Пример #1
def tilelist(data,zooms):   
        if (data["filetype"]):
            coordinates = MBTiles.list_tiles(data["filename"])
            lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = data["bbox"]
            south, west = min(lat1, lat2), min(lon1, lon2)
            north, east = max(lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2)
            northwest = Location(north, west)
            southeast = Location(south, east)
            osm = Provider()
            ul = osm.locationCoordinate(northwest)
            lr = osm.locationCoordinate(southeast)
            for (i, zoom) in enumerate(zooms):
                if not zoom.isdigit():
                    raise KnownUnknown('"%s" is not a valid numeric zoom level.' % zoom)
                zooms[i] = int(zoom)
            if data["padding"] < 0:
                raise KnownUnknown('A negative padding will not work.')
            coordinates = generateCoordinates(ul, lr, zooms, data["padding"])
            return coordinates
Пример #2
def clean_resource_cache(tile):
    # get the tile model's bounds
    datatype_factory = DataTypeFactory()
    nodegroup = models.NodeGroup.objects.get(pk=tile.nodegroup_id)
    for node in nodegroup.node_set.all():
        datatype = datatype_factory.get_instance(node.datatype)
        if datatype.should_cache(node) and datatype.should_manage_cache(node):
            bounds = datatype.get_bounds(tile, node)
            if bounds is not None:
                zooms = range(20)
                config = TileStache.parseConfig(
                layer = config.layers[str(node.nodeid)]
                mimetype, format = layer.getTypeByExtension('pbf')

                lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = bounds
                south, west = min(lat1, lat2), min(lon1, lon2)
                north, east = max(lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2)

                northwest = Location(north, west)
                southeast = Location(south, east)

                ul = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(northwest)
                lr = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(southeast)

                padding = 0
                coordinates = generateCoordinates(ul, lr, zooms, padding)

                for (offset, count, coord) in coordinates:
                    config.cache.remove(layer, coord, format)
    for key, tile_list in tile.tiles.iteritems():
        for child_tile in tile_list:
Пример #3
def geometry_to_bounds(geometry):
    converts a django geometry to an envelope,
    and then converts this to TileStache's
    if not geometry:
        raise ValueError('geometry is required')

    if geometry.empty:
        raise ValueError('empty geometries cannot be converted')
    if geometry.geom_type == 'Point':
        geometry = geometry.buffer(0.0001)
    envelope = geometry.envelope
    if not envelope:
        raise ValueError(
            'this geometry does not have an envelope and its invalid')

    # this is an envelope, so for sure we have 5 coordinates
    dic = {
        'south': envelope.coords[0][0][1],
        'west': envelope.coords[0][0][0],
        'north': envelope.coords[0][2][1],
        'east': envelope.coords[0][2][0]
    northwest = Location(dic['north'], dic['west'])
    southeast = Location(dic['south'], dic['east'])

    return {'nw': northwest, 'se': southeast}
Пример #4
def seed_resource_cache():
    zooms = range(settings.CACHE_SEED_MAX_ZOOM + 1)
    extension = 'pbf'

    lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = settings.CACHE_SEED_BOUNDS
    south, west = min(lat1, lat2), min(lon1, lon2)
    north, east = max(lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2)

    northwest = Location(north, west)
    southeast = Location(south, east)

    padding = 0

    datatypes = [
        d.pk for d in models.DDataType.objects.filter(isgeometric=True)
    nodes = models.Node.objects.filter(graph__isresource=True,
    for node in nodes:
        datatype = datatype_factory.get_instance(node.datatype)
        count = models.TileModel.objects.filter(
        if datatype.should_cache(node) and count > 0:
            config = TileStache.parseConfig(get_tileserver_config(node.nodeid))
            layer = config.layers[str(node.nodeid)]
            ul = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(northwest)
            lr = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(southeast)
            coordinates = generateCoordinates(ul, lr, zooms, padding)
            for (offset, count, coord) in coordinates:
                path = '%s/%d/%d/%d.%s' % (layer.name(), coord.zoom,
                                           coord.column, coord.row, extension)

                progress = {"tile": path, "offset": offset + 1, "total": count}

                attempts = 3
                rendered = False

                while not rendered:
                    print '%(offset)d of %(total)d...' % progress,

                        mimetype, content = TileStache.getTile(
                            layer, coord, extension, True)

                        attempts -= 1
                        print 'Failed %s, will try %s more.' % (
                            progress['tile'], ['no', 'once', 'twice'

                        if attempts == 0:
                            print 'Failed %(zoom)d/%(column)d/%(row)d, trying next tile.\n' % coord.__dict__

