Пример #1
def conv_encode(message_bits, trellis, termination = 'term', puncture_matrix=None):
    Encode bits using a convolutional code.
    message_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1}
        Stream of bits to be convolutionally encoded.
    trellis: pre-initialized Trellis structure.
    termination: {'cont', 'term'}, optional
        Create ('term') or not ('cont') termination bits.
    puncture_matrix: 2D ndarray containing {0, 1}, optional
        Matrix used for the puncturing algorithm
    coded_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1}
        Encoded bit stream.

    k = trellis.k
    n = trellis.n
    total_memory = trellis.total_memory
    rate = float(k)/n

    code_type = trellis.code_type

    if puncture_matrix is None:
        puncture_matrix = np.ones((trellis.k, trellis.n))

    number_message_bits = np.size(message_bits)

    if termination == 'cont':
        inbits = message_bits
        number_inbits = number_message_bits
        number_outbits = int(number_inbits/rate)
        # Initialize an array to contain the message bits plus the truncation zeros
        if code_type == 'rsc':
            inbits = message_bits
            number_inbits = number_message_bits
            number_outbits = int((number_inbits + k * total_memory)/rate)
            number_inbits = number_message_bits + total_memory + total_memory % k
            inbits = np.zeros(number_inbits, 'int')
            # Pad the input bits with M zeros (L-th terminated truncation)
            inbits[0:number_message_bits] = message_bits
            number_outbits = int(number_inbits/rate)

    outbits = np.zeros(number_outbits, 'int')
    if puncture_matrix is not None:
        p_outbits = np.zeros(number_outbits, 'int')
        p_outbits = np.zeros(int(number_outbits*
            puncture_matrix[0:].sum()/np.size(puncture_matrix, 1)), 'int')
    next_state_table = trellis.next_state_table
    output_table = trellis.output_table

    # Encoding process - Each iteration of the loop represents one clock cycle
    current_state = 0
    j = 0

    for i in range(int(number_inbits/k)): # Loop through all input bits
        current_input = bitarray2dec(inbits[i*k:(i+1)*k])
        current_output = output_table[current_state][current_input]
        outbits[j*n:(j+1)*n] = dec2bitarray(current_output, n)
        current_state = next_state_table[current_state][current_input]
        j += 1

    if code_type == 'rsc' and termination == 'term':
        term_bits = dec2bitarray(current_state, trellis.total_memory)
        term_bits = term_bits[::-1]
        for i in range(trellis.total_memory):
            current_input = bitarray2dec(term_bits[i*k:(i+1)*k])
            current_output = output_table[current_state][current_input]
            outbits[j*n:(j+1)*n] = dec2bitarray(current_output, n)
            current_state = next_state_table[current_state][current_input]
            j += 1

    j = 0
    for i in range(number_outbits):
        if puncture_matrix[0][i % np.size(puncture_matrix, 1)] == 1:
            p_outbits[j] = outbits[i]
            j = j + 1

    return p_outbits
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, memory, g_matrix, feedback=None, code_type='default', polynomial_format='MSB'):

        [self.k, self.n] = g_matrix.shape
        self.code_type = code_type

        self.total_memory = memory.sum()
        self.number_states = pow(2, self.total_memory)
        self.number_inputs = pow(2, self.k)
        self.next_state_table = np.zeros([self.number_states,
                                          self.number_inputs], 'int')
        self.output_table = np.zeros([self.number_states,
                                      self.number_inputs], 'int')

        if isinstance(feedback, int):
            warn('Trellis  will only accept feedback as a matrix in the future. '
                 'Using the backwards compatibility version that may contain bugs for k > 1 or with LSB format.',

            if code_type == 'rsc':
                for i in range(self.k):
                    g_matrix[i][i] = feedback

            # Compute the entries in the next state table and the output table
            for current_state in range(self.number_states):

                for current_input in range(self.number_inputs):
                    outbits = np.zeros(self.n, 'int')

                    # Compute the values in the output_table
                    for r in range(self.n):

                        output_generator_array = np.zeros(self.k, 'int')
                        shift_register = dec2bitarray(current_state,

                        for l in range(self.k):

                            # Convert the number representing a polynomial into a
                            # bit array
                            generator_array = dec2bitarray(g_matrix[l][r],
                                                           memory[l] + 1)

                            # Loop over M delay elements of the shift register
                            # to compute their contribution to the r-th output
                            for i in range(memory[l]):
                                outbits[r] = (outbits[r] + \
                                              (shift_register[i + l] * generator_array[i + 1])) % 2

                            output_generator_array[l] = generator_array[0]
                            if l == 0:
                                feedback_array = (dec2bitarray(feedback, memory[l] + 1)[1:] * shift_register[0:memory[l]]).sum()
                                shift_register[1:memory[l]] = \
                                    shift_register[0:memory[l] - 1]
                                shift_register[0] = (dec2bitarray(current_input,
                                                                  self.k)[0] + feedback_array) % 2
                                feedback_array = (dec2bitarray(feedback, memory[l] + 1) *
                                                  l + memory[l - 1] - 1:l + memory[l - 1] + memory[l] - 1]).sum()
                                shift_register[l + memory[l - 1]:l + memory[l - 1] + memory[l] - 1] = \
                                    shift_register[l + memory[l - 1] - 1:l + memory[l - 1] + memory[l] - 2]
                                shift_register[l + memory[l - 1] - 1] = \
                                    (dec2bitarray(current_input, self.k)[l] + feedback_array) % 2

                        # Compute the contribution of the current_input to output
                        outbits[r] = (outbits[r] + \
                                      (np.sum(dec2bitarray(current_input, self.k) * \
                                              output_generator_array + feedback_array) % 2)) % 2

                    # Update the ouput_table using the computed output value
                    self.output_table[current_state][current_input] = \

                    # Update the next_state_table using the new state of
                    # the shift register
                    self.next_state_table[current_state][current_input] = \

            if polynomial_format == 'MSB':
                bit_order = -1
            elif polynomial_format in ('LSB', 'Matlab'):
                bit_order = 1
                raise ValueError('polynomial_format must be "LSB", "MSB" or "Matlab"')

            if feedback is None:
                feedback = np.identity(self.k, int)
                if polynomial_format in ('LSB', 'Matlab'):
                    feedback *= 2**memory.max()

            max_values_lign = memory.max() + 1  # Max number of value on a delay lign

            # feedback_array[i] holds the i-th bit corresponding to each feedback polynomial.
            feedback_array = np.zeros((max_values_lign, self.k, self.k), np.int8)
            for i in range(self.k):
                for j in range(self.k):
                    binary_view = dec2bitarray(feedback[i, j], max_values_lign)[::bit_order]
                    feedback_array[:max_values_lign, i, j] = binary_view[-max_values_lign-2:]

            # g_matrix_array[i] holds the i-th bit corresponding to each g_matrix polynomial.
            g_matrix_array = np.zeros((max_values_lign, self.k, self.n), np.int8)
            for i in range(self.k):
                for j in range(self.n):
                    binary_view = dec2bitarray(g_matrix[i, j], max_values_lign)[::bit_order]
                    g_matrix_array[:max_values_lign, i, j] = binary_view[-max_values_lign-2:]

            # shift_regs holds on each column the state of a shift register.
            # The first row is the input of each shift reg.
            shift_regs = np.empty((max_values_lign, self.k), np.int8)

            # Compute the entries in the next state table and the output table
            for current_state in range(self.number_states):
                for current_input in range(self.number_inputs):
                    current_state_array = dec2bitarray(current_state, self.total_memory)

                    # Set the first row as the input.
                    shift_regs[0] = dec2bitarray(current_input, self.k)

                    # Set the other rows based on the current_state
                    idx = 0
                    for idx_mem, mem in enumerate(memory):
                        shift_regs[1:mem+1, idx_mem] = current_state_array[idx:idx + mem]
                        idx += mem

                    # Compute the output table
                    outputs_array = np.einsum('ik,ikl->l', shift_regs, g_matrix_array) % 2
                    self.output_table[current_state, current_input] = bitarray2dec(outputs_array)

                    # Update the first line based on the feedback polynomial
                    np.einsum('ik,ilk->l', shift_regs, feedback_array, out=shift_regs[0])
                    shift_regs %= 2

                    # Update current state array and compute next state table
                    idx = 0
                    for idx_mem, mem in enumerate(memory):
                        current_state_array[idx:idx + mem] = shift_regs[:mem, idx_mem]
                        idx += mem
                    self.next_state_table[current_state, current_input] = bitarray2dec(current_state_array)