Пример #1
class PyResourceBitmapModel(PythonEditorModels.ModuleModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'PyImgResource'
    bitmap = 'PyResBitmap.png'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgPyResBitmap = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

    def updateData(self, data, subImage):
        from wx.tools import img2py
        crunched = StringIO(img2py.crunch_data(data, subImage['zip'])).readlines()
        if subImage['zip']:
            crunched[-1] += ' )'+subImage['eol']
        srcLines = self.getDataAsLines()
        srcLines[subImage['start']:subImage['end']] = crunched + [subImage['eol']]

        self.modified = True

        subImage['data'] = data
Пример #2
                    except ValueError:
        return files

    def updateFilelists(self):
        zf = self.ArchiveClass(self.resourcepath, 'r')
            self.compression = zf.compression
            self.allFiles = zf.infolist()
            self.allFileNames = [fl.filename for fl in self.allFiles]

EditorHelper.imgZipFileModel = \

class ZipFileModel(EditorModels.EditorModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'ZipFile'
    defaultName = 'zip'
    bitmap = 'ZipFile.png'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgZipFileModel
    ext = '.zip'

def uriSplitZip(filename, zipfile, zipentry):
    return 'zip', zipfile, zipentry, filename

def findZipExplorerNode(category, respath, transports):
Пример #3
import os

import wx
import wx.stc

import Preferences, Utils, Plugins
from Utils import _

import PaletteStore

from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper, EditorModels
from Views import SourceViews, StyledTextCtrls

# Allocate an image index for Java files
EditorHelper.imgJavaModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

Plugins.registerPreference('JavaSupport', 'jsJavaCompilerPath', "''",
                           ['Path to the compiler'], 'type: filepath')

class JavaModel(EditorModels.SourceModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'Java'
    defaultName = 'java'  # default name given to newly created files
    bitmap = 'Java.png' # this image must exist in Images/Modules
    ext = '.java'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgJavaModel

# get the style definitions file in either the prefs directory or the Boa root
java_cfgfile = os.path.join(Preferences.rcPath, 'stc-java.rc.cfg')
#if not os.path.exists(java_cfgfile):
#    java_cfgfile = Preferences.pyPath +'/Plug-ins/stc-java.rc.cfg'
Пример #4
# Define new zope image and a Model for opening in the Editor
from ZopeLib.ZopeEditorModels import addZOAImage, ZOAIcons, ZopeDocumentModel, ZopeController
import Models
from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper
from Models.HTMLSupport import HTMLFileModel, HTMLFileController, HTMLFileView

addZOAImage('Page Template', 'Images/ZOA/ZopePageTemplate.png')
addZOAImage('Filesystem Page Template', 'Images/ZOA/ZopePageTemplate.png')

class ZopePageTemplateModel(ZopeDocumentModel):
    imgIdx = ZOAIcons['Page Template']

EditorHelper.imgZopePTFSModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

class ZopePageTemplateFSModel(HTMLFileModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'PageTemplateHTML'
    defaultName = 'pagetemplate'
    bitmap = 'ZopePageTemplate_s.png'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgZopePTFSModel
    ext = '.pt'

    ZopePageTemplateFSModel.modelIdentifier] = ZopePageTemplateFSModel
EditorHelper.extMap['.pt'] = ZopePageTemplateFSModel
EditorHelper.extMap['.zpt'] = ZopePageTemplateFSModel
import os

import wx
import wx.stc

import Preferences, Utils, Plugins
from Utils import _

import PaletteStore

from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper, EditorModels
from Views import SourceViews, StyledTextCtrls
from Explorers import ExplorerNodes

# Allocate an image index for Pascal files
EditorHelper.imgPascalModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

# Register plug-in preference
Plugins.registerPreference('PascalSupport', 'psPascalCompilerPath', "''",
                           ['Path to the compiler'], 'type: filepath')

class PascalModel(EditorModels.SourceModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'Pascal'
    defaultName = 'pascal'  # default name given to newly created files
    bitmap = 'Pascal.png' # this image must exist in Images/Modules
    ext = '.pas'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgPascalModel

# get the style definitions file in either the prefs directory or the Boa root
pascal_cfgfile = Preferences.rcPath +'/stc-pascal.rc.cfg'
import os

import wx
import wx.stc

import Preferences, Utils, Plugins
from Utils import _

import PaletteStore

from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper, EditorModels
from Views import SourceViews, StyledTextCtrls
from Explorers import ExplorerNodes

# Allocate an image index for Pascal files
EditorHelper.imgPascalModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

# Register plug-in preference
Plugins.registerPreference('PascalSupport', 'psPascalCompilerPath', "''",
                           ['Path to the compiler'], 'type: filepath')

class PascalModel(EditorModels.SourceModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'Pascal'
    defaultName = 'pascal'  # default name given to newly created files
    bitmap = 'Pascal.png'  # this image must exist in Images/Modules
    ext = '.pas'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgPascalModel

# get the style definitions file in either the prefs directory or the Boa root
Пример #7
to run the link app module itself from the IDE!

