Пример #1
    def build_huffman_tree(self, heap, s, r):

        newProbability = 0
        newNode = Node()
        while s > 0:
            s = s - 1
            minimumNode = heap.extract_min()
            newProbability += minimumNode.get_probability()


        while True:
            rIndex = r
            newProbability = 0
            newNode = Node()
            while rIndex > 0:
                rIndex = rIndex - 1
                minimumNode = heap.extract_min()
                newProbability += minimumNode.get_probability()


            if heap.get_size() == 1:
                return heap.get_values()[0]
Пример #2
 def test_node(self):
     node1 = Node()
     self.assertEqual(node1.get_character(), 'a')
     self.assertEqual(node1.get_probability(), '1')
Пример #3
    def handle_command(self, sender_id: str, sender_ip, sender_port, cmd,
                       payload: str):
        sender_node = Node(sender_id, sender_ip, sender_port)
        if cmd == "FIND_NODE":
            closest_nodes = self.routing_table.get_closest_nodes(
                payload, self.k)
            return json.dumps(closest_nodes, default=lambda x: x.__dict__)

        if cmd == "STORE":
            message = Message(sender_node, payload)
            if self.node.is_public:
                return "ok"

            return "ok"

        if cmd == "PING":
            return "PONG"

        if self.node.is_public:
            if cmd == "SUBSCRIBE":
                return "ok"

            if cmd == "UNSUBSCRIBE":
                return "ok"
 def _load_table(self, bootstrap_node: Node):
     with open(self._file_path, mode="a+") as f:
         raw_nodes = f.readlines()
     raw_nodes = [x.strip() for x in raw_nodes]
     for raw_node in raw_nodes:
         node_id, ip, port = raw_node.split(':')
         self.add_node(Node(node_id, ip, int(port)))
Пример #5
 def _load_subscribers(self):
     subscribers = []
     with open(self._subscribers_file, mode="a+") as f:
         raw_nodes = f.readlines()
         raw_nodes = [x.strip() for x in raw_nodes]
         for raw_node in raw_nodes:
             node_id, ip, port = raw_node.split(':')
             subscribers.append(Node(node_id, ip, int(port)))
     return subscribers
Пример #6
    def import_file_to_graph(self, inputpath):
        Decodes a text file into a Graph object
        :param inputpath: path to definition file
        :return: graph: Imported Graph object
        with open(inputpath, 'r') as file:
            graph = Graph()
            entries = 0
            lines = file.readlines()

            # Check if the file has the correct format:
            # Graph [name] { ... } with // comments allowed
            contents = ""
            for line in lines:
                contents += line
            # set flag re.DEBUG as additional parameter to debug this regex
            match = re.match("(\/\/.*)*Graph\s.+\s{[\s\S]*}", contents)
            if match is None:
                logging.error("The file format is not valid! Check the import specification for the correct format.")

            # Read the file line by line
            for line in lines:
                if entries >= self.MAX_ITEMS:
                    logging.error("File is too long! Aborting import.")

                if line.startswith('//') or line.find(';') == -1:
                    # line is a comment or not a definition

                if line.find('-') == -1:
                    # line is a node definition
                    key = line[0: line.find('=')].strip()
                    value = line[line.find('=') + 1:line.find(';')].strip()
                    graph.nodes.append(Node(value, key))
                    logging.debug('Node definition found: %s | %s', value, key)
                elif line.find('-') != -1:
                    # line is an edge definition
                    frm = line[0: line.find('-')].strip()
                    to = line[line.find('-') + 1: line.find(':')].strip()
                    cost = line[line.find(':') + 1:line.find(';')].strip()
                    graph.edges.append(Edge(frm, to, int(cost)))
                    logging.debug('Edge definition found: %s | %s | %s', frm, to, cost)

                entries += 1

            for node in graph.nodes:
                logging.debug('%s - %s', node.node_id, node.name)

            for edge in graph.edges:
                logging.debug('%s - %s: %s', edge.frm, edge.to, edge.cost)

