def get_gm_elo_data(top: int) -> dict:
    """Gets top clans by ELO for Global Map"""
    wgapi = CommonFramework.RetrieveConfigOptions('wargaming')
    uri = " \
        wgapi['apitoken'], top)
    apiresults = CommonFramework.get_json_data(uri)
    return apiresults
def player_data_info(wgid: List[int]) -> dict:
    apikey = CommonFramework.RetrieveConfigOptions("wargaming")
    apikey = apikey['apitoken']
    if len(wgid) > 100:
        return None
        wgidcsv = ""
        for wid in wgid:
            wgidcsv += "{0},".format(wid)
        wgidcsv = wgidcsv[:-1]
        uri = '{0}&account_id={1}&extra=statistics.random'.format(
            apikey, wgidcsv)
        playerdata = CommonFramework.get_json_data(uri)
        return playerdata
def GetPlayersClanInfo(wgids: List[int]) -> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
    apikey = CommonFramework.RetrieveConfigOptions("wargaming")
    apikey = apikey['apitoken']
    wgids = ",".join(map(str, wgids))
    uri = "{0}&account_id={1}".format(
        str(apikey), wgids)
    playerData = CommonFramework.get_json_data(uri)  # type: dict

    def getInfo(rawinfo: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, int, str]:
        wgid, info = rawinfo
        clan = info['clan']['clan_id'] if info is not None else None
        role = info['role'] if info is not None else None
        return int(wgid), clan, role

    return list(map(getInfo, playerData['data'].items()))
def run_citadel_check():
    def __get_citadel_results() -> dict:
        primary = {}
        secondary = {}
        results = CosmosFramework.QueryItems(
            'SELECT * FROM c WHERE = true', 'citadel')
        for result in results:
            secondary['tag'] = result.get('tag')
            secondary['name'] = result.get('name')
            secondary['citadel'] = result.get('citadel')
            secondary['override'] = result.get('citadeloverride')
            secondary['excludereason'] = result.get('excludereason')
            secondary['excludetime'] = result.get('excludetime')
            primary[result['wgid']] = dict(secondary)
        return primary

    def __exclude_clan_from_citadel(clanid):
        citadelroleid = 636372439261249566
        discordserverid = CommonFramework.RetrieveConfigOptions('discord')
        discordserverid = discordserverid['serverid']
        results = CosmosFramework.QueryItems(
            'SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.clan = {0} AND = true'.format(
                clanid), 'users')
        for result in results:
            status_code = DiscordFramework.RemoveUserRole(
                citadelroleid, result['discordid'], discordserverid)
            if status_code == 204:
                del result['citadel']
                CosmosFramework.ReplaceItem(result['_self'], result)
                    "Citadel checker is having issues", 113304266269003776)
                raise "Clan removal failed"

    def __exclude_wgid_from_citadel(wgid: int) -> None:
        """Removes WGID from citadel"""
        citadelroleid = 636372439261249566
        discordserverid = CommonFramework.RetrieveConfigOptions('discord')
        discordserverid = discordserverid['serverid']
        result = CosmosFramework.QueryItems(
            'SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.discordid="{0}"'.format(wgid), 'users')
        if bool(result):
            result = result[0]
            DiscordFramework.RemoveUserRole(citadelroleid, result['discordid'],
                'You have been removed from RDDT citadel due clan/rank changes',
            del result['citadel']
            CosmosFramework.ReplaceItem(result['_self'], result)

    citadelchannelid = 636374196355858452  #Actual citadel channel
    wgapi = CommonFramework.RetrieveConfigOptions('wargaming')
    results = __get_citadel_results()
    apiresults = CommonFramework.get_json_data(
    wgidlist = []
    #Do clan checks ##TODO put this in it's own def block
    for apiresult in apiresults[
            'data']:  #Get information about clans from Wargaming API
        if apiresult['clan_id'] not in results:
            item = {}
            item['wgid'] = apiresult['clan_id']
            item['name'] = apiresult['clan_name']
            item['tag'] = apiresult['clan_tag']
            item['citadel'] = True
            CosmosFramework.InsertItem(item, 'citadel')
        elif apiresult['clan_id'] in results and (
                results[apiresult['clan_id']]['tag'] != apiresult['clan_tag']
                or results[apiresult['clan_id']]['name'] !=
            #Checks the database and Wargaming API match around clan tag and name, if not, it updates it
            updateitem = CosmosFramework.QueryItems(
                'SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.wgid={0}'.format(
                    apiresult['clan_id']), 'citadel')
            updateitem = updateitem[0]
            updateitem['name'] = apiresult['clan_name']
            updateitem['tag'] = apiresult['clan_tag']
            CosmosFramework.ReplaceItem(updateitem['_self'], updateitem)
    clanlist = list(results.keys())
    removeclans = list(set(clanlist) -
                       set(wgidlist))  #List of clans to be removed
    for removeclan in removeclans:
        claninfo = CosmosFramework.QueryItems(
            'SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.wgid={0}'.format(removeclan), 'citadel')
        claninfo = claninfo[0]
        if 'override' in claninfo and claninfo['override'] is True:
            continue  #Overrides are not removed
        elif 'excludetime' not in claninfo:  #Step 2, put in removal time
            claninfo['excludetime'] = int(time.time(
            )) + 604700  #This is 6 days, 23 hours and ~58 minutes
            message = "WARNING: Clan {0} ({1}) will be removed within 7 days due to lack of clan rating.".format(
                claninfo['name'], claninfo['tag'])
            DiscordFramework.SendDiscordMessage(message, citadelchannelid)
            CosmosFramework.ReplaceItem(claninfo['_self'], claninfo)
        elif claninfo['excludetime'] < int(
        ):  #when their time is hit, mark them no longer allowed in citadel with reason and remove all clan members
            message = "Clan {0} ({1}) has been removed from citadel.".format(
                claninfo['name'], claninfo['tag'])
            DiscordFramework.SendDiscordMessage(message, citadelchannelid)
            claninfo['citadel'] = False
            claninfo['excludetime'] = None
            claninfo['excludereason'] = 'Excluded due to lack of ranking'
            CosmosFramework.ReplaceItem(claninfo['_self'], claninfo)
    #Do user checks ##TODO Put this in it's own def block
    userresults = CosmosFramework.QueryItems(
        'SELECT c.wgid FROM c WHERE = true', 'users')
    wgidtocheck = []
    for userresult in userresults:
        if len(wgidtocheck) >= 99:
            apiresults = wotframework.GetPlayersClanInfo(wgidtocheck)
            for apiresult in apiresults:
                if apiresult[1] is None or apiresult[2] not in [
                        'commander', 'executive_officer', 'combat_officer',
def GetClanInfo(wgclanid: int) -> dict:
    apikey = CommonFramework.RetrieveConfigOptions("wargaming")
    apikey = apikey['apitoken']
    uri = f"{apikey}&clan_id={wgclanid}"
    return CommonFramework.get_json_data(uri)