class Rankbot: def __init__(self): with open("sitelog/log.pickle", "rb") as logfile: self.log = pickle.load(logfile) self.mailer = Mailer() self.url = "{}#q={}&start={}" self.browser = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=dcap) self.headlines_xpath = ".//*[@class='r']" self.targets = { "Philipp Matthes: Imagination Realization": "philipp+matthes" } def find_link(self, page, query, target): self.browser.get(self.url.format(query, query, page * 10)) sleep(3) headlines = self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.headlines_xpath) index = 0 for headline in headlines: index += 1 if headline.text == target: current_page_number = (page * 10) + index message = "Found \"" + target + "\" on position " + str( current_page_number) print(message) self.log.append(current_page_number) with open("sitelog/log.pickle", "wb") as logfile: pickle.dump(self.log, logfile) self.mailer.send(message) message = "Clicked link. Current URL: " + self.browser.current_url sleep(10) return True return False def search_and_click(self): for target, query in self.targets.items(): for page_number in range(15): message = "Current search page: " + str(page_number) print(message) if self.find_link(page=page_number, query=query, target=target): sleep(60) break sleep(60) def send_stats(self): fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(self.log) save = "sitelog/log.png" fig.savefig(save) self.mailer.send_image(save)
class Driver(object): def __init__(self): # Set up Telegram Message Client self.mailer = Mailer() # Set up virtual display if Config.headless_is_available: self.display = Xvfb() self.display.start() # Load history try: with open("log/interacting_users.pickle", "rb") as f: self.interacting_users = pickle.load(f) except: with open("log/interacting_users.pickle", "wb") as f: self.interacting_users = [] pickle.dump([], f) try: with open("log/hashtags.pickle", "rb") as f: self.hashtags = pickle.load(f) except: with open("log/hashtags.pickle", "wb") as f: self.hashtags = {} for h in Config.topics: self.hashtags[h] = 2 pickle.dump(self.hashtags, f) try: with open("log/actionList.pickle", "rb") as f: self.actionList = pickle.load(f) except: with open("log/actionList.pickle", "wb") as f: self.actionList = {} pickle.dump({}, f) try: with open("log/followed_users_all_time.pickle", "rb") as f: self.followed_accounts = pickle.load(f) except: with open("log/followed_users_all_time.pickle", "wb") as f: self.followed_accounts = {} pickle.dump({}, f) try: with open("log/followed_users.pickle", "rb") as f: self.accounts_to_unfollow = pickle.load(f) except: with open("log/followed_users.pickle", "wb") as f: self.accounts_to_unfollow = [] pickle.dump([], f) try: with open("log/instagram_username.pickle", "rb") as f: self.username = pickle.load(f) except: key = input("Please enter your username: "******"You must enter a username. Please try again: ") with open("log/instagram_username.pickle", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(key, f) self.username = key try: with open("log/instagram_pass.pickle", "rb") as f: self.password = pickle.load(f) except: key = input("Please enter your password: "******"You must enter a password. Please try again: ") with open("log/instagram_pass.pickle", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(key, f) self.password = key # Final setup if Config.headless_is_available: # self.browser = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=dcap) self.browser = webdriver.PhantomJS() else: self.browser = webdriver.Chrome("./chromedriver") self.browser.set_window_size(1980, 1080) # Returns nicely formatted timestamp def timestamp(self): return time.strftime('%a %H:%M:%S') + " " def focus(self, element): self.browser.execute_script("arguments[0].focus();", element) # Checks if a user was followed already def user_followed_already(self, user): if user in self.followed_accounts: return True else: return False # Logs into Instagram automatically def login(self): self.mailer.send("Logging in.") print("Logging in.") self.browser.get(Config.start_url) sleep(5) if (self.browser.current_url == ""): return if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Pause"): self.mailer.send("Bot paused.") raise Exception("Bot paused.") if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Stop"): self.mailer.send("Bot stopped.") raise Exception("Bot stopped.") try: username_field = self.browser.find_element_by_name("username") username_field.send_keys(self.username) password_field = self.browser.find_element_by_name("password") password_field.send_keys(self.password) password_field.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) sleep(10) return except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in self.login') sleep(1) self.login() return # Comments on a picture def comment(self, topic): sleep(3) query = Config.comments[randint(0, len(Config.comments) - 1)] say = query.format(, Config.smileys[randint(0, len(Config.smileys) - 1)]) try: comment_field = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath( Config.comment_xpath) comment_field.send_keys(say) comment_field.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) self.mailer.send("Commented on " + str( + "s picture with: " + say + "\n") print("Commented on " + str( + "s picture with: " + say) if not in self.actionList.keys(): value = { "type": "comment", "time": self.timestamp(), "topic": topic } self.actionList[] = [value] else: value = { "type": "comment", "time": self.timestamp(), "topic": topic } authorActions = self.actionList[] authorActions.append(value) self.actionList[] = authorActions with open("log/actionList.pickle", "wb") as userfile: pickle.dump(self.actionList, userfile) sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in self.comment') self.mailer.send("Comment field not found.