(batch, N, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, N, 1)
    xs = xs.view(batch, N, 1)
    ys = ys.view(batch, N, 1)
    bboxes = []
    for i in range(K):
        bboxes.extend([xs + mov[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] - wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
                       ys + mov[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] - wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2,
                       xs + mov[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] + wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
                       ys + mov[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] + wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2])
    bboxes = torch.cat(bboxes, dim=2)
    detections = torch.cat([bboxes, scores, classes], dim=2)

    return detections
Пример #2
 def forward(self, output, mask, index, target, index_all=None):
     pred = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(output, index, index_all=index_all)
     # pred --> b, N, 2*K
     # mask --> b, N ---> b, N, 2*K
     mask = mask.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(pred).float()
     # print(pred.shape)
     # loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, reduction='elementwise_mean')
     loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, size_average=False)
     loss = loss / (mask.sum() + 1e-4)
     return loss
Пример #3
    def forward(self, output, mask, index, target, index_all=None):

        #if index_all is not None:
        #index_all = index_all[:,:,4:]

        pred = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(output, index, index_all=index_all)
        # pred --> b, N, 2*K
        # mask --> b, N ---> b, N, 2*K
        mask = mask.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(pred).float()
        # print(pred.shape)
        # loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, reduction='elementwise_mean')

        #target_ = target[:,:,4:] when not all gt need to be considered
        loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, size_average=False)
        loss = loss / (mask.sum() + 1e-4)
        return loss
Пример #4
def moc_decode_multihm(heat, wh, mov, N=100, K=5):

    batch, cat, height, width = heat.size()

    # perform 'nms' on heatmaps
    #heat = _nms(heat)

    scores_, index_, classes_, ys_, xs_ = [], [], [], [], []
    for i in range(K):
        #i = 0
        heat_i = heat[:, i * 21:(i + 1) * 21, :, :]
        heat_i = _nms(heat_i)
        scores, index, classes, ys, xs = _topN(
            heat_i, N=N)  # TODO: 21 is hardcoded for now

    # ATTENTION: cat then view gave strange output ...
    xs_all = torch.stack(
        xs_, dim=2)  # xs_all = xs.clone().unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, N, K)
    ys_all = torch.stack(ys_, dim=2)
    xs_all0 = xs_[0].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    ys_all0 = ys_[0].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    xs_all1 = xs_[1].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    ys_all1 = ys_[1].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    xs_all2 = xs_[2].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    ys_all2 = ys_[2].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    xs_all3 = xs_[3].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    ys_all3 = ys_[3].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    xs_all4 = xs_[4].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    ys_all4 = ys_[4].clone().unsqueeze(2).view(batch, N, 1)
    xs_all = torch.cat((xs_all0, xs_all1, xs_all2, xs_all3, xs_all4), dim=2)
    ys_all = torch.cat((ys_all0, ys_all1, ys_all2, ys_all3, ys_all4), dim=2)

    classes = classes_[K // 2]
    scores = scores_[K // 2]
    mov = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(mov, index) # torch.Size([16, 100, 6])
    mov = mov.view(batch, N, 2 * K) # reshape is redundant?

    mov_copy = mov.clone()
    mov_copy = mov_copy.view(batch, N, K, 2)
    xs_all = xs.clone().unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, N, K)
    ys_all = ys.clone().unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, N, K)
    #xs_all = xs_all + mov_copy[:, :, :, 0]
    #ys_all = ys_all + mov_copy[:, :, :, 1]
    #xs_all[:, :, K // 2] = xs # center frame no movement
    #ys_all[:, :, K // 2] = ys

    # Essential conversion! (why?)
    xs_all_f = xs_all.clone()
    ys_all_f = ys_all.clone()
    xs_all = xs_all.long()
    ys_all = ys_all.long()

    index_all = torch.zeros((batch, N, K, 2)).cuda()

    index_all[:, :, :, 0] = xs_all + ys_all * width
    index_all[:, :, :, 1] = xs_all + ys_all * width
    index_all[index_all < 0] = 0
    index_all[index_all > width * height - 1] = width * height - 1
    index_all = index_all.view(batch, N, K * 2).long()

    # gather wh in each location after movement
    wh = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(wh, index, index_all=index_all)
    wh = wh.view(batch, N, 2 * K)

    classes = classes.view(batch, N, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, N, 1)
    xs = xs.view(batch, N, 1)
    ys = ys.view(batch, N, 1)
    bboxes = []
    # ORIG: with mov
    for i in range(K):
        bboxes.extend([xs + mov[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] - wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
                       ys + mov[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] - wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2,
                       xs + mov[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] + wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
                       ys + mov[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] + wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2])

    for i in range(K):
            xs_all_f[:, :, i].unsqueeze(2) - wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
            ys_all_f[:, :, i].unsqueeze(2) - wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2,
            xs_all_f[:, :, i].unsqueeze(2) + wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
            ys_all_f[:, :, i].unsqueeze(2) + wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2

    bboxes = torch.cat(bboxes, dim=2)
    detections = torch.cat([bboxes, scores, classes], dim=2)

    return detections
Пример #5
def moc_decode(heat, wh, mov, N=100, K=5):
    batch, cat, height, width = heat.size()

    # perform 'nms' on heatmaps
    heat = _nms(heat)
    scores, index, classes, ys, xs = _topN(heat, N=N)  # torch.Size([16, 100])

    # ORIG: MOC center branch
    mov = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(mov, index)  # torch.Size([16, 100, 6])
    mov = mov.view(batch, N, 2 * K)  # reshape is redundant?

    mov_copy = mov.clone()
    mov_copy = mov_copy.view(batch, N, K, 2)

    index_all = torch.zeros((batch, N, K, 2)).cuda()
    xs_all = xs.clone().unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, N, K)
    ys_all = ys.clone().unsqueeze(2).expand(batch, N, K)
    xs_all = xs_all + mov_copy[:, :, :, 0]
    ys_all = ys_all + mov_copy[:, :, :, 1]

    #xs_all[:, :, K // 2] = xs # center frame no movement
    #ys_all[:, :, K // 2] = ys

    xs_all[:, :, K - 1] = xs  # last frame no movement
    ys_all[:, :, K - 1] = ys

    xs_all = xs_all.long()
    ys_all = ys_all.long()

    index_all[:, :, :, 0] = xs_all + ys_all * width
    index_all[:, :, :, 1] = xs_all + ys_all * width
    index_all[index_all < 0] = 0
    index_all[index_all > width * height - 1] = width * height - 1
    index_all = index_all.view(batch, N, K * 2).long()

    # gather wh in each location after movement
    wh = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(wh, index, index_all=index_all)
    wh = wh.view(batch, N, 2 * K)
    # ADDED: CenterNet offset for individual frame
    # gather mov in each location 
    mov = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(mov, index, index_all=index_all)
    mov = mov.view(batch, N, 2 * K)
    classes = classes.view(batch, N, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, N, 1)
    xs = xs.view(batch, N, 1)
    ys = ys.view(batch, N, 1)
    bboxes = []

    # ORIG: with mov
    for i in range(K):
            xs + mov[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] - wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2, ys +
            mov[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] - wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2,
            xs + mov[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] + wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2, ys +
            mov[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] + wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2
    for i in range(K):
        bboxes.extend([xs - wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
                       ys - wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2,
                       xs + wh[..., 2 * i:2 * i + 1] / 2,
                       ys + wh[..., 2 * i + 1:2 * i + 2] / 2])
    bboxes = torch.cat(bboxes, dim=2)
    detections = torch.cat([bboxes, scores, classes], dim=2)

    return detections