Пример #1
 def _setMailText(self):
     text = self.text
     if self.note:
         text = text + "Note: %s" % self.note
     if self.confSumary:
             from MaKaC.common.output import outputGenerator
             from MaKaC.accessControl import AdminList, AccessWrapper
             import MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers as urlHandlers
             admin = AdminList().getInstance().getList()[0]
             aw = AccessWrapper()
             path = Config.getInstance().getStylesheetsDir()
             if os.path.exists("%s/text.xsl" % path):
                 stylepath = "%s/text.xsl" % path
             outGen = outputGenerator(aw)
             vars = { \
                     "modifyURL": urlHandlers.UHConferenceModification.getURL( self.conf ), \
                     "sessionModifyURLGen": urlHandlers.UHSessionModification.getURL, \
                     "contribModifyURLGen": urlHandlers.UHContributionModification.getURL, \
                     "subContribModifyURLGen":  urlHandlers.UHSubContribModification.getURL, \
                     "materialURLGen": urlHandlers.UHMaterialDisplay.getURL, \
                     "resourceURLGen": urlHandlers.UHFileAccess.getURL }
             confText = outGen.getOutput(self.conf,stylepath,vars)
             text += "\n\n\n" + confText
         #    text += "\n\n\nSorry could not embed text version of the agenda..."
Пример #2
 def _setMailText(self):
     text = self.text
     if self.note:
         text = text + "Note: %s" % self.note
     if self.confSumary:
         from MaKaC.common.output import outputGenerator
         from MaKaC.accessControl import AdminList, AccessWrapper
         import MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers as urlHandlers
         admin = AdminList().getInstance().getList()[0]
         aw = AccessWrapper()
         path = Config.getInstance().getStylesheetsDir()
         if os.path.exists("%s/text.xsl" % path):
             stylepath = "%s/text.xsl" % path
         outGen = outputGenerator(aw)
         vars = { \
                 "modifyURL": urlHandlers.UHConferenceModification.getURL( self.conf ), \
                 "sessionModifyURLGen": urlHandlers.UHSessionModification.getURL, \
                 "contribModifyURLGen": urlHandlers.UHContributionModification.getURL, \
                 "subContribModifyURLGen":  urlHandlers.UHSubContribModification.getURL, \
                 "materialURLGen": urlHandlers.UHMaterialDisplay.getURL, \
                 "resourceURLGen": urlHandlers.UHFileAccess.getURL }
         confText = outGen.getOutput(self.conf, stylepath, vars)
         text += "\n\n\n" + confText
     #    text += "\n\n\nSorry could not embed text version of the agenda..."
Пример #3
def iter_interesting_events(avatar, data):
    idx = IndexesHolder().getById('categoryDateAll')
    now_local = utc2server(nowutc(), False)
    aw = AccessWrapper()
    for event in _unique_events(idx.iterateObjectsIn('0', now_local, now_local + timedelta(weeks=24))):
        if _is_event_interesting(avatar, event, data) and event.canAccess(aw):
            yield event
Пример #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.closed = False
     self.xml_generator = XMLGen()
     self.xml_generator.openTag(b'collection', [[b'xmlns', b'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim']])
     # This is horrible. but refactoring all the code in the indico core would be just as bad.
     aw = AccessWrapper()
     self.output_generator = outputGenerator(aw, self.xml_generator)
Пример #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.closed = False
     self.xml_generator = XMLGen()
     self.xml_generator.openTag(b'collection', [[b'xmlns', b'http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim']])
     # This is horrible. but refactoring all the code in the indico core would be just as bad.
     aw = AccessWrapper()
     self.output_generator = outputGenerator(aw, self.xml_generator)
Пример #6
def iter_interesting_events(avatar, data):
    idx = IndexesHolder().getById('categoryDateAll')
    now_local = utc2server(nowutc(), False)
    aw = AccessWrapper()
    for event in _unique_events(
            idx.iterateObjectsIn('0', now_local,
                                 now_local + timedelta(weeks=24))):
        if _is_event_interesting(avatar, event, data) and event.canAccess(aw):
            yield event
Пример #7
def buildAW(ak, onlyPublic=False):
    aw = AccessWrapper()
    if ak and not onlyPublic:
        # If we have an authenticated request, require HTTPS
        # Dirty hack: Google calendar converts HTTP API requests from https to http
        # Therefore, not working with Indico setup (requiring https for HTTP API authenticated)
        if not request.is_secure and api_settings.get('require_https') and request.user_agent.browser != 'google':
            raise HTTPAPIError('HTTPS is required', 403)
    return aw
Пример #8
def buildAW(ak, req, onlyPublic=False):
    aw = AccessWrapper()
    if ak and not onlyPublic:
        # If we have an authenticated request, require HTTPS
        minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        # Dirty hack: Google calendar converts HTTP API requests from https to http
        # Therefore, not working with Indico setup (requiring https for HTTP API authenticated)
        if not req.is_https() and minfo.isAPIHTTPSRequired() and req.get_user_agent().find("Googlebot") == -1:
            raise HTTPAPIError('HTTPS is required', apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
    return aw
Пример #9
def buildAW(ak, onlyPublic=False):
    aw = AccessWrapper()
    if ak and not onlyPublic:
        # If we have an authenticated request, require HTTPS
        # Dirty hack: Google calendar converts HTTP API requests from https to http
        # Therefore, not working with Indico setup (requiring https for HTTP API authenticated)
        if not request.is_secure and api_settings.get(
                'require_https') and request.user_agent.browser != 'google':
            raise HTTPAPIError('HTTPS is required', 403)
    return aw
Пример #10
def buildAW(ak, onlyPublic=False):
    aw = AccessWrapper()
    if ak and not onlyPublic:
        # If we have an authenticated request, require HTTPS
        minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        # Dirty hack: Google calendar converts HTTP API requests from https to http
        # Therefore, not working with Indico setup (requiring https for HTTP API authenticated)
        if not request.is_secure and minfo.isAPIHTTPSRequired() and request.user_agent.browser != 'google':
            raise HTTPAPIError('HTTPS is required', 403)
    return aw
Пример #11
def buildAW(ak, onlyPublic=False):
    aw = AccessWrapper()
    if ak and not onlyPublic:
        # If we have an authenticated request, require HTTPS
        minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
        # Dirty hack: Google calendar converts HTTP API requests from https to http
        # Therefore, not working with Indico setup (requiring https for HTTP API authenticated)
        if not request.is_secure and minfo.isAPIHTTPSRequired(
        ) and request.user_agent.browser != 'google':
            raise HTTPAPIError('HTTPS is required', 403)
    return aw
Пример #12
class RH(RequestHandlerBase):
    """This class is the base for request handlers of the application. A request
        handler will be instantiated when a web request arrives to mod_python;
        the mp layer will forward the request to the corresponding request
        handler which will know which action has to be performed (displaying a
        web page or performing some operation and redirecting to another page).
        Request handlers will be responsible for parsing the parameters coming
        from a mod_python request, handle the errors which occurred during the
        action to perform, managing the sessions, checking security for each
        operation (thus they implement the access control system of the web
        It is important to encapsulate all this here as in case of changing
        the web application framework we'll just need to adapt this layer (the
        rest of the system wouldn't need any change).

            _uh - (URLHandler) Associated URLHandler which points to the
                current rh.
            _req - UNUSED/OBSOLETE, always None
            _requestStarted - (bool) Flag which tells whether a DB transaction
                has been started or not.
            _aw - (AccessWrapper) Current access information for the rh.
            _target - (Locable) Reference to an object which is the destination
                of the operations needed to carry out the rh. If set it must
                provide (through the standard Locable interface) the methods
                to get the url parameters in order to reproduce the access to
                the rh.
            _reqParams - (dict) Dictionary containing the received HTTP
                 parameters (independently of the method) transformed into
                 python data types. The key is the parameter name while the
                 value should be the received paramter value (or values).
    _tohttps = False  # set this value to True for the RH that must be HTTPS when there is a BaseSecureURL
    _doNotSanitizeFields = []
    _isMobile = True  # this value means that the generated web page can be mobile

    HTTP_VERBS = frozenset(('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'))

    def __init__(self):
        self._responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._aw = AccessWrapper(
        )  # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._target = None
        self._reqParams = {}
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._redisPipeline = None
        self._doProcess = True  # Flag which indicates whether the RH process
        # must be carried out; this is useful for
        # the checkProtection methods when they
        # detect that an immediate redirection is
        # needed

    # Methods =============================================================

    def getTarget(self):
        return self._target

    def isMobile(self):
        return self._isMobile

    def _setSessionUser(self):

    def csrf_token(self):
        return session.csrf_token

    def _getRequestParams(self):
        return self._reqParams

    def getRequestParams(self):
        return self._getRequestParams()

    def _disableCaching(self):
        """Disables caching"""

        # IE doesn't seem to like 'no-cache' Cache-Control headers...
        if request.user_agent.browser == 'msie':
            # actually, the only way to safely disable caching seems to be this one
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Expires"] = "-1"
                "Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"

    def _redirect(self, targetURL, status=303):
        targetURL = str(targetURL)
        if "\r" in targetURL or "\n" in targetURL:
            raise MaKaCError(_("http header CRLF injection detected"))
        self._responseUtil.redirect = (targetURL, status)

    def _changeRH(self, rh, params):
        """Calls the specified RH after processing this one"""
        self._responseUtil.call = lambda: rh().process(params)

    def _checkHttpsRedirect(self):
        """If HTTPS must be used but it is not, redirect!"""
        if self.use_https() and not request.is_secure:
            return True
            return False

    def _normaliseListParam(self, param):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
            return [param]
        return param

    def _processError(self, e):

    def _checkParams(self, params):
        """This method is called before _checkProtection and is a good place
        to assign variables from request params to member variables.

        Note that in any new code the params argument SHOULD be IGNORED.
        Use the following objects provided by Flask instead:
        from flask import request
        request.view_args (URL route params)
        request.args (GET params (from the query string))
        request.form (POST params)
        request.values (GET+POST params - use only if ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY)

        If you only want to run some code for GET or POST requests, you can create
        a method named e.g. _checkParams_POST which will be executed AFTER this one.
        The method is called without any arguments (except self).

    def _process(self):
        """The default process method dispatches to a method containing
        the HTTP verb used for the current request, e.g. _process_POST.
        When implementing this please consider that you most likely want/need
        only GET and POST - the other verbs are not supported everywhere!
        method = getattr(self, '_process_' + request.method, None)
        if method is None:
            valid_methods = [
                m for m in self.HTTP_VERBS if hasattr(self, '_process_' + m)
            raise MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods)
        return method()

    def _checkCSRF(self):
        # Check referer for POST requests. We do it here so we can properly use indico's error handling
        if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() < 3 or request.method != 'POST':
        referer = request.referrer
        # allow empty - otherwise we might lock out paranoid users blocking referers
        if not referer:
        # valid http referer
        if referer.startswith(Config.getInstance().getBaseURL()):
        # valid https referer - if https is enabled
        base_secure = Config.getInstance().getBaseSecureURL()
        if base_secure and referer.startswith(base_secure):
        raise BadRefererError(
            'This operation is not allowed from an external referer.')

    def _processGeneralError(self, e):
        """Treats general errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        if Config.getInstance().getPropagateAllExceptions():
        return errors.WPGenericError(self).display()

    @jsonify_error(status=500, logging_level='exception')
    def _processUnexpectedError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        self._responseUtil.redirect = None
        if Config.getInstance().getEmbeddedWebserver() or Config.getInstance(
        return errors.WPUnexpectedError(self).display()

    def _processHostnameResolveError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        return errors.WPHostnameResolveError(self).display()

    def _processForbidden(self, e):
        message = _("Access Denied")
        if e.description == Forbidden.description:
            explanation = _("You are not allowed to access this page.")
            explanation = e.description
        return WErrorWSGI((message, explanation)).getHTML()

    def _processBadRequest(self, e):
        message = _("Bad Request")
        return WErrorWSGI((message, e.description)).getHTML()

    def _processBadData(self, e):
        message = _("Invalid or expired token")
        return WErrorWSGI((message, e.message)).getHTML()

    def _processAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        return errors.WPAccessError(self).display()

    def _processKeyAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        # We are going to redirect to the page asking for access key
        # and so it must be https if there is a BaseSecureURL. And that's
        # why we set _tohttps to True.
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return errors.WPKeyAccessError(self).display()

    def _processModificationError(self, e):
        """Handles modification errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        # Redirect to HTTPS in case the user is logged in
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return errors.WPModificationError(self).display()

    def _processBadRequestKeyError(self, e):
        """Request lacks a necessary key for processing"""
        msg = _('Required argument missing: %s') % e.message
        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, msg).display()

    # TODO: check this method to integrate with jsonify error
    def _processOAuthError(self, e):
        res = json.dumps(e.fossilize())
        header = oauth.build_authenticate_header(
        self._responseUtil.content_type = 'application/json'
        self._responseUtil.status = e.code
        return res

    def _processConferenceClosedError(self, e):
        """Treats access to modification pages for conferences when they are closed."""

        return WPConferenceModificationClosed(self, e._conf).display()

    def _processTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processNoReportError(self, e):
        """Process errors without reporting"""

        return errors.WPNoReportError(self, e).display()

    def _processNotFoundError(self, e):
        if isinstance(e, NotFound):
            message = _(
                "Page not found")  # that's a bit nicer than "404: Not Found"
            if e.description == NotFound.description:
                explanation = _("The page you are looking for doesn't exist.")
                explanation = e.description
            message = e.getMessage()
            explanation = e.getExplanation()
        return WErrorWSGI((message, explanation)).getHTML()

    def _processParentTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPParentTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processEntryTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPEntryTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processFormValuesError(self, e):
        """Treats user input related errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, e).display()

    def _processLaTeXError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPLaTeXError(self, e).display()

    def _processRestrictedHTML(self, e):

        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _processHtmlScriptError(self, e):
        """ TODO """
        return errors.WPHtmlScriptError(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _processHtmlForbiddenTag(self, e):
        """ TODO """

