def CreateAreaFromWells(new_route_name, well_list, Update_User): from Model import ModelLayer as m from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd Success = True Messages = [] try: WellQuery = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromWellName(well_list) obj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') wells, wells_df = obj.Query(WellQuery) for idx, well in wells_df.iterrows(): WellName = well['WellName'] corpID = well['CorpID'] AggregateRowObj = m.AreaAggregationRow(new_route_name, WellName, corpID, '') Row_Success, Message = AggregateRowObj.Write( Update_User, if not Row_Success: Messages.append(Message) except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append( 'Error during the creation of the area from well list. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages
def ImportGFOFromDB2018(start_date, end_date, WellFlac=['ALL']): from Model import BPXDatabase as bpxdb from Model import QueryFile as qf import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime return_df = pd.DataFrame() Success = True Messages = [] try: if isinstance(start_date, datetime): start_date = '\'' + start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + '\'' if isinstance(end_date, datetime): end_date = '\'' + end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + '\'' TeamOpsObj = bpxdb.GetDBEnvironment('OnPrem', 'OVERRIDE') query = qf.GetGFOFromEastDB2018(WellFlac, start_date, end_date) results = TeamOpsObj.Query(query) return_df = results[1] except Exception as ex: Messages.append( 'Error retrieving the GFO data from the desired table. ' + str(ex)) Success = False return return_df, Success, Messages
def ImportAriesByScenario(scenarioName, start_date, end_date, Area, CorpID=['ALL']): from Model import BPXDatabase as bpxdb from Model import QueryFile as qf import pandas as pd #Create ODS and EDW objects Success = True Messages = [] combined_df = pd.DataFrame() try: ODSobj = bpxdb.GetDBEnvironment('ProdODS', 'OVERRIDE') EDWobj = bpxdb.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') scenario_query = qf.ScenarioQuery(scenarioName, CorpID, start_date, end_date) results = ODSobj.Query(scenario_query) #Extract APINumbers from the results and concatenate into an 'IN' sql clause corpid_list = [] for result in results[0]: if not result['CorpID'] in corpid_list: corpid_list.append(result['CorpID']) if None in corpid_list: corpid_list.remove(None) key_query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromCorpID(corpid_list, Area) key_results = EDWobj.Query(key_query) #Join the key_results to the Aries results combined_df = pd.merge(results[1], key_results[1], on='CorpID', how='right') except Exception as ex: Messages.append('Error on Import from Aries. ' + str(ex)) Success = False return combined_df, Success, Messages
def SOHA_WriteGasNettingFactorsFromDB(Update_User, Update_Date, wellnames=[]): from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import ModelLayer as m import datetime as datetime Success = True Messages = [] try: config = m.GetConfig() DBObj = bpx.BPXDatabase(config['server'], config['database'], config['UID']) TeamOpsObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('OnPrem', 'OVERRIDE') EDWObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') #Get Well List of required netting values from data that is already in database. query = qf.GetNettingFactorsfromDB(wellnames) res, res_df = TeamOpsObj.Query(query) count = 1 for idx, item in res_df.iterrows(): wellquery = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromWellName([item['WellName']]) res, well_row = EDWObj.Query(wellquery) if not well_row.empty: corpID = well_row['CorpID'].values[0] NettingObj = m.GasNettingRow(item['WellName'], corpID, item['NF'], item['FirstSalesDateInput'], DBObj) Success, Message = NettingObj.Write(Update_User, Update_Date) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) callprogressbar(count, res_df.shape[0]) count = count + 1 except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append('Error during write of netting factors to DB. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages
def ImportActuals(corpID_list, start_date, end_date, LEName=''): from Model import BPXDatabase as bpxdb from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import ModelLayer as m from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd Success = True Messages = [] Actuals = [] try: if isinstance(start_date, datetime): start_date = '\'' + start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + '\'' if isinstance(end_date, datetime): end_date = '\'' + end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + '\'' EDWobj = bpxdb.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') query = qf.GetActualsFromDB(corpID_list, start_date, end_date) results = EDWobj.Query(query) Actuals = results[1] #ToDo: Add optional parameter of LE Name. Scan the production adjustments table for any overrides of #potentially incorrect production values from the EDH/EDW tables if LEName: ProdAdjObj = m.ProductionAdjustments('', [LEName], [], []) ProdAdjsRows, Success, Message = ProdAdjObj.ReadTable() if not Success: Messages.append(Message) #Query the production adjustments and see if there is any well entries for the given LE if len(ProdAdjsRows) > 0: #Loop through the results of the above query. for row in ProdAdjsRows: #Query the Actuals dataframe for the well and the dates and then update the production value (as long as value is not null) date = ActualsRow = Actuals.query( 'CorpID == @row.CorpID and Date_Key == @date') if not ActualsRow.empty: idx = ActualsRow.index.values[0] if row.AdjustedGasProduction: Actuals.loc[idx, 'Gas'] = row.AdjustedGasProduction if row.AdjustedOilProduction: Actuals.loc[idx, 'Oil'] = row.AdjustedOilProduction if row.AdjustedWaterProduction: Actuals.loc[idx, 'Water'] = row.AdjustedWaterProduction except Exception as ex: Messages.append('Error during query for actuals data. ' + str(ex)) Success = False return Actuals, Success, Messages
def CreateAreaWellsFromRoute(new_route_name, db_route_name, Update_User): from Model import ModelLayer as m from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd Success = True Messages = [] try: ODSObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdODS', 'OVERRIDE') EDWObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') query = qf.RouteQuery([db_route_name]) results = ODSObj.Query(query) for idx, row in results[1].iterrows(): wellflac_query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromWellFlac([row['wellflac']]) corpIDres = EDWObj.Query(wellflac_query) if not corpIDres[1].empty: corpID = corpIDres[1]['CorpID'].iloc[0] AggregateRowObj = m.AreaAggregationRow(new_route_name, row['name'], corpID, '') Row_Success, Message = AggregateRowObj.Write( Update_User, if not Row_Success: Messages.append(Message) else: Messages.append('Missing well entry in key database EDW: ' + row['name']) except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append( 'Error during Area Aggegation interface from Enbase. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages
def __init__(self, app): from Model import BPXDatabase super(Window, self).__init__() [self.screenheight, self.screenwidth] = self.GetScreenDimensions() self.setGeometry(self.screenheight / 9, self.screenwidth / 9, 0.7 * self.screenheight, 0.7 * self.screenwidth) self.setWindowTitle('BPX LE Summary') self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('bplogo.png')) app.setStyle("Fusion") self.DBobj = BPXDatabase.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') self.palette = self.GetPalette() self.Format()
def GetWellandCorpID(WellName, CorpID): from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx #Check CorpID if Wellname is passed if not CorpID and WellName: CorpID_query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromWellName([WellName]) EDWObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') res, res_df = EDWObj.Query(CorpID_query) if not res_df.empty: CorpID = res_df['CorpID'].values[0] #Check WellName if CorpID not passed if not WellName and CorpID: WellName_Query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromCorpID([CorpID], '') EDWObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') res, res_df = EDWObj.Query(WellName_Query) if not res_df.empty: WellName = res_df['WellName'].values[0] return WellName, CorpID