        return graph
Пример #7
 def _send_find_node(self, node: Node, node_to_search_id: str) -> list:
     with socketmanager(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
         print(f"Connecting to {node.ip}:{node.port} (FIND_NODE)")
         s.connect((node.ip, node.port))
         s.send(bytes(f"{self.node.id}:{self.node.port} FIND_NODE {node_to_search_id}", encoding="utf-8"))
         res = s.recv(1024)
         lst = []
         for str_node in json.loads(res.decode(encoding='utf-8')):
             lst.append(Node(None, None, None).init_from_dict(str_node))
         return lst
Пример #8
    def build_heap(self, dictionary):

        characters = list(dictionary.keys())
        probabilities = list(dictionary.values())

        queue = PriorityQueue()
        for index in range(len(characters)):
            node = Node()
        return queue
 def setUp(self):
     self.command_queues = []
     self.output_queues = []
     self.client_threads = []
     self.server_threads = []
     self.locks = []
     self.users = []
     self.tables = []
     self.bucket_limit = 20
     self.k = 10
     self.alpha = 3
     self.connections_count = 20
     self.bootstrap_node = Node("bootstrap_node", "", 5555)
     self.private_nodes_count = 5
     self.public_nodes_count = 2
Пример #10
 def test_node_comparison(self):
     node1 = Node()
     node2 = Node()
     self.assertTrue(node1 < node2)
Пример #11
class InputsConfig:
    """ Seclect the model to be simulated.
    0 : The base model
    1 : Bitcoin model
    2 : Ethereum model
    3 : Trias model
    model = 3
    ''' Input configurations for the base model '''
    if model == 0:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 600  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Bdelay = 0.42  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 12.5  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 10  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tdelay = 5.1  # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tfee = 0.000062  # The average transaction fee
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Node import Node
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0), Node(id=1)
        ]  # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 1000  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
    ''' Input configurations for Bitcoin model '''
    if model == 1:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 600  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Bdelay = 0.42  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 12.5  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 10  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tdelay = 5.1  # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tfee = 0.000062  # The average transaction fee
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Bitcoin.Node import Node
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0, hashPower=50),
            Node(id=1, hashPower=20),
            Node(id=2, hashPower=30)
        ]  # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one + % of hash (computing) power
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 10000  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
    ''' Input configurations for Ethereum model '''
    if model == 2:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 12.42  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Blimit = 8000000  # The block gas limit
        Bdelay = 6  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 2  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 20  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tdelay = 3  # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        # The transaction fee in Ethereum is calculated as: UsedGas X GasPrice
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Drawing the values for gas related attributes (UsedGas and GasPrice, CPUTime) from fitted distributions '''
        ''' Uncles Parameters '''
        hasUncles = True  # boolean variable to indicate use of uncle mechansim or not
