def forward(self, x, y): x = self.modelA(x) y = self.modelB(y) x = extractDict(x) y = extractDict(y) if self.fusion_function == 'conv': out =, y), dim=1) out = self.fusion(out) elif self.fusion_function == 'max': out = torch.max(x, y) elif self.fusion_function == 'sum': out = torch.add(x, y) return out
def forward(self, x, y): input_shape = x.shape[-1] # contract: features is a dict of tensors features = self.backbone(x, y) if self.if_extract_dict: fine_grained = features['fine_grained'] features = extractDict(features) if isinstance(features, tuple): x = self.classifier(*features) else: x = self.classifier(features) if self.if_point_rend_upsample: if not result = self.rend_upsample(512, fine_grained, x) return result['out'] else: result = self.rend_upsample(input_shape, fine_grained, x) # when training, calculating seg_loss from result['coarse'] after interpolating and point_loss from result['point'] and rend result['out'] = F.interpolate(x, size=input_shape, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) return result else: x = F.interpolate(x, size=input_shape, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) return x
def train(epoch): # 设置数据集 train_dataloader = get_dataloader('train')"Epoch " + str(epoch)) train_loss_list = [] model.train() # 开始一个epoch的迭代 for i, (ID, img, seg_label, US_data, label4, label2) in enumerate(train_dataloader): # 数据分为两类, 算法的输入:img 算法的输出 seg_label , (其他还没用到) img = seg_label = if args.criterion.strip() == 'BCELoss': seg_label = seg_label.float() US_data = US_label = US_data[:, :args.length_aux] label4 = # mixup img, seg_label_a, seg_label_b, US_label_a, US_label_b, label4_a, label4_b, lam = mixup_data(img, seg_label, US_label, label4, device=DEVICE, alpha=args.alpha) # 执行模型,得到输出 out = model(img) out = extractDict(out) # 取损失函数 train_loss = mixup_criterion_type(criterion, out, seg_label_a, seg_label_b, lam) # train_loss = criterion(out, seg_label) train_loss_list.append(train_loss.item()) # 使用优化器执行反向传播 optimizer.zero_grad() train_loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_loss_mean = log_mean(epoch, train_loss_list, "train loss", isLog= True) all_quality['train_loss'].append(train_loss_mean) return train_loss_mean
def testLoss(Loss): model = torchvision.models.segmentation.fcn_resnet50(pretrained=False, progress=False, num_classes=2, aux_loss=None) input = torch.rand((8, 3, 224, 224)) label = torch.rand((8, 1, 224, 224)) label[label >= 0.5] = 1 label[label < 0.5] = 0 # label = label.long() testEpoch = 100 for epoch in range(testEpoch): output = model(input) output = extractDict(output) # output = torch.nn.Sigmoid()(output) print(output.shape) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=1e-3) loss = Loss(output, label) print(loss) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step()
def train(epoch): # 设置数据集 train_dataset = MTLDataset.FluidSegDataset( str(data_root) + 'TRAIN/', args.seg_root, args.fluid_root, binary_fluid=args.binary_fluid, us_path=us_path, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, train_or_test='Train', screener=rf_sort_list, screen_num=10, seg_channel=NUM_CLASSES) train_dataloader = data.DataLoader( train_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)"Epoch " + str(epoch)) train_loss_list = [] model.train() # 开始一个epoch的迭代 for i, (ID, img, fluid_img, seg_label, US_data, label4, label2) in enumerate(train_dataloader): # 数据分为两类, 算法的输入:img 算法的输出 seg_label , (其他还没用到) img = seg_label = if args.n_class == 2: seg_label =, 1-seg_label), dim=1) fluid_img = if args.criterion.strip() == 'BCELoss': seg_label = seg_label.float() US_data = US_label = US_data[:, :args.length_aux] label4 = # mixup img, fluid_img, seg_label_a, seg_label_b, US_label_a, US_label_b, label4_a, label4_b, lam = mixup_data2(img, fluid_img, seg_label, US_label, label4, device=DEVICE, alpha=args.alpha) # 执行模型,得到输出 if args.net_input_num == 1: input_ =, fluid_img), dim=1) out = model(input_) elif args.net_input_num == 2: out = model(img, fluid_img) # out = model(img, fluid_img) if args.ifPointRend: rend = out["rend"] points = out["points"] out = extractDict(out, True) # if out.shape[1] == 1: # out = nn.Sigmoid()(out) # else: # out = torch.softmax(out, dim=0) # 取损失函数 train_loss = mixup_criterion_type(criterion, out, seg_label_a, seg_label_b, lam) train_loss_list.append(train_loss.item()) if args.ifPointRend: gt_points = point_sample( seg_label.float(), points, mode="nearest", align_corners=False ).long() point_loss = F.cross_entropy(rend, gt_points[:,1]) train_loss = point_loss + train_loss # 使用优化器执行反向传播 optimizer.zero_grad() train_loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_loss_mean = log_mean(epoch, train_loss_list, "train loss", isLog= True) all_quality['train_loss'].append(train_loss_mean)
def test(epoch): test_loss_list = [] dice2_list = [] # 设置数据集 test_dataset = MTLDataset.FluidSegDataset( str(data_root) + 'TEST/', args.seg_root, args.fluid_root, binary_fluid=args.binary_fluid, us_path=us_path, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, train_or_test='Test', screener=rf_sort_list, screen_num=10, seg_channel=NUM_CLASSES) test_dataloader = data.DataLoader( test_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False) model.eval() epoch_quality = {} batch_num = 0 # 开始这轮的迭代 with torch.no_grad(): for i, (ID, img, fluid_img, seg_label, US_data, label4, label2) in enumerate(test_dataloader): batch_num += 1 # 数据分为两类, 算法的输入:img 算法的输出 seg_label , (其他还没用到) actual_batch_size = len(ID) img = seg_label = if args.n_class == 2: seg_label =, 1-seg_label), dim=1) fluid_img = if args.criterion.strip() == 'BCELoss': seg_label = seg_label.float() US_data = # US_label = US_data[:, :args.length_aux] # label4 = # 输出 if args.net_input_num == 1: input_ =, fluid_img), dim=1) output = model(input_) elif args.net_input_num == 2: output = model(img, fluid_img) # output = model(img, fluid_img) # seg_label 标签, 注意此时的loss含义已然不同了,未来考虑把这个值去掉 output = extractDict(output, True) if output.shape[1] == 1: output = nn.Sigmoid()(output) else: output = torch.softmax(output, dim=0) if args.criterion in ['GDL', 'GWDL']: output[output >= 0.5] = 0 output[output < 0.5] = 1 else: output[output >= 0.5] = 1 output[output < 0.5] = 0 if output.shape[3] != 512: output = F.interpolate(output, size=512, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) # 记录Loss,计算性能指标 loss = criterion(output, seg_label) test_loss_list.append(loss.item()) seg_test = seg_label[:,0:1].long() output = output[:,0:1] dice2 = metrics.dice_index(output, seg_test) dice2_list.append(dice2) quality, dices = metrics.get_sum_metrics(output, seg_test, count_metrics, printDice=True) epoch_quality = dict_sum(epoch_quality, quality) # 可视化第一个BATCH if i == 0: output = output.cpu() for j in range(BATCH_SIZE): save_img = transforms.ToPILImage()(output[j][0]).convert('L') path = '../Log/' + args.logdir + '/V' + str(j) + '/' if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) + 'E' + str(epoch) + '_' + ID[j] + '.jpg') # record dice of every img for j in range(actual_batch_size): all_img_dice[ID[j]].append(dices[j]) test_loss_mean = log_mean(epoch, test_loss_list, "test loss", isLog= True) dice2_mean = log_mean(epoch, dice2_list, "dice2", isLog= True) for k in epoch_quality: epoch_quality[k] /= len(test_dataset)"Epoch {0} MEAN {1}".format(epoch, epoch_quality)) for k in epoch_quality: all_quality[k].append(epoch_quality[k]) all_quality['test_loss'].append(test_loss_mean) all_quality['dice2'].append(dice2_mean)
def test(epoch): test_loss_list = [] dice2_list = [] # 设置数据集 test_dataloader = get_dataloader('test') model.eval() epoch_quality = {} batch_num = 0 # 开始这轮的迭代 with torch.no_grad(): for i, (ID, img, seg_label, US_data, label4, label2) in enumerate(test_dataloader): batch_num += 1 # 数据分为两类, 算法的输入:img 算法的输出 seg_label , (其他还没用到) img = seg_label = seg_label.long().to(DEVICE) if args.criterion.strip() == 'BCELoss': seg_label = seg_label.float() US_data = US_label = US_data[:, :args.length_aux] label4 = # 输出 output = model(img) output = extractDict(output) output = nn.Sigmoid()(output) # seg_label 标签 if args.criterion in ['GDL', 'GWDL']: output[output >= 0.5] = 0 output[output < 0.5] = 1 else: output[output >= 0.5] = 1 output[output < 0.5] = 0 if output.shape[3] != 512: output = F.interpolate(output, size=512, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) seg_test = seg_label.long() # 记录Loss,计算性能指标 #"Epoch {0} TestLoss {1}".format(epoch, loss.item())) loss = criterion(output, seg_label) test_loss_list.append(loss.item()) dice2 = metrics.dice_index(output, seg_test) dice2_list.append(dice2) quality = metrics.get_sum_metrics(output, seg_test, count_metrics) epoch_quality = dict_sum(epoch_quality, quality) if i == 0: output = output.cpu() for j in range(BATCH_SIZE): save_img = transforms.ToPILImage()(output[j][0]).convert('L') path = '../Log/' + args.logdir + '/V' + str(j) + '/' if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) + 'E' + str(epoch) + '_' + ID[j] + '.jpg') test_loss_mean = log_mean(epoch, test_loss_list, "test loss", isLog= True) dice2_mean = log_mean(epoch, dice2_list, "dice2", isLog= True) for k in epoch_quality: epoch_quality[k] /= len(test_dataloader.dataset)"Epoch {0} MEAN {1}".format(epoch, epoch_quality)) for k in epoch_quality: all_quality[k].append(epoch_quality[k]) all_quality['test_loss'].append(test_loss_mean) all_quality['dice2'].append(dice2_mean)