Пример #1
    output_handle = open(outputfilename, "w")
    outputTxt = ""
    #for key in sorted(dicoOutputTxt.keys()):
    for key in sorted(listKeepSouche, key=sort_human):
        value = "\t".join(dicoOutputTxt[key])
        outputTxt += "%s\t%s\n" % (str(key), str(value))

    outputListEmpty = open(basename + "_outputListEmpty.txt", "w")
    for fileEmptyName in listFileEmpty:
        outputListEmpty.write(fileEmptyName + "\n")

    with open(basename + "_LenAlign_nbSNP.txt", "w") as output1:
        txt1 = dictDict2txt(dicoFileCountSNP)

    with open(basename + "_nbSNPallFile.txt", "w") as output2:
        txt1 = dict2txt(dicoFilenbSNP)

    print("\n\nExecution summary:")

    print("  - Outputting \n\
	Il y a au final %i Motif dans tout les MGG\n\
	Il y a %i fichiers vides\n\
	les sequences sont ajouter dans le fichier %s\n\
	la liste des fichiers vides est dans le fichier outputListEmpty.txt" %
          (nbMotifTotal, fileEmpty, outputfilename))
    print("\nStop time: ", strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H:%M:%S", localtime()))
Пример #2
        #"nbSNP": len(x['siteIndices'])}

        align = Align(filein)

        x = Align.polymorphism(align)

        #print dict2txt(x)

        dicoOutput[name] = {
            "singletons": x['singletons'],
            "siteIndices": x['siteIndices'],

    with open(infoFile, "w") as output_handle:

    listFileRM = []
    for fileName, dico in dicoOutput.items():
        listSingleton = list(dico["singletons"])
        listSiteIndices = list(dico["siteIndices"])
        intersection = compare_intersect(listSingleton, listSiteIndices)
        if len(listSiteIndices) == 0:
        elif len(compare_intersect(listSingleton,
                                   listSiteIndices)) == len(listSiteIndices):
            #print listSingleton, listSiteIndices, len(listSingleton), len(listSiteIndices)

    with open(noInfoFile, "w") as outputListNoInfo:
        txt = "\n".join(listFileRM)
Пример #3
                "Theta_allSNPs": stats['thetaW'],
                "Theta_scaffold": stats['thetaW'] / int(dictSizes[scaffold])

    dicoMeanTheta = {}
    sommeTheta, sommeSize = 0, 0
    for scaffold, dico in dictThetaInfo.iteritems():
        sommeTheta += dico["Theta_allSNPs"]
        sommeSize += int(dictSizes[scaffold])

    thetaCoreGenome = sommeTheta / sommeSize

    with open(
            workingObjDir.pathDirectory + basename + "/" + basename +
            "_ThetaValues.tab", "w") as ThetaTab:
        ThetaTab.write("\nthetaCoreGenome\t%.4f" % thetaCoreGenome)

    #MAKE sh script to run LDhat
    objDir = directory(workingObjDir.pathDirectory +
                       basename)  # list all directory and files in the path

    #nbInd = 13
    #thetaCoreGenome = 0.007

    cmdLoadR = "module load compiler/gcc/4.9.2 bioinfo/geos/3.4.2 bioinfo/gdal/1.9.2 mpi/openmpi/1.6.5 bioinfo/R/3.2.2"
    cmdLookTable = completeLDhatPATH + " -n " + str(
        nbInd) + " -rhomax 100 -n_pts 201 -theta " + str(
            thetaCoreGenome) + " -prefix " + objDir.pathDirectory + basename

    with open(
            for souche in listSouchessort:
                dicoCountNB[souche_contig1][souche] = 0
                dicoCountNB["ZERO-NB"][souche] = 0

            for souche_contig2 in dico_ortho[souche_contig1]:
                namesouche2 = souche_contig2.split("_")[0]

                dicoCountNB[souche_contig1][namesouche2] += 1

        for gene, dico in dicoCountNB.items():
            nbOrthoTotal += 1
            for souche, nbOrtho in dico.items():
                if nbOrtho == 0:
                    dicoCountNB["ZERO-NB"][souche] += 1

        tabFileOut.write(dictDict2txt(dicoCountNB, ref))


    for key, value in sorted(dicoCountNB["ZERO-NB"].items(),
                             key=lambda x: x[1],
        percent = (value / nbOrthoTotal) * 100

        if percent < 20:
            printCol.purple("%s\t%s\t%.2f" % (key, value, percent))
        elif percent > 30:
            printCol.red("%s\t%s\t%.2f" % (key, value, percent))
        elif percent > 20:
            printCol.yellow("%s\t%s\t%.2f" % (key, value, percent))