Пример #1
class Controller:
    """ a 'middleman' between the View (visual aspects) and the Model (information) of the application.
        It ensures decoupling between both.

    def __init__(self, app):
        # initialize the model and view
        # * The model handles all the data, and signal-related operations
        # * The view handles all the data visualization
        self.model = Model()
        self.view = View()

        # subscribe to messages sent by the view
        pub.subscribe(self.parse_file, "FILE PATH CHANGED")
        pub.subscribe(self.reprocess_fft, "FFT CONTROLS CHANGED")

        # subscribe to messages sent by the model
        pub.subscribe(self.signal_changed, "SIGNAL CHANGED")
        pub.subscribe(self.signal_changed, "FFT CHANGED")


    def parse_file(self, message):
        Handles "FILE PATH CHANGED" messages, send by the View. It tells the model to parse a new file.
        message.data should contain the path of the new file

        except Exception as exception:
                "Error reading file", "The following error happened while reading the file:\n%s" % str(exception)

    def reprocess_fft(self, message):
        Handler "FFT CONTROLS CHANGED" messages from the View. It tells the model to re-process the fft.
        message.data should contain the array [window, slices, max_peaks]

    def signal_changed(self, message):
        Handles "SIGNAL CHANGED" messages sent by the model. Tells the view to update itself.
        message is ignored

    def fft_changed(self, message):
        Handles "FFT CHANGED" messages sent by the model. Tells the view to update itself.
        message is ignored