\n") print("Comment field not found.") # Searches for a certain topic def search(self, query): self.mailer.send("Searching for " + query + ".") print("Searching for " + query + ".") self.browser.get("" + query + "/") # Checks for error which occurs when pictures are removed while # switching through def error(self): try: error_message = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath( Config.error_xpath) self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Page loading error') print("Page loading error.") return True except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: return False # Selects the first picture in a loaded topic screen def select_first(self): try: pictures = self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath( Config.first_ele_xpath) print("Found " + str(len(pictures)) + " pictures.") first_picture = None if len(pictures) > 9: first_picture = pictures[9] else: first_picture = pictures[len(pictures) - 1] self.focus(first_picture) sleep(1) return True except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in self.select_first') sleep(5) return False # Switches to the next picture def next_picture(self): try: sleep(1) next_button = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath( Config.next_button_xpath) return except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in self.next_picture') self.browser.execute_script("window.history.go(-1)") sleep(5) self.select_first() sleep(1) # Loads the authors name def author(self): try: author = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(Config.author_xpath) return str(author.get_attribute("title")) except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in') self.mailer.send("Author xpath not found.\n") print("Author xpath not found.") return "" # Checks if the post is already liked def already_liked(self): try: full = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath( Config.like_button_full_xpath) self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Image was already liked.') return True except: return False def on_post_page(self): try: full = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(Config.next_button_xpath) return False except: return True # Likes a picture def like(self, topic): count = 0 while self.already_liked() and count < 10: self.mailer.send("Post already liked. Skipping.\n") print("Post already liked. Skipping.") self.next_picture() if self.on_post_page(): self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Accidently swapped to post page.') return count = count + 1 sleep(1) try: self.mailer.send("Liked picture/video by: " + + ".\n") print("Liked picture/video by: " + + ".") if not in self.actionList.keys(): value = { "type": "like", "time": self.timestamp(), "topic": topic } self.actionList[] = [value] else: value = { "type": "like", "time": self.timestamp(), "topic": topic } authorActions = self.actionList[] authorActions.append(value) self.actionList[] = authorActions with open("log/actionList.pickle", "wb") as userfile: pickle.dump(self.actionList, userfile) like_button = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath( Config.like_button_xpath) sneaksleep = randint(0, 10) + Config.delay sleep(sneaksleep) return except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in') sleep(Config.delay) self.select_first() return # Unfollows a user def unfollow(self, name): self.browser.get("" + name + "/") sleep(3) try: unfollow_button = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath( Config.unfollow_xpath) self.mailer.send("Unfollowed: " + name + ".\n") print("Unfollowed: " + name) sleep(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in self.unfollow') self.mailer.send("Unfollow button not found.\n") print("Unfollow button not found.") sleep(1) # Follows a user def follow(self, topic): sleep(3) try: follow = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(Config.follow_xpath) self.mailer.send("Followed: " + + "\n") print("Followed: " + with open("log/followed_users.pickle", "wb") as userfile: pickle.dump(self.accounts_to_unfollow, userfile) if not in self.actionList.keys(): value = { "type": "follow", "time": self.timestamp(), "topic": topic } self.actionList[] = [value] else: value = { "type": "follow", "time": self.timestamp(), "topic": topic } authorActions = self.actionList[] authorActions.append(value) self.actionList[] = authorActions with open("log/actionList.pickle", "wb") as userfile: pickle.dump(self.actionList, userfile) self.accounts_to_unfollow.append( self.followed_accounts.update({ self.timestamp()}) with open("log/followed_users_all_time.pickle", "wb") as userfile: pickle.dump(self.followed_accounts, userfile) sleep(Config.delay + randint(0, 10)) except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in self.follow') self.mailer.send("Follow button not found.