Пример #1
def test_endswith_generic():
    to_eol_data = (
        ("A\n", 1),
        ("AA\n", 1),
        ("B\nA\n", 1),
        ("B\nB\nA\n", 1),
        ("A\nA\n", 2),
        ("A A\nA\n", 2),  # this changes with an "A\n" reader
        ("A", 1),
        ("A\nA A\nA\n", 3),  # this changes with an "A\n" reader
        ("A\nA A\nA", 3),  # this changes with an "A\n" reader
    for s, expected in to_eol_data:
        reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(StringIO(s), "A")
        count = count_records(reader)
        assert count == expected, (s, expected, count)  # skips to EOL

    newline_data = (
        ("A\n", 1),
        #("AA\n", 1),  # not legal
        ("B\nA\n", 1),
        ("B\nB\nA\n", 1),
        ("A\nA\n", 2),
        ("A A\nA\n", 1),  # this changed with an "A\n" reader
        ("A", 1),
        ("A\nA A\nA\n", 2),  # this changed with an "A\n" reader
        ("A\nA A\nA", 2),  # this changed with an "A\n" reader
    for s, expected in newline_data:
        reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(StringIO(s), "A\n")
        count = count_records(reader)
        assert count == expected, (s, expected, count)  # expects newline
Пример #2
def test_startswith_exhaustive(ending):
    # Exhaustive test of the various combinations.  Should catch most
    # edge conditions.
    for base in ("A" + ending, "A" + ending + "BA" + ending):
        for repeat in range(0, 15):
            s = base * repeat
            infile = StringIO(s)
            #for marker in ("A", "A\n"):  # Don't use; bug when using "\n"
            for marker in ("A", ):
                for look in range(5):
                    lookahead = base * look
                    for readhint in range(4, 10):
                        reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(\
                            infile, marker, readhint, lookahead)
                        count = count_records(reader)
                        assert count == repeat + look, \
                               (count, ending, base, repeat, marker,
                                look, readhint)
                    reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(infile,
                    count = count_records(reader)
                    assert count == repeat + look, \
                           (count, ending, repeat, marker, look)
Пример #3
def test_endswith_errors():
    # Check the failure cases.

    # Could no record at all
    # Could be some records followed by an incomplete record
    # Could be a line which partially matches the data
    for s in ("B", "B\n", "A\nB\n", "A\nB\nA\nB\n", "A\nB\nA\n ", "AA", "AA\n",
              "A\nB\nA X\n"):
        has_error = 0
        infile = StringIO(s)
            reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(infile, "A\n")
        except RecordReader.ReaderError:
            has_error = 1

        if not has_error:
            while not has_error:
                    rec = reader.next()
                except RecordReader.ReaderError:
                    has_error = 1
                if not has_error and rec is None:
        if not has_error:
            raise AssertionError, "should not get here with %r" % s

    # Could no record at all
    # Could be some records followed by an incomplete record
    # *Allowed* to read rest of line
    for s in ("B", "B\n", "A\nB\n", "A\nB\nA\nB\n", "A\nB\nA\n "):
        has_error = 0
        infile = StringIO(s)
            reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(infile, "A")
        except RecordReader.ReaderError:
            has_error = 1

        if not has_error:
            while not has_error:
                    rec = reader.next()
                except RecordReader.ReaderError:
                    has_error = 1
                if not has_error and rec is None:
        if not has_error:
            raise AssertionError, "should not get here with %r" % s
Пример #4
def test_startswith_SP():
    # Check using a SWISS-PROT-like format
    for ending in ("\n", "\r", "\r\n"):
        s = string.replace(data1, "\n", ending)
        for final in ("", ending):
            d = s + final

            for i in range(5, 20):
                infile = StringIO(d)
                reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(infile, "ID", i)
                count = count_records(reader)
                assert count == 3, (ending, final, i, count, d)

            for i in range(6, 20):
                infile = StringIO(d)
                reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(infile, "ID ", i)
                count = count_records(reader)
                assert count == 3, (ending, final, i, count, d)
Пример #5
def test_count_lines():
    # Create a set of 'i' lines and read 'count' lines at a time.
    # Either count divides i or it doesn't.  If it does, the reader
    # should go to completion.  If it does not, the reader should
    # have a remainder whose size can be verified.

