def do_command(self, cmd, args=None):
        if args is None:
            args = ()
        # Try to import a command handler module for this command
        modname = 'Mailman.Commands.cmd_' + cmd
            handler = sys.modules[modname]
        # ValueError can be raised if cmd has dots in it.
        except (ImportError, ValueError):
            # If we're on line zero, it was the Subject: header that didn't
            # contain a command.  It's possible there's a Re: prefix (or
            # localized version thereof) on the Subject: line that's messing
            # things up.  Pop the prefix off and try again... once.
            # If that still didn't work it isn't enough to stop processing.
            # BAW: should we include a message that the Subject: was ignored?
            if not self.subjcmdretried and args:
                self.subjcmdretried += 1
                cmd = args.pop(0)
                return self.do_command(cmd, args)
            return self.lineno <> 0
	# with Dlists, we don't allow email subscription
  	if DlistUtils.enabled(self.mlist) and (cmd == 'subscribe' or cmd == 'join'):
            realname = self.mlist.real_name
            domain = Utils.get_domain()
This list cannot be subscribed to via email. 
Please use the website at http://%(domain)s/mailman/listinfo/%(realname)s .
            return self.lineno <> 0 # superstitious behavior as they do it above

	return handler.process(self, args)
 def changeMemberAddress(self, member, newaddress, nodelete=1):
     subscriber = DlistUtils.Subscriber(self.__mlist)
     oldm.changeMemberAddress(self, member, newaddress, nodelete=0)  #changed nodelete to 0 - Anna
     memberkey = member.lower()
     if DlistUtils.enabled(self.__mlist):
         subscriber.changeAddress(memberkey, newaddress)
     database = self._dbconnect()
     store = Store(database)
     result = store.find(StormMembers, StormMembers.address == unicode(member,"utf-8") , StormMembers.listname == unicode(self.list,"utf-8"))
     result.set(address = unicode(newaddress,"utf-8"))
    def removeMember(self, member, affect_dlist_database=1):
        subscriber = DlistUtils.Subscriber(self.__mlist)
        oldm.removeMember(self, member)
        memberkey = member.lower()
        if affect_dlist_database and DlistUtils.enabled(self.__mlist):

        database = self._dbconnect()
        store = Store(database)
        result = store.find(StormMembers, StormMembers.address == unicode(member,"utf-8") , StormMembers.listname == unicode(self.list,"utf-8"))
    def setMemberOption(self, member, flag, value):
        subscriber = DlistUtils.Subscriber(self.__mlist)
        oldm.setMemberOption(self, member, flag, value)
        if flag == mm_cfg.Digests and DlistUtils.enabled(self.__mlist):
            subscriber.setDigest(self.__mlist, member, value)
        missing = []
        database = self._dbconnect()
        store = Store(database)
        result = store.find(StormMembers, StormMembers.address == unicode(member,"utf-8") , StormMembers.listname == unicode(self.list,"utf-8"))
        if flag == mm_cfg.Digests:
            if value:
                # Be sure the list supports digest delivery
                if not self.__mlist.digestable:
                    raise Errors.CantDigestError
                # The user is turning on digest mode
                for members in result:
                    if(members.digest == unicode("Y","utf-8")):
                        raise Errors.AlreadyReceivingDigests, member
                cpuser = store.find(StormMembers, StormMembers.address == unicode(member,"utf-8") , StormMembers.listname == unicode(self.list,"utf-8"), StormMembers.digest == unicode("N","utf-8"))
                if cpuser is None:
                    raise Errors.NotAMemberError, member
                result.set(digest = u"Y")
                # Be sure the list supports regular delivery
                if not self.__mlist.nondigestable:
                    raise Errors.MustDigestError
                # The user is turning off digest mode
                for members in result:
                    if(members.digest == unicode("N","utf-8")):
                        raise Errors.AlreadyReceivingRegularDeliveries, member
                cpuser = store.find(StormMembers, StormMembers.address == unicode(member,"utf-8") , StormMembers.listname == unicode(self.list,"utf-8"), StormMembers.digest == unicode("Y","utf-8"))
                if cpuser is None:
                    raise Errors.NotAMemberError, member
                result.set(digest = u"N")
                # When toggling off digest delivery, we want to be sure to set
                # things up so that the user receives one last digest,
                # otherwise they may lose some email
                #self.__mlist.one_last_digest[memberkey] = cpuser
            # We don't need to touch user_options because the digest state
            # isn't kept as a bitfield flag.
        options = 0
        if value:
            options = options|flag
            options = options & ~flag

