Пример #1
   def joinClubApi(self,request):
            if request:
             clubKey = ndb.Key('Club',int(request.club_id))
             club = clubKey.get()

             profileKey = ndb.Key('Profile',int(request.from_pid))
             profile = profileKey.get()
             if (club and profile and profileKey not in club.members):
                joinCreationObj = Join_Creation()
                joinCreationObj.from_pid = profileKey
                joinCreationObj.to_pid = club.admin
                to_pidProfile = joinCreationObj.to_pid.get()
                joinCreationObj.club_id = clubKey
                joinCreationObj.timestamp = dt.datetime.now().replace(microsecond = 0)
                print("join obj",joinCreationObj)
                joinCreationObjKey = joinCreationObj.put()

                newNotif = Notifications(
                     clubName = club.name,
                     clubId = club.key,
                     clubphotoUrl = club.photoUrl,
                     to_pid = joinCreationObj.to_pid,
                     type = "Join Request",
                     timestamp = joinCreationObj.timestamp

                print("Notification to be inserted in join approval",newNotif)
                newNotifKey = newNotif.put()
                data = {'message': profile.name + " wishes to join","title":  club.name}
                print (data)
                gcmId = to_pidProfile.gcmId
                gcm_message = GCMMessage(gcmId, data)
                gcm_conn = GCMConnection()
            return message_types.VoidMessage()