                        rendered = True
                        progress['size'] = '%dKB' % (len(content) / 1024)

                        print '%(tile)s (%(size)s)' % progress
Пример #5
def iterate_squares(ds, zoom):
    xoff, xstride, _, yoff, _, ystride = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    minlon, maxlat = xoff, yoff
    maxlon = xoff + ds.RasterXSize * xstride
    minlat = yoff + ds.RasterYSize * ystride
    if zoom > 11:
        maxlat = min(58, maxlat)
    osm = Provider()
    ul = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(maxlat, minlon)).zoomTo(zoom)
    lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(minlat, maxlon)).zoomTo(zoom)
    #lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(20, -60)).zoomTo(zoom)
    row = int(ul.row)
    while row < lr.row:
        lat = osm.coordinateLocation(Coordinate(row, 0, zoom)).lat
        print >> sys.stderr, 'lat:', round(lat, 2)
        col = int(ul.column)
        while col < lr.column:
            coord = Coordinate(row, col, zoom)
            sw = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.down())
            ne = osm.coordinateLocation(coord.right())
            west = max(minlon, sw.lon)
            north = min(maxlat, ne.lat)
            east = min(maxlon, ne.lon)
            south = max(minlat, sw.lat)
            left = round((west - xoff) / xstride)
            top = round((north - yoff) / ystride)
            width = round((east - xoff) / xstride) - left
            height = round((south - yoff) / ystride) - top
            yield (coord, south, north, int(left), int(top), int(width), int(height))
            col += 1
        row += 1
    x = xmin
    while x < xmax:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'lon:', x
        y = ymin
        while y < ymax:
            left = round((x - xoff) / xstride)
            top = round((y + size - yoff) / ystride)
            width, height = round(size / xstride), round(size / -ystride)

            yield (round(x, 2), round(y, 2), int(left), int(top), int(width), int(height))
            y += size
        x += size
Пример #6
def invalidate_feature_cache(layer_key, features):
    invaldiates the cached tiles that contain the features
    @:param features: array of feature objects

    logger.info("Invalidating features: {0}".format(features))
    # get bbox of features
    dj_config = Config.objects.get()
    config = dj_config.tilestache_config_object

    logger.info("Config Cache: {0}".format(config.cache))

    from TileStache.Caches import S3, Test
    if isinstance(config.cache, Test):
    osm = Provider()

        ts_layer = config.layers[layer_key]
    except IndexError:
        logger.exception('Cannot invalidate %r', layer_key)

    cleared = 0
    keys = []
    for f in features:

        lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = f.wkb_geometry.extent

        south, west = min(lat1, lat2), min(lon1, lon2)
        north, east = max(lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2)
        northwest = Location(north, west)
        southeast = Location(south, east)

        ul = osm.locationCoordinate(northwest)
        lr = osm.locationCoordinate(southeast)

        for coord in generate_coordinates(ul, lr, range(4, 19), padding=0):
            if isinstance(config.cache, S3.Cache):
                    S3.tile_key(ts_layer, coord, 'png', config.cache.path))
                logger.info("ts_layer: {0}, coord: {1}".format(
                    ts_layer, coord))
                config.cache.remove(ts_layer, coord, 'png')
            cleared += 1

    if keys:

    logger.info("cleared {0} TILES".format(cleared))
Пример #7
def list_tiles_for_bounds(image, s2p, paper_width_pt, paper_height_pt, north,
                          west, south, east):
    """ Return a list of coordinates and scan-to-coord functions for a full set of zoom levels.
        Internal work is done by list_tiles_for_bounds_zoom().
    osm = OpenStreetMapProvider()
    coords = []

    for zoom in range(19):
        # Coordinates of three print corners

        ul = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(north, west)).zoomTo(zoom)
        ur = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(north, east)).zoomTo(zoom)
        lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(south, east)).zoomTo(zoom)