        result.set(user_options = options)
Пример #5
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    """ Process a command for a dlist given in an email, such as create a new thread, subscribe to or unsubscribe from a thread"""
    if not DlistUtils.enabled(mlist):
    thread = DlistUtils.Thread(mlist)
    # Ensure that there is a subject, even if it's the empty string
    if not msg.has_key('Subject'):
        msg['Subject'] = ''

        # To and CC could be anything, but we know x-original-to will be
        # the list address in question.
        incomingAddress = msg['X-Original-To'].split('@')[0] # strip domain
        commands = incomingAddress.split('+')[1:] # strip listname
    except Exception, e:
        raise ErrorsDlist.MalformedRequest(get_malformed_msg_txt(mlist)) 
    def SendSubscribeAck(self, name, password, digest, text=''):
        pluser = self.getMemberLanguage(name)
        if self.welcome_msg:
            welcome = Utils.wrap(self.welcome_msg) + '\n'
            welcome = ''
        if self.umbrella_list:
            addr = self.GetMemberAdminEmail(name)
            umbrella = Utils.wrap(_('''\
Note: Since this is a list of mailing lists, administrative
notices like the password reminder will be sent to
your membership administrative address, %(addr)s.'''))
            umbrella = ''
        #added to support a different template for Dlists
        if DlistUtils.enabled(self):
            template = "subscribeack-dyn.txt"
            template = "subscribeack.txt"
        # get the text from the template
        text += Utils.maketext(
            {'real_name'   : self.real_name,
             'host_name'   : self.host_name,
             'welcome'     : welcome,
             'umbrella'    : umbrella,
             'emailaddr'   : self.GetListEmail(),
             'listinfo_url': self.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=True),
             'optionsurl'  : self.GetOptionsURL(name, absolute=True),
             'password'    : password,
             'user'        : self.getMemberCPAddress(name),
             }, lang=pluser, mlist=self)
        if digest:
            digmode = _(' (Digest mode)')
            digmode = ''
        realname = self.real_name
        msg = Message.UserNotification(
            self.GetMemberAdminEmail(name), self.GetRequestEmail(),
            _('Welcome to the "%(realname)s" mailing list%(digmode)s'),
            text, pluser)
        msg['X-No-Archive'] = 'yes'
        msg.send(self, verp=mm_cfg.VERP_PERSONALIZED_DELIVERIES)
    def setDeliveryStatus(self, member, status):
        oldm.setDeliveryStatus(self, member, status)
        subscriber = DlistUtils.Subscriber(self.__mlist)
        memberkey = member.lower()
        enabled = (status == MemberAdaptor.ENABLED)
        if DlistUtils.enabled(self.__mlist):
            subscriber.setDisable(member, (not enabled))
        assert status in (MemberAdaptor.ENABLED,  MemberAdaptor.UNKNOWN,
                          MemberAdaptor.BYUSER,   MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN,

