Пример #1
    def mainloop(self):
        # we don't expect non-option arguments
        if len(self.args) != 0:
            self.parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")

        flags_given = self.options.uname and self.options.email
        if not flags_given:
            import sys

        request = self.request

        from MoinMoin import user
        if user.User(request, name=self.options.uname).exists():
            print 'This username "%s" exists already!' % self.options.uname
        # Email should be unique - see also MoinMoin.action.newaccount
        if self.options.email and request.cfg.user_email_unique:
            if user.get_by_email_address(request, self.options.email):
                print 'This emailaddress "%s" belongs to someone else!' % self.options.email
        u = user.User(request, None, self.options.uname, password=self.options.password)
        u.email = self.options.email
        u.aliasname = self.options.ualiasname or ''
        print " %-20s %-25s %-35s" % (u.id, u.name, u.email),
        print "- created."
Пример #2
def _do_recover(request):
    _ = request.getText
    form = request.form
    if not request.cfg.mail_enabled:
        return _("""This wiki is not enabled for mail processing.
Contact the owner of the wiki, who can enable email.""")

        email = wikiutil.clean_input(form['email'].lower())
        if not email:
            # continue if email not given
            raise KeyError

        u = user.get_by_email_address(request, email)

        return _do_email(request, u)
    except KeyError:

        username = wikiutil.clean_input(form['name'])
        if not username:
            # continue if name not given
            raise KeyError

        u = user.User(request, user.getUserId(request, username))

        return _do_email(request, u)
    except KeyError:

    # neither succeeded, give error message
    return _("Please provide a valid email address or a username!")
Пример #3
def _do_recover(request):
    _ = request.getText
    form = request.form
    if not request.cfg.mail_enabled:
        return _("""This wiki is not enabled for mail processing.
Contact the owner of the wiki, who can enable email.""")

        email = wikiutil.clean_input(form['email'].lower())
        if not email:
            # continue if email not given
            raise KeyError

        u = user.get_by_email_address(request, email)

        return _do_email(request, u)
    except KeyError:

        username = wikiutil.clean_input(form['name'])
        if not username:
            # continue if name not given
            raise KeyError

        u = user.User(request, user.getUserId(request, username))

        return _do_email(request, u)
    except KeyError:

    # neither succeeded, give error message
    return _("Please provide a valid email address or a username!")
Пример #4
    def mainloop(self):
        # we don't expect non-option arguments
        if len(self.args) != 0:
            self.parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")

        flags_given = self.options.uname and self.options.email
        if not flags_given:
            import sys

        request = self.request

        from MoinMoin import user
        if user.User(request, name=self.options.uname).exists():
            print 'This username "%s" exists already!' % self.options.uname
        # Email should be unique - see also MoinMoin.action.newaccount
        if self.options.email and request.cfg.user_email_unique:
            if user.get_by_email_address(request, self.options.email):
                print 'This emailaddress "%s" belongs to someone else!' % self.options.email
        u = user.User(request,
        u.email = self.options.email
        u.aliasname = self.options.ualiasname or ''
        print " %-20s %-25s %-35s" % (u.id, u.name, u.email),
        print "- created."
Пример #5
def _invite(request, page_url, email, new_template, old_template, **custom_vars):
    mail_from = request.user.email
    if "@" not in mail_from:
        mail_from += "@" + request.cfg.invite_sender_default_domain

    variables = dict(custom_vars)

    old_user = user.get_by_email_address(request, email)
    if old_user:
        variables.update(INVITEDUSER=old_user.name, INVITEDEMAIL=old_user.email)

        if not old_template:
            old_template = getattr(request.cfg, OLD_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE, OLD_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT)

        template = load_template(request, old_template)
        send_message(request, prepare_message(template, variables))
        return old_user

    force_lower = getattr(request.cfg, "username_force_lowercase", False)
    if force_lower:
        email = email.lower()

    if not user.isValidName(request, email):
        exception_msg = "'{0}' is not a valid username.".format(email)
        if force_lower:
            exception_msg += " (email address was converted to lowercase)"
        raise InviteException(exception_msg)

    password = generate_password()
    new_user = user.User(request, None, email, password)
    new_user.email = email
    new_user.aliasname = ""
    new_user.password = password

    variables.update(INVITEDUSER=new_user.name, INVITEDEMAIL=new_user.email, INVITEDPASSWORD=password)
    if not new_template:
        new_template = getattr(request.cfg, NEW_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE, NEW_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT)

    template = load_template(request, new_template)

    send_message(request, prepare_message(template, variables), lambda x: x.lower() == email.lower())

    send_message(request, prepare_message(template, variables), lambda x: x.lower() != email.lower())


        "New user %s added to wiki %s (invited by %s)" % (new_user.name, request.cfg.interwikiname, request.user.name)

    return new_user
Пример #6
def email_to_markup(request, email):
    """ transform the (realname, mailaddr) tuple we get in email argument to
        some string usable as wiki markup, that represents that person (either
        HomePage link for a wiki user, or just the realname of the person). """
    realname, mailaddr = email
    u = user.get_by_email_address(request, mailaddr)
    if u:
        markup = u.wikiHomeLink()
        markup = realname or mailaddr
    return markup
Пример #7
def email_to_markup(request, email):
    """ transform the (realname, mailaddr) tuple we get in email argument to
        some string usable as wiki markup, that represents that person (either
        HomePage link for a wiki user, or just the realname of the person). """
    realname, mailaddr = email
    u = user.get_by_email_address(request, mailaddr)
    if u:
        markup = u.wikiHomeLink()
        markup = realname or mailaddr
    return markup
Пример #8
def import_mail_from_message(request, message):
    """ Reads a message generated by the email package and imports it
        to the wiki. """
    _ = request.getText
    msg = process_message(message)

    wiki_addrs = request.cfg.mail_import_wiki_addrs

    request.user = user.get_by_email_address(request, msg['from_addr'][1])

    if not request.user:
        raise ProcessingError("No suitable user found for mail address %r" %
                              (msg['from_addr'][1], ))

    d = get_pagename_content(request, msg)
    pagename = d['pagename']
    generate_summary = d['generate_summary']

    comment = u"Mail: '%s'" % (msg['subject'], )

    page = PageEditor(request, pagename, do_editor_backup=0)

    if not request.user.may.save(page, "", 0):
        raise ProcessingError("Access denied for page %r" % pagename)

    attachments = []

    for att in msg['attachments']:
        i = 0
        while i < 1000:  # do not create a gazillion attachments if something
            # strange happens, give up after 1000.
            if i == 0:
                fname = att.filename
                components = att.filename.split(".")
                new_suffix = "-" + str(i)
                # add the counter before the file extension
                if len(components) > 1:
                    fname = u"%s%s.%s" % (u".".join(
                        components[:-1]), new_suffix, components[-1])
                    fname = att.filename + new_suffix
                # att.data can be None for forwarded message content - we can
                # just ignore it, the forwarded message's text will be present
                # nevertheless
                if att.data is not None:
                    # get the fname again, it might have changed
                    fname, fsize = add_attachment(request, pagename, fname,
            except AttachmentAlreadyExists:
                i += 1

    # build an attachment link table for the page with the e-mail
    # use relative attachment link markup here, so the page can be easily
    # renamed and the links don't break
    attachment_links = [""] + [
        u'''[[attachment:%s|%s]]''' % (att, att) for att in attachments

    # assemble old page content and new mail body together
    old_content = Page(request, pagename).get_raw_body()
    if old_content:
        new_content = u"%s\n-----\n" % old_content
        new_content = ''

    #if not (generate_summary and "/" in pagename):
    #generate header in any case:
    new_content += u"'''Mail: %s (%s, <<DateTime(%s)>>)'''\n\n" % (
        msg['subject'], email_to_markup(request,
                                        msg['from_addr']), msg['date'])

    new_content += d['content']
    new_content += "\n" + u"\n * ".join(attachment_links)

        page.saveText(new_content, 0, comment=comment)
    except page.AccessDenied:
        raise ProcessingError("Access denied for page %r" % pagename)

    if generate_summary and "/" in pagename:
        splitted = pagename.split("/")
        parent_page = u"/".join(splitted[:-1])
        child_page = splitted[-1]
        # here, use relative links also, but we need to include the child_page
        # name in the relative link as the markup gets put onto the parent_page
        attachment_links = [
            u'''[[attachment:%s|%s]]''' % ("/%s/%s" % (child_page, att), att)
            for att in attachments
        old_content = Page(request, parent_page).get_raw_body().splitlines()

        found_table = None
        table_ends = None
        for lineno, line in enumerate(old_content):
            if line.startswith("## mail_overview") and old_content[
                    lineno + 1].startswith("||"):
                found_table = lineno
            elif found_table is not None and line.startswith("||"):
                table_ends = lineno + 1
            elif table_ends is not None and not line.startswith("||"):

        # in order to let the gettext system recognise the <<GetText>> calls used below,
        # we must repeat them here:
        [_("Date"), _("From"), _("To"), _("Content"), _("Attachments")]

        table_header = (
            u"\n\n## mail_overview (don't delete this line)\n" +
            u"|| '''<<GetText(Date)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(From)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(To)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(Content)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(Attachments)>> ''' ||\n"

        from_col = email_to_markup(request, msg['from_addr'])
        to_col = ' '.join([
            email_to_markup(request, (realname, mailaddr))
            for realname, mailaddr in msg['target_addrs']
            if not mailaddr in wiki_addrs
        subj_col = '[[%s|%s]]' % (pagename, msg['subject'])
        date_col = msg['date']
        attach_col = " ".join(attachment_links)
        new_line = u'|| <<DateTime(%s)>> || %s || %s || %s || %s ||' % (
            date_col, from_col, to_col, subj_col, attach_col)
        if found_table is not None:
            content = "\n".join(old_content[:table_ends] + [new_line] +
            content = "\n".join(old_content) + table_header + new_line

        page = PageEditor(request, parent_page, do_editor_backup=0)
        page.saveText(content, 0, comment=comment)
Пример #9
def import_mail_from_message(request, message):
    """ Reads a message generated by the email package and imports it
        to the wiki. """
    _ = request.getText
    msg = process_message(message)

    wiki_addrs = request.cfg.mail_import_wiki_addrs

    request.user = user.get_by_email_address(request, msg['from_addr'][1])

    if not request.user:
        raise ProcessingError("No suitable user found for mail address %r" % (msg['from_addr'][1], ))

    d = get_pagename_content(request, msg)
    pagename = d['pagename']
    generate_summary = d['generate_summary']

    comment = u"Mail: '%s'" % (msg['subject'], )

    page = PageEditor(request, pagename, do_editor_backup=0)

    if not request.user.may.save(page, "", 0):
        raise ProcessingError("Access denied for page %r" % pagename)

    attachments = []

    for att in msg['attachments']:
        i = 0
        while i < 1000: # do not create a gazillion attachments if something
                        # strange happens, give up after 1000.
            if i == 0:
                fname = att.filename
                components = att.filename.split(".")
                new_suffix = "-" + str(i)
                # add the counter before the file extension
                if len(components) > 1:
                    fname = u"%s%s.%s" % (u".".join(components[:-1]), new_suffix, components[-1])
                    fname = att.filename + new_suffix
                # att.data can be None for forwarded message content - we can
                # just ignore it, the forwarded message's text will be present
                # nevertheless
                if att.data is not None:
                    # get the fname again, it might have changed
                    fname, fsize = add_attachment(request, pagename, fname, att.data)
            except AttachmentAlreadyExists:
                i += 1

    # build an attachment link table for the page with the e-mail
    attachment_links = [""] + [u'''[[attachment:%s|%s]]''' % ("%s/%s" % (pagename, att), att) for att in attachments]

    # assemble old page content and new mail body together
    old_content = Page(request, pagename).get_raw_body()
    if old_content:
        new_content = u"%s\n-----\n" % old_content
        new_content = ''