        # Matching points in print and coordinate spaces

        ul_pt = Point(1 * ptpin - paper_width_pt,
                      1.5 * ptpin - paper_height_pt)
        ul_co = Point(ul.column, ul.row)

        ur_pt = Point(0, 1.5 * ptpin - paper_height_pt)
        ur_co = Point(ur.column, ur.row)

        lr_pt = Point(0, 0)
        lr_co = Point(lr.column, lr.row)

        scan_dim = hypot(image.size[0], image.size[1])
        zoom_dim = hypot((lr_co.x - ul_co.x) * 256, (lr_co.y - ul_co.y) * 256)

        if zoom_dim / scan_dim < .05:
            # too zoomed-out

        if zoom_dim / scan_dim > 3.:
            # too zoomed-in

        # scan2coord by way of scan2print and print2coord

        p2c = triangle2triangle(ul_pt, ul_co, ur_pt, ur_co, lr_pt, lr_co)
        s2c = s2p.multiply(p2c)

        coords += list_tiles_for_bounds_zoom(image, s2c, zoom)

    return coords
Пример #8
def _parseLayerBounds(bounds_dict, projection):
    north, west = bounds_dict.get('north', 89), bounds_dict.get('west', -180)
    south, east = bounds_dict.get('south', -89), bounds_dict.get('east', 180)
    high, low = bounds_dict.get('high', 31), bounds_dict.get('low', 0)
        ul_hi = projection.locationCoordinate(Location(north, west)).zoomTo(high)
        lr_lo = projection.locationCoordinate(Location(south, east)).zoomTo(low)
    except TypeError:
        raise Core.KnownUnknown('Bad bounds for layer, need north, south, east, west, high, and low: ' + dumps(bounds_dict))
    return Bounds(ul_hi, lr_lo)
Пример #9
def get_features(point, include_geom, layer_names):
    ''' Get a list of features found at the given point location.
        Thread calls to retrieve_zoom_features().
    loc = Location(point.GetY(), point.GetX())
    def _retrieve_zoom_features(zoom, results):
        for result in retrieve_zoom_features(loc, zoom, include_geom, layer_names or None):
    start = time()
    results = []
    if layer_names:
        # Prepare one thread for each zoom_layer needed to get the named layers.
        layer_needs = [(z, layer_names & zoom_layers[z]) for z in zoom_layers]
        layer_args = [(zoom, results) for (zoom, layers) in layer_needs if layers]

        layer_args = [(zoom, results) for zoom in zoom_layers]

    threads = [Thread(target=_retrieve_zoom_features, args=a) for a in layer_args]
    for t in threads:
    for t in threads:
    debug('results took %.3f seconds' % (time() - start))
    return results
Пример #10
def get_extent(gjson):
    extent = {}
    m = MercatorProjection(0)

    b = get_bbox(extract_coords(gjson))
    points = [[b[3], b[0]], [b[1], b[2]]]

    if (points[0][0] - points[1][0] == 0) or (points[1][1] - points[0][1]
                                              == 0):
        extent['lat'] = points[0][0]
        extent['lon'] = points[1][1]
        extent['zoom'] = 18
        i = float('inf')

        w = 800
        h = 600

        tl = [
            min(map(lambda x: x[0], points)),
            min(map(lambda x: x[1], points))
        br = [
            max(map(lambda x: x[0], points)),
            max(map(lambda x: x[1], points))

        c1 = m.locationCoordinate(Location(tl[0], tl[1]))
        c2 = m.locationCoordinate(Location(br[0], br[1]))

        while (abs(c1.column - c2.column) *
               256.0) < w and (abs(c1.row - c2.row) * 256.0) < h:
            c1 = c1.zoomBy(1)
            c2 = c2.zoomBy(1)

        center = m.coordinateLocation(
            Coordinate((c1.row + c2.row) / 2, (c1.column + c2.column) / 2,

        extent['lat'] = center.lat
        extent['lon'] = center.lon
        if c1.zoom > 18:
            extent['zoom'] = 18
            extent['zoom'] = c1.zoom

    return extent
Пример #11
    def location_point(self, lat, lon):
        """ Return a location and point object for the lat, lon pair.
        location = Location(float(lat), float(lon))
        x, y = self.proj(location.lon, location.lat)
        point = Point(x / self.scale, y / self.scale)

        return location, point
def starting_tiles(buildings):
    ''' Get tile coordinates at min_zoom for a list of buildings.
    minlat = min([b['latitude'] for b in buildings])
    minlon = min([b['longitude'] for b in buildings])
    maxlat = max([b['latitude'] for b in buildings])
    maxlon = max([b['longitude'] for b in buildings])
    osm = Provider()
    ul = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(maxlat, minlon)).zoomTo(min_zoom).container()
    lr = osm.locationCoordinate(Location(minlat, maxlon)).zoomTo(min_zoom).container()
    rows, cols = range(int(ul.row), int(lr.row+1)), range(int(ul.column), int(lr.column+1))
    coords = [Coordinate(row, col, min_zoom) for (row, col) in product(rows, cols)]
    return coords
Пример #13
    def location_point(self, lat, lon):
        """ Return a location and point object for the lat, lon pair.
            location = Location(float(lat), float(lon))
            coord = _osm.locationCoordinate(location).zoomTo(self.zoom + 8)
            point = Point(coord.column - self.radius, self.radius - coord.row)