def GetWedgeData(CorpID, SuppressMessages): from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pandas as pd Messages = [] #Get Wedge from First Production Date #If an area is passed in as an aggregate, the first production date will be the oldest first production date of its associated well list. well_list = GetFullWellList([CorpID]) first_sales_date_query = qf.FirstProductionDateQuery(well_list) first_results = bpx.GetDBEnvironment( 'ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE').Query(first_sales_date_query) msg = 'Skipped input due to lack of first production date.' + CorpID Wedge = '' if not first_results[1].empty: #check current year and determine if the year of the first production is last year, this year, or base (anything prior to last year) prod_date = first_results[1]['FirstProductionDate'].values[0] prod_date = pd.to_datetime(prod_date) if prod_date: prod_year = prod_date.year this_year = last_year = ( - timedelta(days=365)).year if prod_year == this_year: Wedge = str(this_year) + ' NWD' elif prod_year == last_year: Wedge = str(last_year) + ' NWD' else: Wedge = 'Base' else: if not SuppressMessages: print(msg) Messages.append(msg) else: Messages.append(msg) if not SuppressMessages: print(msg) return Wedge, Messages
def WriteDefaultMultipliers(LE_Name, DefaultValue, Update_User, Update_Date, SuppressMessages): import datetime as datetime from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from Model import ModelLayer as m Success = True Messages = [] try: config = m.GetConfig() DBObj = bpx.BPXDatabase(config['server'], config['database'], config['UID']) #Query the LE results LE_query = 'select * from [LEForecastDatabase].[dbo].[LE_Data] where HeaderName = \'' + LE_Name + '\'' res, df = DBObj.Query(LE_query) count = 1 for idx, row in df.iterrows(): FracHitObj = m.FracHitMultipliersRow(row['HeaderName'], row['CorpID'], row['Date_Key'], str(DefaultValue), DBObj) Success, Message = FracHitObj.Write(Update_User, Update_Date) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) if not SuppressMessages: callprogressbar(count, df.shape[0]) count = count + 1 except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append( 'Error during write of default frac hit multipliers. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages
def GetActuals(WellorArea, Wedge, start_date, end_date, LEName = '', Adjusted = False, Phase = 'Gas'): from Model import ModelLayer as m import pandas as pd from Controller import SummaryModule as s from Model import ImportUtility as i from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx Success = True Messages = [] ActualProduction = [] try: WellList = [] if WellorArea: WellList = s.GetFullWellList(WellorArea) if Wedge: wedge_list, Success, Message = GetWellorAreaByWedge(Wedge) if not Success: Messages.append('Error finding wells associated with input Wedge. ') else: WellList.extend(wedge_list) EDWobj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') corpid_query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromWellName(WellList) corpid_list = EDWobj.Query(corpid_query) corpid_list = list(corpid_list[1]['CorpID']) if LEName and Adjusted == True: actuals_df, Success, Message = i.ImportActuals(corpid_list, pd.to_datetime(start_date), pd.to_datetime(end_date), LEName) else: actuals_df, Success, Message = i.ImportActuals(corpid_list, pd.to_datetime(start_date), pd.to_datetime(end_date), '') if not Success: Messages.append(Message) else: dates = actuals_df['Date_Key'].unique() prod_array = [] date_array = [] if not actuals_df.empty: if Phase == 'Gas': for date in dates: results = actuals_df.query('Date_Key == @date') prod_array.append(results['Gas'].sum()) date_array.append(date) ActualProduction = ProductionData(date_array, prod_array, Phase,'scf') elif Phase == 'Water': for date in dates: results = actuals_df.query('Date_Key == @date') prod_array.append(results['Water'].sum()) date_array.append(date) ActualProduction = ProductionData(date_array, prod_array, Phase,'bbl') elif Phase == 'Oil': for date in dates: results = actuals_df.query('Date_Key == @date') prod_array.append(results['Oil'].sum()) date_array.append(date) ActualProduction = ProductionData(date_array, prod_array, Phase,'bbl') except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append('Error during import of Actual production data. ' + str(ex)) return ActualProduction, Success, Messages
