def analyze(self, line): fields = line.split('|') if len(fields) < 8: return ip = toolbox.find_ips(fields[0])[0] ip = Ip(ip=ip, tags=['tor']) tornode = {} tornode['description'] = "Tor exit node" tornode['ip'] = fields[0] tornode['name'] = fields[1] tornode['router-port'] = fields[2] tornode['directory-port'] = fields[3] tornode['flags'] = fields[4] tornode['uptime'] = fields[5] tornode['version'] = fields[6] tornode['contactinfo'] = fields[7] tornode['id'] =['ip']+tornode['name']).hexdigest() tornode['value'] = "Tor node: %s (%s)" % (tornode['name'], tornode['ip']) tornode['source'] = ip.add_evil(tornode) ip.seen() self.commit_to_db(ip)
def analyze(self, line): if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('\n'): return try: ip = toolbox.find_ips(line)[0] except Exception, e: # if find_ip raises an exception, it means no ip # was found in the line, so we return return
class TorExitNodes(Feed): """ This gets data from """ def __init__(self, name): super(TorExitNodes, self).__init__(name, run_every="12h") = "TorExitNodes" self.source = "" self.description = "List of Tor exit nodes" def update(self): feed = urllib2.urlopen(self.source).read() start = feed.find('<!-- __BEGIN_TOR_NODE_LIST__ //-->') + len( '<!-- __BEGIN_TOR_NODE_LIST__ //-->') end = feed.find('<!-- __END_TOR_NODE_LIST__ //-->') feed = feed[start:end].replace('\n', '').replace( '<br />', '\n').replace('>', '>').replace('<', '<').split('\n') if len(feed) > 10: self.status = "OK" for line in feed: self.analyze(line) return True def analyze(self, line): fields = line.split('|') tornode = Evil(tags=['tor exit node']) # try: tornode['ip'] = fields[0] tornode['name'] = fields[1] tornode['router-port'] = fields[2] tornode['directory-port'] = fields[3] tornode['flags'] = fields[4] tornode['uptime'] = fields[5] tornode['version'] = fields[6] tornode['contactinfo'] = fields[7] except Exception, e: return tornode['value'] = "Tor node: %s (%s)" % (tornode['name'], tornode['ip']) try: ip = toolbox.find_ips(tornode['ip'])[0] ip = Ip(ip=ip, tags=['tor']) except Exception, e: # if find_ip raises an exception, it means no ip # was found in the line, so we return return
def analyze(self, line): if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('\n'): return dict = line.split('\t') if int(dict[2]) < 300: # skip entries which have not been reported at least 300 times return try: ip = toolbox.find_ips(line)[0] except Exception, e: # if find_ip raises an exception, it means no ip # was found in the line, so we return return
def analyze(self, line): if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('\n'): return try: ip = toolbox.find_ips(line)[0] description =" # (?P<description>[^,]+),", line) if description: description ='description') else: description = False except Exception, e: # if find_ip raises an exception, it means no ip # was found in the line, we bail return
def analyze(self, line): if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('\n'): return dict = line.split('\t') if int( dict[2] ) < 300: # skip entries which have not been reported at least 300 times return try: ip = toolbox.find_ips(line)[0] except Exception, e: # if find_ip raises an exception, it means no ip # was found in the line, so we return return
def analyze(self, dict): # We create an Evil object. Evil objects are what Malcom uses # to store anything it considers evil. Malware, spam sources, etc. # Remember that you can create your own datatypes, if need be. evil = Evil() # We start populating the Evil() object's attributes with # information from the dict we parsed earlier # description evil['description'] = dict['link'] + " " + dict['description'] # status status ="Status: (?P<status>\S+),", dict['description']) if status: evil['status'] ='status') else: evil['status'] = "unknown" # linkback evil['guid'] = dict['guid'] # tags evil['tags'] += ['spyeye', 'malware', 'cc'] # This is important. Values have to be unique, since it's this way that # Malcom will identify them in the database. # This is probably not the best way, but it will do for now. host ="Host: (?P<host>\S+),", dict['description']).group("host") if toolbox.find_ips(host): elt = Ip(host, tags=['cc', 'spyeye', 'malware']) else: elt = Hostname(host, tags=['cc', 'spyeye', 'malware']) evil['value'] = "SpyEye CC (%s)" % elt['value'] # Save elements to DB. The status field will contain information on # whether this element already existed in the DB. return elt, evil self.commit_to_db(elt, evil)
try: tornode['ip'] = fields[0] tornode['name'] = fields[1] tornode['router-port'] = fields[2] tornode['directory-port'] = fields[3] tornode['flags'] = fields[4] tornode['uptime'] = fields[5] tornode['version'] = fields[6] tornode['contactinfo'] = fields[7] except Exception, e: return tornode['value'] = "Tor: %s (%s)" % (tornode['name'], tornode['ip']) try: ip = toolbox.find_ips(tornode['ip'])[0] ip = Ip(ip=ip, tags=['Tor Node']) except Exception, e: # if find_ip raises an exception, it means no ip # was found in the line, so we return return # store ip in database ip, status =, with_status=True) if status['updatedExisting'] == False: self.elements_fetched += 1 # store tornode in database tornode, status =, with_status=True) if status['updatedExisting'] == False:
tornode['ip'] = fields[0] tornode['name'] = fields[1] tornode['router-port'] = fields[2] tornode['directory-port'] = fields[3] tornode['flags'] = fields[4] tornode['uptime'] = fields[5] tornode['version'] = fields[6] tornode['contactinfo'] = fields[7] except Exception, e: return tornode['value'] = "Tor: %s (%s)" % (tornode['name'], tornode['ip']) try: ip = toolbox.find_ips(tornode['ip'])[0] ip = Ip(ip=ip, tags=['Tor Node']) except Exception, e: # if find_ip raises an exception, it means no ip # was found in the line, so we return return # store ip in database ip, status =, with_status=True) if status['updatedExisting'] == False: self.elements_fetched += 1 # store tornode in database tornode, status =, with_status=True) if status['updatedExisting'] == False: