Пример #1
def get_bool(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return a boolean from a unicode string.
    Valid input is 'true'/'false', 'yes'/'no' and '1'/'0' or None for
    the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default value if arg is None
    :rtype: boolean or None
    :returns: the boolean value of the string according to above rules
              (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, bool)
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
    arg = arg.lower()
    if arg in [u'0', u'false', u'no']:
        return False
    elif arg in [u'1', u'true', u'yes']:
        return True
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be a boolean value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be a boolean value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #2
    def macro(self):
        request = self.request

        groups = []
        for groupname in defaultconfig.options:
            groups.append((groupname, True, defaultconfig.options))
        for groupname in defaultconfig.options_no_group_name:
                (groupname, False, defaultconfig.options_no_group_name))

        result = moin_page.div()

        for groupname, addgroup, optsdict in groups:
            heading, desc, opts = optsdict[groupname]
                moin_page.h(attrib={moin_page.outline_level: '1'},
            if desc:
            table = moin_page.table()

            header = moin_page.table_header()

            row = moin_page.table_row()
            for text in [
                    _('Variable name'),
                strong_text = moin_page.strong(children=[text])

            body = moin_page.table_body()

            opts = list(opts)
            for name, default, description in opts:
                if addgroup:
                    name = groupname + '_' + name
                if isinstance(default, defaultconfig.DefaultExpression):
                    default_txt = default.text
                    default_txt = '%r' % (default, )
                    if len(default_txt) > 30:
                        default_txt = moin_page.span(
                            attrib={moin_page.title: default_txt},
                    description = _(description or '')
                row = moin_page.table_row()
                default = moin_page.code(children=[default_txt])
        return result
Пример #3
    def stats(self, request, formatter, hitsFrom):
        """ Return search statistics, formatted with formatter

        @param request: current request
        @param formatter: formatter to use
        @param hitsFrom: current position in the hits
        @rtype: unicode
        @return formatted statistics
        if not self.estimated_hits:
            self.estimated_hits = ('', len(self.hits))

        output = [
            formatter.paragraph(1, attr={'class': 'searchstats'}),
            _("Results %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s "
                    "of %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s%(hits)d%(be)s results out of "
                    "about %(items)d items.") %
                {'aboutHits': self.estimated_hits[0],
                    'hits': self.estimated_hits[1], 'items': self.pages,
                    'hitsFrom': hitsFrom + 1,
                    'hitsTo': hitsFrom +
                            min(self.estimated_hits[1] - hitsFrom,
                    'bs': formatter.strong(1), 'be': formatter.strong(0)},
            u' (%s %s)' % (''.join([formatter.strong(1),
                formatter.text("%.2f" % self.elapsed),
        return ''.join(output)
Пример #4
    def login(self, user_obj, **kw):
        username = kw.get('username')
        password = kw.get('password')

        # simply continue if something else already logged in successfully
        if user_obj and user_obj.valid:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj)

        if not username and not password:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj)

        logging.debug("%s: performing login action" % self.name)

        if username and not password:
            return ContinueLogin(
                _('Missing password. Please enter user name and password.'))

        u = user.User(name=username, password=password, auth_method=self.name)
        if u.valid:
            logging.debug("%s: successfully authenticated user %r (valid)" %
                          (self.name, u.name))
            return ContinueLogin(u)
            logging.debug("%s: could not authenticate user %r (not valid)" %
                          (self.name, username))
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _("Invalid username or password."))
Пример #5
def get_complex(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return a complex from a unicode string.
    None is a valid input and yields the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default return value if arg is None
    :rtype: complex or None
    :returns: the complex value of the string (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long, float, complex))
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
        # allow writing 'i' instead of 'j'
        arg = arg.replace('i', 'j').replace('I', 'j')
        return complex(arg)
    except ValueError:
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be a complex value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be a complex value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #6
def get_complex(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return a complex from a unicode string.
    None is a valid input and yields the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default return value if arg is None
    :rtype: complex or None
    :returns: the complex value of the string (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long, float, complex))
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
        # allow writing 'i' instead of 'j'
        arg = arg.replace('i', 'j').replace('I', 'j')
        return complex(arg)
    except ValueError:
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be a complex value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be a complex value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #7
def create_user(username, password, email, openid=None):
    """ create a user """
    # Create user profile
    theuser = User(auth_method="new-user")

    theuser.name = username

    # Don't allow creating users with invalid names
    if not isValidName(theuser.name):
        return _("""Invalid user name '%(name)s'.
Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one
space between words. Group page name is not allowed.""",

    # Name required to be unique. Check if name belong to another user.
    if getUserId(theuser.name):
        return _("This user name already belongs to somebody else.")

    pw_checker = app.cfg.password_checker
    if pw_checker:
        pw_error = pw_checker(theuser.name, password)
        if pw_error:
            return _("Password not acceptable: %(msg)s", msg=pw_error)

    # Encode password
        theuser.enc_password = encodePassword(password)
    except UnicodeError, err:
        # Should never happen
        return "Can't encode password: %(msg)s" % dict(msg=str(err))
Пример #8
def get_int(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return an integer from a unicode string
    containing the decimal representation of a number.
    None is a valid input and yields the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default value if arg is None
    :rtype: int or None
    :returns: the integer value of the string (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long))
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
        return int(arg)
    except ValueError:
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be an integer value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be an integer value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #9
def get_float(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return a float from a unicode string.
    None is a valid input and yields the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default return value if arg is None
    :rtype: float or None
    :returns: the float value of the string (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long, float))
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
        return float(arg)
    except ValueError:
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be a floating point value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be a floating point value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #10
def get_bool(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return a boolean from a unicode string.
    Valid input is 'true'/'false', 'yes'/'no' and '1'/'0' or None for
    the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default value if arg is None
    :rtype: boolean or None
    :returns: the boolean value of the string according to above rules
              (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, bool)
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
    arg = arg.lower()
    if arg in [u'0', u'false', u'no']:
        return False
    elif arg in [u'1', u'true', u'yes']:
        return True
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be a boolean value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be a boolean value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #11
 def login_hint(self):
     msg = _(
         'If you do not have an account, <a href="%(register_url)s">you can create one now</a>. ',
     msg += _('<a href="%(recover_url)s">Forgot your password?</a>',
     return Markup(msg)
Пример #12
def _default_password_checker(cfg, username, password):
    """ Check if a password is secure enough.
        We use a built-in check to get rid of the worst passwords.

        We do NOT use cracklib / python-crack here any more because it is
        not thread-safe (we experienced segmentation faults when using it).

        If you don't want to check passwords, use password_checker = None.

        :returns: None if there is no problem with the password,
                 some unicode object with an error msg, if the password is problematic.
    # in any case, do a very simple built-in check to avoid the worst passwords
    if len(password) < 6:
        return _("Password is too short.")
    if len(set(password)) < 4:
        return _("Password has not enough different characters.")

    username_lower = username.lower()
    password_lower = password.lower()
    if username in password or password in username or \
       username_lower in password_lower or password_lower in username_lower:
        return _("Password is too easy to guess (password contains name or name contains password).")

    keyboards = (ur"`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./", # US kbd
                 ur"^1234567890ß´qwertzuiopü+asdfghjklöä#yxcvbnm,.-", # german kbd
                ) # add more keyboards!
    for kbd in keyboards:
        rev_kbd = kbd[::-1]
        if password in kbd or password in rev_kbd or \
           password_lower in kbd or password_lower in rev_kbd:
            return _("Password is too easy to guess (keyboard sequence).")
    return None
Пример #13
def get_int(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return an integer from a unicode string
    containing the decimal representation of a number.
    None is a valid input and yields the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default value if arg is None
    :rtype: int or None
    :returns: the integer value of the string (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long))
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
        return int(arg)
    except ValueError:
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be an integer value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be an integer value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #14
    def mailAccountData(self, cleartext_passwd=None):
        """ Mail a user who forgot his password a message enabling
            him to login again.
        from MoinMoin.mail import sendmail
        token = self.generate_recovery_token()

        text = _("""\
Somebody has requested to email you a password recovery link.

Please use the link below to change your password to a known value:


If you didn't forget your password, please ignore this email.


        subject = _('[%(sitename)s] Your wiki password recovery link',
                    sitename=self._cfg.sitename or "Wiki")
        mailok, msg = sendmail.sendmail([self.email],
        return mailok, msg
Пример #15
def get_float(arg, name=None, default=None):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return a float from a unicode string.
    None is a valid input and yields the default value.

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param default: default return value if arg is None
    :rtype: float or None
    :returns: the float value of the string (or default value)
    assert default is None or isinstance(default, (int, long, float))
    if arg is None:
        return default
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError('Argument must be None or unicode')
        return float(arg)
    except ValueError:
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument "%(name)s" must be a floating point value, not "%(value)s"', name=name, value=arg))
            raise ValueError(
                _('Argument must be a floating point value, not "%(value)s"', value=arg))
Пример #16
    def formatHitInfoBar(self, page):
        """ Returns the code for the information below a search hit

        @param page: the FoundPage instance
        request = self.request
        f = self.formatter
        p = page.page

        rev = p.get_real_rev()
        if rev is None:
            rev = 0

        size_str = '%.1fk' % (p.size()/1024.0)
        revisions = p.getRevList()
        if len(revisions) and rev == revisions[0]:
            rev_str = '%s: %d (%s)' % (_('rev'), rev, _('current'))
            rev_str = '%s: %d' % (_('rev'), rev, )
        lastmod_str = _('last modified: %s') % p.mtime(printable=True)

        result = f.paragraph(1, attr={'class': 'searchhitinfobar'}) + \
                 f.text('%s - %s %s' % (size_str, rev_str, lastmod_str)) + \
        return result
Пример #17
 def _render_data_diff(self, oldrev, newrev):
     hash_name = HASH_ALGORITHM
     if oldrev.meta[hash_name] == newrev.meta[hash_name]:
         return _(
             "The items have the same data hash code (that means they very likely have the same data)."
         return _("The items have different data.")
Пример #18
def trash(namespace):
    Returns the trashed items.
    trash = _trashed(namespace)
    return render_template('admin/trash.html',
                           headline=_(u'Trashed Items'),
                           title_name=_(u'Trashed Items'),
Пример #19
def trash(namespace):
    Returns the trashed items.
    trash = _trashed(namespace)
    return render_template('admin/trash.html',
                           headline=_(u'Trashed Items'),
                           title_name=_(u'Trashed Items'),
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, username=None, priv=None, item=None):
        if None in (username, priv, item):
            message = _("Permission denied!")
            username = username or L_("You")
            message = _("%(username)s may not %(priv)s '%(item)s'.",
                        username=username, priv=_(priv), item=item)
            # XXX add _('...') for all privs elsewhere for extraction

        AccessError.__init__(self, message)
Пример #21
def interwikihelp():
    """display a table with list of known interwiki names / urls"""
    headings = [_('InterWiki name'),
    rows = sorted(app.cfg.interwiki_map.items())
    return render_template('admin/interwikihelp.html',
                           title_name=_(u"Interwiki Help"),
Пример #22
def button_filter(tagname, attributes, contents, context, bind):
    """Show translated text in clickable buttons and submits."""
    if bind is None:
        return contents
    if tagname == 'input':
        if ('value' not in attributes and
                attributes.get('type') in ['submit', 'reset', ]):
            attributes['value'] = _(bind.default_value)
    elif tagname == 'button' and not contents:
        contents = _(bind.default_value)
    return contents
Пример #23
 def macro(self, content, arguments, page_url, alternative):
     headings = (_('Lexer Name'),
                 _('Lexer Aliases'),
                 _('File Patterns'),
     rows = list(pygments.lexers.get_all_lexers())
     rows.sort(key=lambda t: tuple(t[0].lower()))
     table = TableMixin()
     ret = table.build_dom_table(rows, head=headings, cls='moin-sortable')
     return ret
Пример #24
def interwikihelp():
    """display a table with list of known interwiki names / urls"""
    headings = [
        _('InterWiki name'),
    rows = sorted(app.cfg.interwiki_map.items())
    return render_template('user/interwikihelp.html',
                           title_name=_(u"Interwiki Names"),
Пример #25
 def _render_data(self):
     # TODO: this could be a converter -> dom, then transcluding this kind
     # of items and also rendering them with the code in base class could work
     png_url = url_for('frontend.get_item', item_name=self.name, member='drawing.png', rev=self.rev.revid)
     title = _('Edit drawing %(filename)s (opens in new window)', filename=self.name)
     image_map = self._read_map()
     if image_map:
         mapid, image_map = self._transform_map(image_map, title)
         title = _('Clickable drawing: %(filename)s', filename=self.name)
         return Markup(image_map + u'<img src="{0}" alt="{1}" usemap="#{2}" />'.format(png_url, title, mapid))
         return Markup(u'<img src="{0}" alt="{1}" />'.format(png_url, title))
Пример #26
def itemsize():
    """display a table with item sizes"""
    headings = [_('Size'),
                _('Item name'),
    rows = [(rev.meta[SIZE], rev.meta[NAME])
            for rev in flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)]
    rows = sorted(rows, reverse=True)
    return render_template('admin/itemsize.html',
                           title_name=_(u"Item Size"),
Пример #27
    def __call__(self, data, contenttype=None, arguments=None):
        Function called by the converter to process the

        TODO: Add support for different arguments
        text = decode_data(data, contenttype)
        # data cleanup is not needed by html_out, but is needed by moinwiki_out; CKEditor adds unwanted \n\t
        while '\t\t' in text:
            text = text.replace('\t\t', '\t')
        text = text.replace('\r\n\t', '').replace('\n\t', '')

        content = normalize_split_text(text)
        # Be sure we have empty string in the base url
        self.base_url = ''

        # We create an element tree from the HTML content
        # The content is a list of string, line per line
        # We can concatenate all in one string
        html_str = u'\n'.join(content)
            html_tree = HTML(html_str)
        except AssertionError as reason:
            # we suspect user has created or uploaded malformed HTML, try to show input as preformatted code
            msg = _('Error: malformed HTML: {reason}.').format(reason=reason)
            msg = '<div class="error"><p><strong>%s</strong></p></div>' % msg
            html_str = ''.join(['<html>', msg, '<pre>', html_str, '</pre></html>'])
                html_tree = HTML(html_str)
            except ValueError:
                msg = _('Error: malformed HTML. Try viewing source with Highlight or Modify links.')
                msg = '<div class="error"><p><strong>%s</strong></p></div>' % msg
                html_str = ''.join(['<html>', msg, '</html>'])
                html_tree = HTML(html_str)

        # We should have a root element, which will be converted as <page>
        # for the DOM Tree.
        # NB : If <html> used, it will be converted back to <div> after
        # one roundtrip
        if html_tree.tag.name != 'html':
            html_str = ''.join(['<div>', html_str, '</div>'])
            html_tree = HTML(html_str)

        # Start the conversion of the first element
        # Every child of each element will be recursively convert too
        element = self.do_children(html_tree)

        # Add Global element to our DOM Tree
        body = moin_page.body(children=element)
        root = moin_page.page(children=[body])
        return root
Пример #28
def button_filter(tagname, attributes, contents, context, bind):
    """Show translated text in clickable buttons and submits."""
    if bind is None:
        return contents
    if tagname == 'input':
        if ('value' not in attributes and attributes.get('type') in [
            attributes['value'] = _(bind.default_value)
    elif tagname == 'button' and not contents:
        contents = _(bind.default_value)
    return contents
Пример #29
def itemsize():
    """display a table with item sizes"""
    headings = [
        _('Item name'),
    rows = [(rev.meta[SIZE], rev.fqname)
            for rev in flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)]
    rows = sorted(rows, reverse=True)
    return render_template('user/itemsize.html',
                           title_name=_(u"Item Sizes"),
Пример #30
def msgs():
    """ Encapsulates the main notification messages

    :return: a dictionary of notification messages
    _ = lambda x: x
    messages = {
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been created by %(user_name)s:"
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been modified by %(user_name)s:"
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been renamed by %(user_name)s:"
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been copied by %(user_name)s:"
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been reverted by %(user_name)s:"
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been deleted by %(user_name)s:"
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has one revision destroyed by %(user_name)s:"
        _("The '%(fqname)s' ('%(item_url)s') item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been destroyed by %(user_name)s:"
    return messages
Пример #31
 def __call__(self, rev, contenttype=None, arguments=None):
     self.item_name = rev.item.name
         contents = self.list_contents(rev.data)
         contents = [(self.process_size(size),
                     ) for size, dt, name in contents]
         return self.build_dom_table(contents, head=[_("Size"), _("Date"), _("Name")], cls='zebra')
     except ArchiveException as err:
         logging.exception("An exception within archive file handling occurred:")
         # XXX we also use a table for error reporting, could be
         # something more adequate, though:
         return self.build_dom_table([[str(err)]])
Пример #32
    def login(self, userobj, **kw):
        Handles an login request and continues to multistage continuation
        if necessary.
        continuation = kw.get('multistage')
        # process another subsequent step
        if continuation:
            return self._handleContinuation()

        openid = kw.get('openid')
        # no openid entered
        if not openid:
            return ContinueLogin(userobj)

        # we make a consumer object with an in-memory storage
        oid_consumer = consumer.Consumer(session, self.store)

        # we catch any possible openid-related exceptions
            oid_response = oid_consumer.begin(openid)
        except HTTPFetchingError:
            return ContinueLogin(None, _('Failed to resolve OpenID.'))
        except DiscoveryFailure:
            return ContinueLogin(
                None, _('OpenID discovery failure, not a valid OpenID.'))
            # we got no response from the service
            if oid_response is None:
                return ContinueLogin(None, _('No OpenID service at this URL.'))

            # site root and where to return after the redirect
            site_root = url_for('frontend.show_root', _external=True)
            return_to = get_multistage_continuation_url(
                self.name, {'oidstage': '1'})

            # should we redirect the user?
            if oid_response.shouldSendRedirect():
                redirect_url = oid_response.redirectURL(site_root, return_to)
                return MultistageRedirectLogin(redirect_url)
                # send a form
                form_html = oid_response.htmlMarkup(
                    form_tag_attrs={'id': 'openid_message'})

                # returns a MultistageFormLogin
                return MultistageFormLogin(form_html)
Пример #33
def highlighterhelp():
    """display a table with list of available Pygments lexers"""
    import pygments.lexers
    headings = [_('Lexer description'),
                _('Lexer names'),
                _('File patterns'),
    lexers = pygments.lexers.get_all_lexers()
    rows = sorted([[desc, ' '.join(names), ' '.join(patterns), ' '.join(mimetypes), ]
                   for desc, names, patterns, mimetypes in lexers])
    return render_template('admin/highlighterhelp.html',
                           title_name=_(u"Highlighter Help"),
Пример #34
    def _reset(self, request, formatter):
        """ Update internal state before new output

        Do not call this, it should be called only by the instance code.

        Each request might need different translations or other user preferences.

        @param request: current request
        @param formatter: the formatter instance to use
        self.buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
        self.formatter = formatter
        self.request = request
        # Use 1 match, 2 matches...
        self.matchLabel = (_('match'), _('matches'))
Пример #35
def item_acl_report():
    Return a sorted list of all items in the wiki along with the ACL Meta-data.

    Item names are prefixed with the namespace, if there is a non-default namespace.
    If there are multiple names, the first name is used for sorting.
    all_items = flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)
    items_acls = []
    for item in all_items:
        item_namespace = item.meta.get(NAMESPACE)
        item_id = item.meta.get(ITEMID)
        if item_namespace:
            item_name = [item_namespace + '/' + name for name in item.meta.get(NAME)]
            item_name = item.meta.get(NAME)
        item_acl = item.meta.get(ACL)
        acl_default = item_acl is None
        if acl_default:
            for namespace, acl_config in app.cfg.acl_mapping:
                if item_namespace == namespace:
                    item_acl = acl_config['default']
        items_acls.append({'name': item_name,
                           'name_old': item.meta['name_old'],
                           'itemid': item_id,
                           'fqname': item.rev.fqname,
                           'fqnames': item.rev.fqnames,
                           'acl': item_acl,
                           'acl_default': acl_default})
    items_acls = sorted(items_acls, key=lambda k: (k['name'], k['name_old']))
    return render_template('admin/item_acl_report.html',
                           title_name=_('Item ACL Report'),
Пример #36
def item_acl_report():
    Return a list of all items in the wiki along with the ACL Meta-data
    all_items = flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)
    items_acls = []
    for item in all_items:
        item_namespace = item.meta.get(NAMESPACE)
        item_id = item.meta.get(ITEMID)
        item_name = item.meta.get(NAME)
        item_acl = item.meta.get(ACL)
        acl_default = item_acl is None
        fqname = CompositeName(item_namespace, u'itemid', item_id)
        if acl_default:
            for namespace, acl_config in app.cfg.acl_mapping:
                if item_namespace == namespace[:-1]:
                    item_acl = acl_config['default']
        items_acls.append({'name': item_name,
                           'itemid': item_id,
                           'fqname': fqname,
                           'acl': item_acl,
                           'acl_default': acl_default})
    return render_template('admin/item_acl_report.html',
                           title_name=_('Item ACL Report'),
Пример #37
def item_acl_report():
    Return a list of all items in the wiki along with the ACL Meta-data
    all_items = flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)
    items_acls = []
    for item in all_items:
        item_namespace = item.meta.get(NAMESPACE)
        item_id = item.meta.get(ITEMID)
        item_name = item.meta.get(NAME)
        item_acl = item.meta.get(ACL)
        acl_default = item_acl is None
        fqname = CompositeName(item_namespace, u'itemid', item_id)
        if acl_default:
            for namespace, acl_config in app.cfg.acl_mapping:
                if item_namespace == namespace[:-1]:
                    item_acl = acl_config['default']
            'name': item_name,
            'itemid': item_id,
            'fqname': fqname,
            'acl': item_acl,
            'acl_default': acl_default
    return render_template('admin/item_acl_report.html',
                           title_name=_('Item ACL Report'),
Пример #38
def group_acl_report(group_name):
    Display a 2-column table of items and ACLs, where the ACL rule specifies any
    WikiGroup or ConfigGroup name.
    group = search_group(group_name)
    all_items = flaskg.storage.documents(wikiname=app.cfg.interwikiname)
    group_items = []
    for item in all_items:
        acl_iterator = ACLStringIterator(ACL_RIGHTS_CONTENTS,
                                         item.meta.get(ACL, ''))
        for modifier, entries, rights in acl_iterator:
            if group_name in entries:
                item_id = item.meta.get(ITEMID)
                fqname = CompositeName(item.meta.get(NAMESPACE), u'itemid',
    return render_template('admin/group_acl_report.html',
                           title_name=_(u'Group ACL Report'),
Пример #39
def userbrowser():
    User Account Browser
    groups = flaskg.groups
    revs = user.search_users()  # all users
    user_accounts = []
    for rev in revs:
        user_groups = []
        user_names = rev.meta[NAME]
        for groupname in groups:
            group = groups[groupname]
            for name in user_names:
                if name in group:
                 fqname=CompositeName(NAMESPACE_USERPROFILES, NAME_EXACT,
                 if EMAIL in rev.meta else rev.meta[EMAIL_UNVALIDATED],
    return render_template('admin/userbrowser.html',
Пример #40
def highlighterhelp():
    """display a table with list of available Pygments lexers"""
    import pygments.lexers
    headings = [
        _('Lexer description'),
        _('Lexer names'),
        _('File patterns'),
    lexers = pygments.lexers.get_all_lexers()
    rows = sorted([[desc, ' '.join(names), ' '.join(patterns), ' '.join(mimetypes), ]
                   for desc, names, patterns, mimetypes in lexers])
    return render_template('user/highlighterhelp.html',
Пример #41
    def mail_password_recovery(self,
        """ Mail a user who forgot his password a message enabling
            him to login again.
        if not self.email:
            return False, "user has no E-Mail address in his profile."

        token = self.generate_recovery_token()

        if subject is None:
            subject = _('[%(sitename)s] Your wiki password recovery link',
        subject = subject % dict(sitename=self._cfg.sitename or "Wiki")
        if text is None:
            link = url_for('frontend.recoverpass',
            text = render_template('mail/password_recovery.txt', link=link)

        mailok, msg = sendmail.sendmail(subject,
        return mailok, msg
Пример #42
def wikiconfighelp():
    def format_default(default):
        if isinstance(default, defaultconfig.DefaultExpression):
            default_txt = default.text
            default_txt = repr(default)
            if len(default_txt) > 30:
                default_txt = '...'
        return default_txt

    groups = []
    for groupname in defaultconfig.options:
        heading, desc, opts = defaultconfig.options[groupname]
        opts = sorted([(groupname + '_' + name, format_default(default), description)
                       for name, default, description in opts])
        groups.append((heading, desc, opts))
    for groupname in defaultconfig.options_no_group_name:
        heading, desc, opts = defaultconfig.options_no_group_name[groupname]
        opts = sorted([(name, format_default(default), description)
                       for name, default, description in opts])
        groups.append((heading, desc, opts))
    return render_template('admin/wikiconfighelp.html',
                           title_name=_(u"Wiki Configuration Help"),
Пример #43
def userprofile(user_name):
    Set values in user profile
    u = user.User(auth_username=user_name)
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return _(u"User profile of %(username)s: %(email)s %(disabled)s", username=user_name,
                 email=u.email, disabled=u.disabled)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        key = request.form.get('key', '')
        val = request.form.get('val', '')
        ok = False
        if hasattr(u, key):
            ok = True
            oldval = u.profile[key]
            if isinstance(oldval, bool):
                val = bool(int(val))
            elif isinstance(oldval, int):
                val = int(val)
            elif isinstance(oldval, unicode):
                val = unicode(val)
                ok = False
        if ok:
            u.profile[key] = val
            flash(u'{0}.{1}: {2} -> {3}'.format(user_name, key, unicode(oldval), unicode(val), ), "info")
            flash(u'modifying {0}.{1} failed'.format(user_name, key, ), "error")
    return redirect(url_for('.userbrowser'))
Пример #44
    def request(self, user_obj, **kw):
        u = None
        # always revalidate auth
        if user_obj and user_obj.auth_method == self.name:
            user_obj = None
        # something else authenticated before us
        if user_obj:
            return user_obj, True

        auth = request.authorization
        if auth and auth.username and auth.password is not None:
            logging.debug("http basic auth, received username: {0!r} password: {1!r}".format(
                auth.username, auth.password))
            u = user.User(name=auth.username.decode(self.coding),
                          auth_method=self.name, auth_attribs=[], trusted=self.trusted)
            logging.debug("user: {0!r}".format(u))

        if not u or not u.valid:
            from werkzeug import Response, abort
            response = Response(_('Please log in first.'), 401,
                                {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(self.realm)})

        logging.debug("u: {0!r}".format(u))
        if u and self.autocreate:
            logging.debug("autocreating user")
        if u and u.valid:
            logging.debug("returning valid user {0!r}".format(u))
            return u, True  # True to get other methods called, too
            logging.debug("returning {0!r}".format(user_obj))
            return user_obj, True
Пример #45
 def add_heading(self, elem, level, id=None):
         html.href: "#{0}".format(id),
         html.class_: "moin-permalink",
         html.title_: _("Link to this heading")
     }, children=(u"¶", )))
     self._headings.append((elem, level, id))
Пример #46
def userprofile(user_name):
    Set values in user profile
    u = user.User(auth_username=user_name)
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return _(u"User profile of %(username)s: %(email)r", username=user_name,
                 email=(u.email, u.disabled))