        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _process_retry_setup(self):
        # clear the fossile cache at the start of each request
        # clear after-commit queue
        # delete all queued emails
        # clear the existing redis pipeline
        if self._redisPipeline:

    def _process_retry_auth_check(self, params):
        # keep a link to the web session in the access wrapper
        # this is used for checking access/modification key existence
        # in the user session
        if self._getAuth():
            if self._getUser():
                    'Request %s identified with user %s (%s)' %
                    (request, self._getUser().getFullName(),
            if not self._tohttps and Config.getInstance(
                self._tohttps = True
                if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
                    return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        self._reqParams = copy.copy(params)

    def _process_retry_do(self, profile):
        profile_name, res = '', ''
            # old code gets parameters from call
            # new code utilizes of flask.request
            if len(inspect.getargspec(self._checkParams).args) < 2:
                cp_result = self._checkParams()
                cp_result = self._checkParams(self._reqParams)

            if isinstance(cp_result, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                return '', cp_result

            func = getattr(self, '_checkParams_' + request.method, None)
            if func:
                cp_result = func()
                if isinstance(cp_result,
                              (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                    return '', cp_result

        except NoResultFound:  # sqlalchemy .one() not finding anything
            raise NotFoundError(_('The specified item could not be found.'),
                                title=_('Item not found'))

        func = getattr(self, '_checkProtection_' + request.method, None)
        if func:

        security.Sanitization.sanitizationCheck(self._target, self._reqParams,

        if self._doProcess:
            if profile:
                profile_name = os.path.join(
                result = [None]
                profiler.runctx('result[0] = self._process()', globals(),
                                locals(), profile_name)
                res = result[0]
                res = self._process()
        return profile_name, res

    def _process_retry(self, params, retry, profile, forced_conflicts):
        return self._process_retry_do(profile)

    def _process_success(self):
            'Request {} successful'.format(request))
        # request is succesfull, now, doing tasks that must be done only once
            GenericMailer.flushQueue(True)  # send emails
            Logger.get('mail').exception('Mail sending operation failed')
        # execute redis pipeline if we have one
        if self._redisPipeline:
            except RedisError:
                Logger.get('redis').exception('Could not execute pipeline')

    def process(self, params):
        if request.method not in self.HTTP_VERBS:
            # Just to be sure that we don't get some crappy http verb we don't expect
            raise BadRequest

        cfg = Config.getInstance()
        forced_conflicts, max_retries, profile = cfg.getForceConflicts(
        ), cfg.getMaxRetries(), cfg.getProfile()
        profile_name, res, textLog = '', '', []

        self._startTime = datetime.now()

        # clear the context
        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)
        g.rh = self

        #redirect to https if necessary
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
            return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        textLog.append("%s : Database request started" %
                       (datetime.now() - self._startTime))
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('[pid=%s] Request %s started' %
                                          (os.getpid(), request))

            for i, retry in enumerate(transaction.attempts(max_retries)):
                with retry:
                    if i > 0:

                            '\t[pid=%s] from host %s' %
                            (os.getpid(), request.remote_addr))
                        profile_name, res = self._process_retry(
                            params, i, profile, forced_conflicts)
                        if i < forced_conflicts:  # raise conflict error if enabled to easily handle conflict error case
                            raise ConflictError
                    except (ConflictError, POSKeyError):
                        import traceback
                        # only log conflict if it wasn't forced
                        if i >= forced_conflicts:
                                'Conflict in Database! (Request %s)\n%s' %
                                (request, traceback.format_exc()))
                    except ClientDisconnected:
                            'Client Disconnected! (Request {})'.format(
        except Exception as e:
            res = self._getMethodByExceptionName(e)(e)

        totalTime = (datetime.now() - self._startTime)
        textLog.append('{} : Request ended'.format(totalTime))

        # log request timing
        if profile and totalTime > timedelta(
                0, 1) and os.path.isfile(profile_name):
            rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
            stats = pstats.Stats(profile_name)
            stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
            stats.dump_stats(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequestProfile.log'))
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = output
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            s = output.getvalue()
            f = file(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequest.log'), 'a+')
            f.write('URL     : {}\n'.format(request.url))
            f.write('{} : start request\n'.format(self._startTime))
            f.write('retried : {}\n'.format(10 - retry))
        if profile and profile_name and os.path.exists(profile_name):

        if self._responseUtil.call:
            return self._responseUtil.make_call()

        # In case of no process needed, we should return empty string to avoid erroneous output
        # specially with getVars breaking the JS files.
        if not self._doProcess or res is None:
            return self._responseUtil.make_empty()

        return self._responseUtil.make_response(res)

    def _getMethodByExceptionName(self, e):
        exception_name = {
            'NotFound': 'NotFoundError',
            'MaKaCError': 'GeneralError',
            'IndicoError': 'GeneralError',
            'ValueError': 'UnexpectedError',
            'Exception': 'UnexpectedError',
            'AccessControlError': 'AccessError'
        if isinstance(e, BadData):  # we also want its subclasses
            exception_name = 'BadData'
        return getattr(self, '_process{}'.format(exception_name),

    def _deleteTempFiles(self):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for f in self._tempFilesToDelete:
                if f is not None:

    relativeURL = None
Пример #13
class RH(RequestHandlerBase):
    """This class is the base for request handlers of the application. A request
        handler will be instantiated when a web request arrives to mod_python;
        the mp layer will forward the request to the corresponding request
        handler which will know which action has to be performed (displaying a
        web page or performing some operation and redirecting to another page).
        Request handlers will be responsible for parsing the parameters coming
        from a mod_python request, handle the errors which occurred during the
        action to perform, managing the sessions, checking security for each
        operation (thus they implement the access control system of the web
        It is important to encapsulate all this here as in case of changing
        the web application framework we'll just need to adapt this layer (the
        rest of the system wouldn't need any change).

            _uh - (URLHandler) Associated URLHandler which points to the
                current rh.
            _req - UNUSED/OBSOLETE, always None
            _requestStarted - (bool) Flag which tells whether a DB transaction
                has been started or not.
            _aw - (AccessWrapper) Current access information for the rh.
            _target - (Locable) Reference to an object which is the destination
                of the operations needed to carry out the rh. If set it must
                provide (through the standard Locable interface) the methods
                to get the url parameters in order to reproduce the access to
                the rh.
            _reqParams - (dict) Dictionary containing the received HTTP
                 parameters (independently of the method) transformed into
                 python data types. The key is the parameter name while the
                 value should be the received paramter value (or values).
    _tohttps = False  # set this value to True for the RH that must be HTTPS when there is a BaseSecureURL
    _doNotSanitizeFields = []
    _isMobile = True  # this value means that the generated web page can be mobile
    CSRF_ENABLED = False  # require a csrf_token when accessing the RH with anything but GET
    EVENT_FEATURE = None  # require a certain event feature when accessing the RH. See `EventFeature` for details

    #: A dict specifying how the url should be normalized.
    #: `args` is a dictionary mapping view args keys to callables
    #: used to retrieve the expected value for those arguments if they
    #: are present in the request's view args.
    #: `locators` is a set of callables returning objects with locators.
    #: `preserved_args` is a set of view arg names which will always
    #: be copied from the current request if present.
    #: The callables are always invoked with a single `self` argument
    #: containing the RH instance.
    #: Arguments specified in the `defaults` of any rule matching the
    #: current endpoint are always excluded when checking if the args
    #: match or when building a new URL.
    #: If the view args built from the returned objects do not match
    #: the request's view args, a redirect is issued automatically.
    #: If the request is not using GET/HEAD, a 404 error is raised
    #: instead of a redirect since such requests cannot be redirected
    #: but executing them on the wrong URL may pose a security risk in
    #: case and of the non-relevant URL segments is used for access
    #: checks.
    normalize_url_spec = {
        'args': {},
        'locators': set(),
        'preserved_args': set()

    def __init__(self):
        self._responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()  # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._target = None
        self._reqParams = {}
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._redisPipeline = None
        self._doProcess = True  # Flag which indicates whether the RH process
                                # must be carried out; this is useful for
                                # the checkProtection methods when they
                                # detect that an immediate redirection is
                                # needed

    # Methods =============================================================

    def getTarget(self):
        return self._target

    def isMobile(self):
        return self._isMobile

    def _setSessionUser(self):

    def csrf_token(self):
        return session.csrf_token if session.csrf_protected else ''

    def _getRequestParams(self):
        return self._reqParams

    def getRequestParams(self):
        return self._getRequestParams()

    def _disableCaching(self):
        """Disables caching"""

        # IE doesn't seem to like 'no-cache' Cache-Control headers...
        if request.user_agent.browser == 'msie':
            # actually, the only way to safely disable caching seems to be this one
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Expires"] = "-1"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"

    def _redirect(self, targetURL, status=303):
        if isinstance(targetURL, Response):
            status = targetURL.status_code
            targetURL = targetURL.headers['Location']
            targetURL = str(targetURL)
        if "\r" in targetURL or "\n" in targetURL:
            raise MaKaCError(_("http header CRLF injection detected"))
        self._responseUtil.redirect = (targetURL, status)

    def _changeRH(self, rh, params):
        """Calls the specified RH after processing this one"""
        self._responseUtil.call = lambda: rh().process(params)

    def _checkHttpsRedirect(self):
        """If HTTPS must be used but it is not, redirect!"""
        if self.use_https() and not request.is_secure:
            return True
            return False

    def _normaliseListParam(self, param):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
            return [param]
        return param

    def _processError(self, e):

    def normalize_url(self):
        """Performs URL normalization.

        This uses the :attr:`normalize_url_spec` to check if the URL
        params are what they should be and redirects or fails depending
        on the HTTP method used if it's not the case.

        :return: ``None`` or a redirect response
        if not self.normalize_url_spec or not any(self.normalize_url_spec.itervalues()):
        spec = {
            'args': self.normalize_url_spec.get('args', {}),
            'locators': self.normalize_url_spec.get('locators', set()),
            'preserved_args': self.normalize_url_spec.get('preserved_args', set()),
        # Initialize the new view args with preserved arguments (since those would be lost otherwise)
        new_view_args = {k: v for k, v in request.view_args.iteritems() if k in spec['preserved_args']}
        # Retrieve the expected values for all simple arguments (if they are currently present)
        for key, getter in spec['args'].iteritems():
            if key in request.view_args:
                new_view_args[key] = getter(self)
        # Retrieve the expected values from locators
        for getter in spec['locators']:
            value = getter(self)
            if value is None:
                raise NotFound('The URL contains invalid data. Please go to the previous page and refresh it.')
                expected = value.locator
            except AttributeError:
                    expected = value.getLocator()
                except AttributeError:
                    raise AttributeError("'{}' object has neither 'locator' nor 'getLocator'".format(type(value)))
        # Get all default values provided by the url map for the endpoint
        defaults = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(r.defaults
                                                     for r in current_app.url_map.iter_rules(request.endpoint)
                                                     if r.defaults))

        def _convert(v):
            # some legacy code has numeric ids in the locator data, but still takes
            # string ids in the url rule (usually for confId)
            return unicode(v) if isinstance(v, (int, long)) else v

        provided = {k: _convert(v) for k, v in request.view_args.iteritems() if k not in defaults}
        new_view_args = {k: _convert(v) for k, v in new_view_args.iteritems()}
        if new_view_args != provided:
            if request.method in {'GET', 'HEAD'}:
                return redirect(url_for(request.endpoint, **dict(request.args.to_dict(), **new_view_args)))
                raise NotFound('The URL contains invalid data. Please go to the previous page and refresh it.')

    def _checkParams(self, params):
        """This method is called before _checkProtection and is a good place
        to assign variables from request params to member variables.

        Note that in any new code the params argument SHOULD be IGNORED.
        Use the following objects provided by Flask instead:
        from flask import request
        request.view_args (URL route params)
        request.args (GET params (from the query string))
        request.form (POST params)
        request.values (GET+POST params - use only if ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY)

        If you only want to run some code for GET or POST requests, you can create
        a method named e.g. _checkParams_POST which will be executed AFTER this one.
        The method is called without any arguments (except self).

    def _process(self):
        """The default process method dispatches to a method containing
        the HTTP verb used for the current request, e.g. _process_POST.
        When implementing this please consider that you most likely want/need
        only GET and POST - the other verbs are not supported everywhere!
        method = getattr(self, '_process_' + request.method, None)
        if method is None:
            valid_methods = [m for m in HTTP_VERBS if hasattr(self, '_process_' + m)]
            raise MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods)
        return method()

    def _checkCSRF(self):
        token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Token', request.form.get('csrf_token'))
        if self.CSRF_ENABLED and request.method != 'GET' and token != session.csrf_token:
            msg = _(u"It looks like there was a problem with your current session. Please use your browser's back "
                    u"button, reload the page and try again.")
            raise BadRequest(msg)
        elif not self.CSRF_ENABLED and current_app.debug and request.method != 'GET':
            # Warn if CSRF is not enabled for a RH in new code
            module = self.__class__.__module__
            if module.startswith('indico.modules.') or module.startswith('indico.core.'):
                msg = (u'{} request sent to {} which has no CSRF checks. Set `CSRF_ENABLED = True` in the class to '
                       u'enable them.').format(request.method, self.__class__.__name__)
                warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
        # legacy csrf check (referer-based):
        # Check referer for POST requests. We do it here so we can properly use indico's error handling
        if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() < 3 or request.method != 'POST':
        referer = request.referrer
        # allow empty - otherwise we might lock out paranoid users blocking referers
        if not referer:
        # valid http referer
        if referer.startswith(Config.getInstance().getBaseURL()):
        # valid https referer - if https is enabled
        base_secure = Config.getInstance().getBaseSecureURL()
        if base_secure and referer.startswith(base_secure):
        raise BadRefererError('This operation is not allowed from an external referer.')

    def _check_event_feature(self):
        from indico.modules.events.features.util import require_feature
        event_id = request.view_args.get('confId') or request.view_args.get('event_id')
        if event_id is not None:
            require_feature(event_id, self.EVENT_FEATURE)

    def _processGeneralError(self, e):
        """Treats general errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        if Config.getInstance().getPropagateAllExceptions():
        return errors.WPGenericError(self).display()