    print "Testing CountLines"
    for ending in ("\n", "\r", "\r\n"):
        print " ... exhaustive testing against %r" % ending
        s = ""
        for i in range(25):
            for count in range(1, i + 1):
                for look in (0, 2, 5):
                    rep, final = divmod(i, count)
                    reader = RecordReader.CountLines(StringIO(s[look:]),
                    all = ""
                    while rep > 0:
                        rec = reader.next()
                        lines = string.split(rec, ending)
                        assert len(lines)-1 == count, \
                               "Expecting %d lines, got %d in %r using %r" % \
                               (count, len(lines)-1, rec, ending)
                        all = all + rec
                        rep = rep - 1

                    if final == 0:
                        # Reader should be at the end of input
                        rec = reader.next()
                        assert rec is None, \
                               "Should be at end of reader, got %r" % rec
                        rec = reader.next()
                        assert rec is None, \
                               "data after end of reader, got %r" % rec
                        # There should be a remainder of size i % count lines
                        infile, remainder = reader.remainder()
                        text = remainder + infile.read()
                        all = all + text
                        lines = string.split(text, ending)
                        assert len(lines)-1 == final, \
                               "Expecting %d final lines, got %d" % \
                               (final, len(lines)-1)
                            rec = reader.next()
                            raise AssertionError, \
                                  "Got unexpected final record, %r" % rec
                        except RecordReader.ReaderError:
                    assert all == s, \
                           "record data %r doesn't rebuild input %r" % \
                           (all, s)
            s = s + str(i) + ending
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, handle, parser = None):
        """Initialize the iterator.

        o handle - A handle with Kabat entries to iterate through.
        o parser - An optional parser to pass the entries through before
        returning them. If None, then the raw entry will be returned.
        self._reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(handle, "METATOOL")
#        self._reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(handle, "RECEND|\n")
        self._parser = parser
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, handle, parser=None):
        """Initialize the iterator.

        o handle - A handle with NBRF entries to iterate through.
        o parser - An optional parser to pass the entries through before
        returning them. If None, then the raw entry will be returned.
        self.handle = File.UndoHandle(handle)
        self._reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(self.handle, ">")
        self._parser = parser
Пример #8
def test_fasta():
    s = """\




    reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(StringIO(s), ">")
    assert test_count(reader) == 4

    reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(StringIO(""), ">")
    assert test_count(reader) == 0

    reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(StringIO(">seq\n"), ">")
    assert test_count(reader) == 1
Пример #9
def test_startswith_generic():
    to_eol_data = (
        ("A\n", 1),
        ("AA\n", 1),
        ("A\nB\n", 1),
        ("A\nB\nB\n", 1),
        ("A\nB\nB\nA\n", 2),
        ("A\nA\nB\nA\n", 3),
        ("A\n A\nA\n", 2),
        ("A A A A A A A A A A A A A A\nB\nA\n", 2),
    for s, expected in to_eol_data:
        reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(StringIO(s), "A")
        count = count_records(reader)
        assert count == expected, (s, expected, count)  # skips to EOL
Пример #10
def test_startswith_errors():
    # Check the failure cases.  Actually, there's only one.

    # Doesn't start with A
    for s in ("B", "B\n", " A\n", " A", "B\nA\n"):
            infile = StringIO(s)
            # The current implementation will fail here, but the
            # interface spec allows the error to be unreported
            # until reading the record.
            reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(infile, "A")
            rec = reader.next()
            raise AssertionError, "should not allow %r" % s
        except RecordReader.ReaderError:
            raise AssertionError, "should not get here"
Пример #11
def test_until():
    # Can only read at most one record
    print "Testing Until"
    test_data = (

    for ending in ("\n", "\r", "\r\n"):
        for pre in ("", "B\n", "BA\n", "CA\nBA\n"):
            pre_nl = string.replace(pre, "\n", ending)
            for look in (0, 1, 3):
                for text in test_data:
                    text_nl = string.replace(text, "\n", ending)
                    s = pre_nl + text_nl
                    reader = RecordReader.Until(StringIO(s[look:]),
                    found_record = None
                    while 1:
                        rec = reader.next()
                        if rec is None:
                        assert not found_record, \
                               "Already found %r but also found %r in %r" % \
                               (found_record, rec, s)
                        found_record = rec

                    assert found_record == pre_nl, \
                           "Expecting record %r, found %r in %r" % \
                           (pre_nl, found_record, s)
                    infile, remainder = reader.remainder()
                    remainder = remainder + infile.read()
                    assert remainder == text_nl, \
                           "Expecting remainder %r, found %r in %r" % \
                           (text_nl, remainder, s)
Пример #12
def test_nothing():
    print "Testing Nothing"