        Buncles = 2  # maximum number of uncle blocks allowed per block
        Ugenerations = 7  # the depth in which an uncle can be included in a block
        Ureward = 0
        UIreward = Breward / 32  # Reward for including an uncle
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Ethereum.Node import Node
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0, hashPower=50),
            Node(id=1, hashPower=20),
            Node(id=2, hashPower=30)
        ]  # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one + % of hash (computing) power
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 500  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
    ''' Input configurations for Trias model '''
    if model == 3:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 600  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        # Bdelay = 0.42 # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        # Bdelay = [
        #     [ float("inf")     , 21.62 , 24.42 , 0.57  , 7.74  , 9.18  , 1.01  , 0.76  , 18.44 , 21.14 , 26.56 , 19.78 , 23.61 , 16.76 , 23.34 , 21.5  , 24.11 , 23.54 ],
        #     [ 21.62 , float("inf")     , 19.31 , 21.47 , 28.97 , 21.35 , 21.12 , 20.89 , 3.63  , 0.68  , 6.12  , 8.61  , 3.84  , 13.02 , 17.38 , 23.68 , 13.5  , 18.4  ],
        #     [ 24.42 , 19.31 , float("inf")     , 24.4  , 27.85 , 30.31 , 23.88 , 25.03 , 17.9  , 19.61 , 23.9  , 17.96 , 19.91 , 9.17  , 2.22  , 9.85  , 8.51  , 1.12  ],
        #     [ 0.57  , 21.47 , 24.4  , float("inf")     , 7.2   , 8.98  , 1.47  , 0.49  , 18.79 , 22.33 , 28.24 , 20.79 , 23.4  , 18.78 , 25.77 , 25.47 , 15.34 , 26.08 ],
        #     [ 7.74  , 28.97 , 27.85 , 7.2   , float("inf")     , 16    , 7.99  , 7.57  , 10.47 , 19.58 , 11.97 , 17.15 , 12.21 , 11.71 , 32.15 , 16.72 , 40.13 , 26.01 ],
        #     [ 9.18  , 21.35 , 30.31 , 8.98  , 16    , float("inf")     , 9.38  , 9.21  , 16.17 , 25.17 , 6.62  , 37.8  , 15.45 , 11.66 , 26.84 , 12.99 , 34.76 , 30.03 ],
        #     [ 1.01  , 21.12 , 23.88 , 1.47  , 7.99  , 9.38  , float("inf")     , 0.52  , 25.82 , 20.5  , 15.36 , 21.77 , 21.49 , 29.29 , 23.51 , 19.49 , 19.35 , 24.02 ],
        #     [ 0.76  , 20.89 , 25.03 , 0.49  , 7.57  , 9.21  , 0.52  , float("inf")     , 19.21 , 22.96 , 18.89 , 22.72 , 20.42 , 31.77 , 22.22 , 26.9  , 28.28 , 26.02 ],
        #     [ 18.44 , 3.63  , 17.9  , 18.79 , 10.47 , 16.17 , 25.82 , 19.21 , float("inf")     , 3.47  , 6.08  , 7.5   , 7.39  , 18.24 , 22.64 , 19.38 , 27.24 , 14.79 ],
        #     [ 21.14 , 0.68  , 19.61 , 22.33 , 19.58 , 25.17 , 20.5  , 22.96 , 3.47  , float("inf")     , 5.55  , 8.7   , 3.93  , 10.25 , 16.57 , 28.24 , 10.8  , 20.63 ],
        #     [ 26.56 , 6.12  , 23.9  , 28.24 , 11.97 , 6.62  , 15.36 , 18.89 , 6.08  , 5.55  , float("inf")     , 3.35  , 5.76  , 4.48  , 16.02 , 14.44 , 26.07 , 25.23 ],
        #     [ 19.78 , 8.61  , 17.96 , 20.79 , 17.15 , 37.8  , 21.77 , 22.72 , 7.5   , 8.7   , 3.35  , float("inf")     , 9.07  , 9.9   , 24.59 , 37.7  , 6.67  , 13.57 ],
        #     [ 23.61 , 3.84  , 19.91 , 23.4  , 12.21 , 15.45 , 21.49 , 20.42 , 7.39  , 3.93  , 5.76  , 9.07  , float("inf")     , 32.04 , 24.7  , 16.57 , 19.08 , 19.81 ],
        #     [ 16.76 , 13.02 , 9.17  , 18.78 , 11.71 , 11.66 , 29.29 , 31.77 , 18.24 , 10.25 , 4.48  , 9.9   , 32.04 , float("inf")     , 8.48  , 15.94 , 13.06 , 8.33  ],
        #     [ 23.34 , 17.38 , 2.22  , 25.77 , 32.15 , 26.84 , 23.51 , 22.22 , 22.64 , 16.57 , 16.02 , 24.59 , 24.7  , 8.48  , float("inf")     , 7.77  , 9.45  , 1.52  ],
        #     [ 21.5  , 23.68 , 9.85  , 25.47 , 16.72 , 12.99 , 19.49 , 26.9  , 19.38 , 28.24 , 14.44 , 37.7  , 16.57 , 15.94 , 7.77  , float("inf")     , 5.75  , 10.64 ],
        #     [ 24.11 , 13.5  , 8.51  , 15.34 , 40.13 , 34.76 , 19.35 , 28.28 , 27.24 , 10.8  , 26.07 , 6.67  , 19.08 , 13.06 , 9.45  , 5.75  , float("inf")     , 8.49  ],
        #     [ 23.54 , 18.4  , 1.12  , 26.08 , 26.01 , 30.03 , 24.02 , 26.02 , 14.79 , 20.63 , 25.23 , 13.57 , 19.81 , 8.33  , 1.52  , 10.64 , 8.49  , float("inf")     ]
        # ]