    @jsonify_error(status=500, logging_level='exception')
    def _processUnexpectedError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        self._responseUtil.redirect = None
        if Config.getInstance().getEmbeddedWebserver() or Config.getInstance().getPropagateAllExceptions():
        return errors.WPUnexpectedError(self).display()

    def _processForbidden(self, e):
        if session.user is None and not request.is_xhr and not e.response:
            return redirect_to_login(reason=_("Please log in to access this page."))
        message = _("Access Denied")
        explanation = get_error_description(e)
        return WErrorWSGI((message, explanation)).getHTML()

    def _processBadRequest(self, e):
        message = _("Bad Request")
        return WErrorWSGI((message, e.description)).getHTML()

    def _processBadData(self, e):
        message = _("Invalid or expired token")
        return WErrorWSGI((message, e.message)).getHTML()

    def _processAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        return errors.WPAccessError(self).display()

    def _processKeyAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        # We are going to redirect to the page asking for access key
        # and so it must be https if there is a BaseSecureURL. And that's
        # why we set _tohttps to True.
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return errors.WPKeyAccessError(self).display()

    def _processModificationError(self, e):
        """Handles modification errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        # Redirect to HTTPS in case the user is logged in
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return errors.WPModificationError(self).display()

    def _processBadRequestKeyError(self, e):
        """Request lacks a necessary key for processing"""
        msg = _('Required argument missing: %s') % e.message
        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, msg).display()

    def _processConferenceClosedError(self, e):
        """Treats access to modification pages for conferences when they are closed."""

        return WPConferenceModificationClosed(self, e._conf).display()

    def _processTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processNoReportError(self, e):
        """Process errors without reporting"""

        return errors.WPNoReportError(self, e).display()

    def _processNotFoundError(self, e):
        if isinstance(e, NotFound):
            message = _("Page not found")  # that's a bit nicer than "404: Not Found"
            explanation = get_error_description(e)
            message = e.getMessage()
            explanation = e.getExplanation()
        return WErrorWSGI((message, explanation)).getHTML()

    def _processParentTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPParentTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processEntryTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPEntryTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processFormValuesError(self, e):
        """Treats user input related errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, e).display()

    def _processLaTeXError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPLaTeXError(self, e).display()

    def _processRestrictedHTML(self, e):
        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _processHtmlForbiddenTag(self, e):
        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _process_retry_setup(self):
        # clear the fossile cache at the start of each request
        # clear after-commit queue
        # delete all queued emails
        # clear the existing redis pipeline
        if self._redisPipeline:

    def _process_retry_auth_check(self, params):
        # keep a link to the web session in the access wrapper
        # this is used for checking access/modification key existence
        # in the user session
        if self._getAuth():
            if self._getUser():
                Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s identified with user %s (%s)' % (
                    request, self._getUser().getFullName(), self._getUser().getId()))
            if not self._tohttps and Config.getInstance().getAuthenticatedEnforceSecure():
                self._tohttps = True
                if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
                    return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        self._reqParams = copy.copy(params)

    def _process_retry_do(self, profile):
        profile_name, res = '', ''
            # old code gets parameters from call
            # new code utilizes of flask.request
            if len(inspect.getargspec(self._checkParams).args) < 2:
                cp_result = self._checkParams()
                cp_result = self._checkParams(self._reqParams)

            if isinstance(cp_result, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                return '', cp_result

            func = getattr(self, '_checkParams_' + request.method, None)
            if func:
                cp_result = func()
                if isinstance(cp_result, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                    return '', cp_result

        except NoResultFound:  # sqlalchemy .one() not finding anything
            raise NotFoundError(_('The specified item could not be found.'), title=_('Item not found'))

        rv = self.normalize_url()
        if rv is not None:
            return '', rv

        func = getattr(self, '_checkProtection_' + request.method, None)
        if func:


        if self._doProcess:
            if profile:
                profile_name = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(), 'stone{}.prof'.format(random.random()))
                result = [None]
                profiler.runctx('result[0] = self._process()', globals(), locals(), profile_name)
                res = result[0]
                res = self._process()
        return profile_name, res

    def _process_retry(self, params, retry, profile, forced_conflicts):
        return self._process_retry_do(profile)

    def _process_success(self):
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request {} successful'.format(request))
        # request is succesfull, now, doing tasks that must be done only once
            GenericMailer.flushQueue(True)  # send emails
            Logger.get('mail').exception('Mail sending operation failed')
        # execute redis pipeline if we have one
        if self._redisPipeline:
            except RedisError:
                Logger.get('redis').exception('Could not execute pipeline')

    def process(self, params):
        if request.method not in HTTP_VERBS:
            # Just to be sure that we don't get some crappy http verb we don't expect
            raise BadRequest

        cfg = Config.getInstance()
        forced_conflicts, max_retries, profile = cfg.getForceConflicts(), cfg.getMaxRetries(), cfg.getProfile()
        profile_name, res, textLog = '', '', []

        self._startTime = datetime.now()

        # clear the context
        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)
        g.rh = self

        #redirect to https if necessary
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
            return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        if self.EVENT_FEATURE is not None:

        textLog.append("%s : Database request started" % (datetime.now() - self._startTime))
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('[pid=%s] Request %s started' % (
            os.getpid(), request))

        is_error_response = False
            for i, retry in enumerate(transaction.attempts(max_retries)):
                with retry:
                    if i > 0:

                        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('\t[pid=%s] from host %s' % (os.getpid(), request.remote_addr))
                        profile_name, res = self._process_retry(params, i, profile, forced_conflicts)
                        if i < forced_conflicts:  # raise conflict error if enabled to easily handle conflict error case
                            raise ConflictError
                    except (ConflictError, POSKeyError):
                        import traceback
                        # only log conflict if it wasn't forced
                        if i >= forced_conflicts:
                            Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Conflict in Database! (Request %s)\n%s' % (request, traceback.format_exc()))
                    except ClientDisconnected:
                        Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Client Disconnected! (Request {})'.format(request))
        except Exception as e:
            res = self._getMethodByExceptionName(e)(e)
            if isinstance(e, HTTPException) and e.response is not None:
                res = e.response
            is_error_response = True

        totalTime = (datetime.now() - self._startTime)
        textLog.append('{} : Request ended'.format(totalTime))

        # log request timing
        if profile and totalTime > timedelta(0, 1) and os.path.isfile(profile_name):
            rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
            stats = pstats.Stats(profile_name)
            stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
            stats.dump_stats(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequestProfile.log'))
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = output
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            s = output.getvalue()
            f = file(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequest.log'), 'a+')
            f.write('URL     : {}\n'.format(request.url))
            f.write('{} : start request\n'.format(self._startTime))
            f.write('retried : {}\n'.format(10-retry))
        if profile and profile_name and os.path.exists(profile_name):

        if self._responseUtil.call:
            return self._responseUtil.make_call()

        if is_error_response and isinstance(res, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
            # if we went through error handling code, responseUtil._status has been changed
            # so make_response() would fail
            return res

        # In case of no process needed, we should return empty string to avoid erroneous output
        # specially with getVars breaking the JS files.
        if not self._doProcess or res is None:
            return self._responseUtil.make_empty()

        return self._responseUtil.make_response(res)

    def _getMethodByExceptionName(self, e):
        exception_name = {
            'NotFound': 'NotFoundError',
            'MaKaCError': 'GeneralError',
            'IndicoError': 'GeneralError',
            'ValueError': 'UnexpectedError',
            'Exception': 'UnexpectedError',
            'AccessControlError': 'AccessError'
        }.get(type(e).__name__, type(e).__name__)
        if isinstance(e, BadData):  # we also want its subclasses
            exception_name = 'BadData'
        return getattr(self, '_process{}'.format(exception_name), self._processUnexpectedError)

    def _deleteTempFiles(self):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for f in self._tempFilesToDelete:
                if f is not None:

    relativeURL = None
Пример #14
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8'))
                           for key, value in request.form.iteritems())
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams)
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8'))
                           for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'],
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'],
                                  'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    oauthToken = 'oauth_token' in queryParams
    # Check if OAuth data is supplied in the Authorization header
    if not oauthToken and request.headers.get('Authorization') is not None:
        oauthToken = 'oauth_token' in request.headers.get('Authorization')

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.avatar:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauthToken or not used_session:
            if not oauthToken:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp,
                                                path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else:  # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = OAuthUtils.OAuthCheckAccessResource()
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp',
                            'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature',
                                                  'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get(
                    get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-' + used_session.avatar.getId() + '_'
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(
                remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa',
                        'onlyauthed', 'csrftoken'))

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            ContextManager.set("currentAW", aw)
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = api_settings.get('cache_ttl')
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                    'Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
Пример #15
class RH(RequestHandlerBase):
    """This class is the base for request handlers of the application. A request
        handler will be instantiated when a web request arrives to mod_python;
        the mp layer will forward the request to the corresponding request
        handler which will know which action has to be performed (displaying a
        web page or performing some operation and redirecting to another page).
        Request handlers will be responsible for parsing the parameters coming
        from a mod_python request, handle the errors which occurred during the
        action to perform, managing the sessions, checking security for each
        operation (thus they implement the access control system of the web
        It is important to encapsulate all this here as in case of changing
        the web application framework we'll just need to adapt this layer (the
        rest of the system wouldn't need any change).

            _uh - (URLHandler) Associated URLHandler which points to the
                current rh.
            _req - UNUSED/OBSOLETE, always None
            _requestStarted - (bool) Flag which tells whether a DB transaction
                has been started or not.
            _aw - (AccessWrapper) Current access information for the rh.
            _target - (Locable) Reference to an object which is the destination
                of the operations needed to carry out the rh. If set it must
                provide (through the standard Locable interface) the methods
                to get the url parameters in order to reproduce the access to
                the rh.
            _reqParams - (dict) Dictionary containing the received HTTP
                 parameters (independently of the method) transformed into
                 python data types. The key is the parameter name while the
                 value should be the received paramter value (or values).
    _tohttps = False  # set this value to True for the RH that must be HTTPS when there is a BaseSecureURL
    _doNotSanitizeFields = []
    _isMobile = True  # this value means that the generated web page can be mobile
    CSRF_ENABLED = False  # require a csrf_token when accessing the RH with anything but GET
    EVENT_FEATURE = None  # require a certain event feature when accessing the RH. See `EventFeature` for details

    #: A dict specifying how the url should be normalized.
    #: `args` is a dictionary mapping view args keys to callables
    #: used to retrieve the expected value for those arguments if they
    #: are present in the request's view args.
    #: `locators` is a set of callables returning objects with locators.
    #: `preserved_args` is a set of view arg names which will always
    #: be copied from the current request if present.
    #: The callables are always invoked with a single `self` argument
    #: containing the RH instance.
    #: `endpoint` may be used to specify the endpoint used to build
    #: the URL in case of a redirect.  Usually this should not be used
    #: in favor of ``request.endpoint`` being used if no custom endpoint
    #: is set.
    #: Arguments specified in the `defaults` of any rule matching the
    #: current endpoint are always excluded when checking if the args
    #: match or when building a new URL.
    #: If the view args built from the returned objects do not match
    #: the request's view args, a redirect is issued automatically.
    #: If the request is not using GET/HEAD, a 404 error is raised
    #: instead of a redirect since such requests cannot be redirected
    #: but executing them on the wrong URL may pose a security risk in
    #: case and of the non-relevant URL segments is used for access
    #: checks.
    normalize_url_spec = {
        'args': {},
        'locators': set(),
        'preserved_args': set(),
        'endpoint': None

    def __init__(self):
        self.commit = True
        self._responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._aw = AccessWrapper(
        )  # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._target = None
        self._reqParams = {}
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._redisPipeline = None
        self._doProcess = True  # Flag which indicates whether the RH process
        # must be carried out; this is useful for
        # the checkProtection methods when they
        # detect that an immediate redirection is
        # needed

    # Methods =============================================================

    def validate_json(self, schema, json=None):
        """Validates the request's JSON payload using a JSON schema.

        :param schema: The JSON schema used for validation.
        :param json: The JSON object (defaults to ``request.json``)
        :raises BadRequest: if the JSON validation failed
        if json is None:
            json = request.json
            jsonschema.validate(json, schema)
        except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
            raise BadRequest('Invalid JSON payload: {}'.format(e.message))

    def getTarget(self):
        return self._target

    def isMobile(self):
        return self._isMobile

    def _setSessionUser(self):

    def csrf_token(self):
        return session.csrf_token if session.csrf_protected else ''

    def _getRequestParams(self):
        return self._reqParams

    def getRequestParams(self):
        return self._getRequestParams()

    def _disableCaching(self):
        """Disables caching"""

        # IE doesn't seem to like 'no-cache' Cache-Control headers...
        if request.user_agent.browser == 'msie':
            # actually, the only way to safely disable caching seems to be this one
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Expires"] = "-1"
                "Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"

    def _redirect(self, targetURL, status=303):
        if isinstance(targetURL, Response):
            status = targetURL.status_code
            targetURL = targetURL.headers['Location']
            targetURL = str(targetURL)
        if "\r" in targetURL or "\n" in targetURL:
            raise MaKaCError(_("http header CRLF injection detected"))
        self._responseUtil.redirect = (targetURL, status)

    def _changeRH(self, rh, params):
        """Calls the specified RH after processing this one"""
        self._responseUtil.call = lambda: rh().process(params)

    def _checkHttpsRedirect(self):
        """If HTTPS must be used but it is not, redirect!"""
        if self.use_https() and not request.is_secure:
            return True
            return False

    def _normaliseListParam(self, param):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
            return [param]
        return param

    def _processError(self, e):

    def normalize_url(self):
        """Performs URL normalization.

        This uses the :attr:`normalize_url_spec` to check if the URL
        params are what they should be and redirects or fails depending
        on the HTTP method used if it's not the case.

