def __init__(self, fname, out_dir=constants.OUTPUT_DIR): # Init data if fname.endswith(".rktd"): # Parse the .rktd file into a .tab file self.source = self.of_rktd(fname) self.of_tab(self.source) elif fname.endswith(".tab"): self.source = fname self.of_tab(fname) else: raise NotImplementedError("Tabfile cannot parse '%s'" % fname) # Set project name self.project_name = fname.rsplit(".", 1)[0].rsplit("/")[-1] # Try to set module graph self.graph = ModuleGraph(fname) self.module_names = self.graph.get_module_names() self.output_dir = out_dir
class TabfileSummary(AbstractSummary): def __init__(self, fname, out_dir=constants.OUTPUT_DIR): # Init data if fname.endswith(".rktd"): # Parse the .rktd file into a .tab file self.source = self.of_rktd(fname) self.of_tab(self.source) elif fname.endswith(".tab"): self.source = fname self.of_tab(fname) else: raise NotImplementedError("Tabfile cannot parse '%s'" % fname) # Set project name self.project_name = fname.rsplit(".", 1)[0].rsplit("/")[-1] # Try to set module graph self.graph = ModuleGraph(fname) self.module_names = self.graph.get_module_names() self.output_dir = out_dir def results_of_config(self, config): return util.fold_file( self.source, None, lambda acc, row: acc or (util.stats_of_row([int(x) for x in row[1:]]) if row[0] == config else None), ) def render(self, output_port): title = "Ground Truth Results: %s" % self.project_name self.render_title(output_port, title) self.render_summary(output_port) best_cfgs = self.best_rows( config.is_gradual, lambda x, y: self.stats_by_config[x]["mean"] > self.stats_by_config[y]["mean"] ) worst_cfgs = self.best_rows( config.is_gradual, lambda x, y: self.stats_by_config[x]["mean"] < self.stats_by_config[y]["mean"] ) self.render_overall( output_port, ("untyped", config.is_untyped), ("gradual", config.is_gradual), ("fastest(%s)" % best_cfgs[0], lambda x: x == best_cfgs[0]), ("slowest(%s)" % worst_cfgs[0], lambda x: x == worst_cfgs[0]), ("typed", config.is_typed), ) print( "Num. within 2x: %s" % len( self.stats_of_predicate( lambda x: self.stats_by_config[x]["mean"] < 2 * self.stats_by_config["0" * self.get_num_modules()]["mean"] ) ), file=output_port, ) print(latex.subsection("Aggregate Figures"), file=output_port) self.render_normalized( output_port, ("untyped", config.is_untyped), ("gradual", config.is_gradual), ("top %s" % len(best_cfgs), lambda x: x in best_cfgs), ("bottom %s" % len(worst_cfgs), lambda x: x in worst_cfgs), ("typed", config.is_typed), ) self.render_absolute( output_port, *[(str(n), config.has_typed_modules(n)) for n in range(self.get_num_modules())] ) baseline = self.stats_of_config("0" * self.get_num_modules())["mean"] self.render_graphs( output_port, worst_cfgs, baseline, title="Top %s slowest gradually-typed configurations" % len(worst_cfgs) ) self.render_graphs( output_port, best_cfgs, baseline, title="Top %s fastest gradually-typed configurations" % len(best_cfgs) ) # self.render_all_paths(output_port, [1,2,3,4]) # self.render_cutoff_paths(output_port) print(latex.end(), file=output_port) ### rendering def render_summary(self, output_port): AbstractSummary.render_summary(self, output_port) print("Total of %s configurations" % self.get_num_configurations(), file=output_port) print("Ran each configuration %s times" % self.num_iters, file=output_port) def render_graphs(self, output_port, cfgs, baseline, title="Module Graphs"): print(latex.subsection(title), file=output_port) for cfg in cfgs: mean = self.stats_of_config(cfg)["mean"] diff, txt = latex.difference(mean, baseline) g = self.graph_config( cfg, title="Config %s: %s %s than baseline" % (cfg, diff, txt), output="%s-graph-%s.png" % (self.project_name, cfg), ) print(latex.figure(g), file=output_port) def render_all_paths(self, output_port, transitivity=[1]): """ Options: - transitivity : How many transitive edges to include. By default, edges are only between consecutive levels. If argument is a list, analyzes one graph of each transitivity """ print(latex.subsection("Lattices+Freedom"), file=output_port) typed_mean = self.stats_of_config("1" * self.get_num_modules())["mean"] untyped_mean = self.stats_of_config("0" * self.get_num_modules())["mean"] rows = [] for trans in transitivity: print("Building lattice for %s with transitivity %s" % (self.project_name, trans)) lattice = self.make_lattice(transitivity=trans) untyped_config = "0" * self.get_num_modules() typed_config = "1" * self.get_num_modules() paths = networkx.all_simple_paths(lattice, source=untyped_config, target=typed_config) weights = [self.max_weight(lattice, path) for path in paths] num_release_u = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (untyped_mean * constants.DELIVERABLE))) num_dev_u = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (untyped_mean * constants.USABLE))) num_x_u = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (untyped_mean * 15))) num_release_t = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (typed_mean * constants.DELIVERABLE))) num_dev_t = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (typed_mean * constants.USABLE))) num_x_t = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (typed_mean * 15))) num_paths = len(weights) rows.append( [str(trans), str(num_paths)] + [ "%s (%s\\%%)" % (x, round((x / num_paths) * 100, 2)) for x in [num_release_u, num_dev_u, num_x_u, num_release_t, num_dev_t, num_x_t] ] ) print( latex.table( [ "Fuel", "Total", "$<$ 2x untyped", "$<$ 4x untyped", "$<$ 15x untyped", "$<$ 2x typed", "$<$ 4x typed", "$<$ 15x typed", ], rows, ), file=output_port, ) def render_cutoff_paths(self, output_port, xmax=None, ymax=None): print(latex.subsection("Paths with cutoff"), file=output_port) # Build a lattice for each cluster size {1 .. num_modules-1} print("Building lattice for %s" % self.project_name) lattice = self.make_lattice(transitivity=self.get_num_modules()) # xmax = max((e[2]["weight"] for e in lattice.edges_iter(data=True))) untyped_config = "0" * self.get_num_modules() untyped_mean = self.stats_of_config(untyped_config)["mean"] typed_config = "1" * self.get_num_modules() typed_mean = self.stats_of_config(typed_config)["mean"] rows = [] for group_size in range(1, self.get_num_modules()): # For each group size (freedom to type exactly N modules at once) # make a histogram of max overhead edges along each path # (Shows the number of paths that have 'really bad' overhead) print("Computing paths for group size '%s'" % group_size) cutoff = 1 + (self.get_num_modules() - group_size) paths = networkx.all_simple_paths(lattice, source=untyped_config, target=typed_config, cutoff=cutoff) weights = [self.max_weight(lattice, path) for path in paths if len(path) == 1 + cutoff] num_release_u = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (untyped_mean * constants.DELIVERABLE))) num_dev_u = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (untyped_mean * constants.USABLE))) num_x_u = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (untyped_mean * 15))) num_release_t = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (typed_mean * constants.DELIVERABLE))) num_dev_t = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (typed_mean * constants.USABLE))) num_x_t = sum((1 for x in weights if x < (typed_mean * 15))) num_paths = len(weights) rows.append( [str(cutoff), str(num_paths)] + [ "%s (%s\\%%)" % (x, round((x / num_paths) * 100, 2)) for x in [num_release_u, num_dev_u, num_x_u, num_release_t, num_dev_t, num_x_t] ] ) print( latex.table( [ "Path length", "Total", "$<$ 2x untyped", "$<$ 4x untyped", "$<$ 15x untyped", "$<$ 2x typed", "$<$ 4x typed", "$<$ 15x typed", ], rows, ), file=output_port, ) ### Helpers ################################################################ def of_tab(self, tabfile): """ Initialize `stats_by_config` table from the spreadsheet `tabfile` """ util.fold_file( tabfile, None, lambda acc, row: self.set_stats(row[0], util.stats_of_row([int(v) for v in row[1:]])) ) def of_rktd(self, rktdfile): """ (-> Path-String Path-String) Input: a .rktd file; the results of running the benchmarks. Output: the string name of a newly-generated .tab file (a more human-readable and Python-parse-able version of the .rktd) """ # We have a Racket script to generate the .tab file, # make sure it exists. print("Parsing a .tab file from the raw source '%s'" % rktdfile) sexp_to_tab = shell.find_file("sexp-to-tab.rkt") if not sexp_to_tab: raise ValueError("Could not access 'sexp_to_tab' script. Cannot parse '%s'." % rktdfile) shell.execute("racket %s %s" % (sexp_to_tab, rktdfile)) # Strip the suffix from the input file, replace with .tab return "" % rktdfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] def make_lattice(self, transitivity=1): """ Create a try-everything lattice showing all the ways of moving from untyped to typed. Args: - configs : Iterable of all configurations (nodes) to include. Must include an untyped and a typed configuration. """ g = networkx.DiGraph() for cfg in self.all_configurations(): g.add_node(cfg) w = self.stats_of_config(cfg)["mean"] for prev in config.previous_iter(cfg, transitivity): # SWAG networkx ignore duplicates SWAGSWAGS g.add_edge(prev, cfg, weight=w) return g def max_weight(self, lattice, path): """ Return the max weight of edges along a networkx path. 2015-05-07: really, this could just be MAX of cached sample stats """ acc = 0 prev = None for node in path: if prev is not None: acc = max(acc, lattice[prev][node]["weight"]) prev = node return acc