            return location, point

        except ValueError:
            raise Exception((lat, lon, zoom))
Пример #14
def location_point(lat, lon, zoom):
    """ Return a point that maps to pixels at the requested zoom level for 2^8 tile size.
        location = Location(float(lat), float(lon))
        coord = _osm.locationCoordinate(location).zoomTo(zoom + 8)
        point = Point(coord.column, coord.row)

        return location, point

    except ValueError:
        raise Exception((lat, lon, zoom))
Пример #15
 def projLocation(self, point):
     """ Convert from Point object in EPSG:4326 to a Location object
     return Location(point.y, point.x)
Пример #16

    if options.radius > 0:
        others = PointIndex(options.zoom, options.radius)

    for place in input:
        if 'point size' not in place:
            place['point size'] = '8'

        if int(place['zoom start']) > options.zoom:

        if options.radius > 0:
                loc = Location(float(place['latitude']),
            except KeyError:
                    loc = Location(float(place['lat']), float(place['long']))
                except KeyError:
                    loc = Location(float(place['lat']), float(place['lon']))
            other = others.blocks(loc)

            if other:
                print >> stderr, place['name'], 'blocked by', other

            others.add(place['name'], loc)

            value = int(place[options.font_field])
Пример #17
        label_geometry = bbox_polygon(place.label_bbox(), osm, zoom).__geo_interface__
        label_features.append({'type': 'Feature',
                               'geometry': label_geometry,
                               'properties': properties
    dumpjson({'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': point_features}, open(pointsfile, 'w'))
    dumpjson({'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': label_features}, open(labelsfile, 'w'))
    print 'Wrote %d points to %s and %s.' % (len(point_features), pointsfile, labelsfile)
    print '-' * 80
    map = mapByCenterZoom(osm, Location(0, 0), zoom, Point(2 ** (zoom + 8), 2 ** (zoom + 8)))
    if zoom > 5:
        map = mapByCenterZoom(osm, Location(40.078, -96.987), zoom, Point(1400, 800))
        map = mapByCenterZoom(osm, Location(38.889, -77.050), zoom, Point(1200, 900))
    img = map.draw(False) # newimg('RGB', (map.dimensions.x, map.dimensions.y), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF))
    draw = drawimg(img)

    print '-' * 80
    sw = map.pointLocation(Point(-100, map.dimensions.y + 100))
    ne = map.pointLocation(Point(map.dimensions.x + 100, -100))
    previewed_places = [place for place in visible_places
                        if (sw.lat < place.location.lat and place.location.lat < ne.lat
Пример #18
def main(apibase, password, print_id, pages, paper_size, orientation, layout):
    print_path = 'atlas.php?' + urlencode({'id': print_id})
    print_href = print_id and urljoin(apibase.rstrip('/')+'/', print_path) or None
    print_info = {}

    # Prepare a shorthands for pushing data.

    _append_file = lambda name, body: print_id and append_print_file(print_id, name, body, apibase, password) or None
    _finish_print = lambda print_info: print_id and finish_print(apibase, password, print_id, print_info) or None
    _update_print = lambda progress: print_id and update_print(apibase, password, print_id, progress) or None

    print 'Print:', print_id
    print 'Paper:', orientation, paper_size, layout

    # Prepare output context.

    handle, print_filename = mkstemp(suffix='.pdf')

    page_width_pt, page_height_pt, points_FG, hm2pt_ratio = paper_info(paper_size, orientation)
    print_context, finish_drawing = get_drawing_context(print_filename, page_width_pt, page_height_pt)

        map_xmin_pt = .5 * ptpin
        map_ymin_pt = 1 * ptpin
        map_xmax_pt = page_width_pt - .5 * ptpin
        map_ymax_pt = page_height_pt - .5 * ptpin

        map_bounds_pt = map_xmin_pt, map_ymin_pt, map_xmax_pt, map_ymax_pt

        # Add pages to the PDF one by one.

        for (index, page) in enumerate(pages):
            _update_print(0.1 + 0.9 * float(index) / len(pages))

            page_href = print_href and (print_href + '/%(number)s' % page) or None

            provider = TemplatedMercatorProvider(page['provider'])
            zoom = page['zoom']

            mark = page.get('mark', None) or None
            fuzzy = page.get('fuzzy', None) or None
            text = unicode(page.get('text', None) or '').encode('utf8')
            role = page.get('role', None) or None

            north, west, south, east = page['bounds']
            northwest = Location(north, west)
            southeast = Location(south, east)

            page_mmap = mapByExtentZoom(provider, northwest, southeast, zoom)

            if role == 'index':
                indexees = [pages[other] for other in range(len(pages)) if other != index]
                indexees = []

            add_print_page(print_context, page_mmap, page_href, map_bounds_pt, points_FG, hm2pt_ratio, layout, text, mark, fuzzy, indexees)