Linked apps can be chained but beware of cycles! ;)

Only proxies the run and debug methods to the parent app.


import wx

import Plugins

import sourceconst
from Models import PythonEditorModels, PythonControllers, EditorHelper, Controllers

EditorHelper.imgLinkAppModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

class LinkAppModel(PythonEditorModels.PyAppModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'LinkApp'
    defaultName = 'LinkApp'
    bitmap = 'LinkApp_s.png'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgLinkAppModel

    #    def getDefaultData(self):
    #        return sourceconst.defSig %{'modelIdent':self.modelIdentifier, 'main': ''}

    def findAppInModules(self, args):
        for name, Model in self.moduleModels.items():
            if Model.modelIdentifier in Controllers.appModelIdReg:
                filepath = self.moduleFilename(name)
Пример #8
import wx
import wx.stc

import Preferences, Utils, Plugins
from Utils import _

except ImportError:
    raise Plugins.SkipPlugin, _('Pyrex is not installed')

from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper, EditorModels, PythonEditorModels, PythonControllers
from Views import SourceViews, StyledTextCtrls

EditorHelper.imgPyrexModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

class PyrexModel(EditorModels.SourceModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'Pyrex'
    defaultName = 'pyrex'
    bitmap = 'Pyrex.png'
    ext = '.pyx'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgPyrexModel

pyrex_cfgfile = os.path.join(Preferences.rcPath, 'stc-pyrex.rc.cfg')
#if not os.path.exists(pyrex_cfgfile):
#    pyrex_cfgfile = Preferences.pyPath +'/Plug-ins/stc-pyrex.rc.cfg'

class PyrexStyledTextCtrlMix(StyledTextCtrls.LanguageSTCMix):
    def __init__(self, wId):
        StyledTextCtrls.LanguageSTCMix.__init__(self, wId,
Пример #9
to run the link app module itself from the IDE!

Linked apps can be chained but beware of cycles! ;)

Only proxies the run and debug methods to the parent app.


import wx

import Plugins

import sourceconst
from Models import PythonEditorModels, PythonControllers, EditorHelper, Controllers

EditorHelper.imgLinkAppModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

class LinkAppModel(PythonEditorModels.PyAppModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'LinkApp'
    defaultName = 'LinkApp'
    bitmap = 'LinkApp_s.png'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgLinkAppModel

#    def getDefaultData(self):
#        return sourceconst.defSig %{'modelIdent':self.modelIdentifier, 'main': ''}

    def findAppInModules(self, args):
        for name, Model in self.moduleModels.items():
            if Model.modelIdentifier in Controllers.appModelIdReg:
                filepath = self.moduleFilename(name)
                if self.editor.modules.has_key(filepath):
Пример #10

# Define new zope image and a Model for opening in the Editor
from ZopeLib.ZopeEditorModels import addZOAImage, ZOAIcons, ZopeDocumentModel, ZopeController
import Models
from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper
from Models.HTMLSupport import HTMLFileModel, HTMLFileController, HTMLFileView

addZOAImage('Page Template', 'Images/ZOA/ZopePageTemplate.png')
addZOAImage('Filesystem Page Template', 'Images/ZOA/ZopePageTemplate.png')

class ZopePageTemplateModel(ZopeDocumentModel):
    imgIdx = ZOAIcons['Page Template']

EditorHelper.imgZopePTFSModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

class ZopePageTemplateFSModel(HTMLFileModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'PageTemplateHTML'
    defaultName = 'pagetemplate'
    bitmap = 'ZopePageTemplate_s.png'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgZopePTFSModel
    ext = '.pt'

EditorHelper.modelReg[ZopePageTemplateFSModel.modelIdentifier] = ZopePageTemplateFSModel
EditorHelper.extMap['.pt'] = ZopePageTemplateFSModel
EditorHelper.extMap['.zpt'] = ZopePageTemplateFSModel


from ZopeLib import ZopeViews
Пример #11
import os

import wx
import wx.stc

import Preferences, Utils, Plugins
from Utils import _

import PaletteStore

from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper, EditorModels
from Views import SourceViews, StyledTextCtrls