\n") print("Follow button not found.") sleep(1) def open_unfollow_screen(self): self.browser.get(Config.account_url) sleep(2) heart = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(Config.following_xpath) sleep(2) def check_follows(self): try: sections = self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath( Config.sections_xpath) print(str(len(sections)) + " Sections found.") except: print("Sections not found.") return users = [] for element in sections: profile = element.find_element_by_xpath(Config.local_name_xpath) name = profile.get_attribute("title") users.append(name) for user in users: if user not in self.interacting_users: if user not in self.actionList.keys(): self.mailer.send("New interaction discovered with: " + user + ", but we have no further information.") sleep(1) else: actions = self.actionList[user] self.mailer.send( "New interaction discovered with: " + user + ", and we have logged our interactions on him:") sleep(1) string = "" for action in actions: string += "Type: " + action[ "type"] + ", Time: " + action[ "time"] + ", Topic: " + action[ "topic"] + " ... " self.hashtags[action["topic"]] += 1 self.mailer.send(string) sleep(1) self.interacting_users.append(user) with open("log/interacting_users.pickle", "wb") as userfile: pickle.dump(self.interacting_users, userfile) return def store_hashtags(self): try: sections = self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath( Config.hashtags_xpath) for section in sections: all_hashtags = self.extract_hash_tags(section.text) for h in all_hashtags: if h in self.hashtags: self.hashtags[h] = self.hashtags[h] + 0.01 else: self.hashtags[h] = 0.01 with open("log/hashtags.pickle", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.hashtags, f) except: self.browser.save_screenshot('error.png') self.mailer.send_image('error.png', 'Exception in self.store_hashtags') pass def extract_hash_tags(self, s): return set(part[1:] for part in s.split() if part.startswith('#')) # Coordinates every function in an endless loop def like_follow_loop(self): self.login() while True: self.open_unfollow_screen() self.check_follows() top_hashtags = sorted(self.hashtags.keys(), key=lambda k: self.hashtags[k], reverse=True)[:20] top_hashtags_values = [] for hashtag in top_hashtags: top_hashtags_values.append(self.hashtags[hashtag]) self.mailer.send_stats(top_hashtags_values, top_hashtags, caption="Top 20 hashtags") low_hashtags = sorted(self.hashtags.keys(), key=lambda k: self.hashtags[k], reverse=True)[-20:] low_hashtags_values = [] for hashtag in low_hashtags: low_hashtags_values.append(self.hashtags[hashtag]) self.mailer.send_stats(low_hashtags_values, low_hashtags, caption="Low 20 hashtags") sleep(1) for topic_selector in range(len(top_hashtags) - 1): if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Exit" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Pause" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Stop"): raise Exception('Breaking out of inner loop')[topic_selector]) print("Selecting first picture.") self.select_first() if (topic_selector % 7 == 2): if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Exit" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Pause" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Stop"): raise Exception('Breaking out of inner loop') if not self.error(): self.comment(top_hashtags[topic_selector]) self.store_hashtags() self.next_picture() for likes in range(3): sleep(1) if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Exit" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Pause" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Stop"): raise Exception('Breaking out of inner loop') if not self.error():[topic_selector]) self.store_hashtags() self.next_picture() for follows in range(3): sleep(1) if not self.error(): if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Exit" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Pause" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Stop"): raise Exception('Breaking out of inner loop') self.next_picture() count = 0 sleep(3) while self.user_followed_already( and count < 10: if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Exit" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Pause" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Stop"): raise Exception('Breaking out of inner loop') self.mailer.send( + " was followed already. Skipping picture.") print( + " was followed already. Skipping picture.") self.next_picture() count = count + 1 sleep(1) self.follow(top_hashtags[topic_selector]) self.store_hashtags() self.mailer.send("Accounts to unfollow: " + str(len(self.accounts_to_unfollow))) print("Accounts to unfollow: " + str(len(self.accounts_to_unfollow))) if len(self.accounts_to_unfollow) > 50: for unfollows in range(3): if (self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Exit" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Pause" or self.mailer.get_current_message() == "Stop"): raise Exception('Breaking out of inner loop') this_guy = self.accounts_to_unfollow[0] self.unfollow(this_guy) del self.accounts_to_unfollow[0]
