Пример #1
def testtimeseriesfunc():
    m = Meso(api_token='3428e1e281164762870915d2ae6781b4')
    timeseries = m.timeseries_obs(stid='kfnl', start='201504261800', end='201504262300')
Пример #2
temp = str(x['OBSERVATIONS']['air_temp_value_1']['value']) + u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' + 'F'
wind = x['OBSERVATIONS']['wind_speed_value_1']['value'] + ' mph'

result = 'The current weather at ' + st_name + ' is ' + temp + ' with a sustained wind of ' + wind

# I import Pretty Print to make the returned dictionary look, well, pretty.
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

# Instance a Meso object by passing in YOUR api_token
m = Meso(api_token='3428e1e281164762870915d2ae6781b4') # this token for testing only

# Here we retrieve only the stations in Larimer County, Colorado
stations = m.station_list(state='CO', county='Larimer')

# Calling variable_list() returns all possible sensor variables at stations
variables = m.variable_list()

# This returns a climatology for Denver from Apr 26 OOz to Apr 27 OOz
climate = m.climatology_obs(stid='kden', startclim='04260000', endclim='04270000', units='precip|in')

# Fetches the latest obs for Fort Collins airport within 30 min of Apr 26 18z
latest = m.latest_obs(stid='kfnl', attime='201504261800', within='30')

# Returns a time series from Fort Collins airport from Apr 26 18z to Apr 26 23z
time = m.timeseries_obs(stid='kfnl', start='201504261800', end='201504262300')

# Returns the precip obs from Fort Collins airport from Apr 26 18z to Apr 27 12z
precip = m.precipitation_obs(stid='kfnl', start='201504261800', end='201504271200', units='precip|in')

Пример #3
import sys

#The script creats one file for each station (stationName.json)
stations = ['SCBH1','KKRH1','KTAH1','PLHH1','C0875','KFWH1','MKRH1','SCEH1','SCSH1','WNVH1']

#Mesowest token
x = Meso('ecbfdf783690489eb29d50b18b700827')

for station in range(len(stations)):
    orig_stdout = sys.stdout
    fileName =  stations[station] + ".json" 

    f = file(fileName, 'w')
    sys.stdout = f
    returned = x.timeseries_obs(stid=stations[station], start='201401010000', end='201501010500', obtimezone='local', vars='solar_radiation')

    #returned = x.latest_obs(stid='KKRH1, SCBH1, KTAH1, PLHH1', obtimezone='local', vars='solar_radiation', within='1440' )

    #write the json file
    print (json.dumps(returned, indent = 4))

    sys.stdout = orig_stdout

#Delete the first line of each file, it is necessary because the first line does not make part of the json file
for station in range (len(stations)):
    fileName =  stations[station] + ".json" 
    lines = open(fileName, 'r').readlines()
    lines[0] = "\n"