            # Now make a smaller preview map for the page,
            # 600px looking like a reasonable upper bound.

            preview_mmap = copy(page_mmap)

            while preview_mmap.dimensions.x > 600:
                preview_zoom = preview_mmap.coordinate.zoom - 1
                preview_mmap = mapByExtentZoom(provider, northwest, southeast, preview_zoom)

            out = StringIO()
            preview_mmap.draw(fatbits_ok=True).save(out, format='JPEG', quality=85)
            preview_url = _append_file('preview-p%(number)s.jpg' % page, out.getvalue())
            print_info['pages[%(number)s][preview_url]' % page] = preview_url

        # Complete the PDF and upload it.


        pdf_name = 'field-paper-%s.pdf' % print_id
        pdf_url = _append_file(pdf_name, open(print_filename, 'r').read())
        print_info['pdf_url'] = pdf_url



    # Make a small preview map of the whole print coverage area.

    provider = TemplatedMercatorProvider(pages[0]['provider'])

    norths, wests, souths, easts = zip(*[page['bounds'] for page in pages])
    northwest = Location(max(norths), min(wests))
    southeast = Location(min(souths), max(easts))

    dimensions = Point(*get_preview_map_size(orientation, paper_size))

    preview_mmap = mapByExtent(provider, northwest, southeast, dimensions)

    out = StringIO()
    preview_mmap.draw(fatbits_ok=True).save(out, format='JPEG', quality=85)
    preview_url = _append_file('preview.jpg' % page, out.getvalue())
    print_info['preview_url'] = preview_url

    # All done, wrap it up.

Пример #19
    start = time()
    results = []

    threads = [
        Thread(target=_retrieve_zoom_features, args=(loc, 10, results)),
        Thread(target=_retrieve_zoom_features, args=(loc, 8, results))

    for t in threads:

    for t in threads:

    print >> stderr, 'results took', (time() - start), 'seconds'

    return results

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print get_features(Location(47.620510, -122.349305))  # Space Needle
    print get_features(Location(37.805311, -122.272540))  # Oakland City Hall
    print get_features(Location(37.775793, -122.413549))  # Code for America
    print get_features(Location(40.753526,
                                -73.976626))  # Grand Central Station
    print get_features(Location(38.871006, -77.055963))  # The Pentagon
    print get_features(Location(29.951057, -90.081090))  # The Superdome
    print get_features(Location(41.878874, -87.635907))  # Sears Tower
Пример #20
def clean_resource_cache(tile):
    if not settings.CACHE_RESOURCE_TILES:

    # get the tile model's bounds
    bounds = None
    nodegroup = models.NodeGroup.objects.get(pk=tile.nodegroup_id)
    for node in nodegroup.node_set.all():
        if node.datatype == 'geojson-feature-collection':
            node_data = tile.data[str(node.pk)]
            for feature in node_data['features']:
                shape = asShape(feature['geometry'])
                if bounds is None:
                    bounds = shape.bounds
                    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds
                    if shape.bounds[0] < minx:
                        minx = shape.bounds[0]
                    if shape.bounds[1] < miny:
                        miny = shape.bounds[1]
                    if shape.bounds[2] > maxx:
                        maxx = shape.bounds[2]
                    if shape.bounds[3] > maxy:
                        maxy = shape.bounds[3]
                    bounds = (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
    if bounds is None:

    zooms = range(20)
    config = parseConfig(get_tileserver_config())
    layer = config.layers['resources']
    mimetype, format = layer.getTypeByExtension('pbf')

    lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = bounds
    south, west = min(lat1, lat2), min(lon1, lon2)
    north, east = max(lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2)

    northwest = Location(north, west)
    southeast = Location(south, east)

    ul = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(northwest)
    lr = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(southeast)