    if request.method == 'POST':
        key = request.form.get('key', '')
        val = request.form.get('val', '')
        ok = False
        if hasattr(u, key):
            ok = True
            oldval = getattr(u, key)
            if isinstance(oldval, bool):
                val = bool(val)
            elif isinstance(oldval, int):
                val = int(val)
            elif isinstance(oldval, unicode):
                val = unicode(val)
                ok = False
        if ok:
            setattr(u, key, val)
            flash('{0}.{1}: {2} -> {3}'.format(user_name, key, unicode(oldval), unicode(val), ), "info")
            flash('modifying {0}.{1} failed'.format(user_name, key, ), "error")
    return redirect(url_for('.userbrowser'))
Пример #47
 def add_heading(self, elem, level, id=None):
         html.href: "#{0}".format(id),
         html.class_: "moin-permalink",
         html.title_: _("Link to this heading")
     }, children=(u"¶", )))
     self._headings.append((elem, level, id))
Пример #48
 def __call__(self, data, contenttype=None, arguments=None):
     text = decode_data(data, contenttype)
     content = normalize_split_text(text)
     # as of py 2.7.x (and in the year 2013), the csv module seems to still
     # have troubles with unicode, thus we encode to utf-8 ...
     content = [line.encode('utf-8') for line in content]
     dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(content[0])
     reader = csv.reader(content, dialect)
     # ... and decode back to unicode
     rows = []
     for encoded_row in reader:
         row = []
         for encoded_cell in encoded_row:
         if row:
     head = None
     cls = None
         # fragile function throws errors when csv file is incorrectly formatted
         if csv.Sniffer().has_header('\n'.join(content)):
             head = rows[0]
             rows = rows[1:]
             cls = 'moin-sortable'
     except csv.Error as e:
         head = [_('Error parsing CSV file:'), str(e)]
     table = self.build_dom_table(rows, head=head, cls=cls)
     body = moin_page.body(children=(table, ))
     return moin_page.page(children=(body, ))
Пример #49
 def __call__(self, rev, contenttype=None, arguments=None):
     item_name = rev.item.fqname.value
     attrib = {
         xlink.href: Iri(scheme='wiki', authority='', path='/' + item_name, query='do=modify'),
     a = moin_page.a(attrib=attrib, children=[_("%(item_name)s does not exist. Create it?", item_name=item_name)])
     body = moin_page.body(children=(a, ))
     return moin_page.page(children=(body, ))
Пример #50
def sysitems_upgrade():
    from MoinMoin.storage.backends import upgrade_sysitems
    from MoinMoin.storage.error import BackendError
    if request.method == 'GET':
        action = 'syspages_upgrade'
        label = 'Upgrade System Pages'
        return render_template('admin/sysitems_upgrade.html',
                               title_name=_(u"System items upgrade"))
    if request.method == 'POST':
        xmlfile = request.files.get('xmlfile')
        except BackendError as e:
            flash(_('System items upgrade failed due to the following error: %(error)s.', error=e), 'error')
            flash(_('System items have been upgraded successfully!'))
        return redirect(url_for('.index'))
Пример #51
def get_choice(arg, name=None, choices=[None], default_none=False):
    For use with values returned from parse_quoted_separated or given
    as macro parameters, return a unicode string that must be in the
    choices given. None is a valid input and yields first of the valid

    :param arg: The argument, may be None or a unicode string
    :param name: Name of the argument, for error messages
    :param choices: the possible choices
    :param default_none: If False (default), get_choice returns first available
                         choice if arg is None. If True, get_choice returns
                         None if arg is None. This is useful if some arg value
                         is required (no default choice).
    :rtype: unicode or None
    :returns: the unicode string (or default value)
    assert isinstance(choices, (tuple, list))
    if arg is None:
        if default_none:
            return None
            return choices[0]
    elif not isinstance(arg, unicode):
        raise TypeError("Argument must be None or unicode")
    elif arg not in choices:
        if name:
            raise ValueError(
                    'Argument "%(name)s" must be one of "%(choices)s", not "%(value)s"',
                    choices='", "'.join([repr(choice) for choice in choices]),
            raise ValueError(
                    'Argument must be one of "%(choices)s", not "%(value)s"',
                    choices='", "'.join([repr(choice) for choice in choices]),

    return arg
Пример #52
    def login(self, userobj, **kw):
        Handles an login request and continues to multistage continuation
        if necessary.
        continuation = kw.get('multistage')
        # process another subsequent step
        if continuation:
            return self._handleContinuation()

        openid = kw.get('openid')
        # no openid entered
        if not openid:
            return ContinueLogin(userobj)

        # we make a consumer object with an in-memory storage
        oid_consumer = consumer.Consumer(session, self.store)

        # we catch any possible openid-related exceptions
            oid_response = oid_consumer.begin(openid)
        except HTTPFetchingError:
            return ContinueLogin(None, _('Failed to resolve OpenID.'))
        except DiscoveryFailure:
            return ContinueLogin(None, _('OpenID discovery failure, not a valid OpenID.'))
            # we got no response from the service
            if oid_response is None:
                return ContinueLogin(None, _('No OpenID service at this URL.'))

            # site root and where to return after the redirect
            site_root = url_for('frontend.show_root', _external=True)
            return_to = get_multistage_continuation_url(self.name, {'oidstage': '1'})

            # should we redirect the user?
            if oid_response.shouldSendRedirect():
                redirect_url = oid_response.redirectURL(site_root, return_to)
                return MultistageRedirectLogin(redirect_url)
                # send a form
                form_html = oid_response.htmlMarkup(site_root, return_to, form_tag_attrs={'id': 'openid_message'})

                # returns a MultistageFormLogin
                return MultistageFormLogin(form_html)
Пример #53
    def mail_email_verification(self):
        """ Mail a user a link to verify his email address. """
        token = self.generate_recovery_token()

        link = url_for("frontend.verifyemail", username=self.name0, token=token, _external=True)
        text = render_template("mail/account_verification.txt", link=link)

        subject = _("[%(sitename)s] Please verify your email address", sitename=self._cfg.sitename or "Wiki")
        email = self.profile[EMAIL_UNVALIDATED]
        mailok, msg = sendmail.sendmail(subject, text, to=[email], mail_from=self._cfg.mail_from)
        return mailok, msg
Пример #54
    def mail_email_verification(self):
        """ Mail a user a link to verify his email address. """
        token = self.generate_recovery_token()

        text = _("""\
Somebody has created an account with this email address.