        if status == MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
            database = self._dbconnect()
            store = Store(database)
            time =
            result = store.find(StormMembers, StormMembers.address == unicode(member,"utf-8") , StormMembers.listname == unicode(self.list,"utf-8"))
            result.set(delivery_status = status)
            #result.set(delivery_status_timestamp = unicode(time.ctime(),"utf-8"))
            result.set(delivery_status_timestamp = time)
 def GetMailmanFooter(self):
     if DlistUtils.enabled(self):
         return "<footer>"
     ownertext = COMMASPACE.join([Utils.ObscureEmail(a, 1)
                                  for a in self.owner])
     # Remove the .Format() when htmlformat conversion is done.
     realname = self.real_name
     hostname = self.host_name
     listinfo_link  = Link(self.GetScriptURL('listinfo-dyn'), realname).Format()
     owner_link = Link('mailto:' + self.GetOwnerEmail(), ownertext).Format()
     innertext = _('%(listinfo_link)s list run by %(owner_link)s')
     return Container(
                      _('%(realname)s administrative interface')),
                 _(' (requires authorization)'),
                      _('Overview of all %(hostname)s mailing lists')),
                 '<p>', MailmanLogo()))).Format()
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    # Set the "X-Ack: no" header if noack flag is set.
    if msgdata.get('noack'):
        del msg['x-ack']
        msg['X-Ack'] = 'no'
    # Because we're going to modify various important headers in the email
    # message, we want to save some of the information in the msgdata
    # dictionary for later.  Specifically, the sender header will get waxed,
    # but we need it for the Acknowledge module later.
    msgdata['original_sender'] = msg.get_sender()
    # VirginRunner sets _fasttrack for internally crafted messages.
    fasttrack = msgdata.get('_fasttrack')
    if not msgdata.get('isdigest') and not fasttrack:
            prefix_subject(mlist, msg, msgdata)
        except (UnicodeError, ValueError):
            # TK: Sometimes subject header is not MIME encoded for 8bit
            # simply abort prefixing.
    # Mark message so we know we've been here, but leave any existing
    # X-BeenThere's intact.
    msg['X-BeenThere'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    # Add Precedence: and other useful headers.  None of these are standard
    # and finding information on some of them are fairly difficult.  Some are
    # just common practice, and we'll add more here as they become necessary.
    # Good places to look are:
    # None of these headers are added if they already exist.  BAW: some
    # consider the advertising of this a security breach.  I.e. if there are
    # known exploits in a particular version of Mailman and we know a site is
    # using such an old version, they may be vulnerable.  It's too easy to
    # edit the code to add a configuration variable to handle this.
    if not msg.has_key('x-mailman-version'):
        msg['X-Mailman-Version'] = mm_cfg.VERSION
    # We set "Precedence: list" because this is the recommendation from the
    # sendmail docs, the most authoritative source of this header's semantics.
    if not msg.has_key('precedence'):
        msg['Precedence'] = 'list'
    # Reply-To: munging.  Do not do this if the message is "fast tracked",
    # meaning it is internally crafted and delivered to a specific user.  BAW:
    # Yuck, I really hate this feature but I've caved under the sheer pressure
    # of the (very vocal) folks want it.  OTOH, RFC 2822 allows Reply-To: to
    # be a list of addresses, so instead of replacing the original, simply
    # augment it.  RFC 2822 allows max one Reply-To: header so collapse them
    # if we're adding a value, otherwise don't touch it.  (Should we collapse
    # in all cases?)
    if not fasttrack:
        # A convenience function, requires nested scopes.  pair is (name, addr)
        new = []
        d = {}
        def add(pair):
            lcaddr = pair[1].lower()
            if d.has_key(lcaddr):
            d[lcaddr] = pair
        # List admin wants an explicit Reply-To: added
        if mlist.reply_goes_to_list == 2:
        # If we're not first stripping existing Reply-To: then we need to add
        # the original Reply-To:'s to the list we're building up.  In both
        # cases we'll zap the existing field because RFC 2822 says max one is
        # allowed.
        if not mlist.first_strip_reply_to:
            orig = msg.get_all('reply-to', [])
            for pair in getaddresses(orig):
        # Set Reply-To: header to point back to this list.  Add this last
        # because some folks think that some MUAs make it easier to delete
        # addresses from the right than from the left.
        if mlist.reply_goes_to_list == 1:
            i18ndesc = uheader(mlist, mlist.description, 'Reply-To')
            # Added by Systers to be able to use the thread address when using reply-to list.
            if DlistUtils.enabled(mlist):
		thread = DlistUtils.Thread(mlist)