    #if not (generate_summary and "/" in pagename):
    #generate header in any case:
    new_content += u"'''Mail: %s (%s, <<DateTime(%s)>>)'''\n\n" % (msg['subject'], email_to_markup(request, msg['from_addr']), msg['date'])

    new_content += d['content']
    new_content += "\n" + u"\n * ".join(attachment_links)

        page.saveText(new_content, 0, comment=comment)
    except page.AccessDenied:
        raise ProcessingError("Access denied for page %r" % pagename)

    if generate_summary and "/" in pagename:
        parent_page = u"/".join(pagename.split("/")[:-1])
        old_content = Page(request, parent_page).get_raw_body().splitlines()

        found_table = None
        table_ends = None
        for lineno, line in enumerate(old_content):
            if line.startswith("## mail_overview") and old_content[lineno+1].startswith("||"):
                found_table = lineno
            elif found_table is not None and line.startswith("||"):
                table_ends = lineno + 1
            elif table_ends is not None and not line.startswith("||"):

        # in order to let the gettext system recognise the <<GetText>> calls used below,
        # we must repeat them here:
        [_("Date"), _("From"), _("To"), _("Content"), _("Attachments")]

        table_header = (u"\n\n## mail_overview (don't delete this line)\n" +
                        u"|| '''<<GetText(Date)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(From)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(To)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(Content)>> ''' || '''<<GetText(Attachments)>> ''' ||\n"

        from_col = email_to_markup(request, msg['from_addr'])
        to_col = ' '.join([email_to_markup(request, (realname, mailaddr))
                           for realname, mailaddr in msg['target_addrs'] if not mailaddr in wiki_addrs])
        subj_col = '[[%s|%s]]' % (pagename, msg['subject'])
        date_col = msg['date']
        attach_col = " ".join(attachment_links)
        new_line = u'|| <<DateTime(%s)>> || %s || %s || %s || %s ||' % (date_col, from_col, to_col, subj_col, attach_col)
        if found_table is not None:
            content = "\n".join(old_content[:table_ends] + [new_line] + old_content[table_ends:])
            content = "\n".join(old_content) + table_header + new_line

        page = PageEditor(request, parent_page, do_editor_backup=0)
        page.saveText(content, 0, comment=comment)
Пример #10
        theuser.enc_password = user.encodePassword(request.cfg, password)
    except UnicodeError, err:
        # Should never happen
        return "Can't encode password: %s" % wikiutil.escape(str(err))

    # try to get the email, for new users it is required
    email = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('email', ''))
    theuser.email = email.strip()
    if not theuser.email and 'email' not in request.cfg.user_form_remove:
        return _("Please provide your email address. If you lose your"
                 " login information, you can get it by email.")

    # Email should be unique - see also MoinMoin/script/accounts/moin_usercheck.py
    if theuser.email and request.cfg.user_email_unique:
        if user.get_by_email_address(request, theuser.email):
            return _("This email already belongs to somebody else.")

    # save data

    result = _("User account created! You can use this account to login now...")
    return result

def _create_form(request):
    _ = request.getText
    url = request.page.url(request)
    ret = html.FORM(action=url)
    ret.append(html.INPUT(type='hidden', name='action', value='newaccount'))
Пример #11
def _invite(request, page_url, email, new_template, old_template,
    mail_from = request.user.email
    if "@" not in mail_from:
        mail_from += "@" + request.cfg.invite_sender_default_domain

    variables = dict(custom_vars)

    old_user = user.get_by_email_address(request, email)
    if old_user:

        if not old_template:
            old_template = getattr(request.cfg, OLD_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE,

        template = load_template(request, old_template)
        send_message(request, prepare_message(template, variables))
        return old_user

    force_lower = getattr(request.cfg, "username_force_lowercase", False)
    if force_lower:
        email = email.lower()

    if not user.isValidName(request, email):
        exception_msg = "'{0}' is not a valid username.".format(email)
        if force_lower:
            exception_msg += ' (email address was converted to lowercase)'
        raise InviteException(exception_msg)

    password = generate_password()
    new_user = user.User(request, None, email, password)
    new_user.email = email
    new_user.aliasname = ""
    new_user.password = password