        :return: ``None`` or a redirect response
        if current_app.debug and self.normalize_url_spec is RH.normalize_url_spec:
            # in case of ``class SomeRH(RH, MixinWithNormalization)``
            # the default value from `RH` overwrites the normalization
            # rule from ``MixinWithNormalization``.  this is never what
            # the developer wants so we fail if it happens.  the proper
            # solution is ``class SomeRH(MixinWithNormalization, RH)``
            cls = next((x for x in inspect.getmro(self.__class__)
                        if (x is not RH and x is not self.__class__
                            and hasattr(x, 'normalize_url_spec')
                            and getattr(x, 'normalize_url_spec',
                                        None) is not RH.normalize_url_spec)),
            if cls is not None:
                raise Exception(
                    'Normalization rule of {} in {} is overwritten by base RH. Put mixins with class-level '
                    'attributes on the left of the base class'.format(
                        cls, self.__class__))
        if not self.normalize_url_spec or not any(
        spec = {
            'args': self.normalize_url_spec.get('args', {}),
            'locators': self.normalize_url_spec.get('locators', set()),
            self.normalize_url_spec.get('preserved_args', set()),
            'endpoint': self.normalize_url_spec.get('endpoint', None)
        # Initialize the new view args with preserved arguments (since those would be lost otherwise)
        new_view_args = {
            k: v
            for k, v in request.view_args.iteritems()
            if k in spec['preserved_args']
        # Retrieve the expected values for all simple arguments (if they are currently present)
        for key, getter in spec['args'].iteritems():
            if key in request.view_args:
                new_view_args[key] = getter(self)
        # Retrieve the expected values from locators
        for getter in spec['locators']:
            value = getter(self)
            if value is None:
                raise NotFound(
                    'The URL contains invalid data. Please go to the previous page and refresh it.'
        # Get all default values provided by the url map for the endpoint
        defaults = set(
                for r in current_app.url_map.iter_rules(request.endpoint)
                if r.defaults))

        def _convert(v):
            # some legacy code has numeric ids in the locator data, but still takes
            # string ids in the url rule (usually for confId)
            return unicode(v) if isinstance(v, (int, long)) else v

        provided = {
            k: _convert(v)
            for k, v in request.view_args.iteritems() if k not in defaults
        new_view_args = {k: _convert(v) for k, v in new_view_args.iteritems()}
        if new_view_args != provided:
            if request.method in {'GET', 'HEAD'}:
                endpoint = spec['endpoint'] or request.endpoint
                    return redirect(
                            **dict(request.args.to_dict(), **new_view_args)))
                except BuildError as e:
                    if current_app.debug:
                        'BuildError during normalization: %s', e)
                    raise NotFound
                raise NotFound(
                    'The URL contains invalid data. Please go to the previous page and refresh it.'

    def _checkParams(self, params):
        """This method is called before _checkProtection and is a good place
        to assign variables from request params to member variables.

        Note that in any new code the params argument SHOULD be IGNORED.
        Use the following objects provided by Flask instead:
        from flask import request
        request.view_args (URL route params)
        request.args (GET params (from the query string))
        request.form (POST params)
        request.values (GET+POST params - use only if ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY)

        If you only want to run some code for GET or POST requests, you can create
        a method named e.g. _checkParams_POST which will be executed AFTER this one.
        The method is called without any arguments (except self).

    def _process(self):
        """The default process method dispatches to a method containing
        the HTTP verb used for the current request, e.g. _process_POST.
        When implementing this please consider that you most likely want/need
        only GET and POST - the other verbs are not supported everywhere!
        method = getattr(self, '_process_' + request.method, None)
        if method is None:
            valid_methods = [
                m for m in HTTP_VERBS if hasattr(self, '_process_' + m)
            raise MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods)
        return method()

    def _checkCSRF(self):
        token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Token') or request.form.get(
        if token is None:
            # Might be a WTForm with a prefix. In that case the field name is '<prefix>-csrf_token'
            token = next((v for k, v in request.form.iteritems()
                          if k.endswith('-csrf_token')), None)
        if self.CSRF_ENABLED and request.method != 'GET' and token != session.csrf_token:
            msg = _(
                u"It looks like there was a problem with your current session. Please use your browser's back "
                u"button, reload the page and try again.")
            raise BadRequest(msg)
        elif not self.CSRF_ENABLED and current_app.debug and request.method != 'GET':
            # Warn if CSRF is not enabled for a RH in new code
            module = self.__class__.__module__
            if module.startswith('indico.modules.') or module.startswith(
                msg = (
                    u'{} request sent to {} which has no CSRF checks. Set `CSRF_ENABLED = True` in the class to '
                    u'enable them.').format(request.method,
                warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
        # legacy csrf check (referer-based):
        # Check referer for POST requests. We do it here so we can properly use indico's error handling
        if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() < 3 or request.method != 'POST':
        referer = request.referrer
        # allow empty - otherwise we might lock out paranoid users blocking referers
        if not referer:
        # valid http referer
        if referer.startswith(Config.getInstance().getBaseURL()):
        # valid https referer - if https is enabled
        base_secure = Config.getInstance().getBaseSecureURL()
        if base_secure and referer.startswith(base_secure):
        raise BadRefererError(
            'This operation is not allowed from an external referer.')

    def _check_event_feature(self):
        from indico.modules.events.features.util import require_feature
        event_id = request.view_args.get('confId') or request.view_args.get(
        if event_id is not None:
            require_feature(event_id, self.EVENT_FEATURE)

    def _processGeneralError(self, e):
        """Treats general errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        if Config.getInstance().getPropagateAllExceptions():
        return errors.WPGenericError(self).display()

    @jsonify_error(status=500, logging_level='exception')
    def _processUnexpectedError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        self._responseUtil.redirect = None
        if Config.getInstance().getEmbeddedWebserver() or Config.getInstance(
        return errors.WPUnexpectedError(self).display()

    def _processForbidden(self, e):
        if session.user is None and not request.is_xhr and not e.response and request.blueprint != 'auth':
            return redirect_to_login(
                reason=_("Please log in to access this page."))
        message = _("Access Denied")
        explanation = get_error_description(e)
        return render_error(message, explanation)

    def _processBadRequest(self, e):
        message = _("Bad Request")
        return render_error(message, e.description)

    def _processUnauthorized(self, e):
        message = _("Unauthorized")
        return render_error(message, e.description)

    def _processBadData(self, e):
        message = _("Invalid or expired token")
        return render_error(message, e.message)

    def _processAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        return errors.WPAccessError(self).display()

    def _processKeyAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        # We are going to redirect to the page asking for access key
        # and so it must be https if there is a BaseSecureURL. And that's
        # why we set _tohttps to True.
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return errors.WPKeyAccessError(self).display()

    def _processModificationError(self, e):
        """Handles modification errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        # Redirect to HTTPS in case the user is logged in
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        if not session.user:
            return redirect_to_login(reason=_(
                "Please log in to access this page. If you have a modification key, you "
                "may enter it afterwards."))
        return errors.WPModificationError(self).display()

    def _processBadRequestKeyError(self, e):
        """Request lacks a necessary key for processing"""
        msg = _('Required argument missing: %s') % e.message
        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, msg).display()

    def _processConferenceClosedError(self, e):
        """Treats access to modification pages for conferences when they are closed."""

        return WPConferenceModificationClosed(self, e._conf).display()

    def _processTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processNoReportError(self, e):
        """Process errors without reporting"""
        return errors.WPNoReportError(self, e).display()

    def _processUserValueError(self, e):
        """Process errors without reporting"""
        return errors.WPNoReportError(self, e).display()

    def _processNotFoundError(self, e):
        if isinstance(e, NotFound):
            message = _(
                "Page not found")  # that's a bit nicer than "404: Not Found"
            explanation = get_error_description(e)
            message = e.getMessage()
            explanation = e.getExplanation()
        return render_error(message, explanation)

    def _processFormValuesError(self, e):
        """Treats user input related errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, e).display()

    def _processLaTeXError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPLaTeXError(self, e).display()

    def _processRestrictedHTML(self, e):
        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _processHtmlForbiddenTag(self, e):
        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _process_retry_setup(self):
        # clear the fossile cache at the start of each request
        # clear after-commit queue
        # delete all queued emails
        # clear the existing redis pipeline
        if self._redisPipeline:

    def _process_retry_auth_check(self, params):
        if session.user:
            Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request authenticated: %r',
            if not self._tohttps and Config.getInstance(
                self._tohttps = True
                if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
                    return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        self._reqParams = copy.copy(params)

    def _process_retry_do(self, profile):
        profile_name, res = '', ''
            # old code gets parameters from call
            # new code utilizes of flask.request
            if len(inspect.getargspec(self._checkParams).args) < 2:
                cp_result = self._checkParams()
                cp_result = self._checkParams(self._reqParams)

            if isinstance(cp_result, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                return '', cp_result

            func = getattr(self, '_checkParams_' + request.method, None)
            if func:
                cp_result = func()
                if isinstance(cp_result,
                              (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                    return '', cp_result

        except NoResultFound:  # sqlalchemy .one() not finding anything
            raise NotFoundError(_('The specified item could not be found.'),
                                title=_('Item not found'))

        rv = self.normalize_url()
        if rv is not None:
            return '', rv

        func = getattr(self, '_checkProtection_' + request.method, None)
        if func:

        security.Sanitization.sanitizationCheck(self._target, self._reqParams,

        if self._doProcess:
            if profile:
                profile_name = os.path.join(
                result = [None]
                profiler.runctx('result[0] = self._process()', globals(),
                                locals(), profile_name)
                res = result[0]
                res = self._process()
        return profile_name, res

    def _process_retry(self, params, retry, profile, forced_conflicts):
        return self._process_retry_do(profile)

    def _process_success(self):
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request successful')
        # request is succesfull, now, doing tasks that must be done only once
            GenericMailer.flushQueue(True)  # send emails
            Logger.get('mail').exception('Mail sending operation failed')
        # execute redis pipeline if we have one
        if self._redisPipeline:
            except RedisError:
                Logger.get('redis').exception('Could not execute pipeline')

    def process(self, params):
        if request.method not in HTTP_VERBS:
            # Just to be sure that we don't get some crappy http verb we don't expect
            raise BadRequest

        cfg = Config.getInstance()
        forced_conflicts, max_retries, profile = cfg.getForceConflicts(
        ), cfg.getMaxRetries(), cfg.getProfile()
        profile_name, res, textLog = '', '', []

        self._startTime = datetime.now()

        # clear the context
        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)
        g.rh = self

        #redirect to https if necessary
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
            return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        if self.EVENT_FEATURE is not None:

        textLog.append("%s : Database request started" %
                       (datetime.now() - self._startTime))
            u'Request started: %s %s [IP=%s] [PID=%s]', request.method,
            request.relative_url, request.remote_addr, os.getpid())

        is_error_response = False
            for i, retry in enumerate(transaction.attempts(max_retries)):
                with retry:
                    if i > 0:

                        profile_name, res = self._process_retry(
                            params, i, profile, forced_conflicts)
                        if i < forced_conflicts:  # raise conflict error if enabled to easily handle conflict error case
                            raise ConflictError
                        if self.commit:
                    except (ConflictError, POSKeyError):
                        import traceback
                        # only log conflict if it wasn't forced
                        if i >= forced_conflicts:
                                'Database conflict')
                    except ClientDisconnected:
                            'Client disconnected')
                    except DatabaseError:
        except Exception as e:
            res = self._getMethodByExceptionName(e)(e)
            if isinstance(e, HTTPException) and e.response is not None:
                res = e.response
            is_error_response = True

        totalTime = (datetime.now() - self._startTime)
        textLog.append('{} : Request ended'.format(totalTime))

        # log request timing
        if profile and os.path.isfile(profile_name):
            rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
            stats = pstats.Stats(profile_name)
            stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
            stats.dump_stats(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequestProfile.log'))
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = output
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            s = output.getvalue()
            f = file(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequest.log'), 'a+')
            f.write('URL     : {}\n'.format(request.url))
            f.write('{} : start request\n'.format(self._startTime))
        if profile and profile_name and os.path.exists(profile_name):

        if self._responseUtil.call:
            return self._responseUtil.make_call()

        if is_error_response and isinstance(
                res, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
            # if we went through error handling code, responseUtil._status has been changed
            # so make_response() would fail
            return res

        # In case of no process needed, we should return empty string to avoid erroneous output
        # specially with getVars breaking the JS files.
        if not self._doProcess or res is None:
            return self._responseUtil.make_empty()

        return self._responseUtil.make_response(res)

    def _getMethodByExceptionName(self, e):
        exception_name = {
            'NotFound': 'NotFoundError',
            'MaKaCError': 'GeneralError',
            'IndicoError': 'GeneralError',
            'ValueError': 'UnexpectedError',
            'Exception': 'UnexpectedError',
            'AccessControlError': 'AccessError'
        if isinstance(e, BadData):  # we also want its subclasses
            exception_name = 'BadData'
        return getattr(self, '_process{}'.format(exception_name),

    def _deleteTempFiles(self):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for f in self._tempFilesToDelete:
                if f is not None:

    relativeURL = None
Пример #16
class RH(RequestHandlerBase):
    """This class is the base for request handlers of the application. A request
        handler will be instantiated when a web request arrives to mod_python;
        the mp layer will forward the request to the corresponding request
        handler which will know which action has to be performed (displaying a
        web page or performing some operation and redirecting to another page).
        Request handlers will be responsible for parsing the parameters coming
        from a mod_python request, handle the errors which occurred during the
        action to perform, managing the sessions, checking security for each
        operation (thus they implement the access control system of the web
        It is important to encapsulate all this here as in case of changing
        the web application framework we'll just need to adapt this layer (the
        rest of the system wouldn't need any change).

            _uh - (URLHandler) Associated URLHandler which points to the
                current rh.
            _req - UNUSED/OBSOLETE, always None
            _requestStarted - (bool) Flag which tells whether a DB transaction
                has been started or not.
            _aw - (AccessWrapper) Current access information for the rh.
            _target - (Locable) Reference to an object which is the destination
                of the operations needed to carry out the rh. If set it must
                provide (through the standard Locable interface) the methods
                to get the url parameters in order to reproduce the access to
                the rh.
            _reqParams - (dict) Dictionary containing the received HTTP
                 parameters (independently of the method) transformed into
                 python data types. The key is the parameter name while the
                 value should be the received paramter value (or values).
    _tohttps = False  # set this value to True for the RH that must be HTTPS when there is a BaseSecureURL
    _doNotSanitizeFields = []
    _isMobile = True  # this value means that the generated web page can be mobile

    HTTP_VERBS = frozenset(('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'))

    def __init__(self):
        self._responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()  # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._target = None
        self._reqParams = {}
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._redisPipeline = None
        self._doProcess = True  # Flag which indicates whether the RH process
                                # must be carried out; this is useful for
                                # the checkProtection methods when they
                                # detect that an immediate redirection is
                                # needed

    # Methods =============================================================

    def getTarget(self):
        return self._target

    def isMobile(self):
        return self._isMobile

    def _setSessionUser(self):

    def csrf_token(self):
        return session.csrf_token

    def _getRequestParams(self):
        return self._reqParams

    def getRequestParams(self):
        return self._getRequestParams()

    def _disableCaching(self):
        """Disables caching"""

        # IE doesn't seem to like 'no-cache' Cache-Control headers...
        if request.user_agent.browser == 'msie':
            # actually, the only way to safely disable caching seems to be this one
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Expires"] = "-1"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"

    def _redirect(self, targetURL, status=303):
        targetURL = str(targetURL)
        if "\r" in targetURL or "\n" in targetURL:
            raise MaKaCError(_("http header CRLF injection detected"))
        self._responseUtil.redirect = (targetURL, status)

    def _changeRH(self, rh, params):
        """Calls the specified RH after processing this one"""
        self._responseUtil.call = lambda: rh().process(params)

    def _checkHttpsRedirect(self):
        """If HTTPS must be used but it is not, redirect!"""
        if self.use_https() and not request.is_secure:
            return True
            return False

    def _normaliseListParam(self, param):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
            return [param]
        return param

    def _processError(self, e):

    def _checkParams(self, params):
        """This method is called before _checkProtection and is a good place
        to assign variables from request params to member variables.