Please use the link below to verify your email address:


If you didn't create this account, please ignore this email.

""", link=url_for('frontend.verifyemail',
                        username=self.name, token=token, _external=True))

        subject = _('[%(sitename)s] Please verify your email address',
                    sitename=self._cfg.sitename or "Wiki")
        mailok, msg = sendmail.sendmail(subject, text, to=[self.email], mail_from=self._cfg.mail_from)
        return mailok, msg
Пример #55
    def mail_password_recovery(self, cleartext_passwd=None):
        """ Mail a user who forgot his password a message enabling
            him to login again.
        token = self.generate_recovery_token()

        text = _("""\
Somebody has requested to email you a password recovery link.

Please use the link below to change your password to a known value:


If you didn't forget your password, please ignore this email.

""", link=url_for('frontend.recoverpass',
                        username=self.name, token=token, _external=True))

        subject = _('[%(sitename)s] Your wiki password recovery link',
                    sitename=self._cfg.sitename or "Wiki")
        mailok, msg = sendmail.sendmail(subject, text, to=[self.email], mail_from=self._cfg.mail_from)
        return mailok, msg
Пример #56
def get_editor_info(meta, external=False):
    addr = meta.get(ADDRESS)
    hostname = meta.get(HOSTNAME)
    text = _('anonymous')  # link text
    title = ''  # link title
    css = 'editor'  # link/span css class
    name = None  # author name
    uri = None  # author homepage uri
    email = None  # pure email address of author
    if app.cfg.show_hosts and addr:
        # only tell ip / hostname if show_hosts is True
        if hostname:
            text = hostname[:15]  # 15 = len(ipaddr)
            name = title = '{0}[{1}]'.format(hostname, addr)
            css = 'editor host'
            name = text = addr
            title = '[{0}]'.format(addr)
            css = 'editor ip'

    userid = meta.get(USERID)
    if userid:
        u = user.User(userid)
        name = u.name
        text = name
        aliasname = u.aliasname
        if not aliasname:
            aliasname = name
        if title:
            # we already have some address info
            title = "{0} @ {1}".format(aliasname, title)
            title = aliasname
        if u.mailto_author and u.email:
            email = u.email
            css = 'editor mail'
            homewiki = app.cfg.user_homewiki
            if is_local_wiki(homewiki):
                css = 'editor homepage local'
                css = 'editor homepage interwiki'
            uri = url_for_item(name, wiki_name=homewiki, _external=external)

    result = dict(name=name, text=text, css=css, title=title)
    if uri:
        result['uri'] = uri
    if email:
        result['email'] = email
    return result
Пример #57
    def login(self, user_obj, **kw):
        username = kw.get('username')
        password = kw.get('password')

        # simply continue if something else already logged in successfully
        if user_obj and user_obj.valid:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj)

        if not username and not password:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj)

        logging.debug("{0}: performing login action".format(self.name))

        if username and not password:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _('Missing password. Please enter user name and password.'))

        u = user.User(name=username, password=password, auth_method=self.name, trusted=self.trusted)
        if u.valid:
            logging.debug("{0}: successfully authenticated user {1!r} (valid)".format(self.name, u.name))
            return ContinueLogin(u)
            logging.debug("{0}: could not authenticate user {1!r} (not valid)".format(self.name, username))
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _("Invalid username or password."))
Пример #58
def test_text():
    # test for gettext
    result = _('test_text')
    assert result == 'test_text'

    # test for lazy_gettext
    result = L_('test_lazy_text')
    assert result == u'test_lazy_text'

    # test for ngettext
    result1 = N_('text1', 'text2', 1)
    assert result1 == 'text1'
    result2 = N_('text1', 'text2', 2)
    assert result2 == 'text2'
Пример #59
 def validate(self, element, state):
     # Make sure that the other meta is valid before validating the name.
     # TODO Change/Make sure that the below statement holds good.
         if not element.parent.parent['extra_meta_text'].valid:
             return False
     except AttributeError:
         validate_name(state['meta'], state[ITEMID])
     except NameNotValidError as e:
         self.invalid_name_msg = _(e)
         return self.note_error(element, state, 'invalid_name_msg')
     return True
Пример #60
def msgs():
    """ Encapsulates the main notification messages

    :return: a dictionary of notification messages
    _ = lambda x: x
    messages = {
        ACTION_CREATE: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been created by %(user_name)s:"),
        ACTION_MODIFY: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been modified by %(user_name)s:"),
        ACTION_RENAME: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been renamed by %(user_name)s:"),
        ACTION_COPY: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been copied by %(user_name)s:"),
        ACTION_REVERT: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been reverted by %(user_name)s:"),
        ACTION_TRASH: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been deleted by %(user_name)s:"),
        DESTROY_REV: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has one revision destroyed by %(user_name)s:"),
        DESTROY_ALL: _("The '%(item_name)s' item on '%(wiki_name)s' has been destroyed by %(user_name)s:"),
    return messages