    if not new_template:
        new_template = getattr(request.cfg, NEW_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE,

    template = load_template(request, new_template)

    send_message(request, prepare_message(template, variables),
                 lambda x: x.lower() == email.lower())

    send_message(request, prepare_message(template, variables),
                 lambda x: x.lower() != email.lower())


    logging.info("New user %s added to wiki %s (invited by %s)" %
                 (new_user.name, request.cfg.interwikiname, request.user.name))

    return new_user
Пример #12
    def _save_user_prefs(self):
        _ = self._
        form = self.request.form
        request = self.request

        if request.request_method != 'POST':

        if not 'name' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # Require non-empty name
            new_name = form.get('name', [request.user.name])[0]

            # Don't allow changing the name to an invalid one
            if not user.isValidName(request, new_name):
                return 'error', _("""Invalid user name {{{'%s'}}}.
Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one
space between words. Group page name is not allowed.""", wiki=True) % wikiutil.escape(new_name)

            # Is this an existing user trying to change information or a new user?
            # Name required to be unique. Check if name belong to another user.
            existing_id = user.getUserId(request, new_name)
            if existing_id is not None and existing_id != request.user.id:
                return 'error', _("This user name already belongs to somebody else.")

            if not new_name:
                return 'error', _("Empty user name. Please enter a user name.")

            # done sanity checking the name, set it
            request.user.name = new_name

        if not 'email' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # try to get the email
            new_email = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('email', [request.user.email])[0])
            new_email = new_email.strip()

            # Require email
            if not new_email and 'email' not in request.cfg.user_form_remove:
                return 'error', _("Please provide your email address. If you lose your"
                                  " login information, you can get it by email.")

            # Email should be unique - see also MoinMoin/script/accounts/moin_usercheck.py
            if new_email and request.cfg.user_email_unique:
                other = user.get_by_email_address(request, new_email)
                if other is not None and other.id != request.user.id:
                    return 'error', _("This email already belongs to somebody else.")

            # done checking the email, set it
            request.user.email = new_email

        if not 'jid' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # try to get the jid
            new_jid = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('jid', [''])[0]).strip()

            jid_changed = request.user.jid != new_jid
            previous_jid = request.user.jid

            if new_jid and request.cfg.user_jid_unique:
                other = user.get_by_jabber_id(request, new_jid)
                if other is not None and other.id != request.user.id:
                    return 'error', _("This jabber id already belongs to somebody else.")

            if jid_changed:
                set_event = events.JabberIDSetEvent(request, new_jid)
                unset_event = events.JabberIDUnsetEvent(request, previous_jid)

            # done checking the JID, set it
            request.user.jid = new_jid

        if not 'aliasname' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # aliasname
            request.user.aliasname = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('aliasname', [''])[0])

        # editor size
        request.user.edit_rows = util.web.getIntegerInput(request, 'edit_rows',
                                                          request.user.edit_rows, 10, 60)

        # try to get the editor
        request.user.editor_default = form.get('editor_default', [self.cfg.editor_default])[0]
        request.user.editor_ui = form.get('editor_ui', [self.cfg.editor_ui])[0]

        # time zone
        request.user.tz_offset = util.web.getIntegerInput(request, 'tz_offset',
                                                          request.user.tz_offset, -84600, 84600)

        # datetime format
            dt_d_combined = Settings._date_formats.get(form['datetime_fmt'][0], '')
            request.user.datetime_fmt, request.user.date_fmt = dt_d_combined.split(' & ')
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            request.user.datetime_fmt = '' # default
            request.user.date_fmt = '' # default

        # try to get the (optional) theme
        theme_name = form.get('theme_name', [self.cfg.theme_default])[0]
        if theme_name != request.user.theme_name:
            # if the theme has changed, load the new theme
            # so the user has a direct feedback
            # WARNING: this should be refactored (i.e. theme load
            # after userform handling), cause currently the
            # already loaded theme is just replaced (works cause
            # nothing has been emitted yet)
            request.user.theme_name = theme_name
            if request.loadTheme(theme_name) > 0:
                theme_name = wikiutil.escape(theme_name)
                return 'error', _("The theme '%(theme_name)s' could not be loaded!") % locals()

        # try to get the (optional) preferred language
        request.user.language = form.get('language', [''])[0]
        if request.user.language == u'': # For language-statistics
            from MoinMoin import i18n
            request.user.real_language = i18n.get_browser_language(request)
            request.user.real_language = ''

        # I want to handle all inputs from user_form_fields, but
        # don't want to handle the cases that have already been coded
        # above.
        # This is a horribly fragile kludge that's begging to break.
        # Something that might work better would be to define a
        # handler for each form field, instead of stuffing them all in
        # one long and inextensible method.  That would allow for
        # plugins to provide methods to validate their fields as well.
        already_handled = ['name', 'email',
                           'aliasname', 'edit_rows', 'editor_default',
                           'editor_ui', 'tz_offset', 'datetime_fmt',
                           'theme_name', 'language', 'real_language', 'jid']
        for field in self.cfg.user_form_fields:
            key = field[0]
            if ((key in self.cfg.user_form_disable)
                or (key in already_handled)):
            default = self.cfg.user_form_defaults[key]
            value = form.get(key, [default])[0]
            setattr(request.user, key, value)

        # checkbox options
        for key, label in self.cfg.user_checkbox_fields:
            if key not in self.cfg.user_checkbox_disable and key not in self.cfg.user_checkbox_remove:
                value = form.get(key, ["0"])[0]
                    value = int(value)
                except ValueError:
                    setattr(request.user, key, value)

        # quicklinks for navibar
        request.user.quicklinks = self._decode_pagelist('quicklinks')

        # save data
        if request.user.disabled:
            # set valid to false so the current request won't
            # show the user as logged-in any more
            request.user.valid = False

        result = _("User preferences saved!")
        if _debug:
            result = result + util.dumpFormData(form)
        return result
Пример #13
            theuser.enc_password = user.encodePassword(password)
        except UnicodeError, err:
            # Should never happen
            return "Can't encode password: %s" % str(err)

    # try to get the email, for new users it is required
    email = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('email', ''))
    theuser.email = email.strip()
    if not theuser.email and 'email' not in request.cfg.user_form_remove:
        return _("Please provide your email address. If you lose your"
                 " login information, you can get it by email.")

    # Email should be unique - see also MoinMoin/script/accounts/moin_usercheck.py
    if theuser.email and request.cfg.user_email_unique:
        if user.get_by_email_address(request, theuser.email):
            return _("This email already belongs to somebody else.")

    # save data

    result = _(
        "User account created! You can use this account to login now...")
    if _debug:
        result = result + util.dumpFormData(form)
    return result

def _create_form(request):
    _ = request.getText
    url = request.page.url(request)
Пример #14
    def _save_user_prefs(self):
        _ = self._
        form = self.request.form
        request = self.request

        if not 'name' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # Require non-empty name
            new_name = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('name', request.user.name)).strip()

            # Don't allow changing the name to an invalid one
            if not user.isValidName(request, new_name):
                return 'error', _("""Invalid user name {{{'%s'}}}.
Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one
space between words. Group page name is not allowed.""", wiki=True) % wikiutil.escape(new_name)

            # Is this an existing user trying to change information or a new user?
            # Name required to be unique. Check if name belong to another user.
            existing_id = user.getUserId(request, new_name)
            if existing_id is not None and existing_id != request.user.id:
                return 'error', _("This user name already belongs to somebody else.")

            if not new_name:
                return 'error', _("Empty user name. Please enter a user name.")

            # done sanity checking the name, set it
            request.user.name = new_name

        if not 'email' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # try to get the email
            new_email = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('email', request.user.email)).strip()

            # Require email
            if not new_email and 'email' not in request.cfg.user_form_remove:
                return 'error', _("Please provide your email address. If you lose your"
                                  " login information, you can get it by email.")

            # Email should be unique - see also MoinMoin/script/accounts/moin_usercheck.py
            if new_email and request.cfg.user_email_unique:
                other = user.get_by_email_address(request, new_email)
                if other is not None and other.id != request.user.id:
                    return 'error', _("This email already belongs to somebody else.")

            # done checking the email, set it
            request.user.email = new_email

        if not 'jid' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # try to get the jid
            new_jid = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('jid', '')).strip()

            jid_changed = request.user.jid != new_jid
            previous_jid = request.user.jid

            if new_jid and request.cfg.user_jid_unique:
                other = user.get_by_jabber_id(request, new_jid)
                if other is not None and other.id != request.user.id:
                    return 'error', _("This jabber id already belongs to somebody else.")

            if jid_changed:
                set_event = events.JabberIDSetEvent(request, new_jid)
                unset_event = events.JabberIDUnsetEvent(request, previous_jid)

            # done checking the JID, set it
            request.user.jid = new_jid

        if not 'aliasname' in request.user.auth_attribs:
            # aliasname
            request.user.aliasname = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('aliasname', '')).strip()

        # editor size
        request.user.edit_rows = util.web.getIntegerInput(request, 'edit_rows',
                                                          request.user.edit_rows, 0, 999)

        # try to get the editor
        request.user.editor_default = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('editor_default', self.cfg.editor_default))
        request.user.editor_ui = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('editor_ui', self.cfg.editor_ui))

        # time zone
        request.user.tz_offset = util.web.getIntegerInput(request, 'tz_offset',
                                                          request.user.tz_offset, -84600, 84600)

        # datetime format
            dt_d_combined = Settings._date_formats.get(form['datetime_fmt'], '')
            request.user.datetime_fmt, request.user.date_fmt = dt_d_combined.split(' & ')
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            request.user.datetime_fmt = '' # default
            request.user.date_fmt = '' # default

        # try to get the (optional) theme
        theme_name = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('theme_name', self.cfg.theme_default))
        if theme_name != request.user.theme_name:
            # if the theme has changed, load the new theme
            # so the user has a direct feedback
            # WARNING: this should be refactored (i.e. theme load
            # after userform handling), cause currently the
            # already loaded theme is just replaced (works cause
            # nothing has been emitted yet)
            request.user.theme_name = theme_name
            if load_theme_fallback(request, theme_name) > 0:
                theme_name = wikiutil.escape(theme_name)
                return 'error', _("The theme '%(theme_name)s' could not be loaded!") % locals()

        # try to get the (optional) preferred language
        request.user.language = wikiutil.clean_input(form.get('language', ''))
        if request.user.language == u'': # For language-statistics
            from MoinMoin import i18n
            request.user.real_language = i18n.get_browser_language(request)
            request.user.real_language = ''

        # I want to handle all inputs from user_form_fields, but
        # don't want to handle the cases that have already been coded
        # above.
        # This is a horribly fragile kludge that's begging to break.
        # Something that might work better would be to define a
        # handler for each form field, instead of stuffing them all in
        # one long and inextensible method.  That would allow for
        # plugins to provide methods to validate their fields as well.
        already_handled = ['name', 'email',
                           'aliasname', 'edit_rows', 'editor_default',
                           'editor_ui', 'tz_offset', 'datetime_fmt',
                           'theme_name', 'language', 'real_language', 'jid']
        for field in self.cfg.user_form_fields:
            key = field[0]
            if ((key in self.cfg.user_form_disable)
                or (key in already_handled)):
            default = self.cfg.user_form_defaults[key]
            value = form.get(key, default)
            value = wikiutil.clean_input(value)
            setattr(request.user, key, value)

        # checkbox options
        for key, label in self.cfg.user_checkbox_fields:
            if key not in self.cfg.user_checkbox_disable and key not in self.cfg.user_checkbox_remove:
                value = form.get(key, "0")
                    value = int(value)
                except ValueError:
                    # value we got is crap, do not setattr this value, just pass
                    setattr(request.user, key, value)

        # quicklinks for navibar
        request.user.quicklinks = self._decode_pagelist('quicklinks')

        # save data
        if request.user.disabled:
            # set valid to false so the current request won't
            # show the user as logged-in any more
            request.user.valid = False

        result = _("User preferences saved!")
        return result