        # def do_pre_job(delay_matrix):
        #     pass

        # def calc_delay(delay_matrix):
        #     node_num = len(delay_matrix)
        #     delay_result = [[0 for _ in range(node_num)] for __ in range(node_num)]
        #     path_result = []
        #     for i in range(node_num):
        #         distance = delay_matrix[i][:]
        #         path = [None for _ in range(node_num)]
        #         while min(distance) != float("inf"):
        #             distance_min = min(distance)
        #             j = distance.index(distance_min)
        #             if distance[j] == delay_matrix[i][j]:
        #                 path[j] = i
        #             delay_result[i][j] = distance[j]
        #             distance[j] = float("inf")
        #             for k in range(node_num):
        #                 if distance[k] != float("inf") and distance_min + delay_matrix[j][k] < distance[k]:
        #                     distance[k] = distance_min + delay_matrix[j][k]
        #                     path[k] = j
        #         path_result.append(path)
        #     return delay_result, path_result

        # Bdelay, _ = calc_delay(Bdelay)
        Breward = 12.5  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 10  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tdelay = 5.1  # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tfee = 0.000062  # The average transaction fee
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 1000  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        ''' Network Parameters'''
        BoardcastType = "DBDC"  # Gossip / DBDC
        ''' Security Parameters'''
        attack = True
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 10000  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 1  # Number of simulation runs
Пример #12
class InputsConfig:

    model = model
    ''' Block Parameters '''
    # average time for creating a block in the blockchain
    Binterval = float(os.getenv('BLOCK_INTERVAL', 596))
    # block size in MB
    Bsize = float(os.getenv('BLOCK_SIZE', 0.83))
    # average block propogation delay in seconds, ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw
    Bdelay = float(os.getenv('BLOCK_PROPAGATION_DELAY', 0.42))
    # reward for mining a block
    Breward = float(os.getenv('BLOCK_REWARD', 12.5))
    ''' Transaction Parameters '''
    # whether to enable transactions in the simulator
    hasTrans = bool(os.getenv('TRANSACTION_ENABLED', True))
    # specify the way of modelling transactions {Full, Light}
    Ttechnique = os.getenv('TRANSACTION_TECHNIQUE', 'Light')
    # average transaction size in MB
    Tsize = float(os.getenv('TRANSACTION_SIZE', 0.000546))
    # rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
    Tn = int(os.getenv('TRANSACTION_PER_SECOND', 10))
    # average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
    Tdelay = float(os.getenv('TRANSACTION_PROPAGATION_DELAY', 5.1))
    # average transaction fee
    Tfee = float(os.getenv('TRANSACTION_FEE', 0.000062))
    # time to treat transaction as timeout after it is created but still not mined
    Ttimeout = float(os.getenv('TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT', 5960))
    ''' Node Parameters '''
    # total count of nodes in the network
    NODES = []
    Nn = int(os.getenv('NODE_COUNT', 3))
    Npower = os.getenv('NODE_HASH_POWER', '50,20,30')
    node_hash_powers = [
        float(node_hash_power) for node_hash_power in Npower.split(',')
    if len(node_hash_powers) != Nn:
            'length of node hash powers must be equal to node count %d, but got %d'
            % (Nn, len(node_hash_powers)))
    ''' Simulation Parameters '''
    # simulation length (in seconds)
    simTime = int(os.getenv('SIMULATION_TIME', 100000))
    # count of simulation runs
    Runs = int(os.getenv('SIMULATION_RUN', 3))
    ''' Base '''
    if model == 0:
        NODES = [Node(id=i) for i in range(Nn)]
    ''' Bitcoin '''
    if model == 1:
        NODES = [
            Node(id=id, hashPower=hash_power)
            for id, hash_power in enumerate(node_hash_powers)
    ''' Ethereum '''
    if model == 2:
        # The block gas limit
        Blimit = int(os.getenv('BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT', 7997148))
        # whether to enable uncle in the simulator
        hasUncles = bool(os.getenv('UNCLE_ENABLED', True))
        # max count of uncle blocks allowed per block
        Buncles = int(os.getenv('UNCLE_PER_BLOCK', 2))
        # depth in which an uncle can be included in a block
        Ugenerations = int(os.getenv('UNCLE_DEPTH', 7))
        # reward for an uncle block
        Ureward = int(os.getenv('UNCLE_REWARD', 0))
        # reward for including an uncle
        UIreward = float(os.getenv('UNCLE_INCLUDING_REWARD', Breward / 32))