class Driver(object): def __init__(self): # Set up Telegram Message Client self.mailer = Mailer() if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') self.mailer.sendMessage("Initializing FacebookDriver.") Set up virtual display for Raspberry Pi compatibility self.display = Xvfb() self.display.start() # The following (xpath) classes need to be refreshed every now and then. # they define, where elements are located on Facebook. # Logging in self.loginXpath = "//input[@id='email']" self.passwordXpath = "//input[@id='pass']" # Elements on the hashtag page self.containerXpath = "//div[contains(@class, '_1dwg _1w_m')]" self.userNameSubXpath = "//span[contains(@class, 'fwb fcg')]" # Alias selection self.menuSubXpath = "//div[contains(@class, '_8g2')]" self.aliasSelectionSubXpath = ".//a[contains(@class, '_55pi _2agf _4o_4 _4jy0 _4jy3 _517h _51sy _59pe _42ft')]" self.companySelectionSubXpath = "//div[contains(@class, '_5ghu _alf')]" self.alldaycreativeSelectionSubXpath = "//div[contains(@class, ' _5dsl _alf clearfix')]" # Commenting self.commentButtonSubXpath = "//a[contains(@class, 'comment_link _5yxe')]" self.commentInputSubXpath = "//div[contains(@class, '_1p1v')]" # Liking self.likeButtonSubXpath = "//a[@class='UFILikeLink _4x9- _4x9_ _48-k']" self.likeButtonClickedSubXpath = "//a[contains(@class, 'UFILikeLink _4x9- _4x9_ _48-k UFILinkBright')]" self.login = input("E-Mail: ") self.password = input("Password: "******"render","cartoon","daily","art","design","cinema4d","animation","cg","illustration"] self.delay = 30 self.startUrl = "" self.hashtagPage = "{}" # chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() # prefs = {"profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications" : 2} # chrome_options.add_experimental_option("prefs",prefs) # self.browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options) self.browser = webdriver.PhantomJS() self.browser.set_window_size(1920,1080) self.log = [] def focus(self,element): if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') # print("Focusing element on position: ("+str(element.location["x"])+","+str(element.location["y"])+")") self.browser.execute_script("arguments[0].focus();", element) def loginToFacebook(self): self.mailer.sendMessage("Logging in to facebook.") if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') print("Logging in to facebook") self.browser.get(self.startUrl) sleep(3) loginField = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.loginXpath) loginField.send_keys(self.login) passField = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(self.passwordXpath) passField.send_keys(self.password) passField.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) sleep(10) return def getPostsFromHashtagPage(self,topic): if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') print("Getting posts from hashtag: #"+topic) self.browser.get(self.hashtagPage.format(topic)) sleep(5) for scrollDownAmount in range(20): if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') self.mailer.sendMessage("Getting posts from hashtag page. ("+str(scrollDownAmount)+"/20)") self.browser.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);") sleep(5) return self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.containerXpath) def sendStats(self): fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(self.log) save = "likelog/log.png" fig.savefig(save) self.mailer.send_image(save) def selectAlldaycreative(self,menu): if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') self.focus(menu) sleep(3) selection = menu.find_element_by_xpath(self.companySelectionSubXpath) sleep(3) selections = menu.find_elements_by_xpath(self.alldaycreativeSelectionSubXpath) selection = selections[1] sleep(3) return True def likeEverything(self): if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') self.mailer.sendMessage("Liking everything on the hashtag page.") print("Liking everything on the hashtag page.") selections = self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.likeButtonSubXpath) self.log.append(len(selections)) totalSelections = len(selections) currentSelection = 1 for selection in selections: self.mailer.sendMessage("Liking post: ("+str(currentSelection)+"/"+str(totalSelections)+")") self.focus(selection) currentSelection += 1 sleep(5) # def commentEverything(self): # if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": # raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') # # print("Commenting everything on the hashtag page.") # selections = self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.commentButtonSubXpath) # for selection in selections: # self.focus(selection) # # sleep(1) # selections = self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.commentInputSubXpath) # for selection in selections: # self.focus(selection) # query = Tell.comment[randint(0,len(Tell.comment)-1)] # say = query.format(Tell.smiley[randint(0,len(Tell.smiley)-1)]) # selection.send_keys(say) # selection.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) # sleep(10) # def author(self,post): # return post.find_element_by_xpath(self.userNameSubXpath).text # def commentPost(self,post): # print("Commenting post.") # selection = post.find_element_by_xpath(self.commentButtonSubXpath) # self.focus(selection) # # sleep(1) # # query = Tell.comment[randint(0,len(Tell.comment)-1)] # say = query.format(,Tell.smiley[randint(0,len(Tell.smiley)-1)]) # # selection = post.find_element_by_xpath(self.commentInputSubXpath) # selection.send_keys(say) # selection.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) def returnAvailableMenus(self): if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') return self.browser.find_elements_by_xpath(self.aliasSelectionSubXpath) def doSomeMagic(self): if self.mailer.getCurrentMessage() == "Stop": raise Exception('Stopped by telegram.') self.loginToFacebook() while True: for topic in self.topics: self.mailer.sendMessage("Selecting next topic: "+topic) posts = self.getPostsFromHashtagPage(topic) # availableMenus = self.returnAvailableMenus() # currentmenu = 1 # totalMenus = len(availableMenus) # for menu in availableMenus: # self.mailer.sendMessage("Switching to Alldaycreative. ("+str(currentMenu)+"/"+str(totalMenus)+")") # self.selectAlldaycreative(menu) # currentMenu += 1 self.likeEverything() self.sendStats()