# Allocate an image index for Java files
EditorHelper.imgJavaModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

Plugins.registerPreference('JavaSupport', 'jsJavaCompilerPath', "''",
                           ['Path to the compiler'], 'type: filepath')

class JavaModel(EditorModels.SourceModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'Java'
    defaultName = 'java'  # default name given to newly created files
    bitmap = 'Java.png' # this image must exist in Images/Modules
    ext = '.java'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgJavaModel

# get the style definitions file in either the prefs directory or the Boa root
java_cfgfile = os.path.join(Preferences.rcPath, 'stc-java.rc.cfg')
#if not os.path.exists(java_cfgfile):
#    java_cfgfile = Preferences.pyPath +'/Plug-ins/stc-java.rc.cfg'
Пример #12
                    try: files.index(file.filename)
                    except ValueError: files.append(file.filename)
        return files

    def updateFilelists(self):
        zf = self.ArchiveClass(self.resourcepath, 'r')
            self.compression = zf.compression
            self.allFiles = zf.infolist()
            self.allFileNames = [fl.filename for fl in self.allFiles]

EditorHelper.imgZipFileModel = \
class ZipFileModel(EditorModels.EditorModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'ZipFile'
    defaultName = 'zip'
    bitmap = 'ZipFile.png'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgZipFileModel
    ext = '.zip'

def uriSplitZip(filename, zipfile, zipentry):
    return 'zip', zipfile, zipentry, filename

def findZipExplorerNode(category, respath, transports):
    zf = ZipFileNode(os.path.basename(category), category, None, -1, None, None)
    return zf.getNodeFromPath(respath)
Пример #13
class PseudoFileOutTC(Utils.PseudoFile):
    tags = 'stderr'
    def write(self, s):
        if echo: sys.__stdout__.write(s)

class PseudoFileErrTC(Utils.PseudoFile):
    tags = 'stdout'
    def write(self, s):
        if echo: sys.__stderr__.write(s)


EditorHelper.imgPyCrust = EditorHelper.addPluginImgs('Images\Editor\PyCrust.png')

class PyCrustShellEditor(wx.SplitterWindow):
    def __init__(self, parent, wId):
        wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, parent, wId)

        from wx.py.crust import Shell, Filling

        # XXX argh! PyCrust records the About box pseudo file objs from 
        # XXX sys.in/err/out
        o, i, e = sys.stdout, sys.stdin, sys.stderr
        sys.stdout, sys.stdin, sys.stderr = \
              sys.__stdout__, sys.__stdin__, sys.__stderr__
            self.shellWin = Shell(self, -1)
Пример #14
            del sys.path[0]
    except Exception, err:
        print str(err)
        return None

def getWxPyDemoTree():
    Main = importFromWxPyDemo('Main')
    if Main:
        return Main._treeList
        return []

EditorHelper.imgWxPythonDemo = EditorHelper.addPluginImgs('Images/wxPythonDemo.png')

class SkipViewSignal(Exception):
    """ Raised when the demo is not docked """

class wxPythonDemoView(wx.Panel, EditorViews.EditorView, EditorViews.CloseableViewMix):
    viewName = tabName = 'Demo'
    viewTitle = _('Demo')
    def __init__(self, parent, model):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
        EditorViews.EditorView.__init__(self, model, actions=self.closingActionItems)
        self.demoCtrl = None
Пример #15
import wx
import wx.stc

import Preferences, Utils, Plugins
from Utils import _

except ImportError:
    raise Plugins.SkipPlugin, _('Pyrex is not installed')

from Models import Controllers, EditorHelper, EditorModels, PythonEditorModels, PythonControllers
from Views import SourceViews, StyledTextCtrls

EditorHelper.imgPyrexModel = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange()

class PyrexModel(EditorModels.SourceModel):
    modelIdentifier = 'Pyrex'
    defaultName = 'pyrex'
    bitmap = 'Pyrex.png'
    ext = '.pyx'
    imgIdx = EditorHelper.imgPyrexModel

pyrex_cfgfile = os.path.join(Preferences.rcPath, 'stc-pyrex.rc.cfg')
#if not os.path.exists(pyrex_cfgfile):
#    pyrex_cfgfile = Preferences.pyPath +'/Plug-ins/stc-pyrex.rc.cfg'

Пример #16
            del sys.path[0]
    except Exception, err:
        print str(err)
        return None

def getWxPyDemoTree():
    Main = importFromWxPyDemo('Main')
    if Main:
        return Main._treeList
        return []

EditorHelper.imgWxPythonDemo = EditorHelper.addPluginImgs(

class SkipViewSignal(Exception):
    """ Raised when the demo is not docked """

class wxPythonDemoView(wx.Panel, EditorViews.EditorView,
    viewName = tabName = 'Demo'
    viewTitle = _('Demo')

    def __init__(self, parent, model):
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)