class RandomSamplingTrainer: def __init__(self, dataset, param_dict): """ Initializes a Trainer object which will be used to optimize the neural network. Arguments: dataset {AspectDataset} -- the part of the data usable for training and validation param_dict {dict} -- parameter dictionary, parameters can be seen above """ self.dataset = dataset self.param = param_dict if param_dict["use_linmodel"]: self.model = LinModel(self.param["embedding_dim"], self.param["output_dim"]) else: self.model = Model(self.param["embedding_dim"], self.param["output_dim"]) self.use_train_iterator = True # Use for the classification training afterwards self.only_supervised = False self.filename = 'training_{}'.format('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')) self.training_records = [self.param] self.model_name = 'binary-abae' if self.param["save_model_path"] is not None: self.model_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.param["save_model_path"], self.filename) self.current_epoch = 0 self.best_train_f1 = 0.0 self.best_eval_f1 = 0.0 def train(self, verbose=True): """ Starts the training procedure. Arguments: verbose {bool} -- Whether to log messages during training Returns: {Model} -- The trained model """ verbose_training = verbose train_dataset, validation_dataset = split_dataset( self.dataset, self.param["validation_percentage"]) # Create the dataloaders for sampling, as we use the binary case we additionally intialize dataloaders for the # other classes self.dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.param["batch_size"], shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_padding) self.validloader = DataLoader(validation_dataset, batch_size=self.param["batch_size"], collate_fn=collate_padding) # Initialize the optimizer, Learning rate scheduler and the classification loss #self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.param["lr"]) self.optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.param["lr"]) self.scheduler = StepLR(self.optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=0.1) self.classification_loss = nn.BCELoss() # Initiliaze the correct loss. This is wrapped by the learner object which takes care # of all the similarity calculations if self.param["use_kcl"]: self.learner_clustering = Learner_Clustering(KCL()) else: self.learner_clustering = Learner_Clustering(MCL()) if self.param["cuda"] and torch.cuda.is_available(): log("Using GPU") device = torch.device('cuda') else: log("Using CPU") self.param["cuda"] = False device = torch.device('cpu') # The patience value will be used to determine whethter we want to stop the training early # In each epoch with the validation error not decreasing patience will be decreased. # If it as a zero, the training will be terminated. patience = self.param["patience_early_stopping"] best_eval_loss = torch.tensor(float('inf')) for e in range(self.param["epochs"]): self.current_epoch = e log("Epoch:", e) # Start one training epoch and log the loss self.model.train() loss = self.train_epoch() loss ='cpu')) log("Train loss:", loss.item()) # Start one evaluation epoch and log the loss self.model.eval() eval_loss = self.eval_epoch() eval_loss ='cpu')) log("Eval Loss:", eval_loss.item()) if eval_loss < best_eval_loss: best_eval_loss = eval_loss patience = self.param["patience_early_stopping"] if self.param["save_model_path"] is not None: save_model(self.model, self.model_path) else: patience -= 1 log("Current patience:", patience) if patience <= 0: break # We might not want to decay the learning rate during the whole training """if e < self.param["lr_decay_epochs"]: self.scheduler.step()""" if patience < 6: self.scheduler.step() self.training_records.append({ 'epoch': e, 'model': self.model_name, 'loss': loss.item(), 'eval_loss': eval_loss.item() }) if self.param["save_model_path"] is not None: print("Reloading best model") self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.model_path)) if self.only_supervised: log("Best Scores:", self.best_train_f1, "Train F1", self.best_eval_f1, "Validation F1") self.training_records.append({ "train_f1": self.best_train_f1, "val_f1": self.best_eval_f1 }) if self.param["save_training_records"]: save_records(self.param['records_data_path'], self.filename, self.training_records) return self.model def train_classifier(self, freeze=True, new_param=None): """ Trains a classification layer on top of the previously trained model. The parameters of the previous migh the freezed Arguments: freeze {bool} -- whether to freeze the previous parameters Returns: {Model} -- the final model """ self.model_name = 'classifier' if new_param is not None: self.param = new_param if freeze: for param in self.model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.only_supervised = True self.model = Classification(self.model, self.param["output_dim"], self.param["classification_dim"]) model = self.train() return model def train_epoch(self): """ Training method, if we want to only predict one class -> transformation of the problem to binary classification. The parameters for training are all stored in self.param """ aggregated_targets = [] aggregated_outputs = [] loss = torch.zeros(1) for sentences, entities, attributes in self.dataloader: if self.param["train_entities"]: target = entities else: target = attributes if self.param["cuda"]: sentences = sentences.cuda() target = target.cuda() batch_loss, output = self.train_batch(sentences, target) loss += batch_loss aggregated_targets.append('cpu'))) aggregated_outputs.append('cpu'))) aggregated_targets = aggregated_outputs = # Only if we are in the classification phase we can get metrics if self.only_supervised: metrics = calculate_metrics(aggregated_targets, aggregated_outputs) if metrics["f1"] > self.best_train_f1: self.best_train_f1 = metrics["f1"] log("Train", metrics) metrics.update({ 'epoch': self.current_epoch, 'step': 'train', 'model': self.model_name }) self.training_records.append(metrics) return loss def train_batch(self, sentences, target): """ Training method for one data batch. """ self.optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model(sentences) # only_supervised means we are training the classifier after the ABAE model if not self.only_supervised: similarity = Class2Simi(target) loss = self.learner_clustering.calculate_criterion( output, similarity) else: # In the binary case we need to add one dimension loss = self.classification_loss(output, target[:, None]) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() return loss, output def eval_epoch(self): aggregated_targets = [] aggregated_outputs = [] loss = torch.tensor(0.0) for sentences, entities, attributes in self.validloader: if self.param["train_entities"]: target = entities else: target = attributes if self.param["cuda"]: sentences = sentences.cuda() target = target.cuda() batch_loss, output = self.eval_batch(sentences, target) loss += batch_loss aggregated_targets.append('cpu'))) aggregated_outputs.append('cpu'))) aggregated_targets = aggregated_outputs = # Only if we are in the classification case we can get metrics if self.only_supervised: metrics = calculate_metrics(aggregated_targets, aggregated_outputs) if metrics["f1"] > self.best_eval_f1: self.best_eval_f1 = metrics["f1"] log("Eval", metrics) metrics.update({ 'epoch': self.current_epoch, 'step': 'eval', 'model': self.model_name }) self.training_records.append(metrics) return loss def eval_batch(self, sentences, target): """ Evaluation of one batch. """ output = self.model(sentences) if not self.only_supervised: similarity = Class2Simi(target) loss = self.learner_clustering.calculate_criterion( output, similarity) else: # In the binary case we need to add one dimension loss = self.classification_loss(output, target[:, None]) return loss, output
class Trainer: def __init__(self, dataset, param_dict, other_dataset): """ Initializes a Trainer object which will be used to optimize the neural network. Arguments: dataset {AspectDataset} -- the part of the data usable for training and validation param_dict {dict} -- parameter dictionary, parameters can be seen above other_dataset {AspectDataset} -- dataset create by dfToBinarySamplingDatasets. Used if we want to vary the number of similar (in dataset) and dissimilar samples (in other_dataset). We can only use this in the binary classification setting. """ self.dataset = dataset self.other_dataset = other_dataset self.param = param_dict if param_dict["use_linmodel"]: self.model = LinModel(self.param["embedding_dim"], self.param["output_dim"]) else: self.model = Model(self.param["embedding_dim"], self.param["output_dim"]) # Next value is used for iterting through the other_dataset in binary_sampling, # see getOtherBatch() self.use_train_iterator = True self.other_iterator = None # Use for the classification training afterwards self.only_supervised = False self.filename = 'training_{}'.format('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')) self.training_records = [self.param] self.model_name = 'binary-abae' if self.param["save_model_path"] is not None: self.model_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.param["save_model_path"], self.filename) self.current_epoch = 0 self.best_train_f1 = 0.0 self.best_eval_f1 = 0.0 def train(self, verbose=True): """ Starts the training procedure. Arguments: verbose {bool} -- Whether to log messages during training Returns: {Model} -- The trained model """ verbose_training = verbose train_dataset, validation_dataset = split_dataset( self.dataset, self.param["validation_percentage"]) other_train_dataset, other_val_dataset = split_dataset( self.other_dataset, self.param["validation_percentage"]) # Create the dataloaders for sampling, as we use the binary case we additionally intialize dataloaders for the # other classes self.dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.param["batch_size"], shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_padding) self.validloader = DataLoader(validation_dataset, batch_size=self.param["batch_size"], collate_fn=collate_padding) batch_size = int( round(self.param["batch_size"] * self.param["binary_sampling_percentage"])) self.other_dataloader = DataLoader(other_train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_padding) self.other_validloader = DataLoader(other_val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_padding) # Initialize the optimizer, Learning rate scheduler and the classification loss #self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.param["lr"]) self.optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.param["lr"]) self.scheduler = StepLR(self.optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=0.1) self.classification_loss = nn.BCELoss() # Initiliaze the correct loss. This is wrapped by the learner object which takes care # of all the similarity calculations if self.param["use_kcl"]: self.learner_clustering = Learner_Clustering(KCL()) else: self.learner_clustering = Learner_Clustering(MCL()) if self.param["cuda"] and torch.cuda.is_available(): log("Using GPU") device = torch.device('cuda') else: log("Using CPU") self.param["cuda"] = False device = torch.device('cpu') # The patience value will be used to determine whethter we want to stop the training early # In each epoch with the validation error not decreasing patience will be decreased. # If it as a zero, the training will be terminated. patience = self.param["patience_early_stopping"] best_eval_loss = torch.tensor(float('inf')) for e in range(self.param["epochs"]): self.current_epoch = e log("Epoch:", e) # Start one training epoch and log the loss self.model.train() loss = self.train_epoch() loss ='cpu')) log("Train loss:", loss.item()) # Start one evaluation epoch and log the loss self.model.eval() eval_loss = self.eval_epoch() eval_loss ='cpu')) log("Eval Loss:", eval_loss.item()) if eval_loss < best_eval_loss: best_eval_loss = eval_loss patience = self.param["patience_early_stopping"] if self.param["save_model_path"] is not None: save_model(self.model, self.model_path) else: patience -= 1 log("Current patience:", patience) if patience <= 0: break # We might not want to decay the learning rate during the whole training """if e < self.param["lr_decay_epochs"]: self.scheduler.step()""" if patience < 6: self.scheduler.step() self.training_records.append({ 'epoch': e, 'model': self.model_name, 'loss': loss.item(), 'eval_loss': eval_loss.item() }) if self.param["save_model_path"] is not None: print("Reloading best model") self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.model_path)) if self.only_supervised: log("Best Scores:", self.best_train_f1, "Train F1", self.best_eval_f1, "Validation F1") self.training_records.append({ "train_f1": self.best_train_f1, "val_f1": self.best_eval_f1 }) if self.param["save_training_records"]: save_records(self.param['records_data_path'], self.filename, self.training_records) return self.model def train_classifier(self, freeze=True, new_param=None): """ Trains a classification layer on top of the previously trained model. The parameters of the previous migh the freezed Arguments: freeze {bool} -- whether to freeze the previous parameters Returns: {Model} -- the final model """ self.model_name = 'classifier' if new_param is not None: self.param = new_param if freeze: for param in self.model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.only_supervised = True self.model = Classification(self.model, self.param["output_dim"], self.param["classification_dim"], self.param["activation"]) model = self.train() return model def train_epoch(self): """ Training method, if we want to only predict one class -> transformation of the problem to binary classification. The parameters for training are all stored in self.param """ aggregated_targets = [] aggregated_outputs = [] loss = torch.zeros(1) for sentences, entities, attributes in self.dataloader: # After getting a batch from the other classes, simply append them to the current # sentences. The error calculation is robust enough. other_sentences, other_entities, other_attributes = self.getOtherBatch( train=True) sentences = self.fuze_sentences(sentences, other_sentences) entities =[entities, other_entities]) attributes =[attributes, other_attributes]) if self.param["train_entities"]: target = entities else: target = attributes if self.param["cuda"]: sentences = sentences.cuda() target = target.cuda() batch_loss, output = self.train_batch(sentences, target) loss += batch_loss aggregated_targets.append('cpu'))) aggregated_outputs.append('cpu'))) aggregated_targets = aggregated_outputs = # Only if we are in the classification phase we can get metrics if self.only_supervised: metrics = calculate_metrics(aggregated_targets, aggregated_outputs) if metrics["f1"] > self.best_train_f1: self.best_train_f1 = metrics["f1"] log("Train", metrics) metrics.update({ 'epoch': self.current_epoch, 'step': 'train', 'model': self.model_name }) self.training_records.append(metrics) return loss def train_batch(self, sentences, target): """ Training method for one data batch. """ self.optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model(sentences) # only_supervised means we are training the classifier after the ABAE model if not self.only_supervised: similarity = Class2Simi(target) loss = self.learner_clustering.calculate_criterion( output, similarity) else: # In the binary case we need to add one dimension loss = self.classification_loss(output, target[:, None]) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() return loss, output def eval_epoch(self): aggregated_targets = [] aggregated_outputs = [] loss = torch.tensor(0.0) for sentences, entities, attributes in self.validloader: # After getting a batch from the other classes, simply append them to the current # sentences. The error calculation is robust enough. other_sentences, other_entities, other_attributes = self.getOtherBatch( train=False) # Combining the sample depends on wheter we used padding or not (=tensor vs list output of dataloader) sentences = self.fuze_sentences(sentences, other_sentences) entities =[entities, other_entities]) attributes =[attributes, other_attributes]) if self.param["train_entities"]: target = entities else: target = attributes if self.param["cuda"]: sentences = sentences.cuda() target = target.cuda() batch_loss, output = self.eval_batch(sentences, target) loss += batch_loss aggregated_targets.append('cpu'))) aggregated_outputs.append('cpu'))) aggregated_targets = aggregated_outputs = # Only if we are in the classification case we can get metrics if self.only_supervised: metrics = calculate_metrics(aggregated_targets, aggregated_outputs) if metrics["f1"] > self.best_eval_f1: self.best_eval_f1 = metrics["f1"] log("Eval", metrics) metrics.update({ 'epoch': self.current_epoch, 'step': 'eval', 'model': self.model_name }) self.training_records.append(metrics) return loss def eval_batch(self, sentences, target): """ Evaluation of one batch. """ output = self.model(sentences) if not self.only_supervised: similarity = Class2Simi(target) loss = self.learner_clustering.calculate_criterion( output, similarity) else: # In the binary case we need to add one dimension loss = self.classification_loss(output, target[:, None]) return loss, output def fuze_sentences(self, sentences, other_sentences): """ Combines the sentences and other_sentences into one tensor, which has the maximum sentence length as second dimension Arguments: sentences {tensor[batch1, max_sentence_length, embedding_dim]} other_sentences {tensor[batch2, max_other_sentence_length, embedding_dim]} Returns: {tensor[batch1+batch2, max(max_sentence_length, max_other_sentence_length), embedding_dim]} """ sentences_max_length = sentences.size()[1] other_sentences_max_length = other_sentences.size()[1] # We need to check which tensor needs additional padding before we can concatenate them if sentences_max_length > other_sentences_max_length: new_size = other_sentences.size( )[0], sentences_max_length, other_sentences.size()[2] new_other = torch.zeros(new_size, device=other_sentences.device) new_other[:, :other_sentences_max_length, :] = other_sentences other_sentences = new_other elif sentences_max_length < other_sentences_max_length: new_size = sentences.size( )[0], other_sentences_max_length, sentences.size()[2] new_sentences = torch.zeros(new_size, device=sentences.device) new_sentences[:, :sentences_max_length, :] = sentences sentences = new_sentences return[sentences, other_sentences]) def getOtherBatch(self, train): """ This method basically gives you the next batch of samples from the other classes in the binary classificationi case. It is saving the state of a iterator and if that iterator is done, gets a new one. The datasets must be non-empty. """ # We already have an iterator and the iterator is for the same dataset. if self.use_train_iterator == train and self.other_iterator is not None: try: return self.other_iterator.__next__() except StopIteration: # If there are no elements left, we just create a new iterator pass if train: dataloader = self.other_dataloader else: dataloader = self.other_validloader self.use_train_iterator = train self.other_iterator = dataloader.__iter__() return self.other_iterator.__next__()