                add((str(i18ndesc), thread.getThreadAddress(msgdata)))
                add((str(i18ndesc), mlist.GetListEmail()))
        del msg['reply-to']
        # Don't put Reply-To: back if there's nothing to add!
        if new:
            # Preserve order
            msg['Reply-To'] = COMMASPACE.join(
                [formataddr(pair) for pair in new])
        # The To field normally contains the list posting address.  However
        # when messages are fully personalized, that header will get
        # overwritten with the address of the recipient.  We need to get the
        # posting address in one of the recipient headers or they won't be
        # able to reply back to the list.  It's possible the posting address
        # was munged into the Reply-To header, but if not, we'll add it to a
        # Cc header.  BAW: should we force it into a Reply-To header in the
        # above code?
        # Also skip Cc if this is an anonymous list as list posting address
        # is already in From and Reply-To in this case.
        if mlist.personalize == 2 and mlist.reply_goes_to_list <> 1 \
           and not mlist.anonymous_list:
            # Watch out for existing Cc headers, merge, and remove dups.  Note
            # that RFC 2822 says only zero or one Cc header is allowed.
            new = []
            d = {}
            for pair in getaddresses(msg.get_all('cc', [])):
            i18ndesc = uheader(mlist, mlist.description, 'Cc')
            add((str(i18ndesc), mlist.GetListEmail()))
            del msg['Cc']
            msg['Cc'] = COMMASPACE.join([formataddr(pair) for pair in new])
    # Add list-specific headers as defined in RFC 2369 and RFC 2919, but only
    # if the message is being crafted for a specific list (e.g. not for the
    # password reminders).
    # BAW: Some people really hate the List-* headers.  It seems that the free
    # version of Eudora (possibly on for some platforms) does not hide these
    # headers by default, pissing off their users.  Too bad.  Fix the MUAs.
    if msgdata.get('_nolist') or not mlist.include_rfc2369_headers:
    # This will act like an email address for purposes of formataddr()
    listid = '%s.%s' % (mlist.internal_name(), mlist.host_name)
    cset = Utils.GetCharSet(mlist.preferred_language)
    if mlist.description:
        # Don't wrap the header since here we just want to get it properly RFC
        # 2047 encoded.
        i18ndesc = uheader(mlist, mlist.description, 'List-Id', maxlinelen=998)
        listid_h = formataddr((str(i18ndesc), listid))
        # without desc we need to ensure the MUST brackets
        listid_h = '<%s>' % listid
    # We always add a List-ID: header.
    del msg['list-id']
    msg['List-Id'] = listid_h
    # For internally crafted messages, we also add a (nonstandard),
    # "X-List-Administrivia: yes" header.  For all others (i.e. those coming
    # from list posts), we add a bunch of other RFC 2369 headers.
    requestaddr = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
    subfieldfmt = '<%s>, <mailto:%s?subject=%ssubscribe>'
    listinfo = mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1)
    useropts = mlist.GetScriptURL('options', absolute=1)
    headers = {}
    if msgdata.get('reduced_list_headers'):
        headers['X-List-Administrivia'] = 'yes'
            'List-Help'       : '<mailto:%s?subject=help>' % requestaddr,
            'List-Unsubscribe': subfieldfmt % (useropts, requestaddr, 'un'),
            'List-Subscribe'  : subfieldfmt % (listinfo, requestaddr, ''),
        # List-Post: is controlled by a separate attribute
        if mlist.include_list_post_header:
            headers['List-Post'] = '<mailto:%s>' % mlist.GetListEmail()
        # Add this header if we're archiving
        if mlist.archive:
            archiveurl = mlist.GetBaseArchiveURL()
            if archiveurl.endswith('/'):
                archiveurl = archiveurl[:-1]
            headers['List-Archive'] = '<%s>' % archiveurl
    # First we delete any pre-existing headers because the RFC permits only
    # one copy of each, and we want to be sure it's ours.
    for h, v in headers.items():
        del msg[h]
        # Wrap these lines if they are too long.  78 character width probably
        # shouldn't be hardcoded, but is at least text-MUA friendly.  The
        # adding of 2 is for the colon-space separator.
        if len(h) + 2 + len(v) > 78:
            v = CONTINUATION.join(v.split(', '))
        msg[h] = v
    def addNewMember(self, member, **kws):
        if kws.has_key("affect_dlist_database"):
            affect_dlist_database = kws["affect_dlist_database"]
            del kws["affect_dlist_database"]
            affect_dlist_database = True
        if kws.has_key("digest"):
            digest = kws["digest"]
            digest = False
        subscriber = DlistUtils.Subscriber(self.__mlist)
        oldm.addNewMember(self, member, **kws)
        if affect_dlist_database:
            if DlistUtils.enabled(self.__mlist):
                if digest:
                    subscriber.setDigest(member, 1)