def GetForecastProduction(ForecastName, Wedge, WellorArea, Phase = 'Gas'): from datetime import datetime from Model import ModelLayer as m import pandas as pd from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from Model import QueryFile as qf #Get the production values from the LE table by the input criteria Success = True Messages = [] ProductionDataObj = [] try: #Get all CorpIDs from Well or Area passed well_list = [] corpid_list = [] if WellorArea: well_list.append(WellorArea) EDWobj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') corpid_query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromWellName(well_list) corpid_list = EDWobj.Query(corpid_query) corpid_list = list(corpid_list[1]['CorpID']) if Wedge: wedge_list, Success, Message = GetWellorAreaByWedge(Wedge) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) else: well_list.extend(wedge_list) ForecastDataRowObj = m.ForecastData('', [ForecastName], corpid_list, []) ForecastData, Success, Message = ForecastDataRowObj.ReadTable() if not Success: Messages.append(Message) else: prod_Forecast_rows = pd.DataFrame([vars(s) for s in ForecastData]) dates = prod_Forecast_rows['Date_Key'].unique() prod_array = [] date_array = [] if not prod_Forecast_rows.empty: if Phase == 'Gas': for date in dates: results = prod_Forecast_rows.query('Date_Key == @date') prod_array.append(results['Gas_Production'].sum()) date_array.append(date) ProductionDataObj = ProductionData(date_array, prod_array, Phase,'scf') elif Phase == 'Water': for date in dates: results = prod_Forecast_rows.query('Date_Key == @date') prod_array.append(results['Water_Production'].sum()) date_array.append(date) ProductionDataObj = ProductionData(date_array, prod_array, Phase,'bbl') elif Phase == 'Oil': for date in dates: results = prod_Forecast_rows.query('Date_Key == @date') prod_array.append(results['Oil_Production'].sum()) date_array.append(date) ProductionDataObj = ProductionData(date_array, prod_array, Phase,'bbl') except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append('Error during collection of production data. ' + str(ex)) return ProductionDataObj, Success, Messages
def FracHatMitigation(LEName, EastWestFracHitRadius, NorthSouthFracHitRadius, Update_User): from Model import ModelLayer as m from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import numpy as np Success = True Messages = [] try: #Find Frac Date of Upcoming Wells #Get the beginning and end date of the LE being evaluated LEDataObj = m.LEData('', [LEName], [], []) LErows, Success, Message = LEDataObj.ReadTable() if not Success: Messages.append(Message) elif len(LErows) < 1: Messages.append('No LE Data exists for the given LE Name.') else: LErows_df = pd.DataFrame([vars(s) for s in LErows]) start_date = LErows_df['Date_Key'].min() end_date = LErows_df['Date_Key'].max() s_start_date = datetime.strftime(start_date, '%m/%d/%Y') s_end_date = datetime.strftime(end_date, '%m/%d/%Y') #Query the Drill Schedule (and potentially other data sources) for upcoming drills new_drill_query = qf.GetActenumDrillScheduleData( s_start_date, s_end_date) DBObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDH', 'OVERRIDE') dso_results = DBObj.Query(new_drill_query) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) else: dso_df = dso_results[1] for nd_idx, nd_row in dso_df.iterrows(): #Get Lateral and Longitude values surface_lat = nd_row['SurfaceLatitude'] surface_long = nd_row['SurfaceLongitude'] if surface_long > 0: surface_long = 0 - surface_long bh_lat = nd_row['BottomHoleLatitude'] bh_long = nd_row['BottomHoleLongitude'] if bh_long > 0: bh_long = 0 - bh_long stages = nd_row['ExpectedStages'] name = nd_row['WellName'] frac_start = nd_row['StartFracDate'] frac_end = nd_row['EndFracDate'] #Get wells within certain distance FracHitRadius = max(EastWestFracHitRadius, NorthSouthFracHitRadius) from_surface_query = qf.GetWellsWithinBearing( surface_lat, surface_long, FracHitRadius) from_bottom_query = qf.GetWellsWithinBearing( bh_lat, bh_long, FracHitRadius) surface_res = DBObj.Query(from_surface_query) bh_res = DBObj.Query(from_bottom_query) if not surface_res[1].empty: all_res = surface_res[1] if not bh_res[1].empty: all_res = pd.merge(surface_res[1], bh_res[1]) elif not bh_res[1].empty: all_res = bh_res[1] else: all_res = pd.DataFrame() stages = int(stages) #Get interpolated bearings interpolated_bearings = InterpolateBearing( [bh_lat, bh_long], [surface_lat, surface_long], stages ) #reversed since frac will begin at bottom hole location interpolated_dates = InterpolateDates( frac_start, frac_end, stages) interp = np.column_stack( [interpolated_bearings, interpolated_dates]) if all_res.empty: Messages.append( 'No wells within given frac hit radius from ' + name + ' to apply multipliers.') #Loop through all the well results for ex_idx, ex_row in all_res.iterrows(): corpid = ex_row['UWI'] wellname = ex_row['WELL_NAME'] dates = [] ex_surface_lat = float(ex_row['SurfaceLatitude']) ex_surface_long = float(ex_row['SurfaceLongitude']) if ex_surface_long > 0: ex_surface_long = 0 - ex_surface_long ex_bh_lat = float(ex_row['BottomHoleLatitude']) ex_bh_long = float(ex_row['BottomHoleLongitude']) if ex_bh_long > 0: ex_bh_long = 0 - ex_bh_long ex_interp_bearings = InterpolateBearing( [ex_surface_lat, ex_surface_long], [ex_bh_lat, ex_bh_long], stages) # cycle through each item in the interpolated array and calculate distance to points in existing well for point in interp: for bearing in ex_interp_bearings: distance = CalculateDistanceFromBearings( [point[0], point[1]], bearing) azimuth = CalculateAzimuthFromBearings( [point[0], point[1]], bearing) if (azimuth >= 25 and azimuth <= 155) or ( azimuth >= 205 and azimuth <= 335): #Evaluate against EastWestFrac radius if distance < EastWestFracHitRadius: dates.append(point[2]) else: if distance < NorthSouthFracHitRadius: dates.append(point[2]) dates = list(dict.fromkeys(dates)) #Go through the dates and add the ramp up, ramp up schedule dates and multipliers if len(dates) > 0: ramp_up = [1, 1, 0.5] ramp_down = [0.5, 0.75, 1] min_date = min(dates) max_date = max(dates) ramp_down_dates = [(min_date - timedelta(days=3)), (min_date - timedelta(days=2)), (min_date - timedelta(days=1))] ramp_up_dates = [(max_date + timedelta(days=3)), (max_date + timedelta(days=2)), (max_date + timedelta(days=1))] shut_ins = [0] * len(dates) all_multipliers = [] all_multipliers.extend(ramp_up) all_multipliers.extend(shut_ins) all_multipliers.extend(ramp_down) all_dates = [] all_dates.extend(ramp_up_dates) all_dates.extend(dates) all_dates.extend(ramp_down_dates) combined_date_multiplier = np.column_stack( [all_dates, all_multipliers]) for date_multiplier in combined_date_multiplier: #Search DB for frac hit multiplier row date = datetime.strftime( date_multiplier[0], '%m/%d/%Y') fhm_obj = m.FracHitMultipliers( '', [LEName], [corpid], [date]) fhm_rows, Success, Message = fhm_obj.ReadTable( ) if Success and len(fhm_rows) > 0: #if the row exists, then update row = fhm_rows[0] row.Multiplier = date_multiplier[1] Success, Message = row.Update( Update_User, if not Success: Messages.extend(Message) elif Success and len(fhm_rows) == 0: Messages.append('No entry exists for ' + wellname + ' on ' + date + ' for LE ' + LEName + '. ') else: Messages.extend(Message) except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append( 'Error during the automatic application of frac hit mitigation multipliers. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages
def WriteLEFromTemplate(all_data_df, InterpolationMethod, LEName, LE_Date, Update_User, IDCol='WellName'): from datetime import datetime, date import pandas as pd from Model import QueryFile as qf from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from Model import ImportUtility as i Success = True Messages = [] results = [] try: #Data Frame must be the same structure as the output from the 'Read From Excel Function #'CorpID', 'WellName', 'Wedge', 'Date', 'Gas', 'Oil', 'Water', 'OilNF', 'GasNF' wellname = '' if not Success: Messages.append(Message) if IDCol == 'CorpID': corpid_list = list(all_data_df['CorpID'].unique()) corpid_query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromCorpID(corpid_list) corpid_results, corpid_df = bpx.GetDBEnvironment( 'ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE').Query(corpid_query) well_list = list(corpid_df['WellName'].unique()) well_query = 'CorpID == @corpid' else: well_list = list(all_data_df['WellName'].unique()) well_query = 'WellName == @wellname' well_list = [i for i in well_list if i] for wellname in well_list: wellname, corpid = i.GetWellandCorpID(wellname, '') if not corpid: corpid = wellname data_df = all_data_df.query(well_query) row_count = 1 if not data_df.empty: df_previous_row = (0, data_df.iloc[1]) for idx, df_row in data_df.iterrows(): if InterpolationMethod == 'MonthlyRates': if row_count == 1: df_next_row = data_df.iloc[row_count] results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyRates( CurrentMonthVal=df_row, NextMonthVal=df_next_row, GasProduction='Gas', OilProduction='Oil') elif row_count != data_df.shape[0] and row_count != 1: df_next_row = data_df.iloc[row_count] results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyRates( CurrentMonthVal=df_row, NextMonthVal=df_next_row, PreviousMonthVal=df_previous_row, GasProduction='Gas', OilProduction='Oil') elif row_count == data_df.shape[0]: results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyRates( CurrentMonthVal=df_row, PreviousMonthVal=df_previous_row, GasProduction='Gas', OilProduction='Oil') elif InterpolationMethod == 'MonthlyVolume': if row_count == 1: df_next_row = data_df.iloc[row_count] results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyVolumes( CurrentMonthVal=df_row[1], NextMonthVal=df_next_row) else: results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyVolumes( CurrentMonthVal=df_row[1], PreviousMonthVal=df_previous_row[1]) elif InterpolationMethod == 'None': results = ConvertNonInterpolatedResults(df_row) Wedge, Message = i.GetWedgeData(corpid, True) Success, Message = WriteInterpolatedLEToDB( LEName, wellname, corpid, '', Wedge, LE_Date, Update_User, results) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) df_previous_row = df_row row_count = row_count + 1 except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append('Error during the writing of the LE from template. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages
def WriteAriesScenarioToDB(scenarioName, ForecastName, ForecastYear, start_date, end_date, User, Area, GFO=False, CorpID=['ALL']): from Model import ImportUtility as i from Model import BPXDatabase as bpxdb from Model import ModelLayer as m import datetime as dt Success = True Messages = [] try: #Query the Aries database using import methods scenario_results, Success, Messages = i.ImportAriesByScenario( scenarioName, start_date, end_date, Area) #Create NF columns for oil and gas (replace nan with 0) scenario_results['OilNF'] = scenario_results[ 'C754'] / scenario_results['GasProduction'] scenario_results['GasNF'] = scenario_results[ 'C753'] / scenario_results['OilProduction'] scenario_results = scenario_results.fillna(0) #Obtain list from scenario query results CorpID_list = scenario_results['CorpID'].to_list() CorpID_list = list(set(CorpID_list)) config = m.GetConfig() DBObj = bpxdb.BPXDatabase(config['server'], config['database'], config['UID']) #Linearly regress the data #Two segments: previous month's mid average and next month's mid average - regress to both to get the values. count = 1 for corpID in CorpID_list: #Get the subset of results that match this wellflac corpid_scenario_df = scenario_results.query('CorpID == @corpID') corpid_scenario_df = corpid_scenario_df.sort_values(by=['Date'], ascending=True) if corpid_scenario_df.shape[0] > 1: df_previous_row = (0, corpid_scenario_df.iloc[1]) wellflac_count = 1 header_corpID = '' for df_row in corpid_scenario_df.iterrows(): if wellflac_count == 1: df_next_row = corpid_scenario_df.iloc[wellflac_count] results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyVolumes( CurrentMonthVal=df_row[1], NextMonthVal=df_next_row) else: results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyVolumes( CurrentMonthVal=df_row[1], PreviousMonthVal=df_previous_row[1]) Success, Message = WriteInterpolatedForecastToDB( df_row[1]['WellName'], corpID, ForecastName, ForecastYear, scenarioName, GFO, User, results) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) break df_previous_row = df_row wellflac_count = wellflac_count + 1 callprogressbar(count, len(CorpID_list)) count = count + 1 except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append( 'Failed to write the results from chosen scenario in Aries database. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages
def SOHA_WriteInternalForecasttoDB(df, ForecastName, ForecastYear, Production_Column_Name, User, GFO=True): #Part of to be deprecated methods to convert SoHa internal GFO data to standard from Model import BPXDatabase as bpx from Model import ModelLayer as m import datetime as dt from Model import QueryFile as qf Success = True Messages = [] try: config = m.GetConfig() DBObj = bpx.BPXDatabase(config['server'], config['database'], config['UID']) EDWObj = bpx.GetDBEnvironment('ProdEDW', 'OVERRIDE') wellname_list = df['WellName'].unique() wellname_list = list(wellname_list) if '' in wellname_list: wellname_list.remove('') count = 1 for name in wellname_list: monthly_df = df.query('WellName == @name') monthly_df = monthly_df.sort_values(by=['Date'], ascending=True) df_previous_row = (0, monthly_df.iloc[1]) nettingFactor = monthly_df['NettingFactor'].values[0] well_count = 1 header_corpid = '' for df_row in monthly_df.iterrows(): if well_count == 1: df_next_row = monthly_df.iloc[well_count] results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyRates( CurrentMonthVal=df_row[1], NextMonthVal=df_next_row, GasRateField=Production_Column_Name) elif well_count != monthly_df.shape[0] and well_count != 1: df_next_row = monthly_df.iloc[well_count] results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyRates( CurrentMonthVal=df_row[1], NextMonthVal=df_next_row, PreviousMonthVal=df_previous_row[1], GasRateField=Production_Column_Name) elif well_count == monthly_df.shape[0]: results = InterpolateDailyRatesFromMonthlyRates( CurrentMonthVal=df_row[1], PreviousMonthVal=df_previous_row[1], GasRateField=Production_Column_Name) for row in results.iterrows(): corpid_query = qf.EDWKeyQueryFromWellName([name]) corpid_results = EDWObj.Query(corpid_query) if not corpid_results[1].empty: CorpID = corpid_results[1].at[0, 'CorpID'] else: CorpID = name WellName = name Update_Date = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Update_User = User if header_corpid != CorpID: #Create Header entry header_corpid = CorpID ForecastHeaderObj = m.ForecastHeaderRow( WellName, CorpID, ForecastName, ForecastYear, '', [], GFO, DBObj) Success, Message = ForecastHeaderObj.Write( Update_User, Update_Date) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) Date_Key = row[1]['Date'].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') Gas_Production = row[1]['GasProduction'] GasNF = row[1]['GasNF'] if Gas_Production >= 0 and Date_Key: ForecastDataObj = m.ForecastDataRow( ForecastName, CorpID, Date_Key, Gas_Production, 0, 0, GasNF, 0, 0, DBObj) Success, Message = ForecastDataObj.Write( Update_User, Update_Date) if not Success: Messages.append(Message) df_previous_row = df_row well_count = well_count + 1 callprogressbar(count, len(wellname_list)) count = count + 1 except Exception as ex: Success = False Messages.append('Error writing Forecast to Database. ' + str(ex)) return Success, Messages