    s = "This is a test.\nThis is only a test.\nHad this been an actual...\n"
    for ending in ("\n", "\r", "\r\n"):
        data = string.replace(s, "\n", ending)
        for look in (0, 1, 2, 5):
            reader = RecordReader.Nothing(StringIO(data[look:]),
            rec = reader.next()
            assert rec is None, "should be empty, not %r" % rec
            rec = reader.next()
            assert rec is None, "2nd time should also be empty, not %r" % rec

            infile, remainder = reader.remainder()
            remainder = remainder + infile.read()
            assert remainder == data, "Why %r when input was %r?" % \
                   (remainder, data)
Пример #13
def test_endswith_remainder():
    # Make sure the remainder method works
    for repeat in range(20):
        vals = map(lambda x: "%d\nA\n" % x, range(repeat))
        data = string.join(vals, "")
        infile = StringIO(data)
        for look in range(10) + range(10, len(data), 5):
            lookahead = data[:look]
            reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(infile, "A", lookahead=lookahead)
            all = ""
            while 1:
                file, lh = reader.remainder()
                pos = file.tell()
                rest = file.read()
                assert all + lh + rest == data, (all, lh, rest, data)
                assert data.startswith(all), (data, all)
                record = reader.next()
                if record is None:
                all = all + record
            assert all == data, (all, data)
Пример #14
def test_everything():
    print "Testing Everything"

    s = "This is a test.\nThis is only a test.\nHad this been an actual...\n"
    for ending in ("\n", "\r", "\r\n"):
        data = string.replace(s, "\n", ending)
        for look in (0, 1, 2, 5):
            reader = RecordReader.Everything(StringIO(data[look:]),
            rec = reader.next()
            assert rec == data, "Record %r is not same as input %r" % \
                   (rec, data)
            infile, remainder = reader.remainder()
            remainder = remainder + infile.read()
            assert not remainder, "Why is there a remainder of %r?" % \

            rec = reader.next()
            assert rec is None, "Expecting None after final read, got %r" % \
            rec = reader.next()
            assert rec is None, "Expecting None (again), got %r" % rec
Пример #15
def test_everything_lines():
    lookahead = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n"
    reader = RecordReader.Everything(StringIO(""), lookahead = lookahead)
    assert test_count(reader) == 1
Пример #16
def test_nothing_lines():
    lookahead = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n"
    reader = RecordReader.Nothing(StringIO(""), lookahead = lookahead)
    assert test_count(reader, check_remainder = 0) == 0
    file, result = reader.remainder()
    assert result == lookahead, (result, lookahead)
Пример #17
def test_nothing():
    s = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n"
    infile = StringIO(s)
    reader = RecordReader.Nothing(infile)
    assert test_count(reader, check_remainder = 0) == 0
    assert infile.readline() == "1\n"
Пример #18
def test_count_lines_lines():
    lookahead = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n"
    reader = RecordReader.CountLines(StringIO(""), 2, lookahead = lookahead)
    assert test_count(reader) == 4
Пример #19
def test_count_lines():
    s = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n"
    reader = RecordReader.CountLines(StringIO(s), 2)
    assert test_count(reader) == 4
Пример #20
def test_until_lines():
    lookahead = "a\nID\nb\nID\n"
    reader = RecordReader.Until(StringIO(""), "ID", lookahead = lookahead)
    assert test_count(reader, check_remainder = 0) == 1
    assert reader.remainder()[1]
Пример #21
def test_until():
    s = "a\nID\nb\nID\n"
    reader = RecordReader.Until(StringIO(s), "ID")
    assert test_count(reader, check_remainder = 0) == 1
    assert reader.remainder()[1]
Пример #22
def test_end_lines():
    lookahead = open(sp_sample).read()
    reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(StringIO(""), "//\n", lookahead = lookahead)
    assert test_count(reader) == 8
Пример #23
def test_end():
    reader = RecordReader.EndsWith(open(sp_sample), "//\n")
    assert test_count(reader) == 8
Пример #24
def test_start_lines():
    lookahead = open(sp_sample).read()
    reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(StringIO(""), "ID", lookahead = lookahead)
    assert test_count(reader) == 8
Пример #25
def test_start():
    reader = RecordReader.StartsWith(open(sp_sample), "ID")
    assert test_count(reader, 0) == 8
Пример #26
def test_everything():
    s = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n"
    infile = StringIO(s)
    reader = RecordReader.Everything(infile)
    assert test_count(reader) == 1
    assert not infile.readline()