#        if oldm.isMember(self,member):
#            raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember, member
        database = self._dbconnect()
        store = Store(database)
        newMember = StormMembers()

        # Parse the keywords
        digest = 0
        password = Utils.MakeRandomPassword()
        language = self.__mlist.preferred_language
        realname = None

        if kws.has_key('digest'):
            digest = kws['digest']
            del kws['digest']
        if kws.has_key('password'):
            password = kws['password']
            del kws['password']
        if kws.has_key('language'):
            language = kws['language']
            del kws['language']
        if kws.has_key('realname'):
            realname = kws['realname']
            del kws['realname']
        # Assert that no other keywords are present
        if kws:
            raise ValueError, kws.keys()

        newMember.delivery_status = MemberAdaptor.ENABLED
            newMember.listname = unicode(self.list,"utf-8")
            newMember.listname = self.list
            newMember.password = unicode(password,"utf-8")
            newMember.password = password
            newMember.lang = unicode(language,"utf-8")
            newMember.lang = language
            newMember.address   = unicode(member,"utf-8")
            newMember.address   = member

        if realname:
       = unicode(realname,"utf-8")
       = realname

        # Set the member's default set of options
        if self.__mlist.new_member_options:
            newMember.user_options = self.__mlist.new_member_options

        # If the localpart has uppercase letters in it, then the value in the
        # members (or digest_members) dict is the case preserved address.
        # Otherwise the value is 0.  Note that the case of the domain part is
        # of course ignored.
        #if Utils.LCDomain(member) == member.lower():
        #    value = 0
        #    value = member

        if digest:
            newMember.digest = u"Y"
            newMember.digest = u"N"
Пример #11
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    if msgdata.get('approved') or msgdata.get('fromusenet'):
    # First of all, is the poster a member or not?
    for sender in msg.get_senders():
        if mlist.isMember(sender):
        if DlistUtils.enabled(mlist):
            # Check if this is an alias for a member of the list.
	    alias = DlistUtils.Alias(mlist)
            sender = alias.canonicalize_sender(msg.get_senders())
            sender = None

