def insert() -> None: resp = 'Y' while resp.upper() == 'Y': code = input('Pouch Code (0 - exit): ').strip() if code == '0': return if code == '' or code is None: print('\33[1;31mPouch is empty\33[m') continue # verify if code pouch have only zeros if len(code) == code.count('0'): print('\33[1;31mPouch have only zeros\33[m') continue codePouchIN: str = code # check if codePouch exist codePouchOUT = Pouch.findcodepouch(codePouchIN) if codePouchOUT == '' or codePouchOUT == None: # the codePouch isn't exist regcard: Card = Card.validcard(0) # SEARCH if int(regcard.codeCard) > 0: regsynd, regcomp = Company.validcompany(0) if int(regcomp.codeComp) > 0: dtarrived = inform_date(False) quant = inform_quant() value = inform_value() regpouch: Pouch = Pouch(codePouchIN, regcard.codeCard, regsynd.codeSynd, regcomp.codeComp, dtarrived, quant, value) Pouch.insertdb(regpouch) else: print(f'\33[1;31mCode already exist\33[m') continue resp = ' ' while resp.upper() not in 'YN': resp = input('Do you want continue [Y/N]? ')
def menu(): month, year = util.valid_month_year() if year == 0: return regcard: Card = Card.validcard(0) # SEARCH regsynd, regcomp = Company.validcompany(0) conn = Database.conn cursor = Database.cursor filepdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') # Portrait dtini, dtfinal = util.first_last_day(month, year) data: cursor = Pouch.finddate(dtini, dtfinal, regcard.codeCard, regsynd.codeSynd, regcomp.codeComp) if len(data) == 0: print("\33[1;31mDon't have register\33[m") else: filepdf.add_page() filepdf.set_font('Arial', '', 10) filepdf.cell(190, 4, 'Página ' + str(filepdf.page_no()), 0, 1, 'R') filepdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) filepdf.cell( 190, 4, 'Monthly Report - ' + str(month) + '/' + str(year) + ' ' + datetime.strftime(, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'), 0, 1, 'C') filepdf.set_font('Courier', '', 10) filepdf.cell(190, 4, ' ', 0, 1, 'R') # 60 = weight 20 = height by cell 0 = border 1 = break line L = align subtitle = ' Date Pouch Card Syndicate Company Quant Value' filepdf.set_font('Courier', '', 10) filepdf.cell(190, 4, subtitle, 0, 1, 'L') contline = 2 for reg in data: dtarrived = reg[0] codepouch = reg[1] namecard = reg[2] namesynd = reg[3] namecomp = reg[4] quant = reg[5] value = reg[6] if contline > 59: filepdf.add_page() filepdf.set_font('Arial', '', 10) filepdf.cell(190, 4, 'Página ' + str(filepdf.page_no()), 0, 1, 'R') subtitle = 'Arrived Pouch Card Syndicate Company Quant Value' filepdf.set_font('Courier', '', 10) filepdf.cell(190, 4, subtitle, 0, 1, 'L') contline = 2 contline += 1 filepdf.cell( 210, 4, f'{dtarrived} {codepouch:<10} {namecard:<10} ' f'{namesynd:<15} {namecomp:<15} {quant:>4} {value:>6.2f}', 0, 1, 'L') try: filepdf.output(f'ReportMonthly_{year}{month:0>2}.pdf', 'F') # D - Web F- Local print('Generated Report') except Exception: print('\33[1;31mThe file pdf is open\33[m') return