        NODES = [
            Node(id=id, hashPower=hash_power)
            for id, hash_power in enumerate(node_hash_powers)
    ''' B++ '''
    if model == 3:
        Bdmin = int(os.getenv('BLOCK_D_MIN', -2))
        TProbability = [
            float(tx_probability) for tx_probability in os.getenv(
                'TRANSACTION_PROBABILITY', '1,25,74').split(',')

        NODES = [
            Node(id=id, hashPower=hash_power)
            for id, hash_power in enumerate(node_hash_powers)
Пример #13
 def generate_default_map(self):
     self.nodes = [
         Node(1, 1, (0, 0), 2, 20, -1),
         Node(2, 2, (10, 10), 2, 20, -1),
         Node(3, 0, (4, 0), 2, 10),
         Node(4, 0, (6, 0), 2, 10),
         Node(5, 0, (5, 2), 2, 10),
         Node(6, 0, (4, 10), 2, 10),
         Node(7, 0, (6, 10), 2, 10),
         Node(8, 0, (5, 8), 2, 10),
         Node(9, 0, (6, 4), 2, 30),
         Node(10, 0, (5, 5), 2, 30),
         Node(11, 0, (4, 6), 2, 30),
         Node(12, 0, (4, 4), 2, 30),
         Node(13, 0, (6, 6), 2, 30),
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, login: str, ip, port, is_public: bool = False):
     self.login = login
     self.node = Node(
         sha1(bytes(login, encoding='utf-8')).hexdigest(), ip, port,
Пример #15
 def test_node_get_probability(self):
     node = Node()
     self.assertEqual(node.get_probability(), '1')
Пример #16
 def test_node_get_character(self):
     node = Node()
     self.assertEqual(node.get_character(), 'a')
Пример #17
class InputsConfig:
    """ Seclect the model to be simulated.
    0 : The base model
    1 : Bitcoin model
    2 : Ethereum model
        3 : AppendableBlock model
    model = 3
    ''' Input configurations for the base model '''
    if model == 0:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 600  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Bdelay = 0.42  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 12.5  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 10  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tdelay = 5.1
        Tfee = 0.000062  # The average transaction fee
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Node import Node
        # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one
        NODES = [Node(id=0), Node(id=1)]
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 1000  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
    ''' Input configurations for Bitcoin model '''
    if model == 1:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 600  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Bdelay = 0.42  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 12.5  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 10  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tdelay = 5.1
        Tfee = 0.000062  # The average transaction fee
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Bitcoin.Node import Node
        # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one + % of hash (computing) power
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0, hashPower=50),
            Node(id=1, hashPower=20),
            Node(id=2, hashPower=30)
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 10000  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
    ''' Input configurations for Ethereum model '''
    if model == 2:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 12.42  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Blimit = 8000000  # The block gas limit
        Bdelay = 6  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 2  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 20  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tdelay = 3
        # The transaction fee in Ethereum is calculated as: UsedGas X GasPrice
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Drawing the values for gas related attributes (UsedGas and GasPrice, CPUTime) from fitted distributions '''
        ''' Uncles Parameters '''
        hasUncles = True  # boolean variable to indicate use of uncle mechansim or not
        Buncles = 2  # maximum number of uncle blocks allowed per block
        Ugenerations = 7  # the depth in which an uncle can be included in a block
        Ureward = 0
        UIreward = Breward / 32  # Reward for including an uncle
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Ethereum.Node import Node
        # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one + % of hash (computing) power
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0, hashPower=50),
            Node(id=1, hashPower=20),
            Node(id=2, hashPower=30)
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 500  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
        ''' Input configurations for AppendableBlock model '''
    if model == 3:
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator

        Ttechnique = "Full"

        # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tn = 10

        # The maximum number of transactions that can be added into a transaction list
        txListSize = 100
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        # Number of device nodes per gateway in the network
        Dn = 10
        # Number of gateway nodes in the network
        Gn = 2
        # Total number of nodes in the network
        Nn = Gn + (Gn * Dn)
        # A list of all the nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        # A list of all the gateway Ids
        GATEWAYIDS = [chr(x + 97) for x in range(Gn)]
        from Models.AppendableBlock.Node import Node

        # Create all the gateways
        for i in GATEWAYIDS:
            otherGatewayIds = GATEWAYIDS.copy()
            # Create gateway node
            NODES.append(Node(i, "g", otherGatewayIds))

        # Create the device nodes for each gateway
        deviceNodeId = 1
        for i in GATEWAYIDS:
            for j in range(Dn):
                NODES.append(Node(deviceNodeId, "d", i))
                deviceNodeId += 1
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds
        propTxDelay = 0.000690847927

        # The average transaction list propagation delay in seconds
        propTxListDelay = 0.00864894

        # The average transaction insertion delay in seconds
        insertTxDelay = 0.000010367235

        # The simulation length (in seconds)
        simTime = 500

        # Number of simulation runs
        Runs = 5
        ''' Verification '''
        # Varify the model implementation at the end of first run
        VerifyImplemetation = True

        maxTxListSize = 0
Пример #18
 def test_node_add_child(self):
     node = Node()
Пример #19
class InputsConfig:
    """ Seclect the model to be simulated.
    0 : The base model
    1 : Bitcoin model
    2 : Ethereum model
    model = 2
    ''' Input configurations for the base model '''
    if model == 0:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 600  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Bdelay = 0.42  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 12.5  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 10  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tdelay = 5.1  # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tfee = 0.000062  # The average transaction fee
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Node import Node
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0), Node(id=1)
        ]  # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 1000  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
    ''' Input configurations for Bitcoin model '''
    if model == 1:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 600  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Bdelay = 0.42  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 12.5  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 10  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tdelay = 5.1  # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        Tfee = 0.000062  # The average transaction fee
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Bitcoin.Node import Node
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0, hashPower=50),
            Node(id=1, hashPower=20),
            Node(id=2, hashPower=30)
        ]  # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one + % of hash (computing) power
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 10000  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs
    ''' Input configurations for Ethereum model '''
    if model == 2:
        ''' Block Parameters '''
        Binterval = 12.42  # Average time (in seconds)for creating a block in the blockchain
        Bsize = 1.0  # The block size in MB
        Blimit = 8000000  # The block gas limit
        Bdelay = 6  # average block propogation delay in seconds, #Ref: https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/uncle-mining-an-ethereum-consensus-protocol-flaw/
        Breward = 2  # Reward for mining a block
        ''' Transaction Parameters '''
        hasTrans = True  # True/False to enable/disable transactions in the simulator
        Ttechnique = "Light"  # Full/Light to specify the way of modelling transactions
        Tn = 20  # The rate of the number of transactions to be created per second
        Tdelay = 3  # The average transaction propagation delay in seconds (Only if Full technique is used)
        # The transaction fee in Ethereum is calculated as: UsedGas X GasPrice
        Tsize = 0.000546  # The average transaction size  in MB
        ''' Drawing the values for gas related attributes (UsedGas and GasPrice, CPUTime) from fitted distributions '''
        ''' Uncles Parameters '''
        hasUncles = True  # boolean variable to indicate use of uncle mechansim or not
        Buncles = 2  # maximum number of uncle blocks allowed per block
        Ugenerations = 7  # the depth in which an uncle can be included in a block
        Ureward = 0
        UIreward = Breward / 32  # Reward for including an uncle
        ''' Node Parameters '''
        Nn = 3  # the total number of nodes in the network
        NODES = []
        from Models.Ethereum.Node import Node
        NODES = [
            Node(id=0, hashPower=50),
            Node(id=1, hashPower=20),
            Node(id=2, hashPower=30)
        ]  # here as an example we define three nodes by assigning a unique id for each one + % of hash (computing) power
        ''' Simulation Parameters '''
        simTime = 500  # the simulation length (in seconds)
        Runs = 2  # Number of simulation runs