        Note that in any new code the params argument SHOULD be IGNORED.
        Use the following objects provided by Flask instead:
        from flask import request
        request.view_args (URL route params)
        request.args (GET params (from the query string))
        request.form (POST params)
        request.values (GET+POST params - use only if ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY)

        If you only want to run some code for GET or POST requests, you can create
        a method named e.g. _checkParams_POST which will be executed AFTER this one.
        The method is called without any arguments (except self).

    def _process(self):
        """The default process method dispatches to a method containing
        the HTTP verb used for the current request, e.g. _process_POST.
        When implementing this please consider that you most likely want/need
        only GET and POST - the other verbs are not supported everywhere!
        method = getattr(self, '_process_' + request.method, None)
        if method is None:
            valid_methods = [m for m in self.HTTP_VERBS if hasattr(self, '_process_' + m)]
            raise MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods)
        return method()

    def _checkCSRF(self):
        # Check referer for POST requests. We do it here so we can properly use indico's error handling
        if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() < 3 or request.method != 'POST':
        referer = request.referrer
        # allow empty - otherwise we might lock out paranoid users blocking referers
        if not referer:
        # valid http referer
        if referer.startswith(Config.getInstance().getBaseURL()):
        # valid https referer - if https is enabled
        base_secure = Config.getInstance().getBaseSecureURL()
        if base_secure and referer.startswith(base_secure):
        raise BadRefererError('This operation is not allowed from an external referer.')

    def _processGeneralError(self, e):
        """Treats general errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        if Config.getInstance().getPropagateAllExceptions():
        return errors.WPGenericError(self).display()

    @jsonify_error(status=500, logging_level='exception')
    def _processUnexpectedError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        self._responseUtil.redirect = None
        if Config.getInstance().getEmbeddedWebserver() or Config.getInstance().getPropagateAllExceptions():
        return errors.WPUnexpectedError(self).display()

    def _processHostnameResolveError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        return errors.WPHostnameResolveError(self).display()

    def _processForbidden(self, e):
        message = _("Access Denied")
        if e.description == Forbidden.description:
            explanation = _("You are not allowed to access this page.")
            explanation = e.description
        return WErrorWSGI((message, explanation)).getHTML()

    def _processAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        return errors.WPAccessError(self).display()

    def _processKeyAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        # We are going to redirect to the page asking for access key
        # and so it must be https if there is a BaseSecureURL. And that's
        # why we set _tohttps to True.
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return errors.WPKeyAccessError(self).display()

    def _processModificationError(self, e):
        """Handles modification errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        # Redirect to HTTPS in case the user is logged in
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return errors.WPModificationError(self).display()

    def _processBadRequestKeyError(self, e):
        """Request lacks a necessary key for processing"""
        msg = _('Required argument missing: %s') % e.message
        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, msg).display()

    # TODO: check this method to integrate with jsonify error
    def _processOAuthError(self, e):
        res = json.dumps(e.fossilize())
        header = oauth.build_authenticate_header(realm=Config.getInstance().getBaseSecureURL())
        self._responseUtil.content_type = 'application/json'
        self._responseUtil.status = e.code
        return res

    def _processConferenceClosedError(self, e):
        """Treats access to modification pages for conferences when they are closed."""

        return WPConferenceModificationClosed(self, e._conf).display()

    def _processTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processNoReportError(self, e):
        """Process errors without reporting"""

        return errors.WPNoReportError(self, e).display()

    def _processNotFoundError(self, e):
        if isinstance(e, NotFound):
            message = _("Page not found")  # that's a bit nicer than "404: Not Found"
            if e.description == NotFound.description:
                explanation = _("The page you are looking for doesn't exist.")
                explanation = e.description
            message = e.getMessage()
            explanation = e.getExplanation()
        return WErrorWSGI((message, explanation)).getHTML()

    def _processParentTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPParentTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processEntryTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPEntryTimingError(self, e).display()

    def _processFormValuesError(self, e):
        """Treats user input related errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPFormValuesError(self, e).display()

    def _processLaTeXError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        return errors.WPLaTeXError(self, e).display()

    def _processRestrictedHTML(self, e):

        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _processHtmlScriptError(self, e):
        """ TODO """
        return errors.WPHtmlScriptError(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _processHtmlForbiddenTag(self, e):
        """ TODO """

        return errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e))).display()

    def _process_retry_setup(self):
        # clear the fossile cache at the start of each request
        # clear after-commit queue
        # delete all queued emails
        # clear the existing redis pipeline
        if self._redisPipeline:

    def _process_retry_auth_check(self, params):
        # keep a link to the web session in the access wrapper
        # this is used for checking access/modification key existence
        # in the user session
        if self._getAuth():
            if self._getUser():
                Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s identified with user %s (%s)' % (
                    request, self._getUser().getFullName(), self._getUser().getId()))
            if not self._tohttps and Config.getInstance().getAuthenticatedEnforceSecure():
                self._tohttps = True
                if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
                    return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        self._reqParams = copy.copy(params)

    def _process_retry_do(self, profile):
        profile_name, res = '', ''
            # old code gets parameters from call
            # new code utilizes of flask.request
            if len(inspect.getargspec(self._checkParams).args) < 2:
                cp_result = self._checkParams()
                cp_result = self._checkParams(self._reqParams)

            if isinstance(cp_result, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                return '', cp_result

            func = getattr(self, '_checkParams_' + request.method, None)
            if func:
                cp_result = func()
                if isinstance(cp_result, (current_app.response_class, Response)):
                    return '', cp_result

        except NoResultFound:  # sqlalchemy .one() not finding anything
            raise NotFoundError(_('The specified item could not be found.'), title=_('Item not found'))

        func = getattr(self, '_checkProtection_' + request.method, None)
        if func:


        if self._doProcess:
            if profile:
                profile_name = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(), 'stone{}.prof'.format(random.random()))
                result = [None]
                profiler.runctx('result[0] = self._process()', globals(), locals(), profile_name)
                res = result[0]
                res = self._process()
        return profile_name, res

    def _process_retry(self, params, retry, profile, forced_conflicts):
        return self._process_retry_do(profile)

    def _process_success(self):
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request {} successful'.format(request))
        # request is succesfull, now, doing tasks that must be done only once
            GenericMailer.flushQueue(True)  # send emails
            Logger.get('mail').exception('Mail sending operation failed')
        # execute redis pipeline if we have one
        if self._redisPipeline:
            except RedisError:
                Logger.get('redis').exception('Could not execute pipeline')

    def process(self, params):
        if request.method not in self.HTTP_VERBS:
            # Just to be sure that we don't get some crappy http verb we don't expect
            raise BadRequest

        cfg = Config.getInstance()
        forced_conflicts, max_retries, profile = cfg.getForceConflicts(), cfg.getMaxRetries(), cfg.getProfile()
        profile_name, res, textLog = '', '', []

        self._startTime = datetime.now()

        # clear the context
        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)
        g.rh = self

        #redirect to https if necessary
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
            return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        textLog.append("%s : Database request started" % (datetime.now() - self._startTime))
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('[pid=%s] Request %s started' % (
            os.getpid(), request))

            for i, retry in enumerate(transaction.attempts(max_retries)):
                with retry:
                    if i > 0:

                        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('\t[pid=%s] from host %s' % (os.getpid(), request.remote_addr))
                        profile_name, res = self._process_retry(params, i, profile, forced_conflicts)
                        if i < forced_conflicts:  # raise conflict error if enabled to easily handle conflict error case
                            raise ConflictError
                    except (ConflictError, POSKeyError):
                        import traceback
                        # only log conflict if it wasn't forced
                        if i >= forced_conflicts:
                            Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Conflict in Database! (Request %s)\n%s' % (request, traceback.format_exc()))
                    except ClientDisconnected:
                        Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Client Disconnected! (Request {})'.format(request))
        except Exception as e:
            res = self._getMethodByExceptionName(e)(e)

        totalTime = (datetime.now() - self._startTime)
        textLog.append('{} : Request ended'.format(totalTime))

        # log request timing
        if profile and totalTime > timedelta(0, 1) and os.path.isfile(profile_name):
            rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
            stats = pstats.Stats(profile_name)
            stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
            stats.dump_stats(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequestProfile.log'))
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = output
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            s = output.getvalue()
            f = file(os.path.join(rep, 'IndicoRequest.log'), 'a+')
            f.write('URL     : {}\n'.format(request.url))
            f.write('{} : start request\n'.format(self._startTime))
            f.write('retried : {}\n'.format(10-retry))
        if profile and profile_name and os.path.exists(profile_name):

        if self._responseUtil.call:
            return self._responseUtil.make_call()

        # In case of no process needed, we should return empty string to avoid erroneous output
        # specially with getVars breaking the JS files.
        if not self._doProcess or res is None:
            return self._responseUtil.make_empty()

        return self._responseUtil.make_response(res)

    def _getMethodByExceptionName(self, e):
        exception_name = {
            'NotFound': 'NotFoundError',
            'MaKaCError': 'GeneralError',
            'IndicoError': 'GeneralError',
            'ValueError': 'UnexpectedError',
            'Exception': 'UnexpectedError',
            'AccessControlError': 'AccessError'
        }.get(type(e).__name__, type(e).__name__)
        return getattr(self, '_process{}'.format(exception_name), self._processUnexpectedError)

    def _deleteTempFiles(self):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for f in self._tempFilesToDelete:
                if f is not None:

    relativeURL = None
Пример #17
class ServiceBase(RequestHandlerBase):
    The ServiceBase class is the basic class for services.

    def __init__(self, params, session, req):
        Constructor.  Initializes provate variables
        @param req: HTTP Request provided by the previous layer
        RequestHandlerBase.__init__(self, req)
        self._reqParams = self._params = params
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._websession = session
        # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()
        self._target = None
        self._startTime = None
        self._tohttps = self._req.is_https()
        self._endTime = None
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
                                #   must be carried out; this is useful for
                                #   the checkProtection methods
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []

    # Methods =============================================================

    def _getSession( self ):
        Returns the web session associated to the received mod_python
        return self._websession

    def _checkParams(self):
        Checks the request parameters (normally overloaded)

    def _checkProtection( self ):
        Checks protection when accessing resources (normally overloaded)

    def _processError(self):
        Treats errors occured during the process of a RH, returning an error string.
        @param e: the exception
        @type e: An Exception-derived type

        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())

        return ''.join(trace)

    def _deleteTempFiles( self ):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for file in self._tempFilesToDelete:

    def process(self):
        Processes the request, analyzing the parameters, and feeding them to the
        _getAnswer() method (implemented by derived classes)

        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)


        except (HtmlScriptError, HtmlForbiddenTag), e:
            raise HTMLSecurityError('ERR-X0','HTML Security problem. %s ' % str(e))

        if self._doProcess:
            if Config.getInstance().getProfile():
                import profile, pstats, random
                proffilename = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(), "service%s.prof" % random.random())
                result = [None]
                profile.runctx("result[0] = self._getAnswer()", globals(), locals(), proffilename)
                answer = result[0]
                rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
                stats = pstats.Stats(proffilename)
                stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
                stats.dump_stats(os.path.join(rep, "IndicoServiceRequestProfile.log"))
                answer = self._getAnswer()

            return answer
Пример #18
class ServiceBase(RequestHandlerBase):
    The ServiceBase class is the basic class for services.
    def __init__(self, params, session, req):
        Constructor.  Initializes provate variables
        @param req: HTTP Request provided by the previous layer
        RequestHandlerBase.__init__(self, req)
        self._reqParams = self._params = params
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._websession = session
        # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()
        self._target = None
        self._startTime = None
        self._tohttps = self._req.is_https()
        self._endTime = None
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
        #   must be carried out; this is useful for
        #   the checkProtection methods
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []

    # Methods =============================================================

    def _getSession(self):
        Returns the web session associated to the received mod_python
        return self._websession

    def _checkParams(self):
        Checks the request parameters (normally overloaded)

    def _checkProtection(self):
        Checks protection when accessing resources (normally overloaded)

    def _processError(self):
        Treats errors occured during the process of a RH, returning an error string.
        @param e: the exception
        @type e: An Exception-derived type

        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())

        return ''.join(trace)

    def _deleteTempFiles(self):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for file in self._tempFilesToDelete:

    def process(self):
        Processes the request, analyzing the parameters, and feeding them to the
        _getAnswer() method (implemented by derived classes)

        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)


            security.Sanitization.sanitizationCheck(self._target, self._params,
        except (HtmlScriptError, HtmlForbiddenTag), e:
            raise HTMLSecurityError('ERR-X0',
                                    'HTML Security problem. %s ' % str(e))

        if self._doProcess:
            if Config.getInstance().getProfile():
                import profile, pstats, random
                proffilename = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(),
                                            "service%s.prof" % random.random())
                result = [None]
                profile.runctx("result[0] = self._getAnswer()", globals(),
                               locals(), proffilename)
                answer = result[0]
                rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
                stats = pstats.Stats(proffilename)
                stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
                    os.path.join(rep, "IndicoServiceRequestProfile.log"))
                answer = self._getAnswer()

            return answer
Пример #19
class ServiceBase(RequestHandlerBase):
    The ServiceBase class is the basic class for services.
    def __init__(self, params, remoteHost, session):
        Constructor.  Initializes provate variables
        @param req: HTTP Request provided by the previous layer
        self._params = params
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._websession = session
        # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()
        self._target = None
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
        #   must be carried out; this is useful for
        #   the checkProtection methods
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []

    # Methods =============================================================

    def _getSession(self):
        Returns the web session associated to the received mod_python 
        return self._websession

    def _checkParams(self):
        Checks the request parameters (normally overloaded)

    def _checkProtection(self):
        Checks protection when accessing resources (normally overloaded)

    def _processError(self):
        Treats errors occured during the process of a RH, returning an error string.
        @param e: the exception
        @type e: An Exception-derived type

        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())

        return ''.join(trace)

    def _sendEmails(self):
        if hasattr(self, "_emailsToBeSent"):
            for email in self._emailsToBeSent:

    def _deleteTempFiles(self):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for file in self._tempFilesToDelete:

    def process(self):
        Processes the request, analyzing the parameters, and feeding them to the
        _getAnswer() method (implemented by derived classes)


            security.sanitizationCheck(self._target, self._params, self._aw)
        except (htmlScriptError, htmlForbiddenTag), e:
            raise HTMLSecurityError(
                'HTML Security problem - you might be using forbidden tags: %s '
                % str(e))

        if self._doProcess:
            answer = self._getAnswer()


            return answer
Пример #20
class ServiceBase(RequestHandlerBase):
    The ServiceBase class is the basic class for services.