    # start with a simple total of all the coordinates we will need.
    for zoom in zooms:
        ul_ = ul.zoomTo(zoom).container()
        lr_ = lr.zoomTo(zoom).container()

        rows = lr_.row + 1 - ul_.row
        cols = lr_.column + 1 - ul_.column

    # now generate the actual coordinates.
    coordinates = []
    for zoom in zooms:
        ul_ = ul.zoomTo(zoom).container()
        lr_ = lr.zoomTo(zoom).container()

        for row in range(int(ul_.row), int(lr_.row + 1)):
            for column in range(int(ul_.column), int(lr_.column + 1)):
                coord = Coordinate(row, column, zoom)

    for coord in coordinates:
        config.cache.remove(layer, coord, format)
Пример #21
        (just before the <a href="http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2012-January/061800.html">April, 2012</a>
        <a href="http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/We_Are_Changing_The_License">license changeover</a>)
        is available at <a href="http://archive.org/download/metro.teczno.com">archive.org</a>.
        Extracts here will continue to be updated into the future.

    cities.sort(key=lambda city: city['name'])

    for city in cities:
        slug = city['slug']
        name = city['name']

            ul = Location(float(city['top']), float(city['left']))
            lr = Location(float(city['bottom']), float(city['right']))
        except ValueError:
            print >> stderr, 'Failed on %(name)s (%(slug)s)' % city
            mmap = mapByExtent(provider, ul, lr, dimensions)

        if slug in files:
            bz2_file, bz2_size, bz2_href = files[slug]['bz2']
            pbf_file, pbf_size, pbf_href = files[slug]['pbf']

            list = ('<li class="file"><a href="%s">%s %s OSM data</a></li>' * 2) \
                 % (bz2_href, nice_size(bz2_size), 'bzip’ed XML',
                    pbf_href, nice_size(pbf_size), 'binary PBF')
Пример #22
     if value > min_value:
         place['point size'] = size
 # suppress irrelevant compilations
 if int(place[ options.zoom_field ]) > options.zoom:
 # should we do a rough spatial filter where this town blows out other towns?
 if options.radius > 0:
     loc = Location(*row_location(place))
     other = others.blocks(loc)
     if other:
         print >> stderr, place['name'], 'blocked by', other
     others.add(place['name'], loc)
     value = int(place[options.population_field.lower()])
 except ValueError:
     value = place[options.population_field.lower()]
 for (min_value, font, size) in fonts:
     if value > min_value:
Пример #23
def add_print_page(ctx, mmap, href, well_bounds_pt, points_FG, hm2pt_ratio, layout, text, mark, fuzzy, indexees):
    print 'Adding print page:', href

    well_xmin_pt, well_ymin_pt, well_xmax_pt, well_ymax_pt = well_bounds_pt
    well_width_pt, well_height_pt = well_xmax_pt - well_xmin_pt, well_ymax_pt - well_ymin_pt
    well_aspect_ratio = well_width_pt / well_height_pt

    # Offset drawing area to top-left of map area
    ctx.translate(well_xmin_pt, well_ymin_pt)

    # Build up map area
    img = get_mmap_image(mmap)

    if layout == 'half-page' and well_aspect_ratio > 1:
        map_width_pt, map_height_pt = well_width_pt/2, well_height_pt
        add_page_text(ctx, text, map_width_pt + 24, 24, map_width_pt - 48, map_height_pt - 48)

    elif layout == 'half-page' and well_aspect_ratio < 1:
        map_width_pt, map_height_pt = well_width_pt, well_height_pt/2
        add_page_text(ctx, text, 32, map_height_pt + 16, map_width_pt - 64, map_height_pt - 32)

        map_width_pt, map_height_pt = well_width_pt, well_height_pt

    place_image(ctx, img, 0, 0, map_width_pt, map_height_pt)

    # Draw a dot if need be
    if fuzzy is not None:
        loc = Location(fuzzy[1], fuzzy[0])
        pt = mmap.locationPoint(loc)

        x = map_width_pt * float(pt.x) / mmap.dimensions.x
        y = map_height_pt * float(pt.y) / mmap.dimensions.y

        draw_circle(ctx, x, y, 20)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
        ctx.set_dash([2, 6])

    # X marks the spot, if needed
    if mark is not None:
        loc = Location(mark[1], mark[0])
        pt = mmap.locationPoint(loc)

        x = map_width_pt * float(pt.x) / mmap.dimensions.x
        y = map_height_pt * float(pt.y) / mmap.dimensions.y

        draw_cross(ctx, x, y, 8, 6)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)

        draw_cross(ctx, x, y, 8, 4)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)