    if sender:
        # If the member's moderation flag is on, then perform the moderation
        # action.
        if mlist.getMemberOption(sender, mm_cfg.Moderate):
            # Note that for member_moderation_action, 0==Hold, 1=Reject,
            # 2==Discard
            if mlist.member_moderation_action == 0:
                # Hold.  BAW: WIBNI we could add the member_moderation_notice
                # to the notice sent back to the sender?
                msgdata['sender'] = sender
                Hold.hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata,
            elif mlist.member_moderation_action == 1:
                # Reject
                text = mlist.member_moderation_notice
                if text:
                    text = Utils.wrap(text)
                    # Use the default RejectMessage notice string
                    text = None
                raise Errors.RejectMessage, text
            elif mlist.member_moderation_action == 2:
                # Discard.  BAW: Again, it would be nice if we could send a
                # discard notice to the sender
                raise Errors.DiscardMessage
                assert 0, 'bad member_moderation_action'
        # Should we do anything explict to mark this message as getting past
        # this point?  No, because further pipeline handlers will need to do
        # their own thing.
        sender = msg.get_sender()
    # From here on out, we're dealing with non-members.
    listname = mlist.internal_name()
    if matches_p(sender, mlist.accept_these_nonmembers, listname):
    if matches_p(sender, mlist.hold_these_nonmembers, listname):
        Hold.hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, Hold.NonMemberPost)
        # No return
    if matches_p(sender, mlist.reject_these_nonmembers, listname):
        # No return
    if matches_p(sender, mlist.discard_these_nonmembers, listname):
        do_discard(mlist, msg)
        # No return
    # Okay, so the sender wasn't specified explicitly by any of the non-member
    # moderation configuration variables.  Handle by way of generic non-member
    # action.
    assert 0 <= mlist.generic_nonmember_action <= 4
    if mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 0:
        # Accept
    elif mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 1:
        Hold.hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, Hold.NonMemberPost)
    elif mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 2:
    elif mlist.generic_nonmember_action == 3:
        do_discard(mlist, msg)
Пример #12
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    # Digests and Mailman-craft messages should not get additional headers
    if msgdata.get('isdigest') or msgdata.get('nodecorate'):
    d = {}
    if msgdata.get('personalize'):
        # Calculate the extra personalization dictionary.  Note that the
        # length of the recips list better be exactly 1.
        recips = msgdata.get('recips')
        assert type(recips) == ListType and len(recips) == 1
        member = recips[0].lower()
        d['user_address'] = member
            d['user_delivered_to'] = mlist.getMemberCPAddress(member)
            # BAW: Hmm, should we allow this?
            d['user_password'] = mlist.getMemberPassword(member)
            d['user_language'] = mlist.getMemberLanguage(member)
            username = mlist.getMemberName(member) or None
                username = username.encode(Utils.GetCharSet(d['user_language']))
            except (AttributeError, UnicodeError):
                username = member
            d['user_name'] = username
            d['user_optionsurl'] = mlist.GetOptionsURL(member)
        except Errors.NotAMemberError:
    # These strings are descriptive for the log file and shouldn't be i18n'd
    d.update(msgdata.get('decoration-data', {}))
    header = decorate(mlist, mlist.msg_header, 'non-digest header', d)
    # The footer for a dlist should look different compared to a non dlist.
        if DlistUtils.enabled(mlist):
            footer = decorate(mlist, msgdata['footer-text'], 'non-digest footer', d)
            footer = decorate(mlist, mlist.msg_footer, 'non-digest footer', d)
    except KeyError:
        syslog('error', 'footer in not found, entered empty string instead')
        footer = decorate(mlist, '', 'non-digest footer', d)  # Better to have no footer than that the email doesn't get send due to a crash