    CHECK_HTML = True

    def __init__(self, params):
        if not self.UNICODE_PARAMS:
            params = unicode_struct_to_utf8(params)
        self._reqParams = self._params = params
        self._requestStarted = False
        # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()
        self._target = None
        self._startTime = None
        self._tohttps = request.is_secure
        self._endTime = None
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
                                #   must be carried out; this is useful for
                                #   the checkProtection methods
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._redisPipeline = None

    # Methods =============================================================

    def _checkParams(self):
        Checks the request parameters (normally overloaded)

    def _checkProtection( self ):
        Checks protection when accessing resources (normally overloaded)

    def _processError(self):
        Treats errors occured during the process of a RH, returning an error string.
        @param e: the exception
        @type e: An Exception-derived type

        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())

        return ''.join(trace)

    def _deleteTempFiles( self ):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for file in self._tempFilesToDelete:

    def process(self):
        Processes the request, analyzing the parameters, and feeding them to the
        _getAnswer() method (implemented by derived classes)

        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)


        if self.CHECK_HTML:
                security.Sanitization.sanitizationCheck(self._target, self._params, self._aw, ['requestInfo'])
            except HtmlForbiddenTag as e:
                raise HTMLSecurityError('ERR-X0', 'HTML Security problem. {}'.format(e))

        if self._doProcess:
            if Config.getInstance().getProfile():
                import profile, pstats, random
                proffilename = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(), "service%s.prof" % random.random())
                result = [None]
                profile.runctx("result[0] = self._getAnswer()", globals(), locals(), proffilename)
                answer = result[0]
                rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
                stats = pstats.Stats(proffilename)
                stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
                stats.dump_stats(os.path.join(rep, "IndicoServiceRequestProfile.log"))
                answer = self._getAnswer()

            return answer

    def _getAnswer(self):
        To be overloaded. It should contain the code that does the actual
        business logic and returns a result (python JSON-serializable object).
        If this method is not overloaded, an exception will occur.
        If you don't want to return an answer, you should still implement this method with 'pass'.
        # This exception will happen if the _getAnswer method is not implemented in a derived class
        raise MaKaCError("No answer was returned")
Пример #21
def handler(req, **params):
    logger = Logger.get("httpapi")
    path, query = req.URLFields["PATH_INFO"], req.URLFields["QUERY_STRING"]
    if req.method == "POST":
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict(req.form)
        for key, value in queryParams.iteritems():
            queryParams[key] = [str(value)]
        query = urllib.urlencode(remove_lists(queryParams))
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = parse_qs(query)

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["ak", "apikey"], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["ca", "cookieauth"], "no") == "yes"
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["signature"])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["timestamp"], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["nc", "nocache"], "no") == "yes"
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["p", "pretty"], "no") == "yes"
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["op", "onlypublic"], "no") == "yes"
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["oa", "onlyauthed"], "no") == "yes"

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if req.method == "POST" or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
        sessionUser = getSessionForReq(req).getUser() if cookieAuth else None
        if apiKey or not sessionUser:
            # Validate the API key (and its signature)
            ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
            if enforceOnlyPublic:
                onlyPublic = True
            # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
            aw = buildAW(ak, req, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    path, query, remove=("ak", "apiKey", "signature", "timestamp", "nc", "nocache", "oa", "onlyauthed")
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    path, query, remove=("signature", "timestamp", "nc", "nocache", "oa", "onlyauthed")
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = "signed_" + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            # Reject POST for security reasons (CSRF)
            if req.method == "POST":
                raise HTTPAPIError("Cannot POST when using cookie authentication", apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = "user-" + sessionUser.getId() + "_"
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(
                path, query, remove=("nc", "nocache", "ca", "cookieauth", "oa", "onlyauthed")

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError("Not authenticated", apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)

        obj = None
        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache("HTTPAPI")
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub("", cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw, req)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            req.status = e.getCode()
            if req.status == apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
                req.headers_out["Allow"] = "GET" if req.method == "POST" else "POST"
Пример #22
class RH(RequestHandlerBase):
    """This class is the base for request handlers of the application. A request
        handler will be instantiated when a web request arrives to mod_python;
        the mp layer will forward the request to the corresponding request
        handler which will know which action has to be performed (displaying a
        web page or performing some operation and redirecting to another page).
        Request handlers will be responsible for parsing the parameters coming
        from a mod_python request, handle the errors which occurred during the
        action to perform, managing the sessions, checking security for each
        operation (thus they implement the access control system of the web
        It is important to encapsulate all this here as in case of changing
        the web application framework we'll just need to adapt this layer (the
        rest of the system wouldn't need any change).

            _uh - (URLHandler) Associated URLHandler which points to the
                current rh.
            _req - UNUSED/OBSOLETE, always None
            _requestStarted - (bool) Flag which tells whether a DB transaction
                has been started or not.
            _aw - (AccessWrapper) Current access information for the rh.
            _target - (Locable) Reference to an object which is the destination
                of the operations needed to carry out the rh. If set it must
                provide (through the standard Locable interface) the methods
                to get the url parameters in order to reproduce the access to
                the rh.
            _reqParams - (dict) Dictionary containing the received HTTP
                 parameters (independently of the method) transformed into
                 python data types. The key is the parameter name while the
                 value should be the received paramter value (or values).
    _tohttps = False # set this value to True for the RH that must be HTTPS when there is a BaseSecureURL
    _doNotSanitizeFields = []
    _isMobile = True # this value means that the generated web page can be mobile

    HTTP_VERBS = frozenset(('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'))

    def __init__(self, req=None):
        """Constructor. Initialises the rh setting up basic attributes so it is
            able to process the request.

                req - OBSOLETE, MUST BE NONE
        RequestHandlerBase.__init__(self, req)
        self._responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()  #Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._target = None
        self._reqParams = {}
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._redisPipeline = None
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
                                #   must be carried out; this is useful for
                                #   the checkProtection methods when they
                                #   detect that an inmediate redirection is
                                #   needed

    # Methods =============================================================

    def getTarget(self):
        return self._target

    def isMobile(self):
        return self._isMobile

    def _setSessionUser(self):

    def csrf_token(self):
        return session.csrf_token

    def _getRequestParams(self):
        return self._reqParams

    def getRequestParams(self):
        return self._getRequestParams()

    def _disableCaching(self):
        """Disables caching"""

        # IE doesn't seem to like 'no-cache' Cache-Control headers...
        if request.user_agent.browser == 'msie':
            # actually, the only way to safely disable caching seems to be this one
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Expires"] = "-1"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
            self._responseUtil.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"

    def _redirect(self, targetURL, status=303):
        targetURL = str(targetURL)
        if "\r" in targetURL or "\n" in targetURL:
            raise MaKaCError(_("http header CRLF injection detected"))
        self._responseUtil.redirect = (targetURL, status)

    def _changeRH(self, rh, params):
        """Calls the specified RH after processing this one"""
        self._responseUtil.call = lambda: rh(None).process(params)

    def _checkHttpsRedirect(self):
        """If HTTPS must be used but it is not, redirect!"""
        if self.use_https() and not request.is_secure:
            return True
            return False

    def _normaliseListParam(self, param):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
            return [param]
        return param

    def _processError(self, ex):

    def _checkParams(self, params):
        """This method is called before _checkProtection and is a good place
        to assign variables from request params to member variables.

        Note that in any new code the params argument SHOULD be IGNORED.
        Use the following objects provided by Flask instead:
        from flask import request
        request.view_args (URL route params)
        request.args (GET params (from the query string))
        request.form (POST params)
        request.values (GET+POST params - use only if ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY)

        If you only want to run some code for GET or POST requests, you can create
        a method named e.g. _checkParams_POST which will be executed AFTER this one.
        The method is called without any arguments (except self).

    def _process(self):
        """The default process method dispatches to a method containing
        the HTTP verb used for the current request, e.g. _process_POST.
        When implementing this please consider that you most likely want/need
        only GET and POST - the other verbs are not supported everywhere!
        method = getattr(self, '_process_' + request.method, None)
        if method is None:
            valid_methods = [m for m in self.HTTP_VERBS if hasattr(self, '_process_' + m)]
            raise MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods)
        return method()

    def _checkCSRF(self):
        # Check referer for POST requests. We do it here so we can properly use indico's error handling
        if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() < 3 or request.method != 'POST':
        referer = request.referrer
        # allow empty - otherwise we might lock out paranoid users blocking referers
        if not referer:
        # valid http referer
        if referer.startswith(Config.getInstance().getBaseURL()):
        # valid https referer - if https is enabled
        base_secure = Config.getInstance().getBaseSecureURL()
        if base_secure and referer.startswith(base_secure):
        raise BadRefererError('This operation is not allowed from an external referer.')

    def _processGeneralError(self, e):
        """Treats general errors occured during the process of a RH. """

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with: "%s"' % (request, e))

        return p.display()

    def _processUnexpectedError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').exception('Request %s failed: "%s"' % (request, e))
        return p.display()

    def _processHostnameResolveError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors"""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').exception('Request %s failed: "%s"' % (request, e))
        return p.display()

    def _processAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with AccessError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        self._responseUtil.status = 403
        return p.display()

    def _processKeyAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH."""
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with KeyAccessError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        # We are going to redirect to the page asking for access key
        # and so it must be https if there is a BaseSecureURL. And that's
        # why we set _tohttps to True.
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return p.display()

    def _processModificationError(self, e):
        """Treats modification errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ModificationError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        return p.display()

    def _processConferenceClosedError(self, e):
        """Treats access to modification pages for conferences when they are closed."""
        p = WPConferenceModificationClosed( self, e._conf )
        return p.display()

    def _processTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with TimingError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        p = errors.WPTimingError(self, e)
        return p.display()

    def _processNoReportError(self, e):
        """Process errors without reporting"""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with NoReportError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        return p.display()

    def _processNotFoundError(self, e):
        """Process not found error; uses NoReportError template"""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with NotFoundError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        self._responseUtil.status = 404
        return p.display()

    def _processParentTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ParentTimingError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        return p.display()

    def _processEntryTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with EntryTimingError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        return p.display()

    def _processFormValuesError(self, e):
        """Treats user input related errors occured during the process of a RH."""

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with FormValuesError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        return p.display()

    def _processHtmlScriptError(self, e):

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ProcessHtmlScriptError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        p=errors.WPHtmlScriptError(self, escape(str(e)))
        return p.display()

    def _processRestrictedHTML(self, e):

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ProcessRestrictedHTMLError: "%s"' % (request, e))

        p=errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e)))
        return p.display()

    def process(self, params):
        if request.method not in self.HTTP_VERBS:
            # Just to be sure that we don't get some crappy http verb we don't expect
            raise BadRequest

        profile = Config.getInstance().getProfile()
        proffilename = ""
        res = ""
        MAX_RETRIES = 10
        retry = MAX_RETRIES
        textLog = []
        self._startTime = datetime.now()

        # clear the context
        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)

        #redirect to https if necessary
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
            return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

        self._startRequestSpecific2RH()     # I.e. implemented by Room Booking request handlers
        textLog.append("%s : Database request started" % (datetime.now() - self._startTime))
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('[pid=%s] Request %s started' % (
            os.getpid(), request))

        # notify components that the request has started

        forcedConflicts = Config.getInstance().getForceConflicts()
            while retry>0:

                if retry < MAX_RETRIES:
                    # notify components that the request is being retried
                    self._notify('requestRetry', MAX_RETRIES - retry)

                    Logger.get('requestHandler').info('\t[pid=%s] from host %s' % (os.getpid(), request.remote_addr))
                        # clear the fossile cache at the start of each request
                        # delete all queued emails
                        # clear the existing redis pipeline
                        if self._redisPipeline:

                        # keep a link to the web session in the access wrapper
                        # this is used for checking access/modification key existence
                        # in the user session
                        if self._getAuth():
                            if self._getUser():
                                Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s identified with user %s (%s)' % (
                                    request, self._getUser().getFullName(), self._getUser().getId()))
                            if not self._tohttps and Config.getInstance().getAuthenticatedEnforceSecure():
                                self._tohttps = True
                                if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
                                    return self._responseUtil.make_redirect()

                        self._reqParams = copy.copy(params)
                        func = getattr(self, '_checkParams_' + request.method, None)
                        if func:

                        func = getattr(self, '_checkProtection_' + request.method, None)
                        if func:

                                               self._aw, self._doNotSanitizeFields)
                        if self._doProcess:
                            if profile:
                                import profile, pstats
                                proffilename = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(), "stone%s.prof" % str(random.random()))
                                result = [None]
                                profile.runctx("result[0] = self._process()", globals(), locals(), proffilename)
                                res = result[0]
                                res = self._process()

                        # notify components that the request has finished
                        # Raise a conflict error if enabled. This allows detecting conflict-related issues easily.
                        if retry > (MAX_RETRIES - forcedConflicts):
                            raise ConflictError
                        self._endRequestSpecific2RH( True ) # I.e. implemented by Room Booking request handlers
                        DBMgr.getInstance().endRequest( True )

                        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s successful' % request)
                        #request succesfull, now, doing tas that must be done only once
                            GenericMailer.flushQueue(True) # send emails
                            Logger.get('mail').exception('Mail sending operation failed')
                        # execute redis pipeline if we have one
                        if self._redisPipeline:
                            except RedisError:
                                Logger.get('redis').exception('Could not execute pipeline')
                    except MaKaCError, e:
                        res = self._processError(e)
                except (ConflictError, POSKeyError):
                    import traceback
                    # only log conflict if it wasn't forced
                    if retry <= (MAX_RETRIES - forcedConflicts):
                        Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Conflict in Database! (Request %s)\n%s' % (request, traceback.format_exc()))
                    retry -= 1
                except ClientDisconnected:
                    Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Client Disconnected! (Request %s)' % request)
                    retry -= 1
        except KeyAccessError, e:
            #Key Access error treatment
            res = self._processKeyAccessError( e )
            self._endRequestSpecific2RH( False )
        except AccessError, e:
            #Access error treatment
            res = self._processAccessError( e )
            self._endRequestSpecific2RH( False )
Пример #23
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.form.iteritems())
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams)
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'], 'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'], 'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'], 'no') == 'yes'
    oauthToken = 'oauth_token' in queryParams

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.user:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauthToken or not used_session:
            if not oauthToken:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else: # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = OAuthUtils.OAuthCheckAccessResource()
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Token', get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-' + used_session.user.getId() + '_'
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                                   remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa', 'onlyauthed',

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                responseUtil.headers['Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
Пример #24
class ServiceBase(RequestHandlerBase):    
    The ServiceBase class is the basic class for services.
    def __init__(self, params, remoteHost, session):
        Constructor.  Initializes provate variables
        @param req: HTTP Request provided by the previous layer
        self._params = params
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._websession = session
        # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()
        self._target = None
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
                                #   must be carried out; this is useful for
                                #   the checkProtection methods
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
    # Methods =============================================================
    def _getSession( self ):
        Returns the web session associated to the received mod_python 
        return self._websession
    def _checkParams(self):
        Checks the request parameters (normally overloaded)
    def _checkProtection( self ):
        Checks protection when accessing resources (normally overloaded)

    def _processError(self):
        Treats errors occured during the process of a RH, returning an error string.
        @param e: the exception
        @type e: An Exception-derived type
        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
        return ''.join(trace)

    def _sendEmails( self ):
        if hasattr( self, "_emailsToBeSent" ):
            for email in self._emailsToBeSent:

    def _deleteTempFiles( self ):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for file in self._tempFilesToDelete:
    def process(self):
        Processes the request, analyzing the parameters, and feeding them to the
        _getAnswer() method (implemented by derived classes)


        except (htmlScriptError, htmlForbiddenTag), e:
            raise HTMLSecurityError('ERR-X0','HTML Security problem - you might be using forbidden tags: %s ' % str(e))
        if self._doProcess:
            answer = self._getAnswer()

            return answer 
Пример #25
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = [(key, [x.encode('utf-8') for x in values])
                       for key, values in request.form.iterlists()]
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams, doseq=1)
        # we only need/keep multiple values so we can properly validate the signature.
        # the legacy code below expects a dict with just the first value.
        # if you write a new api endpoint that needs multiple values get them from
        # ``request.values.getlist()`` directly
        queryParams = {key: values[0] for key, values in queryParams}
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8'))
                           for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'],
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'],
                                  'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    scope = 'read:legacy_api' if request.method == 'GET' else 'write:legacy_api'
        oauth_valid, oauth_request = oauth.verify_request([scope])
        if not oauth_valid and oauth_request and oauth_request.error_message != 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: {}'.format(
        elif g.get(
        ) and oauth_request.error_message == 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: Invalid token')
    except ValueError:
        # XXX: Dirty hack to workaround a bug in flask-oauthlib that causes it
        #      not to properly urlencode request query strings
        #      Related issue (https://github.com/lepture/flask-oauthlib/issues/213)
        oauth_valid = False

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
    is_response = False
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.user:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauth_valid or not used_session:
            if not oauth_valid:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp,
                                                path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else:  # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = load_token(oauth_request.access_token.access_token)
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp',
                            'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature',
                                                  'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get(
                    get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-{}_'.format(used_session.user.id)
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(
                remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa',
                        'onlyauthed', 'csrftoken'))

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            ContextManager.set("currentAW", aw)
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, current_app.response_class):
                addToCache = False
                is_response = True
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
            elif isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = api_settings.get('cache_ttl')
            if ttl > 0:
                cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap),
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                    'Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
Пример #26
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.form.iteritems())
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams)
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'], 'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'], 'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'], 'no') == 'yes'
    scope = 'read:legacy_api' if request.method == 'GET' else 'write:legacy_api'
        oauth_valid, oauth_request = oauth.verify_request([scope])
        if not oauth_valid and oauth_request and oauth_request.error_message != 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: {}'.format(oauth_request.error_message))
        elif g.get('received_oauth_token') and oauth_request.error_message == 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: Invalid token')
    except ValueError:
        # XXX: Dirty hack to workaround a bug in flask-oauthlib that causes it
        #      not to properly urlencode request query strings
        #      Related issue (https://github.com/lepture/flask-oauthlib/issues/213)
        oauth_valid = False

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.user:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauth_valid or not used_session:
            if not oauth_valid:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else:  # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = load_token(oauth_request.access_token.access_token)
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Token', get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-{}_'.format(used_session.user.id)
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                                   remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa', 'onlyauthed',

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            ContextManager.set("currentAW", aw)
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = api_settings.get('cache_ttl')
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                responseUtil.headers['Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
Пример #27
def handler(req, **params):
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    path, query = req.URLFields['PATH_INFO'], req.URLFields['QUERY_STRING']
    if req.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict(req.form)
        for key, value in queryParams.iteritems():
            queryParams[key] = [str(value)]
        query = urllib.urlencode(remove_lists(queryParams))
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = parse_qs(query)

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'], 'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'], 'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'], 'no') == 'yes'

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if req.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
        session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            session = getSessionForReq(req)
            if not session.getUser():  # ignore guest sessions
                session = None

        if apiKey or not session:
            # Validate the API key (and its signature)
            ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
            if enforceOnlyPublic:
                onlyPublic = True
            # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
            aw = buildAW(ak, req, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = req.headers_in.get('X-CSRF-Token', get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-' + session.getUser().getId() + '_'
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                                   remove=('nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa', 'onlyauthed',

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)

        obj = None
        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw, req)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            req.status = e.getCode()
            if req.status == apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
                req.headers_out['Allow'] = 'GET' if req.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
Пример #28
class ServiceBase(RequestHandlerBase):
    The ServiceBase class is the basic class for services.


    def __init__(self, params):
        if not self.UNICODE_PARAMS:
            params = unicode_struct_to_utf8(params)
        self._reqParams = self._params = params
        self._requestStarted = False
        # Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()
        self._target = None
        self._startTime = None
        self._tohttps = request.is_secure
        self._endTime = None
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
        #   must be carried out; this is useful for
        #   the checkProtection methods
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._redisPipeline = None

    # Methods =============================================================

    def _checkParams(self):
        Checks the request parameters (normally overloaded)

    def _checkProtection(self):
        Checks protection when accessing resources (normally overloaded)

    def _processError(self):
        Treats errors occured during the process of a RH, returning an error string.
        @param e: the exception
        @type e: An Exception-derived type

        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())

        return ''.join(trace)

    def _deleteTempFiles(self):
        if len(self._tempFilesToDelete) > 0:
            for file in self._tempFilesToDelete:

    def process(self):
        Processes the request, analyzing the parameters, and feeding them to the
        _getAnswer() method (implemented by derived classes)

        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)


            security.Sanitization.sanitizationCheck(self._target, self._params,
        except HtmlForbiddenTag as e:
            raise HTMLSecurityError('ERR-X0',
                                    'HTML Security problem. %s ' % str(e))

        if self._doProcess:
            if Config.getInstance().getProfile():
                import profile, pstats, random
                proffilename = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(),
                                            "service%s.prof" % random.random())
                result = [None]
                profile.runctx("result[0] = self._getAnswer()", globals(),
                               locals(), proffilename)
                answer = result[0]
                rep = Config.getInstance().getTempDir()
                stats = pstats.Stats(proffilename)
                stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'time', 'calls')
                    os.path.join(rep, "IndicoServiceRequestProfile.log"))
                answer = self._getAnswer()

            return answer

    def _getAnswer(self):
        To be overloaded. It should contain the code that does the actual
        business logic and returns a result (python JSON-serializable object).
        If this method is not overloaded, an exception will occur.
        If you don't want to return an answer, you should still implement this method with 'pass'.
        # This exception will happen if the _getAnswer method is not implemented in a derived class
        raise MaKaCError("No answer was returned")
Пример #29
class RH(RequestHandlerBase):
    """This class is the base for request handlers of the application. A request
        handler will be instantiated when a web request arrives to mod_python;
        the mp layer will forward the request to the corresponding request
        handler which will know which action has to be performed (displaying a
        web page or performing some operation and redirecting to another page).
        Request handlers will be responsible for parsing the parameters coming
        from a mod_python request, handle the errors which occurred during the
        action to perform, managing the sessions, checking security for each
        operation (thus they implement the access control system of the web
        It is important to encapsulate all this here as in case of changing
        the web application framework we'll just need to adapt this layer (the
        rest of the system wouldn't need any change).

            _uh - (URLHandler) Associated URLHandler which points to the
                current rh.
            _req - (mod_python.Request) mod_python request received for the
                current rh.
            _requestStarted - (bool) Flag which tells whether a DB transaction
                has been started or not.
            _websession - ( webinterface.session.sessionManagement.PSession )
                Web session associated to the HTTP request.
            _aw - (AccessWrapper) Current access information for the rh.
            _target - (Locable) Reference to an object which is the destination
                of the operations needed to carry out the rh. If set it must
                provide (through the standard Locable interface) the methods
                to get the url parameters in order to reproduce the access to
                the rh.
            _reqParams - (dict) Dictionary containing the received HTTP
                 parameters (independently of the method) transformed into
                 python data types. The key is the parameter name while the
                 value should be the received paramter value (or values).
    _tohttps = False # set this value to True for the RH that must be HTTPS when there is a BaseSecureURL
    _doNotSanitizeFields = []

    def __init__( self, req ):
        """Constructor. Initialises the rh setting up basic attributes so it is
            able to process the request.

                req - (mod_python.Request) mod_python request received for the
                    current rh.
        RequestHandlerBase.__init__(self, req)
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._websession = None
        self._aw = AccessWrapper()  #Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._target = None
        self._reqParams = {}
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
                                #   must be carried out; this is useful for
                                #   the checkProtection methods when they
                                #   detect that an inmediate redirection is
                                #   needed

    # Methods =============================================================

    def getTarget( self ):
        return self._target

    def _setSession( self ):
        """Sets up a reference to the corresponding web session. It uses the
            session manager to retrieve the session corresponding to the
            received request and makes sure it is a valid one. In case of having
            an invalid session it reset client settings and creates a new one.
        if not self._websession:
            sm = session.getSessionManager()
                self._websession = sm.get_session( self._req )
            except session.SessionError:
                sm.revoke_session_cookie( self._req )
                self._websession = sm.get_session( self._req )

    def _getSession( self ):
        """Returns the web session associated to the received mod_python
        if not self._websession:
        return self._websession

    def _setSessionUser( self ):
        self._aw.setUser( self._getSession().getUser() )

    def _getRequestParams( self ):
        return self._reqParams

    def getRequestParams( self ):
        return self._getRequestParams()

    def _disableCaching(self):
        Disables caching, i.e. for materials

        # IE doesn't seem to like 'no-cache' Cache-Control headers...
        if (re.match(r'.*MSIE.*', self._req.headers_in.get("User-Agent",""))):
            # actually, the only way to safely disable caching seems to be this one
            self._req.headers_out["Cache-Control"] = "private"
            self._req.headers_out["Expires"] = "-1"
            self._req.headers_out["Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
            self._req.headers_out["Pragma"] = "no-cache"

    def _redirect( self, targetURL, noCache=False, status=apache.HTTP_SEE_OTHER ):
        """Utility for redirecting the client web browser to the specified
                newURL - Target URL of the redirection
        #check if there is no \r\n character to avoid http header injection

        if str(targetURL):
            if "\r" in str(targetURL) or "\n" in str(targetURL):
                raise MaKaCError(_("http header CRLF injection detected"))
        self._req.headers_out["Location"] = str(targetURL)

        if noCache:
            self._req.status = status
        except NameError:

    def _checkHttpsRedirect(self):
        If HTTPS must be used but it is not, redirect!
        if self.use_https() and not self._req.is_https():
            return True
            return False

    def _normaliseListParam( self, param ):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
                return [ param ]
        return param

    def _processError( self, ex ):

    def _checkParams( self, params ):

    def _process( self ):

    def _processGeneralError(self,e):
        """Treats general errors occured during the process of a RH.

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        return p.display()

    def _processUnexpectedError(self,e):
        """Unexpected errors

        Logger.get('requestHandler').exception('Request %s failed: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))
        return p.display()

    def _processHostnameResolveError(self,e):
        """Unexpected errors

        Logger.get('requestHandler').exception('Request %s failed: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))
        return p.display()

    def _processAccessError(self,e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH.
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with AccessError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        self._req.status = apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN
        return p.display()

    def _processKeyAccessError(self,e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH.
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with KeyAccessError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        self._req.status = apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN
        # We are going to redirect to the page asking for access key
        # and so it must be https if there is a BaseSecureURL. And that's
        # why we set _tohttps to True.
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        return p.display()

    def _processModificationError(self,e):
        """Treats modification errors occured during the process of a RH.

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ModificationError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        return p.display()

    def _processConferenceClosedError(self,e):
        """Treats access to modification pages for conferences when they are closed.
        p = WPConferenceModificationClosed( self, e._conf )
        return p.display()

    def _processTimingError(self,e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH.

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with TimingError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        return p.display()

    def _processNoReportError(self,e):
        """Process errors without reporting

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with NoReportError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        return p.display()

    def _processNotFoundError(self,e):
        """Process not found error; uses NoReportError template

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with NotFoundError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

            self._req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
        except NameError:

        return p.display()

    def _processParentTimingError(self,e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH.

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ParentTimingError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        return p.display()

    def _processEntryTimingError(self,e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH.

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with EntryTimingError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        return p.display()

    def _processFormValuesError(self,e):
        """Treats user input related errors occured during the process of a RH.

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with FormValuesError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        return p.display()

    def _processHtmlScriptError(self, e):

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ProcessHtmlScriptError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        p=errors.WPHtmlScriptError(self, escape(str(e)))
        return p.display()

    def _processRestrictedHTML(self, e):

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with ProcessRestrictedHTMLError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        p=errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e)))
        return p.display()

    def process( self, params ):
        profile = Config.getInstance().getProfile()
        proffilename = ""
        res = ""
        MAX_RETRIES = 10
        retry = MAX_RETRIES
        textLog = []
        self._startTime = datetime.now()

        # clear the context
        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)

        #redirect to https if necessary
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():

        self._startRequestSpecific2RH()     # I.e. implemented by Room Booking request handlers
        textLog.append("%s : Database request started"%(datetime.now() - self._startTime))
        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('[pid=%s] Request %s started (%s)' % (os.getpid(),id(self._req), self._req.unparsed_uri))

        # notify components that the request has started
        self._notify('requestStarted', self._req)

        forcedConflicts = Config.getInstance().getForceConflicts()
            while retry>0:

                if retry < MAX_RETRIES:
                    # notify components that the request is being retried
                    self._notify('requestRetry', self._req, MAX_RETRIES - retry)

                    Logger.get('requestHandler').info('\t[pid=%s] from host %s' % (os.getpid(), self.getHostIP()))
                        # clear the fossile cache at the start of each request
                        # delete all queued emails

                        # keep a link to the web session in the access wrapper
                        # this is used for checking access/modification key existence
                        # in the user session
                        self._aw.setIP( self.getHostIP() )
                        if self._getAuth():
                            if self._getUser():
                                Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s identified with user %s (%s)' % (id(self._req), self._getUser().getFullName(), self._getUser().getId()))
                            if not self._tohttps and Config.getInstance().getAuthenticatedEnforceSecure():
                                self._tohttps = True
                                if self._checkHttpsRedirect():

                        #if self._getUser() != None and self._getUser().getId() == "893":
                        #    profile = True
                        self._reqParams = copy.copy( params )
                        self._checkParams( self._reqParams )

                                               self._aw, self._doNotSanitizeFields)
                        if self._doProcess:
                            if profile:
                                import profile, pstats
                                proffilename = os.path.join(Config.getInstance().getTempDir(), "stone%s.prof" % str(random.random()))
                                result = [None]
                                profile.runctx("result[0] = self._process()", globals(), locals(), proffilename)
                                res = result[0]
                                res = self._process()

                        # Save web session, just when needed
                        sm = session.getSessionManager()
                        sm.maintain_session(self._req, self._websession)

                        # notify components that the request has finished
                        self._notify('requestFinished', self._req)
                        # Raise a conflict error if enabled. This allows detecting conflict-related issues easily.
                        if retry > (MAX_RETRIES - forcedConflicts):
                            raise ConflictError
                        self._endRequestSpecific2RH( True ) # I.e. implemented by Room Booking request handlers
                        DBMgr.getInstance().endRequest( True )

                        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s successful' % (id(self._req)))
                        #request succesfull, now, doing tas that must be done only once
                            GenericMailer.flushQueue(True) # send emails
                            Logger.get('mail').exception('Mail sending operation failed')
                    except MaKaCError, e:
                        res = self._processError(e)
                except (ConflictError, POSKeyError):
                    import traceback
                    # only log conflict if it wasn't forced
                    if retry <= (MAX_RETRIES - forcedConflicts):
                        Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Conflict in Database! (Request %s)\n%s' % (id(self._req), traceback.format_exc()))
                    retry -= 1
                except ClientDisconnected:
                    Logger.get('requestHandler').warning('Client Disconnected! (Request %s)' % id(self._req) )
                    retry -= 1
        except KeyAccessError, e:
            #Key Access error treatment
            res = self._processKeyAccessError( e )
            self._endRequestSpecific2RH( False )
        except AccessError, e:
            #Access error treatment
            res = self._processAccessError( e )
            self._endRequestSpecific2RH( False )
Пример #30
class RH(RequestHandlerBase):
    """This class is the base for request handlers of the application. A request
        handler will be instantiated when a web request arrives to mod_python;
        the mp layer will forward the request to the corresponding request
        handler which will know which action has to be performed (displaying a
        web page or performing some operation and redirecting to another page).
        Request handlers will be responsible for parsing the parameters coming
        from a mod_python request, handle the errors which occurred during the
        action to perform, managing the sessions, checking security for each
        operation (thus they implement the access control system of the web
        It is important to encapsulate all this here as in case of changing
        the web application framework we'll just need to adapt this layer (the
        rest of the system wouldn't need any change).

            _uh - (URLHandler) Associated URLHandler which points to the
                current rh.
            _req - (mod_python.Request) mod_python request received for the
                current rh.
            _requestStarted - (bool) Flag which tells whether a DB transaction
                has been started or not.
            _websession - ( webinterface.session.sessionManagement.PSession )
                Web session associated to the HTTP request.
            _aw - (AccessWrapper) Current access information for the rh.
            _target - (Locable) Reference to an object which is the destination
                of the operations needed to carry out the rh. If set it must
                provide (through the standard Locable interface) the methods
                to get the url parameters in order to reproduce the access to
                the rh.
            _reqParams - (dict) Dictionary containing the received HTTP
                 parameters (independently of the method) transformed into
                 python data types. The key is the parameter name while the
                 value should be the received paramter value (or values).
    _tohttps = False  # set this value to True for the RH that must be HTTPS when there is a BaseSecureURL
    _doNotSanitizeFields = []

    def __init__(self, req):
        """Constructor. Initialises the rh setting up basic attributes so it is
            able to process the request.

                req - (mod_python.Request) mod_python request received for the
                    current rh.
        RequestHandlerBase.__init__(self, req)
        self._requestStarted = False
        self._websession = None
        self._aw = AccessWrapper(
        )  #Fill in the aw instance with the current information
        self._target = None
        self._reqParams = {}
        self._startTime = None
        self._endTime = None
        self._tempFilesToDelete = []
        self._doProcess = True  #Flag which indicates whether the RH process
        #   must be carried out; this is useful for
        #   the checkProtection methods when they
        #   detect that an inmediate redirection is
        #   needed

    # Methods =============================================================

    def getTarget(self):
        return self._target

    def _setSession(self):
        """Sets up a reference to the corresponding web session. It uses the
            session manager to retrieve the session corresponding to the
            received request and makes sure it is a valid one. In case of having
            an invalid session it reset client settings and creates a new one.
        if not self._websession:
            sm = session.getSessionManager()
                self._websession = sm.get_session(self._req)
            except session.SessionError:
                self._websession = sm.get_session(self._req)

    def _getSession(self):
        """Returns the web session associated to the received mod_python
        if not self._websession:
        return self._websession

    def _setSessionUser(self):

    def _getRequestParams(self):
        return self._reqParams

    def getRequestParams(self):
        return self._getRequestParams()

    def _disableCaching(self):
        Disables caching, i.e. for materials

        # IE doesn't seem to like 'no-cache' Cache-Control headers...
        if (re.match(r'.*MSIE.*', self._req.headers_in.get("User-Agent", ""))):
            # actually, the only way to safely disable caching seems to be this one
            self._req.headers_out["Cache-Control"] = "private"
            self._req.headers_out["Expires"] = "-1"
                "Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
            self._req.headers_out["Pragma"] = "no-cache"

    def _redirect(self,
        """Utility for redirecting the client web browser to the specified
                newURL - Target URL of the redirection
        #check if there is no \r\n character to avoid http header injection

        if str(targetURL):
            if "\r" in str(targetURL) or "\n" in str(targetURL):
                raise MaKaCError(_("http header CRLF injection detected"))
        self._req.headers_out["Location"] = str(targetURL)

        if noCache:
            self._req.status = status
        except NameError:

    def _checkHttpsRedirect(self):
        If HTTPS must be used but it is not, redirect!
        if self.use_https() and not self._req.is_https():
            return True
            return False

    def _normaliseListParam(self, param):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
            return [param]
        return param

    def _processError(self, ex):

    def _checkParams(self, params):

    def _process(self):

    def _processGeneralError(self, e):
        """Treats general errors occured during the process of a RH.

        Logger.get('requestHandler').info('Request %s finished with: "%s"' %
                                          (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPGenericError(self)
        return p.display()

    def _processUnexpectedError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors

        Logger.get('requestHandler').exception('Request %s failed: "%s"' %
                                               (id(self._req), e))
        p = errors.WPUnexpectedError(self)
        return p.display()

    def _processHostnameResolveError(self, e):
        """Unexpected errors

        Logger.get('requestHandler').exception('Request %s failed: "%s"' %
                                               (id(self._req), e))
        p = errors.WPHostnameResolveError(self)
        return p.display()

    def _processAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH.
            'Request %s finished with AccessError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        self._req.status = apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN
        p = errors.WPAccessError(self)
        return p.display()

    def _processKeyAccessError(self, e):
        """Treats access errors occured during the process of a RH.
            'Request %s finished with KeyAccessError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        self._req.status = apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN
        # We are going to redirect to the page asking for access key
        # and so it must be https if there is a BaseSecureURL. And that's
        # why we set _tohttps to True.
        self._tohttps = True
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():
        p = errors.WPKeyAccessError(self)
        return p.display()

    def _processModificationError(self, e):
        """Treats modification errors occured during the process of a RH.

            'Request %s finished with ModificationError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPModificationError(self)
        return p.display()

    def _processConferenceClosedError(self, e):
        """Treats access to modification pages for conferences when they are closed.
        p = WPConferenceModificationClosed(self, e._conf)
        return p.display()

    def _processTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH.

            'Request %s finished with TimingError: "%s"' % (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPTimingError(self, e)
        return p.display()

    def _processNoReportError(self, e):
        """Process errors without reporting

            'Request %s finished with NoReportError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPNoReportError(self, e)
        return p.display()

    def _processNotFoundError(self, e):
        """Process not found error; uses NoReportError template

            'Request %s finished with NotFoundError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

            self._req.status = apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
        except NameError:

        p = errors.WPNoReportError(self, e)
        return p.display()

    def _processParentTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH.

            'Request %s finished with ParentTimingError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPParentTimingError(self, e)
        return p.display()

    def _processEntryTimingError(self, e):
        """Treats timing errors occured during the process of a RH.

            'Request %s finished with EntryTimingError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPEntryTimingError(self, e)
        return p.display()

    def _processFormValuesError(self, e):
        """Treats user input related errors occured during the process of a RH.

            'Request %s finished with FormValuesError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPFormValuesError(self, e)
        return p.display()

    def _processHtmlScriptError(self, e):

            'Request %s finished with ProcessHtmlScriptError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPHtmlScriptError(self, escape(str(e)))
        return p.display()

    def _processRestrictedHTML(self, e):

            'Request %s finished with ProcessRestrictedHTMLError: "%s"' %
            (id(self._req), e))

        p = errors.WPRestrictedHTML(self, escape(str(e)))
        return p.display()

    def process(self, params):
        profile = Config.getInstance().getProfile()
        proffilename = ""
        res = ""
        MAX_RETRIES = 10
        retry = MAX_RETRIES
        textLog = []
        self._startTime = datetime.now()

        # clear the context
        ContextManager.set('currentRH', self)

        #redirect to https if necessary
        if self._checkHttpsRedirect():

        )  # I.e. implemented by Room Booking request handlers
        textLog.append("%s : Database request started" %
                       (datetime.now() - self._startTime))
            '[pid=%s] Request %s started (%s)' %
            (os.getpid(), id(self._req), self._req.unparsed_uri))

        # notify components that the request has started
        self._notify('requestStarted', self._req)

        forcedConflicts = Config.getInstance().getForceConflicts()
            while retry > 0:

                if retry < MAX_RETRIES:
                    # notify components that the request is being retried
                    self._notify('requestRetry', self._req,
                                 MAX_RETRIES - retry)

                        '\t[pid=%s] from host %s' %
                        (os.getpid(), self.getHostIP()))
                        # clear the fossile cache at the start of each request
                        # delete all queued emails

                        # keep a link to the web session in the access wrapper
                        # this is used for checking access/modification key existence
                        # in the user session
                        if self._getAuth():
                            if self._getUser():
                                    'Request %s identified with user %s (%s)' %
                            if not self._tohttps and Config.getInstance(
                                self._tohttps = True
                                if self._checkHttpsRedirect():

                        #if self._getUser() != None and self._getUser().getId() == "893":
                        #    profile = True
                        self._reqParams = copy.copy(params)

                            self._target, self._reqParams, self._aw,
                        if self._doProcess:
                            if profile:
                                import profile, pstats
                                proffilename = os.path.join(
                                    "stone%s.prof" % str(random.random()))
                                result = [None]
                                profile.runctx("result[0] = self._process()",
                                               globals(), locals(),
                                res = result[0]
                                res = self._process()

                        # Save web session, just when needed
                        sm = session.getSessionManager()
                        sm.maintain_session(self._req, self._websession)

                        # notify components that the request has finished
                        self._notify('requestFinished', self._req)
                        # Raise a conflict error if enabled. This allows detecting conflict-related issues easily.
                        if retry > (MAX_RETRIES - forcedConflicts):
                            raise ConflictError
                        )  # I.e. implemented by Room Booking request handlers

                            'Request %s successful' % (id(self._req)))
                        #request succesfull, now, doing tas that must be done only once
                            GenericMailer.flushQueue(True)  # send emails
                                'Mail sending operation failed')
                    except MaKaCError, e:
                        res = self._processError(e)
                except (ConflictError, POSKeyError):
                    import traceback
                    # only log conflict if it wasn't forced
                    if retry <= (MAX_RETRIES - forcedConflicts):
                            'Conflict in Database! (Request %s)\n%s' %
                            (id(self._req), traceback.format_exc()))
                    retry -= 1
                except ClientDisconnected:
                        'Client Disconnected! (Request %s)' % id(self._req))
                    retry -= 1
                    time.sleep(10 - retry)
        except KeyAccessError, e:
            #Key Access error treatment
            res = self._processKeyAccessError(e)
        except AccessError, e:
            #Access error treatment
            res = self._processAccessError(e)