    # Perhaps some boxes?
    page_numbers = []

    for page in indexees:
        north, west, south, east = page['bounds']

        ul = mmap.locationPoint(Location(north, west))
        lr = mmap.locationPoint(Location(south, east))

        x1 = map_width_pt * float(ul.x) / mmap.dimensions.x
        x2 = map_width_pt * float(lr.x) / mmap.dimensions.x
        y1 = map_height_pt * float(ul.y) / mmap.dimensions.y
        y2 = map_height_pt * float(lr.y) / mmap.dimensions.y

        draw_box(ctx, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)

        page_numbers.append((x1, y1, x2, y2, page['number']))

    # Calculate positions of registration points

    ctx.translate(well_width_pt, well_height_pt)
    ctx.scale(1/hm2pt_ratio, 1/hm2pt_ratio)

    reg_points = (point_A, point_B, point_C, point_D, point_E) + points_FG

    device_points = [ctx.user_to_device(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in reg_points]


    # Draw QR code area

    ctx.translate(well_width_pt, well_height_pt)

    draw_box(ctx, 0, 0, -90, -90)
    ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)

    place_image(ctx, get_qrcode_image(href), -83, -83, 83, 83)


    # Draw registration points
    for (x, y) in device_points:
        x, y = ctx.device_to_user(x, y)

        draw_circle(ctx, x, y, .12 * ptpin)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
        ctx.set_dash([1.5, 3])

    for (x, y) in device_points:
        x, y = ctx.device_to_user(x, y)

        draw_circle(ctx, x, y, .12 * ptpin)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)

    for (x, y) in device_points:
        x, y = ctx.device_to_user(x, y)

        draw_circle(ctx, x, y, .06 * ptpin)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)

    # Draw top-left icon
    icon = pathjoin(dirname(__file__), 'images/logo.png')
    img = ImageSurface.create_from_png(icon)
    place_image(ctx, img, 0, -36, 129.1, 36)

        font_file = realpath('fonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf')

        if font_file not in cached_fonts:
            cached_fonts[font_file] = create_cairo_font_face_for_file(font_file)

        font = cached_fonts[font_file]
        # no text for us.

        line = href
        text_width = ctx.text_extents(line)[2]

        ctx.move_to(well_width_pt - text_width, -6)

        add_scale_bar(ctx, mmap, map_height_pt)


        for (x1, y1, x2, y2, number) in page_numbers:
            number_w, number_h = ctx.text_extents(number)[2:4]
            offset_x, offset_y = (x1 + x2 - number_w) / 2, (y1 + y2 + number_h) / 2

            draw_box(ctx, offset_x - 4, offset_y - number_h - 4, number_w + 8, number_h + 8)
            ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)

            ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
            ctx.move_to(offset_x, offset_y)

Пример #24
 def projLocation(self, point):
     """Convert from Point object in the defined projection to a Location object"""
     x,y = self.proj(point.x, point.y, inverse=True)
     return Location(y, x)
Пример #25
    def start_seed(self):
        print("TilestacheSeeder run seed")

        options = self.assign_default_value(self.options)

        config = buildConfiguration(options['config'])
        layer = config.layers[options['name']]

        bbox = self.get_bbox(options['bbox'])


        northwest = Location(bbox['north'], bbox['west'])
        southeast = Location(bbox['south'], bbox['east'])
        ul = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(northwest)
        lr = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(southeast)

        coordinates = self.get_coordinates(
            options, {
                'ul': ul,
                'lr': lr,
                'zooms': options['zooms'],
                'padding': options['padding']
        ignore_cached = options['ignore_cached']
        extension = options['extension']
        verbose = options['verbose']

        for (offset, count, coord) in coordinates:
            path = '%s/%d/%d/%d.%s' % (layer.name(), coord.zoom, coord.column,
                                       coord.row, options['extension'])
            progress = {"tile": path, "offset": offset + 1, "total": count}
            # Fetch a tile.
            attempts = options['enable_retries']
            rendered = False

            while not rendered:
                if verbose:
                    print('%(offset)d of %(total)d...' % progress,
                          end=' ',
                    # print("{offset} of {total}...".format(offset=progress['offset'], total=progress['total']))

                    mimetype, content = getTile(layer, coord, extension,
                    if mimetype and 'json' in mimetype and options['callback']:
                        js_path = '%s/%d/%d/%d.js' % (layer.name(), coord.zoom,
                                                      coord.column, coord.row)
                        js_body = '%s(%s);' % (options['callback'], content)
                        js_size = len(js_body) / 1024
                        layer.config.cache.save(js_body, layer, coord, 'JS')
                        print('%s (%dKB)' % (js_path, js_size),
                              end=' ',
                    elif options['callback']:
                        print('(callback ignored)', end=' ', file=stderr)
                    # Something went wrong: try again? Log the error?
                    attempts -= 1

                    if verbose:
                        print('Failed %s, will try %s more.' %
                              (progress['tile'], ['no', 'once', 'twice'

                    if attempts == 0:
                        if not options['error_list']:

                        fp = open(options['error_list'], 'a')
                        fp.write('%(zoom)d/%(column)d/%(row)d\n' %
                    # Successfully got the tile.
                    rendered = True
                    progress['size'] = '%dKB' % (len(content) / 1024)

                    if verbose:
                        print('%(tile)s (%(size)s)' % progress, file=stderr)

            if options['progressfile']:
                fp = open(options['progressfile'], 'w')
                json_dump(progress, fp)
Пример #26
from TileStache import requestHandler
from ModestMaps.OpenStreetMap import Provider
from ModestMaps.Geo import Location
from json import loads

osm = Provider()
loc = Location(37.795545, -122.393422)

stuff = [
    ('highroad', 10),
    ('highroad', 11),
    ('highroad', 12),
    ('highroad', 13),
    ('highroad', 14),
    ('highroad', 15),
    ('highroad-2x', 9),
    ('highroad-2x', 10),
    ('highroad-2x', 11),
    ('highroad-2x', 12),
    ('highroad-2x', 13),
    ('highroad-2x', 14),
    ('skeletron', 12),
    ('skeletron', 13),
    ('skeletron', 14),
    ('skeletron', 15),
    ('skeletron', 16),
    ('skeletron-2x', 11),
    ('skeletron-2x', 12),
    ('skeletron-2x', 13),
    ('skeletron-2x', 14),
    ('skeletron-2x', 15),
    (previews, ) = argv[1:]
except ValueError:
    print >> stderr, 'Usage: compose-city-previews.py <previews directory>'

for city in cities:
    if not city['name']:
        raise Exception('Need a name for ' + str(city))

    print >> stderr, city['name'], '...',

    north, west = float(city['top']), float(city['left'])
    south, east = float(city['bottom']), float(city['right'])

    mmap = mapByExtent(provider, Location(north, west), Location(south, east),

    ul = mmap.locationPoint(Location(north, west))
    lr = mmap.locationPoint(Location(south, east))
    bbox = [(p.x, p.y) for p in (ul, lr)]

    img = mmap.draw()

    mask = Image.new('L', img.size, 0x99)
    ImageDraw(mask).rectangle(bbox, fill=0x00)
    img.paste((0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), (0, 0), mask)

    frame = Image.new('L', img.size, 0x00)
    ImageDraw(frame).rectangle(bbox, outline=0x33)
    img.paste((0x00, 0x00, 0x00), (0, 0), frame)
Пример #28
        # do the actual work

        lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = options.bbox
        south, west = min(lat1, lat2), min(lon1, lon2)
        north, east = max(lat1, lat2), max(lon1, lon2)

        if not (-90.0 < south < 90.0) or not (-90.0 < north < 90.0):
            raise KnownUnknown(
                'Latitude must be a value between -90 and 90 '
                '(Hint: Maybe you did long/lat instead of lat/long?).')
        if not (-180.0 < west < 180.0) or not (-180.0 < east < 180.0):
            raise KnownUnknown(
                'Longitude must be a value between -180 and 180.')

        northwest = Location(north, west)
        southeast = Location(south, east)

        ul = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(northwest)
        lr = layer.projection.locationCoordinate(southeast)

        for (i, zoom) in enumerate(zooms):
            if not zoom.isdigit():
                raise KnownUnknown('"%s" is not a valid numeric zoom level.' %

            zooms[i] = int(zoom)

        if options.padding < 0:
            raise KnownUnknown('A negative padding will not work.')
Пример #29
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(filename)s %(lineno)d - %(msg)s')

    p = get_projection()
    if len(argv) == 1:
        lat, lon = 37.804310, -122.271164
        zoom = 16

    elif len(argv) == 4:
        lat, lon = map(float, argv[1:3])
        zoom = int(argv[3])

        raise Exception('oops')
    loc = Location(lat, lon)
    coord = p.locationCoordinate(loc).zoomTo(zoom)
    textures = get_tile_data(coord)
    # Output .obj files and JPEGs locally.
    for (index, (vertices, faces, image_url)) in enumerate(textures):

        obj = open('out-%d.obj' % index, 'w')
        for (x, y, z, u, v) in vertices:
            print >> obj, 'v %.1f %.1f %.1f' % (x, y, z)