    # Escape hatch if both the footer and header are empty
    if not header and not footer:
    # Be MIME smart here.  We only attach the header and footer by
    # concatenation when the message is a non-multipart of type text/plain.
    # Otherwise, if it is not a multipart, we make it a multipart, and then we
    # add the header and footer as text/plain parts.
    # BJG: In addition, only add the footer if the message's character set
    # matches the charset of the list's preferred language.  This is a
    # suboptimal solution, and should be solved by allowing a list to have
    # multiple headers/footers, for each language the list supports.
    # Also, if the list's preferred charset is us-ascii, we can always
    # safely add the header/footer to a plain text message since all
    # charsets Mailman supports are strict supersets of us-ascii --
    # no, UTF-16 emails are not supported yet.
    # TK: Message with 'charset=' cause trouble. So, instead of
    #     mgs.get_content_charset('us-ascii') ...
    mcset = msg.get_content_charset() or 'us-ascii'
    lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(mlist.preferred_language)
    msgtype = msg.get_content_type()
    # BAW: If the charsets don't match, should we add the header and footer by
    # MIME multipart chroming the message?
    wrap = True
    if not msg.is_multipart() and msgtype == 'text/plain':
        # TK: Try to keep the message plain by converting the header/
        # footer/oldpayload into unicode and encode with mcset/lcset.
        # Try to decode qp/base64 also.
        uheader = unicode(header, lcset, 'ignore')
        ufooter = unicode(footer, lcset, 'ignore')
            oldpayload = unicode(msg.get_payload(decode=True), mcset)
            frontsep = endsep = u''
            if header and not header.endswith('\n'):
                frontsep = u'\n'
            if footer and not oldpayload.endswith('\n'):
                endsep = u'\n'
            payload = uheader + frontsep + oldpayload + endsep + ufooter
                # first, try encode with list charset
                payload = payload.encode(lcset)
                newcset = lcset
            except UnicodeError:
                if lcset != mcset:
                    # if fail, encode with message charset (if different)
                    payload = payload.encode(mcset)
                    newcset = mcset
                    # if this fails, fallback to outer try and wrap=true
            format = msg.get_param('format')
            delsp = msg.get_param('delsp')
            del msg['content-transfer-encoding']
            del msg['content-type']
            msg.set_payload(payload, newcset)
            if format:
                msg.set_param('Format', format)
            if delsp:
                msg.set_param('DelSp', delsp)
            wrap = False
        except (LookupError, UnicodeError):
    elif msg.get_type() == 'multipart/mixed':
        # The next easiest thing to do is just prepend the header and append
        # the footer as additional subparts
        payload = msg.get_payload()
        if not isinstance(payload, ListType):
            payload = [payload]
        if footer:
            mimeftr = MIMEText(footer, 'plain', lcset)
            mimeftr['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
        if header:
            mimehdr = MIMEText(header, 'plain', lcset)
            mimehdr['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
            payload.insert(0, mimehdr)
        wrap = False
    # If we couldn't add the header or footer in a less intrusive way, we can
    # at least do it by MIME encapsulation.  We want to keep as much of the
    # outer chrome as possible.
    if not wrap:
    # Because of the way Message objects are passed around to process(), we
    # need to play tricks with the outer message -- i.e. the outer one must
    # remain the same instance.  So we're going to create a clone of the outer
    # message, with all the header chrome intact, then copy the payload to it.
    # This will give us a clone of the original message, and it will form the
    # basis of the interior, wrapped Message.
    inner = Message()
    # Which headers to copy?  Let's just do the Content-* headers
    for h, v in msg.items():
        if h.lower().startswith('content-'):
            inner[h] = v
    # For completeness
    inner.preamble = msg.preamble
    inner.epilogue = msg.epilogue
    # Don't copy get_charset, as this might be None, even if
    # get_content_charset isn't.  However, do make sure there is a default
    # content-type, even if the original message was not MIME.
    if hasattr(msg, '__version__'):
        inner.__version__ = msg.__version__
    # Now, play games with the outer message to make it contain three
    # subparts: the header (if any), the wrapped message, and the footer (if
    # any).
    payload = [inner]
    if header:
        mimehdr = MIMEText(header, 'plain', lcset)
        mimehdr['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
        payload.insert(0, mimehdr)
    if footer:
        mimeftr = MIMEText(footer, 'plain', lcset)
        mimeftr['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
    del msg['content-type']
    del msg['content-transfer-encoding']
    del msg['content-disposition']
    msg['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed'